
热门关键字: 嵌入式微处理器 电磁兼容性 三极管 电磁波 



参加这次在线座谈会,您将会学到如何使用Nios II软核处理器和SOPC Builder设计工具在可编程芯片上便捷地创建一个定制的嵌入式系统


[问:sunny_p] 本公司有計劃研發測能測試及評估10"以內LCD相關自有產品之生產設備,故有計畫將Nios II軟核處理器和SOPC Builder設計工具相關技術導入廠內,如有相關資訊,煩請提供!!! 謝謝!!! 
[答:Elliott] 若您有需要可和GFEC聯絡,我們會提供相關資訊及技術,免費專線0800-819595,謝謝。  [2004-6-24 10:35:46]
[问:jy2010] Nios II在Cyclone上最小的版本需要几个LE?有没有16位模式? 
[答:Sam] NIOS II 有一個Economy version,size小於700 lEs  [2004-6-24 10:38:18]
[问:晨曦Simmy] Nios II軟體處理器對工作環境有哪些要求? 
[答:Sam] Windown 2000, XP ,Quartus II SP! version  [2004-6-24 10:40:10]
[问:rfjackie] 1. cpu pin 腳數2. VCC ? V ? A3. 使用開發語言4. 此CPU量產多久了 
[答:Elliott] 1.NIOS II 是可程式的軟體CPU可依您的需求自訂PIN腳。2.VCC依您所用的ALTEA DEVICE而定有1.5  1.8 2.5 3.3等3.所需語言 C AND VHD AND VERILOG 等依您的應用而定。4從第一代NIOS到現在的NIOS II到少有4年的時間。  [2004-6-24 10:43:11]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我們已經進入問答階段如果聽眾想重溫演講或內容可以點擊下面“回顧演示”重看演講。  [2004-6-24 10:43:34]
[问:tlyangbenq] How to operate custom flash in niosII IDE, eg. AMD flash? 
[答:Elliott] YOU can use SOPC  interface user logic to map your flash.  [2004-6-24 10:45:03]
[问:sdawang] NIOS 2 是否还需要指令编程,怎么编? 
[答:Elliott] Dear Sir,you can write C or assembly code to develop your application software.GNUpro and a all new IDE provided can help you tocompile/link/debug/download your design.  [2004-6-24 10:47:19]
[问:greg828] 利用可編程器件實現嵌入式系統與利用ARM實現有何區別和好處? 
[答:Sam] FPGA 靈活性較高,只要FPGA容量過大,SOPC Builder有提供的IP,隨時皆可擴充,不像ARM功能皆被定死  [2004-6-24 10:48:37]
[问:rdchang01] 請問 : 遠端進行功能升級和產品增強是指 遠端更新韌體部分 或是指 也能更新FPGA的config IC 的 code 呢? 
[答:Bill] 如果您使用的是Stratix以上的FPGA,您不仅可以远端更新软体,也可以更新FPGA的配置,  [2004-6-24 10:49:06]
[问:jackson2003] Does Nios support low power mode? 
[答:Andy] No, but if you use NIOS on the advanced device (CYCLONE , STRATIX II), you can get less power consumption.  [2004-6-24 10:49:44]
[问:seanyoung] 请问一个算法比如师FFT运算可以设计成外设? 
[答:Bill] 可以的,您可以把这样一个FFT的模块作为Nios系统的外设来使用  [2004-6-24 10:49:59]
[问:gaozg] 如何在贵公司stratix FPGA中实现多个nios processor?他们之间如何接口?它们是否可以独立运行,互不影响? 
[答:Bill] SOPC builder 已经可以支持多个Nios处理器在一片FPGA中的设计了,只需在SOPC Builder中选择多个Nios处理器即可。可以独立运行互不影响,Nios处理器之间可以利用双口存储器来交换数据  [2004-6-24 10:52:01]
[问:science] 请问现在NIOS II不支持Vxworks 操作系统,是技术原因还是商家合作的原因呢? 
[答:Bill] 不是技术上的原因  [2004-6-24 10:52:32]
[问:ty010496] 請介紹一下NiosII支援的Tcp/ip協定棧的情況 
[答:Elliott] Dear Sir,alterA had provided the ethernet protocol i know,tcp/ip is supported but IPX doesn"t supported in nios3.20.if you need more info,you can give me your mail address for me.i will help you to clairfy mail is  [2004-6-24 10:52:38]
[问:sllin11] 请介绍嵌入式系统软硬件协同设计的系统流程。 
[答:Bill] 首先使用SOPC builder配置整个嵌入式系统,选择合适的CPU核,合适的外设,然后SOPC builder自动生成整个系统的硬件描述语言和软件开发的SDK,用Quartus II对整个硬件系统进行综合,布局布线,仿真等,用集成化开发环境IDE来进行应用软件的开发和调试  [2004-6-24 10:55:08]
[问:greg828] Nios II軟核處理器與單片機有什麽不同,是否可以實現多串口通訊? 
[答:Sam] 基本上NIOS II 為一個soft core IP,可以放進Altera FPGA,因為擴充性靈活,只要FPGA的容量過大,即可利用SOPC Builder去定做自己要的處理器,當然也可定做Muti-UART的處理器  [2004-6-24 10:56:35]
[问:rean] 請問是否能將自己設計的IP整合至SOPC Builder的圖形介面中,以方便未來整合時像其他SOPC Builder原有的IP整合一樣方便? 
[答:Andy] 可利用Interface to user logic 整合NIOS and your IP.  [2004-6-24 10:56:54]
[问:tlyangbenq] What is different of Nios and NiosII? 
[答:Bill] Nios II是在第一代Nios基础上升级而来的第二代嵌入式软核处理器。比第一代的性能更高,占用的逻辑资源更少。还提供了更多的特性。其具体参数和性能请参考刚才演讲中的内容。  [2004-6-24 10:57:32]
[问:sdawang] DMIPS的中文解释? 
[答:Bill] MIPS的意思是每秒百万条指令,如果一个CPU在一秒钟可以执行50个百万条指令,那么他的MIPS就是50,而DMIPS则是在CPU上运行一个测试程序,由测试程序测试得出的一个相对的数值。  [2004-6-24 10:59:34]
[问:rean] Can IS Simulator simulate user-defined instruction? (co-simulation with appended hardware) 
[答:Bill] yes, the IS simulator can simulate user defined instruction, the simulator can co-simulation with hardware.  [2004-6-24 11:00:29]
[问:lotusyan] 第二代Nios的内部资源?CPU的最高速度? 
[答:Elliott] Nios II have 32 bit data path and 32 bit instructions and flat register file and 32 prioritized interrupts and branch prediction, and can into an OS.if you use stratix II ,nios II can run  220 DMIPS.  [2004-6-24 11:01:51]
[问:58868] is there data protection? 
[答:Andy] If you mean that the data protection when configuration, there are two solution can let you choose, one is adding one CPLD(MAX3000) with your FPGA, and then add security code to CPLD and FPGA, then you will get the security function, please contact your FAE for the detail, another one is choose STRATIX II, it has security function.  [2004-6-24 11:02:13]
[问:gaozg] 请问altLVDS megafunction是否可以直接挂接在avalon bus?  
[答:Bill] 您还是应该在中间设计一个接口模块,从而使altLVDS Megafunction的时序与avalon bus相配合,而且你也需要设置控制寄存器和状态寄存器来操作这个外设  [2004-6-24 11:02:33]
[问:xuanwei] 請問此款晶片價格及開發工具需要多少? 
[答:Sam] 您可以到,裡面有NIOS II development Kit 的介紹,其中包含價錢的部分,因為NIOS II 為一個soft core IP,所以它可以放到Altera FPGA  [2004-6-24 11:04:30]
[问:artist_chiu] 請講授說明32位元微控制器的功用! 
[答:Andy] 建議您參加茂綸開辦的ALTERA NIOS 課程, 請連絡茂綸業務或FAE,謝謝  [2004-6-24 11:04:39]
[问:hugoshiuaa] 我現在正在使用QUARTUS II4.0,請問它支援NIOS嗎? 
[答:Sam] Quartus II 4.0 can support NIOSIf you want to use NIOS II,you need to install Quartus II SP1  [2004-6-24 11:06:14]
[问:hugoshiuaa] 使用NIOS的軟體環境是什麽?開發輸入的形式(如:VHDL語言)都有什麽? 
[问:ty010496] Which DSP function does NIOS II supported? 
[答:Bill] Actually,you can implement any DSP function in the FPGA, then use it as a peripheral.  [2004-6-24 11:08:09]
[问:hugoshiuaa] 我以前使用過APEX20K系列的晶片,它的使用與NIOS有多大差別? 
[答:Sam] NIOS 為soft core IP,它可以利用Quartus II and SOPC Builder去產生FPGA 燒錄檔,但建議您還是使用Cyclone,Stratix and Stratix II FPGA.  [2004-6-24 11:10:04]
[问:hnzqw2002] 我想请问工程师,去年下半年,买了nios 开发板stratix 1s10但没有nios的license呀,怎么办?也没有给我ALtera ID 
[答:Elliott] Dear Sir,please contact to your distributer sales.they can help you to apply the license.  [2004-6-24 11:11:25]
[问:michaelw] If I want to port to Linux, did Altera provide the support? 
[答:Andy] Dear Sir,ALTERA 3party does the solution,Provider Product DescriptionMicrotronix μClinux Open-Source OS  [2004-6-24 11:12:01]
[问:vrmark] 請問是否所有支援的外部功能的driver都在發展套件內 
[答:Andy] 如果您指的是ALTERA的demoboard,那麼您所需要的A/D,D/A或是PCI介面(depends on your demoboard)都已經建在板子上.  [2004-6-24 11:14:12]
[问:greg828] NIOS II軟處理器中的FPGA利用率有多高? 
[答:Elliott] the niosII has 3 versions as below:1. economy: ~700 LEs2. standard: ~1000 LEs3. full function: ~1400 LEsthe usage rate is depend on which device you choosed. by example:you choose 1S10 device ==> 10000 LEsand choose standard version ==> 1000 LEsthe usage is 1000/10000 = 10%  [2004-6-24 11:18:11]
[问:hans07] Dear Sir :  How do I construct a special module hardware and driver in NIOS II (eg. LCD controller)? 
[答:Bill] SOPC Builder can incorporate a block of user-logic by instantiating it directly within the system module. SOPC Builder will create bus-logic and connect it to all designated master or slave interfaces on the user-designed block,please refer SOPC Builder datasheet.  [2004-6-24 11:21:11]
[问:chenfx] 请问:是否能提供几种不同型势的开发例程。谢谢! 
[答:Elliott] Dear Sir,as i know,i have some customer to use nios to control motors,.... different application domains.anyways,you can use it as a general purpose processor. you can replace 80XX, arm7,....the advantage is you can have most flexities.  [2004-6-24 11:21:42]
[问:sllin11] You said the hardcore and softcore, what’s the main different? thanks 
[答:Sam] NIOS 為softcore IP,彈性較大,可任意擴充,Hardcore則為一個硬體,已經直接放在Altera FPGA裡  [2004-6-24 11:21:45]
[问:hugoshiuaa] 使用Nios II 處理器對開發硬體有什麽好處? 
[答:Andy] ■ Full 32-bit instruction set, data path, and address space■ 32 general-purpose registers■ 32 external interrupt sources■ Single-instruction 32 × 32 multiply and divide producing a 32-bitresult■ Dedicated instructions for computing 64-bit and 128-bit products ofmultiplication■ Single-instruction barrel shifter■ Access to a variety of on-chip peripherals, and interfaces to off-chipmemories and peripherals■ Hardware-assisted debug module enabling processor start, stop,step and trace under integrated development environment (IDE)control■ Software development environment based on the GNU C/C++ toolchain and Eclipse IDE■ Instruction set architecture (ISA) compatible across all Nios IIprocessor systems■ Performance to 150 DMIPS & Beyond  [2004-6-24 11:22:16]
[问:carl88_98Y8Y] 有集成CAN总线模块在CHIP上吗? 
[答:Bill] 没有,如果您需要使用CAN总线,可能您需要自己设计一个自定义的总线接口逻辑  [2004-6-24 11:22:29]
[问:greg828] Nios II是否提供SPI介面? 
[答:Andy] YES  [2004-6-24 11:22:36]
[问:xd040624] 使用SOPC Builder設計工具和Nios II軟核處理器可以在可編程晶片上創建一嵌入式系統,其系統的整體性能(如即時性)如何確定,需考慮哪些方面? 
[答:Brian] We have run Dhrystone Benchmarks over NiosII and the fast variant can get to 1.19DMIPS/MHz. As for overall system performance, one advantage of SoPC is that you can boost performance easily using custom instruction & logic.  [2004-6-24 11:23:12]
[问:tlyangbenq] 與單片機或者PLC相比,嵌入式系統在工業現場控制(如自動化流水線)方面有何優勢? 
[答:Sam] 因為NIOS 為softcore IP ,需配合FPGA來使用,所以FOGA除了NIOS外還可將周邊數位電路一起放進FPGA裡,當然PCB電路設計和被料就簡單多了  [2004-6-24 11:26:02]
[问:greg828] Nios II與ARM處理器相比,優勢是什麽? 
[答:Bill] Nios II最大的优点是它的灵活性,就是说CPU的性能,外设,甚至指令都是可以根据实际的需求自己来定制,这样你的产品就不会在不需要的地方浪费不必要的投资。当然还有很多其他优势,诸如快速的上市时间,高性能,低成本,可以移植到最新工艺的FPGA芯片上等等  [2004-6-24 11:26:33]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 请问,可否在同一个FPGA上同时嵌入硬核和软核?如可以,它们的时序配合有何讲究?谢谢! 
[答:Brian] You can put soft-core on any FPGA we provided but for hard-core, Altera only provide Excalibur-ARM device. But you can certainly put Nios on FPGA fabric of this devices. To communicate between the two CPU, you can go thru the DPRAM built-in on the hard-core which takes care of different clock domain.  [2004-6-24 11:27:08]
[问:fwdelta] 採用貴公司的FPGA開發圖像處理系統,有響應的demoboard 和IP code嗎? 
[答:Sam] 您可到,DSP development Kit因該是個不錯的選擇  [2004-6-24 11:28:13]
[问:hugoshiuaa] 目前流行嵌入式作業系統對Nios? II 處理器的支援如何? 
[答:Bill] 目前最常用的嵌入式作业系统都可以支持Nios II。在我们的开发套件中已经包含了uc/os-II的实时操作系统,其他的操作系统如ucLinux等也有第三方的合作公司来支持  [2004-6-24 11:28:24]
[问:xd040624] 請問:FPGA 設計如何計算寄存器的數目去選擇晶片!!! 
[答:Kevin] Dear Sir,this is depend on your coding example: 16 bit counter ==> 16 registers willbe have to know which circuit will be implementedfrom your code?when you "understand" your code,you can check the component selector guide to know which device is suitable for you.  [2004-6-24 11:28:45]
[问:jasonfuaa] 進行niso Ⅱ的開發設計,應該遵循怎樣的設計流程呢? 
[答:Elliott] there are two part ofH/W: you want to use Quartus SOPC Builder to frame your nios II, and writer HDL to add your peripheral.S/W: you can writer C/C++ /assember in nios II IDE .than , programming nios *.pof to your FPGA,AND download softcode to nios II.  [2004-6-24 11:29:25]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] Nios II是否支持LVDS? 
[答:Andy] It is depends on your device, for example, if you choose STRATIX II or STARTIX, since these can handle LVDS signal, you can processing LVDS signal via NIOS, about the detail, please contact FAE.  [2004-6-24 11:30:23]
[问:gaozg] 在FPGA中设置多个nios 处理器,它们是共用同一个avalon bus吗? 
[答:Bill] 它们可以作为多个主设备来共同操作一条avalon 总线  [2004-6-24 11:30:49]
[问:m9002008] 那麼要逕行圖像方面的開發,需要那些軟件,選擇什麼樣的demoboard? 
[答:Sam] 您可到, DSP development kit是個選擇,軟體部分可利用Quartus II ,NIOS and DSP Builder去開發您的系統  [2004-6-24 11:30:51]
[问:xd040624] NoisⅡ和quartusⅡ和MaxⅡ有什麽區別?謝謝! 
[答:Andy] NIOS II 是CPUquartusⅡ和MaxⅡ是FPGA發展軟體, 但建議使用quartusⅡ  [2004-6-24 11:31:49]
[问:science] nios ii 是否兼容nios 的程序?如兼容是哪种兼容? 
[答:Brian] NiosII is a new 32-bit architecture and is not binary compatible with Nios. But you can easily port the old code from Nios to NiosII either using Legacy SDK mode or do the full migration. The details can be found in our Application Notes #350.  [2004-6-24 11:32:21]
[问:m9002008] 硬體環境是不是就可以針對ALTERA的FPGA來進行SOP設計? 
[答:Kevin] Dear Sir,nios II is developed by,the hardware environment can only used for altera FPGA.  [2004-6-24 11:32:44]
[问:xd040624] 請問nios2相當於intel系列 或arm 系列什麽水平的處理器?主頻最高能達到多少? 
[答:Andy] nios2最高可到150MIPS.  [2004-6-24 11:33:51]
[问:m9002008] FPGA最小是什麽樣的要求,才可以集成此軟核? 
[答:Kevin] Dear Sir,economy version nios processor uses ~700 LEs.if you need other peripherals, the usage of resources will also be increased.  [2004-6-24 11:34:08]
[问:yu.liu] NIOS提供浮点运算吗? 
[答:Brian] Neither Nios or NiosII does not have native FPU. It is currently in the plan to add FPU to Avalon Bus. For now, all floating point operation are emulated by software library but you can add floating point operation as custom instruction to boost the performance.  [2004-6-24 11:36:27]
[问:Fentus] 請問NiosII最高能提供的時脈是多少? 
[答:Brian] It depends on the FPGA device you are using. On our latest Stratix-II Device, it can go over 200MHz in Fmax.  [2004-6-24 11:37:25]
[问:ty010496] 請問怎樣設計一個嵌入式的文件作業系統?或者怎樣在嵌入式系統中訪問大容量存儲設備,如SD卡,CF卡等?謝謝! 
[答:Andy] 建議您使用altera demoBOARD,it is including CF interface,Nios development board, Stratix editionStratix EP1S10F780 device MAX? EPM7128AE CPLD configuration control logic SRAM (1 Mbyte in two banks of 512 Kbytes, 16-bit wide) SDR SDRAM (16 Mbytes, 32-bit wide) Flash (8 Mbytes) CompactFlash connector header for Type I CompactFlash cards (40 available user I/O pins) 10/100 Ethernet physical layer/media access control (PHY/MAC) Ethernet connector (RJ-45) Two serial connectors (RS-232 DB9 port) Two 5-V-tolerant expansion/prototype headers (2 x 41 available user I/O pins) Two Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) connectors Mictor connector for debugging Four user-defined push-button switches Eight user-defined LEDs Dual 7-segment LED display Power-on reset circuitry Cables and accessories USB Blaster download cable Parallel extension cable (6 feet) Serial cable (RS-232) 9-V power supply International power cords LCD module CompactFlash card (16 Mbytes) Ethernet (RJ45) cable (7 feet) Ethernet crossover adapter  [2004-6-24 11:37:38]
[问:marximzbg] altera能提供哪些针对nios ii的技术支持? 
[答:Bill] Altera可以提供针对Nios II全面的技术支持  [2004-6-24 11:38:22]
[问:sllin11] 请问Nios II软核处理器和SOPC Builder设计工具与别的公司的产品相比较有什么特点? 
[答:Elliott] Dear Sir,there are a lot of processors in world.but, most of the processors are "fixed" chips.if you want to develop new projects or modify your previous projects,you have to modify or re-design your PCB even change /add peripheral components.this tell us,traditional solutions are have no,if you uses nios,you can enhance your system in "chip"!!you can have most flexibility and high performance!  [2004-6-24 11:38:40]
[问:xd040624] 如何提高不同時序電路間傳輸的效率? 
[答:Bill] 使用源同步传输方式,使用FIFO,使用DMA传输方式,都可以提高传输的效率  [2004-6-24 11:39:48]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] what are the 3 Instruction Formats of Nios II? 
[答:Andy] 1.I-TypeThe defining characteristic of the I-type instruction-word format is that itcontains an immediate value embedded within the instruction word. Itypeinstructions words contain:■ A 6-bit opcode field "OP"■ Two 5-bit register fields "A" and "B"■ A 16 bit immediate data field "IMM16"2.R-TypeThe defining characteristic of the R-type instruction-word format is thatall arguments and results are specified as registers. R-type instructionscontain:■ A 6-bit opcode field "OP"■ Three 5-bit register fields "A", "B", and "C"■ An 11-bit opcode-extension field "OPX"3.J-TypeJ-type instructions contain:■ A 6-bit opcode field■ A 26-bit immediate data field  [2004-6-24 11:40:21]
[问:fwdelta] 我想知道目前Nios II軟核處理器和SOPC Builder設計工具的實際,商用情況! 
[答:Brian] For Nios, we have sold over 13000 Nios development Kit and have over 4000 unique Nios licenses from all over the world. It has been deployed widely among all market segment, including communications, consumer, computer, industrial, medical & automative. As for NiosII, we have a few dozens of NiosII beta customer before the release and already have customers starting shipping products with NiosII on it!  [2004-6-24 11:40:22]
[问:hnzqw2002] stratix 1s10型号的nios开发板可以跑nios2吗?既然买了nios开发板,那nios2可以找代理商免费要吗? 
[答:Bill] 可以的,但只有在一年的维护期内,您才可以拿到免费的Nios II license  [2004-6-24 11:40:54]
[问:tlyangbenq] 如何用FPGA來實現圖像插值?????? 具體說明之. 
[答:Andy] Dear Sir,Could you please contact FAE for the detail discription, thanks.  [2004-6-24 11:41:14]
[问:gaozg] 我自定义了一个外设,但是外设上定义的控制信号和avalon 总线上给定的信号功能不同,我的不同功能的控制信号如何处理? 
[答:Bill] 您可以设计一个接口电路,把Avalon总线上标准的读,写等时序转换成泥自定义外设的控制时序即可  [2004-6-24 11:42:25]
[问:sdawang] GNU 和IDE 是否可免费获得,编程下载电缆怎样做? 
[答:Andy] Dear Sir,You just only purchase a NIOS Kit, then you can get those software.The Nios II Development Kit, Stratix Edition includes the following:Nios II family of embedded processors, soft embedded core configurable processor Nios II integrated development environment (IDE) Library of standard microprocessor peripherals Network protocols software library SOPC Builder system development tool Quartus? II design software, including the SOPC Builder system development tool One-year license Windows platform only  [2004-6-24 11:42:45]
[问:hnzqw2002] 软件开发,主要就是对添加到nios process中的自定义指令进行调用吗?为什么每个例子都生成了hello_world.c? 
[答:Kevin] Dear Sir,nios software development means application software ,system software even mount OS.hello_world.c is a example of application software. why does it built-in tools?because it can give you a simple idea and help user to demostrate your addition,the customized instruction is used to optimized and enhance example: if you need floating point oreration,you can implement the circuit and add to ALU.  [2004-6-24 11:43:11]
[问:fwdelta] Altera産品中有無低成本語音處理方案?謝謝! 
[答:Sam] Cyclone family 再配合IP  [2004-6-24 11:43:42]
[问:michaelw] Did NIOSII have MMU inside? 
[答:Elliott] dear sir:NIOSII NO MMU INSIDE.  [2004-6-24 11:44:02]
[问:hnzqw2002] 用sopc builder设计系统,必须要添加nios process吗,是不是只有添加了nios process ,其他的组件才能工作? 
[答:Bill] Nios processor不是必须的,但是系统中至少要有一个master的设备才可以,你可以自己设计一个到Avalon的master设备接口就可以了  [2004-6-24 11:44:38]
[问:fwdelta] Nios? II 處理器對網路的處理能力如何? 
[答:Brian] For NiosII, it comes with LWIP TCP/IP stack. Our tests has shown that with optimization, you can get over 40Mbps transmission throughput on 100Mbps network with Nios. We expect NiosII can get even higher performance.  [2004-6-24 11:45:30]
[问:sdawang] NIOS 的软核成本是多少? 
[答:Sam] 如過使用最精簡的版本,EP1C3這顆FPGA即可使用,價錢部分可詢問當地代理商  [2004-6-24 11:45:59]
[问:gaozg] 是否有LVDS应用的实例可以参考? 
[答:Elliott] yes , you can in altera  serach it or documentation library can find it.  [2004-6-24 11:46:56]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 現在座談即將結束。歡迎各位填寫線上座談頁面的問卷調查,並請于明天中午12點以前提交。  [2004-6-24 11:49:25]
[问:m9002008] 能否提供一些免費內核和樣片。謝謝! 
[答:Sam] 可向當地代理商詢問  [2004-6-24 11:50:36]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由於時間關係,本次中電網“線上座談”馬上就要結束了。雖然各位聽眾(網友)已與Altera公司討論了許多問題,但是還有許多提問沒有來得及進行交流。本次線上座談結束後,中電網將請Altera公司的專家繼續答復所有的來自各位聽眾(網友)的提問,然後整理上載到中電網網站上,以便大家查閱。  [2004-6-24 11:50:55]
[问:ty010496] NIOSII跟NIOS有什麽區別,新版本的NIOSII,能最高提供多高的主頻?他現在具有MMU嗎?對作業系統的支援怎麽樣?現在有多少作業系統支援他? 
[答:Brian] For Fmax, it depends on which FPGA devices you choose. But the final fmax also depends on your whole system, but not just how fast CPU can run.The current version does not have MMU support, but it would be added in future version. There are about 7 RTOS/OS supporting Nios now, including uC/OS-II & uCLinux.  [2004-6-24 11:51:23]
[问:gaozg] 从哪里可以获得byteblasterII下载电缆的原理图? 
[答:Sam] Altera 沒有提供ByteBlaster電路圖  [2004-6-24 11:52:35]
[问:yxen] NIOS 2 可以申请到吗?还是需要购买?价格? 
[答:Bill] 如果您购买了我们的Nios SDK开发板套件,并且在维护期内,您可以免费得到我们的Nios II的license,  [2004-6-24 11:57:14]
[问:wood88] 演示中提到的采用NIOSII方案的Cyclone系列和StratixII系列成本价格的估算是基于多大的采购批量? 
[答:Sam] 250k  [2004-6-24 11:59:41]
[问:wood88] Nios II CPU 軟核能否直接應用於産品中,是否需要付費?
[答:Sam] Yes, all they need to do is just get a NiosII Development Kit and get the NiosII license at no additional cost