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最新的USB 3.1 Type-C 整合了高速数据,视频和电力输送在一起。高度集成的规范,有力地推动USB市场发展到另一个高峰。有见及此,安富利已开发出了许多USB Type-C 解决方案,包括USB Type-C 电缆板,全USB电力输送电源适配器等,并提供给我们的客户参考,加快我们的客户对于USB Type-C 相关产品的开发周期。


黄俊伟 黄俊伟
Avnet 方案管理经理

黄经理在电子行业已经工作超过20年。他在不同的领域,如消费和汽车市场发展的消费电子,汽车,工业等,都非常有经验。他在安富利工作超过5年, 主要专注于消费类应用的开发和解决方案销售等。

施有昌 施有昌
Avnet 市场经理

施经理在电子行业已经工作超过20年。他在不同的领域,如消费和汽车市场发展的消费电子,汽车,工业等,都非常有经验。他在安富利工作超过5年, 主要专注于消费类应用的开发和解决方案销售等。+


[问:] 5A的电流需要的线材要求就很高了,可是Type-C接口很小,接触点更小,会不会容易产生故障问题?
[答:] Yes. 4 point for Vbus and 4 point for GND.
[问:] USB Type-C和2.0的物理接口一样不?
[答:] 不同的
[问:] Type-C可允许的最大电流是多少?
[答:] 5A
[问:] 讲的好,学习和参考
[答:] Thanks!
[问:] 充电器用的是这个吗,是否完全一样
[答:] your mean is type-c power adatpor? if yes, you can use tps25740/20 tps25810 to design.
[问:] 谢谢回答这么详细,我其实是想问3.0/3.1的高速传输距离(线材满足时),想不到从2.0开始都列出来了,谢谢
[答:] Thanks and you may contact our sales for more info.
[问:] 那我还想问下,TYPE C的最大功率100W到底是什么情况下出来的呢?多少V多少A?
[答:] 20V/5A
[问:] 今次讲座很棒,如果需要开发办的话,能否联系西安的代理商?谢谢!
[答:] yes, you can contact
[问:] typeC传输距离,最多能达到多少?
[答:] It's depends on your USB version. for USB2.0, 4m, USB3.0 2m and USB3.1 1m. But it is depends on your cable material.
[问:] typeC信号的传输速度高了,抗干扰能力是否要求更高?
[答:] 是的, 可能这个更需要线材那边抗干扰能力做改进了
[问:] 测试板,能试用吗
[答:] 可以的, 我们的docking 和power adaptor 都有测试板了
[问:] 有相关资料吗? 100W如果线电流满足,信号可以传多少米?
[答:] It depends on your USB standard. If 2.0, then it can transmit upto 4m, for USB 3.0, it can be 2m and USB 3.1, it limit to 1m. But it will depends on your cable material.
[问:] Type-C的电信号传输功率、电压、电流是否也有了变化,峰值是多少?
[答:] It can support 5V, 12V & 20V, Max power is 100W
[问:] 应用和采购如何办理?
[答:] you also can send email to me,
[问:] 应用和采购如何办理?
[答:] Please contact our sales.
[问:] Can you send the demoboard to us for free?
[答:] you also can send email to me,
[问:] Can you send the demoboard to us for free?
[答:] Please contact our sales and Thanks!
[问:] 我们做的hdmi能做到100m 1080p
[答:] Yes... you are great... do you use any product like redriver to enhance your signal?
[问:] 距离有点近的
[答:] The cable length is definited by USB 3.1 specification, Please understand
[问:] TPS65982时集成电源电路的USB接口IC?
[答:] TPS65982集成了power path control,还集成PD control, MUX, CC
[问:] type c 内嵌了通讯协议 能控制功率视频音频输出
[答:] Yes
[问:] TYPE-C和雷电接口比起来有哪些优劣势?前途如何?谢谢
[答:] Anyway, it cannot to do apple to apple comparison. But Thunderbolt 3.0 already announced can support USB TYPE C. So you will see they are converge together in short future.
[问:] TYPE-C和雷电接口比起来有哪些优劣势?前途如何?谢谢
[答:] You mean thunderbolt or lightning? If lightning, the USB TYPE C bandwidth is much higher and more features than lightning. If you refer to thunderbolt, then thunderbolt will not have much function as USB TYPE C.
[问:] Type C 设备是一套电脑外部设备呀,电源要另外接的吗?
[答:] 要看是什么设备,比如dongle,不需要充电就可以不需要外接电源,如果是docking, 需要外部电源
[问:] typeC能传输的距离是多长?
[答:] 10G is 1M
[问:] You know, the power supply of portable equipment is limited.
[答:] We are developing a 100W power supply for USB TYPE C. And we already have 36W, 45W, 60W, 65W, 100W design power adpator available.
[问:] 我想问下,TYPE C最大功率到100W,我们普通USB都是5V电压,那么电流达到了20A,我们知道电流越大干扰就越大,这么大的电流对连接的通信设备没有干扰吗?如果有干扰,那么是怎么避开的呢?
[答:] 5V = 2A, 12V/20V = 5A
[问:] 除了做代理,你们公司自己开发产品吗
[答:] Other than electronic components distribution, we also provide solution, module, PCBA to our customer for their product development.
[问:] 假如主从端电压不同双向充电如何处理?
[答:] In case master and slave voltage is different. They need to agree and confirm a voltage before further operation. In normal case, it will set to 5V as basic.
[问:] 有空我联系你 我们是做hdmi dp的
[答:] Thanks!
[问:] 有空我联系你 我们是做hdmi dp的
[问:] 有空我联系你 我们是做hdmi dp的
[问:] 有空我联系你 我们是做hdmi dp的
[问:] 有空我联系你 我们是做hdmi dp的
[答:] Thanks and you may contact us via below email.
[问:] How about Power waste
[答:] Normally, for the power, we will refer to the power efficency. For our power adaptor solutions, it should be over 90% as our normal requirement.
[问:] type-C只是结构不同吗?速度是否有改进?
[答:] 有提升,支持USB 3.0 3.1传输
[问:] 能传音频吗
[答:] Yes
[问:] 中文讲的非常好
[答:] Thanks!
[问:] 苹果电脑在哪买的
[答:] Apple store.
[问:] 能传音频吗
[答:] Yes, it can.
[问:] Avnet USB 3.1 Type-C支持视频传输的带宽?
[答:] MAX should be 40Gbps.
[问:] 有type c 转hdmi吗
[问:] 速率高的时候如何保证低的误码率?
[答:] It is already defined in the USB 3.1 specification. Please refer to it.
[问:] TPS65982/6 资料哪里可以找到
[问:] 功耗的数据有吗?
[答:] What kind of devices you looking forward? We have most but not all.
[问:] 由于这个接口体积很小,机械强度和使用寿命会不会有影响
[答:] Yes, but the connector already have specification to ensure the number of plug/play times for the user. Please refer to USB3.1 spec for details.
[问:] Avnet USB 3.1 Type-C支持的电源功率?
[答:] 100w
[问:] 市场动态分析结论是什么 谢谢
[答:] According to USB IF, they project there are 20billon devices will use USB Super speed or above in 2016. We estimate around 5 conversion happens in 2016. Hope it help since we are not analysis company.
[问:] type-C是否会成为未来通用接口呢?
[答:] 目前看起来势头很强,再加上苹果的推动,有很大机会成为未来通用接口
[问:] 收获很多。
[答:] 謝謝!
[问:] 现在的电脑都没有这个接口,怎么通过什么方式与电脑连接吗
[答:] 可以用Type-C dongle 或 docking转换, TPS65982/6可以做
[问:] 讲的确实不错
[答:] 謝謝!
[问:] 有车载电器应用方案
[答:] Not Yet
[问:] 汉语的PPT效果更好。
[答:] 謝謝你的意見!
[问:] 首先应用Type-C的产品应该是哪些产品?
[答:] From Wikisemi, the first several devices will be USB peripheral like docking station, hub, USB TYPE C adaptor card and USB Flash disk.
[问:] TYPEC最大传输电压是多少24V吗
[答:] 20V
[问:] 目前哪些设备上已有USB-C接口?
[答:] Macbook, Chromebook, Microsoft 950XL

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