
热门关键字: 电荷 LDO 传感设备 传感器网络 




1.  创新封装技术
2.  新 45V/50V 电源肖特基二级管
3.  脚位布局与可悍性


许旭景 许旭景


[ 最近 10 条问答 ] [ 全部发言 ]
[问:lpgoal] CFP15能用在快速充电中么 
[答:martinhsu] It is dependence on the fast charger spec requirement  [2014-7-17 10:19:12]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友大家上午好,欢迎参加中电网在线座谈,今天我们邀请到NXP的专家,与大家共同探讨“CFP15 封裝肖特基二級管在微型化charger设计”,欢迎大家踊跃提问!  [2014-7-17 10:19:24]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,现在我们已经进入问答环节,如果您想重复观看刚才播放的演讲内容,请点击页面上方的“在线演示”。  [2014-7-17 10:19:48]
[问:zhangjshl] 请问:工作温度是多少? 
[答:martinhsu] Tj(max) is 150deC.  [2014-7-17 10:24:10]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,今天参加问答的专家人数较少,回答问题的速度会比较慢一点,请大家耐心等待,谢谢!  [2014-7-17 10:24:24]
[问:zhangjshl] 反向恢复时间是多少? 
[答:martinhsu] It is 16nS typical  [2014-7-17 10:26:05]
[问:stu_deepblue] 最大电流有多大的 
[答:martinhsu] Currently our product support 10A and 15A.  [2014-7-17 10:26:52]
[问:hjb85] 反向恢复时间需要多久? 
[答:martinhsu] It is 16nS typical.  [2014-7-17 10:27:36]
[问:liang-1011] 最大支持多大持续电流? 
[答:martinhsu] We have two type support 10A and 15A.  [2014-7-17 10:28:08]
[问:joiny] CFP15封裝的优势有哪些? 
[答:martinhsu] higher thermal performance and smaller dimension  [2014-7-17 10:28:51]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,现在我们已经进入问答环节,如果您想重复观看刚才播放的演讲内容,请点击页面上方的“在线演示”。  [2014-7-17 10:29:53]
[问:jwdxu2009] 性价比如何, 
[答:martinhsu] cost effective with high performance  [2014-7-17 10:30:04]
[问:hjb85] 内部采用什么材料? 
[答:martinhsu] It is used the clip bonding technolog to instead of the normal wire bonding.  [2014-7-17 10:31:02]
[问:hc0814] 有几种封装 
[答:martinhsu] The CFP15 package is optimize for Low Power Adapter 10W ~15W application.  [2014-7-17 10:35:31]
[问:jackson2005] 使用CFP15封装肖特基在PCB布联机需注意什么?以便可以发挥其底部散热片功能? 
[答:martinhsu] As big as possible for the thermal pad size to increase the let the heat dissipate through the PCB well.  [2014-7-17 10:37:12]
[问:zh_angei] 哪有详细资料下载最低工作温度是多少谢谢 
[答:martinhsu] The minimum temperature is -65deC.  [2014-7-17 10:38:31]
[问:jackson2005] 使用CFP15封装肖特基可以增加多少效率?有无实测数据支持? 
[答:martinhsu] The CFP15 is high C/P value solution for cost and performance point of view.  [2014-7-17 10:41:03]
[问:木子鱼] 工作最大频率是多少? 
[答:martinhsu] It is really dependence on application.  [2014-7-17 10:44:02]
[问:cquwuqiang] 不外加加散热器,慢负荷工作器件温升是多少? 
[答:martinhsu] It is dependence on the PCB PAD size.  [2014-7-17 10:45:37]
[问:jackson2005] 有无实际应用例?使用NXP的产品及其它牌产品有多少差异? 
[答:martinhsu] NXP CFP15 offer the same performance with other vendors but higher quality performance.  [2014-7-17 10:46:31]
[问:zhangjshl] 请问:由于体积很小,对PCB布线有何特殊要求? 
[答:martinhsu] As bigger as possible for the pad to get better thermal performance.  [2014-7-17 10:47:11]
[问:hjb85] 是否有针对低VF和低IR进行优化? 
[答:martinhsu] Yes , the Vf and Ir is the most important parameters for schottky diode device.  [2014-7-17 10:47:55]
[问:hjb85] 是否可以支持光学焊点检查? 
[答:martinhsu] Yes !  [2014-7-17 10:48:32]
[问:jackson2005] Vr50V可以用在多少V的LPA?同样的Vr45V为何? 
[答:martinhsu] Normally it is used for 5v uotput adapter , 50v Vr could get more design margin.  [2014-7-17 10:49:23]
[问:qditz] CFP15都支持哪些平台或者协议,可以二次开发? 
[答:martinhsu] The CPF15 is not only for LPA application but also for other application like the back drive protection...etc.  [2014-7-17 10:50:22]
[问:tobn] 正常工作最高温度范围?设计中需要考虑散热问题? 
[答:martinhsu] The maximum Tj is 150deC.Thermal is very important design point.  [2014-7-17 10:51:09]
[问:jackson2005] NXP有"higherqualityperformance",可否具体说明?谢谢! 
[答:martinhsu] It is base on our fail return rate experience !!  [2014-7-17 10:52:05]
[问:cntszxb] 正向压降最小多少? 
[答:martinhsu] For PMEG45U10EPD , Vf=422mV(typ)@If=10A  [2014-7-17 11:20:10]
[问:zendy] 抗干扰怎么处理 
[答:martinhsu] It is related to the layout and Trr performance.  [2014-7-17 11:21:06]
[问:jackson2005] Solderability与散热性能关系非常紧密.请问要如何测试及检查确认? 
[答:martinhsu] It is related to factory test criteria , it is normally use the X-inspection to check it.  [2014-7-17 11:23:05]
[问:iwqtthf] CFP15 封裝肖特基二級管相对于其他器件有哪些新特性? 
[答:martinhsu] bigger thermal pad to achieve the better thermal performance  [2014-7-17 11:23:52]
[问:jackson2005] 正常NXP的failreturnrate是多少?相比其竞争厂商有多大优势? 
[答:martinhsu] Sorry , it is confideintial , I can not release the data.  [2014-7-17 11:24:32]
[问:jackson2005] 有更高电压及更高电流的开发计划? 
[答:martinhsu] Yes , we will release higher voltage and current device in the future.  [2014-7-17 11:24:59]
[问:qihongbj] 有数据手册吗? 
[答:martinhsu] Pls download the datasheet from NXP website. Thanks !  [2014-7-17 11:25:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,由于时间的关系,今天的座谈会在11:30结束,请大家抓紧时间提问。  [2014-7-17 11:26:04]
[问:jackson2005] 有无标准的PCB布线指导可供参考? 
[答:martinhsu] We just provide the footprint recommandation , the layout is really dependence on the design.  [2014-7-17 11:26:37]
[问:tobn] 肖特基二级管产品的规格大小参数是如何的? 
[答:martinhsu] The shottky diode key parameter are the Vf , Ir and Trr.  [2014-7-17 11:27:29]
[问:cy301] 有哪些新技术新应用 
[答:martinhsu] The package is used the clip bonding technology to instead of the normnal wire bonding.  [2014-7-17 11:28:11]
[问:lpgoal] 散热需要哪些特别处理 
[答:martinhsu] As bigger as possible for the pad to get better thermal performacne.  [2014-7-17 11:28:40]
[问:hjb85] 在结构原理上与PN结二极管有什么区别? 
[答:martinhsu] The most difference is the Vf , so shottky designed more mobility for the electronic , electronic hole to achieve the low Vf performance.  [2014-7-17 11:31:27]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,今天的座谈到这里就结束了,感谢大家参与。  [2014-7-17 11:35:33]
[ 最近 10 条问答 ] [ 全部发言 ]

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