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黄耀君 飞思卡尔半导体(中国)有限公司高级市场营销及业务拓展经理 |
黄先生于1984年加入摩托罗拉公司。他曾在摩托罗拉和飞思卡尔的微控制器(MCU)部门工作,从事包括8位、16位和32位的MCU产品设计和市场营销。他目前专注于工业控制领域的市场营销及业务拓展。 黄先生获得了香港城市大学数字信号控制的硕士学位。此外,他还获得了香港理工大学电子工程领域的高级文凭。 |
[ 最近 10 条问答 ] [ 全部发言 ] | ||
[问:iwqtthf] | 看起来不错。已是量产还是出样了?有详细数据手册吗? | |
[答:ykwong] | 1st engineering sample available now. Full function sample available in Jun. Simple document in freescale.com website. More detail document, need to approach our sales office. Not NDA right now. | [2013-3-28 10:09:51] |
[问:iwqtthf] | 集成很高,不知道价格如何?批量的 | |
[答:ykwong] | Engineering samples available now. Full working sample in Jun and production in Sept. Below $2. | [2013-3-28 10:10:59] |
[问:fengxingziye] | 如何提高智能电表的准确性和数据的稳定性 | |
[答:ykwong] | The temp shift characteristic is one way. Our part can achieve 25ppm drift in the PGA and Vref. SNR ratio of the Delta sigma can achieve 94dB which is also pretty good | [2013-3-28 10:14:10] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友,我们现在已经进入到问答环节,如果您想重复观看风雨的演讲内容,请点击页面上方的“在线演示”。 | [2013-3-28 10:30:14] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友大家上午好,欢迎参加中电网在线座谈,今天我们邀请到飞思卡尔的专家,与大家共同探讨“针对智能电网的智能电表和通信解决方案的介绍”,欢迎大家踊跃提问! | [2013-3-28 10:30:30] |
[问:lin15205812033] | 芯片的价格大概多少啊?适合3相电表吗 | |
[答:ykwong] | Below $2. 100pin SoC suitable for Single phase meter (AFE+MCU+iRTC+LCD). 44pin suitable for 3phase AFE front end. | [2013-3-28 10:34:27] |
[问:磁场] | 32位的处理器都有哪些烧写方式? | |
[答:yhcheng] | On chip Flash of KM30 is programmed thru a JTAG port. You may use tools like JLINK to program the device. | [2013-3-28 10:35:04] |
[问:mengyun2801] | 现在应该是无线方案为主吧?是不是也有网络抄表~~~ | |
[答:ykwong] | Wireless AMR, we have 470Mhz sub-GHz SoC, 12311 (base on S08 core) and KW01 (base on M0+ core). 2 SiP solutions (MCU+transceiver) | [2013-3-28 10:36:07] |
[问:lpgoal] | kinetis支持哪些外设接口? | |
[答:dennislui] | 2个SPI4个UART1个与IR的四通道定时器HSCMP相结合2个支持ISO7816标准所有这4个UART都支持流量控制2个I2C所有UART和SPI是3V的,而1个UART和1个SPI | [2013-3-28 10:39:20] |
[问:stclq] | freescale的优势是什么? | |
[答:ykwong] | This is the industrial first M0+ single phase SoC. low power, high integration. Support by 4 different reference solutions - China 1 phase meter, India 1 phase meter and European 1 phase meter and USA 2 phase meter reference. We will also have solution base on 3phase AFE front end using the 44pin version of this chip. | [2013-3-28 10:40:03] |
[问:zd_net] | 智能电表通过什么和PC机进行通信? | |
[答:dennislui] | You can use the UART with isolation to conmunicate with the PC or use the IRDA port. | [2013-3-28 10:40:52] |
[问:磁场] | freescale的16位处理器是不是都是JTAG下载,现在的笔记本大都不带并口,而且USB转JTAG的成本很高,有没有其他解决方案? | |
[答:yhcheng] | A low cost J-link LITE is available from http://www.segger.com/jlink-lite-arm.htmlFurthermore, you can use OpenSDA from Freescale which runs on a Kinetis K20 MCU | [2013-3-28 10:41:36] |
[问:huangyan166] | 工作温度范围? | |
[答:ykwong] | -40 to 85C | [2013-3-28 10:43:02] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友,今天的在线座谈将从明天开始在中电网进行回放,同时提供PPT文件的下载,请关注中电网的更新。 | [2013-3-28 10:43:38] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友,我们现在已经进入到问答环节,如果您想重复观看风雨的演讲内容,请点击页面上方的“在线演示”。 | [2013-3-28 10:44:41] |
[问:singhigh12] | 不知道应用在智能电网系统中,抗干扰性能如何 | |
[答:dennislui] | We have single-phase metering reference design with EMC proven (EN61000-4-2,EN610004-4) | [2013-3-28 10:45:13] |
[问:wayne_pgc] | 有特別的PHY嗎? | |
[答:ykwong] | There is no PHY in the SoC | [2013-3-28 10:48:01] |
[问:磁场] | 有没有免费的开发套件提供? | |
[答:yhcheng] | Codewarrior Development Suite - Special edition will be available from Freescale with code and data size restriction (at least up to 64k). Will be available on official launch. | [2013-3-28 10:49:31] |
[问:iwqtthf] | 非常有兴趣在我们公司的电表中推广使用,怎样联系你们。邮箱:iwqt1983@163.com手机:15866550631 | |
[答:ykwong] | Provide provide your company name, address or website. We will contact you. | [2013-3-28 10:49:45] |
[问:bowei181] | 无线收发采用的是那种协议? | |
[答:yhcheng] | Zigbee Smart Energy profileplease refer to www.freescale.com/zigbee | [2013-3-28 10:52:09] |
[问:shao.ziyang] | 无线通信部分支持哪些组网方式? | |
[答:ykwong] | We can provide third party Wireless MBus stack through 3rd party | [2013-3-28 10:52:27] |
[问:磁场] | 开发环境还是codewarrior?与16位codewarrior开发环境有何不同? | |
[答:yhcheng] | Codewarrior interface is Eclipse Based, you can try out the Codewarrior Development Studio - 特别套件 (免费试用)version for Kinetis L as a reference and wait for a later release for Kinetis M series | [2013-3-28 10:54:52] |
[问:QH518] | 介绍开发板时提到了3轴加速度传感器,请问:这种传感器是如何工作的,在这里有何作用,是否会增加成本?谢谢。 | |
[答:ykwong] | The low g is included in the development board. Customer has the option to use it or not. It is used as a tamper detect. To aviod unlawful move or opening the meter. Low-g is very cheap right now. | [2013-3-28 10:55:30] |
[问:shao.ziyang] | 支持470M频段吗? | |
[答:ykwong] | Yes, the 12311 and KW01 both support 470Mhz | [2013-3-28 10:56:08] |
[问:WhiteTiger] | 计量引擎采用那种传感器来测试电压,电流和有用功率? | |
[答:dennislui] | Use shunt resistor or centre tap transfomer for current sensing and use resistive divider for voltage sensing. Parameters such as V/A/W/Var/kWh/PF... can be calculated by FFT in MCU. | [2013-3-28 10:58:12] |
[问:livekoko] | 二型集中器的方案,哪里可以获得 | |
[答:ykwong] | You can contact our distributor CEAC. We can support customer with concentrator projects. | [2013-3-28 10:58:29] |
[问:lpgoal] | 有开发板提供么?驱动软件是免费的还是分开购买? | |
[答:ykwong] | Need to buy EVM but s/w drivers are free | [2013-3-28 10:59:21] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友,今天的在线座谈将从明天开始在中电网进行回放,同时提供PPT文件的下载,请关注中电网的更新。 | [2013-3-28 10:59:38] |
[问:walterniu] | 请问一下,IEC61850是一个很大,很复杂的标准?怎样让智能电表符合IEC61850的标准呢?谢谢 | |
[答:ykwong] | Our reference design has certified with European EN50470-1, EN50470-3, class B and C, as well as toIEC 62053-21 and IEC 62052-11 internationalstandards for electronic meters of active energyclasses 2 and 1. | [2013-3-28 11:03:54] |
[问:bowei181] | 篡改检测主要应用目的是什么? | |
[答:ykwong] | Aviod unlawful opening of the power meter case. Aviod steal power or modification of the power meter | [2013-3-28 11:05:44] |
[问:cui_lz] | 稳定性好吗 | |
[答:ykwong] | Our reference design has shown good stability | [2013-3-28 11:07:38] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友,我们将在11:10进行第一轮调查问卷,请大家填写。 | [2013-3-28 11:08:13] |
[问:WhiteTiger] | 电表的精度是很重要的,在贵公司的电表设计中,精度通常是如何保证的?靠硬件电路,还是软件补偿?还是两者结合? | |
[答:ykwong] | Both, our reference design can achieve below 0.5 class | [2013-3-28 11:09:00] |
[问:WhiteTiger] | 远程抄表的通讯接口和协议主要包括哪些? | |
[答:ykwong] | The most popular one is 485 and narrow band FSK power line modem. Wireless is 470Mhz.Water/Gas meter use M-Bus. European market use Wireless MBus. Water/Gas meter use M-Bus | [2013-3-28 11:16:37] |
[问:cui_lz] | 精确度是多少? | |
[答:ykwong] | The SoC spec is included in the presentation. For our reference design, we can achieve below 0.5 class. | [2013-3-28 11:20:31] |
[问:yumh65] | 飞思卡尔的芯片资料网页? | |
[答:yhcheng] | http://www.freescale.com/KM3xhttp://www.freescale.com/Zigbee | [2013-3-28 11:25:38] |
[问:iwqtthf] | 看了下方案不错。怎样取得方案?有相关的网址吗?谢谢了。 | |
[答:ykwong] | http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/taxonomy.jsp?code=KINETIS_M_SERIES | [2013-3-28 11:25:44] |
[问:shao.ziyang] | 请问有适合水表和气表的方案吗? | |
[答:janwang] | 您好,我们目前没有这方面的方案。 | [2013-3-28 11:25:55] |
[问:磁场] | 有软件开发集成库吗? | |
[答:janwang] | 您好,大概会在今年第三季度在飞思卡尔网站公布,请关注我们的网站。 | [2013-3-28 11:27:38] |
[问:jwdxu2009] | 高震,高冷环境下,能运用吗?对环境有什么要求 | |
[答:ykwong] | The meter SoC support down to -40C. For vibration, you can use the low-g sensor on the EVM to detect vibration and set alarm | [2013-3-28 11:27:56] |
[问:qditz] | 智能电表的通讯方式有哪些? | |
[答:ykwong] | 485, FSK power line modem, ZigBee, 470Mhz | [2013-3-28 11:28:41] |
[问:bowei181] | kinetis电表方案是不是可以不用外加AD器件了? | |
[答:dennislui] | Kinetis M has four 24-bit sigma-delta ADC and two PGA to interface with current sensor. | [2013-3-28 11:29:27] |
[问:yuchl] | 这个可以提供免费的开发套件吗?对发射功率比较感兴趣! | |
[答:ykwong] | No, we cannot support free tools. | [2013-3-28 11:33:56] |
[问:iwqtthf] | 这个M0+真的很强大,主要是ADC与RTC,不知道成本怎样?批量成本提供下参考,谢谢了。 | |
[答:ykwong] |