Username |
Question |
anwl |
超级电容能象铅酸蓄电池储存电能吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
yes but more like a traditional capacitor, the voltage directly correlates to the state of charge |
beifeng0219 |
电动自行车可以使用超级电容吗 |
ioxus专家答: |
可 。 但是成本高 |
c.wmi |
请问:超级电容怎样解决长时间大电流放电问提? |
ioxus专家答: |
capacitors can handle very high discharge currents. the total energy required must be available in the capacitors or a parallel battery system needs to be incorporated |
c.wmi |
请问:超级电容怎样解决长时间大电流放电问提? |
ioxus专家答: |
we must define long term discharge. current application have ride through time up to several minutes. Beyond "minutes" of hold up time at higher voltages, ultracapacitors become less cost effective |
charly_sun |
在温度特性以及控制漏流方面,贵公司特点如何? |
ioxus专家答: |
Leakage on Ioxus cells is very low, however apparent leakage may appear high. There is a portion of the capacitor that stores energy that is more difficult to get to so Leakage will grop off significantly over time. This also allow for cells when charged |
chengchet |
超级电容的外形尺寸有多大,稳定性如何? |
ioxus专家答: |
capacitors come in many sizes please see our website. all cells are UL tested for safety |
chengchet |
超级电容的外形尺寸有多大,稳定性如何? |
ioxus专家答: |
When an ultracapacitor fails there is no catastrophic event. There is an outgassing and the capacitor fails as "open" |
ezcui |
超级电容技术取代铅酸蓄电池是否也会受到某些局限呢? |
ioxus专家答: |
same with question 1 ! |
ezcui |
超级电容技术取代铅酸蓄电池是否也有哪些应用局限或禁忌呢? |
ioxus专家答: |
yes, capacitors can work with batteries or replace them entirely, it is dependent on the energy required per cycle |
ezcui |
超级电容所蓄电能的自放电率性能如何?能比铅酸蓄电池的自放电率性能有更多的提升吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
the self discharge is more rapid than most batteries, they are meant to be recharged rapidly or held up with a float voltage |
gazi686 |
超级电容对制作材料和工艺有什么要求?性价比如何? |
ioxus专家答: |
the caps use several standard ingrediants, aluminum, carbon and electrolyte... the performance is unmatched in power applications, capacitor banks can be smaller and cheaper in those apps than anything else. when used as energy storage the comparison chan |
gazi686 |
超级电容对制作材料和工艺有什么要求?性价比如何? |
ioxus专家答: |
有关性能 价格 比 , 最好有 比较对象较容易说明 |
gazi686 |
超级电容在性能上优越于铅酸蓄电池吗,在成本和功耗方面呢? |
ioxus专家答: |
Ultracapacitors have the capability to be completely dsicharged and recharged over many cycles-up to one million times. Batteries do not like full discharge and life typically of a battery is reduced significantly if the depth of discharge exceeds 40%. |
gazi686 |
超级电容在性能上优越于铅酸蓄电池吗,在成本和功耗方面呢? |
ioxus专家答: |
total cost of using ultracapacitors will depend on application. batteries are replaced every two years, over the life of the system the ultracapacitor can become more price competitive |
gjl922 |
超级电容耐久性如何? |
ioxus专家答: |
在 正常使用下 10年或百万次充放电 |
做时钟芯片的后备电池,超级电容和普通电池相比,谁成本更高?或性价比更高? |
ioxus专家答: |
an ultracap will provide consisentent predictable performance and with a smooth stable voltage |
做时钟芯片的后备电池,超级电容和普通电池相比,谁成本更高?或性价比更高? |
ioxus专家答: |
RTC applications have moved from battery to ultracap from a simple life performance issue-no need to replace the cells |
jlc317 |
超级电容技术能否有望全面彻底取代铅酸蓄电池呢? |
ioxus专家答: |
not currently, we cannot store as much energy, so for large energy applications batteries or battery cap hybrids make sense |
liang-1011 |
超级电容的自放电怎么样? |
ioxus专家答: |
leakage is more apparent then real, very little of the energy is actually lost, just more fully absorbed |
liang-1011 |
超级电容技术的优势? |
ioxus专家答: |
最好能提出比较对象 |
liang-1011 |
超级电容能够像电池那样输出稳定的电压吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
capacitors provide predictable stable voltage but in a wider range than a battery |
liaokaiufo |
估计什么时候可以取代? |
ioxus专家答: |
we replace batteries all the time |
liaokaiufo |
估计什么时候可以取代? |
ioxus专家答: |
在某些无需续航力的应用是可以取代的 像是 电动牙刷 剃须刀 。。。。 |
liaokaiufo |
估计什么时候可以取代? |
ioxus专家答: |
In many cases our effort is not to replace other technologies rather than enhance preformance and extend total system life and efficiency. |
liaokaiufo |
估计什么时候可以取代? |
ioxus专家答: |
we have hybrid cells that have completetly replaced batteries-especially in environments(medical for example) when the system by be completely closed, unaccessible to users. |
liguang169 |
超级电容的充放电速度(于铅酸蓄电池相比)如何? |
ioxus专家答: |
ultracaps can handle much higher rates of discharge and do so at much greater effieciency (>95%) |
liucy1957 |
超级电容可以单独组成电池使用吗?有人说需要和其他电池配合才能够使用,不可以单独使用。 |
ioxus专家答: |
it can be used alone or as part of a hybrid depending on the required applications |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容的大量使用会不会造成环境污染?贵公司是否有回收措施? |
ioxus专家答: |
The ultracapacitor is >95% recycleble |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容的大量使用会不会造成环境污染?贵公司是否有回收措施? |
ioxus专家答: |
we have a recycle program in place for end of life cells. Current cost is about $0.35/lb |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容在温度降低至零下40度以下时,其性能有怎样的变化? |
ioxus专家答: |
ESR会快速增加 影响放电效率 |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容在温度降低至零下40度以下时,其性能有怎样的变化? |
ioxus专家答: |
Our electrolyte begins to fees and resistance increases. If the cell does freeze it can be thawed with no future perfomance damage. |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容在温度降低至零下40度以下时,其性能有怎样的变化? |
ioxus专家答: |
begins to "freeze"... |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容在医疗上使用时,稳定性怎样? |
ioxus专家答: |
免维护 |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容在医疗上使用时,稳定性怎样? |
ioxus专家答: |
何种应用 ? |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容在医疗上使用时,稳定性怎样? |
ioxus专家答: |
目前在高功率需求 像是心脏除颤器 |
liuhanjiayou |
超级电容在医疗上使用时,稳定性怎样? |
ioxus专家答: |
核磁共振显像仪 |
liuhanjiayou |
请问超级电容的循环利用具体指的是什么? |
ioxus专家答: |
本身是环保原料 可以 回收 就象宝特瓶 可回收 |
liuhanjiayou |
请问超级电容的循环利用具体指的是什么? |
ioxus专家答: |
please have them rephrase the question-thanks |
liuhanjiayou |
请问超级电容再次循环使用时,性能与使用寿命是否会降低? |
ioxus专家答: |
the ultracapacitor is rated at a 10year DC life or up to 1Million cycles. It can be fully discarged and recharged with no damage-and ultracapacitors favor the continuos cycling |
liuhanjiayou |
请问超级电容再次循环使用时,性能与使用寿命是否会降低? |
ioxus专家答: |
the application should consider avoiding overvoltage and over temperature |
liuhanjiayou |
请问超级电容在经历百万次放电时,性能是否会随着使用次数增加而迅速降低? |
ioxus专家答: |
yes the capacitance will be lower and the resistance greater |
liuhanjiayou |
请问各位专家,在风力发电中使用超级电容,会不会对风力发电产生某些不良的影响? |
ioxus专家答: |
no, it can help stabilize output of turbine |
liuhanjiayou |
请问各位专家,在风力发电中使用超级电容,会不会对风力发电产生某些不良的影响? |
ioxus专家答: |
wind power allpications are twofold- pitch control to maximize output and second for safety, to prevent the turbine from spinning out of control-acting to reduce spin |
lorens |
超級電容在極端使用的狀況下,是否有安全的考慮,使用時須要避免哪些情況? |
ioxus专家答: |
some modules have output signals to tell you they are over voltage or over temperature. those are the most critical items |
lorens |
使用超級電容是否需要有散熱的考慮? |
ioxus专家答: |
是的 , 高功率使用时。 heat= I^2 R |
luker |
超级电容可以使用寿命是多长时间? |
ioxus专家答: |
it is highly dependent on how you use it, but in general it will survuce 10 years at 25C and 2.7V |
luker |
超级电容与铅酸蓄电池相比有价格优势吗?现在已经量产了吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
the ultracapacitor has not reached price parity with LA batteries at this time. However, the ultracapacitor has been in mass production for many years-millions of cells have been produced. Ioxus has been in mass production for two years. |
lvgeneral |
该技术的关键点是什么?能否有效解决存在的问题? |
ioxus专家答: |
请再详述一下 , 那一种存在问题 ? |
mikeliujia |
超级电容技术可以用到大功率的轮胎起重机上吗?是否需要处理器控制? |
no they do not need a proccessor for control only a energy source and load. Cranes are genreally very good applications for capacitors especially when regen is considered |
mikeliujia |
超级电容技术可以用到大功率的轮胎起重机上吗?是否需要处理器控制? |
RTG crane? yes. If you can provide power profile we can size accordingly. |
mikeliujia |
我想把超级电容应用在轮胎起重机的励磁控制系统上,不知是否可行? |
yes please provide Eric with application details for sizing |
ndtcenter |
超级电容可以输出的最大电压是多少? |
2.7V |
qmzhu-phd |
超级电容当负载端出现故障短路时,有什么保护措施? |
the capacitor will not effected negatively by the short circuit. and because of its limited energy it will be discharged very quickly |
qmzhu-phd |
超级电容技术有哪些成功应用案例? |
there are many, hybrid bus and wind turbine pitch controls are the largest consumers of large size ultracapacitors |
qmzhu-phd |
超级电容技术有哪些成功应用案例? |
磁碟阵列 港口龙门吊 风力发电 混合动力巴士 智能电网能量池 馈线自动化 |
qmzhu-phd |
超级电容技术有哪些成功应用案例? |
医疗检耳镜 核磁共振显像仪 |
qmzhu-phd |
超级电容技术有哪些成功应用案例? |
ioxus专家答: |
UPS, AMR and associated system equipment, Automotive are also high volume users |
rzy |
是否跟锂电池一样存在自放电或者说漏电问题?就是说假定当负载非常小或者几乎没有时,IOXUS超级电容会消耗一部分电池的电量?谢谢! |
ioxus专家答: |
有的 ! 本身有自放电,即使没有负载 |
rzy |
原先我们使用12V/7.5Ah的铅酸蓄电池作为太阳能电池板的储能系统,是否有能替换它的超级电容?其充放电管理是否有相应的详细的应用文档?充放电管理电路的成本如何?谢谢。 |
ioxus专家答: |
你可以把超电容 用来 buffer 或是增加阴天的储能效果, 如果要完全扮演储能的角色,容量大小 需考虑 |
siceng |
超级电容的充放电原理是什么?材料是什么?、 |
ioxus专家答: |
电池放电是化学反应 超电容是物理现象 所以低温时 电池放电效率很差 ! 奈米carbon |
siceng |
超级电容的结构是怎样的? |
ioxus专家答: |
the ultracapacitor is a carbon based, double layer cell |
siceng |
超级电容是否会随时间劣化,概率如何,应对办法有哪些? |
ioxus专家答: |
you need to size capacitors based on end of life requirements |
siceng |
超级电容是否会随时间劣化,概率如何,应对办法有哪些? |
ioxus专家答: |
we can assist in providing an "end of life" expectation of the ultracapacitors we reccomend for your application if you can give the parameters of the application or life needed for your application. |
stclq |
超级电容在充放电时需要注意什么问题? |
ioxus专家答: |
if cycling heavily the temperature of the cells, other than that watch the voltage. |
th152210 |
超级电容在放电时电压会降低,如何保证其电压稳定性? |
ioxus专家答: |
we frist must understand your application's demand. we will size the UC system based upon the delta voltage, power neededing and the time of the cycle |
tianen |
超级电容技术的最大单位功率密度是多少?对于超级电容的充放电是否需要专门的电路进行控制 |
ioxus专家答: |
it will depend on the cell used. please refer to datasheets to determine the E-max or P-Max of each cell. In most cases a seperate circuit is used to recharge cells |
wangfuchong |
对于普通的小型采用无刷直流电机的设备例如我国的电动自行车电动三轮车之类的,如果蓄电池并接超级电容,除了例如启动之类的短时间大电流保护之外,其实即使迅速行驶,是不是也对蓄电池有好处呢?为什么?其机理是什么?(提这个问题,主要是我认为好像即使匀速行驶,供电电流也不是直流的而是有交流成份的,不知道对不对) |
如果要把超电容直接并联 千万不可 ! 必须隔开 或加上限流 ! 如果要利用他的高功率特性 持续使用是吃不消的 ( 直流) |
wangfuchong |
对于普通的小型采用无刷直流电机的设备例如我国的电动自行车电动三轮车之类的,如果蓄电池并接超级电容,除了例如启动之类的短时间大电流保护之外,其实即使迅速行驶,是不是也对蓄电池有好处呢?为什么?其机理是什么?(提这个问题,主要是我认为好像即使匀速行驶,供电电流也不是直流的而是有交流成份的,不知道对不对) |
对蓄电池的保护只有在启动 或是中途要加速的时候 避免电池做大放电 损伤电池 |
wangfuchong |
模组都是内含均衡电路的吧? |
ioxus专家答: |
wangfuchong |
请问电压标称值例如48V,具体电压可以到多少?例如48V的蓄电池往往电压比48V高的 |
ioxus专家答: |
超电容是空的 你充多大电压 就是多大 只要不超压 |
whiteTiger |
请问如何判断超级电容是否充满? |
ioxus专家答: |
you can test with voltmeter. We recommend holding the charge at rated voltage to apply some conditioning. |
whiteTiger |
请问我有一个16V1A的设备,如用16V/500F的超级电容,可以续航多长时间?如可计算? |
ioxus专家答: |
1/2 * C( V1^2 -V2^2) = 1/2 * (V1+V2) *I*Time | |
超级电容代替铅酸电池体积有什么变化, |
ioxus专家答: |
more information is needed to answer your question, please send eric application details | |
超级电容代替铅酸电池体积有什么变化, |
ioxus专家答: |
如果要用同样容量比较 体积会大10倍以上 |
xtgaxm |
超级电容是怎样解决电容放电的特性??? |
ioxus专家答: |
most capacitor applications do not require very long (weeks) between recharging, they are more suited to rapid charge charge applications |
yangyan@24 |
1.IOXUS目前在叉车行业有哪些成功案例?2.IOXUS在叉车行业有无超级电容测试数据对比?(单独使用蓄电池与并联超级电容后的数据对比/经济效益比) 3.叉车行业并联蓄电池后的控制模块如何去做?如何实现与控制系统的匹配? 4.超级电容过压过温的安全问题以及性能变化如何? 5.叉车行业超级电容瞬间大电流释放对电机有哪些影响? |
ioxus专家答: |
We have several programs in progress in China for forklift-we cannot publish the details at the moment. Please refer to Ioxus whitepaper on forklifts for more details. |
yangyan@24 |
IOXUS超级电容目前在叉车行业有成功案例吗 |
ioxus专家答: |
yes, we have seen runtime extention of up to 30% with >50% less battery heating |
yangyan@24 |
IOXUS超级电容目前在叉车行业有成功案例吗 |
ioxus专家答: |
We are currently working with several Chinese manufacturers of forklifts that will offer a hybrid (ultracapacitor + battery) solution in 2012 |
yedaochang |
贵公司【oxus混合电容技术修复工具】是免费提供给用户使用的吗?? |
ioxus专家答: |
修复工具 ?? 请详述 一下 |
yedaochang |
贵公司超级电容Ioxus的测试显示其产品充放电过可超过2万次是真的吗?是带【负载放电】测试的吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
一般超电容: 百万次 混合型 : 2万次 |
yedaochang |
贵公司超级电容工作最大电流是多少?工作在50A电流环境。贵公司有那些型号选择? |
ioxus专家答: |
many capacitors can operate at 50A rms you have many choices, please review our data sheets. |
yedaochang |
贵公司超级电容工作最大电流是多少?工作在50A电流环境。贵公司有那些型号选择? |
ioxus专家答: |
our 3000F cell and hanle 130Arms |
yedaochang |
请问贵公司16V/58F 产品能应用在3000w动力电池上吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
it can be applied to anything within its rated voltage, it will work best with batteries if its ESR is significantly less than the battery ESR |
yedaochang |
请问贵公司3.0V超级电容器有什么特点?最高工作温度是多少? |
ioxus专家答: |
基本上 3.0V耐压电容 与一般无异 只是充放电次数减少 |
yedaochang |
请问贵公司3.0V超级电容器有什么特点?最高工作温度是多少? |
ioxus专家答: |
70degC |
yedaochang |
请问贵公司超级电容器循环放电超过50万次以上是个什么概念?是用贵金属稀土元素作为材料吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
充满再放光 循环 |
yedaochang |
请问贵公司超级电容器循环放电超过50万次以上是个什么概念?是用贵金属稀土元素作为材料吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
不是 |
yedaochang |
请问贵公司有超级电容充放电控制集成芯片方案吗?。 |
ioxus专家答: |
yes for banks we have balancing circuits |
yedaochang |
请问有用在20-40升发动机超级电容吗?负载稳定吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
如果只作为发动机启动用 搭配好 是一项减少电池使用或延长电池寿命的应用 |
yedaochang |
我公司想应用在3000w【直流电动马达驱动】的后备移动电池电源,电池内阻、电压不平衡是十分关键。我们应用很多芯片方案都不是很理想。很多原因也是电池质量不行,如果贵公司超级电容能解决关键技术,如果贵公司能解决此问题最好了。想问贵公司有解决方案吗? |
ioxus专家答: |
是的 。 contact me : |
yedaochang |
怎样申请Ioxus公司超级电容样品测试啊。 |
ioxus专家答: |
for sample application , pl send e-mail to , i am Eric lin . |
YF22 |
超级电容功率密度高、能量密度低,现在有没有解决它不能长时间放电问题的方法 |
ioxus专家答: |
ultracapacitors are power dense. Our next generations aim to increase energy density but for now there is a limit. we consider ultracapacitor technology "enabiling" meaning that we can enhance current solutions by reducing the strain on the power source |
YF22 |
超级电容功率密度高、能量密度低,现在有没有解决它不能长时间放电问题的方法 |
ioxus专家答: |
so for a battery + u cap solution, the u capacitor can do the heaving short term power demand and reduce the strain(deep discharge hit) the battery must endure. |
yubinwu |
对於超级电容,如何判断剩余电量,充电方面有何要求? |
ioxus专家答: |
1/2 CV^2 will give you energy in capacitor... capacitors are very tolerant of charging methodology, they can handle almost any rate |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容的而应用会延长电池的寿命,大概有一个怎样的比例,前期投入的较大,与单纯蓄电池的应用的总体比较,的有一个怎样的优势,有没有表格可以说明/ |
ioxus专家答: |
有的 ! 请留下mail, 方便寄 |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容的而应用会延长电池的寿命,大概有一个怎样的比例,前期投入的较大,与单纯蓄电池的应用的总体比较,的有一个怎样的优势,有没有表格可以说明/ |
ioxus专家答: |
看你本身电池被折磨的程度 。。一般来说 内阻比例来决定 功率输出时的分配 |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容的如何与电池更好的匹配,怎样选择合适的超级电容? |
ioxus专家答: |
typically you need to compare rated voltage and ESR as well as peak energy/power requirements... |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容的应用管理系统我们自己做还是你们提供呢? |
ioxus专家答: |
Ioxus has an extended engineering staff who have expertise is total system design. This service is available but limited, based upon application. |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容是的应用对比常规的应用所带来的具体的经济效益是否有一定的参数对比可以提供? |
ioxus专家答: |
可以把实际的应用提出吗? 这样比较针对性 |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容是否有在闪光灯当面是应用的具体的案例? |
ioxus专家答: |
yes, we have designed BOTH standard ultracapacitor cells and hybrid cells in the application. Low power LEDs allow for a quick charge(depends on time/cost value charge circuit) and run time-in some cased exceeding 90 minutes off 60 second charge |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容是否有在闪光灯当面是应用的具体的案例? |
ioxus专家答: |
you can review 300F hybrid cell, 100F and 350F standard cells |
zhangxianfeng |
超级电容与蓄电池混合应用的产品,如何处理超级电容与蓄电池之间的出现的问题,蓄电池给超级电容充电,是否会降低机车的续航里程? |
ioxus专家答: |
你必须把电池与超电容隔开 否则 接上瞬间视同短路 置放不用时 增加漏电 |
zhangxianfeng |
是否可以有相关的计算方式,可以根据要求输入相关的技术参数如,电压,电流等直接计算出所需要的所需要的超级电容的类型? |
ioxus专家答: |
有的 。。可留下联系方式 我可会后和你讨论 |
zhangxianfeng |
是否可以有相关的计算方式,可以根据要求输入相关的技术参数如,电压,电流等直接计算出所需要的所需要的超级电容的类型? |
ioxus专家答: |
yes, please ask eric Lin to provide application request sheet. We can determine which cells in a particular configuration(series/parallel) that will maximize efficiency |
zhangxianfeng |
现在在电动巴士上面的应用的电池电压较高,超级电容如何达到更高的电压,和高容量 如汽车上面是300V左右的机车? |
ioxus专家答: |
串联以达到电压需求 |
zhangxianfeng |
现在在电动巴士上面的应用的电池电压较高,超级电容如何达到更高的电压,和高容量 如汽车上面是300V左右的机车? |
ioxus专家答: |
如果空间受限 薄片型超电容 是好的选择 |
zhangxianfeng |
有无超级电容的测试数据对比及经济效益对比等)? |
ioxus专家答: |
we can provide data however it is dependant on the actual application. each ratio will differ. |