
热门关键字: 机器视觉 无线电 像素 通信协议 





nickname question
xuthree问: damo板体积多大
ioxus专家答: 根据不同需求所设计的电路板体积也不同,目前参考设计的demo板体积不大,比笔记本电脑的控制板小很多,有需求可以跟我们联系,获取详细信息。
ezcui问: Siliconlabs和Arrow电子具有“热能收集”的具体实施方案吗?
ioxus专家答: 目前已经有太阳能收集方案,很快我们也会推出热能、振动和RF参考设计方案,请持续关注我们的新动态。
ezcui问: Siliconlabs和Arrow电子有“热能收集”的具体实施方案吗?
ioxus专家答: 目前已经有太阳能收集方案,很快我们也会推出热能、振动和RF参考设计方案,请持续关注我们的最新动态。
andy4423问: 艾睿电子的收集效率高吗?收集效率分别是多少呢?
ioxus专家答: 收集能量的效率主要受兩方面的影響:能量收集來源,講義的第四頁有作介紹,另外就是电源管理的轉換效率
dw782问: 艾睿电子业务在垃圾发电领域有无应用?
ioxus专家答: 目前没有
zzzzzzzc问: 摆动能量收集装置(如:人步行的摆动,震动能量),很适合手机户外充电,mp3随身听充电等。有没有现有低成本的解决方案?
ioxus专家答: 在讲稿第28页已经介绍,我们很快将推出振动能量收集的参考设计,请持续关注我们的最新动态。
bowei181问: 不知道能量收集装置的效率能达到多少?
ioxus专家答: 收集能量的效率主要受兩方面的影響:能量收集來源,講義的第四頁有作介紹,另外就是电源管理的轉換效率
liguang169问: 对于太阳能收集来说,太阳能板的效率以及充电电池的效率现在最高能达到多少?
ioxus专家答: 我们不提供太阳能板和充电电池,只提供能量收集的方案和核心处理器,根据所选太阳能板的品牌型号效率会有区别
jwdxu2009问: 工厂成本压的很,性价比如何
ioxus专家答: 成本不仅是价格高低,还有时间和可靠性两个方面,采用能量收集方案替代传统电池,一方面便利很多,可以减少换电池所导致设备停摆,提高效率;另一方面,一段时间内所消耗的电池总成本也很高,需综合考虑。
ezcui问: 空间的杂散电场能量与磁场能量也已具有广泛的收集可能性与具体方案了吗?
ioxus专家答: 目前能量收集的研究还处于初级阶段,我们已经处于前沿地位了,现在还没有这种收集方案。
ezcui问: 快捷化的大功率“能量收集”有可能实现吗??Siliconlabs和Arrow电子有这类具体方案吗?
ioxus专家答: 目前只有微处理方案,相信随着研究的深入,会有更大功率的能量收集方案出现。
czmoo问: 目前“能量收集”效率的最高水平已能达到多高?
ioxus专家答: 收集能量的效率主要受兩方面的影響:能量收集來源,講義的第四頁有作介紹,另外就是电源管理的轉換效率
bowei181问: 哪里有超级电容的厂家资料?能提供吗?
ioxus专家答: 可以到 尋找有關超級電容的厂家資料
liang-1011问: 能量收集的效率有多大?
ioxus专家答: 收集能量的效率主要受兩方面的影響:能量收集來源,講義的第四頁有作介紹,另外就是电源管理的轉換效率
dongguanze问: 能量收集设备的全民普及还需要多久?技术瓶颈是什么?
ioxus专家答: 日前遝在起步階段, 根據IDTechEx,預計2019年能量收集的設備將會超過一百億
qule126com问: 能量搜集的投入产出比如何计算。 如何评价能量搜集方案的效果。
ioxus专家答: 日前遝在起步階段, 根據IDTechEx,預計2019年能量收集的設備將會超過一百億
ezcui问: 能量无线传感有无可能发生电磁干扰或电磁污染?
mxld43问: 请教对于石墨烯电池的看法。
ioxus专家答: 美国普林斯顿大学的研究人员指出,若是采用石墨烯电极,锂电池的充电时间将能从2小时缩短到只要10分钟。若能商業化大量生產,將可大大縮短充电所需時閒,是重大的科技進步。
ezcui问: 请教专家:“热能收集”具体的实施成本有优势吗?
ioxus专家答: 熱能收集遝在起部階段,我認為熱能收集是其中一種高效能的能量來源,我認為隨着時间發展會成為其中一種普及的能量成集,成本亦随之然下降。
徐敏辉问: 如何进行能量收集?
ioxus专家答: 詳細說明請參考本講座的講義第十四至+六頁。
jssep问: 如何提高能量的转换效率的?关键的因素在什么方面?
ioxus专家答: 这个问题需要多方面考量,不是简单就能说清楚的. 以光能来说, 电池板材料就很关键.
tony5262003问: 寿命和稳定性如何?
stclq问: 太阳能的成本现在有多高?
ioxus专家答: 太阳能本身是免费的, 电池板有一定费用. 和材料,面积都有关系.
szyouer问: 通过RF来收集能量的话,有没有选择性的?
ioxus专家答: 不是很明白你的问题. 请和ARROW FAE联系. 
gaon问: 有没有成功的应该案例呢
ioxus专家答: 目前还在开发中
zhoujunxia问: 在收集能量时实时的使用电能而不存储是否是因为存储再使用会降低能量的使用效率,如果是这样那么降低的效率又是多少呢?
ioxus专家答: 不是, 只是体现我们的SI1000超低功耗的特点.
ezcui问: 这“能量收集”研讨会选择的课题实在是g00d!遗憾的是太“抽象”了?艾睿电子具有“现实性”的具体实施方案吗?
ezcui问: 3+4比2+3的价格会有大幅提升吧?
ioxus专家答: the value proposition is to reduce the size of the energy storage system, reducing the number of components to reach system voltage. This overall cost will be reduced 30-40%
tengzhihua问: 95%-98%效率是在什么条件环境下测得的?
ioxus专家答: prevents the deep cycling. Dept of discharge is reduced extending cycle life. The value proposition will be determined by the application. Perhaps reducing fuel consumption, carbon foorprint we test using the round trip efficiency method, measureing ESR, impedence. Measure energy going in and energy going out
ezcui问: 98%效率已是极限了吗?有望进一步提升?具体“瓶颈”在哪?
ioxus专家答: I am not sure of the question. Most systems do not operate turely at 100% efficiency. We also typically will derate the voltage
rzy问: how to get the parameter of cycle life? i.e., what level does the cap is discharged to, and charge to? thanks.
ioxus专家答: we will need to know application. we can calculate "life" based on duty cycle, temperature provide and rated voltages
lingf问: How to select the ultra capacitor?
ioxus专家答: we will ask basic system requirements-nominal voltage. min voltage, power needed during the voltage drop and the time of this event. Temperature profile will perhaps factor, footprint available may also factor
jack.chen.cn问: ultra-capacitor materials have any new tech?thanks.
ioxus专家答: carbon based electrode is used. Next generation products will see improved chemistries for electrolyte, improved carbon densities...thus improving higher energy, voltage and temperature characteristics
rzy问: 超电容充电是否需要进行管理,像锂电池和铅酸电池那样,因为既然超电容的寿命受电压和温度的影响比较大,那么Ioxus是否有相应的充电管理应用文档呢?谢谢。
ioxus专家答: yes, there has to be some control not to overcharge. There are chips that can manage this TI, Linear Technology, Analog Devices
rzy问: 超电容的cycle life指标是如何得到的,或者说该参数的方法,放电到什么程度,再充电到什么程度?谢谢。
ioxus专家答: we test at constant current, between rated voltage and half rated voltage at 25'C application discharge can vary, determined by the customer charging level is also determined by the application's need to recycle for next duty cycle
tengzhihua问: 超电容的价格如何?
ioxus专家答: in the larger cells, for example the 3000F- the goal is to reach $0.01/Farad. We are currently at about $0.0125/Farad
wdefu问: 超电容的主要应用领域是哪些?
ioxus专家答: electric pitch control, hybrid bus, medical, RAID, UPS, Automotive , and regenative braking, crane military,
phosphor问: 超电容寿命的决定因素有哪些?
ioxus专家答: temp / voltage are the major factors
lingf问: 超级电容的规格有没有标准?如何选择?
ioxus专家答: we have sizing tools. If we know system requirements, we can size with any cell however we will provide the optimum cell, lowest number of cells to achieve goal as well as find the most economical solution
ezcui问: 超级电容的可靠性如何?
ioxus专家答: high reliability, 10,000 hr DC life, 1M cycles at ambiant 25'C
hongpanfeng问: 超级电容的漏电流有多小?
ioxus专家答: it will depend on what capacitance you indicate ! such as 350F, the leakage is 1.0ma after 72hrs.
ezcui问: 超级电容的稳定性有何优势?
ioxus专家答: the depth of discharge can be 100% without decreasing life. The cell does not have a chemical reaction as battery so the stability for temperature and voltage is better. UC;s can go down to -40'C and still function. They can be frozen , thawed and operate
QZDZ问: 超级电容的自放电情况是在什么样一个范围?
ioxus专家答: initial leakage is larger during the first 72 hours and then slow linear drop
lingf问: 超级电容和电池的价格相比怎么样?性价比如何?
ioxus专家答: we can calculate the cost per watt hour for the application, duration of run time. The true cost differential is determined by the number of cycles per the life of the application, considering battery replacement, maintenece. Totoal cost solution
ezcui问: 超级电容扩大容量时,匹配需要特别注重的关键性事项或指标有哪些?敬请专家精炼地概括一下。谢谢!
ioxus专家答: pl take the previous answer as ref
ezcui问: 超级电容扩大容量时,匹配需要特别注重的关键性事项或指标有哪些?敬请专家精炼地概括一下。谢谢!
ioxus专家答: 1) ESR -- it will effect the discharge time constant
ezcui问: 超级电容扩大容量时,匹配需要特别注重的关键性事项或指标有哪些?敬请专家精炼地概括一下。谢谢!
ioxus专家答: 2) consistancy : you should take the ultracall like as the battery . if you need to put it in series .
rzy问: 超级电容能否串联使用?谢谢。
ioxus专家答: yes, cells can be put into series, parallel or seriesw parallel configuration to reach system voltage or power desnsity needed for the application.of course, as answered before, you will want to balance voltages between cells
rzy问: 超级电容是否符合环保要求?谢谢。
ioxus专家答: yes, RoHS compliant
0odamo0@163.com问: 超级电容与蓄电池搭配使用的容量选择原则是什么?需要特别注意哪些问题?
ioxus专家答: when cycle life is critical, battery size or performance is critical,
liang-1011问: 超级电容自放电率如何?
ioxus专家答: each cell is rated at 72hrs leakage. Leakage does not continue at the same rate after 72 hrs, slower.
stclq问: 超级电容最大能提供多高的电量?
ioxus专家答: you may use 1/2 *C*(Va^2-Vb^2) to calculate the energy o/p Va , Vb is the operation Voltage
QZDZ问: 单体高压的产品相对于单体低电压的产品,产品寿命表现如何?
ioxus专家答: basically the same however more compact packaging(smaller foorprint) increased voltage and power density
czmoo问: 第四代是最新产品吗?
ioxus专家答: Gen 4 will be release in 2012, second quarter
tengzhihua问: 电容的损耗角是多少?
ioxus专家答: it's no need to consider the Q c\value on ultracap . You could take the ultracap is a energy storage device rather than the filtering /coupling function.问: 贵公司超级电容在20~40Cº、95%额定电压时的理论寿命多长?
ioxus专家答: based on the temp Vs cell life (30 degC), we can see the life will be more than 10years.问: 贵公司超级电容在多级串联提高应用电压时是否需要均压系统?
ioxus专家答: the heaviier the duty cycle or voltage change will certainly require voltage balancing as in all multicell configurations
徐敏辉问: 混合能存储的优势在哪?
ioxus专家答: the hybrid system allows the ultracapacitor to perform the "heavy work" providing peak power. This allows the application to downsize the primary energy source, extend the life of the primary energy source. If a Battery+ ultra cap, then the ultracap
ezcui问: 混合能存储是否也会产生某些鲜为人知的负面影响呢?
czmoo问: 混合能存储需有哪些特殊要求?
ioxus专家答: pl indicate the application !
tengzhihua问: 价格还可以 目前国内办事处在哪里?
ioxus专家答: price could be acceptable ! please advise where is your branch in china ?
tengzhihua问: 价格还可以 目前国内办事处在哪里?
ioxus专家答: we have our legal address in Hong Kong and will have an initial location in Shenzhen. we will later expand into other major cities_Beijing and Shanghai/Suzhou
0odamo0@163.com问: 目前在超级电容扩大容量时,匹配需要注意的事项或主要考虑的指标有哪些?<
ioxus专家答: we can increase capacitance by increasing cells. The module size is determined by the feasibility of the assembly-i.e hybrid bus. The size is limitless. cells will have varied ESr and voltage so balancing is necessary. This can be done passively using resistors to bleed excess voltage off or actively.
0odamo0@163.com问: 目前在超级电容扩大容量时,匹配需要注意的事项或主要考虑的指标有哪些?<
ioxus专家答: if we would like to lift the withstanding voltage , we need to put extra cells in series , then the balancing will be very important .
ezcui问: 请教专家:超级电容的寿命取决于哪些具体因素??
ioxus专家答: critical parameters are over voltage and over temperature. Stay at or below 2.7V and maintain a temperature profile at 45"c or below and ultracap will stay at 10yrs DC. 1M cycles问: 请问贵公司超级电容的自放电率多大?
ioxus专家答: leakage varies between cell values. smaller cells have faster discharge rate. We calculate at 72 hrs.
jack.chen.cn问: 如何简单理解杂合能存储,与目前的传统的的解决方案有何不同之处? 谢谢。
ioxus专家答: the "hybrid " system brings both power and energy efficiency. The ultracap is typically used in a active parallel configuration. Remember, the battery is energy dense, the ultracapacitor is power dense
rzy问: 是否有在太阳能电池板供电上的应用案例?现在我们采用铅酸电池,能否用超电容取代?谢谢。
ioxus专家答: i will need to know more of the application demands. I can state that the use of the solar cell and ultracapacitor hybrid system will offer advantage to store energy-possibly to run application without battery, support battery function (battery/solar/UC the redundant power can be used for emergency support/run time, wifi communication, securuty measure
rzy问: 选型时如何选择合适的容量呢?选择电池时,我们一般考虑安时这个参数,那么超电容该如何考量?电容容量-法拉和电池容量-安时之间有什么比对关系吗?谢谢。
ioxus专家答: we need to know the power needed for the application, Joules. This will vary by application so we would need to have more data to answer properly. during nominal voltage, min voltage and over time
rzy问: 以最低容量的超级电容为例,跟相当容量的铅酸电池相比,样品价格大约会贵多少呢?谢谢。
ioxus专家答: this will depend on the application. Total cost of the solution over the life of the application can be comparable. If we look at simple cost per lead acid-"piece price" the cost is considerabley greater
QZDZ问: 因为超级电容怕过压,如何保证模块内的单体(模块输出的高电压应该是单体串联的吧)超级电容在充电的时候不会过电压,或是如何保证模块充电时单体所接受的电压是一致的。
ioxus专家答: use active balancing and over voltage protection. This would be the sample as we use in our modules
QZDZ问: 有没有漏电流参数随温度和使用时间的变化趋势图?
ioxus专家答: yes, temperate has an effect to increase leakage. We have charts to demonstrate
tengzhihua问: 在65度的时候 电容的ESR大概是多少?
ioxus专家答: varies between cells. 350F cell ESR will change(increase) about 45% as capacitance drops about the same, 45%