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毛崇知 协理 电源产品 亚洲区市场开发 |
毛崇知原任职于美商POWERPRECISE Solution,担任亚洲区总经理一职,2007年10月POWERPRECISE Solution被德州仪器并购后即加入德州仪器团队,在电池管理领域有非常丰富的经验。 |
主题:工业电池充电器及管理 | ||
在线问答:关于本次在线座谈如有问题,可点击这里继续提问! | ||
[问:guojun0718] | 220VAC/24V的电源能推荐一个方案吗?100w-200w | |
[答:] | TI | [1900-1-1] |
[问:pingguo1985] | 请教专家是否可以申请到贵公司的样片? | |
[答:Molly] | 您可以登录下面的网址,注册my.ti,就可以开始申请TI的样片了.https://myportal.ti.com/portal/dt?actionId=368<=myti&provider=TIPassLoginSingleContainer&goto=https%3A%2F%2Fcommerce.ti.com%3A443%2Fstores%2Fservlet%2FSCSAMPLogon%3FURL%3DOrderItemDisplay%26catalogId%3D10003%26langId%3D-7%26orderId%3D.%26reLogonURL%3DSCSAMPLogon%26storeId%3D10001 | [2010-11-12 10:08:26] |
[问:stclq] | 多组电池串、并后的安全性能如何保证? | |
[答:Wayne] | all the battery pack need to be tested in the factory. However, the coverage of the test program will be the key point of the safety. | [2010-11-12 10:26:09] |
[问:jack.chen.cn] | bq76PL536supportmaxvoltage?thanks. | |
[答:Wayne] | the max is 192S. The max voltage will depend on what type cell you are going to use. | [2010-11-12 10:26:48] |
[问:goofy_lin] | 电池保护的安全性尤其重要,ti是如何解决这个问题的? | |
[答:Wayne] | all the protection schematic is designed in the chip. | [2010-11-12 10:27:44] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友大家上午好,欢迎参加由TI和中电网举办的“工业电池充电器及管理”在线研讨会,我们今天有幸请到了TI公司的专家和您共同探讨这个主题并就您提出的任何疑问做现场解答,欢迎大家踊跃提问,下面我们就进入到问答环节! | [2010-11-12 10:28:06] |
[问:小杜子] | 欠压保护,预警信息处理。 | |
[答:Wayne] | the chip will issue alert when the under voltage | [2010-11-12 10:31:29] |
[问:yilaozhuang] | 这个充电过程能否自由控制充电电流,能否应用于现在的电动汽车充电 | |
[答:Wayne] | the current is controlled by the charger. PL536 is designed for EV. | [2010-11-12 10:32:18] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 大家好,目前我们正在进行的是问答环节,如果大家想观看演示的回放请点击屏幕上方“演讲内容”标签,谢谢! | [2010-11-12 10:32:30] |
[问:pingguo1985] | 请教专家对于电池的干扰主要通过哪些渠道? | |
[答:Wayne] | the major nosie is from Motor if you are talking about the EV/HEV. | [2010-11-12 10:33:09] |
[问:grandnie] | 请问为了延长电池的使用寿命,是不是必须在完全放电后再充电? | |
[答:Wayne] | It will best way to increase the battery life. However, we never charge to full and never discharge to 0% in the EV/HEV. | [2010-11-12 10:34:18] |
[问:pingguo1985] | 请教专家如何选择电容值以匹配hotswap的时候产生的电流? | |
[答:Wayne] | You need to add extra circuit. | [2010-11-12 10:35:35] |
[问:grandnie] | 请问这种电池管理系统安全系数有多高? | |
[答:Wayne] | There is no exsted system to mesure the safety by number. But, the current BMS system protection is pretty high. | [2010-11-12 10:37:07] |
[问:pingguo1985] | 请教专家开关电源的PCB布局如何降低EMI? | |
[答:Wayne] | TI has the layout guide to enhance the communication quality. You can contact TI local FAE. | [2010-11-12 10:39:32] |
[问:stclq] | ti芯片可以支持最多多少个电池体的平衡? | |
[答:Wayne] | 192s | [2010-11-12 10:39:50] |
[问:goofy_lin] | 锂电池过度放电是否影响到电池寿命?一般放电不能超过多少? | |
[答:Wayne] | The over discharge did reduce the battery life. You need to check the battery spec. | [2010-11-12 10:41:58] |
[问:liuq02] | 均衡的mosFET有什么要求,电压,电流,Rdson | |
[答:Wayne] | there is no specific requirements. It all depends on how big of the balance current you want to have. Of course, the RDSON is as lower as much possible. | [2010-11-12 10:43:57] |
[问:cpudiy] | 这个技术和当前的电动汽车充电站相关联的吗。 | |
[答:Wayne] | the charge station is more related to the cell type. | [2010-11-12 10:45:20] |
[问:liyanhua] | 电池本身有哪些自我保护? | |
[答:Wayne] | 洩氣閥 only. | [2010-11-12 10:46:59] |
[问:liyanhua] | 电池充放电时间跟什么有关? | |
[答:Wayne] | the charge current the cell capacity. | [2010-11-12 10:47:33] |
[问:cchanggg] | TI产品对电池寿命的提高,有什么优势或者有什么措施? | |
[答:Wayne] | I think you are talking about the battery pack. The good balancing will increase the run time of the battery pack. | [2010-11-12 10:50:40] |
[问:libinfly@163.com] | 多个串联的电池并行充电是否可以缩短充电时间,有哪些注意事项? | |
[答:Wayne] | the charge time is most depend on the charge current. | [2010-11-12 10:52:01] |
[问:liyanhua] | 电池有哪些规格型号?分别应用到什么场合?有哪些优点?谢谢 | |
[答:Wayne] | 鋰鈷, 鋰錳, 鐵電. usually, 鐵電 is suitable for the transportation because of the safety and high C rate charge and discharge. It can shorten the charge time. | [2010-11-12 10:56:01] |
[问:abc67_ok] | 请教成本优势如何?感觉TI的东西在成本上比较高 | |
[答:Wayne] | No. TI is even cheaper if you look at the total BOM cost and performance. I would like to suggest you contact our local people to get complete information and comparsion. | [2010-11-12 10:57:22] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友,TI的专家正在仔细的回答各位网友提出的问题,请你耐心等待您问题的答案,谢谢! | [2010-11-12 10:58:02] |
[问:grandnie] | 请问电动汽车目前还不能普及使用,此设计瓶颈表现在哪里? | |
[答:Wayne] | Two issues. the first is the charge time. The second is the charger station. There are no too many charge station so far.Beside these two issues, there are no too many techincal issue. | [2010-11-12 11:00:11] |
[问:guojun0718] | 24V/3V的隔离电源能推荐一个方案吗?工业级的。 | |
[答:Wayne] | ISO72XX, please go to TI site to check the current spec and part number. | [2010-11-12 11:01:56] |
[问:stclq] | 工业电池对环境温度的要求是否更高? | |
[答:Wayne] | All the cell has his own temp. spec. | [2010-11-12 11:02:38] |
[问:cchanggg] | TI的充电器能监测到电池温度,以至防止过充、温度过高吗 | |
[答:Wayne] | yes. | [2010-11-12 11:03:20] |
[问:guhbing] | TI的充电器能否在充电前对电池剩余量进行检测以确定充电过程吗? | |
[答:Wayne] | This is nothing to do with the charger. It is the function of Gas Gauge. | [2010-11-12 11:04:25] |
[问:hangeng] | TI产品能否实现根据电池的充电特性来充电以实现延长电池寿命? | |
[答:Wayne] | yes. | [2010-11-12 11:05:32] |
[问:846685465] | 电池电量的算法是什么??怎样判断电池已充满,怎样才是正确的电池保护算法,怎样充电效率最高,,多节(20节以上) 的锂电池组怎样均衡充电, | |
[答:Wayne] | TI has the impedance tracking to measure the remaining capacity. I suggest you contact TI technical person to answer you question as your question is good question but need a lot of time to explain to you. | [2010-11-12 11:09:14] |
[问:bowei181] | 充电是使用直流脉冲方式还是恒流恒压充电比较好?能否根据电池的种类分别介绍一下?谢谢! | |
[答:Wayne] | CC and CV is best way. | [2010-11-12 11:09:57] |
[问:liyanhua] | 电池的容量和体积的大小关系是什么 | |
[答:Wayne] | If the material is same. the bigger oen has the bigger capacity. | [2010-11-12 11:11:24] |
[问:hjb85] | TI充电产品适用于锰酸锂电池充电吗?有什么要特别注意的吗? | |
[答:Wayne] | Yes. we do have. | [2010-11-12 11:12:40] |
[问:lihaieeee] | 用于电动自行车时,bq77910的充电电流有多大?最快的充电时间多少? | |
[答:Wayne] | The charge current is related to the cell type. Nothing to do with 910. | [2010-11-12 11:20:47] |
[问:bowei181] | bq77PL157,bq97PL900,bq77910,bq76925那种含MCU,那种需要与MCU配合? | |
[答:Wayne] | All of them are no MCU. 900 can work with MCU or not. 925 only can work with MCU. | [2010-11-12 11:21:53] |
[问:wwqqkk666] | 充电电流与电池的容量关系? | |
[答:Wayne] | Depends on the cell spec. | [2010-11-12 11:22:48] |
[问:wwqqkk666] | 有没有自行车铅酸蓄电池充电器方案? | |
[答:Wayne] | bq24610 | [2010-11-12 11:23:04] |
[问:bowei181] | 蓄电池容量不足时,能否通过某种手段使其恢复?TI有无类似方案,如何实现? | |
[答:Wayne] | charge it. | [2010-11-12 11:24:10] |
[问:jackson2005] | 如何量測電池溫度?可量測到之準確度為何? | |
[答:Wayne] | you can attach the temp. sensor on the surface of the cell. very accurate. | [2010-11-12 11:25:24] |
[问:jackson2005] | 每個cell的最大電壓為何? | |
[答:Wayne] | Please check the cell spec. | [2010-11-12 11:25:58] |
[问:jackson2005] | 可否詳述balancing原理.及其可以做到多好? | |
[答:Wayne] | please contact our Disty for more detail information. kim.hsu@wpi-group.com | [2010-11-12 11:28:20] |
[问:jackson2005] | 能否判斷出那一個cell出問題?例如:短路,開路,容量不足,... | |
[答:Wayne] | voltage and cell impedance. | [2010-11-12 11:28:48] |
[问:lihaieeee] | 用于电动汽车时,bq77PL660的输入电压的范围和输入电源的特性有和具体要求? | |
[答:Wayne] | pl660 spec is not finalied yet. | [2010-11-12 11:29:52] |
[问:wwqqkk666] | 12ah的电池,用5a充电器,电流是否过大 | |
[答:Wayne] | no. | [2010-11-12 11:30:20] |
[问:jackson2005] | 可管理之cell最大電壓為何? | |
[答:Wayne] | pl536 can support up to 192S. The Max. voltage depends on the cell type. | [2010-11-12 11:31:05] |
[问:jackson2005] | impedance是如何測得?可測得之準確度如何? | |
[答:Wayne] | when you the load, you can measure the current. And, you know the voltage. So, you will know the impedance. | [2010-11-12 11:31:56] |
[问:袁洪滨] | 实验板可以申请吗? | |
[答:Wayne] | yes. Of course. | [2010-11-12 11:32:17] |
[问:wwqqkk666] | 有没有支持48V电池的充电器方案 | |
[答:Wayne] | bq24610 | [2010-11-12 11:35:15] |
[问:bowei181] | TI工业电池充电器及管理能否监测电池的温度,并根据温度来调整电池的充放电? | |
[答:Wayne] | yes. | [2010-11-12 11:35:38] |
[问:袁洪滨] | 通过这套系统可以检测电池的容量减小吗? | |
[答:Wayne] | TI chip can detect the remaining capacity in the real time. | [2010-11-12 11:36:06] |
[问:jack.chen.cn] | LP636haveidle,sleepmode?howaboutthepowerconsumption?thanks. | |
[答:Wayne] | what is lp636? | [2010-11-12 11:36:33] |
[问:stclq] | 充电过程中的温度检测是针对每个电池体的吗?还是整组电池的? | |
[答:Wayne] | It depends on how many temp. sensor you attached on the cell. | [2010-11-12 11:38:40] |
[问:goofy_lin] | 环境温度过低或过高,是否都不能对电池进行充电? | |
[答:Wayne] | yes. not only the charge but also the discharge. | [2010-11-12 11:41:19] |
[问:liyanhua] | 请问电池充满电后会自动断电么? | |
[答:Wayne] | no for cell itself. So, we need the protection board. | [2010-11-12 11:43:04] |
[问:bowei181] | 如何申请试验板?都有哪几种? | |
[答:Wayne] | please go to TI website. 910,900,114/116 and 536 all have the DEMO BOARD. | [2010-11-12 11:43:50] |
[问:袁洪滨] | 可以通过程序运算后在屏幕上显示电池实际的容量吗? | |
[答:Wayne] | YES. | [2010-11-12 11:46:42] |
[问:jackson2005] | 可量測各Cell的電流?因為有balancing各Cell的電流應會不同. | |
[答:Wayne] | there is no difference of the current. The current always same. | [2010-11-12 11:48:11] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位网友,由于时间的关系,我们今天在线座谈马上就要结束了,如果您还有相关的问题想跟TI的专家交流也可以登录我们中电网的网站继续提问,我们会把问题发给TI的专家并把答案整理公布到我们的网站,请您留意查阅! | [2010-11-12 11:57:31] |
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