
热门关键字: 信号处理 工业控制 电容 Avnet 



CEVA-TeakLite-III? 是基于CEVA广为授权的Teaklite DSP核的第三代数字信号处理器架构。双MAC,32位处理的架构,总共10级的流水线使得其运行频率可以超过550MHz. CEVA-Teaklite-III是许多应用领域DSP的最佳选择,其中包括低成本的2G/2.5G/3G无线基带处理器,宽带语音及音频处理器,掌上型多媒体播放器,微机站,VOIP家用网关以及需要支持比如Dolby Digital Plus 7.1 声道, Dolby True HD, DTS-HD的高清 (HD) 的音频应用。在BDTI最新发布的白皮书中写道, “BDTI的测试结果表明与BDTI测试的其他处理器相比较,CEVA-Teaklite III在性能表现卓越的同时还兼顾了高效率的面积以及功耗的表现。”。本次技术演讲主要介绍Teaklite-III的结构以及为什么说它是高清音频解决方案的最佳处理器。


主题:基于高性能CEVA Teaklite-III DSP核的高清音频解决方案
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到CEVA公司的专家就“基于高性能CEVA Teaklite-III DSP核的高清音频解决方案”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与CEVA公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“基于高性能CEVA Teaklite-III DSP核的高清音频解决方案”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2009-4-22 10:04:02]
[问:yws1234252] CEVA-TeakLite-III 与Oak. DSP 架构兼容吗? 
[答:Hukai] TeakliteIII向后兼容teakliteII, Teaklite and Teak  [2009-4-22 10:32:52]
[问:yws1234252] CEVA-TeakLite-III 是否附带有基于高级集成开发环境的软件开发工具? 
[答:Hukai] yes, ceva provides very full SDK with C- compiler, assembler, linker, debugger and simulator.  [2009-4-22 10:35:19]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2009-4-22 10:37:36]
[问:sunrain618] 针对VoIP应用(SIP PHONE和ATA)的型号只集成了一个MAC吗?是否集成了codec ? 
[答:Hukai] TeakliteIII has two 16bit MAC, very powerful architecture for VOIP application. broadcom"s latest VOIP chip is embedded with TeakliteIII. for more info, you can talk with us offline  [2009-4-22 10:37:53]
[问:yws1234252] CEVA-TeakLite-III支持 哪些操作系统 
[答:Eyal] The RTOS currently supported are: 1. OSEck by ENEA 2. FreeRTOS Additional RTOS such as Nucluous by Mentor Graphics can be supported per demand.  [2009-4-22 10:38:06]
[问:lingf] 对于音频应用,有哪些厂家采用了CEVA的方案,有哪些成功的案例? 
[答:Hukai] like broadcom"s latest VOIP solution and some other tier 1 customer which are doing Blueray and other high audio application. if you wanted to know more, we can talk offline.  [2009-4-22 10:39:42]
[问:aglalala] Teaklite-III的结构在同类产品中的突出特点是什么,性价比如何? 
[答:Eyal] The strong poing is that its excels in all the domains : a general purpose DSP that can run any DSP code, with small code size and low power consumption, and small die size. Some competitors excel in some of the features, but, usually they were not originally designed as general purpose DSP"s, and thus they cannot excel in all those domains. TeakLite-III does.  [2009-4-22 10:40:57]
[问:hujitust] CEVA-TeakLite-III与先前的CEVA-TeakLite有什么区别或改进? 
[答:Hukai] it is a big change and improvement. if you wanted to know the detail, we can provide you some furhter detailed info offline  [2009-4-22 10:42:42]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2009-4-22 10:43:19]
[问:esrichina] TeakLite三代比二代的运算速度能快多少?在音频编解码方面有什么显著提高? 
[答:Hukai] 4 times performance improvement. i can show you audio codec performance offline if you want between TeakliteII and TEkaliteIII. put in mind , teakliteIII is the best power consumption, die size efficienty and performance dsp in teh current market.  [2009-4-22 10:44:53]
[问:sheldon] 使用CEVA Teaklite-III DSP核会不会引发视听的革命?所有的视听的家电都要更新换代了? 
[答:Hukai] you will see that  [2009-4-22 10:45:14]
[问:hugejun] 1.该DSP电压多少?功耗多大?是否需要采取散热措施? 2.为了获取最好音频品质,音频外围电路需要注意哪些抗干扰措施? 3.该套解决方案成本大概多少(批量)? 
[答:Hukai] CEVA is IP company, our customer like broadcom, Sony like will sell you the chips.  [2009-4-22 10:45:42]
[问:yws1234252] 第三代TeakLite 架构的运算速率可以达到多高?工作电压呢? 
[答:Hukai] worst case, 550Mhz under TSMC 65G. for voltage, depends on the lib used.  [2009-4-22 10:46:53]
[问:sunrain618] VoIP的语音压缩算法是免费提供的吗?如729等? VoIP能同时做到多少路同时通信? 
[答:Eyal] G.729AB should take around 10 MHz on TeakLiteIII, assuming additional 10MHz overhead for each channel (echo cancelation etc.), we need 20MHz per channel. The TeakLiteIII can run at over 650Mhz in 65G TSMC process, so it can run more than 30 such channels (taking into consideration the overhead). For the original G.729 (not A/B), it should be around 20 channels, taking into consideration the overhead.  [2009-4-22 10:47:45]
[问:zhengyingjun] 请问调整偏压的原则有哪些?增大偏置电流可减小交越失真,偏置电流多大算合适?三极管的放大倍数会随温度变化,如何取得折衷?谢谢! 
[答:Hukai] yes, CEVA-TeakliteII based voip solution can do both networking protocol and voice processing on single dsp.for the details, let us discuss offline. thx  [2009-4-22 10:48:44]
[问:gaojun21cn] CEVA-TeakLite 是不是贵公司授权和使用最多的 DSP 内核?具有完全的后向兼容性吗? 
[答:Hukai] one of the most, backworkd compatible.  [2009-4-22 10:49:07]
[问:licki518] 主持人,我想很多人英文都不太好,所以建议是否以后PPT能够尽量做成中文阿,至少别全是英文,个人观点,仅供参考 
[答:Hukai] will improve later on  [2009-4-22 10:49:43]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III通常适用于哪些领域?在汽车内部音响器件能否用的上? 
[答:Hukai] like HIFI, STB, DTV, Blueray, Mobile, VOIP like applicaion which needs high end audio or voice supported  [2009-4-22 10:50:15]
[问:esrichina] 请问专家CEVA-TL3210 和 CEVA-TL3214的配置结构有什么不同?应用过程中有什么区别? 
[答:Eyal] The difference is only in the busses of the memory sub-system. The 3214 maintains compatibility to the Teak/TeakLite older cores in its bus structure by using X/Y/Z busses.  It should be used only by customers who used Teak/TeakLite in the past and want to have a "drop-in" replacement. The 3210 has the more modern bus structure, using 3 AHB-Lite bridges, and it should be used by all new TeakLite-III customers.  [2009-4-22 10:51:29]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III保留了II代的哪些技术?在II代基础上又增加了哪些功能? 
[答:Hukai] TeakliteIII is software backword compatible with TeakliteII. and made big improvement from architecture viewpoint compared with TeakliteII to boost the performance. key change like to add 32 bit MAC, pipeline increased to 10 stage. if you wanted to know full picutre, let us talk offline  [2009-4-22 10:51:42]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III是多少位的数据处理功能?是否用到了FFT加速器?整体功耗是否会明显增加? 
[答:Hukai] 32bit, we had instruction to boost FFT performance. powerconsumption according to BDTI benchmark is still the best among all. and can be used in moble application.  [2009-4-22 10:52:34]
[问:hzchem] CEVA-TeakLite-III是否允许设计人员自行选择符合自己需要的硅面积、功耗和速度等的设置? 
[答:Roly] CEVA-TeakLite-III is fully configureable which means user can configure to specific need. power/area/speed is depends on what library/process  [2009-4-22 10:52:43]
[问:hujitust] CEVA-TeakLite-III与CEVA-TeakLite的构架相同吗,能否使用原有的开发环境? 
[答:Hukai] architecture is improved. software is backword compatible  [2009-4-22 10:54:23]
[问:linshibian] 对应用设计者来说,需要的是具体的芯片,那现在市场是否有采用CEVA Teaklite-III DSP核的芯片呢? 
[答:Hukai] yes, like broadcom"s latest VOIP chip with TeakliteIII inside. and you will see more in coming months.  [2009-4-22 10:54:58]
[问:btgy4008] 和TeakLite-II相比,第三代的TeakLite 架构有些什么改进?在性能和功耗上有什么提高? 
[答:Hukai] performance boosted 4 times compared with TeakliteII. powerconsumption is still maintained in very low level suitable for mobile application  [2009-4-22 10:55:53]
[问:hjb85] 该内核在功耗方面的突出优势是什么,适合手机电池供电吗 
[答:Hukai] fully usable for mobile application. it is best powerconsumption all in BDTI test.  [2009-4-22 10:56:22]
[问:sheldon] mp3播放器使用Teaklite-III是不是小题大做了,会不会大量增加产品成本? 
[答:Hukai] in fact, it is only 0.5mm2 under TSMC 65nm. very small dsp, will not increase your die size a lot.  [2009-4-22 10:56:57]
[问:xixipost] CEVA-TeakLite-III是否允许设计人员自行选择符合实际需要的硅面积、功耗等参数的设置? 
[答:Hukai] yes, depends on the constraint you set in synthesis stage  [2009-4-22 10:57:27]
[问:mp44] CEVA-TeakLite-III的软件有没有仿真功能. 
[答:Hukai] yes, we had cycle accurate and instruciton set simulator  [2009-4-22 10:57:50]
[问:zhengyingjun] 在手机中使用音频功放,经常性的会出现在通话时候有TDD noise的情况,如何避免和消除?有时用一个品牌的没有问题,换一个(pintopin兼容)品牌的,就有问题,这种情况如何处理? 
[答:Eyal] I am sorry, but, this does not relate to digital audio decompression. It relates more to the circuit structure of the phone and the antena, and should be solved there by different layout, or adding some elements.  [2009-4-22 10:58:08]
[问:sheldon] PPT中的simultaneous streams从现在的1-2到2-3是指什么概念? 
[答:Hukai] means 1-2 streams to 2-3 streams to be processed simutaneously  [2009-4-22 10:58:16]
[问:xxtaotao] 一般来说,在便携式电脑中,由于体积的问题导致音频方面总是存在这样那样的缺陷。那么,我们如何才能使便携式电脑中的播放的声音效果更好,音频技术更为完善呢? 
[答:Roly] in general laptop, audio "might" be handled by general processor which is not power enough, ex: CPU. If can use specific processor for audio, ex: CEVA TeakLite-III DSP, it should improve a lot.  [2009-4-22 10:58:52]
[问:sunrain618] 某些VoIP电话系统开发人员已经利用分立的DSP与微控制器芯片实现了所需的媒体与控制功能,能具体谈谈这个吗 
[答:Hukai] in fact , CEVA"s TeakliteII dsp has done both control, network and voice processing on one DSP. for details, let us talk offline considering the limited time here.  [2009-4-22 10:59:00]
[问:sanfanhua] 如何得到CEVA-TeakLite-III的详细资料? 
[答:Hukai] you can contact with ceva local support. email to  [2009-4-22 10:59:55]
[问:btgy4008] CEVAX是针对多媒体和通讯融合设计的非常好的DSP,请问现在的3G手机有没有贵公司的原因产品? 
[答:Hukai] yes, we need to sign NDA to discuss this confidential info. you can approach me offline  [2009-4-22 11:01:36]
[问:btgy4008] 在工业环境中CEVA的DSP架构的抗干扰性能如何? 
[答:Hukai] very good in fact.  [2009-4-22 11:02:53]
[问:btgy4008] DSP内核可以移植到FPGA吗? 
[答:Hukai] yes, no matter altera or xlinx. our DSP is fully synthesizable.  [2009-4-22 11:03:14]
[问:hjb85] 请问应用CEVA-TeakLite-III DSP 的应用实例 
[答:Eyal] The TeakLiteIII is a general purpose DSP, and thus it can execute all Digital Signal Processing applications well, the application that it may excel on due to its unique features are: 1. High definition and regular audio processing (compression/decompression and other post processing) 2. voice processing (compression/decompression, echo cancellation and other) 3. Any kind of data signal processing for communications applications (baseband), that is, channel coding and control.  [2009-4-22 11:03:21]
[问:32kmcu] CEVA-TeakLite-III方案与分立DSP加外设方案比起,灵活性主要受限在哪些方面? 
[答:Hukai] you can make dsp chip based on TeakliteIII or integrate it into your soc design. it is much more flexible and cost effective  [2009-4-22 11:04:01]
[问:sunrain618] 当话音网络应用中的延时很大时,如何解决回波消除和叠音消除? 
[答:Roly] there are alot of echo cancellater algorithm are used nowaday. CEVA do provide a powerful DSP which allowed user have more budget to working on more complicate algorithm.  [2009-4-22 11:04:30]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III的价格是否会比II代有明显的增加?毕竟这是每个设计人员都需要考虑的问题 
[答:Hukai] this is more sales related question. from technical viewpoint, you can benefit more on TeakliteIII  [2009-4-22 11:04:34]
[问:sanfanhua] CEVA的DSP架构在串行连接中应用情况如何? 
[答:Hukai] i dont understand this quesiton, please elaborate.  [2009-4-22 11:04:58]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III使用何种软件开发工具?能否在XP和VISTA下运行? 
[答:Hukai] CEVA will provide your full SDK. can run under XP.  [2009-4-22 11:05:44]
[问:hujitust] 请问CEVA-TeakLite-III最大的存储器可寻址空间能达到多少? 
[答:Hukai] 4G  [2009-4-22 11:06:00]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III附带的软件开发工具可以安装在何种操作系统上?XP VISTA可以么? 
[答:Roly] CEVA software development tools(SDT) can be used in XP. regarding on VISTA, it should be okay, but not widely tested so far.  [2009-4-22 11:06:21]
[问:sheldon] 增加CEVA Teaklite-III DSP核的 高清音频解决方案会不会使成本大幅增加? 
[答:Hukai] no , only 0.5mm2 under 65nm G. very small die size. and also it is teh best audio dsp for HD audio processing like DD+ 7.1, Dolby digital true HD, DTS-HD master like  [2009-4-22 11:06:48]
[问:张载涵] 能否用于需要支持Dolby Digital Plus 7.1 声道的高清音频的应用 
[答:Eyal] Yes. CEVA implemented Dolby Digital Plus on the TeakLite-III, and it requires on average 50Mhz for 48KHz, 640Kbps songs and with conversion to Dolby Digital (for older receivers). Keep in mind that the TeakLite-III can reach more than 650Mhz in 65nm G process, so it can handle DD+ easily.  [2009-4-22 11:07:26]
[问:cyberxx] 能否更详细地介绍一下整合了蓝牙技术的便携式音频、家庭音频和便携式媒体播放器(PMP),你们的优势在哪? 
[答:Hukai] best in powerconsumtpin (battery time), die size (cost), and performance (Mhz). also have been massively used by a lot of leading IC company  [2009-4-22 11:07:55]
[问:zhengyingjun] 在当今消费类电子市场相对疲软的情况下,采用经济、高质量方案,往往成为一个企业、工厂,其产品出奇制胜的法宝,请问在这方面有何宝贵经验,以及是否有可行的方案,提供给客户? 
[答:Roly] it"s a good question and also a wide/worth to discuss. Pleas contact CEVA for more discussion.  [2009-4-22 11:08:03]
[问:esrichina] 请问通过何种途径可以找到CEVA应用的成功案例?贵公司的网站上是否提供电子资料? 
[答:Roly]  or contact local team  [2009-4-22 11:08:47]
[问:btgy4008] 贵公司的第三代TeakLite 架构的运算速率可以达到多高? 
[答:Hukai] like said in presentaiton. worst case is 550Mhz under TSMC 65nm G  [2009-4-22 11:09:15]
[问:licki518] 通过专家介绍,各方面性能确实不错,但是对于使用者和开发者来说考虑开发的难易程度、开发周期等,比如相关的开发资料、例程、指南等资料是否多。 
[答:Hukai] we had quite good SDK with very good compiler, also we provided quite complete auido codecs for your use or reference. we can discuss the details offline.  [2009-4-22 11:10:04]
[问:cyberxx] 你们的产品是专为DSP提供的,还是有fpga和ASIC的core? 
[答:Hukai] CEVA is DSP IP company , our silicon IP is fully synthesizable  and can be used for both FPGA or asic design  [2009-4-22 11:10:44]
[问:esrichina] 在设计过程中遇到技术问题如何向贵公司的工程师咨询?请您留个联系方式 谢谢 
[答:Hukai], welcome offline discussion.b  [2009-4-22 11:11:05]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III在Hi-Fi音频领域前景如何?目前市面上的Hi-Fi音箱价格非常贵,几十万的都有?使用III代是否会大大增加产品成本? 
[答:Roly] CEVA-TEakLite_III aim to high-end audio (ex: DTS master audio).. as usual, it"s always a topic to balance tech. and price. What CEVA can provide is a competive solution on area, power and performance.  [2009-4-22 11:11:20]
[问:gaojun21cn] 此方案是否支持蓝光DVD、DTV的音频要求 
[答:Hukai] yes, single core can deal with the most complex DTV and Blueray application.  [2009-4-22 11:12:42]
[问:sunrain618] 假如要集成你们的IP,你们具体提供哪些支持? 
[答:Roly] CEVA do provide everyting and all are in-house from H/W(RTL&JTAG) to S/W development tools(compiler, assembler, profiler and so on). also local support.  [2009-4-22 11:12:59]
[问:sanfanhua] 有没有针对网络电话机VOIP和网络摄象机的解决方案呢? 
[答:Hukai] yes, we had full solution for voip. if you had interest , let us talk offline.  [2009-4-22 11:13:11]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问目前市面上利用CEVA的先进DSP架构的典型的DSP处理器产品有哪些? 
[答:Roly] there are alot, from cell phone, PMP, VOIP and so on. you can refer to CEVA website for more detail.  [2009-4-22 11:14:18]
[问:xixipost] Teaklite-III DSP核设计时对于播放器有什么样的要求?普通的音响设备能否达到要求? 
[答:Hukai] sorry, this is beyond the topic we discussed today.  [2009-4-22 11:14:22]
[问:sunrain618] 在消费电子方面的应用,你们的性价比如何?比如 MP3 TV STB等 
[答:Hukai] very competitive  [2009-4-22 11:14:52]
[问:张载涵] 如何用更小的裸片面积获得更高的代码密度 
[答:Hukai] CEVA teakliteIII supports both 16 bit instruciton and 32 bit instruiton to achive better code size and performance balance.  [2009-4-22 11:15:27]
[问:esrichina] MP3和MP4播放过程中的散热值得考虑,请问Teaklite-III发热如何?功耗是否比其他产品有明显的改善? 
[答:Hukai] lowest power in BDTI test. can be used in mobile phone application.  [2009-4-22 11:15:51]
[问:sunrain618] DSP内核移植到FPGA要注意哪些方面? 
[答:Roly] CEVA do provide a FPGA flow for customer. customer can simply provide FPGA type and part numbers. CEVA will generate FPGA file for integration. If customer prefer to do theirown, CEVA do provide documentation for reference flow and local support.  [2009-4-22 11:16:39]
[问:esrichina] 电影院里面的音响系统对于应用Teaklite-III是否合适?成本价格是否会大幅增加? 
[答:Eyal] Technically its suitable, however, usually people do not create a special ASIC SOC for cinemas, since that from economical point of view people do special ASIC"s only for high volume, low cost, low power consumption applications, and this is not the case in cinemas, where the volumes are low, and power consumption and cost per IC is not really important. Anyway, technically the TeakLite-III can definitely do the job.  [2009-4-22 11:16:43]
[问:sanfanhua] 可否实现H.264编解码算法?分辨率可以达到什么程度? 
[答:Hukai] CEVA MM2k can do the work, can achieve 720p resolution for more info, please refer to  [2009-4-22 11:16:59]
[问:sunrain618] 是否有加密保护功能?能防止被抄袭吗? 
[答:Eyal] Yes, it can. This can be done as an add-on to the core itself, and its acually required by the high defintion audio companies, thus CEVA has an architectural  reference design for that.  [2009-4-22 11:17:00]
[问:zhengyingjun] 在音频放大器电路中,有哪些方面的措施,可以有效降低Clicks and Pops噪音? 
[答:Hukai] sorry, this is beyond the topic today. CEVA is silicon IP company rather than chip company. sorry  [2009-4-22 11:18:20]
[问:yws1234252] CEVA-TeakLite-III 为代码和数据存储提供了一个多大的线性地址空间? 
[答:Hukai] 4G for both code and data  [2009-4-22 11:19:00]
[问:张载涵] 你们如何应对数字媒体设备需要更大的程序规模和更高效的多任务处理能力 
[答:Eyal] The TeakLite-III DSP has full set of software development tools including optimizing C compiler, GUI based debugger and simulator.  It also has RTOS ported to it, such as OSE by ENEA. It also has all kind of interrupts needed to support a RTOS. Thus, it can be programmed and used for embedded software in the same way that any micro-controller or micro-processor is used.  [2009-4-22 11:19:21]
[问:张载涵] 能否介绍一下双乘法累加 架构 
[答:Hukai] simply speaking, our MAC can do 32bit MAC operation and can also be used to do 2 16 bit MAC operation. for more , we can sign NDA and talk offline.  [2009-4-22 11:20:02]
[问:hzchem] CEVA-TeakLite-III 与CEVA-TeakLite 和 CEVA-Oak架构是否兼容. 
[答:Hukai] yes, backword compatible, also with TeakliteII and Teak  [2009-4-22 11:20:17]
[问:esrichina] 请问CEVA-TeakLite-III支不支持半物理模型的仿真测试? 
[答:Hukai] i dont understand this question, please explain furhter  [2009-4-22 11:21:02]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问有集成了以太网控制模块的IP? 
[答:Hukai] yes, our TeakliteII based vop solution integarte ethernet module.   [2009-4-22 11:21:30]
[问:sanfanhua] CEVA提供那些硬件开发工具和软件开发工具? 
[答:Roly] H/W: CEVA do provide JTAG for debug. delivered IP is included RTL code, synthesis reference flow, back-end reference flow, DFT flow and also build in test pattern and environment. S/W: all in house... compiler, assember, debugger, profiler, IDE, makefile generation, version control and so on.  [2009-4-22 11:21:57]
[问:chenbu] 音频编解码能支持的最高解码比特率是多少?能够支持7.1通道吗? 
[答:Hukai] can support bit rate like 24Mbps, 7.1 channel is no a problem. generealy speaking, CEVA -teakliteIII can support the most complex HD audio application.  [2009-4-22 11:22:19]
[问:sheldon] Teaklite-III DSP的封装形式是什么?多少管脚,多大尺寸? 
[答:Hukai] Teaklite-III is a IP rather than chip.  [2009-4-22 11:22:39]
[问:hjb85] 如果DSP需要考虑外扩RAM,而且频率尽可能高,除了采用DMA还可以用什么方式 
[答:Eyal] For applications with high bandwidth of data, such as high end audio, the answer is yes, becasue otherwise the DSP will need to wait for the data, and thus it will not utilize its high performance capabilities. It can run without DMA, but, however in that case the DSP will need to do the actuall data copying from external memory, thus it will do simple data copying instead of complex DSP tasks, thus wasting its capabilities as a strong DSP.  [2009-4-22 11:22:43]
[问:btgy4008] CEVA系列产品的存储容量一般是多大?可以进行扩展吗? 
[答:Hukai] 4G,  [2009-4-22 11:22:49]
[问:linshibian] 一般情况下CEVA-TeakLite-III 核移植到FPGA大约需要多少 logic elements? 
[答:Roly] in general it"s arround 160K. but it depends on how customer configure the IP.  [2009-4-22 11:22:55]
[问:chenbu] 贵公司使用90nm和65nm工艺的产品都有吗? 
[答:Hukai] CEVA is IP company , our teakliteIII has been used by our licensee for both 90 and 65 technology  [2009-4-22 11:23:49]
[问:esrichina] 在工业环境中CEVA-TeakLite-III对环境的温度湿度电磁干扰有什么影响? 
[答:Hukai] this depends on the implementationof our cusotmer.  [2009-4-22 11:24:07]
[问:chenbu] TeakLite-III DSP能与DDR3实现数据传输吗? 
[答:Hukai] yes  [2009-4-22 11:24:13]
[问:sanfanhua] CEVA的指令集与其他指令集相比有什么优点? 
[答:Eyal] The advantaes are: 1. Powerfull - covers all the required DSP operations, due to the deep knowledge and history CEVA has in DSP designs 2. Compact in size - it was designed using statistical methods to encode the most common instructions using 16 bit encoding only. The less common instructions use 32 bit coding.  [2009-4-22 11:24:31]
[问:lyn663013] 有多少HD音频应用的消费IC厂商用CEVA-TeakLite-III DSP内核 
[答:Roly] CEVA do have customer use TeakLite-III on Bluray DVD(DTS master audio and so on). for more information please refre to CEVA web-site.  [2009-4-22 11:24:50]
[问:sanfanhua] CEVA-TeakLite-III架构的运算速率可以达到多高?工作电压呢? 
[答:Hukai] worst case 550Mhz under TSMC 65nm. this depends on the lib used by customer.  [2009-4-22 11:25:08]
[问:btgy4008] CEVA的开发工具能否在Linux操作系统下运行? 
[答:Hukai] yes, supported.  [2009-4-22 11:25:15]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2009-4-22 11:25:24]
[问:esrichina] CEVA-TeakLite-III采用何种指令集?是多少位的? 
[答:Hukai] mix of 16bit and 32 bit.  [2009-4-22 11:25:31]
[问:lyn663013] DSP内核可否自由移植 
[答:Hukai] yes, can be ported for different foundry and process.  [2009-4-22 11:25:42]
[问:lyn663013] 能用于蓝光 DVD 芯片吗 
[答:Roly] sure...  some big company use TeakLiteIII on Bluray DVD player.  [2009-4-22 11:25:48]
[问:esrichina] 请问CEVA-TeakLite-III的DSP面积效率是否是市面上最高的一款? 
[答:Hukai] yes, according to BDTI benchmark.  [2009-4-22 11:26:09]
[问:btgy4008] CEVA的DSP架构在串行连接 SCSI 中有应用吗? 
[答:Eyal] Yes, it can be used for SATA or SCSI application (CEVA actually has IP for SCSI and SATA).   [2009-4-22 11:26:15]
[问:ROSCHER] 请问:贵公司的DSP是否有Hi-Def Video解决方案? 
[答:Hukai] yes, it is based on CEVA-X DSP named MM2K.we can talk offline for details.  [2009-4-22 11:26:34]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问开发后续的技术支持力度如何? 
[答:Roly] as long as cusotmer under support agreement, CEVA will provide local support and RD as backup.  [2009-4-22 11:27:23]
[问:gladexp] 请问,该DSP高清音频的应用是不是可以在视频技术方面有些整合应用呢? 谢谢。 
[答:Hukai] yes, can be integrated with anyother video application.  [2009-4-22 11:27:43]
[问:lyn663013] 在裸片面积上,你们的产品是否比同类要大一些呢 
[答:Hukai] in fact not, we are most area efficient according to BDTI benchmark  [2009-4-22 11:28:30]
[问:yangsongying] Will CEVA-TeakLite-III result in great power consumption? 
[答:Eyal] No. It was designed for low power consumption because it was planned be used in mobile applications as well. The TeakLite cores are currently used in many cellular phones and thus power consumption is a major design consideration. CEVA employs various design methodoligies in its cores for low power, such as clock gating and others.  [2009-4-22 11:28:38]
[问:lyn663013] 怎么能够让 65 nm工艺核的工作速度达到 425MHz呢 
[答:Hukai] much more infact, we can achieve worst case 550Mhz under TSMC 65G  [2009-4-22 11:28:52]
[问:lingf] CEVA-TeakLite-III的开发平台支持C语言吗? 
[答:Hukai] yes, our development tools include quite good C compiler  [2009-4-22 11:29:25]
[问:esrichina] 请问CEVA-Teaklite-III通过哪些认证?是否经过BDTI认证? 
[答:Hukai] yes, we passed BDTi"s certification and achieved best area and powerconsumption. second in perfomrnace  [2009-4-22 11:30:03]
[问:sanfanhua] 利用CEVA的先进DSP架构和解决方案将会对通信和多媒体应用产生哪些实质性的改进 有具体例子吗 
[答:Roly] it"s a trend to use general processor + DSP for baseband and multimedia. On performance point of view, specific application need special processor to handle.  [2009-4-22 11:30:06]
[问:zhangwq] CEVA-Teaklite-III中的DSP内含的一些协议,那些要付费,那些不要付费? 
[答:Eyal] SIP can be ported to TeakLite-III by CEVA"s partners, thus an extra fee may be required. CEVA has ported protocols such as TCP/IP to its DSP cores, but, this was just as an example - CEVA does not sell protocol software.  [2009-4-22 11:30:57]
[问:sanfanhua] CEVA提供的DSP的硬件架构是否可以自主配置? 
[答:Roly] CEVA IP is configurable.  [2009-4-22 11:31:01]
[问:cyberxx] 不知道贵司有没有在PMP方面的解决方案呢?是那款DSP芯片呢?有没有相关的技术资料?谢谢! 
[答:Hukai] our MM2K is quite widely used.we can talk this offline. you an visit our website for more mm2k info  [2009-4-22 11:31:41]
[问:lyn663013] CEVA-TeakLite-III的可寻址存储空间有多大 
[答:Hukai] 4G  [2009-4-22 11:32:25]
[问:lyn663013] CEVA-TeakLite-III 的数据存储带宽有多大 
[答:Hukai] 64 bit, 2 load/store each is 32 bit.  [2009-4-22 11:32:36]
[问:sanfanhua] DSP一般通过哪些软件进行编程?CEVA是否提供专用的软件进行编程? 
[答:Roly] CEVA have everything in house which included RTL and SDT(software development tools). compiler, assembler, debugger, profiler and so on.  [2009-4-22 11:32:49]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问有IP Phone方面较成熟的市场应用吗? 
[答:Eyal] There are many stories, however, we cannot disclose most of them. I can only mention that companies like Broadcom announced publicly that theu use TeakLite-III in their products.  [2009-4-22 11:33:18]
[问:chenbu] 有没有使用FFT加速。 
[答:Hukai] we had specific FFT instruction.for 16 bit FFT, 2 cycles per butterfly,for 32 bit FFT, 4 cycles per buterfly  [2009-4-22 11:33:40]
[问:yangsongying] CEVA-TeakLite-III是否可以应用于嵌入式平台?如linux或wince中? 
[答:Eyal] No, because its meant to do DSP work and not OS work.  [2009-4-22 11:33:56]
[问:btgy4008] 在C/C++开发语言环境下,请问你们的DSP软件开发工具支持吗? 
[答:Hukai] support C at this stage.  [2009-4-22 11:34:58]
[问:hjb85] CEVA-TeakLite-III是否能提供32位本地处理能力? 
[答:Hukai] yes, TeakliteIII is current only DSP supporting true 32 bit MAC calculation  [2009-4-22 11:36:25]
[问:txq] 在SOC中针对减少音频延时,专家有何对策? 
[答:Eyal] The audio decompression algorithms has an inherent latency due to their frame size. A proper system structuring and design can make the latency reduced to this minimum, but not beyond that.  For example, to use double buffers scheme, so that the DMA will copy data to one buffer while the DSP works on another buffer, and in general try to run things in parallel to each other.  [2009-4-22 11:36:53]
[问:lyn663013] CEVA-TeakLite-III 与 Oak. DSP 的架构兼容吗 
[答:Hukai] yes, backword compatible.  [2009-4-22 11:37:01]
[问:cheshaolan] 请问CEVA-TeakLite-III对CEVA-TeakLite-II? 、CEVA-TeakLite和CEVA-Oak的兼容性如何? 
[答:Hukai] backword compatible  [2009-4-22 11:37:07]
[问:sunrain618] 与同类产品相比,该处理器的DSP 在处理速度、存储量、接口以及软件编程等方面有什么特点? 
[答:Roly] teaklite-III is very compective in core side, speed, power and performance.  [2009-4-22 11:37:08]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问在中国怎样才能获得CEVA DSP内核许可? 
[答:Hukai] you can talk with me offline, my contact is  [2009-4-22 11:37:43]
[问:cheshaolan] 请问CEVA-TeakLite-III中的指令集是并行指令集么?乘法器是多少位的? 
[答:Hukai] yes, MAC is 32 bit which can be split into 2 16 bit MAC.  [2009-4-22 11:38:06]
[问:yws1234252] CEVA公司有哪些典型的DSP子系统和完整的解决方案 
[答:Roly] every CEVA DSP core has specific subsystem. please contact CEVA for more information.  [2009-4-22 11:39:04]
[问:luoxiang] CEVA-TeakLite-III芯片尺寸或功耗性能是否有所增加 
[答:Hukai] depends on which core you refer to. teakliteIII in fact is the best in BDTI power efficiency benchmark which can be used in mobile appication  [2009-4-22 11:39:05]
[问:yws1234252] CEVA-TeakLite-III 为代码和数据存储提供了一个多大的线性地址空间 
[答:Hukai] 4G  [2009-4-22 11:39:15]
[问:txq] 针对双通道7.1、24M码流的IC设计,CEVA有没有方案? 
[答:Eyal] We can support the most complex Blu-ray use case that include 2 decoders (7.1 ) and 1 encoder. The scenario you describe (2 decoders 7.1 channel and 24mbps each) does not exist in the worst case HD-Audio use case, however, I think we can support it, but keep in mind the big data bandwidth issue (2 times 24Mbps) is not really common for Blu-ray and other formats.  [2009-4-22 11:40:32]
[问:sanfanhua] 如何将DSP内核和其它处理器与外设整合到一起? 
[答:Hukai] we provide subystem with AHB, APB inteface to help you easier integratoin.  [2009-4-22 11:40:32]
[问:sanfanhua] CEVA-TeakLite-III架构可以采用什么样的工艺技术实现? 
[答:Hukai] whatever, 0.13, 90, 65, 45  [2009-4-22 11:40:50]
[问:zhengyingjun] 请问专家,能否详细介绍音色控制包括那些内容?如何进行? 
[答:Hukai] this is postprocessing which can be done on TeakliteIII with sofware running;.  [2009-4-22 11:42:02]
[问:cheshaolan] CEVA-TL3210 和 CEVA-TL3214这两款有什么不同?各适合用于那些方面? 
[答:Eyal] The difference is only in the busses of the memory sub-system. The 3214 maintains compatibility to the Teak/TeakLite older cores in its bus structure by using X/Y/Z busses.  It should be used only by customers who used Teak/TeakLite in the past and want to have a "drop-in" replacement. The 3210 has the more modern bus structure, using 3 AHB-Lite bridges, and it should be used by all new TeakLite-III customers.  [2009-4-22 11:42:22]
[问:txq] CEVA的IP授权,包括SDK及后期服务? 
[答:Hukai] if you wanted, yes. if you were serious, you can talk with me offline , my email is  [2009-4-22 11:42:41]
[问:cyberxx] DSP一般通过哪些软件进行编程?CEVA是否提供专用的软件进行编程? 
[答:Hukai] in fact, no restriction. you can use your familiar tool to program or use our IDE.   [2009-4-22 11:43:51]
[问:hujitust] 请问该内核适合于应用于蓝光DVD的音频解码吗? 
[答:Roly] yes, TeakLiteIII is very suitable for Bluray DVD. Also, there are some customer adopt TeakLiteIII for Bluray already.  [2009-4-22 11:44:30]
[问:sheldon] PPT19页中的quark 16-bit是指什么? 
[答:Eyal] Quark 16bit is a comprehensive subset of the instruction set of the TeakLite-III that can execute all the required functions of the DSP while using 16 bit instructions only. It was designed to maintain small code size while coding the less performance critical 90% of the code.  [2009-4-22 11:44:40]
[问:张志民] CEVA 提供的应用程序支持 CEVA-TeakLite-III吗 
[答:Hukai] yes, we had developed a lot of voice and audio codec based on TeakliteIII. also it supports quite good compiler, so can also easier your own development work.  [2009-4-22 11:44:44]
[问:licki518] 对于贵公司的一些成功案例,最便宜的一套方案成本费用大概多少? 
[答:Hukai] this is more biz related, if you had serious interest, we can talk offline. my email is  [2009-4-22 11:45:07]
[问:cheshaolan] CEVA-TeakLite-III的编译开发工具能否在Linux操作系统上运行? 
[答:Eyal] We are working on Linux release of the software tools. It should be available in few months time frame.  [2009-4-22 11:45:29]
[问:张志民] FFT 加速器有什么作用 
[答:Hukai] it is in fact instruciton rather than hardware accelerator. 2 cycles butterfly for 16 bit FFT, 4 cycles per butterfly for 32 bit FFT. so it is quite fast.  [2009-4-22 11:45:59]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问CEVA公司有哪些典型的DSP子系统和完整的解决方案? 
[答:Hukai] you can refer to our website for complete info.  [2009-4-22 11:46:16]
[问:sheldon] ceva是否提供带有Teaklite-III的实验板? 
[答:Hukai] we can provide it to our licensee.  [2009-4-22 11:46:38]
[问:sanfanhua] Teaklite-III的开发软件支持哪些平台? 
[答:Roly] currently, development tools is on windows platform. Linux version is under development and will be release soon.  [2009-4-22 11:46:45]
[问:fengcui] CEVA-TeakLite-III架构工作电压呢可不可以低于或等于1.5V? 
[答:Hukai] can  [2009-4-22 11:46:54]
[问:btgy4008] 在开发工具方面CEVA一般提供那种软件? 
[答:Hukai] IDE, compiler, assembler, linker, debugger, profiler,  [2009-4-22 11:47:15]
[问:txq] 可配置的子系统与IP授权是一个概念吗? 
[答:Hukai] the subystem is also a IP, you can choose to take it or not.  [2009-4-22 11:47:29]
[问:sunrain618] 采用此处理器设计有何特殊注意事项? 
[答:Roly] As long as cusotmer"s system bus is AMBA, it"s eazy to do integration. very simple.  [2009-4-22 11:47:53]
[问:txq] 请教专家HD Audio IC设计的关键点是什么? 
[答:Hukai] choose the right DSP  [2009-4-22 11:47:58]
[问:张志民] 双 MAC 架构有什么优势 
[答:Eyal] 2 Multiply-ACcumulate units provide twice the performance vs. single MAC DSP on 16bit FIR and IIR type DSP algorithms. It also provide much better performance for voice processing algorithms.  [2009-4-22 11:48:21]
[问:lingf] 降低功耗方面采取了哪些措施?与同类产品相比有没有优势? 
[答:Hukai] it is a long story that how we do to make sure low power. our BDTI powerconsuption benchmark is bestg among all.  [2009-4-22 11:48:47]
[问:cyberxx] 请问目前市面上利用CEVA的先进DSP架构的典型的DSP处理器产品有哪些? 
[答:Roly] please refer to CEVA website for more information of "CEVA inside" product.  [2009-4-22 11:49:02]
[问:txq] 目前我们对ARM、TI的IP有一些了解,CEVA的IP在指标性能上,有哪些优势? 
[答:Hukai] we can talk this offline if you had interest. my email is  [2009-4-22 11:49:15]
[问:txq] CEVA的TeakLite的内核是否专用于HD Audio? 
[答:Hukai] not limited to that. can also do baseband and voice like application.  [2009-4-22 11:49:39]
[问:luoxiang] 和CEVA-TeakLite相比运算速度有多大的提升 
[答:Hukai] 4 times.  [2009-4-22 11:49:46]
[问:txq] 可以支持的DDR都有那些? 
[答:Hukai] ddr-400,800  [2009-4-22 11:49:57]
[问:cyberxx] 此芯片是否具有回声消除(AEC)功能,性能如何? 
[答:Hukai] it is pure software running on our DSP. for more info, need to talk offline after signing nda.  [2009-4-22 11:50:23]
[问:cyberxx] CEVA的DSP架构在工业行业中的抗干扰性能如何? 
[答:Hukai] this depends on customer"s design implementation  [2009-4-22 11:50:38]
[问:txq] 现有一个基于Teak的SOC设计,如果要转换到TeakLite3,难度有多大? 
[答:Eyal] The TeakLite-III has special Teak compatibility mode where it emulates the Teak behaviour in certain cases, thus porting code from Teak to TeakLite-III should be straight forward. However, keep in mind that simple porting will not fully utilize the extra benefits of the TeakLite-III architecture (32 bit MAC, all conditional instructions etc.).   [2009-4-22 11:50:41]
[问:sheldon] Teaklite-III是否是CEVA的X1620 DSP的低端产品? 
[答:Hukai] no TeakliteIII is latest high performance dsp in Teaklite familiar. CEVA-X is total different architecture compared with Teaklite family  [2009-4-22 11:51:23]
[问:xixipost] CEVA Teaklite-III DSP核支持哪些音频声道方案,用于家庭影院的效果如何? 
[答:Roly] TeakLiteIII is very powerful IP. it can applied to almost evry existing audio codec. customer can either develop it or get it from CEVA.  [2009-4-22 11:52:23]
[问:sunrain618] 不同的网络条件下,如何保证VoIP的QoS? 
[答:Eyal] CEVA uses various testing equipment and methodologies and ensure QoS. It also works with its customers to ensure QoS on their equipment.  [2009-4-22 11:52:24]
[问:xixipost] CEVA-TeakLite-III开发工具支持在 VISTA操作系统上运行吗 
[答:Hukai] whehter TeakliteIII SDT can run on VISTA  [2009-4-22 11:53:53]
[问:txq] 在SOC SYSTEM要用到DMA,这占用多大的资源? 
[答:Hukai] we need very little DMA bandwidth in fact.  [2009-4-22 11:54:23]
[问:txq] CEVA提供的整套HDAudio方案都包括那些? 
[答:Roly] DSP IP + S/W codec(DD, DTS and so on)  [2009-4-22 11:54:25]
[问:sanfanhua] 在开发中如何进行调试及优化? 
[答:Hukai] this is long story. you may need a mini training.  [2009-4-22 11:54:39]
[问:zhong05] 高清音频解决方案支持杜比中的哪几种技术? 
[答:Eyal] CEVA supports Dolby Digital Decoder and Encoder, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, and Prologic-IIx. We are also discusses the Dolby roadmap so we can support it. CEVA also supports HE-AAC V1/2 decoder and encoder (currently its owned by Dolby).  [2009-4-22 11:54:41]
[问:xxtaotao] 是否适合在互联网上高性能实时音频传输方案? 
[答:Hukai] yes.  [2009-4-22 11:54:54]
[问:txq] 在SOC中如果使用自己的DMA,哪么CEVA的DMA如何处理? 
[答:Hukai] CEVA will provide you the driver for DMA  [2009-4-22 11:55:07]
[问:txq] CEVA针对基带音频的IP是哪一类? 
[答:Hukai] Teaklite, TeaklieII, TEakliteIII, TEak depends on your cost. performance reuqest  [2009-4-22 11:55:29]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给CEVA公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,CEVA公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2009-4-22 11:55:55]
[问:luoxiang] 是否使用的是64位处理的架构 
[答:Hukai] 32 bit.   [2009-4-22 11:56:02]
[问:xixipost] 蓝牙方案的芯片开发板可以使用DSP? 
[答:Hukai] yes, for AEC,NC like application and also auido   [2009-4-22 11:57:20]
[问:sanfanhua] 针对掌上型多媒体播放器,你们的方案有何优点? 
[答:Hukai] fully software programmable solutoin supporting HD vidoe decoding, and also audio. flexibility and die size. mature and has been taped out by customers  [2009-4-22 11:58:13]
[问:fengcui] how many voice processing algorithms does CEVA-TeakLite-III support? 
[答:Eyal] The short answer is all of them. All the cellular and VoIP voice codecs ported to TeakLite and Teak can run on the TeakLite-III as well, and they are being optimized to it as well. It means all the GSM codecs (NB/WB AMR, FR, HR), CDMA codecs (Qcelp, SMV, EVRC), H.323 (G.723.1, 729AB, 711, 726, 728, 729), also LBR proprietary codecs are supported and public domain codecs.  [2009-4-22 11:58:17]
[问:txq] 如果应用DTS的IC设计,采用.13的IP是否可以? 
[答:Roly] we do have cusotmer tapeout on 65nm.  [2009-4-22 11:59:04]
[问:张志民] 在实际流片前进行原型分析和系统集成 
[答:Eyal] CEVA works with companies like Coware and Carbon design for that. It should be available very soon.  [2009-4-22 11:59:13]
[问:chenbu] CEVA开发工具,可以在哪个发行版本的Linux上运行? 
[答:Hukai] i will check this quesiton,   [2009-4-22 11:59:29]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与CEVA公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请CEVA公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2009-4-22 12:00:01]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的CEVA公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的CEVA公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2009-4-22 12:00:50]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2009-4-22 12:01:04]
CEVA 总部位于加利福尼亚州的圣何塞市,是半导体行业中 DSP(数据信号处理器)核、多媒体 和存储平台的顶级授权商。二十多年以来,CEVA 一直在向世界范围内的顶级半导体及电子公司授权自己的 DSP 核和平台知识产权 (IP)。
我们提供一系列可编程 DSP 核、基于 DSP 的子系统和应用特定的平台,其中包括多媒体、音频、分组语音 (VoP) 、Bluetooth(蓝牙)、串行连接 SCSI 和串行 ATA (SATA)。
我们将自己的技术作为知识产权 (IP) 授权给顶级电子公司,这些电子公司然后会制造和销售基于 CEVA 技术的应用特定集成电路 (ASIC) 和应用特定的标准产品 (ASSP),并且会将这些产品卖给系统公司,以便合并到各种终端产品中。我们的知识产权主要部署在市场销售量高的产品中,无线手持设备(例如手机基带和多媒体解决方案)、便携式多媒体(例如便携式视频播放器和便携式音频播放器)、家庭娱乐(例如 DVD)、存储市场(例如硬盘驱动器)和通讯市场(例如高速串行存储)。
我们的收入包括知识产权许可费、单位提成费和支持费。我们已经建立了一个由专利许可合作伙伴组成的强大网络,他们依赖我们的技术来部署各自的硅解决方案。目前,我们的技术已经被广泛授权,为许多世界顶级的无线和消费电子品牌提供技术支持,其中包括 Atme、Broadcom、EoNex、Freescale、Fujitsu、Hitachi、Infineon、Macronix、Marvell、Maxim、National Semiconductor、nVidia、Oki、Philips、Renesas、ROHM、Samsung、Sharp、Silicon Laboratories、Sony、Spreadtrum、STMicroelectronics、Thomson、VIA、Zoran 等等。在 2005 年,获得我们技术许可的商家出产了 1.15 亿以上利用了 CEVA 技术的芯片,与 2004 年 1.06 亿的数量相比增长了 8%。

在 2002 年 11 月,通过合并 DSPG 的 DSP 知识产权授权分部和 Parthus Technologies plc 公司成立了 CEVA 公司。CEVA 在全球有 200 多名员工,在以色列、爱尔兰和英国设有研发机构,并且在整个欧洲、亚洲和美国都设有销售和支持办事处。CEVA 已经在纳斯达克(股票代码 CEVA)和伦敦证券交易所(股票代码 CVA)上市。