
热门关键字: 直接数字频率合成 PBX InstaSPIN-FOC 整流器 



介绍Silicon Laboratories公司最新推出的具有高可靠,远距离通信的EZRadio,EZRadioPRO,EZRadioLC系列无线芯片的主要特点,该系列芯片为保证高可靠、远距离通信所采取的技术方案以及其在RKE, AMR,Remote controller等无线产品中的软、硬件设计;介绍具有电容触控感应功能的C8051F700系列MCU,介绍其精确快速、稳定可靠、成本低廉的电容触感CDC的专利技术,便于使用的特点及其在触摸屏,触摸按键方面的应用设计。


[问:hnzhengshasha] 请问如果同时按下两个按键,系统会怎么处理?按两个按键或按两次按键的安全时间间隔是多少? 
[答:Alan] The time it takes to scan thru all the channels is less about 1msec. During this time one or two fingers can be detected!  [2009-4-21 10:17:42]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到Silicon Labs公司的专家就“高可靠远距离无线芯片及触摸按键应用方案研讨会”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Silicon Labs公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“高可靠远距离无线芯片及触摸按键应用方案研讨会”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2009-4-21 10:24:35]
[问:yangsongying] 如何理解EZRadio系列自动选择最佳天线? 
[答:changle2003] EZRadioPro有一个选择使用天线分集的寄存器,如果你选择此功能,并且使用两个天线、垂直摆放;EZRadioPro会通过检测RSSI看哪个天线的接收效果好,从而使用那个天线来接收。天线的切换是实时的,只要选择此功能,一切是由EZRadioPro自动处理。  [2009-4-21 10:27:53]
[问:hujitust] 请问设计过程中,在保证触摸灵敏性的同时防止误触发上有什么比较好的方法? 
[答:ljl_xyz] SILICON LABS的电容触摸专利技术有着很高的信噪比. 同时我们也提供了相应的人机接口软件,用户可以使用这些软件来校准触摸触发的一些参数, 比如门限值等, 以获得更好的性能. 关于信噪比, 门限设置, 在SILICON LABS网站可以找到相关的应用笔记.  [2009-4-21 10:29:20]
[问:Don996] 请问贵司的无线芯片传输采用何种纠错机制及相应的码型?传输距离对传输可靠性的影响如何? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 您好!Ssi4432支持Manchester Encoding, and CRC,其中crc支持 00: CCITT 01: CRC-16 (IBM) 10: IEC-16 11: Biacheva   [2009-4-21 10:33:09]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 电容式和电阻式相比最大优点在哪里? 
[答:Alan] Resistive panel is cheaper and provide higher resolution but cannot support multi-touch. Capacitive is more expensive, but can support multi-touch and more reliable!  [2009-4-21 10:33:22]
[问:mtlflower] SI443X系列的各项指标确实相当强大,比竞争对手领先,它的功耗如何呢?使用了哪些技术以降低功耗 
[答:changle2003] Si4432的功耗,在关断模式下为10nA(具体参考EZRadioPro的资料各模式的功耗表)。Si4432的如果功能可以降低功耗:从关断模式到发射或接收模式的时间很短;有多种工作模式选择,每个模式的功耗不同,可以根据你的要求选择最合适的;定时唤醒查询方式;使用分集天线(因为接收效果好可以降低发射功率);灵敏度高-118dBm,这样发射功率可以降低,等等。  [2009-4-21 10:36:50]
[问:lpgoal] 触摸按键的EMI问题是怎么解决的?有些什么好的建议 
[答:Craig] We are characterizing F700 EMI in system and will be able to provide further details in the future.  [2009-4-21 10:37:45]
[问:luoqinghua] 组成的网络最大支持多少个节点 
[答:Panzhuojin] 这取决于所采用的组网算法  [2009-4-21 10:38:06]
[问:eejjyy] 您好!我想知道贵公司的远距离无线传输方案的传输频率是多少?如何保证无线传输的抗干扰性和可靠性?在EMC方案有没有特点?谢谢! 
[答:shouzhoudd] 240~930MHz 在硬件上我们有20dbm的tx power和-118dbm的灵敏度,还有很好的选择度,这些足以来保证。另外软件上也可以设计一些协议。 EMC方面我们通过FCC和ETSI的要求。   [2009-4-21 10:38:29]
[问:lingf] 触摸应用方案中,表面的水、油对按键影响有多大?能否正常工作? 
[答:Menduo] 表面有少量水不会影响按键的正常工作。  [2009-4-21 10:38:54]
[问:xxtaotao] 您好,红外线式和感应电容式触摸屏都能够支持多点触控,请问哪个应用更多,更好,更广泛? 
[答:Alan] IR-touch panels are commonly used for Larger Panels and targeted for Industrial and Medical applications. Capacitive are best for smaller panels for consumer applications like cell phones, PDA, picture frames.  [2009-4-21 10:39:12]
[问:hujitust] 若产品开发后或使用过程中感应电容发生变化,会有什么影响?如何处理? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 电容的变化对触摸的结果会产生影响. 所以触摸按键的校准, 门限设定都是非常重要的.  [2009-4-21 10:39:29]
[问:hugejun] 1.请问高可靠远距离无线芯片传输速率带宽和是否和距离有关系?大概是什么对应关系,比如每增加100米,速率要降低多少? 2.无线芯片的功耗多少? 3.无线芯片频段多少? 4.无线芯片是否支持组网功能? 5.无线芯片发射功率多少? 6.辐射是否对周围器件产生影响? 7.如何采取屏蔽措施? 
[答:Nick] high data rates can reduce range since there is more chance a bit may be blocked, whereas a longer bit has better chances to get through   [2009-4-21 10:39:30]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2009-4-21 10:39:34]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2009-4-21 10:40:45]
[问:bzgouj88] 请问:对实时性要求非常强的无线控制如何保证它的实时要求和可靠性 
[答:shouzhoudd] 那应该要提高一次成功的概率。除了要找tx power和灵敏度高的方案,还要注意data rate及包长等参数的设置  [2009-4-21 10:41:27]
[问:btgy4008] 请问多路复用器是MCU内部集成的还是需要在外部增加?用多路模拟开关来选择不同的开关可以吗? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 内部的.F700系列电容触摸除了外部的电容按键, 不需要任何其他的外围器件了. F700最多支持32个电容触摸通道. 具体的相关信息, 请参考F700的DATASHEET.  [2009-4-21 10:42:32]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 请问贵公司的这个电容触控式按键感测解决方案是单点触摸还是多点触摸还是多点触摸位置识别方案? 
[答:Jhon] C8051F700芯片的电容触控有32路输入,使用这32路输入可以实现多点触摸。  [2009-4-21 10:42:58]
[问:hujitust] 请教专家,在进行近距离无线通信设计时,在硬件设计方面有哪些是需要特别注意的? 
[答:Nick] follow rules. many of the problems people experience are from parasitics. We will shortly be releasing an app note to explain this . Also cheaper isn"t always better. Cheaper radios are designed to be low cost, not reliable. in radio you definatley get what you pay for. cheap also means design problems so engineering time can make the difference   [2009-4-21 10:43:58]
[问:yangsongying] EZRadio系列可以解决天线分集的问题吗?需要哪些途径? 
[答:Nick] Any radio can support antenna diversity when run on the micro, however the problem is that radio and micro is alive. using current. EZRadioPRO is the only radio of it kind that runs antenna diversity ON THE RADIO - where it belongs. micro stays asleep and therefore you have the best power conserving product. remember its the total bom that counts  [2009-4-21 10:45:53]
[问:luoqinghua] 该芯片有对射频信号数据帧的SDF信号产生吗? 
[答:Nick] the 4432 and the 2420/2500 are differnt frequencies. Anything in 2.4GHz will use ALOT more power than anything in subGHz. 4432 is by definition a lower power consuming part than the 2420 and 2500  [2009-4-21 10:47:09]
[问:shaoziyang] 对于无线抄表的应用,Si443X在最大功率下可以保证穿透多少层楼房? 
[答:Nick] Zigbee runs on a 15.4 platform. EZRadioPRO is designed to run proprietary protocols that are typically under 8 or 4K. ZigBee requires 128K since it is a standard. You will pay alot more for a ZigBee implementation in terms of both power and $$  [2009-4-21 10:48:34]
[问:weidong] 请问如果采用Si4432在433M无线通讯波特率1.2k时, 发送比较可靠的最小的数据包大约会需要多少时间。 我的方案接收方计划长时间睡眠,需要计算一定间隔 接收数据工作的最少时间。 
[答:shouzhoudd] 我想你的问题是不是指可靠接收时的最小包会是多长? 我们现在版本芯片preamble最短20bits,sync word最少1byte,在加上你的data.再根据你的data rate你自己可以算下的。  [2009-4-21 10:48:43]
[问:luoqinghua] 其功耗如何?与TI的CC2420 CC2520的比较上如何 
[答:Nick] anything...  [2009-4-21 10:49:13]
[问:tage] 以前的C8051F都没有EEPROM 为什么7系列的有32byte的EEPROM,有什么特殊用途吗?以后的产品都会带EEPROM吗?另外感觉32byte太小了,256,512byte就够用了。 
[答:Jhon] C8051F700内部EEPROM可以用于保存一些校准的参数及非易失性的数据。  [2009-4-21 10:50:09]
[问:hzchem] 请问基于双向FSK(频移键控)收发器的设计与单向OOK类型应用的设计主要有那些优点 
[答:changle2003] OOK为开关键控,即如NRZ码发“1”时有调制信号输出,“0”时没有;这样容易干扰,功耗高,生产调试麻烦,零件多、发送和接收频率漂移(距离缩短)。我们的FSK芯片它具有抗干扰能力强,自动天线调谐(多波段天线)、低功耗占空比模式、低平均电流、无需专门的RF开发经验、生产调试简单。等等优点。随着对产品的升级,FSK会越来越成为主流。   [2009-4-21 10:50:33]
[问:sanfanhua] 如何减少外界带来的干扰 比如温度 湿度 
[答:shouzhoudd] 穿墙能力和介质有关,屏蔽性越好的墙穿透性越差。  [2009-4-21 10:50:49]
[问:shaoziyang] 请问专家,在哪里可以下载到Si443x的设计参考和相关的天线设计参考资料? 
[答:Nick]  [2009-4-21 10:51:01]
[问:cheas] 是否有信息甄别功能 可否有效的甄别虚假信息 接受真实信息 
[答:Alan] Please be more specific about your question.  [2009-4-21 10:51:26]
[问:cheas] EZRadioPRO具有很强的穿墙能力 其传播介质有何限制 
[答:shouzhoudd] 很介质有关的,屏蔽性越好的墙穿透性越差。  [2009-4-21 10:51:54]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 请问按键的延时达到多少?延时主要是由物理原因决定的,还是由软件或算法决定的? 
[答:Jhon] 按键采用的是CDC技术,每个通道的采样的时间最快为40uS.这是由芯片的CDC硬件决定的。  [2009-4-21 10:52:08]
[问:hujitust] 处理器在代码保护上采取了什么措施吗? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 我们的MCU可以设置FLASH读写保护.  [2009-4-21 10:52:50]
[问:sunrain618] 频段、Baudrate、发射功率等应该都可以灵活设置吧?空旷地能传输多远等? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 对的。我们国外做的实验是可以做到2公里。  [2009-4-21 10:52:53]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 支持多个手指同时触摸按键吗? 
[答:Jhon] 支持!  [2009-4-21 10:53:49]
[问:hujitust] 该款处理器有几种低功耗方式?从睡眠模式唤醒需多长时间? 
[答:ljl_xyz] F700有IDLE, STOP, SUSPEND等低功耗模式. 另外我们的超低功耗F9XX系列支持SLEEP摸式, 睡眠电流仅60nA左右. 唤醒时间为2uS. 单节电模式下为10uS.  [2009-4-21 10:56:41]
[问:skyhellman] 贵公司的远距离无线传输方案的组网算法主要包括哪些? 
[答:Nick] the chips are designed for proprieatary protocols so you can create whatever you wish. We provide a number of reference codes for our customers. They are available under the EZMac product line.  [2009-4-21 10:56:54]
[问:joiny] 在设计触摸按键式,如何更好的去除抖动? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 还是和软件的校准, 门限设置有很大关系. 请参考我们相关的应用笔记, AN366,AN367等.  [2009-4-21 10:58:05]
[问:springsnow_119] 请问高可靠远距离无线芯片及触摸按键,它们之间是怎么传递信号的,通过什么格式达成协议? 
[答:changle2003] MCU检测到触摸按键后,转换为数字信息;再通过SPI送给无线芯片,无线芯片发送出去。通信协议可以由你自己定义,只要你收发两端使用同一格式就行。  [2009-4-21 10:58:21]
[问:joiny] 如果唤醒休眠中的芯片,响应时间有多少? 
[答:Craig] Current data sheets are still listed as TBD.  Similar devices using the Suspend mode are less than 6us.  In some devices the wake up time is less than 2us.  Check the website for the most current release of the data sheet.  [2009-4-21 10:58:47]
[问:mtlflower] C8051F的电源电压为2.7-3.6V?那如何与更高电压的系统接口呢,例如5、13等 
[答:ljl_xyz] C80F51的大部分IO口在数字状态下都能直接承受5V信号. 更高的电压,则要通过转换之后才能相接.  [2009-4-21 10:59:57]
[问:iketty] 多点触控的能力如何?精度? 
[答:Menduo] 电容式的触摸按键的性能精确可靠。  [2009-4-21 11:00:40]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 感应技术最怕干扰,有时一个来电就会改变电容触摸按键的程序,怎么解决这个问题呢 ? 
[答:Craig] The C2D converter provides hardware averaging to decrease the noise in the system.  Other noise affects can be handled using the CapSense API.  The next release of the APIs provide baselining and more robust techniques for handling noisy environments.  [2009-4-21 11:00:59]
[问:skyhellman] 请教专家,在进行近距离无线通信设计时,是否考虑信息保密之类的安全机制? 
[答:shouzhoudd] si4432硬件上没有这个机制,需要软件去实现。   [2009-4-21 11:01:47]
[问:hjb85] 请问基本带频率是多少,可靠的最远传输距离是多少,能否提供样品和手册呢,谢谢专家 
[答:changle2003] 我不太明“基本带频”是不是支持的频段。我们EZRadio的频段有315M、433M、868M、915M,发射功率达7dBm,接收灵敏度-110dBm,收发距离约为200M(空旷)。我们EZRadioPro的频率从240-960M连续可调,发射功率达20dBm,接收灵敏度高-118dBm,收发距离可达2000M(空旷)。如你需要样品和手册,可以跟新华龙联系。  [2009-4-21 11:04:02]
[问:mtlflower] 请问C8051F700的功耗如何?有几种电源管理模式?低功耗应用中如何配置?谢谢 
[答:ljl_xyz] 具体的功耗参数目前在我们的DATASHEET中还是TBD. 之后更新后会有详细的参数. STOP模式应该在100uA以下(可以通过电容按键唤醒). F700支持IDEL, STOP, SUSPEND模式. 有相关的寄存器可以进行配置.  [2009-4-21 11:04:22]
[问:btgy4008] C8051F700可以同时监测多少路的按键动作?处理速度能达到多少 ? 
[答:Keith] Thank you for your question.  The capacitive sense peripheral is designed to be very easy to use.  Also, there is a firmware API to make this very easy.  Please see Silabs application notes AN338, AN366, and AN367.  These will explain the basics of the cap sense.  Also, we have a GUI that is used to configure cap sense.  Visit for complete information!   For price, it will depend upon which "F700 MCU (there are 15 parts), and the volume.  It will be best to contact New China Dragon for pricing information.  [2009-4-21 11:04:51]
[问:sheldon] 触摸按键的扫描频率大概是多少? 
[答:Alan] We can scan 1 row or column in 40usec. We have 32 channels on the F700.  [2009-4-21 11:05:03]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 目前,TI和CYPRESS等半导体公司都相继推出了感应电容式的触控式解决方案,请问,和这些公司相比,贵公司的产品在哪些方面会有更优异的表现? 
[答:Craig] There are many techniques for capacitive sensing out there.  Silicon Labs devices handle a method called the relaxation oscillator and the C2D converter of the F700.  The F700 provides a direct current measurement with 16 bit resolution and can connect the sensor pad directly to the MCU pin.  There are no biasing components required.  The C2D converter of the F700 is also able to provide high SNR so that system design is easier enabling the potential to reduce cost.  In addition the fast sample time allows more robust algorithms to be deployed while maintaining a high pad count for the system.  The differential design of the C2D converter also provides immunity to power supply noise and DC offsets.  Check out the application notes on the Silicon Labs website for more information.  [2009-4-21 11:06:03]
[问:xxtaotao] 请问专家,布带按键的PCB板时,有哪些是必须注意不能违反的? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 我们有相关的应用笔记建议如何LAYOUT PCB按键. 比如AN338.  [2009-4-21 11:06:10]
[问:hujitust] 进行触摸按键产品设计时的干扰主要来自哪方面?如何应对? 
[答:Keith] There are a variety of system factors that can impact the sensing margins. Variations can occur in any of the following aspects of a touch sense system: ? Temperature ? Humidity ? Supply voltage ? PCB, Flex, Substrate, or glass ? Overlay variation ? Air Gap ? Adhesive The greatest impact on margin is often the mechanical design of the capacitive sensor and its connections. For optimal SNR, embedded designers must implement optimal sensor layouts. Here are some key areas of concern: ? Minimizing stray capacitance ? Maximizing sensor size within the constraints of neighboring sensors and overlays ? Minimizing overlay thicknesses ? Avoiding conductive overlays that span beyond the sensor area ? Avoiding air gaps For additional information on capacitive sensing and layout considerations, see Silicon Labs Application Note AN338 “Capacitive Touch Sense Solution.”  [2009-4-21 11:06:22]
[问:chenbu] 触摸按键的响应时间大概是多少? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 40uS左右  [2009-4-21 11:06:27]
[问:hjb85] 在应用C8051F700系列的MCU设计时,触摸按键该如何选择,对它的要求是不是很高呢 
[答:ljl_xyz] 请参考我们的应用笔记,AN338  [2009-4-21 11:06:50]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 水和潮湿空气对电容有影响,容易产生误操作,我们怎么解决这个问题? 
[答:Craig] The next revision of the Capacitive Sensing API will address environmental affects of capacitive sensing system.  [2009-4-21 11:07:09]
[问:sanfanhua] 如何得到EZRadio,EZRadioPRO,EZRadioLC系列无线芯片的详细资料? 
[答:Nick] EZRadio and EZRadioPRO documentation can be found on our website EZRadioLC is not publically released until Q309 however if you talk with our sales team they will be able to provide details under NDA.  [2009-4-21 11:07:24]
[问:xxtaotao] 电容按键需软件处理的模块很多,如去抖、按键比较检测,请问有完整的模板代码吗? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 我们有capacitive sensing api可以直接提供给用户使用.  [2009-4-21 11:08:19]
[问:dwwzl] 无线方案的抗干扰性如何?不如用在重载机上? 
[答:changle2003] 我们的FSK芯片抗干扰能力非常强。我们有客户用在起重机的控制上,并且通过FCC、EMI等认证。  [2009-4-21 11:08:31]
[问:lingf] 请问无线芯片的抗干扰能力如何?在工业场合可以应用吗? 
[答:Nick] Yes all can be done directly by EZRadioPRO or if you wish to over-ride an MCU can do it. However support is given directly by EZRadioPRO.  [2009-4-21 11:08:57]
[问:neo_bright] 请问潘老师:ezradiopro的天线分级算法是硬件实现的么? 
[答:Panzhuojin] EZRadioPRO的天线分集算法是完全由硬件实现的。  [2009-4-21 11:09:22]
[问:mtlflower] 专家你好,请问C8051F700系列的SPI总线最大能够达到多大传输速度?能够2MHz可以吗,3M?如何配置? 
[答:Craig] For master mode the SPI rate is 12.5MHz or half the system clock...whichever is slower.  For slave mode it is 1/10 the system clock.  [2009-4-21 11:10:08]
[问] 我关心有电容触控感应功能的C8051F700系列MCU,触摸按键方面的应用设计,复杂程度如何?价格如何? 
[答:Keith] The "F700 is designed to have a very easy to use capacitive touch sense peripheral.  Also, a firmware API library is provided along with a software GUI for configuration.  It is as easy as using an ADC. However, you will want to read application notes AN338, AN366, and AN367 for more information.  I recommend you get a kit part number KEYBOARDEK to evaluate our solution. For pricing, there are 15 part numbers in the "F700 family, and volume to purchase will affect price.  Please contact New China Dragon for the best pricing information!  [2009-4-21 11:10:30]
[问] 我对无钥匙进入系统比较感兴趣,可我们也常常听到汽车用无钥匙系统被干扰出现被盗现象,请问专家应用无线系统安全问题如何解决。 
[答:shouzhoudd] 我们有专门的芯片来做RKE的,如有兴趣可继续关注我们后续芯片si4010.  [2009-4-21 11:10:53]
[问:朔方风子] EZRadio系列芯片有没有硬件级别的差错控制和重传机制? 
[答:Nick] yes this can be done directly by EZRadioPRO or can be handled by a micro if desired, however yes EZRadioPRO can do this directly  [2009-4-21 11:11:02]
[问:hjb85] MCU支持C8051的全系列单片机C2接口呢,我感觉32byte有点小,请问以后会推出大点的吗 
[答:Nick] sorry i dont understand the question  [2009-4-21 11:11:20]
[问:dwwzl] 无线数据可靠传输速率最高达到多少?距离要求1.5公里 
[答:changle2003] 使用我们的EZRadioPro产品,如果空旷要达到1.5KM,数率可达8Kbps(根据不同的应用而不同)。  [2009-4-21 11:11:29]
[问:hujitust] 进行触摸感应设计的PCB设计,有什么需要特别注意的地方,贵公司有没有相关的应用笔记可以提供? 
[答:Craig] AN338 covers different pad topologies and overlay materials.  New pad topologies can be found on some reference designs such as the F700 development kit and the Music Keyboard evaluation kit.  [2009-4-21 11:12:03]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问是否具有掉电数据保存的功能? 
[答:Nick] I dont understand "power-down data"  [2009-4-21 11:12:06]
[问:chenbu] 谐振电路的中心频率偏移都可能降低其发射功率。请问用什么方法能改善其精度? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 对。所以需要精确调整匹配电路。我们会提供给客户特定频率的匹配值的。  [2009-4-21 11:12:21]
[问:sanfanhua] 影响电容触控的精度有那些因素?在使用时要注意什么问题? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 人体, 按键表面环境的变化, 温度, 线路寄生电容等都有影响. 因此PCB的布局, 软件中对与触摸触发参数的设定都是非常重要的.  [2009-4-21 11:12:46]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 针对不同环境(高低温、不同湿度)的应用,需要进行一些什么样的参数设置或不同的处理?用户可以设定的还是固定的? 
[答:Alan] Can you be more specific about this question? Which product?  [2009-4-21 11:12:57]
[问:toshinecdk] 采用天线分集算法是否必须用两个天线才能实现 
[答:Nick] yes antenna diversity requires two antennas at about 1/4 wavelength apart. The signal on both antennas is compared and teh stonger signal is selected. If you refer back to te presentation you will see two slides that explain this. One with a house and one with a sine wave.  [2009-4-21 11:13:59]
[问:lyn663013] 请问如何才能降低对微处理器和软件的要求 
[答:Craig] The F700 can autonomously operate and accumulate mutliple sample thereby reducing the software overhead.  It can also wake the CPU from low power modes.  In addition there is auto-scan logic that reduces the overhead of scanning and mainaining the channel index required in other solutions.  Window comparator functions also alleviate any overhead of trying to determine a valid key press threshold.  [2009-4-21 11:15:23]
[问:shaoziyang] EZRadioPRO的抗干扰性能如何?对于同一频段内其他设备的信号是否会干扰EZRadioPRO的正常工作? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 我们的性能很好,您可以参考我们data sheet中selectivity, blocking,IR 等参数。只要在我们参数范围的干扰都没有问题。  [2009-4-21 11:16:52]
[问:lingf] 触摸按键的灵敏度可以调节吗?如何适应温度及个体的差异?  
[答:ljl_xyz] F700的CDC模块有多个模式可供选择.可以通过设置CONVERSION ACCUMULATOR来对同一个通道进行多次采样,取均值的方法来获得更好的精确度.  [2009-4-21 11:17:02]
[问:ppfeng] si4432的频率范围为240~930MHz,但参考设计电路图上不同的fre-band却又不同的电容、电感值,如何理解? 
[答:Nick] the device can operate at any frequency between 240 and 930, however an antenna is tuned only to one frequency, by definition. The matching network aligns the antenna to the input of the radio. Example: a car can drive between 1 and 100 MPH but the wheels still need to be round, the round wheels are matched to the car just like the antenna needs to be matched to the radio.  [2009-4-21 11:17:07]
[问:tongxuelin] 您好,我们想开发一款通信距离在20米内且能穿透一到两道墙的控制器,希望能得到专家们的芯片方案建议,需考虑成本,谢谢!  
[答:changle2003] 我们EZRadio芯片完全可以满足你的要求,如果是单向的就用SI4021+SI4320;如果双向就选SI4421。整个成本在FSK产品中是最低的。  [2009-4-21 11:18:27]
[问:guojun0718] 主机和分机可以测距和测角度吗?也就是说能否小范围的定位? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 很难,和周边介质环境有关。只能粗略的测距。  [2009-4-21 11:18:59]
[问:skyhellman] 触摸应用方案中,如何提高灵敏度? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 关于灵敏度的问题, 请参考我们的应用笔记AN367.我们有推荐的公式让用户来设定触发门限值.   [2009-4-21 11:19:12]
[问:cdlongaidong] 如何解决触摸延迟时间过长的问题 
[答:ljl_xyz] F700 CDC模块的转换时间为40uS, 已经是非常快的了.  [2009-4-21 11:20:08]
[问:gaojun21cn] 目前今天大多数新应用都是基于双向FSK收发器的设计,贵公司是否还会研发基于单向OOK类型上的产品?后者是否即将会被淘汰? 
[答:Nick] Our products support OOK, FSK GFSK and so forth. OOK is not a very robust method since it operates in the same way noise does, but it is cheap. FSK is much more robust but a little more complicated to do and so the radios are a little more expensive. Silabs supports designers of OOK and FSK, one way and two way designs. Personally i would not recommend using OOK for any wireless link anymore since electronically there is more and more noise and yet people expect robustness.  [2009-4-21 11:20:22]
[问:hjb85] EZRadioPRO的穿透能力如何 
[答:shouzhoudd] 穿透能力主要由发射功率, 灵敏度,频率,调制等决定。我们的方案很有优势。  [2009-4-21 11:20:51]
[问:chenbu] 对于远距离的RFID应用中,贵公司产品安全性如何。用什么加密方式? 
[答:Nick] People implement many encryption algorithms. The most common is AES128.  [2009-4-21 11:20:59]
[问:hjb85] 请教能不能通过改变设置或者晶振,使得载波频率工作于50-150M赫兹范围来工作 
[答:Nick] sorry this cannot be done on the current EZRadioPRO family  [2009-4-21 11:21:22]
[问:sanfanhua] 贵公司产品中的芯片产品中是否都是模拟芯片,有带控制端口的芯片吗?是哪些型号?具体都有支持那些类端口?有VBus端口吗? 
[答:Alan] We have over 200 high performance mixed signal MCUs available today. Please visit our website ( or contact our distributors for more information!  [2009-4-21 11:21:27]
[问:xxtaotao] 是否可以通过在按纽上并联电容的办法来增强可靠性? 
[答:Keith] Thank you for the question.   If I understand correctly, the question is if adding a capacitance in parallel will increase the reliability? This will depend upon the technique used.  In general, making a measurement in parallel, or making a differential measurement can help reduce noise.  However, the best techniques (or best architectures) will make a differential measurement against a known, internal, calibrated capacitance to make a good measurement. So, with the Silicon Labs cap sense on the "F700, adding more capacitance in parallel will only increase the size of the capacitance and will not likely improve the measurement.  [2009-4-21 11:22:58]
[问:btgy4008] 请问电容式触摸按键和电阻式触摸按键各有什么优缺点?抗干扰能力哪个更强? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 各有优缺点.比较典型的是电租式很难实现多点触摸, 而电容式可以. 但是对于手写, 相对的电阻式实现起来较电容式更为容易. 而从持久性来说, 电容触摸有更长的持久力.   [2009-4-21 11:24:08]
[问:lyn663013] 在远距离定位中,障碍主要来自那些方面 
[答:shouzhoudd] 传输介质的不确定,天线的方向性等。  [2009-4-21 11:24:49]
[问:bzgouj88] 请问多组si4432的点对点应用,其相互间的频率间隔为多少呢 
[答:changle2003] 这间隔跟你选的DEVIATION有关,一般大于2倍DEVIATION就可以。  [2009-4-21 11:24:55]
[问:btgy4008] 触摸按键到MCU的连线长度有没有限制,可不可以把触摸键做到面板上通过排线连接到MCU? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 连线长度不会有太大影响, 即使有, 通过软件校准也可以把影响最小化. 因此可以把按键做到面板上.  [2009-4-21 11:26:31]
[问:cyberxx] 感应电容触摸屏和表面电容触摸屏能支持覆盖物最大的厚度是多少? 
[答:Keith] This is difficult to answer as this will depend upon the geometry of the touch keys, the distance the finger will be due to laminate (plastic) coverings, and other factors.  However, the practical answer is you must account for the size of the finger.  If a large finger touches keys too close together, this can cause problems. So really, the answer is depending alot on the size of fingers. However, many products can place keys close together on smaller products by measuring the amount of change on many switches, and deciding which key had the largest change.  Some digital processing, like interpolation can help with this.  This is similar to techniques used on touch screens. Thank you for your question.  [2009-4-21 11:27:18]
[问] 触摸按键两键间的最小允许间距是多少? 
[答:Keith] This is difficult to answer as this will depend upon the geometry of the touch keys, the distance the finger will be due to laminate (plastic) coverings, and other factors.  However, the practical answer is you must account for the size of the finger.  If a large finger touches keys too close together, this can cause problems. So really, the answer is depending alot on the size of fingers. However, many products can place keys close together on smaller products by measuring the amount of change on many switches, and deciding which key had the largest change.  Some digital processing, like interpolation can help with this.  This is similar to techniques used on touch screens. Thank you for your question.  [2009-4-21 11:27:25]
[问:shaoziyang] Silicon是否有专为EZRadioPRO开发的组网通信协议?? 
[答:Craig] There are many factors that affect the relative capacitance change of touch sensitive switches.  Pad design is a major contributor to the overall sensitivity of the switch.  Solid pads exhibit a large change in capacitance while maintaining a low idle capacitance which is desirable.  Parasitic capacitance, or the proximity and potential voltage that exists near the pads and the traces connecting the pad to the MCU, also affects the sensitivity.  The dielectric constant of the overlay material and it"s thickness change the overall system level parameters affecting the change in capacitance by varying the distance to the pad that the conductive object can acheive.  [2009-4-21 11:27:34]
[问:leonqin] 如果无线组网的话,有什么协议推荐吗 
[答:changle2003] 如果你组网的数量不多的话,可以用我们的EZMAC协议。  [2009-4-21 11:28:09]
[问:hjb85] 要在已有的产品中用触摸式按键取代机械式按键需要哪些工作,另外对它的尺寸和规格有何要求呢,谢谢 
[答:ljl_xyz] 请参考我们相关的应用笔记,AN338,AN366,AN367. F700的CDC模块以及capacitive senseing API等软件能够帮助客户快速的实现电容触摸.  [2009-4-21 11:28:26]
[问:sanfanhua] 贵公司在北京是否有办事处?如何联系? 
[答:Alan] You can get our Beijing office address from   [2009-4-21 11:29:46]
[问:cyberxx] 对于触摸开关,怎样有效的提高灵敏度? 
[答:Keith] This is easily done by setting a low threshold setting.  The cap sense peripheral outputs a digital code.  Software can monitor for very small changes using the 16-bit output of the "F700 cap sense peripheral. However, the capacitance should be larger to minimize effects of noise. It is common to use a larger trace around a board or wire to sense for proximity sensing, for example.  [2009-4-21 11:30:17]
[问:btgy4008] 几个C8051F700的MCU可以协同做成触摸键盘矩阵吗,有没有应用案例? 
[答:ljl_xyz] 一个C8051F700最多有32个触摸通道, 因此可以做成16x16的矩阵.足够标准键盘的按键布局. 我们稍后会有对应矩阵的应用.  [2009-4-21 11:30:45]
[问:xxtaotao] 请问面板厚度和材质对感测有什么影响 是否越薄越好呢 
[答:Craig] The thinner the material the more sensitive the pad will be.  The equation for capacitance is C = (permeativity of the material)* A/d.  Where d is the distance.  When you decrease the thickness of the material then you increase the capacitance.  The thickness for the application has to be able to support the use cases of the product however.  [2009-4-21 11:31:20]
[问:hjb85] 随着双向FSK收发器的普遍应用,您公司是否还会研发基于单向OOK类型的产品 
[答:Menduo] Our products support OOK, FSK GFSK and so forth. OOK is not a very robust method since it operates in the same way noise does, but it is cheap. FSK is much more robust but a little more complicated to do and so the radios are a little more expensive. Silabs supports designers of OOK and FSK, one way and two way designs. Personally i would not recommend using OOK for any wireless link anymore since electronically there is more and more noise and yet people expect robustness.  [2009-4-21 11:32:22]
[问:jiang.xie] 电容触控怎样校准?有接口函数吗? 
[答:Jhon] 我们有提供相应的参考程序。可以与新华龙电子公司的技术人员联系!  [2009-4-21 11:33:27]
[问:Don996] 请问EZRadioPro发射/接收频率切换时间是多少? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 200us  [2009-4-21 11:34:32]
[问:luoqinghua] 在射频芯片的输出天线连接需要阻抗匹配吗?有参考电路还是有专用的匹配器件? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 有的。有参考电路  [2009-4-21 11:34:55]
[问:yangsongying] EZRadio系列的开发软件支持哪些平台? 
[答:shouzhoudd] 可以用silabs MCU的开发平台,我们会提供参考代码。  [2009-4-21 11:36:11]
[问:commandoccz] 触摸按键的走线是不是必须离单片机比较近?能不能用排线延长? 
[答:Craig] When designing touch sensitive switches we must keep in mind we are measuring the relative change in capacitance.  The more idle capacitance we add the less change that can be detected.  When designing the switches you want to maximize the change in capacitance.  Longer runs of traces or cables are more susceptible to parasitic capacitance which increases the idle capacitance and may be more susceptible to noise.  Locating a pad is really a system level design constraint.  THe Human Interface Studio GUI can aid in the characterization of the pads in the system and will allow you to see the change in counts from the converter and set the appropriate thresholds.  [2009-4-21 11:36:49]
[问:hnzhengshasha] 铜箔走线间隔最大不能超过多少?有具体值吗? 
[答:Nick] Use 50 Ohm grounded coplanar lines where possible for connecting the matching network, the switch and/or the SMA connector(s) to reduce sensitivity to PCB thickness variation. This will also reduce radiation and coupling effects. An example based on 1.5mm thick substrate can be seen below:           f=240…930 MHz T=0.035 mm Er=4.5 G=0.25 mm H=1.5 mm W=1.26 mm where: g is the distance between tracks, w is the width of the track, t is the copper thickness, h is the board thinkness. We will be releasing an app note on theis shortly.   [2009-4-21 11:37:13]
[问:shaoziyang] EZRadioPRO对于同频段内的其他信号,是否有硬件的自动过滤? 
[答:Nick] sorry i dont understand the question   [2009-4-21 11:37:44]
[问:hzchem] 使用Silicon Labs提供的完整套装工具,对设计人员来说有那些具体的要求? 
[答:Nick] Yes WDS is our wireless set of tools that come on 2 CDROMs inside the development kit  [2009-4-21 11:38:17]
[问:cheas] 无线气象站实例可实现全自动灌水 可以实现灌水量的控制吗 
[答:Nick] certianly, used with a microcontroller you can achieve many applications like this  [2009-4-21 11:38:55]
[问:liyanhua] 触摸按键有记忆功能么?即“掉电再次上电时,按键都初始化么”? 
[答:Craig] Yes.  Typically, values are stored in the flash and updated during initialization.  [2009-4-21 11:39:16]
[问:bzgouj88] 请问:传输距离与数据传输速率的关系? 
[答:Nick] usually the lower the data rate the longer the range.  [2009-4-21 11:39:21]
[问:sheldon] 采用天线分集算法是否会增加功率的损耗? 
[答:Nick] not really. because it is in the radio rather than the micro there is no noticable overhead as the algorithm happens while the radio does other things. If antenna diversity was implemented with other radios and then you would need the micro awake and in that case yes. This is why EZRadioPRO is so good; you get antenna diversity without the current consumption overhead.  [2009-4-21 11:41:20]
[问:joiny] 在设计无线产品时,有什么需要特别注意的地方? 
[答:Nick] With the development kit we provide 2 CDROMS with utilities and tools to help you design very high quality radios.  [2009-4-21 11:42:14]
[问:mtlflower] SI443X消除天线盲区的自动调整技术是怎么样的一种机制,能否详细说明一下,或者哪里有关于此的详细介绍?谢谢 
[答:Nick] are you refering to antenna diversity here?  [2009-4-21 11:42:36]
[问:neo_bright] SI4021+SI4320这样组合,10k定量,价格大概是多少? 
[答:Nick] for the pricing please speak to you local sales distributor  [2009-4-21 11:43:00]
[问:mp44] EZRADIO对大棚塑料布的穿透能力怎么样? 
[答:shouzhoudd] Can EZRADIO go through plastic shielding for vegetable planting?  [2009-4-21 11:46:48]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Silicon Labs公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Silicon Labs公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2009-4-21 11:58:22]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Silicon Labs公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Silicon Labs公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2009-4-21 11:58:58]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Silicon Labs公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Silicon Labs公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2009-4-21 11:59:17]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2009-4-21 11:59:34]
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Silicon Labs(亦称“芯科科技”,NASDAQ:SLAB)是致力于以安全、智能无线技术建立更互联世界的全球领导者。我们集成化的硬件和软件平台、直观的开发工具、无与伦比的生态系统和强大的支持能力,使我们成为构建先进工业、商业、家庭和生活应用的理想长期合作伙伴。我们可以帮助开发人员轻松解决整个产品生命周期中复杂的无线挑战,并快速向市场推出创新的解决方案,从而改变行业、发展经济和改善生活。更多信息请浏览网站