
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 





[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到TI公司的专家就“TI高性能模拟产品在新兴终端设备中的应用:蓝光DVD播放器,移动电视手机”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与TI公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“TI高性能模拟产品在新兴终端设备中的应用:蓝光DVD播放器,移动电视手机”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2008-6-30 10:06:57]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2008-6-30 10:30:28]
[问:hujitust] PCM1681为8位DAC,信噪比为105dB,是不是属于音频处理中的低端产品呢,能满足音频处理质量的要求吗? 
[答:Jerry] PCM1681 is 24bit DAC, not 8bit, SNR is 105dB, 8ch suitable for cost effective solutions.  [2008-6-30 10:35:16]
[问:xuewawa888] 手机设计中用到的音频放大器主要是哪类?A类、B类、AB类放大器、还是D类放大器? 
[答:Peter] 手机中使用的放大器主要有AB类和D类,取决于设计者对于效率和成本的取舍。  [2008-6-30 10:38:21]
[问:woshijinmi] 在此请教专家一个问题:TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器能实现音量的可编程控制吗? 
[答:Jerry] AIC3x have digital filter, volume control. Digital filter can used as EQ or speaker compensation. while volume control can change the volume. Both function are different and built-in AIC3x  [2008-6-30 10:38:26]
[问:xuewawa888] 传统的便携式设备D类放大器主要依靠稳定的电池电压提供高输出功率。由于电池放电,最大输出功率会降低,从而导致音量降低与失真度增加等问题。如何解决这个问题? 
[答:Peter] TI推出的含有DC-DC Boost的TPA2013可以将PA的供电电压恒定在较高值,从而能够得到恒定的功率输出以及很小的失真。  [2008-6-30 10:41:26]
[问:hujitust] 蓝光允许每秒4.5至9兆的记录速度,模拟器件的处理速度至少要达到多少才能处理这种数据呢? 
[答:Jerry] We have discussed several TI HPA product however, it is not related to the optical data throughput.  [2008-6-30 10:41:32]
[问:xinlele] 可否讲一下关闭DMA与关闭McBSP的区别,谢谢 
[答:Jerry] DMA is direct memory access, a way in accessing memory. While McBSP is a serial port, a interface.  [2008-6-30 10:45:30]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2008-6-30 10:46:10]
[问:woshijinmi] DSP在与AD连接时,如何保证AD采样的稳定性? 
[答:Jerry] It mainly related to proper HW and SW. which has many factor to affect the final results  [2008-6-30 10:46:26]
[问:njyliang] 蓝光DVD播放器中所用的模拟器件和以前780nm播放器中所用的模拟器件有什么差别呢? 
[答:Jerry] Video filter as discussed in the presentation support HD while most of the old 780nm player do not support it. Blu-ray is also has a higher requirement in DAC such as SNR  [2008-6-30 10:49:15]
[问:hujitust] 在音频DAC的设计中需要考虑EMI的处理吗? 
[答:Jerry] Yes. especially on the clock layout on the PCB. Proper layout can highly reduce the EMI emitting  [2008-6-30 10:52:26]
[问:dicksonfu] Any surround sound solution for mobile handset from TI? 
[答:Jerry] PCM1774 has 3d effect and EQ  [2008-6-30 10:53:08]
[问:chzg02] 請問一下,DRV601 是否可以用作headphone Amplifier ,具體的參數和datasheet 所描述的有何差別?謝謝! 
[答:Peter] DRV601是设计用于驱动600ohms负载的,耳机负载可低至16ohms。推荐使用TPA4411, TPA6130, TPA6131等专用的Directpath耳机功放。  [2008-6-30 10:54:02]
[问:hzchem] TLV320DAC32包含多少个高功率输出驱动器? 
[答:Jerry] DAC32 has 4 high power output. It can dirve 8 Ohm speaker directly  [2008-6-30 10:54:44]
[问:xinlele] DRV601具有瞬时杂音抑制作用吗 
[答:Peter] DRV601没有内置LPF,如果需要可在DRV601的输入加入RC LPF,用于抑制噪声。  [2008-6-30 10:55:31]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2008-6-30 10:56:57]
[问:c150] 比较关心DAC在小信号时候的背景噪音,不知道是否可被听及? 
[答:Jerry] TI has DAC with different SNR from 105dB to 132dB. With proper layout the noise level should be very small and cannot be heard.  [2008-6-30 10:58:15]
[问:lyn663013] 蓝光与传统DVD盘相比,可支持多少到多少的容量 
[答:Jerry] A dual layer Blu-ray Disc can store 50 GB, almost six times the capacity of a dual layer DVD.   [2008-6-30 11:00:14]
[问:xuewawa888] 音频DAC和普通的DAC相比,有哪些区别?衡量其好坏的技术指标有哪些? 
[答:Jerry] Audio DAC are mainly working upto 192kHz sampling. For Video DAC, it will work on much higher frequency. For different applicaitons, it will need different specification such as number of bits, sampling frequency, power consumptions.  [2008-6-30 11:02:21]
[问:liguang169] TLV320DAC32等音频DAC支持可编程输入,请问需要采用TI公司的哪个软件进行编程 
[答:Jerry] Please contact TI sale or our disty for getting the tools.  [2008-6-30 11:03:48]
[问:hujitust] 请问专家:在选用音频DAC时,哪些参数是比较重要需要重点考虑的呢? 
[答:Jerry] the following requirements should be considered. 1) SNR, 2) THD+N, 3)power consumptions, 4)package, 5) supply voltage  [2008-6-30 11:08:07]
[问:kongsy] DRV610和THS7316成本怎样? 
[答:Jerry] Please conact TI sale or distributor  [2008-6-30 11:09:02]
[问:sanfanhua] 低功耗音频DAC和在移动手机电视应用有什么需要注意的事项呢 
[答:Jerry] Due to the mobile TV handset is portable and small. The most important feature should be power consumptions, package size. Also, as the added feature such as 3D effect and EQ is valuable.  [2008-6-30 11:12:45]
[问:liguang169] 我们在使用模拟开关作音频信号切换时,当开关关断后音频信号仍通过开关进入功放,请问发生此现象的原因及解决办法是什么? 
[答:Peter] 如果你们使用的是单电源的模拟开关切换交流音频信号,的确可能出现上述问题。解决问题有两个方法:1.使用双电源供电的开关;2.切换交变直流信号,将隔直电容放在开关后。  [2008-6-30 11:13:34]
[问:ypqecum] 蓝光技术的主要优越性在哪里? 
[答:Jerry] As the higher capacity of blu-ray disc, it can support HD video up to 1080p and support the latest HD audio standard. Many country already launch HD broadcasting  [2008-6-30 11:15:08]
[问:xinlele] 三通道消费类视频放大器采用的什么滤波器? 
[答:Jerry] THS7314/6 has a 5th order low pass filter  [2008-6-30 11:15:59]
[问:woshijinmi] 在设计电路板时,怎样处理静电干扰的问题? 
[答:Peter] 静电防护是系统设计。单纯对于PCB来说,可以使用静电防护器件,并保证该器件到被保护器件,信号线及电源和地联接电感尽可能小。  [2008-6-30 11:16:08]
[问:hzchem] 体声音频DAC TLV320DAC32用户能否编程输入/输出? 
[答:Jerry] Yes. The internal register can be accessed by I2C port. So, all the digital filter and other control can be programed. Also, all the register can be read back from I2C port  [2008-6-30 11:17:44]
[问:licki518] 要满足音频处理的要求,对DAC 和AD C的工作速度最小要求是什么? 
[答:Jerry] Current audio ADC and DAC can support upto 192kHz sampling for Blu-ray auido applicaitons. For other applications such as MP3, it may need up to 96kHz sampling.  [2008-6-30 11:19:53]
[问:xuewawa888] TI是否可以提供关于蓝光DVD播放器,移动电视手机的一整套解决方案?去哪里下载相关技术资料? 
[答:Jerry] TI do not have Blu-ray DVD core chip solutions. This presentation discuss the high performance analog peripheral components for Blu-ray and Mobile TV handset  [2008-6-30 11:23:08]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2008-6-30 11:24:03]
[问:liguang169] TPA6120A2和TPA6130A2产品应用上有哪些不同? 
[答:Peter] TPA6120A2适用于高保真等对于音质要求较高的产品,TPA6130A2用于便携式产品,需要音量控制的场合,并且由于它使用了DirectPath技术,可以省去输出的隔直电容,节省成本和PCB的空间。  [2008-6-30 11:24:32]
[问:power_study] PCM1792,1796能达到如此高的信噪比,位宽如此高。 请问,对电源和布线有什么特殊的要求么。 
[答:Jerry] Of course, the PCB layout and other analog component such as OP will highly affect the performance of the final system. Please refer to the spec and TI EVM layout for details.  [2008-6-30 11:26:00]
[问:woshijinmi] 请教专家:TLV320AIC3x支持哪些3D音效? 
[答:Jerry] AIC3x has 3D built-in and fine tuning the effect is possilbe with I2C port. The 3D is provided by TI and not from 3rd party. Details on the 3D block diagram can be found on AIC3x spec  [2008-6-30 11:29:02]
[问:licki518] 在音量控制中,有什么好的方法?有没有支持直接数控的?谢谢 
[答:Jerry] Some parts discussed today has built-in analog volume control such as PCM1774, TPA6130A2.  [2008-6-30 11:31:51]
[问:sduboy] 请问TI的D类放大器通过哪些方法来降低电磁干扰? 
[答:Peter] TI使用了Class DB调制模式,以及较低的开关频率,因此能够得到较低的电磁干扰。  [2008-6-30 11:34:57]
[问:sd2620] 请问音频DAC支持哪些接口? 
[答:Jerry] There is many DAC in TI and suport differnt format. Generally, for audio data, TI can support Left justisfy, Right justisfy, I2S For control port, we can support I2C, SPI or simple I/F  [2008-6-30 11:35:23]
[问:iou200400] DVR601与C6000系列的DSP兼容性如何,功耗怎样?有具体的参考方案么?谢谢 
[答:Peter] 具体的参考设计方案,请联系TI代理。  [2008-6-30 11:37:16]
[问:licki518] 对于车载产品,选择哪款DAC比较合适? 
[答:Jerry] It highly dependent on the requirements. Some OEM cusotmer may want higher performance. However, some aftermarket may want cost effective. Please contact TI sale or distributor for selecting one that fit your applications  [2008-6-30 11:38:24]
[问:hzchem] DRV601与市场上的同类产品比较有那些特点?DRV601适合搭配什么型号的数字模拟转换器? 
[答:Peter] DRV601相比一般的线路输出缓冲器,可以简化复杂的电源供电电路,或者是输出的隔直电容。可以和任意一款DAC配合。  [2008-6-30 11:39:05]
[问:hzchem] DRV601具备左/右声道独立关机控制功能吗? 
[答:Jerry] Yes. DRV601 has independent Shut Down pin for left and right channel  [2008-6-30 11:39:33]
[问:woshijinmi] 请问怎么消除影响模数转换器(ADC)的噪声? 
[答:Peter] ADC的输入之前需要插入LPF作为抗混叠滤波器,用来抑制噪声。  [2008-6-30 11:40:10]
[问:liguang169] 模拟开关在应用中,会出现注入电荷的问题,如何尽可能的减少其对输入信号的影响? 
[答:Peter] 降低输入到该模拟开关的放大器的输出阻抗。  [2008-6-30 11:41:20]
[问:lyn663013] 蓝光播放器是否可通过HDMI将普通DVD转换到1080P 
[答:Jerry] DVD do not support 1080p. Current player using scaler to upscale the video. The conversion is done by scaler not HDMI chip  [2008-6-30 11:43:29]
[问:hujitust] 如果用在移动设备中,功耗问题是必须考虑的,TI的高性能模拟器件在低功耗方面是如何考虑的呢?除了通过降低供电电压还有没其它办法? 
[答:Jerry] Mainly on IC design and the process technology. TI has many technology in achieving lowest power  [2008-6-30 11:44:34]
[问:c150] 有没有哪些DAC可以直接控制均衡(或者简单调节高音/低音) 
[答:Jerry] PCM1774 discussed today support tone control and 3D. There is many DAC in TI support tone control/EQ  [2008-6-30 11:45:27]
[问:hujitust] 德州仪器的音频DAC产品位数最高位数能达到为多少?另外如何解决高速DAC转换过程中的毛刺? 
[答:Jerry] PCM1792A has 24bit and 132dB. Proper output filter can highly reduce high freq out band noise  [2008-6-30 11:47:46]
[问:张志民] 蓝光、HD-DVD、EVD有什么区别呢 
[答:Jerry] Main on disc capacity and AV format. Blu-ray: up to 50G HD-DVD : up to 30G EVD: same as DVD w/ different AV data format  [2008-6-30 11:53:17]
[问:sanfanhua] 请问D类放大器在移动手机电视应用中需要注意哪些问题 
[答:Jerry] The following should take into consideration: Power required? Stereo or mono ? Need DRC/AGC ? Need constant Power ? package size. [2008-6-30 11:56:24]
[问:power_study] 移动电视的喇叭有陶瓷喇叭,更类似于一个容性负载,请问应如何选用驱动? 
[答:Peter] TI即将推出TPA2100P1,用于驱动Piezo扬声器。  [2008-6-30 11:57:18]
[问:sanfanhua] TI高性能模拟产品在移动电视手机中应用 优势何在 
[答:Jerry] For DAC, we have ultra low power DAC PCM1774. Also, it has small package and sound effect. We also have Stereo Class D amp with DRC/AGC TPA2016D2  [2008-6-30 11:57:48]
[问:cyberxx] 播放音乐时候无须外加散热片的芯片,除了TPA3107D2,还有哪些可以选择? 
[答:Peter] Class D,通过较好的PCB热设计,一般不需要额外的散热器。  [2008-6-30 11:58:39]
[问:gumulaoyi] 请专家推荐一款功耗较小的音频处理器,用在移动电视手机上,谢谢! 
[答:Jerry] PCM1774 is low power DAC for moblie TV handset applications which built-in 3D and tone control.  [2008-6-30 11:59:12]
[问:ben_U] 高性能音频DAC中数字地线和模拟地线怎么连接比较好,直接铺地连接还是磁珠? 
[答:Jerry] It highly dependent on the IC used some is better to directly connect the DGND and AGND. Some of them need to separate the GND and connect through one point or ferite bead. It depend on the internal structrue of IC. Please consult TI FAE team for info on specify IC.  [2008-6-30 12:02:40]

德州仪器(TI)是世界上最大的半导体公司之一。我们始终致力于提供创新半导体技术,帮助我们的客户开发世界最先进的电子产品。我们的模拟、嵌入式处理以及无线技术不断深入至生活的方方面面,从数字通信娱乐到医疗服务、汽车系统以及各种广泛的应用,无所不在。 在 TI 发展之初,公司的目标是利用公司独有的技术能力从根本上颠覆传统市场,创造全新的市场。我们的发展历程中始终贯穿一条清晰的主线,就是运用越来越先进的实时信号处理技术,实现从量变到质变的进步,真真切切地不断改变世界。


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