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业界第一款低电压微功耗单片机--C8051F9XX;业内唯一可单电池供电的微功耗单片机--C8051F9XX;C8051F9XX的推出使得微功耗嵌入式系统得以实现。适合于单节电池(1.5v)供电的微功耗C8051F单片机产品及其应用指南。C8051F9XX系列单片机简介、开发套件简介、关于建立微功耗嵌入式系统电源的选择、C8051F9XX内置DC-DC转换器的原理及优点、C8051F9XX单片机的低功耗设计考虑、低功耗系统电池寿命的估算原理和Silicon Labs厂商提供的电池寿命估算软件的特点及使用等。


[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到Silicon labs公司的专家就“基于单节电池(1.5v)供电的微功耗单片机--C8051F9xx”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Silicon labs公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“基于单节电池(1.5v)供电的微功耗单片机--C8051F9xx”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2008-3-18 10:00:20]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2008-3-18 10:28:46]
[问:shaoziyang] C8051F9XX的价格如何?和PIC带电源功能的单片机相比有无优势? 
[答:Alan] 10K pricing starts at $2.0US. Pleae compare our datasheet with competition!  [2008-3-18 10:28:54]
[问:老康] 1,我们非常关注成本,请给出参考价,并与市面上的类似产品就价格进行比较。 2,我的产品使用的是单芯锂电,请问这种情况下,还适合吗? 
[答:Alan] Please contact our locat disty and sales office for pricing!  [2008-3-18 10:29:54]
[问:w_inECCN] 出于个人爱好,希望开发一款智能家用遥控器,要求能操作不同的家用电器,设置操作对象切换显示,同一按键操作不同对象时具有不同的功能,需要从该家电原配遥控器“学习”信号的编码,并存储起来。请问专家,使用贵公司的C8051F930-DK能否适合开发这样的产品? 
[答:Alan] Please contact of local distributors for further discussion. We believe it is possible!  [2008-3-18 10:35:15]
[问:dingjiong618] IO口的漏电流是多少啊? 
[答:John] I/O口的漏电流的典型值为25UA  [2008-3-18 10:37:09]
[问:tcb1010] 20M的低功耗内部振荡器的功耗与25M高精度的功耗有什么不同。 
[答:Karthik] The 20 MHz oscillator has a typical supply current of 100 uA, and the 24.5 Mhz precision oscillator has a supply current of 300 uA.  [2008-3-18 10:37:22]
[问:lf2000-11118] 1、能使用汇编指令吗?  2、指令完全同51吗?  3、应用在电动跑步机适合吗?因为电跑的电磁干扰、静电干扰很大。 
[答:John] 1.可以使用汇编指令。 2.指令完全兼容51 3.可以应用在跑步机上,我们现在有使用在直流无刷电机上的应用 。  [2008-3-18 10:38:35]
[问:Wangyifeng] (1)C8051F9XX 主要应用对象?成本如何? 可有裸片其价格如何? (2)是否内嵌有LCD驱动接口?  
[答:Alan] Portable devices. We will lauch our Low Power series with LCD in the second half of 2008.  [2008-3-18 10:39:57]
[问:chengyabcd] 用1.5V供电如何和DS18B20等最低供电电压为3.3V的总线连接?就是说单片机的供电电压只有1.5V,那么它的IO输出高低电平范围就在0~1.5V之间,但不到DS18B20的高低电平范围值。 
[答:Gautam] The VDD/DC+ pin also is used a a voltage I/O pin.   This pin can be used to power the port logic while the 1.5V supply connected to VBAT is used for the MCU core.  [2008-3-18 10:41:11]
[问:hpsun] C8051F9XX最多有多少IO口? 
[答:Alan] 24 GPIO.  [2008-3-18 10:41:16]
[问:l_yyyy] 1.是否实用工业环境仪表及传感器的使用? 2.微功耗能保证在一次仪表中功耗低于4ma吗? 3.是否有资料提供。能否能在线现在开发调试? 4.货源供应和价格怎样(希望能在现场动平衡仪,或在激光测经仪中应用) 
[答:Tabitha] Yes, the operating temperature range is -45 degrees C to 85 degrees C. The current consumption at full operation (24.5 MHz) in Normal mode at 3.6 V is 4.1 mA.   The average current consumption in most applications will be much less than this. The documentation is available on the website: The pricing is $1.99 per unit in quantities of 10k.  These devices are available for order now.  [2008-3-18 10:41:30]
[问:lanhu1976] 支持最高多少的晶振 
[答:Tabitha] The clock speed and crystal oscillator supported is 25 MHz.  [2008-3-18 10:44:15]
[问:jiayu323] 该系列单片机的低功耗新能跟德州仪器的MSP430比如何? 
[答:Gautam] The "F93x/92x family has many advantages: 1) Built-in DC/DC converter removes the need for external hardware, and is cheaper, requires less boards space. 2) The on-board DC/DC boost is much more efficient because it provides a constant voltage and current across battery operating range.   This requires much less overall power to achieve the same results. 3) The wakeup times are much faster than the TI device. 4) The VREF power-on time is 10,000 times faster. 5) The on-chip Flash (64K) and (4K) are very large for such a small package.  [2008-3-18 10:44:20]
[问:chengyabcd] 这款芯片的抗干扰能力如何?我以前用过C8051F020芯片,抗干扰能力非常的查!这款芯片如何? 
[答:Gautam] We have many suggestions for improving the EMI performance of our MCUs.   It takes a proper design of the PCB in terms of layout and choosing components.   Please contact for more information.  [2008-3-18 10:45:07]
[问:lyn663013] 请问能在直流无刷电机上应用吗 
[答:Alan] Yes. It can be. Since BLDC motor applicatoin usually does not require low power, we have other MCU families such as F31x/F33x which may be better suited for these kinds of application!  [2008-3-18 10:45:28]
[问:zhangwq] 如何解决由DC-DC产生的EMI? 
[答:Zhoujin] 提供了ADC与DC-DC时钟的同步功能,对片内ADC的工作影响不大。  [2008-3-18 10:45:59]
[问:vasion] F9XX的低功耗有没有具体的数据说明? 
[答:Tabitha] Yes, the low-power operating current is available in the datasheet.   The datasheet also discusses the smaRTClock, Sleep mode, and fast wake-up VREF features that help reduce system power consumption. The datasheet is available here:  [2008-3-18 10:46:04]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2008-3-18 10:46:21]
[问:sl961102] C8051F9xx睡眠模式的功耗有多高?0.9V时的叫醒时间有多快? 
[答:Tabitha] In sleep mode, the current consumption of the "F9xx is less than 50 nA.  In this mode, the wakeup time is 10 us. In suspend mode, the current consumption is ~75 uA, but the wakeup time is 400 ns. These two modes can be utilized to reduce power consumption and wake up as fast as necessary, depending on the application.  [2008-3-18 10:47:51]
[问:ed_yeh] 1.目前有一設計需要此顆IC,可否提供    此份檔案給我參考 2.此顆IC 報價 ? 
[答:Alan] For datasheet, please download from our web site. Please contact our local disties and sales office for price quotation!  [2008-3-18 10:48:56]
[问:dringe] how much is the highest frequency of the oscillator? 
[答:Alan] 24.5MHz. Most CPU instructions require only single ot two clock cycles!  [2008-3-18 10:50:05]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2008-3-18 10:50:24]
[问:asdf123321] 你好,我想问一下,c8051f900系列的和msp430比起来它的优势在哪里呢? 430的flash可以当eeprom使用,900可以吗? 
[答:Alan] C8051F900 Flash can also be used as data storage. We have many benefits including 0.9V operating voltage, fast wake-up and fast ADC reference voltage. Please check our datasheet!  [2008-3-18 10:52:30]
[问:radar] C8051F9可以在线编程吗? 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx is a Flash-based device that can be programmed using its own firmware or in-system using the SiLabs C2 interface.   A bootloader can be used to program the device from a PC (through RS-232, for example, or connected to another chip that adds USB connectivity). If this didn"t completely answer the question, please email  [2008-3-18 10:52:38]
[问:cdlwz] 请问将DC/DC升压电路做在MCU芯片中,其干扰是否存在? 
[答:Karthik] The DC-DC converter clock source can be derived from the MCU system clock such that it is synchronized and does not create interference with internal peripherals such as the ADC. Also, the DC-DC converter uses "spread-spectrum" technology to minimize any radiated EMI.  [2008-3-18 10:53:19]
[问:again_gyf] 从睡眠到唤醒只要2US,这个唤醒后CPU是全速运行的吗?还是只。。。? 和MSP430相比呢?本人使用430已经很长时间,它的唤醒快也只是唤醒他内部RC振荡器,C8051呢?外部接高速晶体也能在2US内CPU达到全速运行吗? 
[答:Gautam] Yes, after 2 us wakeup, the high-speed internal oscillator is fully running and the device is fully operational at 24.5 MHz. The answer to your second question depends on the configuration of the external oscillator.   If the external oscillator mode is RC or C mode, then the wakeup time will be around 2 us because these modes do not require additional wakeup time.   If the external oscillator is a crystal, then the wakeup time will be longer.  [2008-3-18 10:53:24]
[问:w_inECCN] 我希望通过SMBus访问eeprom,将一些数据参数记忆到eeprom中,请问F930的SMBus与标准的IIC总线有什么区别吗? 
[答:Alan] The F930 SMBus can support both IIC and SMBus protocol! Yes, it can be used to access external eeprom! [2008-3-18 10:54:01]
[问:xiejian1383] 新华龙提供样片支持吗? 
[答:Alan] Yes!  [2008-3-18 10:54:58]
[问:zzmmcc] 请问这个电池寿命预估程序可以用于别的型号的电池,如C8051F31x\41x吗? 
[答:Gautam] yes, the battery life estimator can be used for any MCU.   The profiles used in the program take into account the voltage dependency on supply current.  [2008-3-18 10:55:08]
[问:sunny3784] 芯片内置的smart clock是否可做出时分秒的形式,功耗如何? 
[答:Gautam] The internal smart clock value can be read from the registers and converted to a hh:mm:ss value.   The power consumption of the internal smart clock is less than 1 uA.  [2008-3-18 10:55:49]
[问:xiejian1383] 请问C8051F9XX 系列在各种典型工作模式下的电流消耗? 
[答:Tabitha] In full operation (Normal mode) at 24.5 MHz, the "F9xx consumes 4.1 mA of current. In suspend mode, the device consumes ~75 uA and can wake up in 400 ns. In sleep mode, the device consumes 50 nA and will wake up in 2 us (two cell mode) or 10 us (one cell mode). For more detail, please see the "F9xx datasheet, which can be found here:  [2008-3-18 10:56:28]
[问:天才杨威利] 现在microchip公司推出了dspic控制芯片,那C8051F系列有什么能和他相抗衡的新产品推出吗?因为51使用的很习惯,不想换成pic公司的芯片。希望C8051F系列也能有那种芯片。 另外,现在的C8051F系列的单片机是不是不能进行无位置传感器的无刷直流电机的控制工作呢?因为网上从来没有相关的文章。到时pic的很多。 
[答:Gautam] Yes, we have the "F36x family of MCUs that compete very well with DSPIC.   This family of MCU provides up to 100 MIPs, 64K of Flash and includes a MAC (Multiply-and-accumulate) engine for DSP type applications.   We have a few brushless DC motor control reference designs available on our website and the code can easily be ported to run on this family of devices.  [2008-3-18 10:57:36]
[问:gumulaoyi] 请问影响电池的寿命的主要因素是? 
[答:Karthik] The factors affecting battery life are: 1. Time spent in one of the active power modes vs time in sleep mode 2. Active mode current vs sleep mode current Other second order effects such as battery self-discharge rate, battery discharge profiles etc can be modeled using the battery life estimator tool available on our website.  [2008-3-18 10:57:39]
[问:tcb1010] 请问93X在市场目前已经有典型应用了吗? 
[答:Mary Ann] Any low-voltage, low-power devices that requires a single or dual cell battery for operation are the best, typical applications.  [2008-3-18 10:57:39]
[问:dringe] Is it suitable for a beginner to study and use the C8051F family systems. 
[答:Alan] Yes. Our development tools and IDE environment is very easy to use. Please contact our local disties for more information!  [2008-3-18 10:58:09]
[问:张志民] 能否介绍以下这款芯片的抗干扰性能 
[答:Gautam] The system clock uses a spread-system technology to reduce EMI interface.   Also, the on-chip DC/DC converter can be synchronized with the system clock to reduce it"s interference.  [2008-3-18 10:58:47]
[问:well2000] 我需要直接驱动LED数码管,该芯片的驱动能力有多少? 
[答:Alan] Total output power from DC/DC is 65mW, output voltage from 1.8V to 3.3V!   [2008-3-18 11:00:02]
[问:caoqing] 请问:C8051F9xx可否用U-EC5仿真器仿真下载,如果可以,电源如何处理(即一个用1.5V,一个用3.3V,匹配吗?) 
[答:Karthik] Can C8051F9xx be downloadable via U-EC5 simulator? If can, how to deal with the power supply (can one device with the supply voltage of 1.5V match with the other with the supply volatage of 3.3V)? Thank you. 1. The C2 debug interface pins and GPIO on the "F9xx devices are 5V tolerant. They can also drive up to 3.6V by programming the DC-DC converter output. 2. The USB debug adapter and the ToolStick Base Adapter are able to program and debug the "F9xx devices.  [2008-3-18 11:01:07]
[问:wmq7153] 0.9V时允许输入信号电平如何? 
[答:Tabitha] In one-cell mode, the DC-DC boost converter is active to a programmable 1.8 V to 3.6 V.   This programmed voltage powers the GPIO pins. For example, if the boost converter is programmed to provide 3.6 V to VDD/DC+, then the GPIO pins will use 3.6 V for their logic levels. In sleep mode, the DC-DC boost converter is disabled, so the GPIO pins will use the battery voltage. The maximum voltage on Port I/O pins is VDD + 3.6 V, so port pins in sleep mode with a battery at 0.9 V can interface with logic up to 4.5 V without damaging the device.  [2008-3-18 11:01:50]
[问:liyanhua] C8051F9xx 单片机有没有PLCC44封装的?flash最大多少? 
[答:Alan] No. Only LQFP and QFN packages. On-chip Flash is 64K or 32K bytes.  [2008-3-18 11:01:59]
[问:minicatcatcn] 1。电源对A/D的基准影响大吗,里面的基准指标是什么? 2。有里面的电源电压输出吗。如要驱动LCD芯片也要3V的供电,能从芯片得到电压吗? 
[答:Gautam] There are two internal voltage references available to the A/D converter.   The choice of the power supply (battery, etc.) does not effect the quality of the VREF. There is one VREF that has a high-speed wakeup time.   There is a second high-precision VREF which takes longer to wakeup but has higher accuracy.   The choice is dependent on the application. Yes, the output of the LDO can be used for other peripherals on the PCB.   The LDO can provide a total of 65 mW and it can be configured from 1.8 to 3.6 V output.  [2008-3-18 11:02:47]
[问:vasion] 请问F930 里的RTC是否和F410一样,还是以秒为单位,没有分为时分秒的模式.谢谢 
[答:Karthik] 1. The programming interface / registers are the same as the "F410. 2. It consumes lower power than the "F410. 3. The alarm registers are shorter than the "F410.  [2008-3-18 11:03:41]
[问:lanhu1976] 我想得到该芯片的全部资料 
[答:Mary Ann] You can download a soft copy of the literatire at   Look for the file named "Low-Voltage/Low-Power Solutions" in the Documentation section.  [2008-3-18 11:06:19]
[问:changzhiyong200] C8051F9xx这款单片机的优势主要在什么地方? 我以前用310的时候,发现他的抗干扰性不是太好,不知道你们这次在抗干扰性方面做了什么改进? 谢谢回答!! 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx has a very low sleep mode current (< 50 nA), a fast wakeup time (~2 us), a fast VREF wakeup time and ADC conversion speed (~1.7 us), and only consumes 170 uA/MHz at 25 MHz during this "awake" time.   The device can then go back to sleep to conserve power. Additionally, the "F9xx has 64k of Flash, 4k of XRAM, and can run on a single battery down to 0.9 V. The "F9xx has an internal boost converter and LDO that help reduce noise on the power supply to the MCU. More information on the "F9xx can be found here:  [2008-3-18 11:06:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2008-3-18 11:07:03]
[问:xia0qiang] 这种低电源电压,小尺寸的芯片一般抗干扰能力不是很好。是不是只能用在消费电子中。你们是怎么考虑这个问题的? 
[答:Karthik] The small size does not have much of an impact on noise susceptibility. The I/O operates at a level similar to other 3V systems so we estimate that it has similar noise susceptibility as other 3V systems.  [2008-3-18 11:08:28]
[问:xiejian1383] C8051F9XX 系列的内部基准电压受外部供电变化的影响吗? 
[答:Gautam] No, the itnernal VREF is not affected by changes in the external power supply.   The internal VREF is generated using the output of the LDO as the bias source.   Even as the external battery voltage drops, the output of the LDO remains constant and so VREf remains constant.  [2008-3-18 11:09:47]
[问:sl961102] C8051F9xx系列0.9V工作电压时的抗干扰性能如何?它对输入信号的要求是不是高了? 
[答:Karthik] When operated with a 0.9V supply using a single-cell battery using the DC-DC converter, the DC-DC converter minimizes radiated EMI by using "spread-sprectrum" technology for its switching clock source.  [2008-3-18 11:10:37]
[问:asdf123321] 之前我没有用过c8051的系列的mcu,请问其开发工具怎么样,价格贵吗?我对900还是有很大兴趣的…… 
[答:Mary Ann] We have low-cost development tools for the F900 that begin under $20 USD.   Please contact a sales representative at New China Dragon and as for Part #: ToolStick931DC.   The software development tools are a free download from  [2008-3-18 11:11:05]
[问:grj0719] 此款单片机既然用于单节电池供电产品上,对于掉电监测以及系统的可靠性方面有哪些优势? 更适合应用于工控产品还是消费类产品? 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx has an internal brownout detector (VDD monitor) that is initially enabled on device power-on.   The "F9xx can also "save" the RAM down to 0.9 V.   Furthermore, the "F9xx can monitor the VBAT voltage using the ADC and has multiple means to detect power failure.   More information can be found in the "Reset Sources" section of the datasheet. The "F9xx is suitable for industrial products (operating temperature range is -40 degrees C to +85 degrees C). The datasheet can be found here:  [2008-3-18 11:12:47]
[问:shaoziyang] 看到C8051F9XX集成了触摸按键功能,请问它和PSOC的触摸技术相比在指标上有多少差别,如灵敏度、抗干扰、电磁干扰、环境、湿度等? 
[答:Gautam] We have an application note, AN338, detailing the "F9xx touch sense solution and capabilities.   The "F9xx touch sense solution is firmware configurable to allow for different sensitivity and humidity conditions.   The firwmare can also average multiple samples together to reduce the affects of EMI.  [2008-3-18 11:12:50]
[问:again_gyf] 内部振荡器温度漂移、稳定性? 
[答:Karthik] The internal 24.5 MHz precision oscillator is factory calibrated, and is guaranteed for +/-2% accuracy over the entire specified supply and temperature range. The internal low-power 20 MHz oscillator is specified to be +/-10% accurate.  [2008-3-18 11:13:05]
[问:chengyabcd] 在CPU处在内部所有功能模块关闭的情况下,即MSP430的LPM4状态下,是否可以通过外部中断唤醒CPU? 
[答:Gautam] Yes.   The Port Match capability and Comparator both allows the MCU to wakeup when all of the peripherals are turned off and the system clock is not running.   Port Match allows the MCU to wakeup when any port pin does not match the expected value.  [2008-3-18 11:13:56]
[问:c150] 大多数电池供电设备都需要比较精确的知道电池剩余容量(或支持时间),如果在该芯片内直接集成该功能(例如把剩余容量存放在一个寄存器内),就很方便了 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx ADC can be used to directly measure the voltage of the battery (VBAT).   This measurement can be used to save the RAM if the battery is nearing end of life levels (0.9 V) and calculate how much time is remaining on the battery. More information can be found in the datasheet here:  [2008-3-18 11:14:30]
[问:tsyeh] 請問Silicon Lab CapTouchSense產品與Cypress公司的CapSense相比有何優勢? 
[答:Gautam] We have an application note, AN338, that details the Silicon Labs Touch Sense solution.   Our Capactive Touch Sense solution can be used most Silicon Labs MCUs and is very configurable in firmware and it does not require many hardware resources.  [2008-3-18 11:16:06]
[问:again_gyf] 有几种方式从睡眠模式唤醒?这个2US时间能否保证?比如能否做低功耗模式下串口通信? 
[答:Karthik] 1. Three wake-up sources are available to wake up from sleep mode: Port Match, smaRTClock, and Comparator0. Note: Comparator0 works only in 2-cell mode. 2. The 2us wake-up time is typical, and applies to 2-cell mode. The wake-up time is 10 us in 1-cell mode. 3. Yes, UART can be operated even in low-power mode, and the UART can be used to wake-up the device from sleep using the port match feature.  [2008-3-18 11:16:40]
[问:wmq7153] 如何解决升压转换器对MCU性能的干扰? 
[答:Karthik] The DC-DC converter clock source can be derived from the MCU system clock such that it is synchronized and does not create interference with internal peripherals such as the ADC. Also, the DC-DC converter uses "spread-spectrum" technology to minimize any radiated EMI.  [2008-3-18 11:17:19]
[问:liyanhua] 请问C8051F9xx 单片机与3.3V供电电源兼容么?是不是只能用1.5V及以下电源供电? 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx can use a power supply from 1.8 V - 0.9 V ("one cell" mode) or 3.6 V - 1.8 V ("two cell" mode).   If a 3.3V regulated supply will be used instead of a battery, the "F9xx should be placed in "two cell" mode with VDD/DC+ and VBAT tied together externally.  [2008-3-18 11:17:23]
[问:zidingl] 如何配置IO口 
[答:Tabitha] The Port I/O can be configured using the Pn, PnMDIN, PnMDOUT, and XBRn registers.   Please see the Configuration Wizard utility (available here: and the "F9xx datasheet ( for more information.  [2008-3-18 11:18:17]
[问:zhz-141] 抗振动性能如何 
[答:Gautam] We have not performed any anti-vibration tests.  [2008-3-18 11:18:19]
[问:w_inECCN] 贵公司的开发套件是否同时支持单节电池(1.5v)供电和外部电源供电? 
[答:Gautam] Yes, the DK supports all battery configurations (one cell, two cell parallel, two cell series) so that they can be tested and prototyped.   An external wall supply can also be used.  [2008-3-18 11:19:05]
[问:tianjiu] 请问:能否用U-EC2仿真C8051F9xx?能否用U-PDC下载程序? 
[答:Gautam] The F9xx Flash can be programmed with the EC-2.   It is not simulated - our devices support full in-system, real-time debugging and programming.   I am not sure what U-PDC is.   Please email if you need more information.  [2008-3-18 11:20:14]
[问:liufengran] 既然供电为1.5v,那单片机的0和1的电平各为多少?如果接5v电压能工作吗? 
[答:Tabitha] The VOH and VOL of the Port I/O is given in the datasheet in Table 4.3 on page 47. The Port I/O are powered on the VDD/DC+ voltage net, which is 1.8 - 3.6 V.   The Port I/O can accept up to VDD + 3.6 V without damage. More information can be found in the datasheet:   [2008-3-18 11:21:51]
[问:tcb1010] 请问能提供9XX中文数据手册、免费样片以及相关价格吗? 
[答:Mary Ann] Please contact your local New China Dragon sales person for a data sheet in Chinese.   You can order free samples at and click on the icon at the bottom of the page that says "MCU Sample Program."  The samples and shipping are free!  [2008-3-18 11:22:13]
[问:whhfdz] C8051F9xx系列的超低功耗主要得益于那些措施? 
[答:Gautam] There are many features that make the "F9xx support low power 1) The on-chip boost converter and LDO keep the current output constant across the battery voltage range and are very efficient. 2) The wakeup times are very quick allowing for reduced times in wakeup modes. 3) There are many different kinds of lower power modes (idle, sleep, suspend) to all for different application conditions. 4) The ADC supports burst mode which allows for quick wakeup, sampling and going back to sleep.  [2008-3-18 11:22:23]
[问:asmfanghua] 我们在国内买到相关评估板吗? 
[答:Mary Ann] Yes, please contact a sales person at New China Dragon for a development tool they are building for the China market.   It is inexpensive!  [2008-3-18 11:23:04]
[问:linlang1981] c8051f9..系列产品的可靠性数据在什么地方可以查到呢? 如果没有 也请您提供该系列的最大功耗和晶体管数量 
[答:Tabitha] The maximum power consumption at 25 MHz in Normal Mode (accessing Flash) and 1.8 - 3.6 V is 4.1 mA. Please contact for reliability information.   [2008-3-18 11:23:47]
[问:tcb1010] 请问双SPI口能支持同步操作吗? 
[答:Karthik] Yes, the "F9xx MCU has two hardware SPI peripherals that can be operated simultaneously.  [2008-3-18 11:24:01]
[问:sungenyou] Silicon Lab公司提供那些开发软件?有些什么技术支持? 
[答:Gautam] We provided a full Integrate Development Environment and all of the software tools necessary to debug and download software to the MCU.   Our development kits are very cheap ($99) and provide full functionality. We offer many application notes, trained field support and factory assistance for any technical questions.  [2008-3-18 11:24:01]
[问:changzhiyong200] 我们能不能申请到样片? 如果能的话,怎样才能申请到? 谢谢! 
[答:Mary Ann] Please go to and scroll to the middle of the page where you will see a button for "MCU Sample Program."   CLick there and place your order for free samples and free shipping!  [2008-3-18 11:24:19]
[问:liyanhua] C8051F9xx 支持SPI通讯方式么? 
[答:Tabitha] Yes, the "F9xx has two integrated hardware SPI peripherals. More information can be found in the "Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1)" chapter in the datasheet:  [2008-3-18 11:25:07]
[问:tianjiu] 请问潘老师:有没有C8051F9xx 和C8051F41x的中文数据手册?如有,哪里可以下载?谢谢! 
[答:Zhoujin] 有。可以向新华龙电子有限公司索取。  [2008-3-18 11:26:00]
[问:lanhu1976] 执行速度如何 
[答:Alan] 25MHz Clock. Most CPU instructions takes 1 or 2 clock cycles.  [2008-3-18 11:26:07]
[问:grj0719] DC-DC输出作为其他芯片的供电电源时,最大能提供多大的电流? 
[答:Gautam] The DC/DC converter can provide up to 36 mA at 1.8 V.   This varies with the output voltage. Table 4.14 in the datasheet provides a full description.  [2008-3-18 11:26:07]
[问:eagle_yuan] C8051F330是否可以连接两路差分信号输入进行AD采样 
[答:Gautam] Yes, the "F330 ADC can use 16 pins for inputs to the ADC.   These can be configured for differential mode and can easily support more than 2 differential channels.  [2008-3-18 11:27:38]
[问:menweifeng] C8051F9xx系列的工作温度范围是多少?有工业环境的吗? 
[答:Alan] -40C to +85C.  [2008-3-18 11:28:14]
[问:liyanhua] 请问现在这一系列单片机与以前C8051F2XX系列除了功耗低以外,还有什么主要区别?外围接口兼容么?谢谢 
[答:Gautam] There are many differences between these two families, including Flash size, RAM size, digital peripherals, oscillator accuracy, sleep modes.   Please see the product selector guide for more information. If the F9xx is running in two cell mode, the interfaces are compatible because both sets of port pins will operate around 3V.  [2008-3-18 11:29:54]
[问:hpsun] 以前使用C8051F系列,定义管脚时必须按顺序,不能进行交叉。请问:新型号芯片是否在这方面有改进! 
[答:Gautam] Yes, the crossbar is similar to other MCU"s crossbars.   You can select which peripherals you want to appear on the crossbar.   Please AN101 for more information.  [2008-3-18 11:30:36]
[问:liweijiang] 问一个与F9XX不相关的问题,我用F410时,当CPU使用内部LDO时,外部24MHz晶振无法启动 
[答:Alan] This should not be a problem. Please contact our local disties for technical support.  [2008-3-18 11:32:54]
[问:xiejian1383] 请问在双电池工作时比430有何优势? 
[答:Gautam] In dual battery operation, the "F9xx has many advantages over the MSP430: 1) The current consumption of the F9xx devices is constant over the battery operating voltage due to the LDO.   This increases the lifetime of the battery. 2) The wakeup times of the "F9xx are much faster from the various low power modes, which reduce the time spent in active mode. The wakeup time is 400 ns from suspend mode and 2-10 us from sleep mode. 3) The ADC support burst mode and a VREF wake up time that is 10,000 times faster than the MSP430 VREF wakeup time.  [2008-3-18 11:33:53]
[问:linlang1981] 请问C8051F020芯片的可靠性数据是什么!既该芯片的平价无故障时间!   如果没有这个数据请提供该芯片的集成度数据!即该芯片的最大功耗和晶体管总数!谢谢 
[答:Tabitha] Please contact for reliability data. The maximum power consumption of the "F9xx at 25 MHz in Normal mode (accessing Flash) at 1.8 V - 3.6 V is 4.1 mA.  [2008-3-18 11:35:31]
[问:张载涵] 请问C8051是否可以在线调试 
[答:Alan] All C8051Fxxx MCU Flash memory can support In System Programming!  [2008-3-18 11:36:09]
[问:110xia] u-ec2 支持C8051F9xx 吗? 我在用c8051f330,转到C8051F9xx难吗? 1.5v 正常工作时的功耗会在多少?  
[答:Gautam] Yes, the EC-2 can program and debug the "F9xx if it is in two-cell mode.   The code for a "F330 can be ported to a "F930 without too much trouble.   The power consumption of the MCU will depend on the loading and system clock frequency.   See Figures 4.1 and 4.2 in the datasheet for details.  [2008-3-18 11:36:38]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2008-3-18 11:36:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2008-3-18 11:37:12]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2008-3-18 11:37:51]
[问:chengyabcd] 这种芯片的IO口漏电流是多少?会比MSP430系列单片机的IO口漏电流小吗? 
[答:Gautam] The I/O leakage is less than 1 uA.  [2008-3-18 11:38:02]
[问:liyanhua] C8051F9xx 内部AD转换器是多少位的?转换时间是多少? 
[答:Karthik] The "F9xx MCU contains a 10-bit 300 ksps ADC with up to 23 external inputs. More details about the ADC can be found in the "F9xx datasheet chapter 5 on page 55 available at: LowVoltage_LowPower/en/C8051F93x-92x.pdf  [2008-3-18 11:38:22]
[问:hwarm] 请问:微功耗单片机--C8051F9xx 内置DC-DC转换器,如果DC-DC转换器出现问题,会对单片机有哪些影响。 
[答:Karthik] The MCU can operate in 2-cell mode without using the DC-DC converter. For 1-cell operation, the DC-DC converter is required to boost the battery voltage and provide the 1.7V required by the MCU core. Does this answer your question? If not, could you please re-phrase the question? Thanks.  [2008-3-18 11:39:08]
[问:liweijiang] 1、价格是多少? 2、低功耗和MSP430系列比较优缺点是什么? 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx is available at $1.99 in 10k quantities. The "F9xx has several power advantages over the MSP430: 1) Wake up times: The wakeup time of the "F9xx is 400 ns from Suspend and 2-10 us in Sleep mode (depending on "one cell" or "two cell" mode). 2) Burst Mode ADC: The ADC can take up to 64 samples independently of the CPU.   This means the CPU can be in Idle mode while the ADC converts samples, saving power. 3) The internal LDO on the "F9xx allows constant current consumption across the supply voltage range.  [2008-3-18 11:39:51]
[问:c150] 可以问一个和C8051F9xx关系不大的问题吗?在贵网站,有些产品的datasheet无法找到(例如si47xx,radio ic),请问如何能得到?谢谢 
[答:Mary Ann] The data sheets for these products currently require an NDA.   However, after April 7th you will no longer need an NDA and then they will be available from your local NCD sales representative.  [2008-3-18 11:40:09]
[问:wmq7153] C8051F930DK开发套件价格如何?如何购买? 
[答:Mary Ann] The F930DK retails for $99 USD and can be purchased from New China Dragon.  [2008-3-18 11:41:09]
[问:lyn663013] 请问怎样减少电源噪声对模拟信号的影响 
[答:Gautam] The power supply noise is reduced because it is synchronized with the system clock.   Also, there is synchronization between the DC/DC converter and the ADC so that the ADC performs a conversion during the "quiet" time.  [2008-3-18 11:41:41]
[问:sungenyou] 请问对外接电感和电容的有何特别的要求? 
[答:Tabitha] The external inductor is a 0.68 uH inductor that must be able to supply 250 mA of current.   The recommended inductor DC resistance is 5 ohms. The external capacitor is 4.7 uF. More information can be found in Table 4.14 on page 54 in the datasheet:  [2008-3-18 11:42:38]
[问:hpsun] C8051F9XX 的算术运算能力如何? 
[答:Gautam] The "F9xx devices can run up to 25 MIPS and perform operations very quickly.   We have an application note availabe that details the arithmetic performance of our 8051 core:  [2008-3-18 11:43:30]
[问:changzhiyong200] C8051F9xx有几种调试的方式? 如果使用了串口,还有没有别的方式? 谢谢! 
[答:Karthik] The "F9xx MCU can be programmed and debugged using the 2-wire C2 debug interface that uses the C2CK and C2D pins (shared pins). The debugging can be done at full speed without any on-chip user resources because the MCU has built-in debug hardware. The debugging is done using a USB Debug Adapter or a ToolStick Base Adapter. No emulator is required. The serial port is not used for debugging is always available for customer use.  [2008-3-18 11:43:45]
[问:radar] C8051F9的IO输出电平是3.3VCMOS还是2.5VCMOS?还是两者可选择?2.5V的其他器件(不容忍3.3V)可否直接连接 
[答:Gautam] The output level of the port pins is determined by the VDD/DC+ pin.   It can be configured in firmware by the MCU in the range from 1.8V to 3.6V.  2.5V can be directly connected to the MCU as the pins are 5V tolerant.  [2008-3-18 11:44:35]
[问:chengyabcd] 是呀,你们的片子确实性能非常好,就是抗干扰能力不行,你们做了改进了吗?以前出的芯片会做改经吗? 
[答:Gautam] The EMI of the MCU is very low because the system clock uses a spread-spectrum technology to reduce emissions.   Also, the output of the DC/DC converter is synchronized with the system clock to reduce EMI. The MCU PCB can also be designed to reduce the effects of noise from external sources.  [2008-3-18 11:46:57]
[问:liyanhua] 请问C8051F9XX系列单片机中断等级是多少?谢谢 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx has 19 different interrupts in a set priority order.   Additionally, there"s a programmable low/high priority order that can be set using the IP/EIP1/EIP2 registers. More information can be found in the "Interrupt Handler" chapter of the datasheet, starting on page 124.   The datasheet can be found here:  [2008-3-18 11:47:30]
[问:liyanhua] 请问C8051F9xx 单片机只能用电池供电?是否支持墙上电源供电和电池供电自由选择? 
[答:Gautam] The MCU can use a battery supply or a power adapter.   As long as a voltage input from 1.8V to 3.6V is available from any source, the MCU can be powered.  [2008-3-18 11:47:36]
[问:changzhiyong200] C8051F9xx系列有多少个I/O,驱动能力大小?能不能直接驱动点阵,或者继电器? 谢谢!! 
[答:Gautam] 24 or 16 port pins are available. We recomend driving no more than 10 mA through each port pin.   Yes, an IO pin can directly drive an LED matrix.  [2008-3-18 11:48:52]
[问:brbl] 在EC2/U-EC5调试时,C8051F9XX是否可工作在单单节电池方式? 
[答:Tabitha] Yes.  The "F9xx can still debug code from 1.8 V - 0.9 V.   In this mode, the Port I/O VDD/DC+ value is 3.6 V - 1.8 V because of the DC/DC boost converter.  [2008-3-18 11:50:09]
[问:brbl] F9XX是否已经可以批量供应? 
[答:Alan] The Mass Production schedule is Jul-2008.  [2008-3-18 11:50:23]
[问:jiji108] 能详细介绍C8051F9xx MCU中的数据安全问题吗? 
[答:Gautam] The MCU Flash includes very flexible security mechanisms so that the IP is protected.   When the mechanism is enabled, the Flash contents cannot be read from any external pins.   The Flash can also be separated into unlocked and locked sections to allow for bootloaders and other mechanisms.  [2008-3-18 11:50:31]
[问:minicatcatcn] smaRTC要对外接晶振的品质有要求吗 
[答:Alan] If accurate time is required, then you should connect a 32.768kHz X-tal to the oscillator!  [2008-3-18 11:52:10]
[问:liweijiang] C8051F9XX系列单片机的功耗与MSP430有多大差距,可以比较一下吗 
[答:Gautam] The power consumption is much better with the F9xx devices.   With MSP430 devices, the power consumption is a function of battery voltage and supply current.   With F9xx devices and on-chip regulator, current consumption stays constant across the operating range of the battery reducing the overal consumption.   The "F9xx achieves up to 170 uA/MHz.  [2008-3-18 11:53:09]
[问:well2000] 有几个定时器,定时器是否有直接驱动IO口输出脉冲波的功能? 
[答:Tabitha] The "F9xx has four timers and 6 PCA modules.   A port pin can be toggled in a Timer ISR, and the PCA modules can drive port pins directly using the CEX0-5 outputs. Please see the datasheet for more information:  [2008-3-18 11:53:41]
[问:woyunle1980] 请问,和以前c8051f芯片相比,除了低电压工作,还有什么不同的地方? 
[答:Gautam] We integrated the low-power RTC which is also avaiable on the "F41x devices.   We integrated a large Flash (64 KB) and large XRAM (4K) into a small 4x4 package.  [2008-3-18 11:54:01]
[问:yanzyzlh] 指令处理能力最高为多少? 
[答:Tabitha] The maximum clock frequency for the "F9xx is 25 MHz.   With 70% of the 8051 instructions executed in 1 or 2 clock cycles, this yields 25 peak MIPS for the "F9xx.  [2008-3-18 11:54:31]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Silicon labs公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Silicon labs公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2008-3-18 11:54:40]
[问:xiejian1383] 请问新华龙的U-EC35支持8051F9XX吗? 
[答:John] U-EC5支持C8051F9XX系列的芯片.  [2008-3-18 11:54:40]
[问:chengyabcd] 说到数据安全,我们公司用C8051F020做的产品,当电源有脉冲干扰时(程序已加密),芯片内程序会出现丢失的情况!什么原因造成的? 
[答:Alan] Please contact our local disties for technical support!  [2008-3-18 11:54:46]
[问:xudongwen2] 请问该单片机理论功耗是多少,单节普通电池能使用多少时间,可否应用于高温(超过80摄氏度)环境。谢谢 
[答:Karthik] With a AAA battery in a simple datalogger application taking a sample every hour, the "F9xx can last for 25 years or more. The actual battery life depends on active and sleep mode power consumption and the time spent in these modes. Yes, the "F9xx can operate at high temperatures up to +85 deg C. Note that the sleep mode current increases with temperature (50 nA at 25 deg C, 1.2 uA at 85 deg C).  [2008-3-18 11:55:01]
[问:duan_dzj] 演示中所介绍的三种套件是否兼容?适合那些产品开发? 
[答:Gautam] The main development kit can be used for all applications.   The ToolStick development kits are meant for initial development and evaluation.   They all use the same software environment.  [2008-3-18 11:55:18]
[问:brbl] 根据文中提到的DC/DC特性,C8051F的工作电压在0.9~1.8V? 
[答:Tabitha] Yes, the "F9xx devices can operate on a single battery from 1.8 V - 0.9 V.   The device has an integrated DC-DC boost converter that creates a programmable 1.8 V - 3.6 V output from this battery voltage. More information can be found in the datasheet:  [2008-3-18 11:55:35]
[问:jiji108] MCU的抗静电指标是多少? 能用在汽车环境吗? 
[答:Gautam] This device is not automotive qualified, but depending on the automotive application it may still be used.  [2008-3-18 11:55:48]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Silicon labs公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Silicon labs公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2008-3-18 11:56:35]
[问:chengyabcd] 用这款片子做的产品,你们做过电科院的形式试验及EMI试验吗? 
[答:Gautam] We will be performing EMI testing in the future.   We currently do not have our full EMI testing results available.  [2008-3-18 11:57:46]
[问:whhfdz] C8051F9xx系列中DC-DC升压转换器效率有多高?有几组输出?输出电压几伏? 
[答:Karthik] The DC-DC boost converter has a typical efficieny of around 85%. This is dependent on battery voltage and load current. Email to get curves showing the relationship between DC-DC converter efficiency and battery voltage. The output voltage can be set to 1.8V to 3.3V in 8 steps by firmware running on the device.  [2008-3-18 11:58:14]
[问:121java] C8051F9xx有成功案例吗? 那里可以下载? 
[答:Mary Ann] We are currently working with some customers to publicize their success story, but at the moment there is nothing publicly available.   [2008-3-18 11:58:15]
[问:shaoziyang] C8051F9xx 的开发需要使用哪些软硬件环境? 
[答:Gautam] We provide all of the hardware and software tools to program and debug devices in our C8051F9xx development kit.   No additional tools are needed.  [2008-3-18 11:58:17]
[问:menweifeng] C8051F9xx系列如何实现低电压检测? 外接还是片内? 
[答:Karthik] The "F9xx MCUs include a VBAT supply monitor circuit that monitors supply voltage. Also, user firmware can can monitor the power supply voltage (VDD/2) or the VBAT battery votltage using the ADC by choosing the appropriate ADC mux settings.  [2008-3-18 12:01:13]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Silicon labs公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Silicon labs公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2008-3-18 12:01:17]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2008-3-18 12:01:30]
[问:121java] C8051F9xx在减少电噪音和抵抗电磁干扰(EMI)的方面的优势? 
[答:Karthik] Yes, the "F9xx DC-DC converter employs "spread-spectrum" technology to reduce EMI. It can also be clocked using the MCU system clock to eliminate interference with internal peripherals.  [2008-3-18 12:02:56]
[问:sunny3784] F930可以工作在-40度的环境吗? 
[答:Karthik] Yes, the "F9xx MCU is specified for operating temperature range of -40 to +85 deg C.  [2008-3-18 12:03:43]
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