
热门关键字: 变频器 机器人 电平 PLC 



今天的音频产品通常工作在数字系统中 ,这是为了便于进行数据处理。我们需要通过一个音频编解码器将数字系统与外部世界相连接。实现模数转换和数模转换功能的ADC和DAC成为音频编解码器的主要组成部分。移动电话,便携式导航设备和便携式媒体播放器是音频编解码器的典型应用。消费者主要的关注的一个方面就是音频质量。由于在许多消费类产品都受到流行的缩小尺寸的限制,因此音频的性能也受到很大程序的影响。TI公司的TLV320AIC3x内置数字滤波器可以解决很多问题,同时还可以通过使用这些滤波器来提高音频质量。


[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到TI公司的专家就“TI音频编解码器的应用以及使用TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器达到增强音频质量”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与TI公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“TI音频编解码器的应用以及使用TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器达到增强音频质量”的 了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2007-6-28 10:03:49]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2007-6-28 10:15:13]
[问:callancc] TLV320AIC33的DATA SHEET中写43管脚用来选择模式的,可选SPI和I2C,我想请教一下,何时选择SPI方式,何时选择I2C方式传输?为什么。还有SPI是三线的,I2C是双线的,连接方式这方面片子内部是怎么解决的? 
[答:Jerry] SPI and I2C has their advangtages and disadvantages. SPI - higher speed, more pins required and cannot be shared. I2C - lower speed, less pins and SDA, SCL can be shared on the system. The choice of SPI and I2C depended on your system. Some of the customers perfer I2C as they can have more I/O use for other functions. TI internal has circuit to handle the logic for I2C and SPI.  [2007-6-28 10:18:34]
[问:casper521] 音频解码器能解读哪些格式的文件,请较全面的列出,谢谢。 
[答:Jerry] AIC3x is an audio codec mainly for Analog to Digital and Digital to analog. It is cannot decode MP3 and other compressed audio files.  [2007-6-28 10:21:07]
[问:casper521] TI音频编解码器可否安装插件? 如果可以,有哪些插件可以安装。 
[答:Jerry] TI AIC3x can interface to many analog audio device such as microphone, line in, line out, speaker, headphone. For digital interface, it can connect to I2S, Left/Right Justified, DSP mode digital audio format.   [2007-6-28 10:26:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是TI公司的:Jerry Ng  [2007-6-28 10:30:47]
[问:xl_cumt] 1.滤波器各频段的响应能做到多少?  
[答:Jerry] In theory, the gain/attenuation can be very large. But it is limit by the max. and min. digital value. This is, clipping will be occured. Generally, a filter gain/attenuation will be less than +/- 30dB.  [2007-6-28 10:33:29]
[问:tocoo] 这种解码器可以用在移动电话和mp3中吗?如果可以防震级别多少,会不会产生谐波? 
[答:Jerry] Yes. it can be used in Handset and MP3. We can reduce the some of the acoustic vibration noise by using the digital filter in AIC3x. The level of improvement highly depended on the system design. Try and error is necesssary.  [2007-6-28 10:37:46]
[问:callancc] 我看到有资料写TLV320AIC3x功耗仅为14mw,TI的技术人员是否可以讲解一下,采用了什么技术,使得TLV320AIC3x的功耗如此之低,这大概是同类的芯片的三分之一到二分之一。It"s amazing! 谢谢。 
[答:Jerry] TI has different process technologies for IC fabrication. Also, TI has many IC technologies on low power consumption. TI combined these technologies to achieving low power consumption.  [2007-6-28 10:41:59]
[问] 请问这一款立体声编解码器中数字滤波器相对于其它编解码器设计的难点在哪里?谢谢。  
[答:Jerry] The major different of our AIC3x digital filter is that it can be fully programed. It is a basically a biquad filter and all the parameters can be programmed. Thus, to some extend we can control the shape of the reponse curve. Most of the other audio codec is a tone control, you can only control the level on certain freq. So, TI AIC3x digital filter is more flexibile however, it may take more time on designing it.  [2007-6-28 10:49:21]
[问:dchen07] 请问:TLV320AIC3X 数字滤波器 除了用在增强音频质量方面,还能用在哪些方面(领域)? 
[答:Jerry] For example, we can create a notch filter to cut the noise on specific narrow freq in some application that has a motor noise such as vibration motor or motor for zoom function in digital still camera. Digital filter can also resolved some of the problem on the audio system.  [2007-6-28 10:53:48]
[问:callancc] TLV320AIC33 中提到了PCM/I2S格式可是在管脚中却没有找到选择这两种格式的对应管脚,请问是自动选择么?还是如何?谢谢! 
[答:Jerry] No. it is not automatic. User need to select digital data format by modifying the registers in AIC3x. The control interface can be SPI or I2C. All the function of AIC3x is programmed by writing the internal registers.  [2007-6-28 10:56:53]
[问:woshijinmi] 请教专家:TLV320AIC3x支持哪些3D音效? 
[答:Jerry] TI AIC3x support one 3D architecture which is shown in AIC3x datasheet. As shown on the presentation we can combine 3D and EQ to create more different sound effect.  [2007-6-28 10:59:32]
[问:lulu2890] 在此请教专家一个问题:TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器能实现音量的可编程控制吗? 
[答:Jerry] Yes. we can create a digital filter to modify the volume of signal. We have also volume control function, PGA, AGC built-in. If you need volume control, you can simply program the volume control registers.   [2007-6-28 11:02:59]
[问:lulu2890] 请问怎么消除影响模数转换器(ADC)的噪声? 
[答:Jerry] Generally, we can create a band pass filter to cut all the low freq. and high freq. noise. in the signal. Sometime customer will use notch filter too for removing narrow band freq. However, these will also affect the signal.  [2007-6-28 11:08:10]
[问:francois_wei] 此芯片是否具有回声消除(AEC)功能,性能如何? 
[答:Jerry] No. It is a digital filter only. There is no DSP engine on chip.  [2007-6-28 11:09:20]
[问:sduboy] 立体声音频DAC如何实现实现多路复用功能? 
[答:Jerry] TI AIC3x has many internal analog path buit-in for mix / mux functions.  [2007-6-28 11:11:41]
[问:tocoo] Q2AD转换时间多少,整个转换包括外围硬件电路会不会引起高速音调变化过程中的误码 
[答:Jerry] For audio codec, it is mainly for audio signal with highest freq. support is 96kHz which much lower than the internal clock freq.  [2007-6-28 11:13:35]
[问:hbm007] TLV320AIC33的输出格式有几种 
[答:Jerry] digital audio data format suported are I2C, left/right justify and DSP mode (PCM).  [2007-6-28 11:14:31]
[问:mp44] TI AIC3x 输入的音频信号的频率范围是多少? 
[答:Jerry] TI AIC3x supprot 8kHz to 96kHz.  [2007-6-28 11:16:06]
[问:mtlflower] 和TI的PCM3793音频编解码器相比,AIC3x音频编解码器在性能和应用有些什么不同? 
[答:Jerry] PCM3793 has stereo class D (2x 700mW) and there is no PLL on chip. AIC3x has programable digital filter but PCM3793 has tone control only.   [2007-6-28 11:18:20]
[问:zirconsdu] 为了提高音频编解码器的抗干扰能力,器件的模拟部分和数字部分如何接地?接地和视频编解码器有什么差异吗?谢谢 
[答:Jerry] We recommeded separated the AGND and DGND on the circuit and connect together on a single point.  [2007-6-28 11:21:00]
[问:xianluc] 演示中说,AIC3x数字音频处理器可以配置成3D效果,提供重音、高音和EQ(均衡)效果.请问专家,能否对背景噪音进行消除? 
[答:Jerry] We can create a low pass filter to cut high freq noise and high pass filter to cut low freq noise. Generally, the backgroud noise is low freq so we can use the high pass filter.  [2007-6-28 11:22:59]
[问:SEEDLiutao] 请问TLV320AIC3x比TLV320AIC23先进在哪里? 
[答:Jerry] We have many added feature in AIC3x. high SNR, more analog input and output, AGC, PGA, PLL, digital filter, 3D, PCM support, headpone amp and speaker amp.   [2007-6-28 11:25:37]
[问:starrats] 想问一下,有关EQ的参数,我可以在系统运行的过程中实时调节么?如果可以会不会在调节的过程中有噪音出现或者暂时没有声音?谢谢! 
[答:Jerry] Yes. you can change the EQ during playback. We recommend a sequence for changing the EQ. Mute->disable EQ->load new parameters->enable EQ->unmute.  [2007-6-28 11:27:42]
[问:schon] TI audio codec compare with other corporation product, what is his advantage. (audio performance, package size, low power consumption...or else). 
[答:Jerry] High SNR, low power consumption, fully programmable, more flexible.  [2007-6-28 11:29:07]
[问:laoyi] 这种解码器需要专门的抗干扰措施吗? 
[答:Jerry] No.  [2007-6-28 11:29:28]
[问:liguang169] 哪些TI音频编解码器自带扩音扬声器输出? 
[答:Jerry] TLV320AIC3x. TLV320AIC26, TLV320AIC28/9 PCM3793  [2007-6-28 11:30:53]
[问:raymondf] TI的滤波器Excel设计工具是否免费提供?在什么地方可以下载? 
[答:Jerry] It is free. Please contact TI sale or our distributor for getting the execl tools.  [2007-6-28 11:31:38]
[问:kittin] TLV320AIC3X 数字滤波器的插入损耗和失真指标多少? 
[答:Jerry] It is highly depend on the filter used. We have not measured these.  [2007-6-28 11:32:56]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2007-6-28 11:34:24]
[问:y_shijin] 为了获得最佳的响应曲线,可能需要采用尝试逼近法。请问专家这一过程大概需要逼近几次? 
[答:Jerry] If you have good tools in measuring the freq response of the audio system, it would take less than 5 time.  [2007-6-28 11:35:07]
[问:jonsons] excel tool可以从那里获得?如何获得使用方法?谢谢 
[答:Jerry] You can contact TI sale or TI distributors. As you need only input the filter requirement with the tools and parameters will be generated, there is no manual for the tools.  [2007-6-28 11:37:00]
[问:y_shijin] 话筒均衡的方法,能把频率响应的低频端和高频端扩展到多少赫芝? 
[答:Jerry] In theory, TI AIC3x support DC to 96kHz. however, most of the speaker can not respond to it. The main purpose speaker equalization is for the portion that Speaker can repond.  [2007-6-28 11:40:25]
[问:xianluc] AIC3x音频编解码器有几个通道?能同时播放或录制两个音频流吗? 
[答:Jerry] two ADC and two DAC. Yes. it can stereo palyback and stereo record at the same time.  [2007-6-28 11:41:22]
[问:liguang169] TI音频编解码器支持哪些音频接口? 
[答:Jerry] I2S, Left/Right justify and DSP mode (PCM)  [2007-6-28 11:42:01]
[问:y_shijin] 请问专家,AIC3x数字音频处理器能否在手机中增加背景声音如商场,公共汽车等的效果? 
[答:Jerry] AIC3x can create a filter that discriminate different freq. band. if those noise fall in the same band of signal it is not possible. If those signal fall in different band, it is possible. Generally, background noise fall in lower freq band.  [2007-6-28 11:44:31]
[问:songjunhua] 滤波器Excel设计工具能设计的滤波器类型有几种?阶数可达到几阶? 
[答:Jerry] We have Butterworth, shelf, EQ filter. Each biquad is a 2nd filter.  [2007-6-28 11:46:21]
[问:Guanjunren] 请问专家,用在语音处理的滤波器是FIR或IIR型?那种性价比较好? 
[答:Jerry] It is IIR. IIR is better in term of resources.   [2007-6-28 11:47:21]
[问:woshijinmi] 请问TLV320AIC31能消除回声吗? 
[答:Jerry] No. there is no DSP engine buit-in and it cannot do the acoustic echo cancellation.  [2007-6-28 11:48:22]
[问:liguang169] TI立体声音频编解码器支持哪些音频功率放大器? 
[答:Jerry] There 500mW x2 Class AB amplifier built-in  [2007-6-28 11:49:32]
[问:laoyi] 专家您好!请教TLV320AIC3x可以提供多少组混音输出? 
[答:Jerry] All the input can be freely mix together.  [2007-6-28 11:50:13]
[问:hbm007] TLV320AIC3x有几种节能模式,具体的效果如何,如何设置的,请详细解析 
[答:Jerry] AIC3x can control the power up / down on each portion of the chip such as ADC, DAC, PLL, line out buffer and output ampliflier  [2007-6-28 11:51:30]
[问:hbm007] TLV320AIC33的PCM可以支持SPDIF吗,据我所知,支持PCM输出的一般可以输出SPDIF 
[答:Jerry] No. SPDIF and PCM is quite different. AIC3x cannot support SPDIF. AIC3x can support PCM format.  [2007-6-28 11:52:30]
[问:blbamboo] AIC3X内部有没有对电源进行滤波的功能 
[答:Jerry] No. external bypass pass cap is needed.  [2007-6-28 11:53:18]
[问:hbm007] If we use TLV320AIC33, do you offer any full solution 
[答:Jerry] We have EVM application circuit/ layout and we have S/W driver on certain OS and platform.  [2007-6-28 11:54:30]
[问:sszzjj] AIC3x数字音频处理器是如何消除背景噪音的? 
[答:Jerry] We can create a band pass filter to cut low freq nosie and high freq noise. Generally, background noise is low freq.  [2007-6-28 11:55:21]
[问:hbm007] About the EQ, i want to know if it"s just preset EQ or it can be set by the user freely, if it does ,how? 
[答:Jerry] The EQ can be fully programmed. We have a excel tool for creating different kind of digital filters.  [2007-6-28 11:56:07]
[问:laoyi] TLV320AIC3x和软件音频解码器有什么区别? 
[答:Jerry] AIC3x is an audio codec and mainly for AD and DA conversion  [2007-6-28 11:56:37]
[问:zirconsdu] AIC3x内部ADC是什么形式的?delta-sigma?? 
[答:Jerry] Yes. it is delta sigma  [2007-6-28 11:57:00]
[问:cici_chu] TLV320AIC3X的封装方式散热效果如何。 
[答:Jerry] We have power pad for QFN package which is sufficient.  [2007-6-28 11:57:45]
[问:user0] 是否支持MP3的实时压缩?此时的采样率最高可达多少?此时功耗可达多少? 
[答:Jerry] No. it can not encode MP3  [2007-6-28 11:58:00]
[问:kittin] TI的音频编解码器是否采用G.721标准?它能同时处理多少个模拟输入信号? 
[答:Jerry] No. it do not support G.721. Two ADC and Two DAC built-in and can work simultaneously  [2007-6-28 11:59:02]
[问:dchen07] 请问:TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器 的不失真增益 范围是多少?谢谢 
[答:Jerry] It is highly dependent on the filter used. Generally, there will have distortion after using a filter.  [2007-6-28 11:59:59]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给TI公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,TI公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2007-6-28 12:00:07]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与TI公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请TI公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2007-6-28 12:00:22]
[问:zirconsdu] AIC3x能否产生舒适背景噪声?谢谢 
[答:Jerry] No. There is no sound generator built-in.  [2007-6-28 12:00:32]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的TI公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的TI公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2007-6-28 12:00:39]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2007-6-28 12:00:53]
[问:callancc] TLV320AIC33如果应用到无线设备上,系统的供电怎么解决,3.3伏的电源如果不稳定的话,会多大程度影响片子的工作效率。 
[答:Jerry] We recommend sufficient bypass cap on 3.3V and 1.8V for better audio performance. A bad 3.3V direcly affect the audio quality. Also, better layout will also help.  [2007-6-28 12:02:38]
[问:starrats] 想问一下AIC3104最多可以同时用模拟输入?
[答:] 2 differential input and 2 single ended input. So, total is 4 analog input  
[问:lulu2890] 请问: TLV320AIC3x支持重低音输出吗?
[答:] Yes. AIC3x has a flexible digital filter unit that can be program to bass boost. The level can be adjusted by user.  
[问:kittin] TI音频编解码器输出是数字还是模拟信号?是否能使用D类数字信号放大器?
[答:] TI AIC3x is a codec which contains both ADC and DAC. Thus, AIC3x has both analog and digital output. ADC converting analog signal to digital and DAC converting digital signal to analog. TI AIC3x has 4 high power output, line out (different part will have different number of line out). So, a Class D can be connected to the line out of AIC3x.  
[问:kittin] LV320AIC3X 数字滤波器的功耗有多大?
[答:] As it is hardwire biquad unit rather than a DSP engine, the power consumption is low. On testing with a EQ filter, the current increased on DVDD is ~0.1mA. No added current on other supply (IOVDD,DRVDD,AVDD)  
[问:blbamboo] Excell 工具在哪里下载?
[答:] Please contact TI sale or TI distributor.  
[问:mtlflower] AIC3x音频编解码器是否具有PCM接口?能和蓝牙连接吗?
[答:] Yes. AIC3x can configure as DSP mode (PCM format) for connecting to bluetooth. AIC33, AIC3106 has extra I/O port to connect to bluetooth  
[问:mtlflower] 便携式系统的音频有许多不同的格式, TI的音频编解码器能和那些格式如AC’97等兼容?
[答:] TI AIC3x only support I2S, Left/Right justify, DSP mode (PCM format). TI AIC3x do not support AC'97 format.  
[问:sd2620] TLV320AIC33可以支持多少个音频输入?
[答:] 4 differential input and 2 single ended input. So, total is 6 analog input  
[问:sd2620] TI公司与便携式音频解码器配套的设备有哪些?
[答:] Major application of AIC3x is handset, GPS, PMP  
[问:sd2620] 请问专家:哪里可以下载到详细技术参考资料?
[答:] Go to, the datasheet and app note. Can be download  
[问:sd2620] 贵公司的技术支持电话是多少?
[答:] Please contact TI sale or TI distributor  
[问:sd2620] TI公司有与TLV320AIC3x配套的专用扬声器吗?
[答:] No. the advantage of using internal digital filter is that customers can use the speaker they have sourced.  
[问:xianluc] 请专家介绍一下, TI的音频编解码器是否具有合弦铃声的MIDI制作功能?
[答:] No.  
[问:zirconsdu] 请问专家:除了巴特沃思滤波器,TI有没有提供带有hanning hamming窗的音频滤波器呢 谢谢
[答:] Currently, TI excel tools support butterworth, Shelf and EQ filters  
[问:raymondf] TI所提供的滤波器是否包括模拟信号滤波器?
[答:] TI AIC3x has digital filter built-in. There is no programmable analog filter on chip. We have a PGA and AGC which is done on analog domain.  
[问:sunchen198543] 这个块芯片的价格  (2千的定量)
[答:] Please contact TI sale or TI distributor  
[问:xl_cumt] 各部分抗干扰能力如何,整系统的理想S/N能做到多少?
[答:] TI AIC3x SNR of DAC can achieve 100dB, ADC can achieve 92dB with good layout and supply bypass  
[问:sszzjj] 器件的模拟部分和数字部分和视频编解码器有什么关系吗?
[答:] TI AIC3x is a audio codec which is different from a video codec.  
[问:sduboy] TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器是采用什么方式封装的?
[答:] TI AIC33, AIC3106 has 5x5mm BGA and 7x7mm QFN.TI AIC31/32 has 5x5mm QFN  
[问:sduboy] TI提供的完整的便携式音频解决方案包括哪些内容?
[答:] Datasheet, application circuit, EVM, S/W driver (WinCE)  
[问:sduboy] TLV320AIC3x有哪些音频与控制接口?
[答:] AIC3x series has several parts for various requirements. AIC3x has analog input and output, audio digital data port, I2C and SPI I/F. Details please go to for downloading the datasheet.  
[问:gumulaoyi] 请问专家:TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器主要应用在哪些领域?
[答:] Major application are sound effect and speaker equalization  
[问:gumulaoyi] 有中文版的技术资料吗?
[答:] TI has chinese web page but no chinese version technical documents.  
[问:gumulaoyi] 使用TI公司的音频解码器进行产品设计,需要向TI公司缴纳专利费吗?
[答:] No.  
[问:liguang169] 哪里有TI音频编解码器详细的管角定义和框图?谢谢。
[答:] Go to, the datasheet and app note. Can be download  
[问:xcsunsz] 请问:TI在河南有经销商吗?
[答:] Please check on the web below:  
[问:xcsunsz] 请问: TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器采用什么封装方式?
[答:] TI AIC33, AIC3106 has 5x5mm BGA and 7x7mm QFN.TI AIC31/32 has 5x5mm QFN  
[问:xcsunsz] TLV320AIC3x价格是多少?
[答:] Please contact TI sale or TI distributor  
[问:woshijinmi] TLV320AIC3X支持蓝牙吗?
[答:] AIC33 and AIC3106 has extra port to connect to bluetooth  
[问:woshijinmi] 专家您好!请教TLV320AIC3x可以提供多少组混音输出?
[答:] All and input can be mixed together. AIC3x has a very flexible mix unit at input and output  
[问:woshijinmi] TLV320AIC3X适用于车载音响吗?
[答:] Depending on the qualification required. AIC3x support temperature range -40C to +85C. But it has not go through AECQ100 test  
[问:hangjianhua2000] 请问它可以用于触摸屏的显示和解码么?
[答:] Yes. ADC of AIC3x can accept DC when turn off the input DC filter. Thus, it can measure a DC level and can be used with resistive touch screen panel  
[问:laoyi] 请问专家:TI的音频解码器中,功耗最低的是哪款产品?
[答:] It is highly depend on function required. AIC111 single channel codec can achieve <1mW. PCM177x stereo DAC can achieve 6.5mW  
[问:laoyi] 贵公司对电源要求严格吗?需不需要特殊的稳压电源?
[答:] No special requirement. But sufficient bypass cap is needed for achieve better performance.  
[问:laoyi] TI有与音频解码器配套的立体声扬声器吗?
[答:] No. the advantage of using internal digital filter is that customers can use the speaker they have sourced.  
[问:Guanjunren] 采用AIC3x 数字滤波器来提高音频质量,目标是语音质量还是3D效果?
[答:] both voice and music can be improved by sound effect, speaker equalization  
[问:xzyang] TLV320AIC3x数字滤波器价格如何!
[答:] Please contact TI sale or TI distributor  
[问:xzyang] TLV320AIC3X数字滤波器有没有相关的参考应用电路
[答:] Yes. Application circuit and EVM circuit diagram is available  
[问:cyberhnxx] TLV320AIC3x系列噪音大吗?
[答:] TI AIC3x SNR of DAC can achieve 100dB, ADC can achieve 92dB with good layout and supply bypass  
[问:cyberhnxx] TLV320AIC3x系列内置有调频广播元件吗?
[答:] No.  
[问:hbm007] TI音频编解码器有几个系列
[答:] Actually, TI has many audio ADC,DAC and Codec. Please check on TI web.  
[问:hbm007] TI音频编解码器应用在什么场合?
[答:] TI AIC3x major applications are handset, GPS, PMP  
[问:hbm007] Can it work with AM, as what i know is most of this kind of IC can not work with AM
[答:] There is no class D amp. Integrated on chip. So, it should not have a big problem to work with AM  
[问:callancc] TLV320AIC3x通常的用途是使用在手机上,我想了解。除了在手机方面的应用。TLV320AIC3x还应用于哪些产品之中?谢谢。
[答:] TI AIC3x major applications are handset, PMP, GPS  
[问:quintum] 我想了解TI现在和多少家VOIP语音厂家有合作
[答:] I think this questions out of the scope of this webcast  
[问:kenny627] 请专家介绍AIC3x 数字滤波器能达到的频率特性如带宽,衰减和相位等性能?
[答:] With TI excel tool, customer can design their own filter for their application. The bandwidth, attenuation can be adjust in the audio freq. range. In theroy, there is no limitation but generally we will create a filter with >20-30dB gain as clipping will occurred.  
[问:cici_chu] TLV320AIC3X的功耗跟同类相比如何?
[答:] TI has lower power consumption compare with our competitor at same operating voltage.  
[问:xshuanghxs] 语音信号输入经编码后,有什么IC可进行高效的语音识别?
[答:] I think TI DSP can. But I am not the expert on this field  
[问:huihongxiao] 请问是如何提高音频质量的?
[答:] In this webcast, we suggested providing sound effect, resolving the problem on the audio system, and speaker equalization as a way to enhance the audio quality.  
[问:user0] 请问滤波器的处理频率范围是多少?
[答:] Audio band that is 20Hz to 20kHz with 44.1 to 48kHz sampling  
[问:sangnan2007] 请问这类芯片算低功耗么?
[答:] yes. It is design to low power consumption and use mainly in portable device.  

德州仪器(TI)是世界上最大的半导体公司之一。我们始终致力于提供创新半导体技术,帮助我们的客户开发世界最先进的电子产品。我们的模拟、嵌入式处理以及无线技术不断深入至生活的方方面面,从数字通信娱乐到医疗服务、汽车系统以及各种广泛的应用,无所不在。 在 TI 发展之初,公司的目标是利用公司独有的技术能力从根本上颠覆传统市场,创造全新的市场。我们的发展历程中始终贯穿一条清晰的主线,就是运用越来越先进的实时信号处理技术,实现从量变到质变的进步,真真切切地不断改变世界。


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