
热门关键字: 传感器制造 噪声系数 载波信号 智能网络 



ZigBeeTM是一種短距離、低功耗的無線通信技術名稱,其特點是近距離、低複雜度、低功耗、低資料速率、低成本, 高容量和高安全。主要適合用於自動控制和遠端控制領域,可以嵌入各種設備。隨著對嵌入式控制與監視裝置連線能力的需求迅速增長,整合此功能成爲許多工程師面臨的瓶頸。
Microchip是ZigBee聯盟的一員,並且提供完整的解決方案,包括最新發佈的MRF24J40 2.4 GHz射頻收發器和在Microchip PIC 微控制器上執行的免費ZigBee通訊協定軟體堆疊。


[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位聽眾(網友),上午好!歡迎參加中電網線上座談。今天,我們有幸邀請到Microchip公司的專家就“Microchip的Zigbee和Miwi無線網路協定堆疊”舉行線上座談。在座談中,您可就您關心的問題與Microchip公司的專家線上進行直接、即時的對話交流。中電網衷心希望通過大家的共同努力,不僅能夠增進各位聽眾(網友)對“Microchip的Zigbee和Miwi無線網路協定堆疊”的瞭解和掌握,而且能夠為大家事業的發展帶來裨益。  [2007-6-7 10:31:33]
[问:nuaawqy] 你们的协议栈提供源码吗 
[答:Scott] Yes!  [2007-6-7 10:32:43]
[问:214273709] ZigBee对于其它无线联网应用(如Wi-Fi、WiMAX、CDMA、GSM和蓝牙等),有什么不同? 
[答:Richard Hsu] ZigBee適合用於無線控制方面之應用,其他主要運用於大量資料之傳輸  [2007-6-7 10:32:47]
[问:scale_xie] ZigBee技术比Z-Wave技术有哪些优势和不足? 
[答:Scott] Z-Wave? is a wireless RF-based communications technology designed for residential and light commercial control and status reading applications such as meter reading, lighting and appliance control, HVAC, access control, intruder and fire detection, etc. Z-Wave transforms any stand-alone device into an intelligent networked device that can be controlled and monitored wirelessly. Z-Wave delivers high quality networking at a fraction of the cost of other similar technologies by focusing on narrow bandwidth applications and substituting costly hardware with innovative software solutions. The Z-Wave technology is available in the Z-Wave Single Chip solutions. The Z-Wave protocol stack is embedded in the chips, and Flash memory is available to the manufacturer/OEM for their application software. For smooth product development, a range of manufacturing blueprints of the PCB circuitry surrounding the Z-Wave Single Chip is offered - including antenna circuitry and filters.  [2007-6-7 10:33:49]
[问:kingsol555] ZigbeeTM和 MiwiTM 無線網路協定各有哪些独特的优势呢 
[答:Aaron] MiWi是Microchip將Zigbee簡化的結構,可以利用較簡單的單片機就可以實現ZigBee的網路結構 , 但也如此在功能上會有較多的限制 . ZigBee是一種類似USB的共通性網路 , 目的是為了可以整合各家不同階層的產品 , 使之可以不受規格條件限制的整合在一起  [2007-6-7 10:34:31]
[问:deanliu] 1個FFD最多可幫多少RFD代傳資料,傳送過程中是否有限制僅可經幾個FFD 
[答:Calvin] 如果是 MiWi 的話 1 個 Coordinator 可以接 127 children , 傳送過程中可以有 4 個 Hop.  [2007-6-7 10:35:27]
[问:liangxihui] 网络拓扑中有不是协调器和路由器的FFD,这个FFD指什么? 
[答:Jeff] Full feature device  [2007-6-7 10:35:37]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答問題的專家是Microchip公司的:Jeff Tsai、Aaron Chen、Calvin Ho、Richard Hsu、Richard Yang、Scott Chen和Steven Lin。  [2007-6-7 10:36:23]
[问:scale_xie] 安全监控应用中,无线技术快速导入安全监控系统后,其带宽是否够用? 
[答:Aaron] 原則上此一無線網路本身的資料量就不是很大 , 所以在應用的選擇上就該考量到這一點 , 因此在保密模式下的影響並不是太大.   [2007-6-7 10:36:45]
[问:xcsunsz] 请教专家:MIWI能不能移植到ARM7(lpc2131)+ cc2420里面? 
[答:Jeff] only for Microchip MCU.  [2007-6-7 10:36:54]
[问:kmwkm] 在MiWi中提到“Multiple routes to a single destination allowed”,對於一個固定目標位址,它的route是隨機産生的還是遵循一定協定? 
[答:Jeff] 遵循一定協定  [2007-6-7 10:37:41]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 用PIC16和PIC18支持MRF24J40各有何特点? 
[答:Richard Hsu] It"s depended on your application. If you need more program memory, data RAM or higher performance, you could choose PIC18.  [2007-6-7 10:38:42]
[问:kmwkm] MiWi Protocol 和802.15.4protocol相容嗎? 
[答:Scott] Not fully compatible.  [2007-6-7 10:39:00]
[问:ch104885] what is the "Proprietary Protocol" of MRF24J40 ? 
[答:Jeff] It means "MiWi"  [2007-6-7 10:40:29]
[问:luck007] 請問MiWi或ZigBee的網路系統,適用在行駛中的汽車嗎?如TPMS(Tire Pressure Monitor System)... 
[答:Jeff] It"s work.  [2007-6-7 10:41:08]
[问:nuaawqy] 你们的ZiBee能有路由多少模块 
[答:Richard Hsu] On ZigBee Spec., it could be 65535 notes.  [2007-6-7 10:41:17]
[问:huahudiao] MiwiTM 协议有什么好处? 
[答:Jeff] Low overhead, low cost and easy to use  [2007-6-7 10:41:50]
[问:shiue] MiWi Protocol中,對幀有定義嗎?和MAC幀一樣? 
[答:Jeff] Yes, it"s little different  [2007-6-7 10:42:45]
[问:huahudiao] 现在Microchip的 Zigbee协议做到什么程度了! 
[答:Scott] The Zigbee stack and RF transceiver are ready for customer to implement on the applicatons.  [2007-6-7 10:42:54]
[问:lulu2890] 贵公司用于ZigBee的闪存程序存储器,是多大字节? 
[答:Richard Hsu] Coordinator           37-96k Router                   30-64k End Device           18-40k  [2007-6-7 10:43:31]
[问:xcsunsz] MiwiTM 无线网路协定堆叠是贵公司独有技术吗? 
[答:Jeff] Yes but complied IEEE802.15.4  [2007-6-7 10:43:49]
[问:214273709] 您好,關於Zigbee的功耗大概會是多少? 
[答:Calvin] 這可以分為以下狀況 : 1. Transceiver : Transmit 時為 22mA                  Receive 時為 18mA 2. 搭配不同的 CPU , 功耗可能不同 , 以 PIC18F4620 為例 , 4Mhz , 5V 消耗約為 5mA  [2007-6-7 10:44:40]
[问:ch104885] 在2.4ghz 無線網路充斥環境中 ,miwi 如何實現避免干擾 ? (如frquency band 一直被佔用.. ) 
[答:Jeff] use DSSS 展頻技術  [2007-6-7 10:45:03]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答問題的專家是Microchip公司的:Jeff Tsai、Aaron Chen、Calvin Ho、Richard Hsu、Richard Yang、Scott Chen和Steven Lin。  [2007-6-7 10:45:06]
[问:shiue] 對於移動消費電子來說(類似iPOD,手機,PDA etc.)which is the better solution, Zigbee or MiWi ? 
[答:Scott] Miwi should be the better solution for portable application for it is simpler and cost effective than Zigbee.  [2007-6-7 10:45:45]
[问:Guanjunren] Does MRF24J40 Support MiWi? protocol? Thanks 
[答:Jeff] Yes, we did.  [2007-6-7 10:47:27]
[问:woshijinmi] 您好!请问Microchip针对IEEE 802.15.4无线网络,目前一共有几种方案? 
[答:Jeff] ZigBee and MiWi  [2007-6-7 10:47:54]
[问:topone] MiWi的peer-to-peer最大传输速度能达到多少? 
[答:Jeff] 250Kbps  [2007-6-7 10:48:40]
[问:topone] 请问Miwi跟Zigbee的最大区别在于什么?性能方面(传输距离、发射功率)有多大的区别?谢谢 
[答:Jeff] Protocl is different, distance and power output are same.  [2007-6-7 10:49:24]
[问:scale_xie] 评估ZigBee/802.15.4射频时主要的参数有哪些? 
[答:Calvin] 1. Sensitivity 2. Power Consumption 3. Output Power  [2007-6-7 10:49:49]
[问:deanliu] 若需要由PC來作監控是否有乙太網路及ZigBee的交換器,還是要如何處理 
[答:Richard Hsu] 目前本公司各有ZigBee & Ethernet solution,本公司現在已開始舉辦16bit seminar,在會中會展示 ZigBee & Ethernet solution.  [2007-6-7 10:50:21]
[问:topone] 请问Microchip提供的关于Miwi的开发套件主要包括哪些产品?是否可以帮助开发者有效降低协议栈开发的工作量和提高硬件设计的成功率。谢谢 
[答:Jeff] PICDEM Z demo board and Sniff analyzer(+Zena monitor software).  [2007-6-7 10:51:35]
[问:topone] MiWi节点是否可以和Zigbee节点通讯? 
[答:Jeff] Can not.  [2007-6-7 10:53:18]
[问:liangxihui] RFD怎么和灯光强度邦定呢? 
[答:Jeff] According to ZigBee profile defined.  [2007-6-7 10:53:48]
[问:woshijinmi] Microchip的ZigBee协定堆叠需要授权费用吗? 
[答:Jeff] No, just use PICMicro MCU.  [2007-6-7 10:55:05]
[问:xcsunsz] Zigbee系列有中文版的技术资料吗? 
[答:Scott] You may find it in Amazon bookstore or local bookstore, so far I didn"t find it here in Taiwan. Microchip provide a simplified chinese DS00965a document, you may download it in Microchip website.  [2007-6-7 10:55:44]
[问:topone] 与ZigbeeTM相比,MiWiTM在安全控制方面性能如何? 
[答:Jeff] same ability.  [2007-6-7 10:56:43]
[问:lulu2890] 请问专家:哪里可以下载到详细技术参考资料? 
[答:Jeff]  [2007-6-7 10:57:13]
[问:shiyi628] 文中提到“There is exactly one ZigBee? coordinator in each network.”這裏的network是怎麽定義的, 以什麽爲區分? 
[答:Richard Hsu] 一個ZigBee network只有且唯一的coordinator,其他FFD只可做為router.Network包含Star, peer to peer, Cluster and Mesh幾種連接方式.  [2007-6-7 10:58:35]
[问:zhushuang_hust] MRF24J40可以和其它種類的微處理器協作使用嘛? 
[答:Scott] Sure, it can be work with any uP but if you choose uP from Microchip that should be more easy to your development because we provide stack procol and time to market is much easier.  [2007-6-7 10:58:36]
[问:zhushuang_hust] 如果購買貴公司的開發套件,那協議棧的使用還需另付費用么? 
[答:Jeff] Not necessary.  [2007-6-7 10:58:49]
[问:zealots17] 你好 ,请问在室内应用会不会受到限制? 
[答:Calvin] 會的 ,  [2007-6-7 10:59:05]
[问:sd2620] 贵公司的ZiBee设备是硬件加密还是软件加密? 
[答:Jeff] both by user decided.  [2007-6-7 11:00:02]
[问:maxhuang1504] 用於ZigBee, Microchip提供那些RF收發器? 
[答:Jeff] MCRF24J40  [2007-6-7 11:00:19]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位觀眾,現在用戶提問很踴躍,專家正在逐一回答。請耐心等待您問題的答案,同一問題請不要多次提交。  [2007-6-7 11:00:30]
[问:scale_xie] 采用ZigBee技术的无线网络应用的典型应用有哪些? 
[答:Scott] Building automation, personal helth care, home control, industrial control, pc and peripherals, consumer electronics, telecom service, etc.  [2007-6-7 11:01:51]
[问:johnsonwu] Miwi 是否能容易與8051族系單片機結合? 
[答:Calvin] MiWi 主要是 Microchip 定義並且使用於 Microchip MCU 如 PIC16 , PIC18 , PIC24 系列等. 目前尚無計劃開放供其他場牌 MCU 使用.  [2007-6-7 11:01:54]
[问:deanliu] 硬體(包含天線)是否限制使用材質,或LAYOUT時要如何處理,才不致影響發射功率 
[答:Richard Hsu] 沒有限制,一般PCB就可.若你要傳輸距離較長,當然就需考慮layout or 是否需外加天線.  [2007-6-7 11:02:10]
[问:maxhuang1504] 請問ZigBee協定軟體堆疊是不是模組化,可直接調用?Microchip PIC單片機有什麽優勢? 
[答:Jeff] 可直接調用. It"s No.1 in market place and easy to use, learning, reasonable cost, technical support and seamless migration.  [2007-6-7 11:03:03]
[问:Guanjunren] MRF24J40的功耗有多大? 
[答:Jeff] Rx 18mA, Tx 22mA, sleep in 4uA.  [2007-6-7 11:04:30]
[问:Guanjunren] 请问,对于大型网络,Zigbee和MiWi哪个更适用?谢谢 
[答:Scott] Zigbee can have up to 65536 end points, MiWi is designed for 1024 end points.  [2007-6-7 11:05:00]
[问:topone] 除了开发套件,贵公司是否还提供其他设计样例供开发参考?如果有的话,从哪里可以得到相关资料?谢谢 
[答:Richard Hsu] 請至 download.  [2007-6-7 11:06:07]
[问:shiue] “sockets”在物理上是不可見的,但他又是一種連接,可否把它視爲一種短距離的無線連接? 
[答:Jeff] yes.  [2007-6-7 11:06:22]
[问:214273709] Microchip有些什麽器件特別適合ZigBee應用? 
[答:Calvin] 1. 使用 Microchip Nanowatt 技術的新型微控器 2. Program Memory size 大於 32K 3. 例如 PIC18F4620 , PIC18F65J10 等 ...  [2007-6-7 11:07:05]
[问:hawkjay] 對於ZigBee,三個頻段800MHz,900MHz和2.4GHz,那個頻段在信號傳輸最有利,成爲首選? 
[答:Scott] 2.4GHz can be used global, 900/800MHz is restricted for example, 900MHz is for Europe and 800MHz can be use in America and Australia.  [2007-6-7 11:07:38]
[问:zirconsdu] ZigBee和蓝牙技术有什么主要的区别?谢谢 
[答:Jeff] Protocol is different.  [2007-6-7 11:09:03]
[问:zirconsdu] ZigBee不同通信速率对应的传输距离大约是多少?谢谢 
[答:Richard Hsu] 依據你所用的傳輸功率及傳輸路徑是否有障礙物.  [2007-6-7 11:09:47]
[问:hawkjay] RFD和FFD終端設備有些什麽差別?什麽情況需要FFD?什麽情況需要RFD? 
[答:Scott] RFD can enter sleep mode but FFD need to keep operation all the time, and FFD can repeat data from endpoint to end ppoint.  [2007-6-7 11:10:11]
[问:zirconsdu] 请问CSMA/CA和CSMA/CD有什么不同?谢谢 
[答:Jeff] CSMA/CD(detection) CSMA/CA(avoidance)  [2007-6-7 11:10:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位觀眾,現在用戶提問很踴躍,專家正在逐一回答。請耐心等待您問題的答案,同一問題請不要多次提交。  [2007-6-7 11:10:27]
[问:hawkjay] ZigBee和無線USB有些什麽區別? 
[答:Calvin] 1. 使用的無線調制方式不同 2. ZigBee 為一獨立式網路, 無線 USB 為 PC base 的應用 3. ZigBee 可連線的節點數可達 65536  [2007-6-7 11:11:18]
[问] 采用microchip的收发芯片,最大的传输距离多大? 
[答:Scott] 100 meters in a cleanning environment.  [2007-6-7 11:11:58]
[问:narsh_ben] ZigBee和MiWi在硬體和軟體發展上有什麽不同?是否可使用同一開發環境? 
[答:Jeff] 硬體同 軟體不同 可使用同一開發環境(PICDEM Z,...)  [2007-6-7 11:12:11]
[问:tuming] ZigBee或MiWi的定位(motion position )功能是否具備,功能強到何程度 
[答:Aaron] It"s by your application ,  [2007-6-7 11:13:30]
[问:mike1956] 這裏提到的router和我們平時網路系統中用的router是一個概念嗎? 
[答:Jeff] yes.  [2007-6-7 11:13:38]
[问:gumulaoyi] MRF24J40采用何种调制方式? 
[答:Jeff] DSSS for 2.4GHz.  [2007-6-7 11:14:51]
[问:dingjiong618] 和MRF24J40配套使用的PIC MCU有那些?之間的通信介面有那些? 
[答:Jeff] 通信介面為SPI. PIC16, PIC18, PIC24,...all have SPI interface.  [2007-6-7 11:16:48]
[问:deanliu] BINDING 的動作如何處理,可透過pc圖形介面的方式,若沒有pc,如何快速設定binding 
[答:Aaron] use ZENA application software , or you can design a Interface to do that  [2007-6-7 11:17:24]
[问:duguke] ZigBee三種組網方式(Star, Cluster, Mesh )有什麽區別?在無線感測器網路中應用有些什麽優勢? 
[答:Richard Hsu] Star方式在軟體的overhead最少,Mesh最多. Star方式在無線網路中任何傳輸均要透過coordinator,但Mesh可以end device to end device.  [2007-6-7 11:18:07]
[问:narsh_ben] MRF24J40支援那些信號加密標準? 
[答:Calvin] MRF24J40 support H/W AES-128 Encryption 共有以下幾總模式 - CTR , CCM , CBC-MAC 等  [2007-6-7 11:19:19]
[问:scale_xie] ZigBee规范目前的寻址机制能确保可靠的数据传输吗?谢谢 
[答:Jeff] Yes, we use acknowledge method.  [2007-6-7 11:19:35]
[问:gumulaoyi] 请问:在Zigbee中,数据速率和芯片速率有什么不同? 
[答:Scott] Data rate of Zigbee is 250Kbps, uP can runing at any speed you want but only need to note not to over the chip"s maximun speed.  [2007-6-7 11:19:46]
[问:gumulaoyi] MiWi 协议适用与星状网络吗? 
[答:Jeff] yes.  [2007-6-7 11:19:58]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] MRF24J40在800M,900M,2.4GH的接收灵敏度各为多少? 
[答:Jeff] only for 2.4GHz, and sensetivity is -91dbm.  [2007-6-7 11:20:47]
[问:hj580130] 請問專家,ZigBee支援什麽樣的作業系統? 
[答:Jeff] it is portable module could be used in a lot of OS.  [2007-6-7 11:21:49]
[问:gumulaoyi] 请教专家:MRF24J40芯片的输出功率,能实现可编程控制吗? 
[答:Jeff] yes.  [2007-6-7 11:22:40]
[问:scale_xie] 在工作信道上出现干扰时系统将如何执行? 
[答:Jeff] retry and depend use want.  [2007-6-7 11:23:02]
[问:hj580130] ZigBee無線網路可同時支援多種類型的感測器嗎? 
[答:Richard Hsu] 可以,只要符合ZigBee SPec.  [2007-6-7 11:23:14]
[问:maxhuang1504] 在最多连结点下约200,zibee的传输能可保持稳定吗多点对多点? 
[答:Jeff] data throughout is depend on bandwidth.  [2007-6-7 11:24:23]
[问:pojen] what is "hop" 
[答:Jeff] jump next node and pass data out.  [2007-6-7 11:25:21]
[问:zhangdianlun] ZigBee與藍牙都是低速無線技術,他們在技術指標、應用和成本上有哪些不同? 
[答:Calvin] ZigBee 的應用主要在控制 , 傳輸距離的規格為 Open Site 100 m . 成本結構也比 BlueTooth 低.   [2007-6-7 11:26:54]
[问:skypeng] 對於MAC frame而言,如果B點發回來的ACK信號丟失了,如何處理? 
[答:Jeff] Retry  [2007-6-7 11:27:37]
[问] ZigBee或MiWi的价格差别有多大? 
[答:Richard Hsu] 基本上硬體是一樣,主要是所需MCU不同造成成本不同.  [2007-6-7 11:27:43]
[问:214273709] 請解釋一下16位CRC驗證方法? 
[答:Jeff] Google  [2007-6-7 11:28:04]
[问:hj580130] 請問ZigBee無線網路中每個結點間的通信有幾種方式?Microchip推薦那種方式? 
[答:Aaron] There are Star,Cluster-Tree,Mesh and P2P , and you got to decide what kind application you need , "Star" is simple ,"Mesh" and "P2P" are fully function but more complicated then "star"  [2007-6-7 11:28:11]
[问:scale_xie] 在着手开发ZigBee设备前,设备是需要与与其它普通的ZigBee产品兼容,还是只适合特定的应用?协议栈参数是否需要调整到最佳性能? 
[答:Jeff] if you design ZigBee product you must follow ZigBee Alliance"s profile and send it out for certification.  [2007-6-7 11:29:54]
[问:zhangdianlun] Microchip的ZigBee開發平臺含有哪些半導體器件?它們的作用是什麽? 
[答:Scott] You need to have a stack which is normally a uP and a RF transceiver. The MAC is implement by uP and transceiver is as an physical layer.  [2007-6-7 11:30:16]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 两个紧邻的ZigBee使用场景是否回相互干扰?干扰的几率有多大? 
[答:Aaron] No  [2007-6-7 11:32:35]
[问:bhua_2005] 和業界相比,Microchip的ZigBee解決方案在性能和成本上有什麽競爭力? 
[答:Jeff] we have been approved as "ZCP" platform in ZigBee alliance.  [2007-6-7 11:32:40]
[问:sd2620] ZigBee信号是否可以穿透物体? 
[答:Richard Hsu] 看物體蜜密度而定,就像無法穿透鉛塊.  [2007-6-7 11:32:40]
[问:bhua_2005] Microchip能以什麽方式提供ZigBee/802.15.4 C51源代碼? 
[答:Scott] Not now but maybe it ispossible if we have C51 so the only option is PIC.  [2007-6-7 11:33:09]
[问:sd2620] 怎样获得MRF24J40 收发器的样片? 
[答:Jeff]  [2007-6-7 11:33:15]
[问:kingsol555] 请问Zigbee协定在实际中已有哪些成功案例应用? 
[答:Jeff] lighting,automatic,..  [2007-6-7 11:34:02]
[问:chenlin085] Microchip能否提供完整的ZigBee解決方案? 結點支援那些類型的感測器? 
[答:Calvin] Microchip 提供完整的 H/W Solution for ZigBee 而且也提供 Zigbee Stacker , S/W tools 等. 現在 Moicrochip 支援已經有 profile 的 Lighting 設備. 至於感測器部份 , 要視 ZigBee 協會定義規範的腳步.   [2007-6-7 11:35:45]
[问:kingsol555] 对于全球移动通信的无缝移动愿景,Zigbee会在其中充当一个什么样的角色呢 
[答:Jeff] check with ZigBee alliance web site.  [2007-6-7 11:35:45]
[问:laoyi] MRF24J40芯片支持多少位加密? 
[答:Jeff] 128bit  [2007-6-7 11:35:53]
[问:sd2620] 请问:MRF24J40是否支持转发封包的MAC命令? 
[答:Scott] MRF24J40 is a transceiver,its operation is under control from MAC controller.  [2007-6-7 11:36:12]
[问:bhua_2005] 開發工具DM163027-4在性能和成本上有什麽優勢? 
[答:Richard Hsu] 此tool包含完整開發環境及所需之相關文件,可加速開發時間.  [2007-6-7 11:36:26]
[问:h91b107] 請問一下,我是否能拿ZigBee來傳輸影音資料嗎? 
[答:Jeff] No! it is defined for monitor and sense application.  [2007-6-7 11:37:22]
[问] 目前各类无线设备都将通道指向2.4GHz公共频带,相对低功率的Zigbee如何防止信道干扰和竞争? 
[答:Aaron] The 2.4GHz freguency band offer 16 channels(Channel 11-16) for Zigbee ,  [2007-6-7 11:37:40]
[问:liuxiaoli] MiWi 網路採取什麽拓撲結構? 
[答:Jeff] star, mesh, peer to peer  [2007-6-7 11:38:00]
[问:laoyi] MRF24J40在不同状态下的功耗分别是多少? 
[答:Richard Hsu] Typical 18 mA in RX and 22 mA in TX mode Typical 2µA sleep mode Supports power save mode  [2007-6-7 11:38:34]
[问:handapple] 當使用Microchip 的單片機和MRF24J40 收發器相結合,MiWi 協定系統需要認證嗎? 
[答:Jeff] Not necessary.  [2007-6-7 11:39:08]
[问] 有没有与MRF24J配套的数据采集芯片? 
[答:Scott] Currentlly, there is no existing data acquizition chip work with MRF24 but it is difficult to integrated data acquizition into Zigbee or MiWi.  [2007-6-7 11:39:19]
[问:iamje] TI推銷自己的CC2420+MSP430系統,採用MRF24J40,也必須要用Microchip的MCU嗎? 
[答:Calvin] 使用 MRF24J40 可以使用任何有 SPI interface 的 CPU. 但是要使用 MiWi 或 Microchip for ZigBee 的 Stacker 則必需使用 Microchip 的 MCU.  [2007-6-7 11:39:35]
[问:laoyi] 您好!哪里有具体的应用案例下载? 
[答:Richard Hsu]  [2007-6-7 11:39:49]
[问:scale_xie] 对于需要数据安全性的定制应用,可以选择在哪里插入安全性程序:在应用代码中?还是在ZigBee堆栈的较低层?还是?谢谢 
[答:Jeff] 可在应用代码中, 或MRF24J40 MAC layer  [2007-6-7 11:40:10]
[问:topone] MiWi使用什么样的开发环境? 
[答:Jeff] Use Microchip MPLAB IDE with C18, C30.  [2007-6-7 11:41:12]
[问:Guanjunren] Can the AN965 App Note be done from you website freely? Do you have Chinese Version? 
[答:Jeff] yes, you can download it free and no charge. Simplied Chinese version available.  [2007-6-7 11:42:19]
[问:narsh_ben] MRF24J40的頻率範圍是多高,適用那個頻段?價格呢? 
[答:Richard Hsu] MRF24J40適於2.4G, 2.405 ~ 2.48GHz  [2007-6-7 11:42:39]
[问:sd2620] 贵公司是否有专门的Zigbee无线网络分析器? 
[答:Jeff] Zena with Sniffer Analyzer.  [2007-6-7 11:42:58]
[问:zzyjg] MiWi协定系統需不需要申請认证? 
[答:Jeff] No, just use Microchip PIC MCU and MRF24J40.  [2007-6-7 11:43:47]
[问:ayingchow] Zigbee無線協定是否提供網路配置和可選的安全功能? 
[答:Calvin] Yes , ZigBee 無線協定提供網路配置和可選的安全功能.  [2007-6-7 11:45:14]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] MRF24J40的PA从休眠到激活的时间是多少? 
[答:Jeff] 15mS  [2007-6-7 11:46:34]
[问:leepoe] MRF24J40收發器的資料傳輸率? 
[答:Richard Hsu] 250kbps  [2007-6-7 11:47:15]
[问:zzyjg] 怎样获得PICDEM Z 2.4GHz演示工具包? 
[答:Jeff] Go to  [2007-6-7 11:47:19]
[问:ayingchow] 關於MAC資料包,接收到應答表示幀被正確處理了嗎?還是僅僅說明幀被MAC層正確接收,如果幀被上層丟棄了,怎麽辦? 
[答:Scott] The received data should send to upper layer to process. When loss of data is occured, just retry.  [2007-6-7 11:47:37]
[问:tuming] 何謂DSSS 展頻技術 
[答:Jeff] direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a modulation technique. As with other spread-spectrum technologies, the transmitted signal takes up more bandwidth than the information signal that is being modulated. The name "spread spectrum" comes from the fact that the carrier signals occur over the full bandwidth (spectrum) of a device"s transmitting frequency.   [2007-6-7 11:48:20]
[问:zzyjg] 地形复杂,监测点多,需要较大的网络覆盖,是采用Zigbee还是MiWi? 
[答:Jeff] Both could be used.  [2007-6-7 11:49:31]
[问:xcsunsz] 贵公司是否有ZigBee设备的检测工具? 
[答:Jeff] Sniffer Analyzer and Zena software.  [2007-6-7 11:49:57]
[问:ayingchow] 請舉例說明一下,IEEE 802.15.4的應答資料傳輸機制? 
[答:Jeff] Pls see IEEE802.15.4 specification, it"s free download.  [2007-6-7 11:50:36]
[问:topone] MiWiTM是否适合做语音信号的传输? 
[答:Jeff] No suitable.  [2007-6-7 11:50:58]
[问] 请问Microchip有没有集成了Zigbee MAC和PHY的真正单片解决方案? 
[答:Jeff] MRF24J40(MAC+PHY) + PIC MCU (PIC16, PIC18, PIC24,..)  [2007-6-7 11:52:36]
[问:liangxihui] 你觉得学习ZigBee怎么样比较快呢?谢谢! 
[答:Jeff] See our application note AN965.  [2007-6-7 11:53:22]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 有的公司提供的发射距离达280M,而MRF24J40是100M;距离关系到应用成倍,请问Microchip是如何平衡其间的关系的? 
[答:Richard Hsu] Zigbee規格中定義傳輸距離為100M,MRF24J40 meet ZigBee Spec.若你要傳輸距離更遠,你可增加傳送功率,但你可能無法通過FCC and ZigBee認證.  [2007-6-7 11:53:39]
[问:zhushuang_hust] 能否推薦貴公司的一套Zigbee收髮器和微控製器綴合。 
[答:Jeff] PIC18LF4620 and MRF24J40.  [2007-6-7 11:53:43]
[问:zzyjg] DVD/CD播放器中,适用Zigbee还是MiWi协定? 
[答:Scott] Zigbee or MiWi can implement as remote controller in Video or Audio applications.  [2007-6-7 11:53:58]
[问:214273709] 4個HOP是可經4個FFD或router 再傳送至RFD嗎 
[答:Jeff] yes.  [2007-6-7 11:54:26]
[问:xianger578] ZigBee應用中對MCU有些什麽特別的要求? 
[答:Jeff] low power consumption.  [2007-6-7 11:55:22]
[问:yuefan1213] RFD是最小,最簡單的Zigbee節點嗎? 
[答:Jeff] yes.  [2007-6-7 11:55:32]
[问:handapple] MRF24J40 收發器有在網路監護上的優勢? 
[答:Scott] It is design for data transmitting/receiving but not for monitoring.  [2007-6-7 11:55:53]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由於時間關係,本次中電網“線上座談”馬上就要結束了。雖然各位聽眾(網友)已與Microchip公司的專家討論了許多問題,但是還有許多提問沒有來得及進行交流。本次線上座談結束後,中電網將請Microchip公司的專家繼續答復所有的來自各位聽眾(網友)的提問,然後整理上載到中電網網站上,以便大家查閱。  [2007-6-7 11:56:30]
[问:tuming] ZigBee對於雙向語音方面的功能是否完備 
[答:Jeff] Not suited for audio application  [2007-6-7 11:56:58]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 在家用环境下,水泥墙体对ZigBee信号的影响有多大? 
[答:Richard Hsu] 基本上水泥的影響不大,但水泥牆中的鋼筋影響較大,所以要看鋼筋用量.  [2007-6-7 11:57:02]
[问:lulu2890] 以前曾经看到有资料介绍,Zigbee还能应用于单兵作战系统,请专家简介一下,谢谢! 
[答:Scott] Zigbee can be used as location indicator so we can know where is everyone at any time.  [2007-6-7 11:58:02]
[问:214273709] 能否用在遥控上,比红外遥控有什么优势? 
[答:Jeff] yes, it can be used for remote control, it"s benefit is no directional.  [2007-6-7 11:58:03]
[问:liangv] ZigBee是低速率協定,目前它的速率分爲幾種?最高可達多高? 
[答:Jeff] 250Kbps for 2.4GHz. 40Kbps for 900MHz. 20Kbps for 800MHz.  [2007-6-7 11:58:46]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中電網特別感謝給予本次中電網線上座談巨大支持的Microchip公司,特別感謝專門線上回答各位聽眾(網友)提問的Microchip公司的各位專家們,特別感謝各位聽眾(網友)積極熱情的參與。  [2007-6-7 11:59:24]
[问:zzyjg] MiWi的节点是多少? 
[答:Jeff] 1024  [2007-6-7 11:59:39]
[问:woshijinmi] ZIGBEE在智能公交系统,是否已经有成功应用? 
[答:Richard Hsu] No.  [2007-6-7 12:00:25]
[问:Yangwh] 相比於其他短距離無線技術(如WiFi, 藍牙), ZigBee的優勢在什麽地方,技術上有什麽特點? 
[答:Scott] There has some level of overlap but Zigbee is cheaper and speed is slower.  [2007-6-7 12:01:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事業有成、生活愉快!歡迎多提寶貴意見,歡迎關注中電網,下次再見。  [2007-6-7 12:01:45]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 用MiWi技术实现多功能遥控器与传统的红外遥控器成本比较如何?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 我想傳統紅外線遙控器現成本較低但MiWi提供了無指向性遙控的優勢  
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] ZigBee技术用于工业控制时,如一个10000平方米的厂房内如何布置收发节点?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 視實際環境決定,只要RF訊號能傳收即可.  
[问:gracewgy] 對於802.15.4 標準,國內將使用的帶寬是那個頻段?
[答:Jeff Tsai] In general, the 2.4GHz is used.  
[问:tanqinhong] 如何索取样片?
[答:Jeff Tsai] go to or contact local sales office  
[问:lulu2890] Zigbee频率需要申请吗?
[答:Jeff Tsai] It depends on local regulation  
[问:lulu2890] Zigbee主要应用在哪些领域?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Building automation, personal helth care, home control, industrial control, pc and peripherals, consumer electronics, telecom service, etc.  
[问:sd2620] 请问:Microchip公司是否提供Zigbee协议栈的源代码?
[答:Jeff Tsai] yes  
[问:sd2620] Zigbee频段是否会和其他无线设备冲突,如自动车库门等?
[答:Jeff Tsai] It depends on which frequency band, modulation and protocol you're using.  
[问:sd2620] 请问:有没有演示工具包?
[答:Jeff Tsai] yes, we have PICDEM Z demo board.  
[问:sd2620] 请教专家:贵公司的Zigbee 比其他厂家类似产品,有什么特点?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 1.We have been approved as 'ZCP' platform in ZigBee alliance. 2. software stack is free license, royalty free + source code. 3. complete hardware platform.  
[问:sd2620] Zigbee和MiWi协议之间是什么关系?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Both are compliant with IEEE802.15.4 but MiWi protocol is simple, small stack that can be modified if needed.  
[问:hlovej] Zigbee技術在抗干擾和雜訊方面,有何對策?
[答:Jeff Tsai] it uses specific modulation and DSSS 展頻技術  
[问:hlovej] 什麽是MiWi?是Microchip自己開發的嗎?
[答:Jeff Tsai] MiWi is developed by Microchip that devidates from the IEEE802.15.4 specification when it comes to network formation by removeing some of the resource heavey requirements lined out in the IEEE specification.  
[问:gumulaoyi] Zigbee支持以太网吗?
[答:Jeff Tsai] They are different protocol, and now we didn't hear this kind of application.  
[问:gumulaoyi] Zigbee支持哪些操作性系统?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Suggest you visit ZigBee Alliance web to get most updated information.  
[问:yuefan1213] 請描述一下路由器的功能?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 一種支援關聯的設備,能夠將訊息轉到其它設備上.Mesh and cluster-tree can have multiple routers, but star can not support that.  
[问:handapple] ZigBee 協定棧是免費的嗎?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Microchip's ZigBee stack is free license but have to use PIC microcontroller.  
[问:zzyjg] 贵公司使用MRF24J40的模块,都有哪些型号?
[答:Jeff Tsai] MRF24J40-I/ML  
[问:zzyjg] 请问:IEEE 802.15.4主要应用与哪些领域?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 请问:IEEE 802.15.4主要应用与哪些领域?  
[问:zzyjg] 使用ZigBee协议还需要认证吗?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 如果你要販賣有ZigBee log的產品則必須加入ZigBee Alliance member,並送認証.  
[问:scale_xie] “Zigbee”技术在手机设计中的融入技术现在是不是已经很成熟?有没有缺陷?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 還沒有定義在手機的應用  
[问:scale_xie] ZigBee网络层是否有共存空间?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Yes, it should have space to keep neighbour and binding table for maintain network.  
[问:scale_xie] 无线嵌入式网络中的ZigBee技术抗干扰能力如何?如何解决的?
[答:Jeff Tsai] To use specific modulation as O-QPSK and DSSS spread spectrum.  
[问:scale_xie] ZigBee技术比Z-Wave技术有哪些优势和不足?
[答:Jeff Tsai] The Z-Wave is a proprietary, though widespread, technology intended mostly for home automation. ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15.4 standard-based technology intended for heavy-duty control operations beyond the home. It is also widespread with more frequency options and slightly higher bit rates. The two technologies are not compatible with one another.  
[问:liuxiaoli] 請問專家,和UWB相比,ZigBee有什麽技術優點?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Low power consumption, low cost and support 65536 nodes.  
[问:xcsunsz] 网上有相关的应用笔记下载吗?
[答:Jeff Tsai] yes, AN965 for ZigBee, AN1066 for MiWi.  
[问:xcsunsz] 请问:贵公司的Zigbee设备具有抗干扰能力吗?若用于一般工业场合,是否还需要采取额外的抗干扰措施?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Yes, its modulation and protocol could help to avoid a portion of interference, but in fact you have to study the source of interference to overcome it if needed.  
[问:xcsunsz] 贵公司产品采用什么加密标准?
[答:Jeff Tsai] MRF24J40 support H/W AES-128 Encryption,共有以下幾總模式 - CTR , CCM , CBC-MAC 等  
[问:iamje] 和Freescale 的MC13191/92收發器相比, Microchip的收發器MRF24J40有什麽特色?
[答:Jeff Tsai] low power, Rx more sensitivity, Tx/Rx switch and inside AES-engine.  
[问:liangxihui] 网络拓扑中有不是协调器和路由器的FFD,这个FFD指协调器和路由器均可以?
[答:Jeff Tsai] FFD means full-function device that can help pass data out; and it could be a coordinator, router, or an end device.  
[问:zhangdianlun] 請詳細介紹貴公司開發平臺的相容性和互操作性的性能.謝謝!
[答:Jeff Tsai] We develop project through MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is a free, integrated toolset for the development of embedded applications employing Microchip's PIC® and dsPIC® microcontrollers. MPLAB IDE runs as a 32-bit application on MS Windows®, is easy to use and includes a host of free software components for fast application development and super-charged debugging. MPLAB IDE also serves as a single, unified graphical user interface for additional Microchip and third party software and hardware development tools. Moving between tools is a snap, and upgrading from the free software simulator to hardware debug and programming tools is done in a flash because MPLAB IDE has the same user interface for all tools.  
[问:nuaawqy] 你们提供什么样的技术支持
[答:Jeff Tsai] Complete solution included hardware platform, free source stack, versatile PIC MCU and technical support at local regions.  
[问:dingjiong618] 和Chipcon公司的CC2430相比, MRF24J40有什麽特點和優勢?
[答:Jeff Tsai] CC2430 is a "CC2420+8051 MCU" SoC solution, not pure RF transceiver.  
[问:duguke] ZigBee的通信距離有多遠?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Zigbee規格中定義傳輸距離為100M,MRF24J40 meet ZigBee Spec.若你要傳輸距離更遠,你可增加傳送功率,但你可能無法通過FCC and ZigBee認證.  
[问:cslee0099] 現在提供的MRF24J40價格為何?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Please ask local sales  
[问:liangv] Microchip的RF收發模組主要是那個頻段?
[答:Jeff Tsai] 2.4Ghz  
[问:topone] 请问您们是否提供MiWi的开发套件?谢谢
[答:Jeff Tsai] Yes, PICDEM Z demo board  
[问:maxhuang1504] 關於ZigBee協定軟體堆疊,Microchip提供那些設計環境?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Microchip's MPLAB IDE with C18, C30 based on PICDEM Z demo board.  
[问:214273709] ZigBee協定軟體堆疊主要用在那些領域?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Building automation, personal helth care, home control, industrial control, pc and peripherals, consumer electronics, telecom service, etc.  
[问:taro_ch1] 和ZigBee相比,MiWi無線堆疊有什麽樣區別和優勢?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Both are compliant with IEEE802.15.4 but MiWi protocol is simple, small stack that can be modified if needed.  
[问:taro_ch1] ZigBee協定軟體堆疊有些什麽特點?
[答:Jeff Tsai] This stack can bring product to be a low cost, low power and low data rate wireless application.  
[问:luck007] 請問MiWi無線網路,若與一般433MHz的solution,在cost方面差多少?
[答:Jeff Tsai] Not evaluated.  
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