
热门关键字: sensor ROM ZigBee 工业自动化 



主题:嵌入式以太网解决方案 – 以太网控制器CP2200和以太网供电设备
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到Silicon Labs公司的专家就“嵌入式以太网解决方案 – 以太网控制器CP2200和以太网供电设备”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Silicon Labs公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“嵌入式以太网解决方案 – 以太网控制器CP2200和以太网供电设备”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-10-26 9:39:28]
[问:ldrag] 请问贵公司是否提供CP2200/1的TCP/IP协议栈的原代码或者其它支持?谢谢! 
[答:Gary] With a signed Software License Agreement, a customer can obtain source code.  This software agreement basically says that the customer will only use the software on a Silicon Labs MCU and they will not distribute the source code to anyone else.  [2006-10-26 9:53:58]
[问:bgpzgr] 有没有可供试用的套件?若有,哪里有,多少钱一套? SI3400没有可供外部控制启动或停止供电的功能(管脚)。 SI3400对于有隔离并多组电源要求的情况下使用过吗? 
[答:Brad] 我们提供Si3400和CP2200完整的套件供用户使用;请联系Silabs或者Silabs的代理商购买。   [2006-10-26 10:05:17]
[问:owen_oh_ya] 軟體的開發環境為何?是否有提供簡易發展版做測試? 
[答:Alan] I assume this is for CP2200! Yes, we provide configuration wizard and exmaples codes for different applications includeing web-browser, hyper terminal, email etc..  [2006-10-26 10:10:20]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-10-26 10:13:31]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是Silicon Labs公司的:Alan Pang、Brad Feng、Matthew Landry、Farris Barr、Tom Gao、Caroline和Gary Franzosa。  [2006-10-26 10:13:52]
[问:suncq] cp220x能不能和其他单片机接口,比如microchip PIC等?谢谢! 
[答:Alan] We provide standard 8-bit or 16-bit MCU interface, if PIC has this, yes!  [2006-10-26 10:15:11]
[问:brian.lee] 有时候PSE需要提供更高的电压,比如120V,Silicon Lab公司有没有解决方案? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 is IEEE 802.3af-compliant, accepting input voltages up to 57Vdc. The majority of midspans and PoE-enabled switches provide power from a 48Vdc power source. 120Vdc falls significantly outside of the SELV voltage limit needed to satisfy user safety considerations.  [2006-10-26 10:16:58]
[问:C8051F] 请问是不是所有C8051FXXX MCU都可以和CP2200配合使用 
[答:Alan] NO. Only the MCU with EMIF (external memory interface), F12x, F02x, F34x, etc...  [2006-10-26 10:21:52]
[问:jessicaiang] 怎么购买SI3400芯片. 
[答:Alan] You may contact our local disties, include Edom in Taiwan and China!   [2006-10-26 10:23:20]
[问:tannyhbkj] CP2200与飞思卡尔的MC9S12NE64美信的DS80C400以及迅兔的Rabbit3000等嵌入式以太网方案相比有哪些有缺点? 
[答:Gary] Both of these devices are integrated Ethernet PHY/MACs and 64 kB MCUs.  These devices should be compared to the CP2201 bundled with the F340 MCU.  The CP2201/F340 combination takes up considerably less board space (< 50%), draws significantly less current (in the case of the MC9S12NE64 - approx 300 mA).  The CP2201/F340 combo should be able to compete very well in terms of price against both of these devices.  [2006-10-26 10:23:38]
[问:jessicaiang] 你们的开发套件在深圳能够买到吗? 
[答:Alan] Please contact our Shenzhen disty Edom!   [2006-10-26 10:24:10]
[问:coolad] cp2200与是否支持与1000M以太网的连接? 
[答:Gary] The CP2200 is 10/100/1000M Ethernet compatible, meaning that it can autonegotiate down to 10 Mbps.  If the CP2200/1 is connected to a switch, only the port with the CP2200/1 would operate at 10 Mbps.  All the other ports would operate at 1000M.   [2006-10-26 10:30:10]
[问:leosui] 我们用SI3400产生两组电压1.2V和3.3V,可以吗? 
[答:Matthew] Multiple-winding flyback configurations may be used to generate multiple output voltages. The typical customer solution, however, would be to use the Si3400 to generate an isolated 3.3V supply and then use a series LDO or buck regulator to generate the 1.2V supply. Customers are encouraged to contact us through for specific application advice!  [2006-10-26 10:30:11]
[问:ldrag] 我们使用Renesas的M32C83 MCU和CP2201连接,贵公司可以提供CP2201的TCP/IP代码吗?(在F340上实现的代码也可以!) 
[答:Brad] 我们可以为客户提供TCP/IP的代码,但是这些代码中使用的一些库函数,只能用在Silabs的MCU上;目前还不支持其他公司的MCU。  [2006-10-26 10:30:41]
[问:joec] si3400和其他厂家的PoE产品相比有什么特点优势吗?例如Freescale的MCZ34670和Intersil Isl6844. 
[答:Matthew] Very favorably! The recently-announced Freescale device offers no additional features over other competitive parts, leaving the Si3400 as the higher integrated, more cost-efficient solution. The Intersil solution is very similar to the Power Integrations DPA423 application design explored in our presentation appendix. Though the Intersil device may be very cost competitive by itself, it does not integrate all of the functions contained in the Si3400. Again, the Si3400 has significant system-level PCB area and BOM cost advantages!  [2006-10-26 10:37:20]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-10-26 10:38:39]
[问:dtmcp] CP2200与隔离变压器侧的100Ω和10Ω电阻要求是精密电阻还是普通电阻,我的以太网丢包太严重,不知什么原因? 
[答:Gary] Optimal results are obtained by using the suggested layouts listed on page 29 of the Embedded Ethernet Development Kit User"s Guide or page 10 of AN292.  Both of these documents can be downloaded at  [2006-10-26 10:40:13]
[问:lcliu_chao] 请问Silicon Labs为CP2200提供linux的驱动程序吗?若提供,该驱动程序是否免费和可以从何处下载其源码? 
[答:Gary] This Question and answer is available on the MCU Knowledgebase.  Here it is for your convenience: Question Do you have any or are you planning to develop Linux drivers for the CP220x Single Chip Ethernet Controller? Answer The CP220x is a fixed function Ethernet controller with two interfaces: 8-bit parallel interface 10 Base-T Ethernet Interface The 8-bit parallel interface is optimized for communication with an 8-bit MCU. It supports both Intel and Motorola, Multiplexed, and Non-Multiplexed bus formats. Drivers are provided for many microcontrollers in C8051F MCU family. The 10 Base-T Ethernet interface can communicate with any other microcontroller, PC, workstation, running any operating system (Windows/Linux/MAC/etc.) over an Ethernet cable. This is possible because only standard TCP/IP data formats are used for communication. Also, no special software is required to access the device. All that is needed is a web browser, telnet, or e-mail client. [2006-10-26 10:42:48]
[问:jieling] POE对短路或过载保护的能力如何?响应时间有多快?它取决于那些因素?和以太网有关吗? 
[答:Matthew] As the Si3400 is contained in the "client" devices, shorts on the CAT-5 cable, while preventing the powered devices from powering up, do not pose any hazards. Overloads are immediately clamped by our integrated transient voltage suppressor--one of the unique characteristics of the Si3400. During an overload, the Si3400 also disables the switching regulator to prevent those dangerous transients from coupling in to attached circuitry. We have performed extensive hazard testing on the Si3400, and reports can be found on  [2006-10-26 10:44:08]
[问:ldrag] 贵公司有关于CP220X的TCP/IP编程的详细指导手册吗? 
[答:Gary] Yes, please refer to AN237 which can be downloaded at  [2006-10-26 10:44:10]
[问:jieling] 在安全规范和电磁兼容上是否需要考虑雷击防护和电快速瞬变脉冲群的防护,如果需要,如何设计呢? 
[答:Tom] 在市内应用中,雷击一般不必考虑, 电快速瞬变脉冲群的防护是指ESD测试,要注意PCB布线,要有良好的接地.   [2006-10-26 10:44:17]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-10-26 10:45:06]
[问:hanzhaowei] 有没有cp2200的相关应用代码范例公布在网上? 
[答:Alan] Yes, please visit (MCU products)!  [2006-10-26 10:47:53]
[问:BrentBai] 我现在用的是RTL8019,请问CP2200和RTL8019相比有什么优势? 
[答:Gary] The negative features of the Realtek RTL8019AS are: - It operates from a +5V power supply - Does not appear to support autonegotiation - Occupies 19x25 mm of board space (the CP2201 which is in a 5x5 mm package occupies 5.2% of the board space of the Realtek device) - Only operates from 0 to +70 degrees C  [2006-10-26 10:48:22]
[问:sis3388d] Si3400與CP220x共用RJ45的接口時,在LAYOUT上有哪些需注意? 或是有referance design? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 and CP220x are actually electrically connected to different sides of the Ethernet isolation transformer, so they do not share any leads coming out of the RJ-45. We do provide full reference design info, if there are specific questions related to EMI, EMC, system-level ESD, etc. As always, we encourage customers to make use of our applications experts by emailing us at!  [2006-10-26 10:49:03]
[问:dearliujian] CP2200是否只能与F120搭配? 最小需要多大的程序空间和RAM? 
[答:Gary] Actually, the most cost effective solution can be found by pairing the CP2200/01 with the F340.   This is dependent upon the actual protocols selected via the TCP/IP configuration wizard.  The Flash is typically the limiting factor.  The required Flash size requirements range from approximately 16 kB, for a minimum implementation, to 49 kB, for the full TCP/IP stack.  [2006-10-26 10:49:31]
[问:luobixin] 请问可不可以提供你们函数如mn_init()的代码供参考,我们要移植到ARM上使用.你们的API都没有原代码. 
[答:Brad] 我们只提供函数库,函数源代码暂时没有办法提供。  [2006-10-26 10:52:19]
[问:youngyang] CP220x完全支持802.3,与其他的协议兼容吗? 
[答:Gary] What other protocol would you be referring to?  [2006-10-26 10:52:30]
[问:acientcity] 使用Si3400设计,产品的总的额外成本大约多少? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 BOM mostly consists of components used by the switching regulator (inductor, transformer, filter capacitors). These same devices are used by all competitive designs. The total Si3400 BOM is much lower than competitor devices because of the high voltage device integration. As outlined in our competitive analyses and the presentation, the Si3400 BOM saves between US$0.5 and US$1.5. Further competitive analysis can be obtained as part of our sales guide documentation on  [2006-10-26 10:53:23]
[问:youngyang] CP220x提供给用户嵌入式系统所需的哪些工具? 
[答:Brad] 我们提供有关CP220x开发的开发板,开发软件平台,以及有关TCP/Ip的源代码。 另外,TCP/IP Configwizard是个很好的应用软件,帮助客户进行嵌入式开发。  [2006-10-26 10:54:21]
[问:CAI517_WANG] IEEE 802.3af协议中,对POE供电电流有何规定? 
[答:Matthew] The maximum DC current is 350mA. Short transient currents may reach 400mA. If interested, see IEEE 802.3-2005 Clause 33 for the full PoE specification.  [2006-10-26 10:55:28]
[问:raicky] 以太网供电和受电是什么技术原理,与internet有何区别? 
[答:Alan] Without PoE, you cannot draw power from Ethernet Cable!  [2006-10-26 10:56:10]
[问:apollo13] 为什么需要8K这么大的Flash?用来做什么? 
[答:Alan] The Flash can be used to store MAC address, additional memory can be used to store data required by the MCU. Web-page information, Factory information etc...  [2006-10-26 10:57:09]
[问:wliush] CP220X可以和AVR或ARM等搭配使用吗? 
[答:Alan] It is possible. But we do not provide TCP/IP stacks for them!  [2006-10-26 11:00:11]
[问:wwwcjwgxy] DC-DC输出是通过某个控制pin 来控制吗?输出范围是多少? 
[答:Matthew] The regulated output voltage is set by a resistor divider, allowing essentially any output voltage. The Si3400 is designed to supply ~10W of regulated output power. The Si3401 is a higher-power variant of the Si3400 that can supply ~18W!  [2006-10-26 11:00:40]
[问:lijin_as] Si3400能否对受电设备有软起动功能以减小浪涌电流? 
[答:Matthew] Yes, the Si3400 has a soft start to ensure controlled ramp up of the regulated output voltage and prevent excessive inrush current.  [2006-10-26 11:02:01]
[问:yangxw] 请问供货周期多长?是否提供相应的交换机方案? 
[答:Brad] 采购量比较大的话,我们的供货周期大概在6周。 交换机属于PSE方面的产品,Silabs正在开发中。  [2006-10-26 11:02:08]
[问:sujin] 请问si3400/3401是否有两路pwm,因而能够稳定提供两路输出,例如3.3V,1.2V 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 integrates a single PWM.  [2006-10-26 11:04:14]
[问:zhjerry] 如果采用这种网络功率截取方法的设备过多,能否对网络的稳定运行构成威胁?网络的运营者会采取哪些应对措施? 
[答:Matthew] The IEEE PoE specification was written to ensure that the power does not corrupt data integrity. Current work in the IEEE 802.3at PoE+ Task Force is seeking to quantify supply transients due to excessive CPE loading and battery-backup cutover. Intelligent power sourcing switches do typically include power management and monitoring capability, but this is all independent of the data link.  [2006-10-26 11:08:03]
[问:allixluo] 目前用到你们网线供电有哪些设备,是否已有成熟产品? 或者说何时能出现成熟产品? 对于机房的能源节约有什么优势? 
[答:Alan] CP220x has been widely used in Security, POS, Card readers, RFID readers and Vending machines. We provide low cost, low power and easy to implement solution. The product is in full production.  [2006-10-26 11:10:00]
[问:Lemon1101] 目前来说,以太网功率传输(POE)所存在的主要问题是什么?有什么解决方案? 
[答:Matthew] The primary limitation on PoE is the amount of power a PD may draw: 12.95W. The PoE+ Task Force is addressing just this issue. In the meantime, some customers may choose to implement designs that use non-standard power levels. We support these with the Si3401. Those customers should contact us at so we can help them overcome these power limitations.  [2006-10-26 11:10:16]
[问:lovelorn] Can CP220X work with other MCU?Like 8051 serial? 
[答:Alan] Yes, providing the MCU has enought GPIOs and it can support the data transfer rate required by the application!  [2006-10-26 11:11:30]
[问:zhjerry] 请问以太网供电(POE),电源噪声会不会对数据传输有影响?如何避免这一种噪音对数据传输的影响? 
[答:Matthew] A compliant powered device implementation will not affect data transmission, even in GigE. Our applications designs and eval boards are EMI and EMC validated. Documentation can be found on  [2006-10-26 11:11:52]
[问:youngyang] CP220x支持下一I代网络Pv6吗? 
[答:Gary] Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer IP standard and therefore the hardware (CP2200) is not affected.  We would need a new Protocol Stack to support this.   [2006-10-26 11:12:38]
[问:zhjerry] 在接入PD中,是否设置有优先级?也就是在接入的PD中,对于比较重要的受电设备,主设备有没有一些特殊的措施以保证其可靠供电?这些优先级PD最多有多少? 
[答:Matthew] This is an implementation-dependent system decision. There are PSE switch vendors than do offer port priority.  [2006-10-26 11:13:33]
[问:xingxuhui] 请问Si3400有没有热保护功能?而热保护在PD和PSE端是如何实现? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 has built-in thermal overload protection. If the Si3400encounters excessive temperature, it will automaticlaly shut off the switching regulator until the temperature decreases.  [2006-10-26 11:15:44]
[问:mo然] 请问8KB的flash的起始地址是自己在程序中定义的吗?若不是,那地址是多少?谢谢! 
[答:Alan] There are two address registers provided for Flash access, FLASHADDRH and FLASHADDRL.  [2006-10-26 11:16:18]
[问:xingxuhui] POE中, PSE侧和PD侧的浪涌保护有什么具体措施? 
[答:Matthew] Yes, almost all PSEs and PDs have surge suppressors. All competitive devices use external protectors, but Silicon Labs integrates these functions!  [2006-10-26 11:17:45]
[问:lovelorn] 来迟到了,想问下CP220X的芯片价格以及相应的开发板的价格. 
[答:Alan] Please contact our Disty (Edom in Taiwan and China) for price. For DK, we have CP2200 EK, PoE EK. Please visit our website ( for price or contact our disty.  [2006-10-26 11:18:00]
[问:zhhtian2005] 希望了解:该以太网控制器CP2200与ARM(S3C4510,S3C44B0)等的具体连接方法,可否提供样片。 
[答:Gary] The interface is the parallel external memory interface. This information can be found in the CP2200 data sheet and AN292 (Embedded Ethernet System Design Guide).  These documents can be downloaded at In addition, we offer sample code so that a customer can interface an ARM device to the CP2200.  [2006-10-26 11:18:31]
[问:david_zhou] to use Si3400, what we need add to protect the surge voltage, what is the highest protected voltage 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 integrates a transient voltage suppressor--no additional components are needed! We have documentation on its performance at  [2006-10-26 11:21:03]
[问:jessicaiang] 可否提供几个CP2200的成功案例 
[答:Gary] Several customers have been purchasing the CP2200 for VoIP handset/basestation applications.  They are using ARM type processors with the CP2200.  These customers prefer the parallel interface to the SPI interface offered on competitive devices.  [2006-10-26 11:21:30]
[问:winday] POE的供电距离有没有限制,是多少? 
[答:Matthew] The Ethernet specification only covers cable up to 100m. Non-standard implementations may of course exceed this, only if they take into account additional power loss on the additional cable. Customers may email us with specific cases.  [2006-10-26 11:23:28]
[问:hohohahei] si3400在隔离应用中,是否有50%的duty cycle的限制?怎么做到的? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 has an internal duty cycle limitation of about 70%. This is a safety feature, however, and does not need any user programming.  [2006-10-26 11:24:16]
[问:albert.tie] 目前对对 PD 设备的分类的主要标准是什么?是以电压为准还是以电流为准? 
[答:Matthew] The PD operates off of a nominal 48V input, drawing up to 350mA.  [2006-10-26 11:24:58]
[问:winday] 如何解决SI3400本身的散热问题? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 is packaged in a 20-pin QFN with an exposed heat pad. Our applications evaluation boards make use of a heat dissipation plane on the PCB. Contact our applications engineers at for specific layout advice.  [2006-10-26 11:26:33]
[问:xingxuhui] POE中,能否对PD进行热插拔? 
[答:Matthew] Some of our applications circuits include wall-wart fallback reference designs. See, or email us.  [2006-10-26 11:28:05]
[问:dtmcp] 请问网络变压器为1:1 还是1:2.5,现在后者不好采购 
[答:Gary] The TX transformer ratio is 1:2.5.  We have included some suggested suppliers on Page 11 of AN292: Embedded Ethernet System Design Guide which can be found at  [2006-10-26 11:28:14]
[问:EER100] 在POE上, 如何解决脉冲和辐射保护问题? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 evaluation boards are EMI and EMC compliant. The integrated transient voltage suppressor prevent external electrical fast transients and cable discharge events from damaging the PD. Our website has a transient surge test report and radiated emissions report that show how robust the Si3400 is.  [2006-10-26 11:30:55]
[问:EER100] 如何考虑PD端瞬态过电压保护? 
[答:Matthew] The Si3400 has integrated current limitation and thermal overload protection to prevent excessive power draw from damaging the device.  [2006-10-26 11:31:46]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Silicon Labs公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Silicon Labs公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2006-10-26 11:31:47]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Silicon Labs公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Silicon Labs公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2006-10-26 11:32:04]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Silicon Labs公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Silicon Labs公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2006-10-26 11:32:21]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2006-10-26 11:32:31]
[问:suncq] tcp/ip配置向导产生的是C代码吗?如果我用PIC+C开发行吗?有没有这方面的例子? 
[答:Gary] This version of the TCP/IP stack was written specifically for use with the Keil Compiler and the Silabs MCUs.  [2006-10-26 11:32:49]
[问:joec] Does CP220x support MDI/MDIX auto-negotiation? 
[答:Gary] Ethernet MDI/MDIX Auto Cross Normally, Twisted Pair ports must be connected so that the Transmit pair on one end is connected to the Receive pair on the other end, and vice versa. If the cabling is done so that Transmit on one end is wired to Transmit on the other, and Receive is wired to Receive, the link will not come up. Hubs and switches are deliberately wired opposite the way end stations are wired, so that when a hub or switch is connected to an end station, a "straight through" ethernet cable can be used and the pairs will match up properly. When two hub/switches are connected to each other, or two end stations are connected to each other, a "crossover" cable is used to make sure that the correct pairs are connected. The standard wiring for end stations is known as "MDI" (Media Dependent Interface), and the standard wiring for hubs and switches is known as "MDIX" (Media Dependent Interface with Crossover). On certain devices, it is possible for hardware to automatically correct errors in cable selection, making the distinction between a "straight through" cable and a "crossover" cable unimportant. This capability is known as Auto Cross. The CP2200/01 does not support MDI/MDIX.  The CP2200/01 can only correct TX+/TX- and RX+/RX- cross connections.  [2006-10-26 11:38:08]
[问:jhonsun12] CP2200作为TCP SERVER时是否允许多个TCP CLIENT接入 
[答:Gary] Each device has a unique MAC address and therefore, it can communicate with any devices within its subnet. Please refer to the AN292: Embedded Ethernet System Design Guide for more details.  This app note can be downloaded at  [2006-10-26 11:43:31]
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