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主题:介绍NXP PCIe 器件
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到NXP公司的专家就“介绍NXP PCIe 器件”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与NXP公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“介绍NXP PCIe 器件”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-9-14 10:02:38]
[问:ygn] 能否比较PCI-Express 和 PXI 总线不同,用途和侧重点 
[答:Lam] PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) is a standard for measurement and automation.  There is a PXIe standard which is PXI based on PCI Express. PLDA provides a PXIe design kit using NXP PX1012A and this design was demonstrated at National Instruments Week a couple of months ago.   [2006-9-14 10:28:09]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-9-14 10:28:16]
[问:xbao] NXP公司能否提供PCI-E应用案例或参考设计?那里可找到这样的资料? 
[答:Lam] NXP has multiple example PCB design schematics that can be provided for your reference. Please go to our webpage and send an email to to get a copy.  [2006-9-14 10:33:26]
[问:levisophia] NXP PCIE的成功应用案例,如给某主板采用等等; 
[答:Lam] NXP PCIe solution has been tested in many PC systems: · Apple MAC G5 · ASUS A8NE · ASUS P5LD2 DELUXE (Intel i945 chipset) · Dell Dimension 4700 x1 & x16 slots (Intel 915G chipset) · Dell Dimension 8400 (Intel 925G chipset) · Dell Optiplex GX280 x1 slot (Intel 82915G and ICH6R) · Dell PowerEdge SC430 · Dell Precision 470 x4 slot (Intel Turnwater chipset) · Dell Precision 670 workstation · IBM 8113-F8U · Intel PDK System Rev C · Intel Lindenhurst x16 slot · Supermicro PDSGE x1 slot · Supermicro X6DA8G x16 and x4 slots · Supermicro x6dvl-eg2 (Intel 915 / 945 chipsets) · Supermicro X6DHE-G2 x8 slot · Tyan S2895 motherboard · Asrock 775TWINS-HDTV-M-ASR (ATI Radeon Xpress 20, Uli 1573 chipset) · ASUS A8NE (x16, two x1 and one x4 slots) · ASUS P5GP motherboard (Intel 915G chipset) · ASUS P5LD2 DELUXE (Intel i945 chipset) · Dell Dimension 4700 x1 & x16 slots (Intel 915G chipset) · Dell Dimension 8400 (Intel 925G chipset) · Dell Optiplex GX280 x1 slot (Intel 82915G and ICH6R) · Dell Precision 470 x4 and x16 slots (Intel Turnwater E7525 chipset) · Freescale MPC8548CDS x4 slot · HP XW4200 · HP XW4300 · Intel 915GEV x1 slot · MPC8548 CDS · MSI (Intel i915 chipset) · Nvidia 6150 x1 slot · PLX8532 on Dell Prevision x16 slot · Serverworks GC-SL · Shuttle ATI Express 200 chipset · Supermicro X6DA8G x16 and x4 slots Other PC Systems Tested at PCI-SIG Plugfests · Allion (Intel 915 chipset) · ATI RD580 Motherboard · HP 570G3 · HP Blackford Server · HP E8500 Server · HP Greencreek Workstation · Intel Broadwater Motherboard · Intel Twincastle Motherboard · Nvidia Motherboard (C51 chipset) · SUN Sparc Fireball · ULi M1695 Motherboard   [2006-9-14 10:34:37]
[问:hxf136] 采用此种PCIle器件数据速度可以提升多少倍?可以用在那些领域呢 
[答:Aika] x1 PCIe - 250Mhz/8bit much faster than PCI. This could be used in plug-in cards with PCIe interface in security, video capture, imaging..etc  [2006-9-14 10:35:04]
[问:apitx] 编程序难不难啊 
[答:RChen] 我们现在所谈到的PIC-E方案是是3组件方案:FPGA+PCE-E IP包 +PHY(物理层),针对FPGA方面的编程有相关的开发工具指导,工程师可以更好地完成开发  [2006-9-14 10:36:08]
[问:sparkling] pcie的性能比agp提高多少阿,有量性的数据吗 
[答:Aika] Yes. x1 PCIe is 250Mhz/8bit.  [2006-9-14 10:36:19]
[问:xbao] 由于时延,PIPE接口适用于片外互联吗?如何连接? 
[答:Christian] PIPE can indeed be used for chip to chip interconnect but the timing delay makes the implementation quite challenging. That is why the PX1011A proposes a variant to PIPE, called PXPIPE which is based upon the use of 2 separate synchronous source clocks, one for transmit and one for receive. By decoupling the timing constraints between the 2 channels, the PX1011A makes the chip to chip interconnect significantly easier  [2006-9-14 10:36:34]
[问:fcr] 这个接口芯片的价位是多少啊? 
[答:Lam] Multiple NXP distributors are selling PX1011A and PX1012A. You can find 1-piece pricing sold by our distributors at e.g. $10-11 range. You may want to check out with Digikey, Avnet, Arrow or Future. For higher volume pricing, the pricing is generally lower. Please check with our distributors and local sales for volume pricing.  [2006-9-14 10:36:42]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是NXP公司的:Ho Wai Wong-Lam 、Aika Tsai、Richard Yu、Eric Wu、Richard Chen、Christian Paquet、Bruce Xu和Bin Lin。  [2006-9-14 10:38:50]
[问:cccfeb] PCI速度与FPGA关系,你们的产品又是如何?他们之间有什么差别?你们的强项地方? 
[答:Bruce] 使用PCIe芯片,需要选用相应的FPGA,比如需要Xlinx的Spartan3 XC3S1000以上容量的FPGA芯片。 PCIe是PCI的升级替代总线,它是串行差分信号,可以提供最高达到80Gbits/s速率。NXP的PCIe PHY芯片已经通过PCI-SIG组织的测试,并且与Xlinx结成战略伙伴关系,提供给用户更方便快速的设计环境  [2006-9-14 10:38:58]
[问:fcr] 在驱动程序方面与普通PCI有多大差别?NXP是否有驱动方面的技术支持? 
[答:Lam] Software driver of PCI Express is backward compatible to PCI. It means that if you don"t use the new and more advanced features in PCI Express (which were not available in PCI), you don"t need to change the driver. Xilinx has a board that can be obtained from Avnet (our distributor). This board uses PX1011A, and software driver is available from Avnet. Please see for details on this board.  [2006-9-14 10:39:23]
[问:fcr] PCI-E有没有32位或者64位之分? 
[答:Lam] PCI Express is serial IO, so that is different from 32-bit or 64-bit PCI which is parallel IO.  [2006-9-14 10:39:53]
[问:xcsyb] 请问贵公司的PCIe控制器价格多少?可否提供例程?开发难度有多大?谢谢 
[答:RChen] NXP目前提供的是PCIe物理层器件,它针对数字ASIC和低成本的FPGA的应用进行了优化,具有超强的性能,快速的市场进入,低风险,并提高了设计的灵活性. 我们的器件提供有竞争力的价格,具体价格可找到代理询价.我们有相关的参考设计供工程师参考.  [2006-9-14 10:40:45]
[问:jack_zhou] 请问PX1011A,REFCLK的参考值是多少时钟怎么产生 
[答:Christian] The REFCLK can be generated in 2 ways: 1. it can come from the PCI Express Host, on the mother board. The differential clock signal is transmitted through the PCIe connector to the PX1011A. 2. It can be generated locally on the plugin card from a clock generator circuit.  [2006-9-14 10:41:21]
[问:rache011235] 请问国内用户能否定货、研发单位少量应用时怎样获取免费样片、研发过程中是否提供技术支持?谢谢 
[答:Bruce] 目前1通道的PCIe PHY芯片已经可以订货,我们可以提供3-5片的免费样片,更多需要从我们的代理商处购买。研发过程中可以提供技术支持,包括一些参考设计资料。  [2006-9-14 10:41:32]
[问:rache011235] 贵公司的有没有PCIe的桥接芯片?能否介绍下桥接芯片和PHY芯片的不同点? 
[答:Lam] NXP SAA7160E PCI Express-based audio-video bridge provides ports for capturing video, program/transport and audio streams, including two I2S-bus inputs for up to four channels, for high-level audio functionality. We will also be providing with other bridges in the future.  [2006-9-14 10:42:18]
[问:appleboyfu] 贵公司产品是类似于PLX 9054的桥接芯片吗?Pcie器件的本地总线的速度能达到多少 
[答:RChen] 目前NXP提供PCI-E物理层器件PX1011A和通道开关CBTU0808.  [2006-9-14 10:42:39]
[问:chenjl] 单路PCIe,目前的功耗能做到多低?能否可用在以电池为能源的手提设备如手机和MP4上? 
[答:Lam] The power dissipation using one-lane PCI Express is very dependent on what chipsets that you use, typically a few hundred millwatts. But in general PCI Express is not primarily meant for cellphone or mobile portable devices.  [2006-9-14 10:43:42]
[问:chenjl] NXP 曾把PCIe集成在SoC上,单独的PCIe和SoC中的PCIe功能,有何不同和优越性? 
[答:Lam] NXP has also PCI Express on SoC, e.g. SAA7160, SAA7162. The PX1011A / 1012A PCIe PHY chips offer the customer the flexibility to implement interfaces of their own choice, by using programmable FPGA or a digital ASIC. The SoC chips are specific to certain applications.  [2006-9-14 10:44:52]
[问:IvanYLiu] PCI Express本身是否有降功耗模式?如果要实现降功耗是外接控制吗? 
[答:RChen] 为了在运行的每个阶段节约功耗,PX1011A 支持电源管理的五种模式。低功耗、超薄的封装使得 PX1011A 支持新的 ExpressCard 应用, 还可利用外接WAKE信号作为L2电源模式的唤醒机制。  [2006-9-14 10:45:17]
[问:jack_zhou] 我们公司准备用我们ACTEL的FPGA+PHY 做PCIe的方案,请问如果用你们的PX1011A你们可以提供那些支持.因为我们正在收集这方面的资料. 
[答:Lam] We are working with Actel now. Will you please send an email to and give us your contact informatoin. We will follow up with you on the details.  [2006-9-14 10:48:12]
[问:faquir] PCI Express在移动设备中有市场吗?能用在电视手机中吗? 
[答:Lam] PCI Express is used in notebook (mobile computing). Its usage in cellphone is going to be limited for some time, because of power dissipation. For some larger mobile devices, PCI Express may find some applications. But in general, PCI Express is not meant for mobile phone.  [2006-9-14 10:49:25]
[问:laughingwinter] 对该样片有兴趣,如何可以获取样片? 
[答:Bruce] 可以联系NXP在各地的代理商申请样片,如Arrow,Avnet, Future,Wpi都是我们毕竟大的代理商。或者可以同NXP在各地的应用工程师申请样片,北京01085273759, 上海02122055676,深圳075582688236  [2006-9-14 10:49:57]
[问:liweijiang] Philips X1  PCI  Express  PHY采用的是PXPIPE接口,它与第一代相比最大的优点是什么? 
[答:Lam] The original PIPE interface uses one clock from PHY to MAC, called PCLK to synchronize receive data from PHY to MAC, and also transmit data from MAC to PHY. For on-chip IP-to-IP interconnect, this is typically not a problem, since there is very short delay between the 2 IP’s on the same die. For off-chip interconnect, this clocking scheme will make PCB layout more difficult, since there is only 4ns available for round trip delay. One solution used in the industry for off-chip interconnect is to use 16 bits interface at 125MHz, thereby doubling the available margin to 8ns. This solution requires more pins and interconnect between the 2 devices, and is therefore less convenient for PCB layout, and more expensive as far as packages go. NXP introduces an extra clock called TXCLK to synchronize transmit data, and renames PCLK as RXCLK to synchronize receive data. The use of source synchronous clocking allows easier PCB layout. This interface has been successfully and robustly deployed in many hardware PCB designs now.   [2006-9-14 10:50:24]
[问:fcr] PCI-X和PCI-E是什么区别呢? 
[答:Aika] PCI-X介面是並連的PCI匯流排(Peripheral Components Interconnect)的更新版本,一改過去的32位元,PCI-X採用64位元寬度來傳送資料。但是PCI-E介面是串連的PCI匯流排。理論上,PCI Express x16能夠提供比PCI-X 533介面還要好的效能,在數字上顯示出8GB/s對上4.26GB/s的差別  [2006-9-14 10:51:52]
[问:jack_zhou] 请问eye pattern 的测试是什么意思 
[答:Christian] The eye pattern is a very simple but powerful test. By superposing the signal on itself many, many times, you will be able to observe any variation of the amplitude or any variation of the transition over time. The test is actually a good measure of the uncertainty of the amplitude and the transition (also called jitter). The jitter measurement will give you a good idea of how much the Bit Error Rate (BER) could be  [2006-9-14 10:52:27]
[问:fcr] PCI-E的高性能对CPU处理能力有没有什么要求? 
[答:Bruce] 目前FPGA+PCIe IP+PHY的设计方案中,由FPGA进行数据处理,PHY进行传输,需要使用我们推荐的FPGA  [2006-9-14 10:53:47]
[问:jia_dy] 目前有哪些cpu提供pcie控制接口,在嵌入式领域的应用案例如何? 
[答:RChen] 这里我们推的是一个3组件方案:FPGA+PCI-E IP包+PHY(物理层),关于FPGA,目前能支持的有XILINX:Spartan3 XC3S1000,Spartan3E XC3S500E或更大容量的器件 ,ALTERA:Cyclone II 2C20 或更大容量的器件.目前的应用主要在需要更好实时性,更大带宽的应用,如视频处理...  [2006-9-14 10:53:50]
[问:lxscat] 请问NXP专家,如何计算PCI-E的单向和双向传输带宽? 
[答:Lam] 1-lane is 2.5Gb/s one-way, so two-way full-duplex is 5Gb/s. PCI Express is scalable, so you have 1 lane, 4 lanes, 8 lanes, 16 and 32 lanes. For 4-lane PCI Express it is 10Gb/s one way, and 20Gb/s two-way simultaneously. For 8-lane, 16-lane, 32-lane, you can further multiply to get the bandwidth.  [2006-9-14 10:56:48]
[问:chenjl] 和PCI/PCI-X相比,PCI –Express总线的特性是什么? 
[答:RChen] PCI –Express采用串行点对点差分技术传输,具有更大的传输带宽,数据吞吐量,INTEL在它的新的平台都采用了PCI –Express总线,我们认为PCI –Express总线是未来的发展趋势  [2006-9-14 10:58:21]
[问:liweijiang] 四路PHILIPS PCIe器件将有何新的特点? 
[答:Lam] There are quite a few new features in our 4-lane PCI Express PHY chip. The 4-lane PHY device has 4 of the one-lane PHY together in one chip, and the four PHYs are synchronized with each other. This is still a product in development. Please send us an email to and we can discuss further on the new features that we introduce.  [2006-9-14 10:58:58]
[问:IvanYLiu] PCIe有待机模式吗?从待机到叫醒需要多长时间? 
[答:Christian] The PX1011A supports 2 power saving mode states: 1. P0s    In this modem the transmitter is in idle but the receiver is active. The PX1011A will need 2.5usec to wake up from P0s 2. P1    Both the Receiver and the transmitter are in idle. But the internal PLL is still running. The PX1011A will need 64usec to wake up from P1.  [2006-9-14 10:59:18]
[问:liweijiang] PCI  Express采用全双工串行传输,单方向最大速率可达2.5G,双向速率能达到多少? 
[答:Lam] One-way is 2.5Gb/s per lane. So 2-way full-duplex is 5Gb/s per lane.  [2006-9-14 10:59:22]
[问:racheliuruizhi] PX1012A与PX1011A完全相同吗? 
[答:Lam] The PX1012A is exclusively for customers who use PLDA IP Core. The PLDA PCI Express PXPIPE EZ IP Core is exclusively licensed for use with the PX1012A. The PX1011A and PX1012A are pin-for-pin compatible and have the same functionality and transmit/receive performance. The NXP PX1012A and PLDA IP Core have passed extensive, proprietary system testing beyond PCI-SIG compliance tests.  [2006-9-14 11:00:37]
[问:heciang] NXP的PCIE器件的应用方案,有那些,网站有提供吗?我的邮件:heciang@126.com谢谢发邮件 
[答:Lam] Please visit for some technical articles on DVB-T ExpressCard and security video applications. Other applications include image processing, video processing, storage, test equipment etc.  [2006-9-14 11:03:06]
[问:weiliya] NXP PCIe 共有几束,有什么功能?达到什么效用? 
[答:Aika] PCIe x1 is only one lane. So speed is 4 Gbps. This speed is much faster than old PCI interface. NXP PCIe is the standalone PHY taking care of real serial data transmission. Function is designed in high level like FPGA.  [2006-9-14 11:04:26]
[问:racheliuruizhi] PCI  Express通道交换除了将信号从一插槽交换到另一个插槽,还有哪些功能? 
[答:Bruce] CBTU0808可以实现A-A,B-B,A-B的信号交换,1GHz的带宽,可用于数据传输切换、备份等应用。  [2006-9-14 11:06:35]
[问:lxscat] 和PCI相比,PCI-E支持那些新的使用模式? 
[答:Aika] NXP PCIe standalone PHY take care of real serial data transmission. So use mode or other possible function/features should be designed in FPGA level. Now we have good partner relationship with Xilinx, Altera and other FPGA vendors.  [2006-9-14 11:07:10]
[问:hzlgwang] 各位专家好,我曾经采用贵司的PNX1500设计了一款IPTV STB,上面使用PCI总线,如果将其升级为PCIe,在硬件和软件方面需要做哪些改动? 
[答:RChen] 针对PCI –Express总线,我们有新的产品,如果要在原来的方案上改动,请发邮件或电话联系NXP  [2006-9-14 11:07:39]
[问:chenjl] 多路PCI Express,每路的时钟同步和抖动有何特别的要求? 
[答:Christian] Your question calls for some elaborated answer. Pls send your question to and the appropriate person will take care of the answer. Thanks,  [2006-9-14 11:07:58]
[问:chaiwy] PXPIPE接口的特色?如何实现PCB布局的简化? 
[答:Lam] The original PIPE interface uses one clock from PHY to MAC, called PCLK to synchronize receive data from PHY to MAC, and also transmit data from MAC to PHY. For on-chip IP-to-IP interconnect, this is typically not a problem, since there is very short delay between the 2 IP’s on the same die. For off-chip interconnect, this clocking scheme will make PCB layout more difficult, since there is only 4ns available for round trip delay. One solution used in the industry for off-chip interconnect is to use 16 bits interface at 125MHz, thereby doubling the available margin to 8ns. This solution requires more pins and interconnect between the 2 devices, and is therefore less convenient for PCB layout, and more expensive as far as packages go. NXP introduces an extra clock called TXCLK to synchronize transmit data, and renames PCLK as RXCLK to synchronize receive data. The use of source synchronous clocking allows easier PCB layout. This interface has been successfully and robustly deployed in many hardware PCB designs now. If we would not have the source synchronous clock, the board designer would have to be very careful with the PIPE signals layout to make it work. An alternative would be to use 16-bit interface at 125MHz. This would mean more lines to route between MAC and PHY, in fact 8 more lines for transmit and 8 more lines for receive.  [2006-9-14 11:08:03]
[问:xbao] PCI-X 1.0可以提供1GB/s的带宽,PCI-X 2.0能提供4.26GB/s的高带宽,都比PCI-E的带宽要高得多,请问专家,PCI-E的市场前景如何? 
[答:RChen] 我们认为PCI-E将会在2008,2009取代PCI  [2006-9-14 11:09:42]
[问:faquir] 请问PCI-Express的显卡能支持多显示吗? 
[答:Bruce] PCIe单通道的速率是2.5Gbits/s,最大32通道可以支持80Gbits/s。  能否支持多显示,需要看要显示的图像需要的速率是多少。在PCIe支持范围内的,应该可以支持多显示。  [2006-9-14 11:09:50]
[问:faquir] PCI Express在台式机中有什么用途? 
[答:Aika] PCIe could be used in a lot of applications, like imaging, video capture, security...etc. So it is easy to find new opportunity in old PCI interface products. Just change PCI to PCIe interface and transmission speed and bandwidth is much better than PCI interface.  [2006-9-14 11:10:45]
[问:chaiwy] 具体解释一下什么是ASIC备份解决方案?如何通过PHILIPS PCIe芯片实现? 
[答:Lam] The PX1011A makes ASIC development faster and less risky. By isolating the mixed-signal PHY functions in an external transceiver, the PX1011A lets the ASIC’s digital functions migrate to the latest process technologies without impacting complex PHY operations. The ASIC developer is typically faced with the choice of integrating multiple IPs in one big chip, and not all IPs may be available in the same fab process. Added to this complication is that the market that the ASIC serves may be an emerging market, where the precise features and market potential need to be validated. By using an off-chip PCIe PHY as a companion chip, the technical and financial risks are reduced. After the product and market potential are validated, typically these ASIC companies would integrate the PCIe PHY to offer a more integrated solution for their customer. For the transitional period, our PHY offers an unique enabling function.  [2006-9-14 11:11:24]
[问:jsrdcfr] 请问PCI-E的发展方向,及拓展性能? 
[答:RChen] PCI-E是点对点的差分信号传输,具有更好的拓展性能,客户根据应用数据吞吐量选择多少个传输链路.  [2006-9-14 11:12:04]
[问:laughingwinter] what is asic? 
[答:Lam] ASIC means application specific IC. These are IC which are for one or a few applications, and are typically highly integrated and specific for one particular application.  [2006-9-14 11:12:38]
[问:guhongqi] PCIe的功能与应用 
[答:Aika] PCIe is new serial data transmission interface, compared with old PCI parallel interface. So data speed and bandwidth of PCIe is much better than PCI. PCIe could be used in lots of applications, like imaging, security, networking, video capture...etc. You can just use PCIe to sub for old PCI interface.  [2006-9-14 11:15:32]
[问:jx882003] PCI Express 能否与Altera FPGA,比如cyclone II或者stratix II相配合? 
[答:Lam] Yes. PX1011A/1012A works with Altera Cyclone II and Stratix II as well. In fact, there are some 3rd party design kits available that you can get to try out the solution. PLDA solution: Altera IP core is used in this Alearep solution:  [2006-9-14 11:15:56]
[问:IvanYLiu] PCI Express与 PCI 相比有哪些变化,是否兼容PCI? 在设计怎样的系统时才需要采用PCI Express? 
[答:RChen] PCI Express是串行的点对点差分信号传输,向下兼容PCI.采用PCI Express方案具有更高数据吞吐量,可扩展性...  [2006-9-14 11:16:34]
[问:lxscat] 1x PCI-E的带宽是250MBps,4x和16x PCI-E的带宽是否4倍和16倍? 
[答:Bruce] 是的  [2006-9-14 11:18:02]
[问:chaiwy] IBIS及行为模型在仿真中的具体作用? 
[答:Christian] Models such as IBIS or behavioral models are very useful because they allow you to emulate the part within your application without the need to have the real parts. The IBIS model allow you to electrically simulate the digital interface of the PX1011A (PXPIPE side)and correct any signal integrity issue that you might have. It is a good way to validate the PCB design and lyout before fabrication   The behavioral model allow you to simulate the PHY function within the application and ensure that it properly interfaces with the PCI Express MAC core chip.  [2006-9-14 11:18:22]
[问:jx882003] PCIe能否用在嵌入式控制器中的运行数据通过PHY电路导出至USB接口设备中?需要添加那些器件? 
[答:RChen] 需要加一个PCI-E到USB的桥接设备  [2006-9-14 11:20:00]
[问:Rmb1025] PCI express用什么方法保证从并口过渡到串口没有传输速度方面的损耗? 
[答:Aika] Acutally, PCIe is the standalone PHY and cowork with FPGA or ASIC. FPGA/ASIC is the one transferring parallel signals to serial ones and pass the serial data to NXP PCIe PHY. However, acutal data bandwidth is 4 Gbps of NXP x1 PCIe PHY.  [2006-9-14 11:20:18]
[问:Rmb1025] TI也有类似产品,不知你们的产品和TI的相比有什么优势? 
[答:Lam] TI has a PCIe PHY chip as well. Both TI PHY and NXP PX1011A / 1012A are one-lane PCI Express PHY. NXP PHY is the industry"s smallest in package, and thus suitable in all kinds of form factors, including notebook computers. We also have the lowest power dissipation. PX1011AI and PX1012AI are industrial grade PHYs, and are the only PCIe PHY offered in industrial temperature range of -40-85C. Another advantage that NXP has is that PX1011A / 1012A are supported by many PCIe IP vendors and FPGA vendors. This means that whoever you decide to choose as your FPGA or IP vendor, it is likely that there is already a proven solution. Furthermore, PX1011A and PX1012A are featured in more than 10 3rd party design kits, using Xilinx and Altera FPGA. That means that you have a wide choice of design kits to choose from for your evaluation and prototyping, before you actually commit to doing a PCB yourself. NXP also offers a lot of support tools like simulations models, PCB layout guidelines, example schematics etc. Pricing wise, we are also very competitive.  [2006-9-14 11:20:51]
[问:Rmb1025] PCIe在PCB布线时应注意什么? 
[答:Lam] We have an application note that details the answer. Please visit our webpage to download the document.  [2006-9-14 11:22:09]
[问:jack_zhou] PCIe好像和网络交换架构很相似。请对比一下PCIe和802.3的10GE接口之间的异同?谢谢 
[答:Lam] You are right. PCI Express and Ethernet have a lot in common as far as architecture goes. From the protocol layers point of view, there are more in common between Ethernet and PCI Express than between PCI Express and PCI. However, from the software point of view, PCI Express and PCI are compatible, while Ethernet is totally different. Application wise, Ethernet is for networking and PCI Express is for chip to chip and peripheral interconnect.  [2006-9-14 11:23:48]
[问:dumolin] 请问NXP专家,PCI是并行的,为什么PCI Express要采用串行接口? 
[答:Aika] It is more efficient and data speed could increase as high as possible. However, parallel data will face some limitation as the frequency goes up. So new interface will use serial data for better transmission with high speed and band width.  [2006-9-14 11:28:39]
[问:dumolin] PX1011A的Power off是内部软件控制还是外部控制? 
[答:RChen] 为了在运行的每个阶段节约功耗,PX1011A 支持电源管理的五种模式。低功耗、超薄的封装使得 PX1011A 支持新的 ExpressCard 应用, 还可利用外接WAKE信号作为L2电源模式的唤醒机制. FPGA 可以通过控制PX1011A的电源控制管脚来进入Power off模式.  [2006-9-14 11:30:01]
[问:heciang] 有NXP关于PCI Express的成功方案吗?比方说关于图像处理和传输的? 
[答:Lam] We have quite a few successful customer applications in image processing. In fact, several European and North American customers are already in production.  [2006-9-14 11:34:58]
[问:rache011235] 如果我想做PCIe接口的视频采集卡,可否用贵公司今天介绍的解决方案?能否用PCIe至Local Bus的桥接芯片或者PCIe至PCI的桥接芯片来做? 
[答:Lam] Yes. Please send us an email at with your contact information. We can contact you to talk about PCI Express to local bus briding. For now, you can use PX1011A / 1012A and an FPGA to perform this bridging function.  [2006-9-14 11:37:00]
[问:heciang] NXP PCI Express最快的总线速度能够达到多少? 
[答:Aika] x1 PCIe PHY - acutally bandwidth is 4 Gbps x4 PCIe PHY - bandwidth is 16 Gbps  [2006-9-14 11:40:01]
[问:heciang] NXP计划PCI总线主要应用在什么领域? 
[答:Christian] I am assuming you mean PCI Express. We are pursuing many PCIe applications as far as we are concerned. We are looking for PCI Express end point applications - but our part can also be used as root complex -, Express Card applications and also Express cable applications. We are pursuing multiple market segments such as communications, imaging, video capture, network accelerator, data acquisition, etc....  [2006-9-14 11:41:57]
[问:fcr] 从哪里可以获得PCI-E的规范? 
[答:Aika] You can go to the URL: You can find the sufficient information in the webpage  [2006-9-14 11:42:52]
[问:jack_zhou] 请问芯片的JTAG引脚可以有什么功能 
[答:Christian] The main purpose of JTAG is to test the part in production. However, it also offers the possibility to the used to test the PCB connections between our part and the FPGA (or ASIC) through a so-called boundary scan.  [2006-9-14 11:44:41]
[问:wliush] 我目前采用的FPGA是Actel公司的,请问是否可以和NXP的PCIe PHY配合使用? 
[答:Lam] We are working with Actel right now. Please send us an email at with your contact information, and we will answer your question by email.  [2006-9-14 11:45:46]
[问:dumolin] 我很关心PCIe系统的EMC、EFT和ESD。请详细介绍一下 
[答:Bruce] ESD-2KV保护,  EMC-NXP的PCIe PHY具有100MHz参考时钟输入,这是作为PCIe的传输频率源时钟,从而使EMC特性得到很好的保证。详细数据可以查芯片的datasheet,下载地址是  [2006-9-14 11:45:50]
[问:racheliuruizhi] Philips X1  PCI  Express  PHY主要有哪些应用? 
[答:RChen] 主要应用在PC和嵌入式系统:存储设备,测试设备,医疗设备,专业显卡,也适合于ExpressCards   [2006-9-14 11:46:07]
[问:workaran] 请问:前面说一路单向2.5Gbps,双向为5Gbps,而实际上X1PCIePHY实际带宽为4Gbps,主要限制在哪里? 
[答:Lam] 8 bit to 10 bit encoding is used in PCI Express. This coding provides embedded clocking for serial IO transmission. However, this embedded clock means 20% overhead. So 2.5Gb/s one-way is actually 2Gb/s (if you take the encoding efficiency into consideration). Two-way would be then 4Gb/s for 1 lane.  [2006-9-14 11:47:30]
[问:heciang] px1011是一个外围接口芯片,还是需要写程序?? 
[答:RChen] px1011是一个物理层器件,可通过FPGA的编程来控制PX1011.它针对数字ASIC和低成本的FPGA的应用进行了优化,具有超强的性能,快速的市场进入,低风险,并提高了设计的灵活性。  [2006-9-14 11:49:45]
[问:heciang] NXP上面有开发PCI总线的参考例子吗? 
[答:Bruce] NXP网站上有关于PCIe的开发例子,您可以上网查找,地址是  [2006-9-14 11:50:14]
[问:heciang] PCI Express集成了物理层,数据连路层,网络传输层协议和电气特性,那么FPGA芯片开发的就是会话层,表示层,应用软件层次的协议? 
[答:RChen] PX1011A包括了物理层,电气层.其它的层一般会放在FPGA中来开发,包括PCI Express IP包.  [2006-9-14 11:54:45]
[问:wenjing62] PCIe电缆的最大长度是多少? 
[答:Lam] 1 to 7 meters. But the cable spec draft actually does not talk about how many meters specifically. If you use a repeater chip, the distance can be longer.  [2006-9-14 11:56:47]

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