
热门关键字: 显示 仪表 电源管理 环保 



主题: 用于适配器、LCD电源和台式计算机电源的高度集成的奇妙绿色芯片II和III
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到Philips公司的专家就“ 用于适配器、LCD电源和台式计算机电源的高度集成的奇妙绿色芯片II和III”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Philips公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“用于适配器、LCD电源和台式计算机电源的高度集成的奇妙绿色芯片II和III”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-7-28 15:05:16]
[问:yq_yang] 1.請問你們公司的TEA1610是否有量產?            2.請問TEA1610是否有更詳細的電路解說? 
[答:Vincent] yes! it is MP already yes ! we have more detalied schematic around this IC. On our webside you can see some on our spec.   [2006-7-28 15:33:51]
[问:ckh99] 1:该系列电源开关频率与效率的关系如何? 2:隔离取样用发光二极菅偶合线性怎样? 3:温度、频率及输出/输入的伏安特性?以及效率? 
[答:Stan] 1. It depends on which IC you want to use. We have 65KHZ/125HZ version. All greenchips can meet energy star requirements. 2. It depends on which part number you use and refer to datasheet. 3. It depends on which part number you use and refer to datasheet.   [2006-7-28 15:34:20]
[问:zhouzheng] 能否提供15W以下的电子镇流器贴片IC(含半桥逆变MOS-FET)的型号及应用电路. 
[答:Martin] Philips有提供30W以下的AC-DC解決方案,型號為TEA152x和TEA162x系列,但是為返馳式的IC內含MOSFET,website有詳細資料,但沒有半橋式的應用.  [2006-7-28 15:35:28]
[问:zcrlr] 在业界不断提出要提到效率和增加集成度的同时,作为“绿色环保”产品,其EMC特性应该是个重要的性能指标,能否就这一点详细说明一下? 谢谢 
[答:YC] Philips Green chip II & III uses so called "Quasi Resonant" mode. This technology can increase efficiency. In addition, it can reduce MOSFET switching loss and lower EMI performance can be achieved. Therefore, Philips green chip can realize high efficiency & low EMI for your switching power supply design.  [2006-7-28 15:40:39]
[问:Linda QIU] Philips的第三代绿色芯片的主要特色是什么?它和第二/一代相比,有些什么明显改进? 
[答:Stan] 1. Greenchip III integrated PFC inside IC. 2. Low standby power(including PFC):input power<0.3W at high line/no load. It can meet energy star in 2007,standby power<0.3W without PFC and standby power<0.5W with PFC.  [2006-7-28 15:41:26]
[问:rongl] 绿色芯片概念?是电源系统的协同层次上的,还是只是对PMU系统的管理控制 
[答:YC] 绿色芯片概念是电源系统的协同层次上的  [2006-7-28 15:41:38]
[问:elmer] 此芯片与同类产品相比,有什么优越性和竞争力? 
[答:Martin] 綠色晶片以優越的價格,達到能源之星的節電要求,並提供精確的保護功能OVP,OPP,OTP等,尤其TEA1532集QR與CCM工作模式於一身,為業界僅有.  [2006-7-28 15:42:07]
[问:hongchenke] 采用Philips的第三代绿色芯片制作的电源适配器,在成本,体积和性能上有些什么好处? 
[答:Vincent] related lower system cost especially no need to use bigger buck capacitor and no need to build a lot of pretectation circuitry around the IC. Most important, the eficiency can be 89%~90% at full load and 0.2~0.25 watt staby power for 90W~120W adapter.  [2006-7-28 15:42:40]
[问:liu.hongbo] 什么样的芯片称为绿色芯片 
[答:Martin] 綠色晶片是PHILIPS開發專為符合能源之星的節電要求的一系列IC稱之.  [2006-7-28 15:44:31]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-7-28 15:46:03]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是Philips公司的:Vincent Chang、Stan Yang、YC liao、Martin Chien、Arjan van Zoest和Harro de Cocq。  [2006-7-28 15:46:15]
[问:lulu2890] 在AC/DC电源中,目前的波纹系数能达到什么样的水平? 
[答:Stan] 1. It depends on capacitance for bulk capacitor and output capacitors.  [2006-7-28 15:47:04]
[问:elmer] 请问你们的器件最大D-S耐压是多少? 
[答:Stan] 1. Max rating is 650Vdc.  [2006-7-28 15:47:44]
[问:qtjjj] DC/DC设计中哪些指标比较难达成?Philips的绿色芯片在这方面有什么优势? 
[答:Vincent] Sorry! we have no this DCDC controle IC. WE currently only focus on ACDC power control IC.  [2006-7-28 15:48:35]
[问:xujian2005] 在LCD显示电源设计中,可以使用那些Philips的绿色芯片? 
[答:Vincent] TEA1530AT for power <75W  [2006-7-28 15:52:10]
[问:Linda QIU] TEA1750中增加了PFC功能,对笔记本电脑的电源在效率上和待机功耗改进了多少? 
[答:Martin] TEA1750(PWM+PFC)空載待機功耗約為0.3W,優於傳統約0.5W,並由於PWM為QR(半共振)模式,故效率較傳統CCM提升約2-3%左右,並QR更適合次級同步整流的IC應用,更有益於效率提升.  [2006-7-28 15:52:52]
[问:hongchenke] TEA1532有几种工作模式?不同的工作模式是如何调整的? 
[答:Stan] 1. TEA1532 can be operate at either CCM or QR mode. 2. CCM:Drain pin connected to bulk cap. and DEM pin connected to GND.    QR:Drain pin connected to center tap of transformer and DEM pin connected to AUX winding.   [2006-7-28 15:55:42]
[问:zhouzheng] 20W反激式开关电源(220V),输出电压10KVp-p,50KHz.用截面70mm2,0.3T 的U型瓷芯.请推荐有开路,短路保护的IC和电路设计. 
[答:Arjan] For a 20W universal mains powersupply we recommend to use the Starplug TEA1623P or TEA1623PH. A detailed schematic can be send through the local sales-support or Field Apllication Engineer  [2006-7-28 15:56:21]
[问:ahcat8115] 采用TEA1530和反激技术,它的波纹性能可达到多少?空载和满负载时相差多少? 
[答:Martin] 輸出電壓波紋並非由PWM IC決定,而是由輸出電感和電容來決定,此二者越大則波紋越小.  [2006-7-28 15:56:56]
[问:xujian2005] 在电源解决方案中, 有PFC和无PFC,在效率和性能有何差别? 
[答:YC] PFC is used for input power larger than 75W. This is regulated by IEC61000-3-2. To add PFC circuit will lower the total efficiency around 5-10 %.  [2006-7-28 15:56:56]
[问:zhouzheng] 能否提供电子镇流器和开关电源的驱动芯片的说明书. 浙江省上虞市粮湖工业区 佩洁尔医疗科技有限公司 总工程师 周云正 
[答:Martin] 請連絡Philips上海office的Frank Yu:  [2006-7-28 15:58:16]
[问:JACK GAO] 影响开关电源的效率有那些因素? 
[答:Stan] 1. Major power losses at power supply are mosfet transformer,schottky diode.  [2006-7-28 15:59:35]
[问:xujian2005] 如何解决DC/DC转换器的效率?它和那些因素/元件有关? 
[答:YC] Green chip focus on AC-DC applications. As for the efficiency of DC-DC converter, you should consider Rds(on), & Qg of power MOSFET, switching frequency, etc.  [2006-7-28 15:59:59]
[问:ahcat8115] 绿色芯片的”绿色”主要在那里?是它的封装还是它的效率? 
[答:Vincent] 綠色指較低的待機功耗 and means it is environment protection. Lowe standby power is the key. and Green Chip is the name of our Power control IC.  [2006-7-28 16:00:07]
[问:JACK GAO] 在电源设计时如何解决上电顺序和EMC的问题? 
[答:Vincent] Can you tell us in more details! I did not get your point! Thank you.  [2006-7-28 16:01:33]
[问:sccdyg] 何为PFC?为什么要进行功率因数校正? 
[答:YC] PFC is requested by IEC-61000-3-2 regualtion. This is a must feature for input power larger than 75W.  [2006-7-28 16:02:05]
[问:michaelz] 是否可以详细解释QR和CCM的操作 
[答:Martin] QR是以全程DCM的工作模式,重載時則以變頻模式運作;而CCM是全程定頻工作,輕載為DCM而重載為CCM,詳細可參考Philips網站TEA1532的 90W Application Note.  [2006-7-28 16:02:39]
[问:lvpeng52] 如何避免开关电源的瞬间过载出现?如何进行保护?有何措施? 
[答:Stan] Our greenchip series have been integrated over current and over power protection.  [2006-7-28 16:05:12]
[问:lvpeng52] 什么是软开关技术? Philips的绿色芯片有这方面的功能吗? 
[答:Martin] 软开关技术有Resonant和Quasi-Resonant兩種,绿色芯片TEA1532,TEA1552,TEA1553等有Quasi-Resonant(半共振),另有一種SwingChip TEA1610為半橋共振(Resonant)等.  [2006-7-28 16:06:20]
[问:lulu2890] 当电源负载变化突然时如何应对?可否采用瞬态电压抑制器来应付负载突降? 
[答:Stan] 1. It can fine tune feedback loop. 2. It depends on what load and slew rate are.  [2006-7-28 16:07:46]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 专家正在解答问题,欢迎大家踊跃提问!  [2006-7-28 16:08:16]
[问:qtjjj] 如何降低开关电源的EMI? Philips的绿色芯片是否有这一功能? 
[答:YC] Philips Greenchip used QR(Quasi Resonant)mode. This is the key technology to lower power supply EMI.  [2006-7-28 16:08:30]
[问:ahcat8115] 能否提供UBA2072在LCD-TV的应用解决方案和电路图? 
[答:Vincent] Would you contact our local product marketing , Keith Yeung. His e-mail address is   [2006-7-28 16:08:46]
[问:YOYO_ZWY] 做800W以上DPS服务器电源,电流均衡方面怎么和PHILIPS芯片配合默契? 
[答:YC] Philips has no such device to do current sharing for DPS power supply.  [2006-7-28 16:11:32]
[问:JACK GAO] TEA1530的待机模式是如何实现的?满功率为90W时的待机功耗有多少? 
[答:Harro] 實現的方法是減少切換的次數,以降低每次切換所造成的切換損失。若是以90w來說,在待機時,將PFC CONVERTER關閉,這時的待機功耗約為0.3w左右。  [2006-7-28 16:11:48]
[问:sccdyg] TEA1530外围设计怎样才能有效抑制纹波?最低能达到多少? 
[答:Vincent] would you please take a look at quesiton--8115. We answered it already.  [2006-7-28 16:13:06]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 专家正在解答问题,欢迎大家踊跃提问!  [2006-7-28 16:14:29]
[问:yurh] 准谐振对EMI和效率有多大好处? 
[答:YC] Generally speaking, QR can reduce 3-5 dB for EMI & increase 2-3% total efficiency.  [2006-7-28 16:15:52]
[问:yurh] 调频控制和调宽控制方式有何不同的特性? 
[答:Martin] 调频控制是固定波寬而以调频來穩定電壓;而调宽控制是固定波频而以调宽來穩定電壓.  [2006-7-28 16:17:10]
[问:position] 请问低压差(<1v, 电流>4A)可调线性稳压器,贵公司是否生产 
[答:Vincent] no! sorry!  [2006-7-28 16:18:05]
[问:waiyu] TEA1530能承受多大的瞬间电流? 
[答:Martin] 所謂瞬间电流是只IC本身耐流突波?還是輸出端的負載電流?  [2006-7-28 16:18:39]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 专家正在解答问题,欢迎大家踊跃提问!  [2006-7-28 16:19:48]
[问:xpluto] 能否介绍EMI干扰来源部分和各部分的干扰频率范围 ? 
[答:YC] EMI interference source comes from different switching circuit such as Switching device(Power MOSFET), schottky diode, PCB layout, snubber, switching frequency, etc. For this kind of questions, you can contact our local power FAE for detail.  [2006-7-28 16:20:05]
[问:xpluto] 考虑EMC和EMI时,是否需要前置滤波器?前置滤波器的设计要考虑那些因素? 
[答:Harro] 是需要設計一般的共模扼流圈及差模扼流圈設計,及Y電容濾波器(接於初級和次級用以吸收雜訊)。 考慮因素當然有很多,設計原理是將切換開關所產生的雜訊抵消,或是阻擋在內部,或是將雜訊所產生的dV/dt 或di/dt轉換成熱耗而不外散幅射出來。   [2006-7-28 16:20:57]
[问:elmer] 当设计一个箝位电路来确保漏极电压不超出器件的的安全范围,有那些设计要点,如何测试验证你的设计的安全性? 
[答:Stan] 1. Power losses must be kept minimum to avoid affecting efficiency and standby power. 2. To verify voltage,current,power stress within derating.  [2006-7-28 16:20:58]
[问:qichan] 如何得到这些绿色芯片的试验用样品? 
[答:Vincent] You can contact our distributors in China, Taiwan. WPI, SAC, Avnet, Synergy, EDAL etc and our local FAEs or marketing. or you can tell me which distributor you like.  [2006-7-28 16:21:29]
[问:xpluto] 采用TEA1762,在重启状态下,输出是保持原输出电压,还是0V? 
[答:Arjan] The question is not exactly clear to me. Can you be more specific? The output-voltage is regulated by integrated voltage feedback part of the TEA1762 or TEA1761.  [2006-7-28 16:22:05]
[问:bjxiong] 请问什么是新型的高级拓扑技术??能不能简单的介绍一下?? 
[答:Vincent] Can you tell me in detailes ? which topology you do you mean?  [2006-7-28 16:23:21]
[问:hongchenke] 请介绍TEA1532的保护性能. 
[答:YC] TEA1532 has protection feature such as Over current, Over volatage, Over Power, Over temperature, short winding & brown out protection.  [2006-7-28 16:23:40]
[问:yurh] PHILIPS的绿色芯片有调频方式的吗?调频控制和调宽控制能自动转换吗? 
[答:Martin] TEA1532是給Flyback使用的IC,有QR和CCM兩種,其中QR即為一種類似调频方式,而CCM即為调宽控制,兩者都含在此IC內,但一次只能使用一種.  [2006-7-28 16:23:46]
[问:sccdyg] Philips的绿色芯片能满足能源之星的待机功耗的要求吗?是那些型号? 
[答:Vincent] all can pass!  [2006-7-28 16:25:34]
[问:bjxiong] SR芯片工作电压范围是多少??兼容性怎么样?? 
[答:Arjan] The supply voltage range of the Greenchip SR, TEA1761 and TEA1762, is from 8.5V to 38V. The driver-voltage of the Greenchip-SR is 10V max, which makes it possible to drive any brand of mosfet to the lowest Rds_on.  [2006-7-28 16:28:00]
[问:bluesprit] SMPS的电压调整精度有多高?和那些因素有关? 
[答:YC] Output volatge accuracy depends on the tolerance of TL431 volatge reference & feedback resistors. Noramlly is within 3% for main output.  [2006-7-28 16:28:25]
[问:edom] 請問產品價格? 
[答:Vincent] please ask our local sales, marketing or distributors. They can give you the idea. However, Philips is also driving loswer System cost with best performacne!  [2006-7-28 16:29:08]
[问:bluesprit] 影响SMPS的效率有那几个原因?如何合理选择死区和开关频率? 
[答:Stan] 1. power losses at mosfet,transformer,schottky diode,PWM IC. 2. It depends on efficiency,transformer size,EMI,and cost which one for you is priority.  [2006-7-28 16:29:26]
[问:lulu2890] Philips的那些绿色器件可使电源能工作在汽车电子级温度范围? 
[答:Vincent] sorry ! we do not have!  [2006-7-28 16:29:27]
[问:yurh] 怎样降低空载损耗和提高效率? 
[答:Vincent] please use our green chip 2 and Green chip 3(lower standby power)  [2006-7-28 16:30:20]
[问:bluesprit] 如何降低开关电源使用时器件的温升而使它可靠工作? 
[答:Martin] 首先要正確設計變壓器參數,平衡銅損與鐵損,其次正確設計功率元件Power MOSFET與Schottky diode,平衡開關損失與導通損失,最後再設計散熱片問題.  [2006-7-28 16:30:54]
[问:sundong] Brown out protection是什么意思? 
[答:Harro] 電源供應器在過低的輸入電壓時,輸入電流會增加以供給正常的輸出功率,為保護電源供應器的元件,所以會有此保護要求,在過低的輸入電壓時,將電源供應器關閉不工作。  [2006-7-28 16:32:13]
[问:dongqingming] 您好: 能否提供相关芯片的PDF文挡和电路设计参考资料.谢谢! 
[答:Vincent] please contact our local FAEs or Sales or marketing. Or you can reach our public website. /  [2006-7-28 16:32:26]
[问:ahcat8115] TEA1532可使用的最高工作开关频率有多高? 
[答:Vincent] TEA1532AT: 65K hz TEA1532T:65kHZ TEA1532CT: 125KHZ TEA1532BT: 125KHZ  [2006-7-28 16:33:26]
[问:joseph.zhou] 在PCB布局上如何有利降低波纹系数和EMI? 
[答:Martin] 降低波紋與PCB布局關係不大,應從迴授下手,EMI應使PCB布局簡單而短粗,迴路面積要小.  [2006-7-28 16:34:15]
[问:chenxiaoli] 该系列芯片是需要用户二次开发的吗? 如果是,开发须要哪些工具 
[答:YC] No.  [2006-7-28 16:34:42]
[问:zhouzheng] TEA1623P,TEA152x的资料能发E-MAIL给我吗? 
[答:Vincent] please get on our web:/ you can find that  [2006-7-28 16:34:55]
[问:bluesprit] 选择SMPS的开关频率从那几方面考虑素? 
[答:Stan] Please refer to previous page I has answered.  [2006-7-28 16:35:33]
[问:lvpeng52] 请问Philips的第三代绿色芯片, 和其它公司相比,你们有什么特别的优势? 
[答:Arjan] The Philips Greenchip-3 is the only fully integrated PFC + flyback QR controller. All prtections like OCP, SCP, brown-out, OVP and open flyback or PFC loop are integrated There are no external components for interfacing between the PFC and flyback. The PFC is always active and will enter a Philips patented burst mode at low loads, this enables the usage of a smaller bulk-elcap and an optimized flyback transformer design. In general an adapter with A TEA1750 Greenchip-3 and a TEA1761 Greenchip SR, will have a reduction of 50% (about 55 pcs) in the necessary SMD components  [2006-7-28 16:38:00]
[问:liqiyong] 请问30W的IC能配置多大的电机.交流电机或直流电机 
[答:YC] I suggest you can use around 60W 交流电机  [2006-7-28 16:38:29]
[问:guolinjun] 您好:请问它的最高工作温度是多少 
[答:Vincent] 130 degree C  [2006-7-28 16:39:46]
[问:szzcl168] 能否給我一份做42吋的lcd tv power方案? 
[答:Stan] 1. Please contact local FAE or sales.   [2006-7-28 16:40:35]
[问:joseph.zhou] 什么叫谷底鎖定特性?TEA1532中的这种特性如何使用? 
[答:Martin] 輕載時會在較多波谷切換,重載會在較少波谷切換,並搭配變頻操作避免同時有不同的波谷數出現,此功能IC內含,不需另外設計.  [2006-7-28 16:40:44]
[问:ckh99] 专用电源上电时序如何控制? 
[答:Harro] Philip的綠色晶片,有ac感測信號偵測,在IC內部有準確的控制,在時序上會由晶片內部自動控制及調變。  [2006-7-28 16:40:56]
[问:joseph.zhou] 请问一下PHILIPS的TEA1532能做到几瓦? 
[答:Vincent] used for flyback and it can reach 180 but if you redesign a better transformer. it can reach more than 200W.  [2006-7-28 16:41:08]
[问:joseph.zhou] TEA1532有QR操作模式和CCM模式,这两种模式有何不同? 
[答:Martin] 請參考之前已回答問題.  [2006-7-28 16:41:35]
[问:ybin] TEA1610是否有省电模式? 
[答:Vincent] NO . It needs to build additional standby power.  [2006-7-28 16:41:41]
[问:ybin] TEA1530是否可应用于printer power 的peak power设计上? 
[答:Stan] 1. Yes. You can adjust over current protection to max peak power.  [2006-7-28 16:41:53]
[问:michaelz] 有相应的设计软件提供吗?比如变压器的设计? 
[答:Vincent] no! but if you need the support , please contact our local FAEs in Shenzhen and Shanghai or Hongkong!  [2006-7-28 16:43:40]
[问:TMchan88] ST viper is strong in market. How is the strategy to kick out ST?  
[答:YC] Viper series has no standby power & QR mode. It doesn"t meet "Green" features.  [2006-7-28 16:44:03]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Philips公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Philips公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2006-7-28 16:47:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Philips公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Philips公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2006-7-28 16:47:47]
[问:h1979587] 你好:请问怎样可以得到该芯片的资料和相应的开发技术资料 
[答:Stan] Please contact local sales or FAE.  [2006-7-28 16:47:57]
[问:joseph.zhou] SORRY,TEA1530能承受的瞬间电流是指输出电流有多高? 
[答:Martin] TEA1530能適用於輸出瞬间电流的情況,在輸出瞬间电流發生時,IC不會立刻保護,而會delay一段時間,至於能多大承受的瞬间电流,由變壓器,Power MosFET,Schottky diode等決定.  [2006-7-28 16:51:29]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Philips公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Philips公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2006-7-28 16:53:04]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 专家正在解答问题,欢迎大家踊跃提问!  [2006-7-28 16:55:18]
[问:yq_yang] 半橋諧振設計時要注意什麼? 
[答:YC] You have to pay attention to the relation of leakage inductance(Ll), main inductance of transformer(Lm) & rsonant capacitor(Cr). Please also consider your min switching freq & max freq of your design. TEA1610 is the one you can choose.  [2006-7-28 16:55:28]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2006-7-28 16:56:25]
[问:ybin] 在QR模式操作的电源,切换频率与变压器圈比如何去找出最佳化设计? 
[答:Arjan] This depends strongly on the type of application. On our internet website you can find the application-notes: TEA1532 - AN10316, a printer-adapter powersupply for 90W TEA1533 - AN01033, a 45W adapter powersupply TEA1507 - AN00047, a 75W Quasi resonant TV powersupply TEA1506 - AN10268, a 75W application for TV powersupplies  [2006-7-28 16:58:49]

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