
热门关键字: 译码器 移动应用 移动通信 移动互联网 



[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请道Altera公司的专家就“采用Altera无线通讯解决方案,灵活设计WiMAX基站”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Altera公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“采用Altera无线通讯解决方案,灵活设计WiMAX基站”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-7-19 11:00:51]
[问:tjeric] what is "OBSAI"  
[答:Clinton] OBSAI is a communication protocol between the basestation and the radio.  It is similar to CPRI for UMTS.  [2006-7-19 11:00:53]
[问:kennysu] Please suggest supporting Flash ROM 
[答:Allan] Do you mean the supporting of Flash ROM from FPGA?If so, please check altera"s MAXII device  [2006-7-19 11:00:57]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段。如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面的“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-7-19 11:01:21]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是Altera公司的:Brenda,Edgar,Allan,Penny,Michael,Alex和Clinton等。  [2006-7-19 11:01:52]
[问:josip] WiMAX的MAC层是采用什么算法? 硬件实现还是软件实现? 
[答:Bernard] The MAC is part implemented in Hardware, other part in software. We use Hardware for acceleration  [2006-7-19 11:02:57]
[问:vitowen] Nios II有三种系列产品,请问专家,设计WiMAX应该采用那种Nios II较为合适?为什么? 
[答:Alex] 建议用快速型的NIOS-II,因为可以得到最好的效能!  [2006-7-19 11:04:21]
[问:josip] WiMAX可以有什么样的性能,它最可能的第一个应用领域是什么?开发WiMAX需要哪些必要知识?需要什么软硬件工具,以及配置一个最小开发系统的成本估计? 
[答:Allan] You ask a good question, wimax is still developping, difficult to estimate. As to developping wimax, you need to have a deep wireless and dsp knowledge, such as bit level processing(FEC), symbol level processing, OFDMA. As to tools, ALTERA"s development tool such as dspbuilder, quartus ii. Altera"s solution is a very cost effective solution  [2006-7-19 11:05:19]
[问:vitowen] WiMAX是否主要采用OFDM调制方式?它有那些优点? 
[答:Michael] OFDMA will be the major modulation for WiMax and next generation wireless communication. That is becuase OFDM has better spectrum efficiency(orthogonal frequency) and immunity to wireless channel distortion such as fading.  [2006-7-19 11:06:03]
[问:rilson] 你好,请问在WIMAX basestation PA 发射与接收的时间为多少?? PA ON/OFF 时间为多少微秒(micro second)?? 
[答:Clinton] In both TDD and FDD modes, the length of the frame can vary (under the control of the BS scheduler) per frame. In TDD mode, the division point between uplink and downlink can also vary per frame, allowing asymmetric allocation of on air time between uplink and downlink if required.  [2006-7-19 11:07:21]
[问:dghome] Altera有许多FPGA产品,请推荐那种器件更为适合WiMAX无线基站的开发? 
[答:Allan] Stratix II device is very suitable for developping wimax wireless  basestation equipment. Also altera"s Stratix GX/Stratix II GX device can be used to develop the high speed interconnection applications, since they have embedded transceivers.  [2006-7-19 11:08:47]
[问:chjj] 用Altera的Stratix II平台来设计WiMAX通信系统,需要那些开发工具和软件? 
[答:Michael] First one is our main development tool,QuartusII. Second one is DSPBuilder which requires license but downloadable from website.DSPBuilder is main tool design some algorithm into hardwared in the Simulink environment and our reference designs are built by DSPBuilder. Third are Altera DSP IP cores such as FFT/IFFT(OFDMA engine), FIR/NCO(for duc/ddc).  [2006-7-19 11:11:31]
[问:tjeric] What is "IFFT" 
[答:Sam] The IFFT is inversefastFouriertransform (快速傅立叶逆变换)  [2006-7-19 11:12:25]
[问:afobbi] 该方案主要解决WIMAX的哪部分?有什么优势? 
[答:Edgar] The Altera and partner"s WiMAX solutions cover both baseband and RF area of the WiMAX equipment.  The solutions are based on flexbile high performance FPGA hardware platforms, which allows equipment vendors to achieve the following benefits: 1. High Performance with parallel processing; 2. flexibility with configurable hardware platform to address future standards" needs; 3. scalibility from single channel to multi-channel; 4. Low-cost migration path to Altera HardCopy structure ASIC solution.  [2006-7-19 11:13:35]
[问:e01325] 好像目前的仿真工具里都没有WiMAX的模块,在搭建MAC层的仿真平台时有没有更快捷的方法? 
[答:Bernard] Sequans provides full PHY and MAC solution. In addition we have a simulation tool  (discrete event simulator)that we provide to our customers  [2006-7-19 11:16:11]
[问:josip] Altera能否提供WiMAX的整体解决方案,特别是射频收发部分? 
[答:Allan] ALTERA and ALTERA"s partner can provide IP cores, reference designs to our customers for wimax solution, as RF, we have DDC/DUC/CFR/DPD solution to our customers  [2006-7-19 11:16:46]
[问:wjy0722] 有没有支持无线传感器网络IEEE802.15.4的解决方案? 
[答:Bernard] No Sequans focus on WiMAX  [2006-7-19 11:20:05]
[问:e01325] 做WiMAX的MAC层仿真用什么工具比较合适? 
[答:Michael] Regarding the MAC layer, Altera is trying to use NiosII softcore processor. In this case the development tool should be NiosII development environemnt as a software development tool. Other than that, we don"t have specific tool for MAC layer simulation.  [2006-7-19 11:20:33]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-7-19 11:20:48]
[问:hans07] 能详细介绍WiMAX无线基站的设计流程和设计原则? 
[答:Allan] You ask an interesting question, wimax basestation implements the function of wimax MAC/PHY, for MAC, you can use altera"s softcore nios II, for PHY, you can use altera"s FFT/FEC IP cores. Stratix II device and cyclone II device will be device which you can use, for example, stratix II device has embedded dspblock(multipliers, add/sub/acc), memory(M4K,M-RAM,M512) and very large number of logic elements(ALM), which are very suitable for DSP applications.  [2006-7-19 11:23:11]
[问:chjj] 什么是低密度的同位校正(LDPC)码?这种前向错误修正(FEC)有何特别之处 
[答:Allan] There is an artical for LDPC, please go to for more information  [2006-7-19 11:25:01]
[问:dghome] 无线基站的发送和接收部分是否可采用同一块FPGA器件来实现? 
[答:Clinton] Not at the present time.  Perhaps when SDR (software defined radio) becomes practical.  To do so would require the a new generation of ADC and DAC performance as well as higher FPGA density.  [2006-7-19 11:25:12]
[问:yesmans] 请问OFDM PHY 和OFDMA PHY有什么区别?在WiMAX系统中是否要采用OFDMA? 
[答:Bernard] OFDM 256 PHY (IEEE 802.16-2004) was initially targeted for fixed applications while scalable OFDMA is the basis for mobile WiMAX. ( IEEE 802.16e-2005). For fixed applications you will get better throughput with the 802.16-2004 profiles as 802.16e has higher MAC overhead to support mobility. For mobile applications 802.16e ( OFDMA) is more appropriate.  [2006-7-19 11:26:12]
[问:hxb12] 一个基站成本约多少(硬件) 
[答:Alex] 这个问题需要考虑的层面比较广,例如您选择何种方案(哪一家/几家的IC)、您的PCB成本多少...等等,所以没办法现在给您一个数字,抱歉!  [2006-7-19 11:26:42]
[问:hans07] WiMAX是固定的无线接入方式,请问WiMAX基站最大用户和覆盖半径有多少? 
[答:Clinton] Coverage radius depends on transmit power and other decisions made by the service operator.  I would guess...several km?  [2006-7-19 11:28:04]
[问:hans07] WiMAX的用户是否可以在多个基站中接入?它的切换方式是否和蜂窝系统相同? 
[答:Allan] yes, wimax user can access wimax network like cellular system, the standard is still developping  [2006-7-19 11:28:37]
[问:yesmans] 能否更详细介绍tc1000Wimax的性能?它是采用Altera那个器件实现的? 
[答:Edgar] tc1000Wimax is a IEEE802.16d & e compliant CTC decoder.  For "2X; 4bits" configuration, it utilizes Altera Cyclone II EP2C8 to achieve the bitrate of 22Mbps.  For "4X; 6bits" configuration, it utilizes Altera Stratix II EP2S15 to achieve the bitrate of 50Mbps.  Please feel free to contact our local sales respresentative to obtain more detail information.  [2006-7-19 11:29:16]
[问:mike1956] WiMAX和Wi-Fi在技术上有何不同? 
[答:Sam] Please link to /0,2000062852,20100557,00.htm  [2006-7-19 11:30:46]
[问:yesmans] 请介绍SQN1110的性能和用途.SQN1110可选择的WiMAX特性有那些? 
[答:Bernard] THe SQN1110 is an ASIC to support fixed or mobile applications based on the 802.16e standard . It supports all the features required  by the WiMAX forum to pass wave1 certification. The primary competitived advantage of this SoC is low power consumption to support mobile devices  [2006-7-19 11:32:06]
[问:mike1956] WiMAX和Wi-Fi相比,在数据传输和数据保密上有何优点? 
[答:Allan] for this kind of question, please ref to ieee 802.16, where you will more detail information.  [2006-7-19 11:33:48]
[问:dghome] 请问专家,您对WiMAX技术的商业应用有何预测? 
[答:Edgar] According to Gartner & IDC, the major drivers for WiMAX will be Wi-Fi backhaul portable connectivity, and broadband connectivity in developing regions.  Gartner projects the number of WiMAX connections to reach 16m worldwide by 2009 compared to below 1m in 2005. We view this estimate as modest, and note that neither of the two leading technology research firms has incorporated mobile WiMAX into its forecasts.  [2006-7-19 11:34:18]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,请抓紧时间提问,专家正在逐一回答.  [2006-7-19 11:34:30]
[问:vitowen] 用FPGA器件来实现多重天线技术有何优点?Altera能否有成功的案例可供参考? 
[答:Michael] Normally, multiple antenna technology requres high performance and algorithm verification. So, FPGA is the only solution for initial prototyping of this algorithm. You can efficiently implement moduels such as matrix inversion function using FPGA rather than DSP processor. We have some success story of implementing MIMO in next generation wireless technology in several customer worldwide(we can not provide the names). And further, Altera provide low cost migration through HardCopyII.  [2006-7-19 11:36:14]
[问:ScottZhang] Will WiMAX replace DSL and Cable? 
[答:Bernard] It will complement in developed countries that have large penetration of DSL and cable already, but could definitely be a substitute in developing countries with limited cable infrastructure  [2006-7-19 11:36:44]
[问:wangwubin] 采用贵公司产品的优势在哪里?未来的产品走向将会怎样? 
[答:Michael] Altera is prviding more building modules to enalbe customers quick development especially for future technology. Our target is to provide low cost/time-to-market development path to customer. As you can see in the presentation, we are doing various effort to prepare this kind of things through our own development and partners. We will continue this efforts to 3GPP LTE/ 4G area in the near future. WiMax development is one of way to this path.  [2006-7-19 11:39:15]
[问:ScottZhang] How is WiMAX different from IEEE 802.16? 
[答:Alex] Please link to /0,2000062852,20090129,00.htm  [2006-7-19 11:39:54]
[问:ScottZhang] Are WiMAX radios available now? 
[答:Clinton] Many manufacturers are producing WiMAX radios.  TelASIC"s current focus is on the transmitter, specifically offering transmit power amplifier linearization modules (boards) and linearized power amplifiers (subsystems).  [2006-7-19 11:40:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Altera公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Altera公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。   [2006-7-19 11:42:33]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Altera公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Altera公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2006-7-19 11:43:24]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Altera公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Altera公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2006-7-19 11:45:28]
[问:ScottZhang] What is IEEE 802.16? 
[答:Alex] IEEE 802.16 is " LAN/MAN Broadband Wireless LANS ".If you want to get more , you can link  [2006-7-19 11:45:41]
[问:ScottZhang] What is the WiMAX ecosystem? 
[答:Edgar] The whole WiMAX value supply chain consists of numerous suppliers, and realistically no one supplier will be able to provide a complete solution. The concept of eco-system is a collection of suppliers that provide complementary solutions with each other to provide a complete, synergized solution offering to equipment manufacturers.  [2006-7-19 11:48:15]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎继续关注中电网,下次再见。  [2006-7-19 11:50:43]