
热门关键字: 嵌入式处理器 切换 电子元件 富士通 



8位微控制器正逐渐向小型化应用发展。在这些小型应用中,也许并不需要使用完整的HC08或S08所具备的丰富功能。而RS08内核是非常流行的S08 CPU的简化版,它的内核尺寸比S08小30%。特别的设计使得它效率更高、成本更低,从而更加适合小内存的微控制器。RS08是一些新兴应用的理想解决方案,例如完全用固态电路实现的简单机电设备,或小型便携设备甚至一次性便携设备。MC9RS08KA2是一款基于2Kb闪存的MCU,提供极小的6引脚和8引脚封装。它能以极低的成本实现其高的性能表现。这次在线技术座谈将介绍飞思卡尔?半导体的新型RS08内核和首款基于RS08的MCU—MC9RS08KA系列,讨论最新的RS08架构,并详细介绍MC9RS08KA2的芯片模块的性能和特点。此外还会简单地介绍直流风扇、高亮度LED驱动器和红外遥控等应用的演示方案。


主题: 飞思卡尔的新型低端RS08内核和MC9RS08KA系列产品介绍
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到Freescale公司的专家就“飞思卡尔的新型低端RS08内核和MC9RS08KA系列产品介绍”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Freescale公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“飞思卡尔的新型低端RS08内核和MC9RS08KA系列产品介绍”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-6-16 10:22:07]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-6-16 10:47:30]
[问:tuorongou] 你好:   1、MC9RS08KA有完整的中文数据资料吗?   2、MC9RS08KA适合驱动大功率LED吗?有驱动大功率LED的可行方案吗?   3、样片及开发工具哪里获得? 
[答:飞思卡尔] a. Yes, you can download it at the following web site /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp b. Pleas read slide 52 of presentation and documentation : DRM080 (reference design) c. You can buy samples or tools through Freescale local distributors or apply sample in this website: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA2.asp#orderables   [2006-6-16 10:49:25]
[问:chamonix] RS08内核和MC9RS08KA 片内寄存器资源如何,支持的汇编指令同Renesas 的8bit机是否丰富,有业内的比较资料吗?谢谢! 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08 core includes acccumulator A, 14-bit PC and SPC, also has 8bit X & D[X] for index addressing. Assembly programming is supported.   [2006-6-16 10:49:49]
[问:jimmy88531] 6、8引脚封装使得口线减少,会不会使得端口资源不足?是怎样解决的? 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA2 device targets for low-pin count and low-cost application. For other applications that require more features, Freescale has other products that can suit different requirements. Please visit Freescale website [2006-6-16 10:51:14]
[问:windblow] RS08对振荡器是如何处理的?内置的话频率多少?精度多少?能否满足汽车电子应用需要?如能,可否举出应用之处? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08 internal clock is trimmable with 2% accuracy over temperature. It supports 10MHz bus MCU operation. MC9RS08KA2 does not support automotive class qualification at this moment.   [2006-6-16 10:51:40]
[问:ptj-zhuan] RS08内核和MC9RS08KA系列产品主要的性能 
[答:飞思卡尔] 在线座谈内有介绍 RS08 内核和 MC9RS08KA 系列产品主要的性能, 请再回放饭收听。 [2006-6-16 10:51:42]
[问:huangtao98] 有没有可支持SPI的型号? 
[答:飞思卡尔] For current MC9RS08KA2, Freescale doesn't support it. But Freescale will have new product that can support SPI! [2006-6-16 10:53:50]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是Freescale公司的:飞思卡尔 Wong、Harvey Wong、Chen 飞思卡尔、飞思卡尔 Ko和飞思卡尔 Mak。  [2006-6-16 10:56:15]
[问:dongjy] 您好,我来自北京大学深圳研究生院。我的问题是:一般来说,降低功耗和提高性能是互为矛盾的,降低功耗必将有损性能,而性能的提高又是以牺牲功耗为代价。飞思卡尔TM的新型低端RS08内核能够比相关产品更小化,那么这对矛盾将更加突出,请教飞思卡尔是如何处理的?这款新产品在性能和功耗方面较之同类产品有何优秀表现?谢谢! 
[答:飞思卡尔] 是的,一般来说,降低功耗和提高性能是互相矛盾的。但在RS08中,这个矛盾已经得到了很好的解决。例如,一般的MCU在低电压工作时,总线频率也要降低;而RS08由于内置了稳压器,所以在整个电压范围(1.8~5.5V)都可以跑到最大10MHz的总线频率。总的来说,这是因为RS08与S08一样,都采用了最新的半导体工艺,使得其工作电压和功耗都大大降低了。 [2006-6-16 10:56:27]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-6-16 10:57:11]
[问:lemys] RS08后续的各种系列什么时候能推出?作为9(s)08的简化版,一些外围模块会不会不包含?例如A/D。 
[答:飞思卡尔] Freescale will have new RS08 products by Q4/06 and add the ADC to the new product! [2006-6-16 10:57:28]
[问:xgm1989] RS08内核是HCS08的简化版,请问简化了什么而又增加了什么功能?主要应用在什么地方? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08 is targeted for small programming space, small RAM application, cost sensitive application. CPU hardware is optimized and added paging, SHA/SLA, tiny/short addressing in order to create higher code density.   [2006-6-16 10:57:39]
[问:QiaoJiannan] How many memory in chip? After the description of the chip, I thought that some of memory use in STACK, so the code memory should be dedurce, am I right? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 2K Flash and 62 byte RAM. No hardware stack is supported. [2006-6-16 10:58:35]
[问:chenweihx] C编译器用CW5.0可以吗,还是要专门版本的编译器 
[答:飞思卡尔] CodeWarrior 暂时还不支持RS08的C编译功能。但是到今年下半年后即可推出。CodeWarrior 5.0已可支持RS08的汇编编程。  [2006-6-16 10:59:25]
[问:yaguandz] rs08支持嵌入式系统移植吗 
[答:飞思卡尔] Please clarify what is embedded 系统移植.   [2006-6-16 11:00:08]
[问:shmansh] RS08与其他厂家的低端MCU产品相比,有何优势和特点? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Lower operating voltage, power and lower cost! [2006-6-16 11:00:15]
[问:pulan] RS08内核和MC9RS08KA系列产品最大速度能达到多少? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 10MHz bus as in S08 devices. [2006-6-16 11:00:24]
[问:guishaowen] 请问MC9RS08KA系列有否带A/D功能的芯片? 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA2 can do emulated A/D as descripted in AN3266. New RS08 products will include on chip A/D module. [2006-6-16 11:01:56]
[问:puppyh] MC9RSO8KA功耗大概是多少? 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA2 data sheet stated clearly about power (current) consumption in various Vdd condition. Please download from MC9RS08KA2 website: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp [2006-6-16 11:03:15]
[问:kitoff] 专家您好,我使用的是MC68hc908lj24的芯片。请问RS08和HC08内核有什么明显的区别? 如何能快速转换到RS08内核系列单片机开发中,比如开发工具等,是否与原来的兼容或稍改后兼容? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08与HC08是完全不同的核。LJ24的最低工作电压是3.3V,而RS08则是1.8V。RS08内置了BDM调试模块,调试非常方便,工具也很便宜。HC08是没有内置调试模块的,它只能通过MON08接口进行串行的调试。它们的开发工具是不兼容的。 [2006-6-16 11:03:17]
[问:michaeljordan] 我想了解一些具体的应用,比如用RS08KA做的成功案例和方案等。 
[答:飞思卡尔] 请从MC9RS08KA网站查阅相关文档: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp [2006-6-16 11:03:18]
[问:robotone] 开发平台的费用数目? 开发板如何获赠? 
[答:飞思卡尔] a. Just one simple BDM tools (Ver C) is sufficient! b. You can buy our tools through Freescale distributors:   [2006-6-16 11:04:10]
[问:kingantops] 请介绍RS08微控制器电磁兼容性能,是否适合在恶劣的情况下工作? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08 EMC performance test showed good result should be suitable for home applicant application. [2006-6-16 11:04:54]
[问:meiming] 片内的FLL振荡器是否具有RTOS功能? 
[答:飞思卡尔] What is RTOS? Real Time Operating System? [2006-6-16 11:05:40]
[问:sjpyy] 1、是否支持在线仿真和程序烧写。 2、目前是否有开发工具,是否免费。 
[答:飞思卡尔] a. 通过BDM接口,支持在线的仿真和烧写。 b. 开发工具的软件是CodeWarrior,完全免费;硬件可以用RS08 DEMO板,只需50美元。也可以通过代理商申请。 [2006-6-16 11:05:47]
[问:kitoff] 与MSP430相比,功耗情况如何? 
[答:飞思卡尔] No detail comparison data. [2006-6-16 11:06:06]
[问:muzhou.tang] RS08的抗干扰性能如何?是否能用在汽车电子上? 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA2 does not support for automotive class application at this point. [2006-6-16 11:07:26]
[问:meiming] 贵公司的RS08微控制器在开发编程方面有何独特之处? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Simple and low cost! [2006-6-16 11:07:56]
[问:albert zhang] How to use RS08 product as different core with other ? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Please translate it to Chinese? [2006-6-16 11:09:32]
[问:claudia1981] 据了解,RS08售价不到美金五毛钱,却又保持着高性能低功率的优点,请问是如何做到的? 
[答:飞思卡尔] It is Freescale technology! [2006-6-16 11:10:21]
[问:muzhou.tang] MC9RS08KA开发工具(简易)那里有?是否兼容HCS系列的 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA2 tool can be found in this website: /8BitMCU/DEMO9RS08KA2.asp Latest RS08 tool can support HCS08, but old HCS08 tool can not support RS08 devices. [2006-6-16 11:10:22]
[问:chendq] RS08的最大优势在哪方面?主要的竞争对手有那些? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Low-operating voltage, low-power, low cost! [2006-6-16 11:11:38]
[问:lemys] 针对便携式一些产品的加密控制的需求,RS08对本身的flash的加密程序如何? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08对其FLASH有加密的功能。加密后,外部接口只能对FLASH进行擦除的操作,无法读出其中的内容。加密是在烧写RS08芯片时完成的,加密后无法通过其他的程序进行解密,除非将芯片全部擦除。 [2006-6-16 11:11:38]
[问:lemys] 我需要在MiniPMP的产品中使用一块加密芯片来提供方案授权,MiniPMP使用的是MX21,加密芯片的需求是一路A/D采样,4K~8Kflash,和低成本,以前用的是908系列的,功耗和成本都能大,不知RS08系列最快能出符合这个要求的MCU。谢谢~ 
[答:飞思卡尔] By Q1/2007! [2006-6-16 11:12:59]
[问:xywei28] 请问开发这一款芯片,用哪种仿真器,价格是多少? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 因为RS08内置了BDM调试模块,实际上它已不再需要传统的仿真器。仿真所需要的,只是一个BDM通讯接口(USB转BDM或串口转BDM)。现在RS08 DEMO板上已经将这个通讯接口做在一起,所以用它就可以进行仿真。它的价格是50美金。 [2006-6-16 11:14:26]
[问:dakemu] RS08 MCU能否实现多次中断?能否实现在系统或电路中编程? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Multiple interrupt can be detected by MCU but it needs to be polled by CPU to determine the interrupt source. RS08 supports in-circuit debug as in S08 through single pin RS08 BDM interface. [2006-6-16 11:14:56]
[问:dakemu] 如何来降低MCU的EMI/EMS? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Reduce the GPIO driving, add low pass filter to the fast switching IO port. EMI/EMS performance depends on application it is difficult to tell in general. [2006-6-16 11:16:42]
[问:cx_78] 软件需要以何种途径获得? 有无demo版 有何限制?  
[答:飞思卡尔] CodeWarrior可以到飞思卡尔的网站上免费下载。对于8位MCU来说,CodeWarrior的限制是16K。而RS08目前最大的是2K Flash。所以对RS08而言,CodeWarrior是完全免费的。 [2006-6-16 11:16:47]
[问:feng75329] 请问RS08的flash可否用作EEPROM? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 不可以。 [2006-6-16 11:17:09]
[问:bigtigerwf] RS08系列单片机通过什么接口和PC机或其他设备通信? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08 debug is based on BDM interface as in S08 device. Available tools are all USB based. [2006-6-16 11:17:30]
[问:bigtigerwf] RS08是否有加密功能? 如何对写到片内程序进行加密处理? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08有对 Flash 的加密功能。加密是在烧写芯片时实现的。加密后,Flash 的内容无法读出,也无法进行调试。外部接口对MCU能进行的操作只有将 Flash 全部擦除。 [2006-6-16 11:19:02]
[问:cnzbm] 是否能告知何处可以下载相关芯片资料,最好是中文的。 
[答:飞思卡尔] 请参看MC9RS08KA2 中文网站 /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp 。 [2006-6-16 11:19:15]
[问:dakemu] 请问RS08 MCU的接口有那些?它的数据传输速率有多高? 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA2 data sheet shows clearly about the pin out. Please download from MC9RS08KA2 website: It supports KBI, analog comparator and general purpose IO. MC9RS08KA2 can run up to 10MHz bus, IO output rate depends on the firmware implementation. [2006-6-16 11:19:54]
[问:hsia] 批量烧写程序如何解决?特别是对SOIC之类封装,有一拖几的烧写器呢还是提供掩模 
[答:飞思卡尔] Freescale is working with some 3rd party, HiLo etc.. to provide the multiple GANG programmer on MC9RS08KA2 device! [2006-6-16 11:20:00]
[问:cx_78] 有相关的BDM资料么 
[答:飞思卡尔] 请参看DEMO9RS08KA2演示板网站 /8BitMCU/DEMO9RS08KA2.asp 。 [2006-6-16 11:20:21]
[问:xuanlj] 请问工作模式与功耗,以及与msp430x200以及microchip的10f在功耗方面的比较,端口驱动能力 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA2 is very competitive and low end devices, it provides more on-chip RAM and Flash memory. However, they are very different architecture in nature, hard to compare in general. [2006-6-16 11:21:50]
[问:kingantops] RS08微控制器有那些外设功能?有什么特点? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08内置了时钟发生器、定时器、模拟比较器、KBI按键中断、RTI实时中断等功能。 非常适合超小型,但对功能和功耗要求又较高的应用。 [2006-6-16 11:21:54]
[问:ysuhanfei] 产品的仿真方式,如何购买仿真设备,成本如何?? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 请参看 DEMO9RS08KA2演示板网站: /8BitMCU/DEMO9RS08KA2.asp [2006-6-16 11:22:04]
[问:yaguandz] 有无简单开发系统,是否支持在线烧写 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08内置了BDM调试模块,所以只需要一个简单的接口电路就可以进行仿真调试及在线烧写。 [2006-6-16 11:23:20]
[问:hiyle] RS08开放总线吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 不开放。 [2006-6-16 11:23:30]
[问:muzhou.tang] 请问频率锁定环路(FLL)和锁相环(PLL)有何差别和优点? 
[答:飞思卡尔] They are very similar. PLL track the phase different while FLL track the frequency different. In MC9RS08KA2 FLL gives a fix multiple ratio which is 512. Bus frequency is divided down by additional prescalar. [2006-6-16 11:23:56]
[问:hiyle] 是否有集成LCD控制器的型号供选择? 
[答:飞思卡尔] For Freescale current RS08 series, Freescale doesn't have the build in LCD driver. However, Freescale doesn't have it in its current HC08 MCU series. You can visit following website for more corresponding information! /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp [2006-6-16 11:24:17]
[问:tangier2005] 可以用于模糊控制吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 当然可以。但考虑到目前的 MC9RS08KA2 只有 2K 的 FLASH 程序空间,不能实现太过复杂的算法。 [2006-6-16 11:24:28]
[问:hiyle] 系统支持ISP下载程序吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Yes. RS08 supports in-circuit debug feature as in S08 through dedicated single pin RS08 BDM interface. Flash programming can also be done through the same BDM interface. [2006-6-16 11:25:24]
[问:mehyphn] 请问RS08的加密是多少位? 
[答:飞思卡尔] There is no encryption support in RS08 flash content. The security feature supported is to avoid illegal access to the flash content when it is enabled. [2006-6-16 11:27:11]
[问:xgm1989] 能否详细介绍存储器的恢复丢失特性?具体如何操作? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 不太明白具体指哪一个功能? [2006-6-16 11:28:26]
[问:xgm1989] 请解释超低端MCU的含义,是指小型还是功能? 
[答:飞思卡尔] It means low-cost and low pin count. Freescale MCU performance is still very high! [2006-6-16 11:28:31]
[问:meiming] 请问在实现RS08微控制器的稳定工作上,贵公司采取了那些措施? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Sorry do not understand you question. Please quantify what is mean by 稳定工作. [2006-6-16 11:28:35]
[问:ty-wsh] RS08支持c编程吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Yes! [2006-6-16 11:28:50]
[问:ho_leon] 请问Freescale的DC FAN方案有哪家客户量产了么? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Sorry, Freescale cannot disclose it! [2006-6-16 11:29:13]
[问:muzhou.tang] 请问RS08采用什么语言编程?是否和HCS08兼容? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08可以采用汇编,也可以采用C编程。它的指令和HCS08基本是兼容的,但它的指令集要精简很多。 [2006-6-16 11:29:50]
[问:tfl168] 其内部振荡器的频率范围是多少? 
[答:飞思卡尔] It can go up to 20MHz which in 10MHz bus. It ranges from about 0.8MHz bus to 10MHz bus. The on-chip FLL can also be disabled and the chip can operate at about 16KHz bus range. [2006-6-16 11:31:07]
[问:owenzhang] RS08在响应中断的时候,能否处理其他任务。 
[答:飞思卡尔] When interrupt occurs, program flow will not be changed. CPU continuous to work as it is. It is up to the firmware to decide when to service the interrupt. [2006-6-16 11:33:26]
[问:ycj4116] 芯片的引脚对地是不是都有PN结?或对电源脚是不是也一样。 
[答:飞思卡尔] All pins have clamp diode to VDD and Gnd except VPP, the upside diode is removed from the VPP pin. [2006-6-16 11:34:51]
[问:李增勇] 仿真器件有没有DIY的资料 
[答:飞思卡尔] Sorry, not support at this time! [2006-6-16 11:35:09]
[问:科大风雷] 我想了解高亮度LED驱动器的相关内容,谢谢。 
[答:飞思卡尔] Please download DRM080 reference document from MC9RS08KA website /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp [2006-6-16 11:35:17]
[问:xywei28] 请问贵公司的芯片,通过代理买太麻烦了,能否从网上直接买?  
[答:飞思卡尔] 可以, 请按你所需的封装在以下网址直接申请: code=MC9RS08KA2&nodeId= 016246844994879931&tid=t8lpKA#orderables [2006-6-16 11:35:35]
[问:tangier2005] RS08和S08的BDM调试器是通用的吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08 BDM tool can work with S08, but S08 BDM tool cannot work with RS08. [2006-6-16 11:36:10]
[问:kingantops] RS08有没有看门狗功能? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Yes. [2006-6-16 11:36:18]
[答:飞思卡尔] Need to implement I2C using S/W! [2006-6-16 11:36:45]
[问:Ronny Wang] When will an RS08 which includes A/D show up? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Q1/2007 [2006-6-16 11:36:57]
[问:shmansh] RS08用于马达控制,是否能直接驱动直流或交流电机?是采用那种方式控制? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08的管脚可能还不足以直接驱动电机,除非是一个非常小的电机。在飞思卡尔介绍的这个方案中,飞思卡尔是采用了两个晶体管来驱动一个2相的直流无刷电机。控制原理主要是根据霍尔元件的信号来确定转子的位置,然后控制晶体管的通断来调节电机的转速。 [2006-6-16 11:38:41]
[问:owenzhang] RS08处理定时器、KBI、A/D的实时中断,如何做? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 定时器 (RTI) and KBI is hardware supported. When trigger, it gives hardware flag, firmware can poll the flag and service accordingly. A/D can be emulated by analog comparator, please refer to AN3266 application note for detail decription: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA2.asp#Application_Notes [2006-6-16 11:39:02]
[问:tuorongou] 开发工具给一个直接连接地址吧!我从你们的主页上下栽好象要ID及秘码,多麻烦,怎么搞到ID? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 开发工具网址: nodeId=01272600612247&tid=t8lpKACH [2006-6-16 11:39:45]
[问:kkwd] 目前有些FLASH驱动芯片可以定时输出,是否用的是这个定时芯片之类 
[答:飞思卡尔] MC9RS08KA 单片机中内置有定时器。需要的话,可以将其定时信号通过引脚输出。不过需要通过软件来实现。 [2006-6-16 11:40:31]
[问:李增勇] 个人学习 有什么好的工具? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 软件可以免费下载。有兴趣的话,硬件可以自己做。 [2006-6-16 11:41:08]
[问:aspdd] 与其它相关产品的最大优势是什么,我们接受他的原因有那些?? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Low-cost, low power, low pin-count, high performance, build-in internal OSC..... [2006-6-16 11:41:29]
[问:pulan] RS08的保密性怎么样? 
[答:飞思卡尔] There is a secure enable bit (SECD) in NVOPT, when programmed all flash content is not accessable through BDM unless mass erase is performed. [2006-6-16 11:41:35]
[问:tfl168] 请问一下此产品是否可用于汽车电子产品中? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 不建议使用於汽车电子产品中。 [2006-6-16 11:42:08]
[问:zhouqimin2005] 你好: 请问该公司的RS08系列的内核有什么新的优点? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 最大的优点是非常精简,适合于低端的应用。而且其功耗非常低,待机功耗小于1个微安。工作电压可低至1.8V。 [2006-6-16 11:42:50]
[问:ishiwho] RS08指令上有什么区别?我现在学习的是hc08系列,我现在搞了一个直流风扇,效果不大理想,能不能不你们那个直流风扇、高亮度LED驱动器的方案发给我学习一下? 
[答:飞思卡尔] RS08的指令于HC08非常相似,基本上都是一样的。飞思卡尔的直流风扇和高亮度LED的方案都可以从MC9RS08KA2网站上免费下载: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA2.asp [2006-6-16 11:44:15]
[问:alexzheng] 提供边界扫描接口吗?符合IEEE 1149.1?提供边界扫描用的BSDL? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 没有。  [2006-6-16 11:44:31]
[问:xianzilu] Does DEMO KA2 with 50$ include USB multi linker 
[答:飞思卡尔] Yes, pls visit DEMO9RS08KA2 demonstration board website for details: code=DEMO9RS08KA2&parentCode=MC9RS08KA2 &nodeId=016246844994879931&tid=t8lpKA [2006-6-16 11:45:08]
[问:feng75329] RS08有低压检测功能吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 飞思卡尔的RS08有低压检测功能。 [2006-6-16 11:45:44]
[问:chendq] RS08通常的指令需要多少个时钟周期?而最长的一条指令又需要多少个时钟周期? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Similar to S08. About 3 cycles for direct addressing, single cycle for inherent addressing. The longest one is DBNZ with 7 cycles. [2006-6-16 11:46:43]
[问:bluesharpe] 请问RS08支持外部ROM扩展吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 不支持。 [2006-6-16 11:46:46]
[问:youym] Can we make a RS08 BDM? How to do it? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Sorry, we don't support it. Pls buy it from us. [2006-6-16 11:46:54]
[问:alexzheng] RS08支持边界扫描?是否符合1149.1的标准?提供BSDL描述语言? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 没有。 [2006-6-16 11:47:00]
[问:Ronny Wang] Is source code for any of your current applications available? If yes, where (website) can I get? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Yes, pls download from MC9RS08KA website /overview/TSP8912_KA.html?tid=t8wn [2006-6-16 11:47:08]
[问:chendq] 请问该单片机的烧写过程中需要注意那些问题呢?机器指令能否和PIC的兼容? 
[答:飞思卡尔] The flash programming is transparent to the user, it is all done by the single pin BDM interface. All RS08 tools can perform this task. RS08 and PIC are two very different architecture, codes are not compatible. [2006-6-16 11:48:17]
[问:light.lee] 典型应用方案/领域;芯片价格。 
[答:飞思卡尔] 请参考MC9RS08KA2 网站: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA2.asp [2006-6-16 11:48:32]
[问:youym] How much is RS08 BDM ? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 可从DEMO9RS08KA2演示板网站查阅 /8BitMCU/DEMO9RS08KA2.asp 。 [2006-6-16 11:50:18]
[问:hzgenny] 想知道在哪里流片 
[答:飞思卡尔] Sorry, cant understand your question? Please explain in more detail. [2006-6-16 11:50:44]
[问:kingsea] 主频多少? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Up to 10MHz cpu bus. [2006-6-16 11:50:50]
[问:youym] Is there any free sources for RS08 BDM include hardware and software? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Please check with Freescale local distributors [2006-6-16 11:51:16]
[问:lemys] 最后想知道你们RS08系列产品的整体研发计划,尤其是会集成哪些模块,flash和ram会支持到多大等等 
[答:飞思卡尔] Freescale will put future product roadmap of RS08 family on website later. [2006-6-16 11:51:57]
[问:bluesharpe] 请问RS08有没有停振检测功能? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 没有。但是,RS08 采用的是内部振荡器,它是非常稳定的。另外,RS08 MCU 的 WATCHDOG 的时钟采用的是与产生总线时钟不同的另一个内部振荡器。当总线时钟出问题时,WATCHDOG 还可以继续工作,并使芯片复位。 [2006-6-16 11:52:18]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Freescale公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Freescale公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2006-6-16 11:52:40]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Freescale公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Freescale公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2006-6-16 11:53:00]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, TCL通讯设备(惠州)有限公司的microzzh经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP4播放器。请网名为microzzh的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2006-6-16 11:53:12]
[问:bluesharpe] 引脚数量少,是否所有的外设都采用串行口?它的速度有多高? 
[答:飞思卡尔] External interface are all done by firmware implemenation. Interface speed depends on the firmware implementation. For example, SCI can be emulated by software. [2006-6-16 11:53:15]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Freescale公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Freescale公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2006-6-16 11:53:23]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2006-6-16 11:53:34]
[问:yujiujiu] 您好,我想了解一下,紧凑型代码的含义 
[答:飞思卡尔] 例如,RS08增加了一些小型和短型寻找方式的指令。这些指令只有一个字节,而这一个字节中即有操作数,也有地址。所以,这样的代码是非常紧凑的。 [2006-6-16 11:54:32]
[问:kitoff] can I use my CW for RS08 development? 
[答:飞思卡尔] What version is it? If its CodeWarrior 5.0 or lower, you need to update it for RS08. [2006-6-16 11:55:17]
[问:yyp709] 闪存ID码有几位?它的保密性能如何? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Flash ID is used for MCU identification, it is 12-bit, it do nothing with security. There is a security bit (SECD) in NVOPT register, when programmed flash access through BDM will be blocked. [2006-6-16 11:55:37]
[问:yyp709] 如何实现数据或程序的安全加密?采用那种算法?多少位? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Up to you. All has to implemented by software. No hardware encryption support. [2006-6-16 11:56:44]
[问:feng75329] RS08支持工业级吗? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 目前的好像只有C级的,即-40C~85C。 [2006-6-16 11:57:55]
[问:chamonix] 补充,我说的资源主要是寄存器资源(查散转表时用),Flash用程序空间不够应该容易扩展,是这样吧? 
[答:飞思卡尔] Flash space is 2K for programming. If the firmware is larger than 2K, need to use other MCU with bigger Flash. Not to confuse the paging window, it is not used to store program, it is used for data access to upper page memory through direct page instructions. [2006-6-16 11:59:07]
[问:羚羊] RS08 MCU可在环境温度100度下正常工作吗 
[答:飞思卡尔] The first device MC9RS08KA2 is qualified up to 85C. Freescale may qaulify for higher temperature for further RS08 device if it is needed by the market. [2006-6-16 12:00:27]
[问:烈火旋灯] RS08在做产品的时候如何烧写程序?用什么工具,价格如何? 
[答:飞思卡尔] 请在MC9RS08KA2 网站查阅相关信息 /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA2.asp 。 [2006-6-16 12:00:59]
[问:] I/O驱动电流多大,有工业级产品? ESD多少?
[答:] I/O can drive up to 5mA with 0.8V drop in VOL/VOH. With up to 1.5V drop, driving/sourcing can up to 15-20mA. Please refer to specification for detail. So far all ESD testing shows good result, it is hard to give quantitative result without knowing the layout and application used. Specification information: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp
[问:] 这一款芯片的功耗是多少?
[答:] Specificaction shows detail IDD vs VDD diagram for MCU run mode. In MCU stop mode, current consumption can be down to 1uA.
[问:] 可否提供相关电子电路?
[答:] DC Fan, high brightness LED and remote control reference documents all show schematic. Please refer to technical documents - DRM079, DRM080 and DRM081: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp
[问:] 他的前景又如何呢?
[答:] Freescale has several other products for RS08 core are in the pipeline.
[问:] 样片你们能直接寄给我吗?
[答:] 您可从以下网址申请样片: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA2.asp#orderables
[问:] 请问,该产品适合用于高稳定要求的步进电机控制吗?
[答:] MC9RS08KA2 is qualified for industrial standard. The clock jitter is 2% across temperature, so it may fit in your application requirement.
[问:] 抗干扰能力如何?
[答:] It shows good result in Freescale test. It is hard to give quantative result without knowing your layout and application used.
[问:] 有适合汽车级温度的产品?
[答:] No.
[问:] 主要用于哪方面的开发?
[答:] Small applicances, space sensitive and cost sensitive applications.
[问:] 能说说RS08的市场推广计划吗?
[答:] MC9RS08KA1/2 is Freescale's first product on RS08 core, we are going to have other new products on this low-cost platform in future
[问:] Switching bands and pages is very troublesome. Does Freescale have any solution or software for reference?
[答:] Not to confuse the paging window with program segmentation. Paging is not used to store program, it is used for data access to upper page memory through direct page instructions. You could write a linear 2K program and stored in Flash (as in S08/HC08). Only time you need to switch the page (by simply write to the page register) if your accessing location is not in the first page.
[问:] 普及该芯片,价格是门槛吗?
[答:] Not on MC9RS08KA1/KA2 as our target resale is under US$0.5
[问:] 因为它的体积小而功能不减,若价格问题无法解决的话,在小电子产品中的应用可能会受限,请问若大量购买它的价格的最低极限?
[答:] Please contact Freescale distributors in China and they can provide us a more solid price matrix for different quantity. Freescale distributors contact information:
[问:] 请问今年的技术培训计划可否公布一下?最近有吗?
[答:] 您可随时参加在线培圳: /8BitMCU/MC9RS08KA_2006Overview.asp 。
[问:] 专家您好,可否在说明RS08的应用领域或具体产品?
[答:] It targets on small appliances, space sensitive and cost sensitive applications
[问:] 你们在功耗上有些什么优势呢?
[答:] 1.8V to 5.5V operation. Stop current down to 1uA. Detail IDD vs VDD in MCU run mode is listed in the spec.
