
热门关键字: 机器视觉 无线电 像素 通信协议 



主题: 介绍Philips特殊的RF模拟器件和标准逻辑器件
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到Philips公司的专家就“介绍Philips特殊的RF模拟器件和标准逻辑器件”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Philips公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“介绍Philips特殊的RF模拟器件和标准逻辑器件”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-5-30 10:25:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-5-30 10:28:21]
[问:yhs] 我想用现在市场能够买到的"d类功率放大器"够成;单电源 48V,300W,9--36欧.或者,70v定压输出.的功率放大器.是否能实现? 
[答:Aika] No. In this session we just have 3-5W Class D in our team. Maybe other team have this kind of products.  [2006-5-30 10:29:55]
[问:malzone] 小体积封装的散热性能怎样?有无满负荷时的温升曲线? 
[答:Aika] The heat should not be the problem. The heat will pass to the PCB quickly.  [2006-5-30 10:30:47]
[问:chenerbox] MicroPak封装是一种很不错的封装,Philips公司那些产品是采用MicroPak封装?价格上涨多少? 
[答:Aika] Mainly in Picogates - 1G/2G/3G. Our suffix is GM or GT. The pricing is around 2 times than normal package, like GW-SOT353.  [2006-5-30 10:36:29]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是Philips公司的:Aika Tsai、Richard Yu、Alex Zou、Jan Olander、Harry Swanson、Mark Gao、Cliff Lloyd、 Patrick Loh、Kris Keuser和David Wong。  [2006-5-30 10:36:41]
[问:huimin.zhang] 请主持人讲一下:Philips比竞争对手的优势。TI, ST,NS, ONSEMI... 
[答:Aika] The pricing is competitive, compared with other competitors. The product portfolio is board as well. And we have good support in China also. So pls consider to use our logic products.  [2006-5-30 10:38:01]
[问:ldrag] 请问处理器的PWM脉冲输出可以接D类直接放大器吗? 
[答:Harry] If you are referring to the audio PCM data stream (i.e. digital audio), the answer is NO. The Class D audio amplifiers that Specialty Analog are for analog ausio input only. Other group at Philips are developing Class D amplifiers for digital audio input. They should be out in 2007.  [2006-5-30 10:41:19]
[问:evan_yin] 我司现使用Philips的AM、FM接收芯片TDA2543 (DIP-18)和降噪芯片TDA1001(DIP-16),因以上芯片都已经停产,所以我司想咨询这两款芯片的替代芯片,谢谢! 
[答:Alex] TDA2543, TDA1001芯片都不属于该产品线产品,请向飞利浦其它相关产品部门咨询  [2006-5-30 10:42:24]
[问:johndong] 我以前从事TUNER的设计,对PHILIPS的RF还是比较熟悉的,特别是解调电路!现在贵公司推出那些这个方面IC? 
[答:Alex] 飞利浦FM IF系统芯片均包含解调模块,如SA604, SA605, SA614, SA636等,你可以查看相关资料以选择合适的芯片  [2006-5-30 10:44:38]
[问:chenerbox] Ultra-low Power器件在工艺上如何达到?有那些特别的技术?设计上有独到之处吗? 
[答:Aika] It is all about new IC design and new advanced process applied for AUP family. So this product have better signal detect and consumer less power and could work @ 2.5V or 1.8V.  [2006-5-30 10:45:05]
[问:gumption] 贵公司有没有视频信号模拟切换开关(switch or mux)可以推荐。 同时请问,在设计处理这种模拟视频信号时,PCB上应格外注意什么? 
[答:Alex] 对不起,今天介绍的产品中不包含此类视频模拟开关,你可以向电视部门咨询此类产品  [2006-5-30 10:46:25]
[问:wuxilake] 和其它封装如QFN相比,DQFN封装的主要特点是什么?D代表什么意义? 
[答:Aika] DQFN stands for De-populated Quad Flatpak No leads. QFN is similar to DQFN but the dimension is different.  [2006-5-30 10:47:45]
[问:chenerbox] 同样的芯片,DQFN和MicroPak封装在价格上差多少? 
[答:Aika] DQFN is for >14 pin IC and MicroPak is for <8 pin IC. They are different. For pricing, DQFN is competitive with TSSOP package; MicroPak is around 0.1 usd/pcs.  [2006-5-30 10:49:30]
[问:chen903wei] Philips有没有全数字化放大器?在音质和音色上, 全数字化放大器和传统的模拟放大器有何不同的差别? 
[答:Alex] 本产品线暂时没有全数字化放大器  [2006-5-30 10:51:31]
[问:totty_zhu] 请问PHILIPS的WIFI RF module在整个通带内的功率校准波动范围能够控制在多少范围内? 
[答:Alex] WIFI产品不属于本产品线,请向飞利浦半导体通讯部门咨询WIFI相关器件,谢谢  [2006-5-30 10:52:34]
[问:simon72] 该功率放大器是否有噪音抑制功能? 
[答:Alex] 是的,今天展示的音频功放均具有噪音抑制功能  [2006-5-30 10:54:15]
[问:johndong] philips在上海的技术支持怎么去联系?我想知道! 
[答:Alex] 请联系 Tel: 22055693  [2006-5-30 10:56:47]
[问:johndong] PHILIPS的音频D/A转化有无静音功能,如果有能否做到静音时,音频模拟输出很小,无杂波? 
[答:Alex] 你指的是单独的音频D/A器件吗?本产品线暂时没有此类产品  [2006-5-30 10:58:14]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-5-30 10:58:48]
[问:zubin]  模拟出来的驻波比达150到200,是什么原因? 怎么计算非空气物质中的电磁波长? 四分之一波长和传输接头有什么关系? 
[答:Harry] A simulated voltage standing wave ratio of 200 is approximately 46 dB. This is a very good number and probably represents an ideal situation. if you are measuring less than this, it is probably due to real world conditions susch as parasitics, termination impedances that are not taken into consideration in the simulation model. A wavelength is equal to C/f in air but it is altered by the dielectric constant of the propagation medium. Divide by ssuare root of the deielectric constant. A quarter wavelength transmission line will transform the impedance by a factor of 4. Example: A 50 ohm input (source) is transformed to a 12.5 ohm load, for a 1/4 wavelength transmission line of 25 ohms. The characteristic impedance of the transmission line is clacukated as the square root of the source x load impedances.  [2006-5-30 10:59:41]
[问:buoldshi] Philips有没有无线数字家庭影院解决方案?它和传统的有线家庭影院相比,有何优势? 
[答:Aika] We do not have this kind of products in our team. We will pass this to other team.  [2006-5-30 11:03:34]
[问:kkwd] 此模块是否可以应用在MP3上面? 
[答:Mark] what module?   [2006-5-30 11:04:13]
[问:ldrag] 请专家详细介绍AB类/D类 BTL音频放大器及双路和四路轨到轨运算放大器的情况,谢谢!!! 
[答:Alex] 我们现有SA58631/2 AB类单/双声道 音频放大器,下个月会退出两款D类 单/双声道 音频放大器,均为BTL输出,双路和四路轨到轨运放我们有NE/SA 5232/5234系列,可以去我们的网站查看相关产品信息  [2006-5-30 11:06:38]
[问:totty_zhu] 现在是否有推出WIFI与GSM双模工作的RF芯片模块 
[答:Alex] 此列产品请向飞利浦半导体通讯部门查询,谢谢  [2006-5-30 11:07:08]
[问:buoldshi] 900MHz 模拟收发器能用在什么领域?能举几个应用例子吗? 
[答:Alex] 无绳电话,对讲机,无线数字通讯,如远程抄表等  [2006-5-30 11:08:47]
[问:lizhengheng] Philips的标准逻辑器件有那些种类?是否是全系列的? 
[答:Aika] We have several families in Standard Logic, covering 400+ functions and 5+ packages. Our portfolio is boarder than other competitors.  [2006-5-30 11:09:07]
[问:totty_zhu] 在手机的speaker输出时,当输出音量设置过大时回出现破音或失真,请问为何会出现此问题和如何避免该问题? 
[答:Alex] 音频功放的失真度只在一定输出功率下保证,并且会随着输出功率提高而增大,可以选择更大功率的功放  [2006-5-30 11:10:49]
[问:zyb6252] philips产品在安徽有技术支持和销售吗? 
[答:Alex] 对不起,我们在安徽没有办事处,不过我们的代理商和上海公司均会为安徽客户提供支持  [2006-5-30 11:11:38]
[问:cyzsy] 请问: 是否有跨墙传输距离大于100米,低功耗的无线传输模块? 章圣意 
[答:Alex] 如果你说模块当然可以做到,比如我们今天介绍的SA58646加上合适的功率放大器可以做到,但不清楚你说的低功耗是要求多少  [2006-5-30 11:14:59]
[问:longingsky] Philips的标准逻辑器件和TI等公司相比,有何特色? 
[答:Aika] Pricing + support + focus are our advantage for logic. As well, we offer lots of families and functions and packages to fit all possible requirements from customers.  [2006-5-30 11:18:06]
[问:dgclmx] For the high power Class-D solution, Would you give some advice with Philips products? 
[答:Aika] Our team focus on low power Class D solution. You need you contact the other team about the high power CLass-D ones. Sorry.  [2006-5-30 11:19:28]
[问:johndong] 对于RF放大电路,如果供电不足,会RF输出产生谐波分量? 
[答:Harry] Yes. This is possible. The harmonic distortion performance depends on the bias scheme used, such as Class A, Class AB or Class C. The Class A bias is most linear and will provide the best performance with input drive level but it has the worse efficiency. The power output depends on the size of the device and the bias current. A specific device is optimize for output power versus bias current. Class AB will utilizes a small quiescent bias current and will provide an output based on input drive level. Class AB amplifiers have best efficiency with maximum power output. However if they are driven to hard, the output wave form will began to clip and the distortion will increase. In other words, the harmonic components increase. The output power level depends on the size of the device. The class C amplifier is not bias but it works from the input drive to the part. A key future of a class C amplifier is to have a large BVebo voltage, which allows for the device to handle large input signals. The Class C amp has the best efficieny of the three and will exhibit harmonic distortion in the same way as the class AB amp. The dynamic operating range of the input drive is best for class A and will decrease from class AB to class C. When the class AB and Class C amps are turning on with input drive level there is a tendency for high harmonics to exist.  [2006-5-30 11:19:40]
[问:lam007] philips公司的RF器件,怎么没有ADS,DESIGNER的仿真软件的模型呢? 
[答:Alex] 是的,其实你应该会发现,现在新的RF器件很少提供此类模型  [2006-5-30 11:28:02]
[问:zjjsmail] 在RFIC 的接受端加Balun是为了抗干扰,但是在输出端加Balun有什么用? 
[答:Harry] A BALUN is used to do many things: 1) They transfer from a single ended input to a differential drive; Also, they may be used to transfer from a differential output to to single ended load. 2) Thet can be used to differential amplifier cascade stages to together (output to input). 3) They may be used as impedance transformers (1:4, 1:9, and so forth) If a device has differential inputs and/or outputs a BALUN helps to cancel the noise as well as, increase the signal level transmitted. Thank you. Hope this is sufficient information.  [2006-5-30 11:28:20]
[问:shenwenbin0] Philips的那些产品具有3D环绕声功能?请举例说明,并告知价格.谢谢! 
[答:Alex] 本产品线只提供小功率音频功放芯片,你可能需要向飞利浦其它部门查询  [2006-5-30 11:29:20]
[问:shenwenbin0] 请介绍Philips在家庭音响系统的产品,包括模拟和数字放大器.谢谢! 
[答:Alex] 请向飞利浦半导体家庭和电视部门查询此类产品  [2006-5-30 11:29:53]
[问:simon72] 我正在做有线的楼宇对讲系统,想采用该放大器,你们是否能提供使用你们放大器的设计方案,要求设计能提供详细解决各种干扰问题。谢谢! 
[答:Alex] 是的,我们会推出演示板以展示产品功能,具体对设计的支持请会后联系我,我们会为客户提供尽可能好的支持  [2006-5-30 11:31:40]
[问:Fisher.zhao] 请介绍一下NFC技术 
[答:Alex] NFC属于飞利浦半导体通讯或者识别部门的产品,请向他们查询  [2006-5-30 11:32:25]
[问:johndong] 对于HDMI的TDA9970的TMDS输入有什么需要注意的? 
[答:Alex] HDMI属于本部门其它产品线,请联系相关人员获取支持  [2006-5-30 11:33:12]
[问:smartbits] SA612的工作频率范围是多少? 
[答:Alex] SA612工作频率低于500MHz  [2006-5-30 11:34:40]
[问:cnsharc] 这些产品属于飞利浦半岛体的哪个产品线或者部门? 
[答:Aika] logic and specialty analog are belonged to Standard IC group.  [2006-5-30 11:37:06]
[问:tziang] Are there some D class AUDIO PAs used in mobile? 
[答:Alex] yes, we will have SA5867x can be used in mobile soon  [2006-5-30 11:38:20]
[问:shenwenbin0] 请问如何解决无线音频传输中系统内部产生的噪声? 
[答:Alex] 这是复杂的问题,涉及射频,音频甚至整个系统的设计  [2006-5-30 11:40:06]
[问:wyq_0824] 音频放大器的干扰源有那些?如何来降低它?在设计上要应注意什么? 
[答:Alex] 外部环境的干扰,器件本身的失真,传输线路上的失配等,那么需要注意的就是如何在设计中减少和消除这些干扰了 -:)  [2006-5-30 11:41:44]
[问:dgclmx] 音频放大器中,电流反馈和电压反馈电路有什么区别,如何使用? 
[答:Jan] Current feedback amplifier has the same closed-loop equations as the voltage feedback amplifier but the current feedback amp offers improvements when compared with the VFA.  The CFA"s cost less per megahertz of bandwidth and don"t have the constant gain-bandwidth or slew rate limits of the VFA.  As a result, the CFA"s opoen-loop gain doesn"t roll off until much higher frequencies.  The CFA is usually the amplifier of choice for high-frequency op-amps. For further info ask Harry.  [2006-5-30 11:43:40]
[问:wangjunhu] 请问如何解决无线音频传输中系统内部产生的噪声? 
[答:Harry] This question covers a lot of system design criteria. The signal modualated on the transmitter VCO must be very linear and low noise. If the modualated signal has distortion and noise, no matter how good the receiver is, the receiver recovered signal will be only as good as the modulated signal at the transmitter. The transmiited signal must be filtered before it is presented to the VCO. This makes sure that the modulated RF signal bandwidth is properly limited. The VCO must have adequate phase noise and linearity. If the phase noise and distortion is high, the recovered audio at the receiver will be impaired. The VCO is the primary concern. The VCO must be designed with optimal components (i.e. inductor and varactors having highest Q available). If the system employs a PLL synthesizer; the loop filter design of the PLL is important for proper operation of the VCO. PCB layout, proper decoupling and utilization of differential signal paths also play a key role in design of low noise wireless audio transmission. Hope this helps.  [2006-5-30 11:45:03]
[问:h1979587] D类音频放大器输出功率和额定输出功率应留有多大富余量,以提高可靠性? 
[答:Alex] 通常器件资料中会给出输出功率与其它一些参数的曲线,比如,与失真度的曲线,设计时可以参考这些详细的信息  [2006-5-30 11:45:42]
[问:shenwenbin0] 差分输入和单端输入的放大器,在性能上和使用上有何差别? 
[答:Jan] A differential amplifier amplifies the difference between two input signals.  This is also referred to as a differential-input single-ended output amplifier. Single ended inputs are sensitive to noise errors.  The ground and noise problems can be solved by differential inputs.  For further info pass to Harry.  [2006-5-30 11:50:29]
[问:wangjunhu] 如何消除D类音频放大器中的回声和尖叫声? 
[答:Harry] This is likely due to RFI/EMI because the speakers are placed too far from the outputs. When the speakers are not directly at the output terminals, it is necessary to employ series inductors (or ferrite beads) and shunt capacitors between the audio outputs and the speaker. The further away that the speaker is the more agressive the RFI/EMI ciruitry needs to be. More information is needed to give a more specific answer.   [2006-5-30 11:51:22]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Philips公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Philips公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2006-5-30 12:01:56]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Philips公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Philips公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2006-5-30 12:02:11]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Philips公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Philips公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2006-5-30 12:02:28]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2006-5-30 12:02:38]
[问:h1979587] D类音频放大器需要考虑热设计吗? 如何考虑?多大输出功率需要加热沉? 
[答:Harry] In Class D amplifiers the thermal design is easier to implement because the Class D operates at higher efficiency (i.e. less power is dissipated for a given output power than in Class AB amps). The device will have its theta j-a specified in the data sheet. This is dependent on the package, the mounting technique and heat sink imployed. The theta j-a, thermal resistance, must be determined for the technique used to mount the device on the application PCB.  Use this value to calculate the maximum junction temperature for the desired operating conditions of power output, power dissipation, ambient temperature. Note: the device manufacturer usually specifies a device for maximum continuous operating conditions (max power output at 150 C junction temperature and 25 C ambient temperature) when a constant modulating signal is used. In a real voice or music applications, the average power is much lower than peak power excursions of the output signal. Thank you.  [2006-5-30 12:07:40]
[问:chen903wei] 音频放大器的品种很多,如何选择音频放大器?选择音频放大器的依据,主要有那些? 
[答:Harry] The selection of an audio amplifier depends on the following parameters or criteria: 1) Power output desired; speaker power rating is important to consider to ensure that the amplifier does not over drive the speaker. 2) THD+N specification; THD+N is rated at the output power into a given speaker impedance. Note: device data sheet often rate the max output power at THD+N = 10%. 3) If the system is low power battery operated, it is necessary to consider efficiency of the audio amplifier. While Class D audio amplifers offer the highest efficiency, they are have specific requirements to achieve optimal noise and distortion performance, such as keeping the speakers very close to the output terminal of the class D audio amp. 4) Speaker impedance is important for best perfromance in efficiency, output current, and power output. Pout = Vout(rms)* Vout(rms)/Rload. Lower Rload increases Pout but at the expense of higher output load current. 5) If the application may use a higher operating supply voltage, it is beneficial. The Rload may be increased thereby reducing the load current. This helps to extend battery life while yielding higher output power because the RMS output voltage swing is higher. 6) Differential output configuration yields 4x output power than a single ended configuration. 7) Differential output configuration also does not need output coupling caps which is a large cost savings. 8) Package is chosen for thermal resistance specification, power rating and size. Hope this is helpful.  [2006-5-30 12:33:27]
[问:blueseabbs] 用电池供电的音频部分主要干扰源有哪些?清除干扰源的主要方法有哪些? 
[答:Harry] There are the contributions from the audio input source and the THD+N of the audio device.  [2006-5-30 12:39:13]
[问:rzy] 什么情况下选用AB类放大器和D类放大器?有规则吗? 
[答:Harry] The class D is definitely best for efficiency but it is required additional components on the output when the speakers are not right at the output terminals of the audio amp. These additional inductor and capaciors are necessary to reduce RFI/EMI that is likely to occur when the speakers are not placed at the outputs of the device. Class AB audio amps does not have this RFI/EMI issue but they are not as power efficient. Both have comparable noise and distortion performance; however, class AB circuitry may be easier to implement.  [2006-5-30 12:49:41]
[问:buoldshi] D类放大器对PCB设计的线宽有什么要求? 
[答:Harry] This may refer to higher power class D amplifiers in which the loss in a narrow output trace might be significant. However, the traces inany class D amp should be keep short to avoid RFI/EMI emissions. The current density of the output current should be considered in all audio amplifiers.   [2006-5-30 13:01:37]
[问:johndong] 能不能发点900M模拟收发器资料? 
[答:Harry] Yes. Thanks  [2006-5-30 13:07:11]
[问:sasa188] If Philip has this module that can be use to send and receive?The frequency is between 315MHz and 800MHz.The frequency can be set by software? 
[答:Harry] Philips has a single chip wireless transceiver SA58646BD that may operate in the UHF to 900MHz band at specific ferquency slots or applications. In other words, one design does not cover the complete frequency range. It may be used for a 315MHz or a 433MHz or 902-928MHz in which the specific application is designed to operate over the smaller but specific frequency range for that application. Examples are a 902-928MHz ISM band data transceiver or a 462, 467MHz FRS (Family Radio Srevices) walkie-talkie. In both cases the frequency allocation, channel spacing, channel selection, etc. may be software programmed for the specific system requirements.The device on-chip PLL synthesizer is SPI (3 -wire bus) programmable. The SA58646BD is scheduled for introduction in July 2006.  [2006-5-30 13:22:34]
[问:rzy] 阻抗匹配在数字D类放大电路设计中是否和模拟放大器一样重要?需要注意哪些事项? 
[答:Harry] The source and load impedances for each are basically the same. I do not understand your question fully in regards to impedance matching? In the Class D amp, RFI/EMI must be considered when the speakers are not placed at the output terminals of the audio amp. If the speakers are placed more than a cm away RFI/EMI becomes an issue. To reduce and virtually eliminate emissions of RFI/EMI from the device an series inductor, shunt capaciotrd network must be used between the speaker and the output terminals. The speaker in the class D amplifier circuit acts as an inductive load and facilitate low pass filtering of the output waveform. The load resistance, Rload in both class AB and class D audio amplifiers determine the power output. Pout equals Vout(rms) * Vout(rms)/ Rload. While a lower load resistance generally increases output power, it may also decrease efficiency. This is particularly true in higher volatge class AB audio amplifiers, which are designed to optimize power efficiency for higher resistive loads. The higher voltage yields higher output voltageRMS levels while lower load output current. This combination extends battery life while yileding more output power. Both low voltage class D and Class AB audio amplifiers hace their efficiency optimized for lower resistive loads. Philips makes both high voltage, low power and high power class AB amplifiers. also new low power, low voltage class D are now in development. Individual data sheet show characterization based on load resistance, supply voltage, output power, THD+N performance, etc.  [2006-5-30 13:47:56]
[问:lizhengheng] 能否详细介绍无线数据收发器的主要性能和作用?它和一般的收发器有何不同? 
[答:Harry] I am not sure what you mean by a generic transceiver? Wireless data refers to dta only no voice channel as found in a walkie-talkie radio transceiver (the walkie-takie will also have data channel). Please follow-up with greater detail or specific questions. The question is too broad. Best Regards,  [2006-5-30 13:53:21]
[问:longingsky] Philips的模拟开关最低的工作电压能达到多低?工作频率有多高? 
[答:Harry] min operating voltage is 3V; maximum frequency is 1GHz.  [2006-5-30 14:04:54]
[问:blueseabbs] 数字D类音频放大器的高音和低音频响,目前能达到什么样的水平? 
[答:Harry] 20 kHz to 20Hz.  [2006-5-30 14:05:45]
[问:wangjunhu] 音频放大器中,电流反馈和电压反馈电路有什么区别,如何应用? 
[答:Harry] Are you referring to the internal circuit design?  [2006-5-30 14:06:51]

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