
热门关键字: 嵌入式控制器 智能家居解决方案 随机存取存储器 流媒体 



主题: 飞利浦的UART和桥IC
[问:crazycake] 我想问问桥IC在应用方面功能上有什么优点(除了工作电压低,功耗小,并且是超小型封装)? 
[答:Paul] You can use the bridge for the different interfaces communication, and easy to control.  [2006-4-25 10:48:55]
[问:cqtzj] UART桥与常规的UART有何区别,是更便于管理和使用,还是更低的硬件成本.或是集成度更高一些? 
[答:Richard] 常规的UART是通过8位并行总线来扩展串口,UART桥是通过I2C/SPI来扩展串口.这样增加了系统的灵活性同时降低了成本  [2006-4-25 10:51:22]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到Philips公司的专家就“飞利浦的UART和桥IC”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与Philips公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“飞利浦的UART和桥IC”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-4-25 10:52:11]
[问:zongxl] 有无传输速率超过2M低功耗的485芯片。 
[答:Paul] we have large FIFO UART for RS232 and RS485, the data rate is around 5M.   [2006-4-25 10:52:12]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-4-25 10:52:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是Philips公司的:John CM Chang、Dong Nguyen、Paul Peng、Eric Wu和Richard YZ Chen。  [2006-4-25 10:53:12]
[问:lifangying] lpc2136  与16c752之间可以采用spi方式连接码? 
[答:Paul] 如果兩個IC都有SPI接口的話,是可以亙相溝通的  [2006-4-25 10:54:57]
[问:winhi] 752B的缓冲区有多大 
[答:Richard] 64字节  [2006-4-25 10:55:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-4-25 10:57:27]
[问:GJC54278630] Philips有否各接口的技术简述文档? 
[答:Paul] 有的,請你上這一個網站  [2006-4-25 10:58:27]
[问:zhaoliang1003] USB2.0或USB2.0 OTG的速度已很高了,采用UART有何特别之处? 
[答:Richard] UART是最成熟的串口通信,有很久的历史,从硬件到软件开发都是容易,最快,性价比高的方案,采用UART你可以找到许多的资源.  [2006-4-25 10:59:30]
[问:现代电子] 飞利浦的UART目前在消费类电子中应用的怎样?和其他串行接口相比有什么优点? 
[答:Dong] You can use our 16C uart to communicate with a Bluetooth module at 1Mbps. The UART interface requires only two to four pins - TX, RX, RTS, and CTS. If you do not need hardware flow control then the interface requires only two pins - TX and RX. The software to control the UART is very simple to implement while USB is much more complicated. We have customer that added Bluetooth inteface to their cell phones and use UART as an interface to a Bluetooth module.   [2006-4-25 10:59:38]
[问:crazycake] UART桥是不是主要针对IrDA,蓝牙等无线设备?在一般设备上也许有两个UART就已经足够了。 
[答:Paul] 因為現在的電子產品的週邊設備愈來愈多,所以有機會需要增加額外的PORT。  [2006-4-25 11:01:21]
[问:elmer] 在家电上是否有应用方案? 
[答:Dong] We have customer use UART in a RS-485 application where all the appliances in the house such as light, security system, sensors ... are connected to the RS-485 network. The customer can controls all these  devices from one central computer. He can even remotely check on the sensors from a remote location through a modem.  [2006-4-25 11:02:20]
[问:hzjins] How many slave devices can be driven by this chip? 
[答:Richard] 同一BUS上的器件数决定于寻址范围及总线的分布电容< 400 pF.   [2006-4-25 11:02:30]
[问:zhaoliang1003] 采用UART在性能和价格上有何特别优势? 
[答:Paul] 我們很有優勢的,可以上我們的網站比較。  [2006-4-25 11:08:10]
[问:tangyun] 一般的UART控制器都是做在CPU内部,还有的就是像TL16C25B这样的本地总线转串口的芯片,不只飞利浦的UART到底指什么? 
[答:Dong] The integrated UART has many disadventages: 1. it can not run as fast as our UART which can run up to 5Mbps. 2. most integrated UART has maximum 16 byte FIFOs, our UART can offer up to 64 byte or even 128 byte. Deeper FIFO reduces host processor overhead 3. External UART can be upgrated to a more advanced UART very quickly while the integrated UART must be upgraded along with the processor. 4. Our 16C offer many features which a normal integrated UART does not: hardware and software flow control, RS-485 support, flexible interrupt scheme...   [2006-4-25 11:11:16]
[问:crazycake] 以后有没有可能把UART做成那种USB hub那样,从一个扩展多个? 
[答:Paul] 您是需要UART的SWITCH嗎?目前來說,我們提供了不同的接口的轉換和並行訊號轉UART,並沒有這種SWITCH,如果方便的話,請你上我們的網站把您的意見留下,謝謝。  [2006-4-25 11:11:29]
[问:hzjins] 什么叫FIFO的深度?是指FIFO的BYTE吗?深度对UART的性能有何影响? 
[答:Paul] 沒錯,我們有64byte and 128byte FIFO will decide the speed, we can up to 5M  [2006-4-25 11:14:31]
[问:zhangweiqing] 请介绍UART和线路驱动器的接口特性.一般来说,UART的驱动能力有多高?是否可直接接口线路驱动器? 
[答:Dong] We have plan to create UART with integrated line driver, but as far as the time table of when we will have them available to the market is not clear at this moment. These integrated line driver UART can driver signal between +5V and -5V to the line, and you do not need external line drivers. Our current UART do not have integrated line drivers, therefore, to drive a RS-232 cable you would need external line drivers. The 16C UART can be connected directly to a line driver with out any external components in between.   [2006-4-25 11:15:17]
[问:zhangwq] 提供I2C信号的高电平值最大不能超过多少? 
[答:Dong] The level driven by our bridge is between +3.3V and ground.  [2006-4-25 11:16:11]
[问:yycj] UART如何通过起始/停止位进行同步的? 
[答:Richard] UART是异步通信,它是通过检测起始位起始位和停止位(总是逻辑0,停止位总是逻辑1)来实现数据通信的.  [2006-4-25 11:16:29]
[问:RCLLYL] 目前UART的速度最高能达到多少?高速UART在PCB设计时要注意什么? 
[答:Paul] 5Mbp/s, just take care to pull up to 5V  [2006-4-25 11:16:37]
[问:mayongtao] dsp与fpga用串口通信,需要uart么 
[答:Richard] UART的应用场合很广泛,在需要串口扩展的系统中,都可以用UART  [2006-4-25 11:17:40]
[问:leoxuhui] Philips的桥器件有几种类型?主要桥接那几种接口? 
[答:Paul] SC16IS75X/76X, I2C/SPI to UART SC18IM700, UART to I2C SC18IS600, SPI to I2C  [2006-4-25 11:19:10]
[问:zhangweiqing] UART如何进行通信误差的检查?有何措施保证信号的完整性? 
[答:Dong] The UART can detect errors such as: parity, framing error on the data it receives from the remote UART. We have build-in Schimitt trigger inputs to help to reduce sensitity to input noises. The UART also have build-in feature to detect the correct start bit, to ensure that the start condition is valid before receiving the data.   [2006-4-25 11:19:29]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-4-25 11:22:08]
[问:wzmpl] 请问UART传输误码率多高? 
[答:Dong] the baud error rate depends on the clock input of the two UARTs. Normally with 8 data bit, 1 start bit, and 1 stop bit our UART has can withstand the clock tolerance up to 4.3%. That is, we can tolerate variation in the receive signal up to 4.3%.   [2006-4-25 11:22:18]
[问:leoxuhui] 和USB,SPI等接口相比,UART有那些特别优点? 
[答:Paul] UART have high speed in the board level, and no need to do much software/firmware.  [2006-4-25 11:22:29]
[问:hzjins] 那些情况下会出现FIFO的溢出?如何进行控制? 
[答:Richard] FIFO已满,但CPU没能及时读走数据时会出现FIFO的溢出.PHILIPS UART提供了控制FIFO的溢出的完善的解决方案,可以通过硬件流控制和软件流控制来实现.具体可参考我们的数据手册  [2006-4-25 11:22:59]
[问:mayongtao] dsp5402上有两个mcbsp,这个多通道缓冲串口与uart有相似之处么? 
[答:Dong] I do not know the part - DSP5402 and the meaning of msbcp. I would have to provide you with a answer for this question late after I have a chance to review this device and the multi-channel interface feature that you mentioned.  [2006-4-25 11:24:18]
[问:yuchun] UART是否支持热插拔?要增加别的什么器件吗? 
[答:Dong] UARTs do not support hot-swap, if you do that you might kill the UART. Although you migh be able to do that with an external component.  [2006-4-25 11:25:27]
[问:lvystj] FIFO的深度对UART的通讯有何影响? 
[答:Paul] FIFO is Fast in Fast out, so it like the buffer for the communication. More buffer you can get higher data rate.  [2006-4-25 11:26:26]
[问:lelliao] 请问Philips的芯片与TI, Maxim等公司相比有何有点? 
[答:Paul] Basically, each company has their focus product and strong product. We have many resource and experience in UART and I2C, over 20 years. UART and bridge are our foucs products also, I think we offer the best one for you.  [2006-4-25 11:28:36]
[问:RCLLYL] 什么是流控制?UART的软件流控制和硬件流控制如何进行?两者有何不同? 
[答:Dong] Flow control is a mechanism that prevents the receive FIFO from over flow (over fill). There are two method to do this: hardware and software. 1. Hardware: the UART use two signals to implement the flow control. When the receive FIFO is about to over fill, the UART negate its RTS signal. When the remote UART sees that the other UART RTS signal is negated, it stop sending data, therefore, prevent the other UART receive FIFO from over fill. When the UART is ready to receive more data it activates the RTS signal again. When the remote UART sees the other UART RST is active again, it starts to send more data. 2. Software: software method does not need any hardware signal, but instead using data byte. When the UART receive FIFO is about to fill up, it send a XOFF character to the other UART. When the other UART receives the XOFF character it stops sending. When the UART is ready to receive data again, it sends a XON character to the other UART. When the other UART receives the XON character it start sending data again. The UART can do hardware and software flow control automatically. The software needs to program some bits inside the UART.  [2006-4-25 11:32:59]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-4-25 11:33:10]
[问:flady] UART的误码率和USB的误码率相比,在同样的速率下怎样?是否速率越高,误码越多 
[答:Paul] I think it"s hard to compare, but you are right about the higher speed will get more error. UART"s procotl is better than USB, but data rate is worse.  [2006-4-25 11:33:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,今天的问答将提前到11:40结束.  [2006-4-25 11:34:52]
[问:yuchun] UART是否仅限于发送/接收8位码?16位或32位码的如何进行处理? 
[答:Dong] You have to send one 8-bit byte at a time. Start with the low byte, then send the next high byte. The remote UART must assemble the data back in sequence: low byte + high byte = 16-bit data. You can do the same thing for the 32-bit data: byte0 + byte 1 + byte 2 + byte 3.  [2006-4-25 11:35:17]
[问:suxiaomei] 使用两通道UART时,是否要使用两个单独的线路驱动器?如何保证通道间的绝缘或隔离? 
[答:Paul] Our two channel UART are individual, no impact each other.  [2006-4-25 11:35:36]
[问:RCLLYL] UART在总线桥接、转换过程中如何避免丢包? 
[答:Richard] 可以通过硬件流控制和软件流控制来避免丢包,另外我们的FIFO可以根据系统设置不同的触发等级.  [2006-4-25 11:35:51]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给Philips公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,Philips公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2006-4-25 11:37:32]
[问:leontree] UART可以应用在民用的哪些领域 
[答:Paul] Smart phone, cell, LCDTV, Server, automotive and RS232/RS485 relative application etc  [2006-4-25 11:37:37]
[问:hzjins] 单独的UART传输距离有多远?配合了线路驱动器呢?要实现远距多机系统传输时,如何做才能保证其信号传输的速度和完整性? 
[答:Richard] 单独的UART适合于板内的通信,如果要实现远距离通信,可以采用RS232,RS422,RS485通信.  [2006-4-25 11:38:19]
[问:yuchun] UART的发送和接收模块对时钟的要求如何?对时钟的抖动和歪斜要求高吗? 
[答:Dong] UART allows very wide margin of the clock variation, upto 5%. The disavantages of this is that the CLOCK must be 16 time greater than the baud rate. Let say if your baud rate is 115.2Kbps, then your CLOCK must be at 1.8432MHz minimum. Because of the wide margin allow, there is no special requirement for clok jitter.  [2006-4-25 11:38:32]
[问:lwd] 在与DSP的接口中需要设置他的传输方式吗?  
[答:Richard] 不用.  [2006-4-25 11:38:53]
[问:lovepeng281] 在PCB设计上如何防止对高速UART的干扰或UART对别的器件干扰? 
[答:Paul] Please far away high speed data bus, clock signals and power.  [2006-4-25 11:39:57]
[问:elmer] 耐静电性能如何?工作温度范围? 
[答:Dong] Our parts pass human model of static electricity test, and the operating temperature is between -40 degree C and +85 degree C.   [2006-4-25 11:40:46]
[问:supernemocn] 高波特速率时,UART对时钟有何特别的要求?发送和接收的要求一样吗? 
[答:Richard] in high speed,do we have special requirement of CLOCK  [2006-4-25 11:40:50]
[问:leoxuhui] 如何保证UART通讯的可靠性和安全性? 
[答:Paul] Set the same baud rate between devices, then we can offer high performace communication.  [2006-4-25 11:42:33]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位网友,今天的问答将提前到11:40结束.  [2006-4-25 11:46:13]
[问:lvystj] UART怎么通过起始/停止位同步的呢? 
[答:Dong] Normally when the communication channel (input to the UART) is idle it stays at logic high. When the signal makes a transition from high to low, this signifies a start condition. The UART is then detect the start condition by sample the signal at 16 time it programmed baud rate. After 8 samples and if the signal is still at low, the UART knows that this is valid start bit. Once a valid start bit is detected the UART will try to detect the data that comes after the start bit. After the UART has received the number of bit it programmed to (5, 6, or 8 data bit in a character. See the LCR register description)) it will try to detect the stop bit. The stop bit is the last bit of the data character, and this bit should be a logic high. If the UART detect the last bit is a logic high then this is a valid stop bit, otherwise the UART will indicate a error condition call framing error to the host. Summary: start bit indicates the start of a character, and stop bit indicate the end of the character.  [2006-4-25 11:48:10]
[问:lovepeng281] UART通讯接收数据的解析怎么处理较好? 
[答:Dong] I do not clearly understand this question. Can you clarify it by give an example of what you want to do.  [2006-4-25 11:49:30]
[问:lwd] 2136能和TI的DSP接口吗 如何接? 
[答:Paul] Sorry I don"t know 2136, could you talk more about this?  [2006-4-25 11:50:59]
[问:lovepeng281] PHilips的多串口解决方案能有多少个串口?价格如何?传输速率和单口的一样吗? 
[答:Dong] Our 16C UART family offer UART with upto 4 channel, while our Industrial UART offer solution upto 8 channel. The maximu baud rate support is the same as for the single channel.   [2006-4-25 11:51:37]
[问:supernemocn] 利用UART,可以进行透明数据传输吗?如何做? 
[答:Dong] Can you explore this question a little bit further? I do not understand what you mean by transparent transmit.  [2006-4-25 11:52:45]
[问:yycj] 影响UART数据传输速度的主要因素有那些?是串/并或并/串转换吗? 
[答:Paul] baud rate, FIFO. We have FIFO to reduce the lose of Parallel and series data translation.  [2006-4-25 11:53:21]
[问:yycj] UART和USB2.0有何差别?从USB2.0到UART需要什么样的桥接器件?Philips有这样的器件吗? 
[答:Dong] UART is a asynchrouns (no clock signal between the transmitter and receiver) transfer, and USB is a synchrous (a clock signal is required) transter. Also USB is a differential signalling while UART is single-ended. USB can run up to 480 Mbps while our UART can only run up to 5 Mbps. We do not have a USB to UART bridge.  [2006-4-25 11:55:28]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Philips公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Philips公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2006-4-25 11:56:49]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Philips公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Philips公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2006-4-25 12:01:12]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2006-4-25 12:01:25]

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