
热门关键字: 嵌入式控制器 智能家居解决方案 随机存取存储器 流媒体 



主题: 意法半导体的模拟IC及视频开关,以及分立和保护器件新产品系列在新型平板电视中的应用
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到ST公司的专家就“意法半导体的模拟IC及视频开关,以及分立和保护器件新产品系列在新型平板电视中的应用。”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与ST公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“意法半导体的模拟IC及视频开关,以及分立和保护器件新产品系列在新型平板电视中的应用。”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。  [2006-4-6 10:18:26]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2006-4-6 10:18:42]
[问:Bazi] 请问LVDS和Serdes器件在平板电视中有什么机会? 
[答:Zipper] LVDS and Serdes device can be put between the major board and display board in order to transfer the data with high speed and low distortation.   [2006-4-6 10:29:09]
[问:zhangweiqing] stmav320是否会产生开关噪音? 
[答:Zipper] no, in STMAV320 we have pop&click free circuit  [2006-4-6 10:29:46]
[问:michelhcn] 1.请问在HDMI的接口中,有多少数据线,具体是哪些 2.HDMI是什么样的公司生产?它对ESD的要求具体是多少? 
[答:Jason] 共4组线,三组数据线,一组时钟线。都是差分信号线。第二个问题不太清楚  [2006-4-6 10:30:50]
[问:zhjb1] 有无速度>350MHz,Ton,Toff<=15nS,通路电平在mv或以下数量级的高速模拟开关。封装形式,每片门数 ,报价,相关资料。谢谢! 回邮 
[答:Jason] 要几路的?是SPDT? 问题不太清楚  [2006-4-6 10:32:27]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是ST公司的:Zipper Zhang、Jason Lee、Francesco Ronsivalle、Linger Liu、Crystal Wang和Jerry You。  [2006-4-6 10:33:10]
[问:meimeicook] 像高速的rgb运放和视频开关我们都应用,不知道它们的性价比如何?相对于你们竞争对手而言!! 
[答:Zipper] based on the feedback on from Asia marketing, the price / performance of ST"s product is quite high. audio and video field are the key field we will focus on. from ST, u can find the all the necessary from analog signal to digital signal.  [2006-4-6 10:37:31]
[问:smartbits] HDTV对信号完整性要求较高,ST的LCD TV器件如何满足这些要求? 
[答:Zipper] our video amp and video swith are the key product for this kind of requirements. specially the new video driver. based on the requirement and our understanding for this kind of application, we provide different product  [2006-4-6 10:40:17]
[问:zhangguilan] 用于LCD TV和PDP TV的器件是否有相同的要求? 
[答:Zipper] almost the same  [2006-4-6 10:47:12]
[问:wliush] ST1S06的外围元件需要多少?提供参考电路吗? 
[答:Francesco] two capacitors, two resistors and one inductor you can find the datasheet on our website. thanks  [2006-4-6 10:47:25]
[问:infor] stlvds385b怎样做到可编程? 
[答:Crystal] The transmitter can be programmed for Rising edge strobe or Falling edge strobe through a dedicated pin. A Rising edge or Falling edge strobe transmitter will inter operate with a Falling edge strobe Receiver without any translation logic.  [2006-4-6 10:48:50]
[问:zhangweiqing] ST1S03的EMI上有什么优势? 
[答:Francesco] The EMI must be mesured in the whole system aftet testing the device into the PCB.  [2006-4-6 10:49:19]
[问:smartbits] 如何定义高速运放?是指它的带宽还是转换速率或驱动能力? 
[答:Zipper] it means the BW and Slew Rate.  [2006-4-6 10:51:39]
[问:cwxsz] 视频开关和一般模拟开关有何特别的要求?STMAV335的传输时延,导通电阻和带宽以及匹配程度如何? 
[答:Jason] 视频开关与一般模拟开关相比通常要求有比较高的带宽(bandwidth),通常要求达到300MHz以上 STMAV335 tpd - 5.5ns Ron - 4ohm typ. (<0.5ohm matching, channel to channel) b/w - 300Mhz   [2006-4-6 10:53:14]
[问:smartbits] 如何选择HDTV和SDTV的视频放大器?运放性能的匹配程度应要达到有多高? 
[答:Zipper] to select the right product it need to check the signal requirement first. all the video driver are for 75R standard video cable. from input side, they are high-Impedance, from out side they are able to drive standard video load  [2006-4-6 10:53:45]
[问:zhangguilan] ST对LCD TV的电源解决方案,目前能做到多大功率?它的效率和待机功耗如何?能否提供完整的解决方案? 
[答:Francesco] Now,ST has give you the total solution for 280W power supply for LCD TV,the efficiency is 90% and the standby power consumption is below 1W  [2006-4-6 10:54:51]
[问:shipyan1] 视频开关是否要三个一组使用?单片中的三组开关隔离度要多高合适? 
[答:Jason] 用SPDT,或SP3T取决于您的实际应用中有多少个视频信号的输入及处理芯片的通道数 STMAV335 - off isolation -60dB (10 MHz, RL=150ohm)  [2006-4-6 10:56:18]
[问:zhangguilan] ST在LCD HDTV的信号处理上有何新的器件?有没有视频解码器,带运动补偿的缩放引擎和支持图文显示的VBI处理器?能否介绍一下? 
[答:Zipper] yes, ST can offer this kind of product. but it does not belong to our team. if you want to get the detail information, please call local ST office and they will provide the information to you  [2006-4-6 10:58:44]
[问:twd680627] 意法半导体在国内是否有前道生产线?是否生产分立器件芯片? 
[答:Zipper] as i know we should not have . in SZ the factory is for packaging. in WuXi it major focus on Flash devices. we will check it.  [2006-4-6 11:00:05]
[问:zcs_1] 在高速信号设计上你们有相关的指导说明吗? 
[答:Zipper] yes, we can provide it. what kind of reference you want..? switch or video driver..? thanks  [2006-4-6 11:00:57]
[问:meimeicook] TSH343-344大概的多少美金?年用量在5K/year 
[答:Zipper] about 0.7$  [2006-4-6 11:01:35]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2006-4-6 11:06:13]
[问:zhaohuoc] ST能否提供8位驱动IC以增加LCD TV的色彩?型号是什么? 
[答:Zipper] do you mean Gamma Correction..?  [2006-4-6 11:07:34]
[问:mpchina2002] 平板显示器能完全替代高要求设计中(比如图形设计/视频编辑)使用的CRT显示器吗? 
[答:Zipper] we can not make the conclusion now. let"s see  [2006-4-6 11:08:29]
[问:wliush] ST1S06的效率是95%,ST1S03的效率是85%,它们为什么有这么大的差别? 
[答:Francesco] the ST1S06 has integrated the synchronized rectified circuit in the chip while the ST1S03 does not use this technology.  [2006-4-6 11:08:51]
[问:zhaohuoc] LCD TV上 D类音频放大器,ST有那些产品?性能如何? 
[答:Zipper] if the Output is under 3W, we can offer TS4962, TS2007. if the output power is more than 3W, we need to find it from another Div, you can check with ST local office to get the detail information  [2006-4-6 11:10:00]
[问:topy1289] 將來的電視趨勢到底是甚麼? 對於流媒體電視的概念及其具體定位是哪些?謝謝 
[答:Jason] 我个人的观点: flat panel high defination digital signal larger size of display multi tuner (2 or even more)  [2006-4-6 11:13:45]
[问:zhangxu198] 开关会不会引入过冲和振铃? 
[答:Jason] ST的视频开关不会产生overshot和pop-click  [2006-4-6 11:22:43]
[问:nitrogen] LCD TV的视频功放和音频功放如何进行选择? 
[答:Zipper] for video driver it depend on what kind of the video source and what kind of the output port it need drive. for audio, in small size panel it need about 2W to 3W. but in the large size normally it need about 3W to 5W.  [2006-4-6 11:24:00]
[问:chendq] PDP与LCD在接口电路选择上有何区别? 
[答:Jason] 没有区别,PDP和LCD的差别在于现实方式的不同。对于视频/音频信号的输入处理,两者没有不同  [2006-4-6 11:25:00]
[问:nitrogen] 和TI,NS,Philips的功放相比,ST的有那些优势? 
[答:Zipper] you means the low power or high power..?   [2006-4-6 11:25:01]
[问:zhangxu198] ST1S06在1A 输出时是否需要散热器?效率为多少? 
[答:Francesco] The Heat Sinker is no needed as the MLP package is able to support the power dissipation of this device thanks to the exposed slug on the back of the package.The efficiency is still vey high even if you use the device at lower output current than 1.5A.  [2006-4-6 11:27:44]
[问:sullian] ST的电源器件能否用在OLED显示器上?有何要注意的事情? 
[答:Zipper] we have special product for OLED driver. if you want to know the detail information please contact with ST local office.  [2006-4-6 11:27:51]
[问:nitrogen] STMAV系列产品的隔离度为多少? 
[答:Jason] 典型值 -60 dB  (RL = 150? 10 MHz)   [2006-4-6 11:30:08]
[问:wliush] ST1S06和ST1S03的价格分别是多少? 
[答:Francesco] The price is striclty based on the total qty involved. The highest is the qty the lower is the price. The ST1S06 is more expensive than ST1S03.  [2006-4-6 11:30:37]
[问:sullian] LCD TV中的白光LED驱动电源,ST有和方案?它的效率有多高? 
[答:Zipper] you mean the small size or big size panel. for small size panel we have single chip W-LED driver which one can drive 10 w-LED with 85% eff ( min ) for the big size panel ST can offer the total solution with about 90% eff  [2006-4-6 11:32:54]
[问:chinaxyj] LCD TV对电源管理的要求变得日益复杂,数字电源解决方案很有吸引力,ST有这样的方案吗? 
[答:Zipper] we need to check with the other colleague to confrim the solution they are working. if you leave the contact information we will release it to you once we get it  [2006-4-6 11:34:23]
[问:scorpionlee] 视频开关的导通电阻对图像质量的影响是怎样的? 
[答:Zipper] there is not affect. video signal will pass from Video switch to Video driver. because the Ron of video switch is low if you comapre with the input Impedance of Video driver.  [2006-4-6 11:36:23]
[问:ppz2005] 请问针对视频监控应用中的长线视频传输用同轴电缆及双绞线的传输介质可以用什么器件来进行信号放大及频率补偿? 
[答:Zipper] you can check TSHxxx product family, we can offer high speed driver with high output current and very low distortation  [2006-4-6 11:38:22]
[问:duls] 请问ST目前有没有LCD TV的单芯片方案?如有,能提供资料吗? 
[答:Zipper] Please check with ST local office to get it, it belong to another Div of ST  [2006-4-6 11:38:55]
[问:chinaxyj] 如何使LCD TV的电源在降功耗模式达到能源之星的要求? 
[答:Francesco] In order to meet the Standard "energy start" all the devices in the BOM must have a very low power consumption, expecially when the devices are in Stand-by. ST design all his devices taking care of the power consumption. In order to achieve this low power consumption we use the right technologies and we also add some special function inside the chip to further reduce the power consumption.  [2006-4-6 11:40:40]
[问:zhangxu198] 单电压运放和轨到轨运放有何区别? 
[答:Zipper] single Vcc Op-amp is for Vcc power supply, typicall is from 0V to 5V rail-to-rail means the input signal range and output signal range.  [2006-4-6 11:41:23]
[问:wulin83cn] 请问电视电源保护问题的处理? 
[答:Jerry] ST在电源的前端提供ESD保护器件,在过流保护方面有STIL器件。  [2006-4-6 11:42:05]
[问:chinaxyj] ST用在LCD TV的电源是否有升压调整器?是采用电荷泵的吗? 
[答:Zipper] yes, but we use Dc/Dc boost instead of charge pump. charge pump will be the next one  [2006-4-6 11:42:10]
[问:xing2818] ST的ESD保护器件采用那些措施能达到HDMI的要求? 
[答:Jerry] 经过工艺和设计方面的改进,ST专门针对HDMI标准的ESD器件达到了极小的电容值以适应高速工作的需要。  [2006-4-6 11:44:00]
[问:cwxsz] 用于SD和HD的开关性能要求上有何区别? 
[答:Jason] 对于视频开关,主要的区别是开关的信号带宽 - 300Mhz的开关足以传输SD视频信号; 而HD视频信号则需要500Mhz甚至更高  [2006-4-6 11:44:04]
[问:chinaxyj] 平板电视的空间有限,散热问题突出,ST的功放和电源器件是否能满足要求不用加散热器?具体是那些型号可用在40吋LCD TV上? 
[答:Francesco] The Heat Sinker is not needed for those packages having the exposed slug on the back of the Package (ex.: DFN). Our devices can meet the requirement without the heat sinker usage. The p/n available for this application are listed in the presentation showed before.  [2006-4-6 11:47:05]
[问:twd680627] 意法半导体有哪些分立器件系列品种? 
[答:Jerry] 意法半导体的分立器件包括功率整流管,保护器件,集成住被动器件,双向可控硅  [2006-4-6 11:48:54]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与ST公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请ST公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2006-4-6 11:49:18]
[问:yjs1088] 请说明PPAK封装形式,多谢! 
[答:Francesco] The PPAK has 5 pins: Hinibit,Adjustable Output,Vout,Vin,Ground The DPAK has 3 pin: Vin,Vout,Ground  [2006-4-6 11:52:08]
[问:wliush] ST1S06,数量2K的价格? 
[答:Francesco] We could quote $0.90. As we said, the price can be further discussed if the qty increase. The price can also be discussed based on the relationship with the ctm and the importance of the project. Contact our Local Marketing fro more detailed infomation.  [2006-4-6 11:55:01]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给ST公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,ST公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2006-4-6 11:55:45]
[问:chendq] ESD保护器件会不会影响数字信号的上升沿和下降沿的陡度? 
[答:Jerry] 不会有影响。因为相对于具体应用而言,ST的ESD器件的电容值很低,基本不会影响数字信号的上升沿和下降沿的陡度。  [2006-4-6 11:55:47]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的ST公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的ST公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2006-4-6 11:56:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2006-4-6 11:56:34]
[问:yjs1088] 有很多器件本身就有ESD保护,为什么还要有外加的EDS呢? 
[答:Jerry] 器件本身的ESD保护是基于应用内部ESD保护的要求,要求在2kv左右。但是对于具体的应用,例如针对人体接触静电,ESD保护的要求是8kv,而针对空气放电的保护要求是12kv。所以我们推出了专门针对这些要求的ESD器件。  [2006-4-6 11:58:01]
[问:] ESD保护器件能承受多少次过压冲击?
[答:] ESD protection device have no limit for ESD protection, unless you apply more than 15kV air dicharge.
[问:] ST的器件在降低LCD TV的电磁干扰有何特点?能达什么样的指标?
[答:] IEC 61000-4-2 MIL STD 883 and HBM 25 kV