
热门关键字: 环境传感器 均衡器 电阻温度计 链路层 



主题: 瑞萨Tiny Brothers微控制器 - 业內最广、最强并易于使用的微控制器
[问:mxslgyb] 我正在做微控制器和DSP系统,请问瑞萨Tiny Brothers微控制器和TI的TMS320VC33DSP通信接口怎么做?该系统希望将DSP处理后的数据送给MCU,MCU向DSP发送指令。 
[答:Jason] Tiny支持(同步/异步)串行口与外部进行通信。  [2006-1-11 10:38:40]
[问:unsp2913] ROM修正能否再讲具体一些? 
[答:Kelvin] That is User program can be modified even after masking by using the address match interrupt. No need to remake ROM mask version    => Reduction of defective stock ? A defective program can be corrected after masking by external E2PROM  => Correct with Min. cost and time   [2006-1-11 10:39:11]
[问:名侦探柯南] 请问三相马达控制是什么意思?是高速脉冲输出吗?我正在选用单片机,要求具有高速脉冲输出,可以控制伺服驱动器! 
[答:Jason] Tiny能输出三相PWM波形的输出,可以用于驱动直流或交流电机。  [2006-1-11 10:41:28]
[问:zw68728] 请问Tiny Brothers的mcu与其他厂家产品相比,有何优势和特点?抗干扰性能如何?有学习资料吗? 
[答:Bawson] 1. 高性能 CPU (16 位或16位以上), 小型封装, 20 脚到 80 脚 2. 高可靠性闪存 (可在生产时或出货时编程) 3. 高性能外围器件的标准化, 可降低系统的成本 4. 系列间共享项目无隔碍 ( 如下) - 低成本的开发工具              - 共享外围器件的标准化 - 网上技术支持 - 简单的操作系统、中间件支持等 5.低功耗工作, 高速工作   (最高工作频率 : 20MHz), 高-ROM 效率 - 提供 低成本的闪存 MCU (可在生产或出货时编程) - 嵌入有功能强的外围电路 (高速内部振荡器、电压检测电 路、数据闪存和 I2C) - 低引脚数 MCU : 20 脚 - 提供各种信息 (网站, 应用报告, 各种手册等) - 低成本的开发环境 : 提供 在片调试器、CPU 板等 6. 高性能的EMS 7. please visit Renesas web and local sales  department  [2006-1-11 10:47:12]
[问:sannymiao] 和Microchip的MCU相比,Renesas的R8C/Tiny在价格和性能有什么过人之处? 
[答:Jason] Tiny系列提供业内最优的性价比,丰富的产品系列,和完善的技术支持。  [2006-1-11 10:47:36]
[问:wangjade] 请问,对于WatchDog来讲,如果软件 故障导致WatchDog控制出现问题, 这中问题如何避免? 谢谢! 
[答:Bawson] R8C/Tiny 的WatchDog是由硬件控制  [2006-1-11 10:50:41]
[问:betterqjk] 请问该控制器可用什么计算机语言编程控制?  
[答:Henry] Renesas Tiny series microcontroller include the R8C/Tiny , H8/Tiny, M16C/Tiny, SH/Tiny(32 bit). All those MCU can supported assembly language and ansi C language with low end/cost tools. The debugger is very user friendly. Free trial version can be download in Renesas web page. software_tools_landing.jsp&fp=/products/tools/&site=i  [2006-1-11 10:51:00]
[问:lwd] 那些集成有USB2.0的接口吗?是否可提供免费的综合编译环境?和51的汇编指令能否兼容? 
[答:Kelvin] M30240 or M30245 of M16C have a USB port. 是否可提供免费的综合编译环境? Yes 和51的汇编指令能否兼容? No  [2006-1-11 10:51:52]
[问:michaelyan.fu] Tiny 与Tiny Brothers系列所包含的芯片有区别?Tiny Brothers系列就是原来的Tiny系列芯片? 
[答:Kelvin] The following are Tiny Brother SH Tiny Series R8C Tiny Series M16C Tiny Series H8/300H Tiny Series Yew  [2006-1-11 10:53:04]
[问:jsnjhjh] 各种型号芯片的ID一样吗,还是每个芯片均不一样?写入器的ID是人工输入吗?如果是,如何得到ID? 
[答:Kelvin] 各种型号芯片的ID一样吗,还是每个芯片均不一样? No, but the ID can be designed by customer   [2006-1-11 10:54:06]
[问:yuanli25] WDT具体的定时是怎样设置的? 
[答:Bawson] R8C/Tiny 的WatchDog在复位后启动,WatchDog的设置(WDC,WDTR,WDTS)请参照datasheet  [2006-1-11 10:55:09]
[问:onionhm] 小批量用户,可否免费得到KD30等相关软件包. 
[答:Henry] It is available on Renesas website. For example : M16C KD30 debugger evaluation_software/compilers_and_assemblers /m3t_nc30wa/download.html   [2006-1-11 10:55:47]
[问:gongguodong] 瑞萨Tiny Brothers微控制器最高处理速度,是否是RISC,32位还是64位, 价位如何,属于中档,低档,高档处理器?相比其他处理器(如arm,h8系列,motorola系列等)有那些优劣?在工业控制及实时性方面有什么性能指标?谢谢  
[答:Kelvin] 最高处理速度 20MHz 是否是RISC,32位还是64位 It is M16C core, 16 bit Tiny means low price/low to middle class. Compare to other MCU: 1. High performance CPU (more than 16bit), small package,          20pin to 80pin      2. High-reliability Flash memory               (write-in shipment at factory is possible)      3. Common high performance peripherals for reduction          of system cost      4. Many common items for barrier-free among series.          - Low-cost development tools          - Common peripherals          - Technical support on the Web          - Simple OS, middleware support etc.   [2006-1-11 10:57:35]
[问:happymecn] 你说的三相PWM输出波形是三路PWM输出还是六路PWM输出? 
[答:Jason] 六路对称输出,带死区保护功能,并且能设置有效驱动电平。  [2006-1-11 10:57:55]
[问:lwd] 可以用C和汇编混合编程吗?能提供免费的编译环境吗? 
[答:Kelvin] Yes   [2006-1-11 10:57:56]
[问:yangdn] 请问R8C11/13有什么区别? 
[答:Henry] Main difference : R8C/13 has a 2Kx2 Blocks data flash but R8C/11 has not. So R8C/11 is cheaper generally.   [2006-1-11 10:59:09]
[问:lwd] M16C/R8C 16位微控制器单指令最快的执行时间是多少?有那些具体的接口? 使用精简指令吗?有否C和汇编的综合编译环境?谢谢! 
[答:Bawson] 1. M16C: 41.6ns; R8C: 50ns 2. SIO,INT,A/D,IIC,DMA,D/A,etc.. 3. No 精简指令 4. 有C和汇编的综合编译环境  [2006-1-11 11:01:21]
[问:wangjade] 请问,WDT的时间间隔根据什么来 设定?与主程序循环一次的时间 匹配吗? 谢谢! 
[答:Bawson] 根据WDT register, please refer to the datasheet  [2006-1-11 11:02:39]
[问:walk_bird] 原来三菱公司的MH3292系列的芯片在瑞萨公司是什么型号? 
[答:Kelvin] Sorry we don"t have information about the MH3292. Pls target your design for what platform. 16/32 bit.   [2006-1-11 11:02:52]
[问:happymecn] 应用于电机控制领域时,有什么优势? 
[答:Jason] 能提供目前电机控制方式中的所有常用功能。高的可靠性,方便的开发调试环境,丰富的设计参考资源,强大的技术支持。  [2006-1-11 11:03:05]
[问:yangdn] 请问R8C/1A、1B的差异? 
[答:Henry] R8C/1A and R8C/1B are both 20-pin ICs. Main difference : R8C/1B has 1KBx2 blocks data flash but R8C/1A has not. So R8C/1A is cheaper generally.   [2006-1-11 11:03:34]
[问:wanggc_163] 有没有带死区控制的R8C/Tiny series MCU? 
[答:Bawson] R8C: 没有, 可由软件实现 M16C: 有  [2006-1-11 11:04:50]
[问:wangqixuan] 能否把支持(同步/异步)串行接口介绍的详细一些? 
[答:Jason] 可以工作于全双工的方式,自由设置通信的速率或是由外部的时钟决定。可以参考我们网站上的Application Note。  [2006-1-11 11:05:06]
[问:liuzhuo_hust] 请问这款控制器电磁兼容性如何,是否适合在恶劣的工况下工作。 
[答:Kelvin] M16C MCUs generate very low levels of electromagnetic interference. Pls refer to the presentation to show the comparation to other MCU.   [2006-1-11 11:05:37]
[问:yuanli25] 几种开发工具的具体区别有那些?在具体应用时按照什么原则来选择开发工具? 
[答:Henry] FoUSB and E8 are low cost emulators.  Compact emulator and Full-Emulator are high end emulator with considerable price. These four emualtors use the same debugger software.   [2006-1-11 11:06:54]
[问:sannymiao] 请详细介绍R8C/Tiny 微控制器的外设功能,以及所具有的特点. 
[答:Jason] Tiny会提供最常用的MCU周边功能,例如串行口、定时器、A/D转换器、时钟功能等等。更详细的说明,请参考相应型号的Hardware Manual。  [2006-1-11 11:07:16]
[问:wqsong] 支持不支持单步,设断点跟踪调试吗? 
[答:Henry] Yes, all emulators support single step, breakpoint and trace function.   [2006-1-11 11:08:04]
[问:foxyfox] M16C有12bit的AD吗?采集速度? 
[答:Kelvin] M16C don"t have AD up to 12 bit.  [2006-1-11 11:08:17]
[问:名侦探柯南] 有在软启动器方面的使用资料吗?我们正在开发,电机节能保护器! 
[答:Bawson] 请参照硬件手册有关复位的章节  [2006-1-11 11:08:55]
[问:farce0225] 请问R8C/TINY系列单片机通过什么接口和PC机或其他设备通信? 
[答:Kelvin] UART  [2006-1-11 11:09:25]
[问:deyun] 三相SPWM输出是独立固件吗? 
[答:Jason] Tiny会提供三相PWM产生及输出的硬件,但是具体的输出参数要由使用者编程决定。例如:载波频率、输出电压等。我们会提供完善的技术支持及例子程序。  [2006-1-11 11:10:10]
[问:wanfay] R8C/Tiny的片内RAM容量多大?RAM和ROM可否容易地扩展? 
[答:Bawson] RAM: 384 ~ 1KB,only single-chip mode.  [2006-1-11 11:10:51]
[问:uuxz99] R8C的电流消耗是多少? 
[答:Bawson] 请参照硬件手册,min current;0.8uA(stop mode)  [2006-1-11 11:12:47]
[问:wangjade] 请问,强有力16位定时器具有 那些特殊功能? 谢谢! 
[答:Jason] 可以工作于:定时器、计数器、单次触发、输入捕捉、输出比较、波形发生等。具体的使用方法,请使用相应型号的Hardware Manual。  [2006-1-11 11:13:14]
[问:lwd] 如何对写到片内程序进行加密处理? 
[答:Kelvin] 1.Program Copy Guard Disable reading from outside of single-chip MCU internal memory and disable unauthorized copies of important programs or internal data certainly. (both FLASH and MASK versions) 2.Flash Memory ROM Code Protect Disable reading or re-writing internal Flash memory data by ROM code protect bit during parallel re-writing. (protect bit can be changed with only serial rewriting) 3.Flash Memory ID Code Protect Unless ID code written into chip and ID code which serial writer transmits match,command cannot be acknowledged and disable unauthorized access.   [2006-1-11 11:13:38]
[问:deyun] 瑞萨16位微控制器跟MSP430以及80196有什么区别?共同点是什么? 
[答:Jason] 低功耗、都可以驱动马达。但我们产品的系列更全,给客户更多的选择---低端到高端。还有,高的性价比,完善的服务和支持。  [2006-1-11 11:15:47]
[问:happilzz] 使用一根线的在线调试器和一般的多线调试器相比,速度和功能上是否要弱些?支持多断点调试吗? 
[答:Kelvin] In circuit debugging is better. And the on chip debugging have limitation of speed, few break points etc.  [2006-1-11 11:17:42]
[问:gouyujie] 请问做120度BLDC有比R8C/11性价比更好的芯片推荐吗(空调变频压缩机驱动)?  
[答:Jason] 目前我们推荐R8C/11做120度的BLDC驱动。将来我们还会推出更优良的产品,请关注我们的最新产品信息。  [2006-1-11 11:17:54]
[问:deyun] SH的PWM是三相SPWM控制器吗? 
[答:Jason] 是的。SH内建强大的PWM波形发生功能。可以完成马达驱动的功能。  [2006-1-11 11:19:13]
[问:yuanli25] I2C通信支持低速模式还是高速模式? 或者两者都支持? 
[答:Jason] 两者都支持。  [2006-1-11 11:19:34]
[问:jekyll] R8C/Tiny,可以用于步进电机的控制吗? 
[答:Jason] 可以。  [2006-1-11 11:20:39]
[问:Victron] R8C Tiny series 如何做保密的動作 
[答:Bawson] 在芯片 和 串行写入器间进行56位 的ID 码检查,ID 码存于ROM(00FFDFh, 00FFE3h, 00FFEBh, 00FFEFh, 00FFF3h, 00FFF7h, and 00FFFBh)供用户设置  [2006-1-11 11:21:20]
[问:xjw97021] 片内的振荡器是否具有RTOS功能? 
[答:Jason] RTOS --- Real Time Operating System 的简称。往往指的是一套底层软件,提供应用层的系统调用、任务管理等功能。例如:Micro OS/II 就是一套免费的RTOS。  [2006-1-11 11:23:36]
[问:huangmin] 贵公司的微控制器在开发编程方面有何独特之处? 
[答:Kelvin] 1. very powerful for the professional tools 2. low price for compact tools 3. High Program Efficiency, High Compatibility Pls refer to the web site as below: m16cproduct_tools_index.jsp&fp=/products/mpumcu /m16c_family/&title=Software%20and%20Tools   [2006-1-11 11:23:52]
[问:求是] Renesas 有变频控制的参考程序吗? 
[答:Jason] 有。请联系最近的Office。  [2006-1-11 11:24:03]
[问:yuanli25] 芯片内部都具体有哪些模块? 
[答:Henry] Pls refer presentation material pages 20,21,47,48,54 and 55. Pls browse to Renesas website for more information.   [2006-1-11 11:26:12]
[问:zhangjsh2] 如何得到仿真器,费用如何? 
[答:Wilson] Please contact our disty  [2006-1-11 11:27:22]
[问:chuncheng1203] 支持不支持硬件的IIC?驱动能力如何? 
[答:Jason] 有一些型号支持。驱动能力能满足大多数应用的要求(5mA~10mA),例如:电视、音响等。  [2006-1-11 11:27:28]
[问:elmer] 供货周期和价格如何? 
[答:Wilson] Please contact our disty.  [2006-1-11 11:31:03]
[问:farce0225] 调试器是否采用类似于JTAG的串行调试?还有其它的调试方式可供采用? 
[答:Henry] SH-Tiny uses JTAG interface.  M16C and R8C use JTAG-like serial interface. For example, R8C/1A use only one data line for emulator interface. Full-Emulator and Compact emulator are also available.  [2006-1-11 11:31:27]
[问:jsnjhjh] 我正在进行电能表方面的设计工作,有无一种型号有以下配置:32KROM,2kRAM,4*40 LCD DRIVER,内部带RTC(实时钟带调校),LCD显示时,低功耗在20uA以下,2路UART口,或有无相近型号,请推荐. 
[答:Bawson] R8C没有LCD driver,我们推荐R8C/1A(20 pin)用于简单的电表设计。 根据你的需求,我们推荐H8/SLP 38124,38327. H8/SLP广泛用于电表设计。  [2006-1-11 11:31:37]
[问:deyun] 谢谢Jason的回答,假设我做简易变频控制,您推荐哪种型号呢。 
[答:Jason] 通用变频器:M16C/Tiny系列。 矢量变频器:SH/Tiny系列。  [2006-1-11 11:32:07]
[问:lineare] 仿真器大约多少钱?哪儿可以买到? 
[答:Wilson] Please contact our disty.  [2006-1-11 11:32:19]
[问:shenzhenwxb] 瑞萨Tiny Brothers微控制器是否实用于汇编,ROM为多少K(不扩展),TOP OR FLASH,可做底价位的吗(10元人民币以下),是否带A/D转换,能否提供培训以及相关技术支持. 
[答:Kelvin] 瑞萨Tiny Brothers微控制器是否实用于汇编 Yes 是否带A/D转换,能否提供培训以及相关技术支持. Yes ROM size are big different between each others. Pls refer to the following links R8C tiny: -------- r8ctiny_series_landing.jsp&fp=/products /mpumcu/m16c_family/r8c_tiny_series&site=i M16C Tiny --------- m16ctiny_series_landing.jsp&fp= /products/mpumcu/m16c_family/m16ctiny_series/ H8/300H Tiny ------------ h8300h_tiny_series_landing.jsp&fp= /products/mpumcu/h8_family/h8300h_tiny_series/ ------------   [2006-1-11 11:32:27]
[问:yangdn] 请问你们网站上有没有编译环境以及资料的下载?请给个url好么? 
[答:Henry] Pls browse to /evaluation_software/compilers_and_assemblers/index.html  [2006-1-11 11:33:18]
[问:silence010] 请问,对于SH2系列有没有免费的综合编译环境?怎样能够获得?谢谢 
[答:Henry] Pls browse to /evaluation_software/compilers_and_assemblers/index.html   [2006-1-11 11:34:09]
[问:lwd] 免费的编译环境在那里可以得到?不会是校园版吧? 
[答:Henry] Pls browse to /evaluation_software/compilers_and_assemblers/index.html   [2006-1-11 11:34:51]
[问:letsbegin2005] 请问R8C与MSP430单片机区别点处在哪? 
[答:Jason] 这个可能要根据你具体的应用才能作比较,我们会提供最合适一款型号给您。请联系我们。  [2006-1-11 11:35:09]
[问:jinruchen] 可以用于气相色谱仪气路的电子流量的控制吗? 
[答:Henry] If you can specify the MCU requirements, we will suggest more information.   [2006-1-11 11:37:36]
[问:hstu] 我在用AD公司的ADMC331做AC电机控制,但对程序保护方面不太满意, 请问用瑞萨MCU可以实现很好替代吗? 
[答:Jason] 保护不满意,可能是硬件的问题,也可能是软件的问题。我们的马达驱动处理器,提供了完善的死区保护、输出切断等保护功能,请联系我们,我们会提供一些涉及参考和咨询。  [2006-1-11 11:37:58]
[问:wanfay] 请详细介绍R8C/Tiny的抗干扰及EMC的独到性能以及在汽车电子上的应用. 
[答:Bawson] R8C/Tiny的抗干扰及EMC性能优秀,与M16C相媲美 汽车电子上的应用:R8C/20-23(内置CAN)  [2006-1-11 11:38:18]
[问:faler] 请问:调试速度怎样? 
[答:Jason] 速度很快,可以进行实时仿真。  [2006-1-11 11:38:39]
[问:letsbegin2005] R8C MCU有那些特点? 
[答:Bawson] 1. 高性能 CPU (16 位或16位以上), 小型封装, 20 脚到80 脚 2. 高可靠性闪存 (可在生产时或出货时编程) 3. 高性能外围器件的标准化, 可降低系统的成本 4. 系列间共享项目无隔碍 ( 如下) - 低成本的开发工具              - 共享外围器件的标准化 - 网上技术支持 - 简单的操作系统、中间件支持等 5. 低功耗工作, 高速工作   (最高工作频率 : 20MHz), 高-ROM 效率 - 提供 低成本的闪存 MCU (可在生产或出货时编程) - 嵌入有功能强的外围电路 (高速内部振荡器、电压检测电路、数据闪存和 I2C) - 低引脚数 MCU : 20 脚 - 提供各种信息 (网站, 应用报告, 各种手册等) - 低成本的开发环境 : 提供 在片调试器、CPU 板等   [2006-1-11 11:38:55]
[问:lwd] 能和三星的ARM7系列微处理器接口吗? 
[答:Henry] Available interfaces are  serial I/F, UART, I2C, etc..   [2006-1-11 11:39:09]
[问:liushiguang] 这种微控制器片内RAM有多少?ROM有多少?引脚多少?价格多少?开发系统价格怎样?到哪儿去买?支持哪种汇编语言?支持C语言吗? 
[答:Kelvin] About the ROM/RAM size, package and pin no pls refer to the following link: mpumcu_category_landing.jsp&fp=/products/mpumcu Price pls contact to our sale agent. and refer to the link and select the "contact us" support_section_landing.htm&fp=/support&site=i   [2006-1-11 11:39:37]
[问:yuanli25] 编译器是否免费? 
[答:Henry] Pls browse to /evaluation_software/compilers_and_assemblers/index.html   [2006-1-11 11:39:44]
[问:silence010] 请问:当采用boot mode时,application program和boot program,还有write control program是一一对应的吗?write control program是由用户自己写吗?谢谢 
[答:Jason] 我们的芯片在出厂的时候,已经有了部分程序在内部,提供一些基本的测试及烧录功能。当然,烧录的部分软件也可以由用户自己写,并且可以工作在用户模式下。  [2006-1-11 11:41:00]
[问:lwd] 贵公司的芯片内部是否有支持FFT滤波的硬件电路? 
[答:Jason] 没有。但是,M16C提供单条指令实现的两个数组、相应单元的先乘后加的功能。可以很好的实现FFT的功能。  [2006-1-11 11:42:38]
[问:dvssy] 对于目前通用的8位单片机中,R8C相比有什么优势? 
[答:Bawson] 1. 高性能 CPU (M16C内核), 小型封装, 20 脚到80 脚 2. 高可靠性闪存 (可在生产时或出货时编程) 3. 高性能外围器件的标准化, 可降低系统的成本 4. 系列间共享项目无隔碍 ( 如下) - 低成本的开发工具              - 共享外围器件的标准化 - 网上技术支持 - 简单的操作系统、中间件支持等 5. 低功耗工作, 高速工作 6. POR、 LVD、数据闪存  [2006-1-11 11:42:56]
[问:lwd] 你们能够提供那些技术服务? 
[答:Henry] We have technical experts, technical information on website, technical enquiry (, etc..  [2006-1-11 11:42:58]
[问:deyun] 哪里可以下载datasheet文档? 
[答:Henry] Pls browse to Enter part number at the top right corner of the page to search for datasheet.  [2006-1-11 11:45:01]
[问:qinhon gjiang0528] 你好!对你们的产品没有了解,可否献给我一份相关的资料,瑞萨Tiny Brothers微控制器,我用过51微控制器,MICROCHIP,PHLIPS。清对你们的产品作一细致的描述。谢谢!06.1.6 
[答:Kelvin] Pls refer to the following link for general MCU information. general_presentation.htm&fp=/products/mpumcu /child_folder/&title=General%20Presentation Sorry we cannot so detail to compare all. Generally, our advanages are: 1.Ultra-low power consumption. 2.Eliminates the need for measures against EMI/EMS noise. 3.Guaranteed compatibility. 4.Security measures. 5.ROM-correction feature. 6.Many usable pins. 7.Strong protection against malfunctions 8.High-speed processing 9.Highly efficient programs. 10.Highly functional flash memory. 11.On-chip flash memory. 12.Support from low-cost tools.   [2006-1-11 11:46:24]
[问:letsbegin2005] 用Renesas单片机,使用C语言编程时进不了中断,请专家解答! 
[答:Jason] 请检查:中断向量是否设置正确--〉中断使能是否打开--〉中断事件是否有效产生。如果还是不行的话,请联系我们。  [2006-1-11 11:46:35]
[问:wqsong] 有IIS接口吗?有多少? 
[答:Henry] We do have IIS interface on SH series, but not SH-TINY, M16C and R8C.   [2006-1-11 11:46:40]
[问:gongguodong] 如果连接网络芯片,tiny于一般与哪种型号的网络芯片联接的应用示例最多 
[答:Jason] 8019,8900,NE2000兼容的芯片都可以。  [2006-1-11 11:47:30]
[问:silence010] 谢谢Jason的回答, 那write control program完成的是什么具体的功能呢? 
[答:Jason] 读、写、校验、擦除等功能。  [2006-1-11 11:48:11]
[问:yuanli25] 编译器是否具有离线仿真功能,象C51一样? 
[答:Kelvin] You can use our simulator.  [2006-1-11 11:48:33]
[问:weilufangti] 请问H8/300H Tiny Series兼容性与扩展性何如? 
[答:Bawson] H8/300H Tiny Series是 H8/300H 的内核, 软件基本兼容。  [2006-1-11 11:49:12]
[问:elmer] 是否能应用于微波炉控制上? 
[答:Bawson] R8C/Tiny可应用于微波炉控制  [2006-1-11 11:50:38]
[问:elmer] 端口最大输出电流多大? 
[答:Kelvin] It depend on different series. Pls refer to our web site as below: category_landing.jsp&fp=/products/mpumcu/   [2006-1-11 11:52:11]
[问:farce0225] 本人先前从事的是通信产品的开发,但现在对汽车电子方面满感兴趣,有一些初级问题向各位请教: 1,ECU具体指的是一个芯片,还是包括芯片的一套系统(包括flash,SDRAM或者其他等)? 2,ECU的软件在整个系统中是什么地位?使用的编程语言是C还是汇编?或者混合? 3,搭建一个软硬件环境需要一些什么工具?(包括软硬件工具) 
[答:Jason] 1、系统。 2、ECU在整个系统中是最重要的单元。发动机、动力相关的控制功能都在这里。具体使用什么语言开发,要根据实际情况来选择。 3、个人很难搭建一个平台或环境。但是,第三方会提供现成的产品平台,比如BOSCH。  [2006-1-11 11:55:07]
[问:FENG ZHENG323] 请问,你们在实现微控制器的稳定工作上采取了那些措施? 
[答:Kelvin] 1.Careful Vcc and Vss layout. 2.Protection circuits enhance tolerance for 3.static electricity, help prevent circuit latch up. 4.Noise filters on input signals. 5.Output impedance optimization. 6.Oscillator drives capability switching.   [2006-1-11 11:55:09]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 大连三洋明华电子有限公司的ayuan78经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为ayuan78的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2006-1-11 11:55:35]
[问:lwd] 集成有USB2.0的接口吗?是否可提供免费的综合编译环境?和51的汇编指令能否兼容? 
[答:Bawson] --R8C/Tiny 没有USB2.0的接口,但H8S series 支持USB2.0 --R8C/Tiny可提供免费(ROM size < 64KB)的综合编译环境 --和51的汇编指令不兼容  [2006-1-11 11:56:59]
[问:lwd] 在中国国内有你们的资料或技术支持网站吗? 
[答:Bawson] Please visit  [2006-1-11 11:58:35]
[问:名侦探柯南] 请问如果采用CAN 2.0和其他设备通讯,可以吗?应该怎样设计?谢谢! 
[答:Jason] 可以。CAN提供了数据链路层的可靠传输,用户要做的就是,上层数据的处理,流量控制等。  [2006-1-11 12:02:42]
[问:robin] How to reduce EMI/EMS for microcontroller ? any recommendation ? 
[答:Kelvin] M16C MCUs generate very low levels of electromagnetic interference for conformance to noise regulations, and they have low electromagnetic susceptibility for operating in noisy environments. However, EMI and EMS cannot be eliminated, but our MCUs use several design techniques to reduce them as below: 1.Careful Vcc and Vss layout. 2.Protection circuits enhance tolerance for static electricity, help prevent circuit latch up. 3.Noise filters on input signals. 4.Output impedance optimization. 5.Oscillator drives capability switching.   [2006-1-11 12:02:55]
[问:robin] What is the main different bewteen M32C , M16C and R8C microcontroller ? 
[答:Kelvin] All these products are from low end to high end based on a single core. The R8C is in the 8-bit area because while it contains a 16-bit CPU, it is priced to complete with other 8-bit competitors. The M16C MCU is truly for the 16-bit area. The M32C/8X is a hybrid microcontroller. It performs some 32-bit instructions and contains some 32-bit registers, but it still performs 16-bit multipliers.   [2006-1-11 12:03:40]
[问:robin] I am using M16C/62P romless version for development. Do the M16C/62P compact emulator support memory expansion mode ? What is the part number ? 
[答:Kelvin] Yes, the Starter-Kits shown below support memory expansion mode. Part Number  Mounted MCU ---------------------------- M3A-0654G01  M30624FGMFP M3A-0654G02  M30624FGAFP M3A-0664  M30626FHPFP M3A-0801G02  M30800FCFP M3A-0802G02  M30802FCGP M3A-0835  M30833FJFP M3A-0836  M30835FJGP To enable the memory expansion mode, pull up the HOLD pin and RDY pin of the MCU on the Starter-Kit board. Set the processor mode bits to "01b" in your user program (see Notes 1, 2). There is no need to modify the monitor program. Please note that accessing external memory in the memory expansion mode from KD30, KD308, or KD3083 can only be done with [Memory Read/Write]. Program controls, such as downloading a program to the external memory (assigning a program in the external memory using File - Download - Load Module) or placing a break in the external memory, cannot be performed. In addition, after switching to memory expansion mode from single-chip mode, make sure you reference the external memory in the DUMP window to confirm operations. Note 1: To modify Processor Mode Register 0, the Protect Register must be set to "write-enabled". Note 2: Always make this modification in the User Program. Do not make this modification from KD30, KD308, or KD3083.   [2006-1-11 12:06:08]
[问:robin] What is the M16C benchmarks compare to the others? 
[答:Kelvin] The M16C family is one of the fastest processors in the industry. Please refer to the site of  [2006-1-11 12:06:25]
[问:robin] How versatile of M16C so that I can fit to design our system ? 
[答:Kelvin] The M16C product family offers designers the broadest choice of flash memory sizes, ranging from 16K to 512K bytes flash. It also offers 20% to 33% more usable address space, with rewrite speeds 10 to 25 times faster, than equivalently-sized competitive parts. It does this all while retaining the same electrical characteristics between flash and mask parts. The M16C also spans price and performance ranges, and allow designers flexibility in choosing a range of different pin number and package types.   [2006-1-11 12:06:43]
[问:Mr Wei] 你们芯片的IO灌电流是多大,输出最大电流又是多大! 
[答:Jason] Iol : 5mA~30mA Ioh : 5mA~10mA  [2006-1-11 12:07:26]
[问:silence010] 请问,能否将NMI中断禁止?用软件方式还是硬件方式来禁止?谢谢 
[答:Jason] 不能将NMI(非屏蔽中断)中断禁止。  [2006-1-11 12:08:17]
[问:robin] which MCU is suitable for BLDC motor control ? Do you have reference example ? 
[答:Jason] R8C/Tiny or M16C/Tiny. Yes, we have reference design. Please contact us.  [2006-1-11 12:09:28]
[问:robin] Do you provide starter kit of R8C and M16C ? How to get this ? 
[答:Henry] Yes, it is available with different series.  Pls contact to your nearest Renesas Sales Office.   [2006-1-11 12:14:15]
[问:robin] I need 20pin or 32 pin MCU. What are the key feature and benefits of R8C? 
[答:Bawson] 1. High performance CPU (more than 16bit),highly efficient code. Small package, 20pin to 80pin 2. High-reliability Flash memory(write-in shipment at factory is possible) 3. Eliminates the need for measures against EMI/EMS noise 4. Strong protection against malfunctions 5. Common high performance peripherals for reduction of system cost. 6. Power on reset and low voltage detection functions. 7. High speed on-chip oscillator function. 8. WDT Reset Start Function. 9. Many common items for barrier-free among series.          - Low-cost development tools          - Common peripherals          - Technical support on the Web          - Simple OS, middleware support etc.   [2006-1-11 13:41:26]
[问:] 你好 请问,在设计一个电路时要注意那些问题? 谢谢!
[答:] 1. One common architecture for all you need. 2.Large selection of powerful perripherals. 3. consider the packages. 4. Efficient execution of code. 5. compatible. 6. High electromagic tolerance, plus decreased noise emission. 7.Low power. 8. low price. 9. good delivary. etc.
[问:] 10bitAD采集速度是多少?
[答:] 最快的是33个A/D转换时钟周期。
[问:] Do renesas provide chinese text book in CHina book shop ?
[答:] 1 日立H8/3048系列单片机应用技术李勋 卢景山 李新民北京航空航天大学出版社 2 H8单片机原理与应用虞振亚科学出版社 3 三菱3850单片机原理和应用陆延丰 常清璞北京航空航天大学出版社 4 三菱M16C/62单片机原理与应用陆延丰 常清璞 朱璇北京航空航天大学出版社 5 三菱单片机应用指南三菱电机株式会社复旦大学出版社 6 日立单片机应用指南陈章龙复旦大学出版社 7 瑞萨7544单片机原理和应用上村省一清华大学出版社 8 瑞萨H8-SLP单片机原理与应用(含盘) 平山和代 冈村雅一清华大学出版社 9 瑞萨R8C/11单片机原理和应用(含盘) 铃木诚 常清璞清华大学出版社 10 RENESAS M16C/62嵌入式微控制器程序设计黄一夫 黄立 邱邦能华中科技大学出版社 11 世界流行单片机技术手册--日本系列余永权 何小敏北京航空航天大学出版社 三菱八位单片机740系列用户手册三菱电机公司
[问:] SH2系列有没有免费的编译环境?如何获得呢?谢谢!!!!!
[答:] 有。请到我们的网站上下载。
[问:] sh7046的tiny版什么时候可以供货?
[答:] The mass production schedule of SH-Tiny : SH7124 or SH7125 is Q2/2006
[问:] SH7125的样品可否申请到?
[答:] after Mass production of SH-Tiny
[问:] Tiny Brothers microcontroller is 8bit or 16bit or 32 bit? how much?
[答:] All these products are from low end to high end based on a single core. The R8C is in the 8-bit area because while it contains a 16-bit CPU, it is priced to complete with other 8-bit competitors. The M16C MCU is truly for the 16-bit area. The M32C/8X is a hybrid microcontroller. It performs some 32-bit instructions and contains some 32-bit registers, but it still performs 16-bit multipliers.
[问:] what is DTC?
[答:] Data transfer controller
[问:] 单片机控制机器人的步进电机,对步进电机速度的分辨率,用到的元件有那些?有没有国产的.
[答:] 1. Encoder. 2. M16C MCU with timer for stepping control function at lease. 3. Step Motor Drivers etc.
[问:] 对不起, 我没说清楚, 我是指防止非法读出,复制方面, 运行/工作本身没问题(包括硬软件).
[答:] 闪存ID码检查功能,防止未经授权的访问
[问:] 公布全国的office和disty?
[答:] Please visit the following website for our office and disty. 1. Office: &fp=/support/purchasing_info/child_folder/&title=%E5%9 B%BD%E5%86%85%E5%8F%8A%E9%A6%99%E6% B8%AF%E5%8A%9E%E4%BA%8B%E5%A4%84 2. Disty: cn_Asia_Distributors_and_Representatives.htm &fp=/support/purchasing_info/child_folder/&title =%E5%9B%BD%E5%86%85%E5%8F%8A% E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E4%BB%A3%E7% 90%86%E5%8F%8A%E5%88%86%E9%94% 80%E5%95%86
[问:] 归司有32位的MCU吗?
[答:] SH series,H8SX and M32R series
[问:] 贵公司微处理器有那些调试方法?可在线调试吗?
[答:] 全功能仿真,软件仿真,在线仿真;支持在线调试(如E8,FoUSB,UART)
[问:] 据说sh7046得tiny版MCU只对中国部分客户开放,那么什么时候可以对所有客户开放?
[答:] The mass production schedule of SH-Tiny : SH7124 or SH7125 is Q2/2006
[问:] 哪个系列可应用到手机上?
[答:] SH-Mobile
[问:] 你们8位单片机是51系列的吗?16位的是属于哪一个系列,学起来是否容易!开关工具又是何种软件!
[答:] 不是51系列;M16C;开关工具HEW
[问:] 你们有没有带3-4个串口和10/100M以太网的控制芯片
[答:] 没有
[问:] 请问:片内晶振有哪集中频率的选择,可否用于外围设备?
[答:] 片内振荡器的频率是固定的,可以作为MCU工作的标准时钟源。
[问:] 请问:瑞萨Tiny Brothers微控制器的单价是多少
[答:] Please contact our sale agents and refer to our web and choose the "Contact us" support_section_landing.htm&fp=/support&site=i
[问:] 请问对于SH-2系列有没有免费的开发环境
[答:] We have a Trial Version for this series.Please refer to our web. superh_family_tools_index.jsp&fp= /products/mpumcu/superh_family/
[问:] 請問renesas mcu在大陸的市場目標,是主推8bit,or 16bit,or 32bit,問:16bit 是否處於很不利的地位
[答:] 作为世界上最大的一个MCU厂商,任何一个应用领域我们都会努力争取。在16位机的市场,我们的占有量第一。
[问:] 现在高性能的微控制器品牌好多,要普及推广难,关键是您们否能提供廉价易用的开发系统?
[答:] We provide the compact emulators, The advantages are Compact Design, Low Cost, Real-time debugging functions supported, A GUI-based integrated development environment for the development and debugging of embedded and USB (USB 2.0 full-speed) supported. Pls refer to our web. m16cproduct_tools_index.jsp&fp=/products/mpumcu /m16c_family/&title=Software%20and%20Tools#4
[问:] 芯片的市场价格如何?
[答:] 请联系最近的销售代表处。
[问:] 以前我没用过你们的芯片,你们的芯片比其它的像ATMEL,PHILIP,C8051的优点多在哪里?
[答:] R8C/Tiny:1. 16位内核, 小型封装, 20 脚到80 脚; 2。 低功耗工作, 高速工作 (最高工作频率 : 20MHz), 高-ROM 效率; 3。 嵌入有功能强的外围电路 (高速内部振荡器、电压检测电路、数据闪存和 I2C);4。低成本的开发环境 : 提供 在片调试器、CPU 板等。
[问:] 有价格优势吗?
[答:] 有。
[问:] 有没有带8通道12bit AD的芯片?
[答:] 没有。

瑞萨电子(TSE: 6723),科技让生活更轻松,致力于打造更安全、更智能、可持续发展的未来。作为全球微控制器供应商,瑞萨电子融合了在嵌入式处理、模拟、电源及连接方面的专业知识,提供完整的半导体解决方案。成功产品组合加速汽车、工业、基础设施及物联网应用上市,赋能数十亿联网智能设备改善人们的工作和生活方式。更多信息,敬请访问。关注瑞萨电子微信公众号,发现更多精彩内容。