
热门关键字: 嵌入式控制器 智能家居解决方案 随机存取存储器 流媒体 



主题:Philips RF产品:把RF性能发挥到最好
[问 关于无线数字TV调谐产品,请问PHILIPS目前是否有硅TURNER芯片. 
[答:Bennett] yes, we provide total solution  [2005-12-13 15:28:38]
[问:32kmcu] 有针对802.11无线通信的完整解决方案吗?可以提供给工业用户吗? 
[答:Bennett] Philips provide solution for WLAN, but it is IC department which take care by my colleagues. I handle discrete only. Please leave your contact means, our colleagues will contact you.  [2005-12-13 15:34:11]
[问:zcrlr] 请问:如何在把RF性能发挥到最好的同时,提高集成电路的EMC特性? 
[答:Ray] 必须比较全面地熟悉各种干扰源的特性,在确定干扰源后再确定干扰的耦合路径是辐射耦合模式还是传导耦合模式。  [2005-12-13 15:35:15]
[问:leo9220] 使用内置无源天线时,如何保证RF性能 
[答:Ray] 需要注意阻抗间匹配  [2005-12-13 15:36:08]
[问:王工3] 请问philips RF 产品在医院无线局域网以及医疗设备的无线通讯方面有何方案和应用? 
[答:Bennett] I"m not sure about medical application, can you explain in more details. We have WLAN, Bluetooth which can use in wireless application  [2005-12-13 15:37:08]
[问:ypqecum] 家电上有应用么?有什么独特之处? 
[答:Grace] 有,我们的分立元件应用于工业,消费电子到无线连接 1. 产品系列齐全,one-stop-shopping, 2. 2.有极高的性价比 3. 产品性能特别是NF,Power,体积等方面有独到之处。 4. 有非常强大的销售渠道以及技术支持。   [2005-12-13 15:39:14]
[问:zcrlr] 请问:目前,限制RF性能提高的因素,除了工艺之外,主要的技术门槛在那里? 
[答:Bennett] assembly technology (bonding wire, leadframe and ...) some time restrict the performance of RF device. And some time it cannot integrated to IC if frequency is too high.  [2005-12-13 15:41:32]
[问:dingzhang demail] 有没有跳频通信的RF芯片? 
[答:Bennett] For sure we have, but it"s handled by my other colleagues. Please leave your contact means so my colleagues can contact with you.  [2005-12-13 15:43:04]
[问:ksj116] 请问:现在贵公司RF产品中,LNA,Mixer,PA等方面IC chips .当应用时的外围电路有没有什么指标,比如有LNA芯片的PCB板的接地寄生电感和电容最大多少?设计出来的LNA各项指标和外围电路有什么联系吗?也即是不管外应用围电路什么形式,LNA芯片的各个指标不会变化 
[答:Ray] 有的,具体的指标请留下联系方式和感兴趣的产品,我们会与您联系  [2005-12-13 15:43:36]
[问:75-525] 是否能够提供有关GSM,CDMA,PCS等移动通信直放站手机信号放大器最佳设计方案。 
[答:Bennett] This is handles by mobile team, can you leave contact means so that we can sned information to you. Philips has related mobile solutions.  [2005-12-13 15:44:51]
[问:我是一条鱼] 在设计RF中,如何保证同一批电路板在频率发射接收上尽量接近! 
[答:Grace] 尽量用无引线的封装,这样不会过多地引入寄生参数,同时在选购元件是要了解各参数的变化范围是否符合设计的要求。  [2005-12-13 15:46:42]
[问:lhuihoo] 汽车无线应用的系统有哪些?除了收音机的,能不能详细一点描述对应的应用方案,谢谢! 
[答:Bennett] My knowledge is only car radio solution in automobile. Leave your contact means if you need more info.  [2005-12-13 15:47:52]
[问:wuxy1974] 请问最新的适用于3G的REPEATER等设备上用的LNA及线性功放的芯片或解决方案是什么? 
[答:Bennett] My team is focus on discrete only, we have PIN diode for switch, and some transistor for driner stage  [2005-12-13 15:48:53]
[问:kenwu74] 如何获取RFID卡的详细芯片资料,包括一些应用设计介绍,谢谢! 
[答:Bennett] please leave your contact means, my colleagues will send you info or contact with you. It"s handled by another team.  [2005-12-13 15:50:59]
[问:bluewater523] RF产品的仿真适合用那种EDA软件?仿真中需要的元件如果库里没有,贵公司提供相关的元件模型下载吗? 
[答:Grace] 可用于RF产品仿真软件有很多,比如:Agilent的ADS,或其它厂家,如:Eagleware, Micro-cap.精确性不可能100%,但可大幅缩减开发时间。许多PIN Diode 和 WB Trs 我们philips都已建模,以便你仿真使用。可以到我们的网站上下载。   [2005-12-13 15:51:52]
[问:bluewater523] 可以提供RF产品的布线方面的技巧和经验吗? 
[答:Ray] 在RF布线时,(1)尽可能地把高功率RF放大器(HPA)和低噪音放大器(LNA)隔离开来,简单地说,就是让高功率RF发射电路远离低功率RF接收电路。(2)确保PCB板上高功率区至少有一整块地。(3)芯片和电源去耦非常重要(4)RF输出通常需要远离RF输入(5)敏感的模拟信号应该尽可能远离高速数字信号和RF信号  [2005-12-13 15:52:00]
[问:tanlintju] 能否介绍以下该公司应用于13.56MHz频率(ISO/IEC14443、15693等)的半导体产品,并给出相关的技术资料、产品查询办法和能提供的相关技术服务 
[答:Bennett] Actually, freq you mentioned is quite low, we have some 1st generation transistor can fit it. Please leave contact means, we"ll forward related info to you.  [2005-12-13 15:53:18]
[问:emng] 贵公司用于MP3收音模块的芯片有哪几家代理,联系方式? 
[答:Bennett] Philips has some distis in China, such as WPG, SAC, Avnet, will send details to you afterward  [2005-12-13 15:54:17]
[问:32kmcu] SFP MODULE现在可以提供样片吗? 有相应的参考设计指导文档吗? 
[答:Cornelis] no SFP samples available only TIA + Laserdrivers.  [2005-12-13 15:54:47]
[问:xudz] Philips 的WLAN产品与其他厂商的产品相比优势在哪里? 
[答:Bennett] Sorry, WLAN is taking care by other team, it"ll answer afterward by my colleagues.  [2005-12-13 15:55:44]
[问:jiehv] 1、在电视激励器中,要输出2W的线性功率,而频率范围覆盖45~870MHz,请问Philips有何解决方案? 2、在VHF和UHF频段,Philips现在能提供的最高功率的功放管是什么? 
[答:Grace] 该讲座讨论的是小信号产品。我公司目前在小信号方面的产品最高功率是100mw。如您想了解其他产品的信息请留下联系方式,稍后跟您联系。  [2005-12-13 15:56:35]
[问:zhongxg] Do you have any RF product for wireless mouse with low power and low chip size? 
[答:Bennett] We have only RF transistor , varical and PIN diode for wireless app.  [2005-12-13 15:56:49]
[问:Will_Kuo] 請問貴公司有無提供無線鍵盤及鼠標的解決方案 
[答:Bennett] We ahve RF transistor, varicap and PIN diode if you"re interested in build your solution with discrete.  [2005-12-13 15:58:20]
[问:johnma] 你们是否有有关zigbee的解决方案? 
[答:Bennett] Philips does have zigbee solution but handle by other team, please leave your contact means so we can send info to you  [2005-12-13 15:59:17]
[问:yangzj] 什么是Pin Diode? 其主要特性? 
[答:Bennett] PIN diode is a cheap solution for switch or AGC function in RF field. Simply tinnk it is a variable resistor for RF signal.  [2005-12-13 16:01:23]
[问:bluewater523] 贵公司有那些大功率的RF宽带功放,输出可达10W以上? 
[答:Bennett] this is handle by another team, we"ll send details to you afterward  [2005-12-13 16:02:03]
[问:Mr Wei] 你们有对于蓝牙的芯片吗?请说型号!并介绍一下! 
[答:Bennett] I"m handle discrete and not expert for BT solution, we"ll send deatils to you afterward  [2005-12-13 16:03:21]
[问] BFG591用于无线发射为什么没有足够功率输出 
[答:Bennett] depend on how much output you gonna achieve. Can you describe in details  [2005-12-13 16:04:07]
[问:bluewater523] 如何才能更好地做RF产品的阻抗匹配? 
[答:Grace] 要了解产品的s 参数,还要借助网络分析仪,仿真软件等工具  [2005-12-13 16:06:00]
[问:m9002008] 双本振的LNB有何好处? 
[答:Bennett] with 2 oscillator, then user can select either high or low band. That"s she/he can select different program between high/low band.  [2005-12-13 16:06:46]
[问:zhaodan] 如何提高CATV的线性性能?谢谢 
[答:Cornelis] you can use a predistortion circuit before the amplifier but these circiuts are only working in a small level area. Our new serie CGD944C and CGD942C are very lineair CATV modules with very high output performance and low distortions, CTB and CSO.  [2005-12-13 16:07:43]
[问:BINS] 在433.92MHZ频段。PCB板上的环形天线什么样设计才能达到最佳性能? 用那种的PIN二极管比较合理。 
[答:Ray] 应注意到环形天线可能收到由附近噪声信号线路容性耦合的噪声.因此在天线附近一定不要排布数字信号线路,并建议在天线周围保持自由空间.同时应注意去除天线面积处的地线层面,否则天线不能有效工作. 具体的方案请留下具体联系方式我们会与您联系  [2005-12-13 16:08:06]
[问:m9002008] Philips的LNB和ST的相比有何特点? 
[答:Bennett] Philips provide LNB solution instead of LNB itself. If you"re talking about 1 cable solution, it"s not yet released  [2005-12-13 16:08:15]
[问:benntoyi] 飞利浦有在推动国内DVB-C BOX的tuner吗? 谢谢. 
[答:Grace] 有。如CU1216.  [2005-12-13 16:09:42]
[问:yimin zhang] Philips有无用于RF技术的动态电压功率管理器件?其型号如何? 
[答:Bennett] we have BGA2031/1, which is a driver stage to control output power of PA with voltage, control range is 62dB  [2005-12-13 16:10:13]
[问:wwwddd] 请问,刚才提到的rf手册中是否包含硅调谐芯片的详细介绍材料 
[答:Bennett] No, manual only introduce discrete device, please describe more details if you need IC info.  [2005-12-13 16:11:23]
[问:xinminya] 目前RF技术的长距离应用如何。有那些型号的芯片可以实现?? 
[答:Ray] 请告知具体感兴趣哪类芯片?我们主要是RF分离器件。  [2005-12-13 16:12:32]
[问:tsingwu] 请大概介绍一下你们的RF产品线,以及市场占有率,谢谢 
[答:Bennett] we are WW no1 for tuning product (varicap, varicap and B/S diode) with more than 50% share. For PIN diode, WB TRS and MMICs, we are ww no3 with more than 20% share.  [2005-12-13 16:13:38]
[问:hoee] 你好!在RF的LAYOUT设计过程中重点应该注意哪些方面。谢谢! 
[答:Grace] 地线要尽量短,电源的去耦合也很重要。尽量避免寄生参数的引入。  [2005-12-13 16:15:50]
[问:chenjh_f269p] 如何进行微波放大器设计的设计?有无仿真软件? 
[答:Bennett] you have to design bias circuit, temp compensation circuit and do  the trade-off between NF, gain and P1dB. There are many simulation software such as ADS, MWO, eagleware ....  [2005-12-13 16:16:30]
[问:都市劣人] CATV和iptv的发展趋势如何? 
[答:Cornelis] Our new series amplifiers with GaAs inside is suitable for new applications.The bandwith go"s up to 1GHz.  [2005-12-13 16:17:46]
[问:杨听大] 本厂开发无线短距通讯(语音),能否提供技术支持?用贵公司的收发器单片机等组成收发电路,如果同意提供技术方案,该怎么联系,谢谢! 
[答:Bennett] Actually, my team provide discrete solution only (not IC), we can discuss further if you are interesting.  [2005-12-13 16:18:20]
[问:huangmin] 请提供获得RF产品手册.样品的网址或联系方式。 
[答:Bennett] We can send RF manual to your email address. For samples, you have to contact Philips" distributors in order to get it.  [2005-12-13 16:19:39]
[问:zhaodan] 我刚参加工作,请问有那些资料适合做PIN管和CATV方面的研发人员参考或借鉴?(中英文均可以)谢谢! 
[答:Bennett] please take a look at our RF manual, will send to you afterward.  [2005-12-13 16:20:17]
[问:求是] 硅tuner与普通tuner性能相比,是不是稍差些? 
[答:Bennett] yes by now, performance of silicon tuner still cannot compare with normal tuner. But I don"t know if some years later the performance would be comparable.  [2005-12-13 16:22:31]
[问:chenjh_f269p] 设计MMIC时,需要注意那些方面以降低PCB寄生参数的影响?如何布局? 
[答:Grace] 尽量采用无引线的封装,可避免应长引脚而引入的寄生参数。同时要注意地线要尽量短,电源的去耦合也很重要。  [2005-12-13 16:23:05]
[问:BXZYF] Philips的微波分频器,成熟的产品频率能做到多大,什么型号? 
[答:Bennett] can you describe in details, I"m not sure what is 微波分频器  [2005-12-13 16:23:45]
[问:xiao_yan_wang] 卫星通信中的低噪音放大器很重要,Philips在低噪音放大器上有那些较好的产品? 
[答:Bennett] Right now, we are working on GaAs pHEMT which has good NF performance at Ku band.  [2005-12-13 16:24:54]
[问:75-525] 设计一款输出功率1W的GSM信号放大器怎样选最佳发射功率管 
[答:Ray] 要适当注意ft,Vceo, Ic,Pout等参数。  [2005-12-13 16:25:14]
[问:chenjh_f269p] 在设计MMIC时要特别注意那些问题? 
[答:Ray] 你是否在问设计MMIC芯片?  [2005-12-13 16:26:12]
[问:xiao_yan_wang] 在制作PCB时,对LNB和功率输出级应如何布置和布线?有些什么特别要求? 
[答:Bennett] Normally, layout of output stage is not difficult, philips provide demoboard and layout suggestion, you can achieve based on it.  [2005-12-13 16:26:45]
[问:求是] fm 放大选用什么型号?价格如何? 
[答:Bennett] depend on IC or discrete solution, you can choose Philips IC solution. Or you can use discrete (mosfet, Transistors) to amplify FM signal  [2005-12-13 16:28:52]
[问:75-525] 贵公司是否有功率发射管芯 
[答:Bennett] depend on what kind of output power you need  [2005-12-13 16:29:19]
[问:xiao_ yan_wang] Philips的调谐器和单片的调谐器相比,有何特点? 
[答:Grace] 不知道您问的是否指普通的MOPLL调谐器芯片和我们的硅调谐器芯片的不同。硅tuner与普通tuner各有所长。硅tuner以其体积小,外围简单而得以广泛地应用。普通tuner以其稳定卓越的性能长期以来被大众所接受。  [2005-12-13 16:29:39]
[问:75-525] 能否提供GSM,CDMA移动通信系列功率模块设计资料或者方案 
[答:Bennett] It"s handled by mobile solution team, will send info to you or you can visit Philips" web site to get related info.  [2005-12-13 16:30:27]
[问:leo9220] 无限手持设备使用内置无源天线时如何保证RF性能? 
[答:Ray] 对不起,我们不是天线方面专家。  [2005-12-13 16:30:32]
[问:hairun] 用于CDMA手机中的功率放大器和一般的功放有何特别的要求? 
[答:Bennett] Normally, IC is used in CDMA handset as PA since power control/power detection function has to integrated in this IC. If you choose discrete PA, that means you have to implement power control/power detection function by yourself.  [2005-12-13 16:32:51]
[问:hairun] Philips的低噪音晶体管,噪音电平能达到多少?和其它公司相比,有何特点? 
[答:Bennett] Philips has 1 to 5 generation silicon transistors, for 2.4GHz app, NF can achieve around 1.1dB For GaAs, we can achieve 0.35dB NF at 12GHz. We are one of leading company in this field.  [2005-12-13 16:35:18]
[问:75-525] 我公司主要从事移动网络直放站及信号放大系列产品开发,请问能否提供技术支持 
[答:Bennett] depend on what kind of power you are handling, my team is focus on small signal, i.e. <=100mW  [2005-12-13 16:36:25]
[问:hbqxcb] 请问贵公司有没有微波功放管,8-10G的 
[答:Bennett] I need to know power requirement in order to answer this question  [2005-12-13 16:37:05]
[问:BXZYF] 在tuner中用的频率合成器PLL,输入频率高的有什么型号? 
[答:Grace] 我们的MOpLL的产品大部分是用于电视信号的接收,到900MHz, 常用型号为TDA6508,TDA6509.用于卫星接收的频率较高,常用型号是TDA8261  [2005-12-13 16:37:11]
[问:m9002008] 如何选择LNB?LNB和天线匹配上要注意那些问题? 
[答:Ray] 这要取决你的系统和方案。具体的方案请留下具体联系方式,我们会与您联系  [2005-12-13 16:38:25]
[问:forest] 能否介绍一下MMIC的测量技术和所用的主要仪表? 
[答:Bennett] It"s no different with Transistor, you need signal generator, spectrum analyzer  [2005-12-13 16:38:46]
[问:wangyaya] 单极化LNB和双极化LNB在性能和价格上有何差别?Philips的LNB是属于单极化还是双极化? 
[答:Bennett] we provide solution for LNB instead of LNB itself. with Philips" device, user can build single/dual polarization LNB.  [2005-12-13 16:39:59]
[问:wangyaya] LNB对本地振荡的频率偏移有多高的要求? 
[答:Bennett] it depends on requirement of operator, 3MHz normally.  [2005-12-13 16:41:00]
[问:wangyaya] Philips用在数字无绳电话机上有那些具体的产品型号?可提供完整的电路方案吗? 
[答:Bennett] Philips has total solution for 900MHz, 1.8GHz and 2.4GHz cordless, it is not handled by my team. RF discrete (PIN diode and transistor) can further improve the performance of those IC.  [2005-12-13 16:43:01]
[问:forest] CATV中传输数字电视,对带宽和信号有何新的要求? 
[答:Cornelis] With digital loading of the CATV module you need high dynamic amplifiers. The CCNR specification is very important. This calculated value is depending on CTB,CSO,CTN,and CIN.  [2005-12-13 16:43:25]
[问:hairun] 用于卫星接收的LNB,是否有恒温槽?它的噪音系数能达到多少? 
[答:Bennett] There isn"t 恒温槽. I don"t know exactly the NF of whole LNB, instaed, I know NFrequire of LNA stage, whicvh is 0.3db for 1st stage and 0.5dB for 2nd stage  [2005-12-13 16:45:23]
[问:forest] 请问专家,你对IPTV的前景如何? 
[答:Cornelis] My opinion about future of IPTV is that within 2 years from now this application will be fully active.  [2005-12-13 16:45:47]
[问:fuyong1323] 不知道有RF的发射管吗?比如调频88-108M用的?我们公司现在用的还是LM1971, 
[答:Bennett] can you advise output power, my team take care small signal only, which is <+100mW. But we have group handle higher power device  [2005-12-13 16:46:52]
[问:tiancheng] 关于射频芯片的技术支持,应该如何联系谁? 
[答:Bennett] you have to identify which one, WLAN or BT or .... then we can direct to right person. other alternative is contact Philips" distributors.  [2005-12-13 16:48:32]
[问:johnma] 有RFID的相关产品吗? 
[答:Bennett] yes, it"s handled by my colleagues, will forward your question to them have them contact with you.  [2005-12-13 16:49:41]
[问:tiancheng] 硅调谐器是否可以应用到dvb-c机顶盒中,据说硅调谐器效果会比常规调谐器效果差一些,但又听说国外硅调谐器已经应用到dvb-c和cablemodem中 
[答:Grace] 硅调谐器是可以应用到dvb-c机顶盒中的,而且在国内外已经有不少应用到dvb-c和cablemodem中了,我们还和Broadcom建立了良好的合作关系  [2005-12-13 16:49:59]
[问:qzhang] 我最近试制RF产品在受热时,在受热受时载噪比下降,请指点如何提高RF载噪比?谢谢 
[答:Bennett] can you identify is it NF or phase noise/  [2005-12-13 16:51:45]
[问:benntoyi] 关于DVB-C方案,你们有推出一款Silicon Tuner,想了解性能如何,有哪些客户在用 
[答:Grace] 是的,有不少客户用了我们的silicon tuner,如ASUS, 10moons,以及BroadCom  [2005-12-13 16:51:45]
[问:w.liu] 贵公司提供EDA用的元器件库吗?是哪种EDA软件用的? 
[答:Bennett] Yes, ADS (Agilent)  [2005-12-13 16:52:15]
[问] Thank you for your reply. but can you tell me the part number of silicon tuner ic 
[答:Grace] For DVB-C application, you could choose TDA8274A or TDA8271A. for analog or DVB-T, you could choose TDA8275A  [2005-12-13 16:53:20]
[问:kevinlee] 我想问一下,有TPMS上用的RF模块吗? 
[答:Bennett] No, we provide device to those module maker. We are not selling TPMS module.   [2005-12-13 16:53:38]
[问:ksj116] 我是一位刚从事RFIC/MMIC电路设计不久的一名研究生,请问为了学好设计,除了基础知识外,EDA软件必须学好哪个?怎样才能少走弯路?搞好RF设计最重要的是什么呢 
[答:Ray] 需要的软件有HP ADS, eagleware等。在做RF设计时,最主要需了解各类器件的高频特性,除了仿真软件,用仪器进行测试,调节也非常重要。   [2005-12-13 16:54:19]
[问:wangyaya] 请教RF测试时一般都需要测试哪些参数?多谢了。 
[答:Ray] 这与你的具体测试器件有关,例如:NF,s parameters, Pout, P1dB 等。  [2005-12-13 16:55:59]
[问:zcrlr] is there any RF products which can be applicable to ICs without bonding-wire connection? 
[答:Bennett] Depends. we have some type which is bare chip with solder bump.  [2005-12-13 16:56:24]
[问:sun9734] 专家能发给我一些和RF有关的例子的电路图吗? 
[答:Bennett] Please check our RF manual.  [2005-12-13 16:56:52]
[问:qzhang] 请问RF的阻抗匹配参数是怎么计算的啊 ?? 
[答:Bennett] you can check info in our RF manual.  [2005-12-13 16:57:43]
[问] 我非常需要贵公司提供完整的移动网络微波功率管和声表滤波及双工器。 
[答:Bennett] mobile solution is not handled by my team, will have colleagues send info to you or you can contact with Philips" distributior directly.   [2005-12-13 16:59:30]
[问:求是] PLS give me datasheet of Philips RF manual.My email is 
[答:Bennett] yes, will send it to you. thanks for your join.  [2005-12-13 17:00:04]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 锐奇电子有限公司的qingping_gao经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为qingping_gao的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-12-13 17:00:06]
[问:wangyaya] RF 电路在封装上有什么特别要求吗? 
[答:Ray] 要注意高频器件的寄生特性和干扰问题。  [2005-12-13 17:00:12]
[问:mamaodeng] philips的射频功率放大器能申请样片吗/ 
[答:Bennett] yes. no problem. please adivise type no you need.  [2005-12-13 17:01:05]
[问:mamaodeng] 另外贵公司的ads器件库在网上找不到,怎么能够得到? 
[答:Bennett] I will send you URL later  [2005-12-13 17:01:28]
[问:hekulai] 我做了一个FM小型发射机,用电池供电时频率稳定性和信噪比都很好,但用稳压电源供电时却几乎不能用。 请问可有办法消除? 
[答:Grace] 这要看你的具体方案了,不便在此展开,请留下联系方式,稍后奉上。  [2005-12-13 17:04:07]
[问:tiancheng] 索取硅调谐器的资料和silicon ,应该和谁联系,网上没有详细资料,购买样片应该和那一家代理商联系? 
[答:Grace] 请联系我,上海office电话:021-63541088  [2005-12-13 17:04:38]

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