
热门关键字: 信号发生器 信道容量 新能源汽车 芯片技术 



主题:Philips UART和桥接解决方案
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] UART接口的物理形态,在笔记本等设备上好象看不到,它到底怎样用? 
[答:Paul] As I know, PC base system have two UARTs interface named RS232 interface, so our UART and Bridge can increase more for usage.  [2005-12-8 10:58:46]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 96BYTE的 FIFO能干些什么? 
[答:Paul] It like a buffer, fast in 96 byte data and fast our the same size through this buffer.  [2005-12-8 11:00:31]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] IrDA是传输的方法还是红外传输的数据标准? 
[答:Cher] 紅外線傳輸數據  [2005-12-8 11:01:28]
[问:wlxt] 桥接器是否可以侨接uart和usb总线? 
[答:Handoko] no, the bridge cannot interface with the usb us  [2005-12-8 11:03:08]
[问:wangsf2000] 请问有没有UART到USB的器件,型号是什么 
[答:Cher] Sorry, we don"t have it now  [2005-12-8 11:05:25]
[问:freefishzyq] 专家您好!使用桥接芯片设计总线连接式可以随意扩展的设备,需要注意哪些问题呢?谢谢 
[答:Richard] 首先是根据系统中MCU的接口资源来选择外扩方案,同时考虑软件开发的因素.另外,选择I2C扩展时,总线上所有器件的容限不能400PF  [2005-12-8 11:05:41]
[问:xsj19810419] 支持最大的FIFO深度是多少? 
[答:Cher] 128 bytes  [2005-12-8 11:07:33]
[问:wlxt] 请介绍8路uart器件的型号及1k量的价格。 
[答:Cher] Pls send the details spec and your taregt price direct to me at email :  [2005-12-8 11:08:37]
[问:生存意义] UART和桥接通信的保密性能如何?? 
[答:Paul] I don"t think UART and Bridge have Security ability, becasue we have no circuit internally. UART is the standard proctol, anyone can read it.  [2005-12-8 11:08:46]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] UART、I2C、SPI等总线桥接、转换过程中如何避免丢包? 
[答:Handoko] For UART, you can use auto hardware (RTS/CTS) or software (XON/XOFF) flow controls. I2C waits for an acknowledgement and SPI waits for the miso data after the mosi data is sent  [2005-12-8 11:12:49]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 演讲中提到UART支持远距离串行通信,请问距离能到多远? 
[答:Dong] The distance depends on the baud rate, the slower he baud rate the longer the distance. For 2400bps the cable can be as long as 200 feet. There is another protocol called RS-485, this protocol use differential line drivers to drive the cable, and this allows the cable to be around a few thousand feet.  [2005-12-8 11:12:52]
[问:bjxiong] 请问UART有无主从之分?它和MCU的主频配合使用熟,要注意什么? 
[答:Paul] Yes. If you want to communicate with MCU, you need to set the same baud rate. Just take care the frequence of UART.  [2005-12-8 11:15:19]
[问:leonqin] 有I2C与UART之间转换的IC吗 
[答:Cher] SC16IS75x  [2005-12-8 11:15:44]
[问:zzkeng] UART可以集成在SoC芯片中,为什么要采用单独的UART,增加了成本和面积? 
[答:Richard] 1.有些应用需要的串口较多,现有的MCU无法提供.2.外扩的UART是将是一个更加灵活的方案,客户不用因为外围串口的变化而改变MCU.3.外扩的UART提供增强的功能,使工程师开发起来更方便,系统性能更好.(如软件流控制,本地回环测试,485地址自动识别...)所以我们可以看到,单独的UART有着其广泛的应用  [2005-12-8 11:17:17]
[问:leo] 要实现高速UART,PCB布局要注意那些因素? 
[答:Paul] Go RX and TX closely, and need to operate UART device by 5V.  [2005-12-8 11:17:59]
[问:xiongguisheng] SC16C652B中的蓝牙和IrDA接口速率有多高?能否可以传输视频图像? 
[答:Cher] 在5V的狀態下速率為5Mbps  [2005-12-8 11:18:35]
[问:da2100] can bridges feed back a fault signal when data transfer  goes unsuccessfully 
[答:Dong] The bridges do not check for the successfully send of the data. It is up to the higher level software layer to do the checking. For example the receiver software can check for any error in the received package, and if there is any error the software should ask the transmitter to send the package again.   [2005-12-8 11:18:39]
[问:lbgy] UART是否带有线路驱动器?如没有,对线路驱动器有和要求? 
[答:Richard] 不带线路驱动器,没有特殊的要求,如果客户采用较高的速率,需选择支持高速的线路驱动器  [2005-12-8 11:19:16]
[问:thirdwar] 单个CPU要同时和多个UART设备通信(6个以上),有没有好的建议? 
[答:Handoko] If the CPU has 8-bit parallel data bus, you can use one 4-channel UARTs and one 2-channel UARTs. The UARTs can be industrial or 16c family If the CPU has I2C or SPI bus port, you can use three SC16IS752 (i2c/spi to 2-channel uarts)   [2005-12-8 11:20:24]
[问:shmm2002] Philips的UART和桥接解决方案确实很全面,但是作为产品设计,成本方面也必须考虑,不知SC18IM700和SC16IS752的报价如何? 
[答:Dong] I do not know the price for these devices because the depends on the customer, the quantity...Please check with Philips" sale person in your area, she (he) can give you the pricing.  [2005-12-8 11:20:34]
[问:thirdwar] 如果单个CPU要使用多个(6个以上),有没有好的解决办法? 
[答:Cher] 可以使用4個channel的Uart外加2個channel即可  [2005-12-8 11:22:30]
[问:hitsing] SC161S7××Bridgr和CPU之间是用I2C还是SPI连接?最好采用什么连接?刚才没有听清楚 
[答:Dong] I2C speed is slow (400Kbps max), therefore, it is better to use SPI to connect to a CPU. Our SC16IS760 supports SPI speed up to 15Mbps at 3.3V supply, and 12Mbps at 2.5V supply.   [2005-12-8 11:22:35]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] I2A仲裁中断优先级的规则是什么? 
[答:Paul] 訊號會以先為low的訊號為優先,例如11110000和11111000同時發出訊號,在第5個bite時,會以11110000為主發出,11111000會被飾回。  [2005-12-8 11:23:01]
[问:muyitaozhi] 你好!我想做扩展UART的接口,请问我需要什么样的芯片,一扩16口 
[答:Handoko] You can use two 8-channel UARTs such as SC28L198  [2005-12-8 11:23:04]
[问:riello] UART中出现的误码和那些因素有关?和电源和传输速率有关吗? 
[答:Richard] 1.双方的传输速率和格式要一致. 2.晶体的精确度(影响波特率) 3.干扰导致(电源干扰,传输介质导入的干扰) 所以跟电源和传输速率有一定的关系  [2005-12-8 11:24:38]
[问:chunsen] UART的串行通信方式在安全可靠上有那些措施来保证? 
[答:Cher] 此為Standard Protocol, 除非有額外設定保密針, 否則不可行  [2005-12-8 11:26:44]
[问:mazha] Philips UART的传输速率是多少?与Intel的PXA系列CPU的UART有什么异同点? 
[答:Paul] 3 to 5Mbps depend on your operating voltage, basically we can communicate with PXA"s UART. The difference is Philips can support higher frequency.  [2005-12-8 11:27:19]
[问:fish178] 您好~ 關於I2C的部份,請問如果要將其應用於無線控制的方式有沒有環境上的限制? 
[答:Handoko] The I2C uses two wires for communication so for wireless control, the wireless module should have an I2C interface. Do you mean the environment is temperature? If yes, our devices can be in industrial temp.   [2005-12-8 11:28:01]
[问:yzxdragon] 在深圳地区,请问找哪个代理? 
[答:Cher] 世平, 品佳, 艾瑞, Future, Avnet....  [2005-12-8 11:28:27]
[问:maeleton1] USB到UART的数据如何进行转换? Philips的UART有这样的功能吗? 
[答:Paul] 基本上,兩者之間必須要有一個bridge來做溝通,目前Philips並沒有這類的產品,但是中間的轉換應該可以由MCU來處理。  [2005-12-8 11:29:54]
[问:maeleton1] 什么是UART的软件流控制和硬件流控制?流控制是什么意思? 
[答:Dong] Software and hardware flow control help to prevent the loss of data during transmission. Hardware flow control uses the UART RTS and CTS pins to do handshake. The RTS signal is use to tell the remote UART to send data or to stop sending data. When the UART is ready to receive data it sets the RTS signal to 0, and when the UART FIFO is almost full it will set the RST signal to 1 to tell the remote UART to stop sending the date. The UART use CTS signal as an indication of the readyness sof the remote UART. If CTS signal is low the UART will send the data from the transmit FIFO, and if the CTS signal is high the UART will stop sending the data. This CTS signal is controlled by the remote UART to tell the local UART when to send and when to stop. Software flow control does not use any hardware pins, and instead it uses control bytes. When the local UART want the remote UART to stop sending it sends a XOFF byte to the remote UART, and when the local UART is ready to receive the data again it sends a XON byte. XON and XOFF bytes are predefined and agreed upon by the local UART and the remote UART. Difference system might use difference XON and XOFF bytes.  [2005-12-8 11:30:44]
[问:shandong] 最高波特率能设到多高?波特率的设置和传输距离有什么关联吗? 
[答:Handoko] The baud rate can be up to 5Mbps and the baud rate is reduced as the distance gets long   [2005-12-8 11:31:09]
[问:hitsing] 我这边原先MCU与RS232之间采用MAX232等转换,讲座中,SC161S7××与RS232之间有transceiver,请问这个transceiver一般有哪些芯片来实现,连线需要注意什么? 
[答:Paul] 我們的產品可以直接和RS232做溝通,不需要透過像MAX232或是MC145406D這類的芯片。  [2005-12-8 11:31:59]
[问:qianmin] UART和PCI Express以及USB2.0相比,有何优缺点? 
[答:Handoko] UART is simple, more reliable, and widely used for serial communication and also uses less wires and less software overhead  [2005-12-8 11:33:21]
[问:gzgzggz] 您好!我用贵公司的16C554这个芯片。出现了这么一个问题:在上电初始化后,串口总会自己无原无故输出一个字节:0xED。在通道转换时也会这样。谢谢您的回答!! 
[答:Dong] I do not understand this question. Which device does this customer is talking about? The 0xED byte coming from where? The UART FIFO? and switching what signal? Please ask the customer to send me an email to describe the problem in more detail.  [2005-12-8 11:33:29]
[问:vivivi] 如何对UART0的波特率进行设置?谢谢! 
[答:Cher] 透過軟件設定  [2005-12-8 11:33:33]
[问:gaokarl] 请问介绍的这几种桥接芯片的价位如何。 
[答:Cher] 請向當地Philips代理商洽詢  [2005-12-8 11:35:57]
[问:cbxue] Philips UART和桥接解决方案最大的特点是什么? 
[答:Paul] Communicate with two different interface, and get the perfert translation withour lose. UART and Bridge can support up to 5Mbps and design in many application.  [2005-12-8 11:36:24]
[问:riello] 高速UART对时钟的性能如抖动和温漂有特别要求吗?有内置时钟的吗? 
[答:Richard] 目前我们的UART的波特率误差是5%,高速UART没有内置时钟  [2005-12-8 11:37:36]
[问:outside] 和TI,MAXIM的相比,PHILIPS的UART芯片有何优势? 
[答:Handoko] Philips UARTs are optimized for fastest (5Mbps), deepest (256 bytes FIFO), and smallest (25mm square footprint) and extensive technical support at  [2005-12-8 11:38:27]
[问:gaokarl] 我过来的较晚。请再大致介绍一下MCU的 GPIO--〉UART的桥接芯片都有哪几种型号? 
[答:Paul] SC28 and SC16C family  [2005-12-8 11:38:45]
[问:shlys] spi接口是否可以实现前后两个字节的无缝传输? 因为用示波器看信号输出波形时,每个字节的8位是连续的, 而字节切换时,波形是保持大概140ns高电平, 然后才开始新字节传输,这是不是spi接口所固有的特性? 
[答:Dong] Are you talking SPI interface between the brige and the host? This is the situation where the host read the data from our bridge through the SPI bus? If this is the case then there should not be any delay between bytes because the bridge sends and receive the data from host base on the SPI clock. It send the data out on the rising edge of the clock and latches in the data on the falling edge. If this is not the case then please send me another question, and describe the issue in more detail.  [2005-12-8 11:39:11]
[问:muyitaozhi] 我怎么了解更多的关于UART产品的信息. 
[答:Cher] 可向當地代理商洽詢或直接上Philips網站查詢  [2005-12-8 11:39:11]
[问:生存意义] USB和UART可以同时使用吗?? 
[答:Cher] 當然可以  [2005-12-8 11:39:44]
[问:ly721115] 对UART的编程使用什么方法? 
[答:Richard] UART的编程很简单,这方便的有许多的现有资源可以利用,我们也可以提供相关的代码,这也是为什么UART为什么持续发展了这么多年的原因,因为开发容易,技术成熟稳定,  [2005-12-8 11:40:53]
[问:outside] 使用两通道或多通道UART时,如何保证通道间的绝缘或隔离?一般要达到多少dB? 
[答:Paul] 基本上這些通道都是獨立的,它在傳輸時不會影響到其他的通道。  [2005-12-8 11:41:31]
[问:encaon] 在UART中如何实现软件流控制和硬件流控制? 
[答:Dong] The UART has a register where you can turn on the hardware and software flow control - EFR register. For hardware flow control you just set the bit to a 1. For software flow control you also must program the XON and XOFF characters. There are registers in the UART that allow you to program your own XON and XOFF characters.  [2005-12-8 11:41:32]
[问:zhangyao518] 能否提供uart 与 zigbee 的连接方案? 
[答:Cher] 請解釋Zigbee是什麼.  Thanks  [2005-12-8 11:43:26]
[问:outside] UART主要应用在那些领域?在汽车电子上的应用如何? 
[答:Handoko] For example water meter, gas meter, gaming machine, industrial control, diagnostic tool remotely, the irda can be used for wireless remote control, modem interface, and much more. For automotive, the examples are speakers control, battery status, navigation system, gps, sensor, and much more  [2005-12-8 11:45:01]
[问:lbgy] UART和RS232有何不同?是否能直接连接?需要转换吗? 
[答:Paul] 其實UART和RS232是同一個Protocol,可以直接連接,但RS232的controller通常會有一個receiver芯片來做搭配。  [2005-12-8 11:46:03]
[问:xsj19810419] UART与速度和时钟频率方面有关吗? 
[答:Cher] Uart有一固定時終頻率.  與速度無關  [2005-12-8 11:46:06]
[问:qianmin] UART在传输数据时出现数据出错或奇偶校验出错,如何处理的?如何通知对方? 
[答:Paul] Pls pass to Dong  [2005-12-8 11:48:15]
[问:muyitaozhi] 申请样片需要什么条件吗? 
[答:Cher] 可以上網站直接申請  [2005-12-8 11:48:28]
[问:bjxiong] Philips提供的UART器件有那些品种?路数最高能达多少?宽度有几位?总的吞吐量有多大? 能否说明FIFO的深度和UART传输速率的关系?一般来说,Philips的UART的深度有多大? 
[答:Dong] Philips offers UART with one channel upto 8 channel. The bitwidth of the UART depends on whether the UART is programmed to send parity bit, the number of stop bits. The UART bitwidth vary between 10 and 12 bits. The through is hard to say because it depends on the software design, the interrupt latency (response time), the baud rate, how fast is the host interface bus...but our 16C devices can run upto 5Mbps. The deep of the FIFO does not help the baud rate at all, but it does help with the throughput. Let say if the UART is programmed to run at 9600 it will alsway run at 9600, does not matter what is the deep of the FIFO. But the deeper the FIFO the less time the host has to service the UART, and the system where the interrupt response time is slow the deeper FIFO will help. We have a SC28L202/201 with 256 byte FIFO.  [2005-12-8 11:49:04]
[问:生存意义] 我想问问 uart在无线通信方面可以应用吗 
[答:Cher] 可以  [2005-12-8 11:49:16]
[问:leo] 如何避免UART在传输出现的成帧误差或校验误差? 
[答:Handoko] The framing error happens most often when the baud rates between the communicating devices differ.The data will have a tendency to become skewed. The parity error happens when the received parity bit not equal to the expected parity bit and when receiver data contains mismatched parity.  [2005-12-8 11:49:55]
[问:qianmin] UART在传输数据时除了奇偶校验外,还有那些方法保证数据传输的完整性? 
[答:Dong] Beside parity the UART also used Framing Error, Over Error detection to ensure the integrity of the data during transmission.  [2005-12-8 11:50:51]
[问:encaon] UART的Tx TTL电平最多可以传多远?Rx呢? 
[答:Richard] 一般在600MM以内可以保证准确,最远的传输距离跟传输速率及传输环境有关,对于长的距离,一般是用232或485来传送  [2005-12-8 11:50:55]
[问:liufuchun] 信息的加密机制怎么样,我关心这点 
[答:Dong] The UART does not do encryption. You must do this in software.  [2005-12-8 11:51:19]
[问:jufow] 你的芯片需不需要专门的开发工具? 
[答:Richard] 不用,而且有许多的资源可以直接应用,我们也可以提供相关资源,(软件,DEMO BOARD)  [2005-12-8 11:52:08]
[问:da2100] are those bridge ICs electrical isolation between in port and out port 
[答:Dong] There is not electrical isolation. The ports are just CMOS type.  [2005-12-8 11:52:18]
[问:wangmaolin1004] 请问有没有rs485和rs232两种功能都有的接口芯片? 
[答:Cher] 只要使用Philips產品都可以Support兩者功能  [2005-12-8 11:52:31]
[问:xiongguisheng] 如何控制流量才能预防FIFO的溢出? 
[答:Dong] Hardware and software controls are used to prevent overrun of the receive FIFO. Please see one of my answers previously for a detail description of hardware and software flow controls.  [2005-12-8 11:53:35]
[问:penthouse] 可否介绍一下基础知识 
[答:Cher] 請參考presentation或洽詢代理商詢問產品詳細知識  [2005-12-8 11:54:01]
[问:xiongguisheng] 用于手机的UART有什么特点?Philips提供那些产品? 
[答:Handoko] Philips UARTs are also designed for mobile applications by offering low power and low voltage, fast baud rate, small package, deep fifo to maintain high data througput, and auto flow controls to prevent data lost during transmission  [2005-12-8 11:54:06]
[问:zhoujiang100] 对于贵公司的UART产品,实际应用中,是否还得按不同类型的总线配相应的芯片?比如232、485总线等 
[答:Richard] 当你应用232电平时,你需要选择232驱动器;当你应用485电平时,你需要选择485驱动器  [2005-12-8 11:54:45]
[问] 如果应用计算机通过串口与之通信,贵方是否能提供相应的控件及技术资料? 
[答:Cher] 請直接寫email給我們的應用工程師Paul Peng  [2005-12-8 11:55:22]
[问:vivivi] 请教uart0无法进入中断时如何处理?是什么原因引起?如何解决? 
[答:Dong] For the interrupt to come on you must first enable them through the IER register. If you have enabled them and for some reason the UART does not generate the interrupt as expected, I would have to know about which interrupt and under what condition the UART does not generate the inerrupt before I can answer your question.  [2005-12-8 11:56:06]
[问:xsj19810419] 高级的UART提供了一定数量的数据缓冲,现在最大的有多少的数据缓冲? 
[答:Cher] 最大為128bytes  [2005-12-8 11:57:13]
[问:chunsen] RTS和CTS是什么意思? 
[答:Handoko] RTS means request to send and CTS means clear to send. RTS and CTS are hardware signal and used for controlling uart data flow to avoid the uart receiver fifo from overflow and data lost  [2005-12-8 11:57:51]
[问:1001] UART的传输速率有多高?传输距离有多远?要实现远距多机系统串联传输时,如何保证其信号传输的完整性? 
[答:Paul] Up to 5Mbps, it can do over 10M but depend on your real application. We have error checking solutions internally, so it"s no problem in multi-system communication.  [2005-12-8 11:59:23]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 在工业环境中如何保证RS485总线通信的可靠性? 
[答:Dong] + Make sure the the enviroment is free of noises + Don"t route the cable next to any electrical device that might couple noise on the cable + Use correct termination for the type of cable you use + Don"t use long cable, just enough for your application  [2005-12-8 11:59:25]
[问:do_bo] 器件功率消耗多大? 
[答:Paul] below 0.5W basically.  [2005-12-8 12:00:53]
[问:DirectCG] UART 通信中CRC-16 校验怎么通过查表来实现? 
[答:Richard] 这方面有许多现有的资源,可以在网上找到,也可以联系本地技术支持  [2005-12-8 12:00:53]
[问:生存意义] 西安有技术部门吗?? 
[答:Richard] 没有,我们在深圳,上海,北京有,你也可以通过我们的代理获得本地的技术支持  [2005-12-8 12:01:43]
[问:lbgy] 如果要求系统比较稳定的话,单片机芯片到芯片之间通信,SPI 和 UART速率能达到多少?和MCU的时钟有多大关系? 
[答:Paul] SPI up to 16Mbps and UART up to 5Mbps, 跟MCU的時鐘沒有關係。  [2005-12-8 12:03:41]
[问:xgj] 用UART0能发送16位的数据吗?如何进行? 
[答:Paul] UART一次送出8位元的資料,要送出16位元的話就要送兩次。如果要一次送16位元,那UART是做不到的。  [2005-12-8 12:05:42]
[问:riello] 请问,是否可以将某台设备的I2C总线通过桥转为RS232或RS485连接到其他设备,再转换成I2C总线实现多设备间的统一总线控制? 
[答:Paul] 你的問題我很有興趣,因為Philips有I2C Switch可以應用,不需要用到這麼複雜的控制。  [2005-12-8 12:07:39]
[问:chunsen] UART在什么时候进行检测RTS、CTS、DTR、DSR? 
[答:Handoko] UART hardware flow controls are RTS and CTS so RTS is high when the trigger level is reached to stop for sending data RTS is auto active when Receiver FIFO is below the trigger level UART Transmitter checks CTS before sending data UART Transmitter stop sending when CTS is high and start sending when low Sometimes communication will only start when both ends detect the presence of an active device by waiting for DTR (Data Terminal Ready) from the other end (DSR Data Set Ready)  [2005-12-8 12:08:07]
[问:zzkeng] 接收模块的时钟和发送模块的时钟是如何分配的?是不是应该远大于发送模块的? 
[答:Dong] The clocking scheme for the receiving module is much more complicated than the transmitting module. The receiver samples the incoming signal at 16 times the baudrate, it must then determine the center of the start bit, and then samples the next bit base on the center of the start bit.  [2005-12-8 12:08:37]
[问:encaon] 请问UART中断功能有那些?什么叫接收超时中断? 
[答:Paul] Please refer to presentation P.6, thx. If the host can"t receive for a long time, the host will drop the data transmission.  [2005-12-8 12:12:26]
[问:ecnanjing_EBY7E] 在通信协议转换时,电源电压是否在芯片中自动转换? 
[答:Handoko] I am not clear with the question. However, the voltage is the input so the chip cannot change it automatically.  [2005-12-8 12:14:15]

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