
热门关键字: 线性稳压器 线圈 TDM TCP/IP协议 



主题:有效配置和管理SOHO/SMB 环境中的网络
[问:ymdcr] 我们单位在全省广域网中已经安装了VOIP,可在全省广域网中实现ip电话,请问我们用什么方法可以与因特网的ip电话互通? 谢谢 
[答:Eric] As long as on the other side, the IP phone is connected to Internet through IP PBX or Internet WAN router, then the phones on both sides can talk via the Internet service that is provide by the Internet service provider.  [2005-12-2 10:51:01]
[问:ymdcr] 我单位实现的带宽有6M,我们想将住宅楼的用户也联入网中实现家庭用户的int网的接入,但是住宅网距离单位有500米远,请问我们用什么方法可以在不破坏原有的基础设施实现家庭用户的接入,而且保证QOS.谢谢! 
[答:Eric] For 500 meter, you may consider fiber for direct connection or you can add another switch or repeater in the middle to extend the distance.  [2005-12-2 10:52:46]
[问:ymdcr] 我单位现有100台计算机接入100M局域网,由于是逐步扩建的,未实现VLAN的有效划分,我们准备对网络进行升级,准备购买一个三层交换机作为核心路由,请问此种方法可行吗?另外应该购买那一种交换机比较合适,其技术参数应该达到什么要求? 
[答:Eric] It depends on the complexity of your network, you may or may not need L3 switch.  L2 VLAN, in some cases, could support 100 users.  You should consult a network expert on your requirements.  [2005-12-2 10:55:31]
[问:jiayushand] 这种环境网络的优点在哪里?? 
[答:Eric] Which network environment are you referring to? The SMB switches introduced in my presentation are more cost-effective, more intelligent, and easier-to-manage than the switches you can buy today.  [2005-12-2 10:57:26]
[问:linhai254] 请问一下这种配置和管理比起其它的要方便简单,在安全问题上有没有保障,谢谢! 
[答:Eric] yes, absolutely.  the security features provided by our switches are a lot more than the dumb switches you can purchase today.  These feaures include 802.1x, VLAN, etc.  dumb switches typically don"t have any security functions.  [2005-12-2 10:59:50]
[问:guohuiqi] Broadcom公司SOHO产品区别于其它公司的最显著的特点是什么? 分别基于什么原理? 
[答:Eric] Our switches are a lot more intelligent and easier to manage than other companies products for the comparable price.  Some of them are broadocm"s innovation.  [2005-12-2 11:02:53]
[问:北极狐] 请问为中小企业网络而设计的千兆以太网交换产品是否稳定?其性能以及应用特性是怎样的? 
[答:Gamp] BCM公司的所有以太网芯片都是严格符合质量要求,达到商用应有标准的.就其性能而言,BCM公司以太网千兆交换机的各种性能考核指标在同类中都是位居榜首,此外BCM公司为中小企业用户考虑而专门设计的特色特性,如今天讲的"LoopDectect" "CableDiag"就是中小企业交换机极需的杀手应用.  [2005-12-2 11:03:01]
[问:encaon] 在一个20人,200平方米左右的办公环境里,局域网如何配置? 
[答:Eric] this is going to take a while to answer.  Please contact Braodcom expert.  It depends on your requirements.  you can use L2 only with VLANs ina 2 tier configuration. Port conuts can go higher in the 2nd tier.  [2005-12-2 11:06:03]
[问:guangchang] broadcom这些产品功能提高的同时,相应的造成了多大比例的用户成本的增加。 
[答:Eric] users don"t see any price increase and that"s why we call it "free lunch".  All these features ae integrated in the hardware so no additional cost.  [2005-12-2 11:07:34]
[问:quancb] 请问IPTV现在很流行,我们在宽带接入这方面有没有针对性的方案?谢谢 
[答:Eric] both fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet could work depending on the setup.  [2005-12-2 11:08:37]
[问:kn21c] 请问Broadcom公司是从哪些方面降低了网络运营成本的? 
[答:Eric] we make it easy to manage so save cost on IT resources. we also reduce downtime, so productivity is increased. We make it more powerful and intelligent so they don;t have to buy as many devices  [2005-12-2 11:10:32]
[问:kllyj2008] LoopDTech是硬件设备还是软件? 
[答:Eric] Hardware No software required  [2005-12-2 11:10:57]
[问:bluesprit] broadcom 在视频处理IC方面有什么新的技术推广 
[答:Gamp] BCM是通讯行业的领头羊.在视频方面也是业界技术领先者.由于今天的话题是谈网络交换机,所以视频话题择日在谈比较合适.如果有兴趣,可以登陆www.broadcom.com看看BCM的视频最新动态  [2005-12-2 11:11:16]
[问:kllyj2008] ADSL +Router1+ Router2+…+ Router n的组网方式中,Router最多可串几级? 
[答:Eric] There should be no limit as long as the routers interopeate with each other based on standard technology, e.g. Ethernet  [2005-12-2 11:12:06]
[问:guangchang] broadcom只做征对家庭和商业应用的产品吗?是否有适合于工业恶劣环境的产品 
[答:Gamp] 该用户指的应该是我们常说的芯片I-temp版本,适合工作在-40"C到85"C的范围以为的.我们所有主流芯片都有此工业级的产品以拓展他们的应用范围  [2005-12-2 11:12:50]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 英业达科技有限公司的jekyll经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为jekyll的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-12-2 11:13:03]
[问:kllyj2008] 刚才演讲中提到的Offices-SMB in-a-Box,这BOX包含了哪些接口? 
[答:Eric] Phone connections, wireless LAN, and Gigabit Ethernet ports.  [2005-12-2 11:14:37]
[问:lulu2890] 请问如何实现后台管理? 
[答:Gamp] 面向中小企业用户我们提供基于WEB的管理界面,用户可以很容易的管理到交换机的方方面面.在后台(控制CPU处)我们的智能软件接受用户WEB提交的命令,进行系统监控,设置和维护.  [2005-12-2 11:18:20]
[问:少颗牙] 我想了解贵公司的针对soho/smb的产品系列以及技术优势 
[答:Eric] We have complete product line that covers from FE to GE.  We have port counts go from 5, 8, 16, 24 to 48 orts.  Our technocally advantage is on technology integration (rich L2 feaures, more than our copetitors) and innovation, e.g. loopdtech and cablechecker. while maintaining the cost competitiveness.  [2005-12-2 11:18:55]