
热门关键字: 信号发生器 信道容量 新能源汽车 芯片技术 



[问:zcplhh] STAMP board 是不是可以通过ADI网上介绍的JTAG口进行仿真设计? 
[答:Rick] 是的, 如果要基于Visualdsp++来调试STAMP 的应用 可以用ICE 通过JTAG 来进行调试。 如果要基于uClinux来调试的话可以用GCC的工具链通过串口进行调试。  [2005-9-22 10:39:50]
[问:pchu001] 是否提供免费的TCP/IP协议栈支持?开发的难度如何?如果我是首次使用方便否?需要补充哪些知识?对开发者有什么要求? 
[答:Jenny] ADI提供免费的一种免费的协议栈LwIP.它直接继承在VDSP开发工具中,开发起来非常方便,另外有详细的文档来指导客户从头开始开发他们基于网络的应用。欢迎参加ADI10月份的研讨会来了解更多相应信息。  [2005-9-22 10:41:17]
[问:tohope] 我想用ADSP-BF532做一个视频的压缩采集,接口想选用USB的跟主机通信,我想买你们的STAMP板子,不过不知道它的开发使用什么工具,能否使用VISUAL DSP,能否进行代码的优化。还有,使用LQFP封装,是否最低要四层板,两层能否布的通,我如果要制板,经济最大承受力是四层板。你们的评估板是几层的啊。 
[答:Tao] STAMP板开发使用VISUAL DSP,可以进行代码优化。使用LQFP是否最低四层板取决于你系统的复杂度等。评估板的信息请参考评估板的相关手册。谢谢。  [2005-9-22 10:43:05]
[问:ypeter7574] 考虑内部运行进程及以太网通信流量等因素,Blackfin最多可支持几个100M以太网(包括自身的,以及外扩的)? 
[答:Jenny] 以BF533为例,以太网接口是通过EBIU memory映射的方式来实现的,所以,理论上以太网的连接数目没有限制。具体的实际情况,和任务种类等很多因素有关,需要具体问题具体分析。  [2005-9-22 10:45:04]
[问:李萍] BF532与IBM 的STB02500通过同步串口对接,STB02500只有一个4线制的同步串口(SCLK\RXD\TXD\FRAMESYNC),不知道能否直接对接,有什么问题 
[答:Jack] I suppose you can do glueless connection with the 4-wire serial port to BF532 SPORT. That"s syncronized serial port for Blackfin and also provide SCLK, SYNC, receive and send pins. For detail, please refer to Blackfin User Manual or contact  [2005-9-22 10:46:20]
[问:zhangweiqing] 如何处理BF561与周边芯片的同步信号处理(时钟.复位.分频等) 
[答:Rick] 具体的设计与您的应用有关。 有些情况下对同步信号要求不高则可以不考虑。 有些情况如对复位时序有特殊要求时可考虑采用相应的复位时序控制芯片来处理, ADI 同样有相关的产品可供选择。 具体的设计问题可发email 到 需求帮助  [2005-9-22 10:46:44]
[问:victor_lee] 使用操作系统时,VDSP++的作用是什么? 
[答:Jenny] VDSP++提供一个RTOS内核,可以实现操作系统的简单任务调度等功能。  [2005-9-22 10:47:29]
[问:zhoujyzy] 在PCB板中,从BF533的焊盘引线出来时,对线宽有没有要求?因为我设计的两块板,线宽分别为8mil和4mil(只在BGA封装附近如此,在其它地方都大于10mil),在用FLASH去BOOT时,线宽较窄的板不能每次都正常启动,而线宽较大的板确工作正常,请分析。 
[答:Han] As long as the space between the pins allowed, use the largest mil possible to avoid signal integrity problem. Because difference between 4mil and 10 mil is larger than that of 8mil and 10 mil, thus may cause impedence mismatch. Try to keep constant trace width.  [2005-9-22 10:48:02]
[问:cbxue] blackfin 可以使用哪些底层OS? 
[答:Jack] I"m not very clear about the definition as "low-level OS". But we have lots of OS supported on Blackfin. For Open Source OS, we have uClinux provided. For OS kernel, we have free VDK. You can also get ThreadX, Nulueus and Fusion...  [2005-9-22 10:48:38]
[问:ligong2008] Blackfin处理器有没有带USB2.0 接口的? 
[答:Tao] 目前的Blackfin产品BF535带有一个USB1.0的接口,后续Blackfin会有支持USB2.0的芯片面世。  [2005-9-22 10:50:17]
[问:wlxt] Blackfin 可采用什么操作系统,tcp/ip协议栈如何实现,效率怎样?是否可用于网络视频应用?用udp协议传送图像数据的速率能达到多大? 
[答:Jenny] blackfin可以使用visualDSP++提供的VDK来实现任务调度等操作系统的功能。也可以选用uClinux。ADI免费提供TCP/IP协议栈LwIP和uIP,用户也可以使用uClinux支持的TCP/IP协议栈。他们都完全可以用于网络视频应用。请发送邮件至processor.china@analog.com进一步获得效率和性能等参数信息。  [2005-9-22 10:50:50]
[问:wengxp] Blackfin如何与MCU通信交换信息?采用什么协议和数据格式? 
[答:Rick] Blackfin提供了丰富的外设接口用于与外设或其他MCU 通讯。 包括同步及异步串行接口,同步并行口PPI ,及异步并行口EBIU,SPI 等等。 具体采用的通讯协议和数据格式取决与具体的设计要求。 如有具体的设计问题可email 到  [2005-9-22 10:50:57]
[问:利友999] Blackfin嵌入处理器能否应用于医疗视频信息的传输和处理的网络。 
[答:Han] Yes, Blackfin is perfect for medical image applications. BF536/7 provide Ethernet MAC for network connectivity.  [2005-9-22 10:51:25]
[问:le-xf] 从主持人的介绍看,似乎都是用于多媒体的开发,能不能介绍一下除这些应用以外的使用场合。谢谢! 
[答:Jack] Blackfin processor has advantage on multimeida processing so we talked lot on media application. You can also using Blackfin for I&I, Automotive, Medical and Communication applications. For example, Car Telematics, Fingerprint and other applications.  [2005-9-22 10:51:42]
[问:maeleton1] 对于BF537的以太网MAC接口,是否有独立的接收和发送通道?它的数据吞吐量能有多高? 
[答:Tao] BF537 MAC support full Duplex and Half Duplex modes. max speed is 100M.  [2005-9-22 10:52:28]
[问:tohope] 您好,请问BF533-EZLITE使用自带的USB电缆而不使用其他子卡是不是也应该可以进行调试开发? 
[答:Jenny] 购买BF533 EZKIT Lite评估板的时候,会附送一条USB电缆,用户可以使用它连接主机(例如PC)和评估板进行调式,其中包括视频音频等应用的调试。  [2005-9-22 10:52:38]
[问:Bulaer] 如何将Blackfin应用到网络传感器中? 相关资料? 
[答:Jenny] 请访问www.analog.com上关于blackfin处理器的techincal library,其中有很多应用技术文档你可以作为参考。  [2005-9-22 10:54:51]
[问:xixihaha] Blackfin主要用于哪种产品?应用了哪些先进技术,如何掌握它的核心? 
[答:Tao] Blackfin can be used in consumer electronic, industry control, digital surveillance etc. used MSA core structure. Please see BF datasheet for detail.  [2005-9-22 10:55:21]
[问:yuxingye] blackfin处理器能否实时对H.264解码输出? blackfin支持的操作系统是什么? 
[答:Rick] Backfin 上可支持的OS 有很多例如Uclinux, ThreaX 等等。 Blackfin 有着很高的处理性能,最到可到750Mhz,尤其在视频的处理上还有专门的视频处理指令可以加速视频处理。 具体到算法,Blackfin可以支持H264 实时decoder,具体可达到的性能取决设计的优化程度。     [2005-9-22 10:55:34]
[问:windinmind] blackfin的软件开发和fpga以及NI labview的开发有什么相同和不同之处 
[答:Jack] Blackfin are embedded processor. You can program in C and Assembly language. We have rich set of tools for your development. VDSP++ 4.0 is the latest IDDE and can be interface with NI Labview which is more suitable to build your algorithm and system framework. As FPGA is different with Embedded Processor and DSP, the programming are quite different between them.  [2005-9-22 10:55:35]
[问:meteor_chu] Blackfin处理器所支持的分辨率有几种?最高能达到多少?能否提供较为满意的清晰度和色彩? 
[答:Tao] Blackfin is processor for digital signal processing. I think resolving ratio is decided by video encoder or other devices.  [2005-9-22 10:56:48]
[问:dabao_100] 这款芯片是否需要操作系统支持?支持哪些操作系统?芯片市场价位是多少,最简应用系统的硬件成本是多少?用什么开发工具开发? 
[答:Jenny] blackfin是个处理器家族的统称,包含多种型号产品。主要支持的操作系统是uClinux(free),芯片最低价格为5个美金,最简单的应用系统包括供电,flash,sdram和其它的根据功能选定的芯片。用ADI提供的visualDSP++ IDDE和仿真器以及评估板进行评估和开发。  [2005-9-22 10:57:36]
[问:dhh0000] TCP/IP传输效率 速度如何?是否测试过? 
[答:Rick] TCP/IP的效率在很大程度上还取决于TCP/IP stack的效率。 ADI 提供了相关的参考设计, 及一些benchmark。 如有需要可以÷email 到 寻求更详细的信息  [2005-9-22 10:57:48]
[问:kllyj2008] CPU和以太网处理器有可能在访问RAM时发生冲突,请问如何解决此冲突? 
[答:Tao] Yes. You can send your detail questions to our support database:  [2005-9-22 10:58:01]
[问:meteor_chu] 在网络应用中,Blackfin处理器支持那些操作系统? 
[答:Jenny] VDK RTOS和uClinux  [2005-9-22 10:58:10]
[问:wuftpd] BF537什么时候量产啊,现在买不到,样片也要不到 
[答:Jack] I think you can get BF537 Sample from ADI now and will mass production at the end of this year.  [2005-9-22 10:58:20]
[问:zhunw] 用blackfin处理器和网络链接硬件方面还需要硬件网络芯片吗?比如8139等芯片 
[答:Rick] BF537 have a embedded Ethernet MAC  ,just need a extenal PHY. for other Blackfin for example BF533 could interface with lan controller (MAC + PHY)such as RTL8139  [2005-9-22 10:59:20]
[问:mclwsw1981] 此开发板能否做音频、视频实时处理传输系统,例如:视频监视?可视电话等方面? 
[答:Jenny] 板上集成了音频、视频的AD/DA以及相应接头,完全可以进行A/V应用的开发。  [2005-9-22 11:00:04]
[问:txling216] 我想问:Blackfin嵌入处理器与普通微处理器在网络方面有那些优势? 
[答:Tao] Blackfin is very flexible to interface most ethernet controller. and Blackfin is suitable to run IP stack and user code. Blackfin has high core frequency. etc.  [2005-9-22 11:00:05]
[问:dhh0000] 在uclinux环境下如何编写自己的应用程序,比如网络和串口程序? 
[答:Rick] you can write your own application refer to common rules of programming in Uclinux。 it is indepent on the processor.   [2005-9-22 11:00:49]
[问:zhunw] 在系统上可以跑wince吗? 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin processor don"t support winCE presently.  [2005-9-22 11:00:50]
[问:victor_lee] 为什么使用了uCLinux就不能用VDSP++进行调试了? 
[答:Jenny] They use different complier.  [2005-9-22 11:01:47]
[问:netlin] 我想了解一下blackfin在汽车电子行业的应用,国内外哪些第三方做得比较好? 
[答:Jack] For car telematics, we have some solution most popular used in Europe. In the system, Blackfin can be used for Media Processing, GPS, Hands Free and also Car Safety...  [2005-9-22 11:01:56]
[问:kllyj2008] 请详情介绍一下Blackfin处理器的以太网的性能? 
[答:Tao] bf537 MAC features: ? Support of MII and RMII protocols for external PHYs. ? Full Duplex and Half Duplex modes. . is a 10/100 ethernet mac .... detail features and advanced features please refer BF537 datasheet and manual.  [2005-9-22 11:02:53]
[问:cotulla] 我自己设计的板子可否用串口调试 
[答:Jenny] No, you should debug your own design target board with ADI"s ICE via JTAG.  [2005-9-22 11:03:22]
[问:maeleton1] 以太网底层访问接口是提供文档还是接口函数? 
[答:Rick] BF537  have a embeded mac .. you can control it by yourselves. ADI provide some reference design and code example of application and driver. detail infromation of using EMAC pls refer to hardware manuals.  [2005-9-22 11:03:22]
[问:dhh0000] 最新推出的BF537和ADI即将推出的blackfin对网络的支持到底如何? 比如速度、对系统的占用,等等。 
[答:Han] BF 537 has built-in Ethnet MAC to reduce system BOM cost. Our DSP developement software--VisualDSP++ 4.0  includes free TCP/IP stack called lwIP. It is very easy to build a skelton application to be able to connect to Internet. If your application requires a lot of data transportion, uclinux"s stack may be a better choice, of course, it occuppies much larger memory space than lwIP.  [2005-9-22 11:03:49]
[问:DirectCG] Blackfin处理器有没有USB2.0控制器,用于和PC连接?如果没有,是否可以通过外挂的方式实现,如何实现? 
[答:Jack] For the current Blackfin processors, we haven"t provide on-chip USB2.0 controller but you can definitely connect EBIU with external USB controller. For incoming Blackfin products, we"ll have on-chip USB2.0 Controller provided. For more detail of external USB2.0 implementation, please contact  [2005-9-22 11:04:24]
[问:zzkeng] Blackfin处理器有那些开发工具或开发环境可进行软件编程? 
[答:Jenny] 开发工具 硬件:仿真器和评估板,STAMP板,以及子卡 软件:VisualDSP++(支持C/C++和汇编)  [2005-9-22 11:04:47]
[问:lihao99999] AD的协议栈实时性如何?支持是中断驱动的吗? 
[答:Rick] ADI just provide some application code example of TCP/IP stack bassed on LWIP. it is just for refrence. The performance is dependent on the performance of LWIP. it support interrupt mode in Blackfin.  [2005-9-22 11:05:30]
[问:kllyj2008] Blackfin处理器的外接存储器接口有那些?能接NAND闪存吗? 
[答:Tao] Blackfin external memory interface is EBIU. It "s a duplex interface. can connect with sdram and sram etc. EBIU Can interface with NAND flash, but because blackfin has not NAND controller inside, so you need a little external logic when interface with NAND flash.  [2005-9-22 11:06:31]
[问:zzkeng] Blackfin处理器有DSP和MCU处理功能,对它们的编程或开发有何不同? 
[答:Jenny] 没有任何不同,甚至更加简单。VisualDSP++支持C/C++语言,而且具有强大高效的编译器。  [2005-9-22 11:06:56]
[问:gzlbai] blackfin在RF-ID读写器中应用的前景如何? 
[答:Jack] Blackfin can be used as Core Processor for RF-ID algorithm and I believe it will be used more popular in future. We are working on this kind of application now.  [2005-9-22 11:07:04]
[问:DirectCG] Blackfin处理器能否实现多片互联?具体操作如何? 
[答:Tao] Blackfin can implement multi-connection. for example, You can use SPORT, SPI etc. to communicate each other.  [2005-9-22 11:07:46]
[问:DirectCG] BF533的GPIO接口可以和各种视频编码器、译码器、显示驱动器实现无缝的连接?对接口标准有何要求? 
[答:Rick] BF533 GPIO is global programming IO pin. it is a flexibility. But to interface with some video codec should using PPI. detail design is dependent on your application . if you have any confusion in your developemtn pls email to for technical support  [2005-9-22 11:08:25]
[问:tohope] VisualDSP++在评估板中都是20K代码受限的版本吗? 
[答:Jenny] 只有注册license序列号为KIT-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXXX的VisualDSP++使用者。有用户代码20K的限制。  [2005-9-22 11:08:59]
[问:zskent] 如何使用bf537内部的8bit视频处理ALU? 
[答:Tao] There are dedicated instructs show how to use video ALU. please see Blackfin software manual.  [2005-9-22 11:09:38]
[问:zhunw] 有没有处理器开发的中文教程?如何得到教程呢? 
[答:Rick] you can find some chinese version material in ananlog chinese website. and you can also find some books which introduce how to using ADI processor.  [2005-9-22 11:09:43]
[问:dhh0000] 对于网络中的多数据包如何处理  
[答:Jenny] blackfin有足够的吞吐量来完成多数包的处理。相信内容咨询,请发送request mail到  [2005-9-22 11:11:05]
[问:cotulla] ADSP的IDE接口速度有多快 
[答:Tao] I think it is decided by your design. BF has not dedicated IDE controller inside. so you can access IDE as memory mapped devices through EBIU.  [2005-9-22 11:11:28]
[问:zzkeng] 和TI的DSP相比, Blackfin处理器最大的特点是什么?有何区别? 
[答:Jack] Blackfin processor is the embedded processor that combining DSP and RISC architecture in MSA core. It"s can both working on DSP tasks and efficiently run network protocol and OS. So you can implement single-chip solution for most applications.  [2005-9-22 11:11:34]
[问:李萍] bf532的同步串行口的接收和发送时钟是分离的,可以用同一个吗 
[答:Tao] Sure. You can use one same clock.  [2005-9-22 11:11:57]
[问:seaskyzdw] 请问如何得到现在购买不到的样片阿?谢谢 
[答:Tonny] You can get free samples from ADI distributors listed in ADI website,  [2005-9-22 11:12:41]
[问:ligong2008] ADSP-BF531/532/533 现在的硬件版本分别是多少?我用的0.2版本的好像有许多问题。 
[答:Jenny] ADSP-BF531/2/3 的版本分别为0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4。相应的芯片版本有关的anomaly,请查阅www.analog.com公布的Chip Anomaly List Doducument.  [2005-9-22 11:12:47]
[问:DirectCG] Blackfin 处理器能用于MP4? 
[答:Rick] Blackfin is a low power , high performance specail in audio and video processing proceesor . it is good for the MP4 application . There is some good MP4 production available now based on Blackfin processor.   [2005-9-22 11:12:51]
[问:szdennis] 请问BF533用外部引导,与直接从外部FLASH运行,有什么区别?从外部引导程序到BF533内部,程序空间是否受BF533内部的RAM空间大小有关? 
[答:Han] There are several booting modes.  One is booting from flash, i.e., the BF"s internal boot rom will read the image stored in the flash and copy it to the internal SRAM. The other mode is bypass the boot rom and execute your program directly from external memory. Of course, if the program size in the flash is larger than the internal memory size, you have to put the rest to the external memory such as SRAM or SDRAM.  [2005-9-22 11:13:16]
[问:kevinlee] 可以跑linux吗? 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin doesn"t support Linux, but it support uClinux.  [2005-9-22 11:13:39]
[问:ligong2008] Blackfin 处理器的哪些型号带网络接口?速度最高多快?是不是10M/100M自适应的? 
[答:Han] BF 536/537 are with 802.3-compliant 10/100 Ethernet MAC.  [2005-9-22 11:14:43]
[问:kevinlee] 你们的芯片和ARM的网络功能比较,优势在哪里? 
[答:Jack] I haven"t compared that point before. But the key point is to make sure Blackfin can satisfy networking requirement for your application. We have on-chip EMAC, standalone TCP/IP Stack and OS support for Blackfin which means you can get most networking functionalities. If you want more details, please send mail to us at  [2005-9-22 11:15:15]
[问:zzkeng] BF537的网络连接和那几种标准兼容? 
[答:Tao] The Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) peripheral for the ADSP-BF536 and ADSP-BF537 processors provides a 10/100Mbit/s Ethernet interface, compliant to IEEE Std. 802.3-2002, between an MII (Media Independent Interface) and the Blackfin peripheral subsystem.  [2005-9-22 11:16:06]
[问:zhunw] 处理器最大支持多少rom和ram? 
[答:Rick] Blackfin support upto 328KB internal memory. detail information pls refer to datasheet of each blackfin processor.   [2005-9-22 11:17:05]
[问:songziyy] 如果我要开发BLACKFIN,我可不可以免费获得VISUALDSP++ 
[答:Tonny] You can download a 90 days free trial version from ADI website,  [2005-9-22 11:17:11]
[问:dhh0000] 在UCLINUX系统下,似乎不支持FAT 的文件系统,假如我要扩展IDE HDD,是否PC也必须安装LINUX OS? 
[答:Jenny] Not necessary, ADI supply customers with FAT32 reference code lib which can be integrated to the system. Please mail to for further technical support.  [2005-9-22 11:17:37]
[问:netlin] 有没有比较活跃的blackfin开发的中文论坛?请推荐一下 
[答:Jack] Unfortunately I"m not quite familiar with those communities. I know there are some contents in Chinese website but I would suggest you to visit which should be more active. If you know any information, please let us know. Thanks.  [2005-9-22 11:17:40]
[问:kllyj2008] Blackfin处理器支持IPV6吗? 
[答:Han] It sould be able to support IPV6, if you run it all in software.It did not provdie any specific hardware support for it.  [2005-9-22 11:17:48]
[问:wangjunhu] 存储器的大小为多少时,Blackfin 处理器处于最佳配置,外部存储器扩展最大能达到多少? 
[答:Tao] To use how many external memory is decided by detail application. BF533 external asynchronous space is 4MB. support up to 128M SDRAM.  [2005-9-22 11:18:33]
[问:feifei12345] 程序是在片内RAM运行还是在片外,若程序较大,超出片内RAM的空间该怎么办? 
[答:Rick] you can located your code and data in internal memory or external memory without any problem . if your code size is too big to located in internal memory you can located the code in external memory and also enable cache to keep a good perfromance of your code. any other confusion pls email to for technical support  [2005-9-22 11:19:15]
[问:maeleton1] 请问在以太网的开发中,最主要应该注意那些问题? 
[答:Jenny] Every Issule is big which should be care for.  [2005-9-22 11:20:01]
[问:wactd] 请问blackfin处理器有DMA控制器吗?支持彩色LCD马? 
[答:Tao] Yes. Blackfin has DMA controller to process DMA transfer. BF can connect with color LCD or TFT by PPI interface.  [2005-9-22 11:20:13]
[问:lemys] Blackfin能不能多提供一些可以手工焊接的封装样片,BGA封装的我们不好进行实验,因为我们没有BGA的焊接设备,每次实验都要委托加工,很不方便。 
[答:Han] In that case, you should requst samples in LQFP package. If you have problem in getting those samples from your distributors, please contact local ADI sales office for assistance.  [2005-9-22 11:21:01]
[问:maeleton1] 如果缓冲器接收到一个包后,用户软件未及时读出,而此时下一个包又到达,那会不会出现丢包现象? 
[答:Jack] Normally, there is FIFO in Ethernet Controller which will handle multiple packets fetch. The FIFO will have some depth so it can contain some packets in fixed size. Some can also be dynamic arranged to max the space usage. Blackfin processor is fast enough to get more packet inside with DMA and won"t get packet lost in normal case. But it also depend on your design, processor load and depth of the FIFO.  [2005-9-22 11:21:13]
[问:cotulla] 许多网络应用设备都用到硬盘,这方面BLANKFIN性能如何 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin通过EBIU支持硬盘的连接,已有很多成功案例。ADI同时也提供参考设计。请发送request mail到processor.china@analog.com以获得更多信息  [2005-9-22 11:21:55]
[问:lihao99999] 写入缓冲区的接收或发送数据,能不能在一个确定的时间得到响应 
[答:Rick] blackfin have a powerful performance to handle the data transfer realtime.   [2005-9-22 11:23:21]
[问:weihuli] 系统是多线程的吗,实时性如何 
[答:Tao] There are several OS can be running on BF processor. such as uClinux, ThreadX, etc. most of them support multi-thread. about performance on real-time, please see their benchmark.  [2005-9-22 11:23:24]
[问:李萍] 532的同步串口最高速率能达到多少? 
[答:Han] The maximum rate of SPORT is SCLK/2. The max. SCLK is 133MHz, so the maximum rate is 66Mbps.  [2005-9-22 11:23:58]
[问:nmf316] 无线自组网(Ad hOC)中能应用吗?现具体应用如何? 
[答:Jack] The Blackfin has enough ability to the MAC and above layer"s processing. It depends on the specified applications.  [2005-9-22 11:24:06]
[问:victor_lee] 开发评估板想买BF537,而现阶段的产品使用BF531。那么在BF537中开发的视频和音频应用是否可以直接在BF531上运行? 
[答:Jenny] BF531和BF537代码是兼容的,但是考虑到两者的外设以及一些寄存器的名称的不同,需要做一些少任务量的简单修改。  [2005-9-22 11:25:11]
[问:李萍] 作为协处理器,blankfin和主cpu的接口都有哪些呢 
[答:Rick] blackfin provide a lot of peripheral to interface with CPU or MCU. for example, SPI, PPI,EBIU,UART,TWI.... you can select the exact peripheral to interface with the CPU dependent on the CPU.  [2005-9-22 11:25:27]
[问:cycloneii] blackfin533最多只能外接4个1M字节的flash,存储空间太小了。blackfin537/6等有没有改进。或者还是只能通过通用IO口扩展地址空间? 
[答:Tao] BF536/7 "s asynchronous space size is 4MB, is same with BF533. you can use NAND flash in your system. NAND flash is much more large than NOR flash.  [2005-9-22 11:26:58]
[问:wury2003] OSI 7层模型如何映射到现代嵌入式处理器? 
[答:Jenny] 请参考本次网络研讨会讲义第6页  [2005-9-22 11:27:05]
[问:encaon] Blackfin处理器能否和UWB技术兼容组网?它具有那些无线接口? 
[答:Rick] ADI could provide solution of UWB application. you can find the related white paper in analog devices web site.  [2005-9-22 11:27:12]
[问:looo] 代码生成工具是免费的吗? 
[答:Jenny] 如果购买工具,代码生成工具-visualDSP++免费附送。 您可以从ADI官方网站下载90天试用版。  [2005-9-22 11:28:39]
[问:lihao99999] Blackfin 的C/C++与ASM比效率如何 
[答:Jack] It"s difficult to compare the efficiency directly as it depends on your code function and implementation. For example, if you are working on DSP and Media Processing algorithm, ASM always are good choice for high efficiency. But we have high performance Compiler which can provide your highly optimized ASM code from C. For example, you can get the same performace for FIR implementation on Blackfin with C and ASM.  [2005-9-22 11:28:45]
[问:wfm] 请问BF537的以太网传输带宽最大是多少? 
[答:Tao] BF537 has a 10/100 ETHERNET MAC. so max speed of MAC is 100M. bandwidth, I think, is 100Mbps.  [2005-9-22 11:29:18]
[问:qiyu] 如何解决接口问题,更好的实现快速连接 
[答:Rick] you can select the exact interface of blackfin dependent on your application. blackfin provide lots of interface to meet your requirement. PPI, EBIU,SPI,UART.... if you have any confusion in your development pls email to  [2005-9-22 11:29:38]
[问:encaon] 和Blackfin处理器相配的视频数据转换器ADC和DAC有那些型号? 
[答:Han] BF support various video data converters. BF support ITU-R 656 format and other video codec format using general-purpose mode. To name a few exmaples, ADI"s ADV7183 and ADV7171.  [2005-9-22 11:30:05]
[问:qiyu] 你好,我想问一下该处理器的最大运行速度是? 
[答:Tao] It is decided by your PLL config. Max core frequency of BF53x is 750MHz.  [2005-9-22 11:30:20]
[问:raymondu] rtos 的扩展基于那个那个标准? 
[答:Jack] I"m sorry that I can not catch your meaning. Could you please clarify further on the extension of RTOS that you mentioned? Is there any relation with Blackfin Processor? Thanks.  [2005-9-22 11:31:13]
[问:fieldyuan] bf537支持CF接口吗? 
[答:Han] You can use EBIU to connect.  [2005-9-22 11:31:20]
[问:z12345678] 做h264\mp4编码,BF536行吗 
[答:Rick] yes,BF536 can realize the h.264 and mpeg4 SP encoder. the real performance of application is dependent on the optimization of program.   [2005-9-22 11:32:00]
[问:songziyy] 现在一般的工业控制都需要双以太网配置,请问如果用BLACKFIN,怎么解决? 
[答:Rick] Actually,Blacfin can also interface with Ethernet controller with EBIU(extenarl bus). So you can interface more than one ethernet on blackfin.  [2005-9-22 11:33:26]
[问:fan1696] 是否支持POE 
[答:Han] No.  [2005-9-22 11:33:35]
[问:icu13] 我现在正在调试一块bf561的板子,用ICE通过JTAG连接时,Determining scan path length 不能通过,测量Vcore与GND的阻值只有25欧,请问这个阻值是否正常,是什么原因造成JTAG不能正常连接 
[答:Jenny] 这和您调试的目标板的硬件设计,尤其是JTAG设计(如果是自己设计的目标板)以及调试工具等很多因素有关。请发送email至,详细描述您的调试环境和测试结果。  [2005-9-22 11:33:54]
[问:le-xf] blackfin是否有能够用于多串口(8~16)服务器开发的系列? 
[答:Tao] BF has 2 SPORTs. each has seperate receiver and transmiter. I think you can use TDM mode to communicate with other serial ports. If you mean UART. BF only has one UART.  [2005-9-22 11:33:54]
[问:le-xf] 在使用uclinux时有哪些方便之处? 
[答:Rick] as you know, Uclinux is a open source for engineer. and it have a good performance and lots of resource. you can find the uClinux resource on blackfin in  [2005-9-22 11:35:11]
[问:encaon] 在家庭网络中,Blackfin处理器起到什么作用?要完成一个家庭网络,需要那些配置或设备? 
[答:Jack] In home network, Blackfin processor can be used as Embedded Processor for devices, such as IP STB, IP Video Phone, Video Server for Monitor... For home network, you should have equipments with Ethnernet enabled and Ethernet connection among them.  [2005-9-22 11:35:42]
[问:luckypan] Blackfin嵌入处理器在网络应用方面的最主要优点是什么? 
[答:Jenny] 1〉高效的协议栈支持 2〉高效的媒体数据处理能力 3〉和网络控制芯片连接简单易行 4〉对于便携式网络产品,还提供很低的功耗   [2005-9-22 11:35:46]
[问:skywater_xl] 请问目前有哪些成熟的产品方案是使用ADI Blackfin的 
[答:Tonny] Digital Video Recorder, IP Videophone, IP camera, IP STB, fingerprint recognition, power line monitoring...  [2005-9-22 11:35:48]
[问:_register_] 如何与CCD摄像头连接 
[答:Tao] You can connect CCD to PPI. pls EEnote for reference. /blackfin/technicalLibrary/  [2005-9-22 11:36:20]
[问:riello] 如何在blackfin ezkit533开发板上移植linux操作系统? 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin doesn"t support Linux, just uClinux. You can visit for more information.  [2005-9-22 11:37:20]
[问:wangjunhu] 请问blackfin处理器有没有在无线以太网应用的case?有没有这方面的参考设计?谢谢! 
[答:Rick] ADI have many success story of blackfin with wireless application . if you want some detail information of wireless application design pls email to  [2005-9-22 11:38:04]
[问:z12345678] BlackFin_IGLOO能在VDSP4。0下用吗 
[答:Jenny] No  [2005-9-22 11:38:09]
[问:dhh0000] BLACKFIN的内核CACHE是如何工作的?与INTEL的CPU有什么差别? 当我设置了L1 的一块 SRAM为CHCHE,DSP是自动使用CHACHE还是需要程序去手动更改? 
[答:Tao] BF can auto manage CACHE. user can set cache working mode and property. pls see BF hardware manual for detail.  [2005-9-22 11:38:33]
[问:szdennis] BF533内部的ROM可以用来存储程序吗?是否可以不要外部程序存储器? 
[答:Han] There is no ROM provided on current BF revision, only boot ROM. So you must have external falsh/EPROM to store your program/data.  [2005-9-22 11:39:14]
[问:luyf] 能介绍一下blackfin处理器2D DMA有哪些实际应用吗? 
[答:Jack] For most Video/Image Processing case, you need 2D DMA to handle data transfer. It will provide your enough counter for large data array and also facilite your 2D image transfer.  [2005-9-22 11:39:42]
[问:lihao99999] 所提供的操作系统 支持文件系统吗? 
[答:Jenny] You can find all resource that supported by uCliunxi on   [2005-9-22 11:39:52]
[问:SONGCAIJUN] Hi expert,Could you please provide me some information about the footprint of VDK and the MIPS of Context? switch 
[答:Jenny] Sure, sent your request to, we can support you further there.  [2005-9-22 11:40:42]
[问:探矽居士] 在BF532中我可以用同一个SPORT口的接收通道接收压缩的音频数据,同时用它的发送通道发送解压缩的音频数据大DA吗?另外,当我的系统中用到很多的DMA通道时(4DMA和2个MDMA),系统设计应该注意哪些问题?谢谢! 
[答:Tao] Yes. you can do it. I think you should take care about conflict of DMAs and how to max the performance of DMAs.  [2005-9-22 11:41:24]
[问:riello] 用来音视频编解码一般选什么样的DSP 
[答:Rick] Blackfin is a good choice for audio and video processing. blackfin also have some special instruction for video processing. you can select a exact DSP  dependent on your audio and video processor. while you are confusion on the dsp selection in your development pls email to   [2005-9-22 11:42:21]
[问:tohope] adds-bf533的评估板的 引线 在那里我在网上看的图片只有正面的,我们需要他的BEIU 接口引出来,不知道有没有,如果 没有的话子卡是怎麽插上去的 
[答:Jenny] 评估板背面有扩展插槽。 您可以去www.analog.com下载评估板技术手册,里面有评估办详细的硬件原理图可以参考。  [2005-9-22 11:42:55]
[问:tohope] 我想使用自己的usb连接你们的评估板的ebiu可以吗 
[答:Jenny] EBIU可以外接USB控制芯片来实现USB接口功能。  [2005-9-22 11:43:45]
[问:z12345678] BF535的PCI能作为PCI MASTER吗? 实测其最大PCI传输速度可以到多少?不是指理论速度 
[答:Tao] I don"t think BF535 can act as PCI master. The speed of PCI is decided by many issues, such as pcb design, circuit design, etc. It"s may different in different board.  [2005-9-22 11:44:40]
[问:openegg] blackfin名字的由来是什么? 
[答:Dan] Fin是指鲨鱼,Black代表IC是黑色的,Blckfin寓意我们DSP的运算速度和鲨鱼游水一样,非常快!  [2005-9-22 11:45:29]
[问:ligong2008] 如何对Blackfin的代码进行加密? 
[答:Tao] next generation of BF will add code encrypt function. hope that helpful.  [2005-9-22 11:47:00]
[问:icu13] 电源芯片ADP3339,Datasheet上说输出电压范围为1.5-10V,那么为什么BF561的EZ-KIT上设计的Vcore可以降到1.2V左右,超出了Datasheet上的工作范围 
[答:Rick] BF561 提供了一个灵活的动态电源管理机制,最低可到1.2V core电源。 当使用ADP3339时,是无法达到1.2V的电源。 如要达到1.2V的core电压,可采用BF561 internal voltage regulator。 详细信息请参考BF561 hardwar manul 或email 到  [2005-9-22 11:47:06]
[问:cz2005] 怎样用IE浏览器监控远端设备 
[答:Jack] For video suvilliance, the remote server will do video compressing. You can retrieve compressed data stream via Ethernet. We have some 3rd party works on that, if you want detail on IE browser implementation, please contact  [2005-9-22 11:47:12]
[问:于和彦] 有无Blackfin处理器的中文资料?单片的价格大约是多少?  
[答:Tonny] You can download from our Chinese website,  [2005-9-22 11:47:29]
[问:探矽居士] 请问,如果在BF上跑uclinux,我可不可以把驱动程序放在用户空间来跑,会不会有把驱动程序放在linux的用户空间所带来的响应慢的问题啊?谢谢! 
[答:Jenny] 可以,但是具体情况要和您的应用有关。  [2005-9-22 11:47:41]
[问:brbl] 无线接口是否还需要外加芯片. 
[答:Rick] 是的, 一般来说会采用一些wirless的模块来与blackfin 连接。  [2005-9-22 11:47:47]
[问:79685508] 演讲当中说道,blackfin开发板支持NI Lab view.是通过什么接口通信的。 
[答:Jenny] NI公司的ELVIS接口,具体请参考BF537评估板手册说明和NI公司相关文档。  [2005-9-22 11:48:22]
[问:szdennis] 我可以用BF533 EZLite Kit做MPEG4,H.263,H.264的编解码实验吗? 
[答:Jenny] 可以  [2005-9-22 11:48:34]
[问:SONGCAIJUN] Hi expert,How about the problem of R/W error in scratchpad memory,I wonder if the lastedt silicon version sloved this problem. 
[答:Tao] Can you send your detail question to I "d like to check it and response you from there.  [2005-9-22 11:48:49]
[问:z12345678] 能免费提供BF535的PCI设计参考吗??? 
[答:Rick] 可以, 请发email到 (ADI DSP 中国技术支持中心)寻求更多的帮助  [2005-9-22 11:49:02]
[问:kgytj] ADSP支持浮点运算吗? 
[答:Jack] We have SHARC and TigerSHARC processor to native support floating-point arithmatic. Blackfin can also do floating-point operation by software emulation. But we have provided some format and  methods to fast floating-point operation on Blackfin. Please visit our website and see our application notes for ref.  [2005-9-22 11:49:35]
[问:tohope] 那个评估板的JTEG,跟USB是什么关系,怎么两个都能调试,原理图上并没有USB的接线图 
[答:Jenny] USB接口是方便不购买仿真器的用户调试而提供的一个调试接口。它其实和JTAG调试走的是一个调试通道。  [2005-9-22 11:49:44]
[问:z12345678] boot rom 做了些什么工作? 
[答:Han] Boot rom will read the header info of your image file and move the corresponding program/data to their destination memory (Ex. internal memory, SDRAM) then run the program from the start address of internal program memory 0xfa000000.  [2005-9-22 11:50:20]
[问:SONGCAIJUN] Hi expert,When I try to use OS with instruction cache and second data cache enable,the OS always fail at context switch,could you please give me some tips to solve this problem?Thanks. 
[答:Rick] it looks dependent on your application. if you are using uclinux on blackfin, pls make sure your are using the latest patch of uclinux. and pls send more detail information to for detail support.  [2005-9-22 11:51:57]
[问:熊劲松] 请介绍Blackfin嵌入处理器相关知识,以前没有听说过 
[答:Tao] Blackfin is a embeded processor. main features:   Supervisor and User Modes   Memory Protection   Byte addressing   8-, 16-, 32-bit math   Multimedia processing extensions please see datasheet of BF for detail.  [2005-9-22 11:53:10]
[问:wangjunhu] 可以用blackfin开发无线接入以太网,实时观看网上影片么?blackfin的处理速度够快么?谢谢! 
[答:Jack] You can definitely implement wired or wireless networking with Blackfin to implement media streaming. Whether real-time or not, it should be depend on Image Resolution, Bandwidth and so on. In normal case, Blackfin can handle the Networking and Video Decoding in real time.  [2005-9-22 11:53:50]
[问:z12345678] BF的PCI不能作为PCI主控设备吗? 
[答:Tao] PCI module of BF535 is a 32-Bit, 33 MHz, 3.3 V, PCI 2.2 Compliant Bus Interface with Master and Slave Support. Hope it helps.  [2005-9-22 11:55:07]
[问:feifei12345] Blackfin系列芯片的I/O电源和Core电源需要按先后次序加电吗? 
[答:Jack] I don"t think there is specific requirement for the I/O and Core. Please check datasheet for details.  [2005-9-22 11:56:01]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 深圳市TDX通信技术有限公司的szdennis经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为szdennis的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-9-22 11:59:14]
[问:riello] 请教Blackfin的cache的使用? 
[答:Rick] you can using blackfin cache very easy with some simple configuration. detail infortaion of cache usage pls email to for code example of using cache.   [2005-9-22 11:59:40]
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Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)在现代数字经济的中心发挥重要作用,凭借其种类丰富的模拟与混合信号、电源管理、RF、数字与传感技术,将现实世界的现象转化成有行动意义的洞察。ADI服务于全球12.5万家客户,在工业、通信、汽车与消费市场提供超过7.5万种产品。公司总部位于马萨诸塞州威明顿市。更多信息请访问: