
热门关键字: MP3 光源 消费类电子产品 UE 



[问:wanggc_163] 瑞萨有适合空调或其他白色家电用的PFC推荐吗? 
[答:Utsunomiya] HA16174 and H16158 are suitable for air conditioner and home appliaince. (White goods)  [2005-9-13 10:20:20]
[问:aeon] DC/DC设计中哪些指标比较难达成?Renesas的产品在哪些方面比较有优势? 
[答:Birk] Number of channels that could be integrated into one single IC. Usually 7~8 channels with built-in Power MOSFET is maximum. This is due to the package size and power dissipation. Renesas devices is suitable for portable application, especially for one cell Li-ions rechargeable battery applications. For examples, portable DVD players, PMP, Digital camera.   [2005-9-13 10:21:53]
[问:紫色的露珠儿] Can it be any type about the pass element of LDO,such as NPN,PNP,NMOS,PMOS?I read from the paper about LDO,most of the pass elment is PMOS or PNP.And which type is the best? 
[答:Utsunomiya] For LDO (Dropper typr regulator), PMOS is most sitables, but PNP transistor is used for small power LDO.  [2005-9-13 10:22:14]
[问:zhangweiqing] 如何最有效解决DC-DC的效力问题?在选择电感的时候,对Q值的要求是否很严. 
[答:Utsunomiya] For DC-DC solution, syncrnous rectifing method are best solution to increase efficiency. For extarnal parts, a)Low series resistance are needed for higher   efficiency. b)Low on resistance of MOSFET are needed.  [2005-9-13 10:26:26]
[问:马一了] HA16174保持时间的长短依什么决定 
[答:Birk] What is your meaning of "保持时间"? Is that meant storage period? or any other? Please clarify. Thanks!  [2005-9-13 10:27:05]
[问:zhuangxiaoluo] Can HA16174 used for 2500K Wat system 
[答:Birk] Theoretically, HA16174 could be the controller of the 2500K Watt system. But that kind of system should need a very high power Power MOSFET.   [2005-9-13 10:32:29]
[问:马一了] HA16174内部有储能电路?是什么? 
[答:Birk] No.  [2005-9-13 10:32:37]
[问:hql] 贵公司电源产品的抗谐波干扰能力如何? 
[答:Bell] Yes. Very good. Please see our related presentation page 6.  [2005-9-13 10:32:57]
[问:wj77317] 你们的HA16174能在变压器周围吗?是初级还是次级吗。 
[答:Birk] Yes, it could be place arround transfomer. It is wokring for the primary side (初级).  [2005-9-13 10:35:00]
[问:wj77317] 在LCD显示电源设计中如何使用HA16174 
[答:Utsunomiya] Application circuit of HA16174 printed in application note for EVB. But this circuit for more than 32 inches display. Pls contact us for allication note or visit to our web  [2005-9-13 10:38:57]
[问:辛蒂] 尊敬的教授,您好,请问:DC/DC芯片输出电流的大小,跟哪些因素有关(我个人的感觉主要跟电感有关)谢谢 
[答:Bell] For Renesas products, M62298 or M62299, the DC/DC output current of each Channel are from 40mA to 500mA. The output current value depend on the characteristic of the built-in MOSFET in each Channel.  [2005-9-13 10:42:54]
[问:hyq1979] 请问专家,第6页, 同样是有PFC和无PFC,为何图片无PFC时是方波,而有PFC是正玄波 
[答:Birk] That is the result of applying the PFC! In each graph, the upper curve is Voltage while the lower curve is Current. In a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS), wtihout PFC, current will be drawn from power line only when the voltage is close to the peak voltage. That is the upper graph. This kind of spike current actually will waste power in the harmonics. With PFC IC, HA16174, the input current is actively modulate to become a sine wave, matching to the voltage waveform. This could save the power as well as cancelling the harmonic noise in the power line.  [2005-9-13 10:43:20]
[问:jswfb] Now,how much is the frequency of the fastest switch ? 
[答:Bell] For Renesas products, For the PFC IC, the max. frequency is 150 kHz. For the DC/DC IC, the max. frequency is 2MHz.  [2005-9-13 10:45:57]
[问:szxszx] 何为PFC?为什么要进行功率因数校正? 
[答:Jacky] PFC is applied to decrease reactive power over large power set current. Besides, it"s kind of market request; ie. especially in Europe and Japan markets, there"re growing requests due to EMC regulation (ie. Harmonic Current).  [2005-9-13 10:50:36]
[问:shaobo_xu] 贵公司的电源的纹波能够做到多小? 
[答:Bell] For R2A20101, it can realize High speed response & low ripple. Please see the presentation page 20, the ripple can be reduced from 500mV to 200mV and the response time can be reduced from 500usec to 5usec.  [2005-9-13 10:52:18]
[问:紫色的露珠儿] 能否详细解释一下micro pol的含义,并举个例子? 
[答:Birk] The meaning of "POL" is "Point Of Load", that is the major power loading of the system. The meaning of "micro" is very tiny in package size. So the target application for "micro POL" is for large power requirement point in hand held applicances. Examples are the power supply for DSP core of Mobile phone, power supply core for DSP core of portable DVD players, etc.  [2005-9-13 11:01:16]
[问:zhuangxiaoluo] Does Renesas has IGBT and recovery Diode for PFC 
[答:Bell] Yes, Renesas has IGBT products but do not have the recovery diode for PFC.  [2005-9-13 11:01:38]
[问:王洪飞] HA16174是否可以用在PC的开关电源上,功率能去到几瓦? 
[答:Utsunomiya] For power supply for PC, HA16174 useful for more than 200W for output power.  [2005-9-13 11:03:34]
[问:wasionelec] 以上标准是否也适用电能表类仪器仪表的谐波污染判断 
[答:Bell] Please have your question in more specific. What standard you mentioned ? Related to PFC or POL ?  [2005-9-13 11:07:37]
[问:rao] HA16174&HA16158 respond time? 
[答:Birk] Gerneally, respond time is not a major consideration in PFC application.  [2005-9-13 11:08:17]
[问:hyq1979] 请问专家,能介绍一下HD16174 CCM的工作原理吗?谢谢 
[答:Bell] Please refer to the presentation page 9. However, if you want to more detail information, please send you enquiry through our web-site. Our URL is  [2005-9-13 11:12:08]
[问:wanggc_163] HA16174是CCM的方式,那咨询一下在低于1KW的应用中是选用DCM和CCM哪种更好? 
[答:Birk] Basically, CCM is better DCM! CCM could has more stable power and smaller noise, it is not relating to power range.  [2005-9-13 11:17:08]
[问:encaon] 开关电源的输出波纹一般有点高,在后处理中有那些方法可得到满意的波纹如小于1mV? 
[答:Bell] In general speaking, the system needs ripple filter. The requirement of the ripple filter should have an inductor-capacitor circuit with low DCR value.  [2005-9-13 11:19:00]
[问:wanggc_163] 瑞萨能提供用于有源功率因素校正(APFC)电路的设计吗?主要会用于家用电器的变速感应电机应用。 
[答:Utsunomiya] It depends on the output power , if the inverter motor is about 200W to 1000W , it need PFC function. So, yes we have application circuit for these applications.  [2005-9-13 11:22:18]
[问:liusuper] 希望推荐一款在手持产品中应用的电源IC。手持包括PMP,PDA之类的。 
[答:Birk] Besides PFC and mocro POL IC that described in the presentation, Renesas as another series of multi-channel DC/DC IC. The ones suitable for hand held devices are M62298FP and M62299FP, 7-channel DC/DC cnverter. Features of M62299FP: - Built-in 5 ch. Power MOSFET transistor - Built-in 1 ch. synchronous rectifiction - Built-in 1 ch. inverting output - 4 independent On/Off control for output sequence control - Built-in soft start and power-on-reset circuit - Very low operation voltage: 1.4V - Error-amp reference voltage: 0.9V   [2005-9-13 11:25:40]
[问:pengq318] HA16174外围设计怎样有效抑制纹波?最低能抑制到多少? 
[答:Bell] The supply voltage is 115V to 230V and the output ripple is around 4-5V/380V (PFC) with 300W system output power. Regarding to the external cicuit, please contact our sales office to get the application note.  [2005-9-13 11:30:25]
[问:rao] 目前HA16174价格是否优势? 
[答:Birk] Yes, please contact to our sales office for more detail discussion.  [2005-9-13 11:32:18]
[问:riello] Renesas有那种AC/DC转换控制器能满足能源之星的待机功耗? 
[答:Bell] Renesas don"t have an integrated standby function AC/DC IC at this moment.  [2005-9-13 11:37:21]
[问:qawhjb] 刚才专家说最大输出电流由选的MOS管决定,那么如何选择MOS管呢,能否举个例子,谢谢 
[答:Birk] Three points are important to select Power MOSFET: 1. Lower Qgd with Loser RDS(on) for higher efficiency and lower conduction loss. 2. Lower Gate Resistance Rg with Lower Qgd for increase switching speed. 3. Optimized Vth for higher current output and less heat dissipation.  [2005-9-13 11:38:32]
[问:maeleton1] 能否举例说明,PFC对效率的提高有多大作用? 
[答:Bell] The function of PFC can improve only the power factor not the system efficiency.  [2005-9-13 11:41:44]
[问:lhp] 教授你好,你的这个芯片在外围电路中减少了元器件,那么对于我们公司的产品--车载收放机,是不是可以用一个芯片即可,还是每个功能芯片周围用一个电源芯片? 
[答:Birk] Yes, Renesas also has a DC/DC regulator series, HA1316X, for car audio application. The specification is available in Renesas web site. For example, just key in HA13164A in the keyword/data sheet search box.  [2005-9-13 11:43:09]
[问:紫色的露珠儿] 为了实现低压的电压基准,差分对不是从栅输入而是从衬底输入。那这样,管子其实在没有衬底输入的时候应该就可以工作了,那从衬底输入到底是为了什么呢? 
[答:Utsunomiya] For bipoler circuit, it i difficult to setting low voltage setting. But, using CMOS input, it can work with rial to rail operation for lower voltage setting.  [2005-9-13 11:46:04]
[问:love120105] 你们是否提供多通道的电源,主要应用于哪些方面?相比于同类产品,价格如何? 
[答:Birk] Yes, Renesas has multi-channel DC/DC converter, M62298FP and M62299FP. Traget applications are hand held devices like Digital Camera, PMP, Portable DVD player, etc.  [2005-9-13 11:46:31]
[问:xianru] 教授,您好,请问:HA16174内部就有集成了DC/DC,那么它最大能驱动多大的负载 
[答:Bell] For HA16174, the max. loading is around 1-3kW. It depends on the external cicuit.  [2005-9-13 11:47:18]
[问:shaobo_xu] 我们做的项目对电源的谐波要求比较高 不知道贵公司的电源的谐波参数怎样? 谢谢! 
[答:Birk] Renesas POL IC is good for low ripple requirement systems. If you want more detail information, please contact to our sales office.  [2005-9-13 11:50:08]
[问:hyq1979] In the Forum, you have put forward IEC 1000-3-2/EN 61000-3-2   Current Harmonics but how about HA16174 for Brownout and recover? thanks 
[答:Bell] Please refer page 6.  [2005-9-13 11:51:59]
[问:luogongqiang] 演示说,R2A20101的输出波纹降低到200mV还是有点高,如何进一步再降低,比如到几mV? 
[答:Birk] 200mV is for a sudden loading change, from 1.5mA to 1720mA ! For a stable operation: 1.8V, 700mA the ripple is only <10mV.  [2005-9-13 11:52:29]
[问:MICSOFT] 推荐一种4-20MA系统中用的开关DC/DC,如输入电压24V输出5V或3。3V,极低的静态功耗? 
[答:Bell] M62298 or M62299.  [2005-9-13 11:54:06]
[问:lindabear1117] 有的平板器件中有两次升压的过程,可以讲讲其中的电源控制么? 
[答:Utsunomiya] It depends on output voltage, in AC to DC two times step up is not necessary. If this anwer is not useful for you, please send detail information.  [2005-9-13 11:54:08]
[问:david_tian] Renesas有没有输入电压在5到70VDC,输出3.3V的DC/DC 
[答:Jacky] No devices to match such input range.  [2005-9-13 11:55:14]
[问:maeleton1] 什么是软开关技术?Renesas有这方面的产品吗? 
[答:Birk] "Soft Start" means the output voltage will has a delay time after the enable control is turned on. This delay period is controlled simply by the connected a Capacitor. By changing the value of this capactor, the delay period could be change. Renesas multi-channel DC/DC converters (M62298FP and M62299FP) already have this feature built-in.  [2005-9-13 11:57:00]
[问:wanggc_163] 瑞萨的PFC在哪方面的应用最有优势?和别的厂商PFC比,如FREESCALE, FAIRCHILD, 有哪方面的优势? 
[答:Bell] Renesas PFC ICs are suitable for the Application with 200W to 1kW.  [2005-9-13 11:57:57]
[问:riello] 请问斜率补偿有何作用?如果不用斜率补偿,会怎么样呢? 
[答:Utsunomiya] Ramp conpensation need for wrold wide input type AC-DC converter to compensate the limitation of over current detection. If ramp cpnpensation is nothing, the over current detection is shifted by AC input voltage.  [2005-9-13 11:59:45]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 海口保利雅电子科技有限公司的Sy_Bngd经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为Sy_Bngd的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-9-13 12:00:25]
[问:zlier] 请问DC/DC的转换效率在额定功率时能达到多高,EMC方面有多大的改进呢? 
[答:Bell] For Renesas Multi Channel DC/DC, each Channel can achieve more than 90%.  [2005-9-13 12:00:33]
[问:luogongqiang] Renesas的AC/DC和DC/DC电源转换器的效率有多高? 
[答:Jacky] In general, our devices recognized as excellent effeciency (detail figure is depanded on circuit design).  [2005-9-13 12:01:08]
[问:马一了] 对DC-DC开关电源,是靠什么来提升驱动能力?对DC-DC开关电源输入电源有什么要求?开关频率对升压DC-DC开关电源除提升电压外对驱动电流有贡献吗?而LDO的驱动电流是有工作晶体管来控制的? 
[答:Birk] Efficiency, switching speed and Temperature dissipation are important factors for DC/DC SMPS.   [2005-9-13 12:02:03]
[问:luogongqiang] 确定转换器的效率有那几种因素? 
[答:Birk] Loading, operating temperature, load fluctuation frequency, etc.  [2005-9-13 12:04:51]
[问:riello] 如何避免SMPS的瞬时过载的出现?如何进行保护?有何措施? 
[答:Utsunomiya] For the current mode method, over current detetion is worked with current sense function. The limitation (or threshould) of current sense terminal is similar to current limit value. For the voltage mode method, current limit function (terminal) need separatly from feedback. It need current sense resistor to detect peak current of MOSFET (Primary current).  [2005-9-13 12:05:21]
[问:encaon] 如果负载是感性,R2A20101的L滤波电感是否要作调整?如何调整? 
[答:Utsunomiya] The inductor value calucate with output curret and on-duty (on time period) and swtiching frequency. R2A20101 can work very high frequency about 1MHz. So, inductance value can set smaller (around 1 to 5uH).  [2005-9-13 12:08:00]
[问:] 1:不知道贵公司是否有低电压下大电流可微调的产品,电压在0.5v-3v之间,电流要求在7A-20A之间可调。 2:希望这些产品最好是数字可调的 3:如果没有上述类型的产品,可有什么实际可用的替代解决方案
[答:] Renesas have product for low voltage that generate 0.5V to 3V, but cannot support more than 0.8A for output current.
[问:] AC TO DC有那些应用方案?待机状态功耗?
[答:] Yes, Renesas have some application of AC to DC. For the power consumption in the condition of standby, Our ICs are 90 to 170uA before start-up.
[问:] Could you recommend P/N of IGBT for air-con PFC(1500K~2500K watt)
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] dc-dc可以做到做大功率? 有没有3.3v稳压基准?
[答:] Maximum power of dc-dc depend on the types, these are built-in power transistor or externally.
[问:] HA16174不是在AC不稳定关断时,能保持一定时间吗?
[答:] Yes, HA16174 has hold function for unstable AC. It can set the time period for cut-off or continues the function.
[问:] HA16174的效率可达到百分之几十
[答:] The efficiency of HA16174 is more than 95%. And power factor is more than 0.98.
[问:] HA16174价格多少?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] HA16174目前有1KW以上功率的解决方案吗?
[答:] HA16174 is designed for more than 1KW application.
[问:] ha16174是几路输出
[答:] Only 1channel for output.
[问:] layout是如何达到最佳效果
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] RENESAS PFC在W/W的市场状况如何?如占有率。主要FOCUS在什么市场?
[答:] FPD market is Renesas focus!
[问:] Renesas的电源控制解决方案是基于开关电源还是基于线性电源为主?
[答:] Renesas's power control solution is switch-mode.
[问:] 电源ic在实际设计应用中的优点是什么?
[答:] 1.Low stand-by current. 2.Many protection function.
[问:] 电源管理类IC的EMC。
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 方案还可以,我没看到具体的产品和参数呀
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 该产品的交货周期是多长
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 各位专家: 大家好!!! 我想问一下其内部采用什么样的电路和电路原理???有哪些特殊电路使其稳定又节能???请详细解答!
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for the very detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 该产品的功耗是多大?
[答:] Please clarify what product you interested in.
[问:] 关于贵公司此类产品的坏品率一般在多少PPM?在产品应用中导致其失效的常见因素有哪些?谢谢!
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 关于开关电源设计中的谐波污染问题
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 贵公司的电源的产品供货情况怎样,技术支持到位吗?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 贵公司是否提供能在大功率电源上可用的IC?例如:中频电解电源
[答:] Renesas have control IC that can use large power, HA16163 for full-bridge, HA16150 for push-pull or half-bridge.
[问:] 贵公司有没有什么新产品推出
[答:] Renesas have new product for PFC control "HA16174" just released.
[问:] 贵司的产品有没有成功应用的事例?
[答:] Renesas products have many successful cases.
[问:] 何谓瑞萨电源控制解决方案 ?
[答:] That's meant Renesas has many solutions for power supply application.
[问:] 可否有用于MONITOR 的IC.
[答:] What kind of IC for MONITOR you interested in? Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 哪些电源芯片适用于高频干扰的工控场合?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 能不能瑞萨电源控制解决方案详细文档
[答:] Yes, please contact to the service provide of this on-line seminar, or Renesas sales office.
[问:] 能否介紹一個適用于3KW SPS PFC線路的IC
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 能否用于tft lcd
[答:] For PFC for TFT LCD, HA16174 or HA16158 are suitable.
[问:] 能否用于通信产品中,如电话中的DC/DC变换.
[答:] Renesas's micro POL are used for mobile phone.
[问:] 能否做你们产品的代理商?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 你们公司有没有集成多LDO,多DC-DC电源管理IC.
[答:] Renesas have multi channel DC-DC for power management of DSC or other mobile products.
[问:] 你们目前有多路step-down DC-DC吗
[答:] Yes, our M62298 and M62299 are 7ch DC-Dc for mobile products. These IC has 3channel for step-down and 3 or 4 channels for step-up.
[问:] 你们有适合DSC上用的DC-DC吗
[答:] Yes, out M62298P and M62299FP are suitable for DSC.
[问:] 请讲一下它在layout时的重点
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 请问,当前PC的电源控制IC,是否能够降低设备的能源损耗?今后发展方向如何?
[答:] Renesas have multi channel DC-DC for power management of DSC or other mobile products.
[问:] 请问Renesas有没有提供工业仪表的4-20ma系统,电源解决方案?如低功耗的DC/DC(24v-〉5V或3.3v?
[答:] Renesas provide M62211, M5291 for low power DC-DC such as 24V input and 5V or 3.3V output.
[问:] 请问对于数字电源控制解决方案,和其它公司相比,你们有什么特别的优势?
[答:] Renesas have multi channel DC-DC for power management of DSC or other mobile products.
[问:] 请问贵司的电源IC所占空间最小多大
[答:] Which IC you interest in? For the micro POL, the size is 1.26mm x 0.96mm!
[问:] 请问贵司电源IC的功率多大?
[答:] Which IC you interest in? For the PFC IC, it was designed for 1KW application.
[问:] 请问你们有抗直流输入阻断的产品吗?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[答:] Which Renesas you want to know? But this figure is also depends on the system design.
[问:] 请问瑞萨电源控制与别的电源控制有什么不同之处?
[答:] There are many suppliers providing power supply solutions. Different supplier has different features and advantages.
[问:] 请问专家,贵公司有没有适合移动通信终端应用的产品?低功耗。
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 如何解决大电功率充电器的发热问题
[答:] Better PCB layout, adding heat sink, using Power MOSFET with better heat dissipation package, etc.
[问:] 瑞萨的网站是什么
[问:] 瑞萨电源IC是可以控制充电管理吗?怎样实现的?
[答:] Yes, Renesas have many control IC for battery charger. Please contact our sales office for more detail information.
[问:] 瑞萨电源控制解决方案与 TI的电源控制解决方案 相比有何独特性和优点,谢谢!!
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 瑞萨电源控制解决方案有什么优势?
[答:] High efficiency, small size, compactable price, 7 channels output, low noise, stable, etc.
[问:] 瑞萨有电源模块卖吗?我现在需要220VAC进9VDC出,功率大概500MA
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 瑞萨有没有tft用的dc-dc
[答:] Yes, HA16116 and M62211FP are general purpose type DC-DC converter IC for TFT. And M62211FP suitable for back-light control.
[问:] 瑞萨有适合低压电力产品的吗?
[答:] micro POL and 7-channel DC/DC converter M62299FP.
[问:] 瑞萨有适合手机用的电源么
[答:] micro POL and 7-channel DC/DC converter M62299FP.
[问:] 瑞萨在苏州有销售点吗?
[答:] Yes, please contact Renesas sales office by email or phone call for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 升压设计如何实现双电源?
[答:] Using multi-channel DC/DC converter.
[问:] 手机等对射频敏感的设备中,电源的EMC如何做到更好且体积小
[答:] Try to use power supply IC with less output ripple and fast feedback, for example, micro POL.
[问:] 数码相机、数码摄像机(DV)、便携式媒体播放器(PMP)等手持设备用贵公司的电池能待机多久,和其他电源相比有什么优势?
[答:] It depends on the power consumption of the system. Renesas power supply IC advantages: high efficiency, small package size, multi channel outputs, less external components, etc.
[问:] 我们是移动电话制造,经常要解决一些电源电池方面的问题,比如:电池充不进电,电池待机时间短,您认为这些问题是设计开发的还是元材料的问题呢?
[答:] Both better design and good quality can help to solve the problem.
[问:] 我是MEC-SH的sales adamhuang,我的客户主要support在手机.在看到贵公司的新产品介绍,想了解一下,一个输入,多通道输出,输出的电压有几种?外围电路及EMI的干扰有多少?自身耗电量?
[答:] We have more detail information for Renesas multi-channel DC/DC. Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 我想从220vAC得到24V、20A的DC和48V、20A的DC的解决方法
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 我想问何为纹波呢?
[答:] Ripple is the AC voltage on top of the desire DC voltage.
[问:] 我需要一-12v或“-15V”电源,请问我用什么芯片能只用一个小电源(如1.8V、3.3V、5V)就能实现这个负电源。
[答:] 7-channel DC/DC converter, M62299FP
[问:] 我要输入5V,同时输出-7V,13V,24V,瑞萨的产品能作到吗?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 希望能了解大功率开关电源的专用芯片,如输出为17V8A、51V8A 等开关电源专用IC。电路越简单越好,外围元件越少越好,可靠性越高越好,价格越便宜越好。
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 相比于别的电源IC公司,从价格,性能,功耗等方面贵公司的产品有什么优势?能提供样品吗?
[答:] Renesas power supply IC advantages: high efficiency, small package size, multi channel outputs, less external components, etc.
[问:] 详细介绍一下电源控制方案!
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 想具体了解一下针对手持设备的比较好的解决方案。如PDA,PMP,MP3等。谢谢!
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 演讲可以下载吗?
[答:] Yes, please contact our on-line seminar service provider or our sales offices.
[问:] 要用开关电源为直流电机供电,开关电源要怎么做呢?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 用数字解决电源控制问题,实现数字控制,提高效率
[答:] Yes, using digital control power supply could increase the efficiency.
[问:] 用在手机上,最小待机电流可以控制到多少?
[答:] It depends on the design of your system.
[问:] 有电源的整体的解决方案吗
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 有适合电源管理的吗 具体型号
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 在手机充电器设计中如何利用HA16174
[答:] HA16174 is designed for higher power application. If you really want to apply to mobile phone battery charger, please contact Renesas sales office.
[问:] 怎么实现micro POL?怎么实现PFC?
[答:] using Renesas micro POL and Renesas PFC IC.
[问:] 做电源IC的公司很多,Renesas的电源控制解决方案在性能和价格上有何突出之处?
[答:] Renesas power supply IC advantages: high efficiency, small package size, multi channel outputs, less external components, etc.
[问:] camera供电的LDO最佳选择是哪一种?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] Renesas有那些器件具有电源跟踪技术的功能?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 产品抗电磁兼容性如何?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 目前在电源界有个‘组合电源’或‘n+1电源’之说?请问您对此有什么看法?就您所知有没有一个比较好的解决方案?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 能否提供三相交流发电机三相电转变为直流电方案
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 你所说的恢复二极管和普通二极管有什么区别吗?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 请问电源模块中的电流或功率参数如何确定?太小或太大会有什么影响?
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.
[问:] 在要求电源提供大电流时,由于受器件等方面的限制,通常采用并联输出。这时候需要解决均流问题。请问在均流控制问题上有什么建议?尤其是动态均流问题。该公司在均流控制上有没有IC提供?是否可以提供有关资料?谢谢!
[答:] Please contact Renesas sales office for detail discussion for this issue.

瑞萨电子(TSE: 6723),科技让生活更轻松,致力于打造更安全、更智能、可持续发展的未来。作为全球微控制器供应商,瑞萨电子融合了在嵌入式处理、模拟、电源及连接方面的专业知识,提供完整的半导体解决方案。成功产品组合加速汽车、工业、基础设施及物联网应用上市,赋能数十亿联网智能设备改善人们的工作和生活方式。更多信息,敬请访问。关注瑞萨电子微信公众号,发现更多精彩内容。