
热门关键字: 传输速率 网络系统 串行通信 软件无线电 



[问:gpslon] 请教:在MP4上具体应用如何定型,谢谢! 
[答:Khee-leong] We foresee the the IP-setup BOX with MP4 feature will be on a separate box.  The MP4 video streams will go through Ethernet connection via the broadband modem, then to the TV sets for Video On Demand services etc.  [2005-9-6 10:31:33]
[问:alrale] 请问:这个系统的大致使用范围和适用参数? 
[答:Helen] This platform is for multiple function integrated CPE. I don"t quite understand what do you mean by "適用參數"??  [2005-9-6 10:31:42]
[问:tlyangbenq] ST20190是否真正实现了G.992.3和G.992.5标准所规定的全部内容? 
[答:Helen] Yes.  [2005-9-6 10:32:05]
[问:lameima520] CPE的性能如何?它的消费群如何? 
[答:Helen] Triple play is designed for multiple function, high-end market.  [2005-9-6 10:35:01]
[问:greg828] ST的ADSL2+晶片組的價格如何? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with our local office for quotation.  [2005-9-6 10:35:37]
[问:greg828] ST的ADSL2+晶片組能否滿足下載DVD或電影的需求? 
[答:Helen] Yes. ST20190 is designed for high-end market including the demand for video streaming.  [2005-9-6 10:36:49]
[问:tlyangbenq] 据我所知,ADSL2+在QoS上的性能不是很好,ST公司如何用ST20190解决三重播放的问题?还是要推出新的芯片? 
[答:Khee-leong] We believe the QoS is good with external dedicated Network Processor.  ST20190 solution takes care of the ADSL2+ with ATM layer connection.  The External Network processor, without the need to take care of ADSL2+ connection, will then have the full CPU bandwidth to process data, voice and video.  With that QoS can be guaranteed.  [2005-9-6 10:36:59]
[问:owen_lfl] ADSL 断线是很多ADSL moden /Router 在终端客户中出现的问题最频繁? 请问ST 使用INP的是如何实现的避免这个问题? 
[答:MB] It can happen due to two reasons. One reason is due to poor line conditions. This case is taken care in the adsl2 by SRA which can adjust the line rate based on line conditions. The other reason could be the interoperability issue with central office equipment. Our solution has been tested with all popular solutions available today and ensured it works well. We are doing this frequently to ensure the stability and interoperability of our product in the field.  [2005-9-6 10:38:00]
[问:greg828] ST能否提供詳細的參考設計資料? 
[答:Helen] Yes, please contact with ST"s local office.  [2005-9-6 10:38:59]
[问:wuzizaixian] violin 中的FIFO的容量 
[答:MB] What is mean by FIFO in Violin ? The question is not clear.  [2005-9-6 10:39:14]
[问:sllin11] ADSL2+的下行和上行数据传输速度能达到多高?传输距离有多远? 
[答:Aeolus] Downsteam rate can reach 24 Mbps and upsteam rate can reach 1.2 Mbps, it can reach 21 Kft in Annex L specification.  [2005-9-6 10:39:47]
[问:ty010496] 希望購買一套開發系統和評估板,以及開發過程,請告訴我,在北京什麽地方可以買到和進行技術咨詢? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with ST"s BJ office.  [2005-9-6 10:39:52]
[问:greg828] 經過壓縮後,IPTV的接入最低需要多寬的帶寬? 
[答:MB] It depends on the type of encoder used.  [2005-9-6 10:40:07]
[问:greg828] ADSL常有”断流”现象出现,ADSL2+在传输连接可靠性和ADSL相比,有何特点?能否避免”断流” 
[答:Khee-leong] There are specific features on ADSL2+ like the impulse noise protection, Seamless Rate Adaptation which will adapt better to the real world phone line condition to maintain the ADSL broadbank link without interrruption or retraining.  [2005-9-6 10:40:35]
[问:xiang99] How does the whole system to ensure the priority of the video and voice traffic? 
[答:MB] We have QoS implementation for Video on ATM  and Ethernet level to ensure the priority.  [2005-9-6 10:41:19]
[问:ty010496] 晶片的功耗如何?怎樣解決過大電流造成功耗過大而引起晶片溫度過高的問題呢? 
[答:Khee-leong] Simple design rules on PCB layout (eg ground plan on bottom of IC) is sufficient to handle the heat dissipation from ST20190 chipset.  There is no need for complex heat dissipation solution for ST chipset.  [2005-9-6 10:43:04]
[问:percy_wang] 请预测一下未来宽带多媒体发展的趋势,技术上会有哪些问题还需要解决? 
[答:Aeolus] The Video and Audio services need QoS to provide better support. You can image there will be a lot of applications in Video and Audio in broadband service, ex. VoD (Video on demand) VOIP and Video phone... etc.  [2005-9-6 10:43:24]
[问:hugoshiuaa] ST能提供什麽樣的技術支援? 
[答:Helen] We provide the technical support to our design-in customers. Please contact with ST"s local office for details.  [2005-9-6 10:43:30]
[问:tlyangbenq] ADSL2+能否做到和第一代的ADSL技术互通或兼容问题?除了速度低,第一代能否也能接入? 
[答:Helen] Yes, ADSL2+ is totally backward compatible with ADSL.  [2005-9-6 10:43:56]
[问:hugoshiuaa] 如何獲得DEMO板和技術支援資訊? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with ST"s local office for details.  [2005-9-6 10:44:07]
[问:greg828] ST20190在何處選擇使用外部的PHY還是內部的PHY? 
[答:Khee-leong] ST20190 has the Utopia interface to connect to external Network Processor.  No ethernet PHY connection is needed from ST20190 chipset.  So the selection of ethernet PHY depends on the external network processor.  [2005-9-6 10:44:52]
[问:ty010496] 在降功耗方面, ST20190有何具體方法?是否採用功率動態管理? 
[答:Helen] Yes, power management (L0-L2) is supported by ST20190.  [2005-9-6 10:45:35]
[问:cdneko] 产品设计可以根据功能需求选择CPU等级,即是说ST20190架构可以自定义CPU性能? 
[答:Helen] The grade of CPU is decided by the end product functionalities. That means, if the end product (modem) needs to support more functions, it requires more powerful CPUs.  [2005-9-6 10:46:26]
[问:tongxunshe2002] 贵公司的新方案与现有技术比较有何种优势? 还有那些未解决的问题? 贵公司下一步发展计划如何?  
[答:Khee-leong] ST20190 has the advantage of achieving real throughput from ADSL2+ connection with external network processor.  Efforts are also spent on shrinking the device (for more cost effectiveness) as well as on VDSL domain to increase the broadband bandwidth.  [2005-9-6 10:48:20]
[问:m9002008] 要是採用ST的方案實現IPTV,需要許可證費用嗎?要是有,大概是什麽價格? 
[答:Helen] I don"t quite understand your question. Please contact with ST"s local office for details.  [2005-9-6 10:48:41]
[问:tlyangbenq] 有人说, VDSL2是三重播放的更佳选择,您们认同吗?是否真的是这样? 
[答:Aeolus] VDSL2 is the next generation of xDSL technology, and it can support more features to adapt to different applications.  [2005-9-6 10:49:59]
[问:ty010496] 請問ST的ADSL2+晶片組在乙太網的接入開發中或組成Modem,最主要應該注意那些問題? 
[答:MB] Are you talking about hardware and software point of view. You can get all technical information and support from ST office if you are considering to build modem based on this solution.  [2005-9-6 10:50:19]
[问:owen_lfl] ADSL2+ 具体是什么意思? 它与之前的ADSL 有什么差别? 
[答:Aeolus] ADSL2+ is G.992.5 and ADSL is G.992.1, it can support more features and higher rate than G.992.1 to improve connection quality and adapt more applications.  [2005-9-6 10:52:33]
[问:ty010496] ADSL2+是否还需要话音分离器?它和ADSL的一样吗? 
[答:Aeolus] Yes, you are right.  [2005-9-6 10:53:03]
[问:fwdelta] IPTV中單盒和雙盒方案在性能和成本上有何優缺點? 
[答:Helen] Two-box model is definitely more costly than single-box model. However, it also limits user"s application and usage habbit so it"s a trade-off that needs to be taken into consideration.  [2005-9-6 10:53:38]
[问:hugoshiuaa] ADSL2+能否實現VoIP?如何降低VoIP的噪音或使電話清晰? 
[答:MB] Yes. ADSL2+ has nothing to do wrong with VoIP. The clarity of the voice call depends on several factors like QoS implemented, echo canceller, jitter buffer management, quality of slic and codec etc.  [2005-9-6 10:53:42]
[问:sllin11] ADSL2+和ST的动力线上网相比,有何优势?生命周期有多长? 
[答:Khee-leong] ST20190 ADSL2+ chipset is targeting at the growing market on IAD, not just a simple modem only on data connection.  We predict more and more modems will include triple play features.  The ST ST20190 chipset is specifically suitable for this type of market.  The life span of this device is hard to predict as we are in the beginning of ADSL2+ revoluation in terms of real-world ADSL2+ deployment by the telco.  [2005-9-6 10:54:27]
[问:owen_lfl] ST 的ADSL 断线后重新连线的机制是怎样? 
[答:Aeolus] If you set auto-connect in application layer, it will re-connect automatically.  [2005-9-6 10:54:46]
[问:m9002008] ADSL網路繁忙的時候語音質量會下降,ADSL2+有無這方面的問題?能解決嗎? 
[答:Helen] As long as the proper QoS is implemented to make sure the voice packet has the proper priority, the problem can be controlled.  [2005-9-6 10:54:53]
[问:yilei] 现在能否提供stb7100/stb7109的样片 
[答:Helen] The sample for 7100 will be available in the end of Sept and 7109 is scheduled for Q1, "06.  [2005-9-6 10:55:33]
[问:m9002008] ST的ADSL2+方案的總體成本是多少?硬體的價格有多少?軟體是不是免費提供? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with ST"s local office.  [2005-9-6 10:55:51]
[问:jasonfuaa] G.992.3/5語音編碼在ADSL2+網路有無時延和抖動?如何應對? 
[答:Khee-leong] G.992.3/5 has very flexible TC/TPS interleave delay configuration from 1ms to maximum of 63ms delay.  Configure 1ms delay for connection that need minimum delay and increase this delay for connection that required more robust impulse noise protection.  [2005-9-6 10:58:01]
[问:gpslon] 符合新蓝牙规范的芯片是哪些,谢谢! 
[答:Helen] ST2500B supports class1 bluetooth.  [2005-9-6 10:58:23]
[问:jasonfuaa] ADSL2+配置成IPTV功能或語音,資料和視頻三重播放,還需要那些器件? 
[答:MB] I am not very clear the configuration means on the board or outside. If it is on the board, you need slic and codec for VoIP, Ethernet interface for data and setTop box device for Video output. External components are Analog phone, PC, and TV  [2005-9-6 10:58:37]
[问:fwdelta] 網路電話常有通話斷斷續續不連貫的問題,主要原因是什麽?是否和ADSL或ADSL2+有關? 
[答:Aeolus] The root cause may come from delay and jitter on the internet, and it can be imrpove by QoS (Quality of service) to keep VoIP has constant bit rate.  [2005-9-6 10:58:43]
[问:kkwd] 是否可以用与手机中? 
[答:Helen] Do you mean STB2500 for Bluetooth? If yes, then the answer is "yes".  [2005-9-6 10:59:00]
[问:fwdelta] ST20190是否包括了回聲消除電路,以消除目前VoIP中的回音? 
[答:Khee-leong] ST20190 is a ADSL2+ device, and does not handle VoIP related processing.  On the ViKOS reference design that uses "Violin" external Network Processor from Glotrex, the VoIP echo cancellation is done by the Violin CPU.  [2005-9-6 10:59:42]
[问:jasonfuaa] ADSL2+和現有的ADSL相容嗎?能否利用現有的ADSL Modem? 
[答:Helen] ADSL2+ is backward compatible. However, if the CO is upgraded to ADSL2+, but the CPE remains to be the old ADSL modem, then the supported functions and bandwidth is limited by CPE.  [2005-9-6 11:00:57]
[问:m9002008] 能否提供ADSL2+全套解決方案,包括軟硬體及軟體源代碼,有無費用? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with ST"s local office.  [2005-9-6 11:03:40]
[问:cdneko] 针对外部杂讯进行了怎样的功能改进?如何对该讯息为外部杂讯进行定义 ? 
[答:Khee-leong] 外部杂讯  on ADSL2/2+ connection are taken care by the ADSL2/2+ features like the impulse noise protection, bit-swap and Seamless Rate adaptation features.  The ADSL chipset will constantly monitor the SNR on the ADSL line and adapt accordingly.  [2005-9-6 11:03:48]
[问:yilei] 那现在能否提供datasheet 和开发软件? 
[答:Helen] Datasheet is available on ST"s website: For software, please contact wtih ST"s local office.  [2005-9-6 11:04:21]
[问:jasonfuaa] 用ADSL2+實現VoIP的前景如何? ADSL2+的VoIP解決方案和其他VoIP解決方案相比,有何優缺點? 
[答:Aeolus] The physical rate of ADSL2+ is much higher than the request of VoIP, there is no doubt VoIP can work perfectly on ADSL2+. The downstream rate of ADSL2+ is much higher than the upstream rate, so it has bottleneck in upstream rate while mutil-channel of VoIP are running.  [2005-9-6 11:04:57]
[问:jasonfuaa] ST能否提供IPTV解決方案的參考設計? 
[答:Helen] Yes, please contact with ST"s local office.  [2005-9-6 11:06:16]
[问:fwdelta] ADSL2+實現的VoIP方案能夠保證通話質量不受網路狀態的影響而可以流暢的通話? 
[答:Helen] If QoS is properly implemented, then the voice quality of VOIP over ADSL2+ network can be ensured.  [2005-9-6 11:07:23]
[问:kkwd] 目前改产品是否投入使用? 
[答:Helen] Sorry, don"t get your question.  [2005-9-6 11:07:45]
[问:m9002008] ST準備開發單片的IPTV解決方案嗎? 
[答:Khee-leong] STb7100 has an optimum level of intergration for extremely wide range of IPTV applications.  Different front ends can be connected, different external controller can be connected.  [2005-9-6 11:08:03]
[问:sllin11] ADSL2+和ADSL相比,有何特别的优点?它的前途如何? 
[答:Aeolus] ADSL2+ can support more features to adapt in different applications and worse environment and support higher rate than ADSL. It will be come a successor of ADSL soon.  [2005-9-6 11:08:15]
[问:xidong] 能否给我邮寄技术资料来 
[答:Helen] Please access ST"s website: first to get the data. Then for details, please contact wtih ST local office.  [2005-9-6 11:09:43]
[问:owen_lfl] 在DESIGN #2 示图中,使用STL C25000 Bluetooth 跟手机连接,具体可以让手机和INTENNET 间具有怎样的功能? 
[答:Aeolus] The mobile phone can use VoIP on Bluetooth.  [2005-9-6 11:10:09]
[问:fwdelta] ADSL2+實現的VoIP方案,能否解決網路電話的斷斷續續不連貫問題? 
[答:MB] As long as it is not reserving dedicated bandwidth, it depends on the QoS implementation. VoIP always have its own IP overhead, not like VoATM  [2005-9-6 11:10:15]
[问:owen_lfl] 原有旧的ADSL modem 是否支持ADSL2+?  现有的ADSL网络都升级到ADSL2+ 吗? 
[答:Helen] The old ADSL modem supports only the ADSL standard. Now the upgrade first from the CO network is on-going. Only when both end CO and CPE are upgraded to the new standard: ADSL2+ then the network can support the new standard.  [2005-9-6 11:11:00]
[问:zhonjia] 有否支持电力线宽带接入技术的IPTV解决方案? 
[答:MB] No  [2005-9-6 11:15:41]
[问:owen_lfl] 目前ST 和那家的NP 或MCU 已经做出来非常成熟的IPTV 或VOIP 方案? 
[答:Helen] We have the reference design based on Intel"s IXP425 and Glotrex"s Violin.  [2005-9-6 11:15:47]
[问:cdneko] 可以认为STB7109是7100的替代品吗?7100较于7109的优势  
[答:Helen] 7109 is the next generation, enhanced product for 7100.  [2005-9-6 11:16:41]
[问:owen_lfl] 与竞争对手相比 ST 的方案具有哪些技术上的优势?在中国大陆价格竞争激烈的市场ST 怎样来使自己的产品争取更多的市场份额? 
[答:Helen] ST20190 can provide the full-throughput in the Utopia interface thus is more appropriate for highly integrated multiple-play CPEs. These characteristics is not possibly achieved by the low-priced integrated ADSL solutions.  [2005-9-6 11:20:52]
[问:maingao] 请问专家:ADSL2/ADSL2+与其他众多x.DSL技术相比,应如何定位? 
[答:Khee-leong] ADSL2/ADSL2+ has better connection rate (up to 24Mbps) than ADSL.  ADSL2 Annex-L has longer reach (up to 21kft) than ADSL.  VDSL is only suitable for short loops, ADSL2/2+ work from 0kft to 21kft.  [2005-9-6 11:21:58]
[问:wuzizaixian] ADSL2+能否连接在企业内部电话上,实现内部网络? 
[答:Aeolus] Yes, you need to have a CO (central office) equipment in you office and deploy CPEs in the areas you want to have intranet.  [2005-9-6 11:22:38]
[问:maingao] 以前我的印像中ADSL对线路的要求比较高,现在ADSL2是否有积极的改善?ST是不是在这方面有什么特别之处呢? 
[答:Khee-leong] ADSL2 has more features that adapts better to line condition.  Seamless Rate Adaptation, Bit-Swapping, Impulse Noise Protection feature are a few new feature added.  ST ST20190 solution supports all these new features.  [2005-9-6 11:26:24]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,mattkung經過電腦抽獎您在本次座談中獲得一部MP3播放器。請網名為mattkung的用戶與中電網聯繫(8610-82888222-7009 或。  [2005-9-6 11:30:54]
[问:maingao] 我曾看到过这方面的介绍的! 说 ADSL2/2+芯片厂商都处于开发阶段,产品只能支持ADSL2/2+标准中的部分功能,且只能与自己的方案实现对接,不具有广泛的互通性,因此还不具有大量使用的能力。你们怎么认为的呢? 
[答:Helen] Not really. There has been massive IOP plugfest for vendors in the past 18 months and IOP has improved greatly.  [2005-9-6 11:38:02]