
热门关键字: 瞬态响应 



[问:yingzheng84] 请您首先介绍一下产品的基本性能及应用领域,然后还有价格 
[答:YY] Triacs for control switch at AC mains with frequency is 50Hz/60Hz, major load is inductive and motor.  [2005-8-16 16:00:55]
[问:sdun99] 三端双向可控硅开关元件(Triac)与IGBT寿命如何? 
[答:Nick] Triacs and IGBTs are used in different applications. In either case, if the application is well designed and the device is not stressed, lifetime will be very long.  [2005-8-16 16:02:20]
[问:xmidp] 如何设计车载影音总电源的过流过压控制 
[答:Ed] 不明白为什么在车里要用可控硅? 车里电源是DC?  [2005-8-16 16:03:57]
[问:gangy] 专家:你好! 请问三端双向可控硅开关元件的吸收元件(T1-T2之间的RC)的数值如何计算? 
[答:Nick] It is difficult to calculate. It is better to choose experimentally and test the circuit under worst-case conditions. I recommend starting with 10nF + 100R. If this does not give enough protection, reduce R in small stages. The absolute minimum value for R is 47R. 3Q triacs do not need snubbers in most applications. 4Q triacs do need snubbers. Recommended C to start with for 4Q triacs is 100nF  [2005-8-16 16:05:25]
[问:weiliya] 是否可用在汽车上 
[答:Ed] 汽车里电源是DC, 不需要triac, 应该用 MOSFETs 更适合。  [2005-8-16 16:07:13]
[问:zhaojiuhua] 1、可控硅开关是不是只能处理交流信号 2、需不需要加阻容吸收电路 
[答:Nick] Triacs are usually used in AC circuits, but they can be used in DC circuits. Remember that the load current must reduce to zero in order for them to turn off. TIn most application, tree-quadrant triacs do not need RC snubbers to help them to work reliably.  [2005-8-16 16:11:51]
[问:zhou63 216zhou] 市场耐压600V以上16A三端双向可控硅不好买到,用16A/600V三端双向可控硅控制370W/380V交流电机是否可行? 
[答:YY] Philips provides a lot of 16A 800V Triacs for your application with 380Vac input, and find them in our website or contact with our disti or local sales.  [2005-8-16 16:11:51]
[问:badcat001] 1,与单片机接口的典型应用是怎样的。 2,可否交直流通用。 
[答:Andy] D,E系列可由单片机I/O口直接驱动,因为触发电流小,而其他系列因为触发电流较大,可由I/O口驱动三极管放大驱动。可控硅是交流开关器件,不适用直流,因为可控硅只有在负载电流小到IL值以后才会自行关断。  [2005-8-16 16:11:59]
[问:aleng] 請問一下﹐三端雙向可硅最大功率有多大﹐壽命一般多長﹖   謝謝﹗ 
[答:Ed] Philips 的三端雙向可控硅最大功率是25A 的 BTA225 和 BTA140. 寿命是很长,适合所有家用电器  [2005-8-16 16:12:54]
[问:lucentdou] PHILIPS-TRIAC元器件产品中适合于高频、感性负载场合的有哪些系列? 
[答:Nick] The least sensitive three-quadrant types (with 50mA IGT) are the best for this demanding application. E.g. BTA201-B series up to BTA225-B series  [2005-8-16 16:13:12]
[问:heyjy] 如何看待TRIAC和THYRISTOR的灵敏度,其在选型与价格的影响如何? 
[答:Stephen] 主要看应用领域的不同,triac的主要灵敏度在5mA-50mA,应用在家用电器等领域,thyristor有更小的灵敏度甚至到几个微安,可以看我们的datasheet,主要应用在例如漏电保护器等需要灵敏控制的安全领域。价格的因素比较复杂,要看具体的应用和产量等的影响。  [2005-8-16 16:15:13]
[问:zhuyanjunbj] 它可以用作保护电路吗? 
[答:Nick] Usually, Silicon Controlled Rectifiers are used in protection circuits. Triacs are not a good choice for most protection circuits.  [2005-8-16 16:20:05]
[问:lanmao_2000] 什么是三象限,四象限可控硅?各有何优缺点? 
[答:Stephen] 四象限可控硅是指传统的可控硅,可以工作在触发电流正负,负载电流正负的四个组合状态。三象限是四象限可控硅的改善版本,在内部结构的调整下,去掉了第四象限的工作能力,可以得到更高的耐干扰性能,如dv/dt,di/dt。 在一些复杂的应用中,例如洗衣机主洗马达的控制,希望采用三象限可控硅(例如飞利浦的:BTA208X-1000C) 。  [2005-8-16 16:21:19]
[问:szjjgs] “三端双向可控硅开关元件”可否用于直流电路?在直流电路中,这种器件还可关断吗? 
[答:YY] Triacs is AC mains switch cannot using at DC circuit.  [2005-8-16 16:21:34]
[问:chong rong79] 请问 TRIAC BT138-600E IGT3 一般控制在多少mA之间? 
[答:Ed] IGT3- < 10 mA IGT3+ < 25 mA  [2005-8-16 16:21:49]
[问:winston.chan] 是否適合用在數位像機上有哪些常見的item 
[答:YY] 數位像機的电源是DC, 不需要triac, 应该用MOSFET, BUT SCR_BT149D can switch the "flash lighting" on DSC.  [2005-8-16 16:25:10]
[问:valerie] 如果不增加吸收回路,可控硅的寿命会有多少的折扣? 
[答:Stephen] 吸收回路主要是指电阻+电容,来限制dv/dt, 主要的目的是提高抗干扰的性能。 当然,差的噪音抵抗性能可能会造成可控硅的寿命的下降,但是很难说有多少折扣,要看具体的情况,如果这种情况比较严重,建议采用三象限可控硅来提高抗干扰的能力。  [2005-8-16 16:27:22]
[问:hsdz] 能否用BT类可控硅把220V 降压(6V-12v-24v)?应采取那些保护措施? 
[答:Ed] 不太明白这问题:AC - DC 降压电路平常是用MOSFETs?  [2005-8-16 16:27:44]
[问:chunsen] 能否实现TRIAC的零开关?控制电路如何实现?有应用案例吗? 
[答:Nick] Yes we can. We use it in our Jiao Liu washing machine demonstrator. It would take to long to explain here. Please refer to our website or contact me (Nick Ham) by email and I can send you details. My email is  [2005-8-16 16:28:23]
[问:Ph_Eric] 通过哪些加速实验可以验证可控硅在家电类产品上的使用寿命和质量。 
[答:Ed] You can request detailed information of the reliability tests that Philips perform on our triacs. These are designed to be ”accelerated" to simulate long life usage in real appliances. Please contact our sales office and specify the types you are interested in, and we can provide the information.  [2005-8-16 16:29:37]
[问:DirectCG] 四象限和三象限的TRIAC相比有何优点?它们各自比较适合用在那个领域? 
[答:Andy] 三象限可控硅具有更高的dVD/dt,di/dt,dVcom/dt能力,有更好的抗干扰能力,相应能工作在较高的温度下,主要运用在感性负载和容性负载上,相应四象限可控硅,飞利浦推荐使用在阻性等简单负载上。  [2005-8-16 16:29:42]
[问:wfrjj] 在中国大陆有PHILIPS公司的可控硅封装厂吗?授权贴牌生产BT136 600E可控硅的工厂有几家?我很看中PHILIPS公司的厂品,请专家一定要回答我的问题哦! 
[答:YY] Philips has some packages assembly was locate at China.  [2005-8-16 16:30:03]
[问:w.liu] 演讲稿中三象限和四象限的图,看不出他们有什么差别,他们的差别到底在哪里? 
[答:Stephen] 三象限可控硅不能工作在第四象限,就是说不能工作在触发电流为正(电流流入门极),负载电流为负(电流流出MT2)的情况下。从内部结构来讲,具体的区别是半导体设计不同,去掉了内部的重叠区,导致了第四象限不能工作,但是大大的提高了抗干扰的性能!  [2005-8-16 16:31:43]
[问:chongrong79] 在一调速电路中:分别用BT138-600E和BT139-600E 功率输出值在400W——1600W 不等变动 为何功率值变动的速度很快(有30W—70w变动值幅度) 而分别比较ST 公司的BTA12-600B 和BTA16-600B 他们的数值变化不大(有小于10W变动值) 
[答:Ed] 我们须要知道你这电路的细节, 和你说的功率值变动的速度很快是什么意思。  [2005-8-16 16:33:27]
[问:wangjunhu] 请问专家,三端双向可控硅可用于强电方面的应用么?如果有的话请举例。谢谢! 
[答:Stephen] 不知道您所指的强电为多少伏? 可控硅主要的应用在慢性(50Hz/60Hz)电源负载,例如洗衣机马达的控制,220V的负载控制。只要您的应用不超过我们datasheet上的值就可以,没有特殊的限制。  [2005-8-16 16:35:11]
[问:cjssr] 在容性负载中,G与T1间dI/dt是否容易损坏?在T1与G间并电容是否有效? 
[答:Nick] Yes. High dIT/dt at turn-on will damage the triac. To maximise dIT/dt capability, the gate trigger pulse must be strong, with fast dIG/dt. The triac should be turned on at zero voltage (on the capacitor or on the supply) to minimise inrush. If this is not possible, a series inductor to limit dIT/dt is necessary. It does not help to add capacitance between G and MT1. The triac will still fail if dIT/dt is too high (100A/us or higher).  [2005-8-16 16:35:19]
[问:chunsen] MCU和TRIAC控制电路的接口要注意什么问题? 
[答:Andy] 1。触发电流大小合适,触发电流要大于datasheet上IGT,还要考虑温度,因为温度越低,相应触发电流应越大。 2。需不需要隔离,单片机是低压器件,而可控硅连接的交流110或220V。 3。可控硅可用脉冲触发,单片机可输出脉冲,以达到省电的目的。 4。如果可控硅当作开关使用,不需调速或调光,应尽可能在过零点触发。  [2005-8-16 16:35:27]
[问:chunsen] 目前Philips的TRIAC的电压和电流能达到那种水平,分别有多高? 
[答:YY] Voltage range max. 1000V, 3Q Triacs_BTA208X-1000C/B, for Washing Machine application. Current range max. 25A, 4Q Triacs of BT140-800 series and 3Q Triacs such as BA225-800 series.  [2005-8-16 16:40:10]
[问:kllyj2008] TRIAC的性能是否具有对称性?差别有多大? 
[答:Ed] Due to the physics of operation of a triac, IGTs in Q3 (T2 negative) are usually higher than IGTs in Q1 (T1 negative). Also because of the construction of the triac VD3 (T2 negative)is usually slightly higher than VD1. But all pararmeters are guaranteed to be within our published limits. (All Igts < published max; VD1 and VD3 both > 600V or 800V, as specified).  [2005-8-16 16:40:12]
[问:lzmxl] 请谈谈Triac如何处理对电源的"污染",以及过载防护问题. 
[答:Nick] Impure mains will require the use of an MOV at the input to the circuit. A three-quadrant triac with at least 800V rating should be used. In very demanding cases, a modest snubber might be required as well - e.g. 10nF + 100R. Overload protection is provided by a fuse or circuit breaker.  [2005-8-16 16:40:35]
[问:tianjiu] 请问该产品有没有40A/800V规格的? 
[答:Ed] 我们暂时没有40A 的triac  [2005-8-16 16:41:11]
[问:hoosainyor] 能通过的最大电流是多少,控制开关端的工作电压是多少?封装和体积?功耗是多少? 
[答:YY] Philips" Triacs max. current rating is 25A and Voltage rating upto 800V. Above spec. including 4Q_BTA140-800 and 3Q_BTA225-800B in TO220,  3Q_BTA225B-800B in SOT404(D2PAK) package.  [2005-8-16 16:44:29]
[问:cjssr] 请问可控硅底板与散热板间是否可用手工锡焊加工,经测试,耐压和触发电流没有影响,是否影响寿命? 
[答:Nick] TO220 package is not designed for soldering to the tab. It is very likely that the triac will be overheated for too long because of poor solder wetting of the metal tab. It could cause unacceptably high zero-hour ppm failure rates. Only surface mount packages (e.g. SOT223, DPAK, D2PAK) should be soldered in this way.  [2005-8-16 16:44:29]
[问:gangy] 请问专家:25A的TRIAC的短时过载电流是多少? 
[答:Ed] 请看我们网站上的规格  [2005-8-16 16:45:05]
[问:cdneko] 设计时如何选择灵敏度与误触发抗变性间的折衷方案?是否可以结合示例说明。 
[答:Andy] IGT越大,相应抗误触发能力越好,但同时意味着消耗更大的电流,所以用户应在耗电和抗触发之间折中选择。比如吸尘器上,因为工作在较高的温度下,要求抗误触发能力要好,推荐使用飞利浦的四象限可控硅的G系列,和三象限的B系列,触发电流为50毫安。而在洗衣机进水阀,排水阀上,因为负载电流小,推荐使用飞利浦的BTA201-600/800E(R),触发电流为10mA。  [2005-8-16 16:46:02]
[问:hudaxiezhong] 2005-8-15 11:46:00 [ Unanswered ] 用双向可控硅移相作阻性负载功率调整时,正负半周导通不对称是什么原因造成的?是不是可控硅本身的双向阈值不对称引起的?有没有办法克服?能否提供一个成熟电路例子? 
[答:Stephen] 从理论上来讲,可控硅的控制中,电压的正负半周导通不会出现明显的不对称。由于不同的象限,例如第二和第三象限的控制中,第三象限比第二象限难导通(半导体的内部结构导致电流的流向方式的不同),但是差别不大。如果真的存在这种情况,请您在选择型号时选择差别小的(导通时间和导通锁定电流)器件来控制。如果需要具体的讨论可以在会后和我们具体的联系!  [2005-8-16 16:46:42]
[问:kllyj2008] 如何降低TRIAC的噪声? 
[答:Nick] Do you mean the noise generated by a triac? If so, using a more sensitive triac, with lower holding current, will reduce EMI at turn-off. Triggering the triac at zero voltage will minimise EMI at turn-on. If there is still a noise problem, a small RC snubber across the triac (say 4.7nF + 100R) will reduce EMI further.  [2005-8-16 16:47:36]
[问:winston.chan] 請問Triac與SCR的不同 可應用在DSC閃光燈的SCR是用在DC嗎 
[答:YY] Triacs is bi-direction conduction. SCR is one way conduction. SCR_BT149D is a switch device and the trigger turn on/off by DSC module control.  [2005-8-16 16:48:19]
[问:kllyj2008] TRIAC的控制电路如何和光耦相匹配?要注意什么问题?有应用电路吗? 
[答:Stephen] 可以。 在需要隔离的地方,我们通常用光耦和可控硅一起组合控制。我们有不少典型的应用,例如空调米内风机的速度控制可以采用BTA201 + PC817, 或者+ MOC3021等成熟的方案来解决。 具体的案例需求可以在会后很我们具体的沟通!  [2005-8-16 16:50:17]
[问:riello] 怎样消除TRIAC电路对收音机或其它电器的干涉? 
[答:Andy] 干扰主要来自可控硅的非过零出发,称为斩波控制,这可以通过加电感吸收限制dI/dt,如果有单片机控制,应在软件多加处理,通过不对称斩波可以消除大部分三次谐波。如果没必要进行斩波控制,最好在过零点触发,这样能最大限制谐波的产生。  [2005-8-16 16:50:49]
[问:szxszx] 有时看到可控硅的数据表中标注Igt(max):30mA,请问:在设计电路时触发电流是不能大于30mA吗?那触发电流最小应该是多少? 
[答:Ed] This is often a confusion for customers. Igt is published as a characteristic, not a rating. The 30 mA max means it is guaranteed to have an Igt below 30 mA, i.e. 30 mA will definitely turn it on. It does not mean you are not allowed to apply more than 30 mA. The max gate rating is given in the ratings section (max 0.5W averaged).  [2005-8-16 16:51:12]
[问:riello] 如何用TRIAC使AC220V电压作缓慢降低直到0V,时间最好能可调?如果负载电流为10A,能推荐何种型号器件? 
[答:YY] Triacs is current switch device, for 10A load, we suggest you choice our 12A~16A Triacs and base on your magin. if need, please contact with our sales office to get more detail support.  [2005-8-16 16:51:42]
[问:lbgy] CR吸收电路的R和C值应如何进行计算?和TRIAC那些参数有关?有无具体计算公式? 
[答:Nick] This is a very common question that"s difficult to answer because there are so many variables and unknowns. I prefer to "try it and see what happens". Three-quadrant triacs should not need snubbers for reliable operation in most applications. If the application is very demanding, I recommend you start with 10nF + 100R. If that does not give sufficient protection, reduce R in small steps until the required protection is achieved. Absolute minimum value for R is 47R.  [2005-8-16 16:52:06]
[问:w.liu] 请问能否用在400Hz的交流电路中? 
[答:Stephen] 这要看具体的负载是什么,如果是很复杂的高感性负载就要看具体的情况了。但是如果是简单的阻性负载就有可能可以应用。但是我们推荐的工作频率和市场上的应用大多为50/60Hz.如果您真的有这方面的需要,可以和我们具体的联系,大家一起研究,学习!  [2005-8-16 16:53:44]
[问:huangmin] BT201-208等所谓的新器件哪里能购? 
[答:YY] BTA201-800 ? If yes, contact with our sales office and disty , Shanghai, ShenZhen, HK .  [2005-8-16 16:53:47]
[问:pufeng] triacs 对电网有何干扰? 
[答:Nick] It depends on the application. For continuous conduction (i.e. all ON or all OFF, as in electronic thermostat), there is no pollution. For a phase control circuit and inductive load (e.g. vacuum cleaner speed control) there is harmonic distortion. A 220nF Class X filter capacitor is required. For a phase control circuit and resistive load (e.g. lamp dimmer), harmonic distortion is the worst. A filter capacitor AND a filter inductor are required.  [2005-8-16 16:56:20]
[问:riello] 能否介绍Triac在变频控制领域的应用情况和Philips在这方面的优势? 
[答:Stephen] 如果是在变频的环境下,大部分为IGBT。 我们可控硅的优势为非常容易地通过控制导通角来控制负载的速度。  [2005-8-16 16:57:15]
[问:chunsen] TRIAC和IGBT相比,有那些不同?应用上有何区别? 
[答:Ed] Triac is used in AC circuits. IGBT can only be used in DC circuits. (If AC, you need two IGBTs, with two control circuits at different potentials). IGBTs are better at higher frequency applications (several 10"s of kHz or even up to 100 kHz). Triacs are mainly suitable for 50-60 Hz AC.  [2005-8-16 16:57:44]
[问:wq-lei] 请问: 40A/41A 600~800v 是否有货? 
[答:Ed] 我们暂时没有40Atriac  [2005-8-16 16:59:12]
[问:chongrong79] BT169D 是贵公司的产品吗?市场上 价格上下波动很大?为何? 
[答:YY] Yes, BT169D is belong Philips device, please contact with our official disty to avoid to take a FAKE product.  [2005-8-16 17:00:12]
[问:riello] TRIAC在感性负载时,怎样削除电压、电流不同,若用阻容吸收,那电阻跟电容该怎么取? 
[答:Nick] An inductive load will create a phase shift between voltage and current (current lags voltage). A three-quadrant triac should be used. It can commutate (turn off) this lagging current without the need for RC snubber components. If a four-quadrant triac is used, a snubber will probably be required. It is not easy or practical to calculate snubber components. An experimental method is best. Try 10nF + 100R or 100nF + 100R. R should not be lower than 47R.  [2005-8-16 17:00:18]
[问:lbgy] 贵公司有没有光耦合器件和TRIAC在一起的器件,光耦用作控制输入? 
[答:Andy] 没有,我们只能推荐分立器件方案,价格会便宜一些,另外,可控硅外置,客户拥有更多的选择(不同的厂家和电流大小选择),小到0.6A,大到25A。如果你需要成熟的方案,可以联系我,我的邮箱。  [2005-8-16 17:01:34]
[问:宋秀海] 三端双向可控硅开关元件的应用前景? 
[答:Stephen] 主要应用在传统的四象限可控硅经常失效的更复杂情况中,举例如下: 波轮洗衣机的主洗电机:推荐用BTA208X-1000C三象限可控硅,而不是传统的四象限BT137,138等,这样可以换取更高的可靠性。 空调内风机:BTA201 1A 系列来控制可以得到更好性能和更低的价格。 还有很多别的典型应用,可以在会后咨询我们!  [2005-8-16 17:01:40]
[问:zxjha] 触发电流为5mA,但实际测量为0.3微安,为什么?(BTA12) 
[答:Ed] Do you mean 0.3 mA or uA? Do you mean BTA12 or BTA212? (BTA12 is not a Philips part, so we can"t speak for other suppliers" actual Igt distributions). Generally the actual Igt values of Philips triacs would be a little lower than the published maximum. Because the 3 quadrants have different physics in their operation, Igt1+ is usually lower than Igt1- and Igt3-, so if all 3 are guaranteed to be < 5 mA, you may have Igt3- at around 2-3 mA and Igt 1+ around 1 mA. But it is very unlikely to have a Philips 12A triac with Igt (even in 1+) much lower than 1 mA.  [2005-8-16 17:05:23]
[问:DirectCG] 影响TRIAC可靠性有那些主要的因素?它的工作富余量要如何考虑? 
[答:Andy] 主要是由厂家的技术和工艺决定的,比如说飞利浦的三象限可控硅采用了更好的工艺,适合用在条件恶劣的应用条件下。在余量选择上,不仅看它的负载电流还要看它瞬间的冲击电流大小,感性负载比阻性负载要留有更多的余量。  [2005-8-16 17:05:50]
[问:DirectCG] 如何合适选择TRIAC?主要依据那几个参数? 
[答:Stephen] 一般来说根据你负载功率和电压来决定交流参数,门控制方法来决定门电流的值。 列举如下: VDRM:应用的最大电压峰值 ITRMS:负载电流有效值 ITSM:冲击电流为多大? IGT:MCU直接控制还是用三极管驱动? dv/dt,di/dt:抗干扰要求高吗?  Rth:容易发热吗?(12A以上?) 当然具体的问题要具体分析,欢迎来电咨询!  [2005-8-16 17:06:54]
[问:lanmao_2000] 能否具体介绍一下HID灯IGNITOR处可控硅是如何工作的? 
[答:Nick] The triac connects a small section of the inductive ballast across the mains to generate high voltage (4kV) at the output to start the lamp. The dV/dt and dI/dt at the triac are very fast as the triac is triggered and commutates very fast. The least sensitive three-quadrant triac (50mA IGT) is required to commutate (turn off) the very fast dICOM/dt. If the wrong triac is used, the triac suffers multiple commutation failures (i.e. it keeps conducting for many cycles when it should not). This reduces the effectiveness of the ignitor and can cause lamp starting problems.  [2005-8-16 17:07:07]
[问:lucentdou] 是否有TRIAC样片申请? 
[答:Andy] 联系方式 021-6354 1088-2816  [2005-8-16 17:09:18]
[问:DirectCG] 5A容量的Triac的最高开关频率能达到多高? 
[答:Nick] Our Hi-Com (three-quadrant) triacs can operate successfully at higher frequencies than a 4Q triac can manage. 400Hz AC mains is within their capability. If the load current is low and the load is not very reactive, even higher frequencies might be possible.  [2005-8-16 17:10:02]
[问:zhuyanjunbj] 一般情况下的选用原则是什么? 
[答:Andy] 不要超过datasheet的标称值。  [2005-8-16 17:12:46]
[问:zhuyanjunbj] 应该如何更好的选择使用三端双向可控硅开关元件? 
[答:YY] direct contact with Philips sales , they will provide more suitable Triacs for your application. V, I , Igt and your application design margin.  [2005-8-16 17:12:53]
[问:sxc0718] Triac的基本原理是什么? 
[答:Stephen] 您可以通过教科书或者网站得到具体的资料: 只是在此简单的说明: 可控硅的基本工作原理是靠内部三极管的正负反馈来控制的。原理图为四个三极管,每两个为半周导通。通过门极的触发,来导致内部载流子和空穴的移动,从而促成了主端之间电流的产生(通过正反馈)。当负载电流降低到IH之下时,随着负反馈的执行,导致了可控硅的电流更小到零。   [2005-8-16 17:13:31]
[问:zhuyanjunbj] 在选用时应主要看哪些参数? 
[答:Andy] IT(RMS),IGT,VDRM,package。  [2005-8-16 17:14:03]
[问:gangy] 25A/1000V的价格是多少?杭州有代理吗? 
[答:YY] Philips provide 25A Triacs and 800V, such as BTA140-800, BTA225-800 in TO220 package. Philips provide 1000V Triacs and 8A for Washing Machine application.  [2005-8-16 17:14:47]
[问:mengwg] 在可控硅的选择上有没有特殊的要求? 
[答:Stephen] 如果简单的负载:推荐用四象限可控硅。 如果复杂的负载:推荐用三象限可控硅。 基本上没有特殊的要求,只要符合我们的datasheet.  [2005-8-16 17:14:55]
[问:lbgy] 用在240V AC开关,如和选择TRIAC的耐压?要留多少富余量合适?通过的电流如何选择呢? 
[答:Nick] For most 240V mains applications, a 600V triac would be my recommendation. An 800V triac is only necessary if the load is highly inductive and causes large back-emf spikes on a regular basis. Current rating depends on the nature of the load. Lamp dimmers need highly over-specified triacs to withstand inrush current at lamp failure. Most other applications can use a triac whose current rating is the next step up from the maximum continuous load current.  [2005-8-16 17:16:31]
[问:hsdz] 普通可控硅用于电感负载有高兹坡干扰;如电感变压器电压调节。干扰严重。而BTA类可控硅用于电感性负载、电压调节能否消除高兹波干扰? 
[答:Stephen] 对于抗干扰来说,三象限可控硅可以应付很复杂的负载。因为他们有很高的dv/dt,di/dt性能。如果是EMI,例如干扰功率,希望加一个小的电感(几十个微亨)。  [2005-8-16 17:17:20]
[问:cdneko] D与E系列主要应用在哪种环境?如何更好利用他们的敏感性特性 
[答:Andy] 在25摄氏度下,D系列表示触发电流为5mA,而E系列为10mA,如果温度较低的话,应加大触发电流,具体参数可查看我们的datasheet上IGT曲线。双向可控硅触发电流小,意味着省电。在单向可控硅应用上,IGT小的可用在漏电电流保护上。  [2005-8-16 17:18:53]
[问:zhuyanjunbj] 专家您好,我曾经看到游人用双向可控硅用作三极管的保护电路,您能解释一下原理吗? 
[答:Nick] I have never before seen a triac used to protect bipolar transistors, so I cannot explain I"m afraid. I have seen an SCR used in protection circuits to remove the base drive to bipolar transistors in, for example, lighting ballasts.  [2005-8-16 17:18:55]
[问:lbgy] 如何实现TRIAC的软起动和软关断?在控制电路上要如何处理? 
[答:Nick] You cannot control how a triac turns on or turns off. Once triggered, it will turn on as fast as its internal structure and the load impedance will allow. Turn-off always occurs very close to zero load current, so this is not usually an issue.  [2005-8-16 17:20:41]
[问:brbl] BT134+MOC3021做控制220V50HZ回路600MA的工作电流,有不稳定现象,是否有设计参考给我? 
[答:Stephen] BT134(4A) 还是BT134W(1A)? 请问您指的不稳定具体指的是什么?可以把回路图和具体的负载规格发到我的邮箱里吗?   [2005-8-16 17:21:49]
[问:brbl] 负载对TRIAC的干扰我们要注意那些问题? 
[答:Andy] 主要是电源的瞬变,电流的浪涌冲击。电压瞬变过大会导致可控硅误触发,冲击电流大会损坏可控硅。可在可控硅两端并上RC电路或在负载电路上串联电感。飞利浦三象限具有更高耐电压瞬变和电流冲击能力,用户可优先考虑使用,如我们的BTA201,BTA204,BTA208系列。  [2005-8-16 17:24:21]
[问:zxjha] 如何降低双向可控硅导通后对电网的干扰? 
[答:Nick] If the triac is used in a phase control circuit (variable power control), harmonic distortion is generated because of the way the mains sinewave is "chopped". For inductive loads (e.g. vacuum cleaner) a 220nF Class X capacitor is connected across the mains input. Foe resistive loads (e.g. lamp dimmer) a capacitor AND a series inductor of around 2mH are required for filtering. If the triac is either all ON or all OFF, noise pollution should not be a problem, apart from, perhaps, the holding current at turn-off. A more sensitive triac will have lower holding current. A small snubber can reduce EMI from holding current.  [2005-8-16 17:25:54]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, Shanghai Manck Microelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd.的w.liu经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为w.liu的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-8-16 17:26:30]
[问:wq-lei] 我一直在用你们的这个产品。几好的。 
[答:Ed] 谢谢!  [2005-8-16 17:26:41]
[问:zxjha] 采用移相触发双向可控硅时,如何进行射频干扰的抑制? 
[答:Nick] If the load is inductive (e.g. motor in vacuum cleaner or food processor), connect a Class X capacitor across the mains input. 220nF for higher power loads (vac cleaner). For resistive loads (lamp dimmers) a series inductor of 2mH and a capacitor of 100nF across the mains input are required.  [2005-8-16 17:28:52]

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