
热门关键字: TCP 电场 电子商务 地理 



[问:zyq175] 我想知道移动图像处理器的占位面积和其他一些参数,最好有实物图,因为在设计过程中,小体积和高性能一直以来比较难以处理。谢谢!  
[答:Chen] Co-processor is 6mmX6mm  [2005-7-7 10:34:11]
[问:ZWQ007] 类似产品可在IP可视电话机上吗? 是否有优化驱动程序的使用? 
[答:Chen] We can provide I2C command scripts for all settings based on customers" requests  [2005-7-7 10:34:46]
[问:c14] 3MP目前不算先进哦,有没有更高的? 
[答:Cw] 5MP and 8Mp are in the planning, slated for relesae in 2006 or later. These are with AF features.  [2005-7-7 10:34:57]
[问:街边人] 请问这种方案是否适合监控摄像头的开发? 
[答:Cw] Yes, it is possible. Do you need MP?  [2005-7-7 10:35:50]
[问:riello] 你认为,降低CMOS传感器的功耗,从那几方面入手? 
[答:Chen] reduce pixel size, production from e.g. 0.25u to 0.18u ... Low voltage working  [2005-7-7 10:37:27]
[问:msd1981] 请问camera具体技术指标有那些,怎么进行具体测试分析! 
[答:Cw] Major ones are: 1) sensing (CMOS or CCD) 2) pixel design 3) image reconstruction 4) outputs and interface  [2005-7-7 10:37:55]
[问:ljcwl] 请问“由ST公司和Nokia公司共同开发的标准移动图像架构(SMIA)标准对照相模块的构造设计,高速串行接口,性能特征和功能所作的详细规定,以及移动图像处理器的性能,特点和功能以及在手机照相的应用”,这和目前手机照相模块有何不同呢 
[答:Allen] Low EMI, mechanical/software compatibility for higher resolustion and reliability statdardization for any sensor with SMIA.  [2005-7-7 10:38:07]
[问:岩松] 请问,现在的模块最高可支持多少像素? 
[答:Cw] From ST, it is 3MP module  [2005-7-7 10:38:43]
[问:c14] 请问可否有样片和开发板图供试用? 
[答:Allen] Yes, let"s know how to contact you by emailing me:  [2005-7-7 10:39:53]
[问:VOAngel] 调整聚焦软件ST会提供吗?我指的是后续生产BUG的支援 
[答:Joey] 在这方面,ST会尽最大可能的帮助你们。所有相关参数的调整,都会有一套参考可供使用,对于后续BUG的调试ST也会给予支持。  [2005-7-7 10:41:14]
[问:lixb] 能不能介绍一下贵公司产品的EMC质量和指标? 
[答:Cw] there are a lots of info and data on EMC and index, can you leave your contact # or email?  [2005-7-7 10:41:37]
[问:gmydl] 刚才你们提到了,这种设计能够很大地缩短更新的周期,但是在单个成本上,是不是消耗过大呢? 
[答:Allen] There is no additional material cost on the SMIA seensor. Besides, it"s good to reduce the cost in the design effort.  [2005-7-7 10:42:26]
[问:jacky2050] 请问SMIA方案现在有哪些手机产品已经采用. 
[答:Allen] Already used by 2 phone makers who are in top-10 of the world-based phone manufacturers.  [2005-7-7 10:44:15]
[问:shiyouc] 在升级过程中应更多注意哪些,比如速率? 
[答:Cw] During upgrading, one will consider the ease to move to higher resolution with same space constraints and interfacing. ST"s solutions have all these advantages.  [2005-7-7 10:44:55]
[问:DirectCG] ST的照相模块有那些串行接口?数据传输速率有多高? 
[答:Chen] SMIA, ccp1 208Mpbs, CCP2 640MBps  [2005-7-7 10:45:21]
[问:HANG1979] coprocessor起什么作用? 
[答:Chen] Getting Raw data from sensor and output color image in JPEG/YUV format via certain interface, ITU or SMIA  [2005-7-7 10:46:39]
[问:shidabei] 能介绍一下各摸块的功耗水平吗? 
[答:Chen] listed in the presentation  [2005-7-7 10:46:55]
[问:ZWQ007] 对于图像失真是如何解决? 
[答:Chen] Co-pro will do it  [2005-7-7 10:47:48]
[问:hdqchs] 本系列产品的开发系统在北京能够得到吗?   免费? 
[答:Allen] We have different development tools for different specifications and applications. Mail me( about your detailed requirement and let me know how to contact you.  [2005-7-7 10:49:11]
[问:honghui525] 请问这种方案与其它方案有没有功耗方面的优势? 
[答:Cw] Advantage of ST solutions (SMIA) are: 1) a "shutdown" pin is a standard, and is controlable by ISP or Baseband. 2) high speed serial interface (SMIA), allowing to achieve 30fps at 2Mp 3) common module size  [2005-7-7 10:49:36]
[问:qijianqi] 三星已经推出500万像素的照相手机,请问ST什么时候才能推出高像素的解决方案? 
[答:Cw] 2006  [2005-7-7 10:49:56]
[问:Deng] ST手机照相解决方案是否具有连续拍照功能?如果有,帧速率有多高?分辨率有多高? 
[答:Joey] ST的解决方案具有连续拍照的功能,对于2M像素及一下的分辨率可以达到30fps,对于3M像素的可以达到20fps。  [2005-7-7 10:51:48]
[问:wangjunhu] 请问贵公司的SMIA方案支持那些图像压缩标准。您觉得您的方案的优势在那些方面?谢谢! 
[答:Cw] SMIA is just an hi-speed interface between sensor and ISP, and ISP and Baseband. In the ISP, we support JPEG/M-JPEG  [2005-7-7 10:51:49]
[问:hdqchs] 以后准备推出的产品和现有产品是否会在设计或管脚上面兼容? 
[答:Allen] Yes, that"s the advantage for SMIA sensor.  [2005-7-7 10:51:52]
[问:shiyouc] CCP1和CCP2两者BPS 不同如何进行混合的? 
[答:Cw] Can you explain meaning of BPS?  [2005-7-7 10:53:08]
[问:aeon] 请问ISP的速度如何? 
[答:Joey] 在ST高性能的图像色彩处理算法下,每个像素多达超过250个操作,但是依然可以保证有15~60Mpixel/s的处理速度。  [2005-7-7 10:56:45]
[问:aeon] SMIA标准现在的被业界认同程度如何? 
[答:Cw] There are over 1000 registered member on Today, most of the leading camera suppliers in the field  have SMIA compliant products. CCP2.0 are available, or in design, on baseband chips, application processors and BEICs. Standard SMIA sockets are available off-the-shelf A ‘SMIA Approved Laboratory’ is about to be announced to offer compliance and characterisation services   [2005-7-7 10:57:20]
[问:msd1981] 拍照手机SMIA标准具体有那些方面标准!  
[答:Allen] I suggest you go to the SMIA website: You"ll get it. Don"t hesitate to contact us(, for further question.  [2005-7-7 10:57:53]
[问:huangjc168] 请问你们最高像素sensor的尺寸和镜头的尺寸和高度. 
[答:Cw] 2Mp, Fixed focus, 9.5 x 9.5 x 7.6mm Auto focus, 12.5 x 12.5 x 8.4mm  [2005-7-7 11:00:39]
[问:ys3663391] 照相手机电量消耗比较大,ST有什么解决办法 
[答:Chen] lower working voltage reduce pixel size higher intergration for IC production  [2005-7-7 11:01:53]
[问:lbgy] SMIA是否是开放式?使用时需要许可证费或其它费用? 
[答:Allen] It"s open standard. License is not needed.  [2005-7-7 11:01:59]
[问:zhngjnpng911] 手机照相解决方案是否也适合安全监视方面的应用? 
[答:Joey] 这个是可以的。事实上曾经有客户咨询过,把我们的方案应该在汽车的防盗上面,通过GSM网络来控制和接收来自汽车摄像头拍摄的图片。  [2005-7-7 11:02:39]
[问:dabamin] coprocessor用在那里? 
[答:Cw] Coprocessor supports these key functions: 1) ISP with 3A features 2) JPEG / M-JPEG 3) special effects 4) output formatting  [2005-7-7 11:02:44]
[问:chenyqiu] 在电源设计上,采取何种措施,抵抗由于手机发射信号时大电流引起的电源扰动。稳定整机工作 
[答:Chen] ST will provide reference design for camera  [2005-7-7 11:04:10]
[问:gmydl] 你们的高低端摄影的数据保存编码使用的mpg4还是mpg2编码标准,或者其他的? 
[答:Cw] All support JPEG and M-JPEG, with user-definable file size  [2005-7-7 11:04:34]
[问:wangjunhu] 请问贵公司SMIA模块有没有硬核,是针对那个工艺水平的?谢谢! 
[答:Chen] Please go to, SMIA is open to everyone  [2005-7-7 11:04:57]
[问:dangdang] 摄像头的视频处理速度是怎样? 
[答:Chen] SMIA output from CCP1 208Mbps to SMIA2 640Mbps  [2005-7-7 11:05:39]
[问:chenyqiu] 请问ST的解决方案在降低CMOSSENSOR背景噪声有何优势 
[答:Cw] ST sensors all employ the latest 4T transistor pixel structure. Working and getting images down to 5lux is not a problem  [2005-7-7 11:07:19]
[问:planetkeeper] SMIA与别家Sensor区别在哪里? 
[答:Cw] SMIA is a high speed serial interface (640Mbps)allowing 30fps even for 2Mp. Other sensors are using parellel interface which has a limitation on data transfer rate. For example, for 2Mp with YUV //, the most achievable transfer rate is 10fps.  [2005-7-7 11:11:32]
[问:yuanhero] 能否支持动态图象处理 
[答:Cw] All ST coprocessors supports both Motion-JPEG mode, so using it to work as a camcorder is a plus via the AVI format  [2005-7-7 11:13:15]
[问:wangjunhu] 请问贵公司推出的这个方案硬核是不是经过测试,是在那个工艺水平下完成的。如果有软core提供,可不可以跟其他功能模块集成?谢谢! 
[答:Allen] Our products have been tested and aproved by the worldwide -based top phone makers. We support on software especially in driver. For detail, please contact us(,  [2005-7-7 11:13:53]
[问:zxb2342003] 是否和动态摄像相兼容 
[答:Cw] Yes, it is related to the video capture (M-JPEG) and still capture (JPEG) capability in the chips  [2005-7-7 11:15:16]
[问:岩松] 在使用ST的module的时候,在BB上是否需要使用EMI滤波器件? 
[答:Chen] No need  [2005-7-7 11:16:27]
[问:qijianqi] 照相模块在手机中,会不会和其他模块有时会冲突吗? 
[答:Joey] 照相模块在手机中会和RF模块相互之间产生EMI,这个在相机手机中现在是个普遍面临的问题。尤其在现在手机相机的像素达到并超过百万以后,数据传输率急剧增加,对于现在多数采用ITU656数据接口的相机手机来说,相机模块和RF模块之间的电磁干扰就更加突出,甚至让图像质量下降到无法接受的程度。目前,ST和NOKIA推出的SMIA标准,数据的传输采用LVDS的串行接口,这样EMI会有很好的改善。另外,由于SMIA可以达到高达640Mbps的传输率,所以可以保证在3Mpixel下达到20fps.  [2005-7-7 11:16:54]
[问:zzkeng] CMOS传感器的数据采集延时有多大? 
[答:Chen] This is related to sensor design, not able to provide the detail  [2005-7-7 11:17:23]
[问:luogongqiang] 你认为,影响照相手机中的图像质量有那几方面的原因?主要原因是什么? 
[答:Cw] 1) advanced pixel design 2) image reconstruction algorithms 3) standard (and hi-speed) interface 4) low power consumption 5) automated (big vol) mftg  [2005-7-7 11:18:10]
[问:kllyj2008] ST方案中采用那些措施来降低暗电流而提高灵敏度? 
[答:Chen] Sorry, not able to provide the details, You only can get a ST EVK and test image quality.  [2005-7-7 11:19:07]
[问:luogongqiang] 有无可能照相手机中的图像质量达到数码相机的质量? 
[答:Cw] For VGA and 1.3MP, images taken are close to CCD quality, thanks to 4T transistor pixel design rule and other advances in technology.  [2005-7-7 11:19:29]
[问:aeon] ISP中有哪些图像处理算法? 
[答:Chen] RAW data to YUV422  [2005-7-7 11:21:05]
[问:encaon] 什么是双照相机解决方案?是否需要两个传感器?它较单一照相机方案有何特别要求? 
[答:Allen] 2 cameras in a phone. 1 for taking still picture(camera is to view the scene), another is for video conference(the camera is to view the user himslf). The co-processor has to be capable to control 2 cameras.  [2005-7-7 11:21:05]
[问:kevin.yao] 协处理器如何跟主机通信?我想知道在一个全新的手机方案中加入ST的摄像模块如何在软件上实现? 
[答:Chen] Using I2C ST will provide all registers settings based on your request, you just have to add it into your low-level driver  [2005-7-7 11:22:31]
[问:riello] 10. 你认为,降低CMOS传感器的功耗,从那几方面入手? 
[答:Chen] Answered before  [2005-7-7 11:22:53]
[问:maeleton1] 请问ST的方案中是否带有防红眼、白平衡、智能对焦等技术? 
[答:Cw] Yes, depending on whcih processor is used. For example the STV0984, it supports AF, AWB and others.  [2005-7-7 11:23:03]
[问:shiyouc] main ccp1 & image ccp2 两种不同的处理速率,是否IMAGE-CCP2用于了M-JPEG采集? 
[答:Chen] MJPEG is the output format, CCP1 and 2 are the speed  [2005-7-7 11:23:45]
[问:chen6524] 生成的图片是否可以通过一串口输出? 
[答:Cw] yes, all outputs (bayer, RGB, YUV, JPEG) are passing through the same interface  [2005-7-7 11:26:23]
[问:maeleton1] ST的多源照相手机方案能适合几种来源?是否主要采用ST的器件? 
[答:Allen] With the multi-sources. The sensor can be provided by several vendors including ST.  [2005-7-7 11:26:55]
[问:9961311] 能否使用在家庭用的门铃监控系统?帧速多小?以什么方式输出? 
[答:Joey] 这个肯定可以,你可以采用较低分辨率的摄像头,比如CIF,VGA,我们可以提供30fps的帧速,采用ITU565接口的方式输出。  [2005-7-7 11:27:27]
[问:muxichun] 请问如何解决多源同步的问题??? 
[答:Chen] Using the system clock  [2005-7-7 11:27:29]
[问:改之] 请问这种照相机都兼容哪些标准,对未来新技术与标准的引入与兼容是否具备灵活性和可扩展性呢? 
[答:Chen] We follow SMIA standard  [2005-7-7 11:28:59]
[问:alex_heshen] ST 的650Mbps串行接口,请问用的是什么协议,可否将相关协议资料发到我的信箱 
[答:Chen] Sub-LVDS  [2005-7-7 11:30:19]
[问:huangjc168] 你们能提供技术支持? 
[答:Chen] Yes  [2005-7-7 11:30:31]
[问:zuohuanwen] 3G手机中的图像传输最大可以达到多少 
[答:Cw] 3G due to its broadband rate, it is possible to transmit bigger file size in a shorter time, compared to 2.5G. Example is 2MP.  [2005-7-7 11:31:34]
[问:gmydl] 但是,手机摄影有没有必要达到高像素(>3mp)?还有一个手机的信息存储空间的问题.这两者之间你们作何考虑? 
[答:Allen] So the popularity/evolution for higher resolution camera in the phone will take time to be mature. For long term, the cost of memeory and its density will be both improved. This is the good factor for the popularity to higher camera in the mobile phone.  [2005-7-7 11:31:49]
[问:qmxjc] 请问,在成本控制方面,st是怎样实现的? 
[答:Allen] We"ve been contituing the development of new semiconductor process and related technology for cost improvement.  [2005-7-7 11:34:48]
[问:alex_heshen] 目前可用在手机上的高速串行接口有哪几种,各自的速率能够达到多少bit/s。 
[答:Cw] MDDI promoted by Qualcom, at 450Mbps max  [2005-7-7 11:35:38]
[问:encaon] 手机中用的是CMOS传感器,而数码相机大多数用的是CCD传感器,您认为CMOS传感器和CCD相比,有那些差异? 
[答:Chen] Actually it is difficult to say if CCD is better than CMOS, usually, CMOS getting more noise under dark scene(lower sensitivity), but this can be corrected in the Co-pro, I know one of the top SLR camera manufacturer is using CMOS for all its DSLR cameras.  [2005-7-7 11:37:11]
[问:chenyqiu] 关注手机的电源解决方案,在待机时间和CPU抗电源及RF干扰上的特殊考虑 
[答:Chen] Please follow ST reference design  [2005-7-7 11:37:33]
[问:meteor_chu] 照相手机中的数据传输是否采用USB传输?数据速率有多高? 
[答:Chen] Depends USB1 or 2  [2005-7-7 11:38:06]
[问:qq181070022] 最长摄像的时间(录像摄影)?? 
[答:Chen] depends how is your memory size  [2005-7-7 11:38:39]
[问:wy_niu] 请问:SMIA标准现有多少厂商支持? 
[答:Cw] Today, most of the leading camera suppliers in the field have SMIA compliant products. CCP2.0 are available, or in design, on baseband chips, application processors and BEICs. Standard SMIA sockets are available off-the-shelf A ‘SMIA Approved Laboratory’ is about to be announced to offer compliance and characterisation services   [2005-7-7 11:38:54]
[问:chunsen] 能否介绍一下ST CMOS传感器中的像素结构?是光敏二极管型还是光栅型? 
[答:Chen] 光敏二极管  [2005-7-7 11:39:40]
[问:muxichun] 在最高像素下 没分钟能达到多少桢 
[答:Cw] With ST solutions, 2Mp 30fps 3Mp 20fps  [2005-7-7 11:39:56]
[问:qijianqi] 有没有摄像功能呢? 
[答:Chen] 有  [2005-7-7 11:40:46]
[问:yuangq] 对电源要求高吗?模拟电源和数字电源要分开独立供电吗? 
[答:Joey] 对电源的要求一般。ST会提供相应的参考设计。另外,对于ST的输出raw data的这类sensor而言,是需要给模拟部分和数字部分分开独立供电。拿一百万像素sensor VS6650来说,模拟电源要求2.4~2.9v,对于数字电源要求1.8v,当然这也提供了更低功耗。 对于ST另外一类集成了ISP的Sensor,可以选择提供单电源供电,比如1.3M VS6624  [2005-7-7 11:41:16]
[问:woniu2008] 请问老师,何为多源手机哦?我想知道目前手机配备可照相的摄相头几乎只要在光线不足的地方,尤其是夜晚就根本不能成相,这个问题目前有什么好的解决方法吗?最好是可以通过软件升级来解决就太好了,这样可剩去一笔开支,谢谢了哈!! 
[答:Allen] The multi-source means you can get the sensor from different suppliers on the same quality, specification, reliability etc. Low light performance can be different from different snesor supplier. It can be improved by the process improvement of semiconductor. Flash light is also a solution but it takes power.  [2005-7-7 11:41:16]
[问:muxichun] 你们提供在线支持吗 
[答:Cw] ST can support customers via emails, web publish, phone calls or visits.  [2005-7-7 11:41:41]
[问:qijianqi] 开发系统是不是免费的? 
[答:Allen] We provide the tools without charge if we agreed with our customers on the project plan etc.  [2005-7-7 11:43:16]
[问:qmxjc] 请问低功耗和高采样率是如何统一在一起的? 
[答:Chen] I can only say the design and manufacture technology is updated every day. You can have your IC in smaller size, high requncy....  [2005-7-7 11:43:39]
[问:southvar] 将来相机还有用吗,是否会取代相机? 一般是多少像素? 
[答:Allen] We believe, Digital Camera will still exist at least in the professional area.  [2005-7-7 11:44:18]
[问:zk302] 能否提供一个电路图看一下 
[答:Cw] Possible, can you give your email address  [2005-7-7 11:44:20]
[问:chenyqiu] STV0984可否与其他公司的CMOSSENSOR连接,例如OMNIVISION 
[答:Allen] It"s possible to connect to Omnivision"s SMIA sensor.  [2005-7-7 11:45:20]
[问:muzic] 小焦距下的成像清晰度是通过哪些手段保证的 
[答:Joey] 通过优秀的光学技术,结合高性能的图像色彩处理算法,以及图像传感器的感光性能来实现。  [2005-7-7 11:45:23]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, Zhuhai Actions Semiconductor Co.的aeon经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为aeon的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-7-7 11:45:40]
[问:zyjname] 请问什么是标准兼容的多源手机照相?它的发展趋势如何? 
[答:Chen] Follow SMIA is just like your PC got IDE, you can have difference brand of harddisk, SMIA gives you more choices to select different brand of camera In the future I believe SMIA will be more and more popular  [2005-7-7 11:46:37]
[问:bjw2003] 请问软件支持,尤其是操作系统都支持哪些? 
[答:Chen] ST will provide settings to control the co-pro  [2005-7-7 11:47:20]
[问:HANG1979] co-processor完成什么功能? 
[答:Joey] 对于ST的CO-PROCESSOR而言,主要完成ISP功能,JPEG,图像输出格式转换。  [2005-7-7 11:49:10]
[问:cdlwz] 能否与单片机构成无人监控系统,将图象发到另一个手机上,再传到计算机上. 
[答:Chen] It is possible. If you are using ST camera module, your MCU must have a video port (ITU-656) with master I2C to receive the image  [2005-7-7 11:51:29]
[问:huitang_shen] 用于其它场合,如监控,与CCD Sensor相比的优势和不足 
[答:Joey] 于CCD sensor相比,价格是个最大的优势,另外CMOS sensor更加容易大批量产  [2005-7-7 11:52:50]
[问:wy_niu] SMIA包括了摄像头的要求吗?那与不支持此标准的摄像头实质上有何区别? 
[答:Chen] please go to for details  [2005-7-7 11:53:24]
[问:] dc-dc电源,电池3.3伏,需要5.5伏250MA输出,必需可控制关闭.DC芯片选择何型号?
[答:] Not related to this seminar
[问:] 什么叫多源相机?:)
[答:] Multi-source, Based on a standard interface called SMIA, you can have multi-vendor support. Pls contact ST-Beijing
[问:] 手机的如此多的功能,如何寻求电源的支持呢?电源目前成为移动电子设备的一个瓶颈了,我估计便携电源的发展会成为一个热点,是吗?
[答:] Yes
[问:] 谢谢,core procesor提供实时decoding么?
[答:] Yes
[问:] 多源是什么意思?
[答:] Multi-source, Based on a standard interface called SMIA, you can have multi-vendor support. Pls contact ST-Beijing
[问:] 我们所关注的是手机有限的存储空间,请问你们在这方面有没有什么好的解决方案
[答:] Add more memory or memory card. But cost high
[问:] 能否提供ST的主处理器型号,及Setup ,flow chart
[答:] Contact
[问:] mp3,dv,mp4,等功能齐备了,成本,最低能达到多少
[答:] Depends on cost of chipsets used
[问:] 手机在功能集MP3,摄像机,等功能情况下,成本问题是否不断下降,包括技术成本
[答:] Yes, will drop somewhat
[问:] 现在手机内存一般能扩充到多大
[答:] Depends what BB chip you are using. Pls contact ST
[问:] 在你们公司的网站注册,能够获得一些你们产品的一些标准,但是,我们能不能得到一些产品(如处理器)的实物比例图,特别是一些参数.这样才能作出一个好的体积性能比的参照.
[答:] Contact
[问:] 照相手机能代替相机?
[答:] Yes or No
[问:] 请问你们的方案有多少手机采用?
[答:] European, American and many others
[问:] 作为“多源”,具体指什么?
[答:] Multi-source, Based on a standard interface called SMIA, you can have multi-vendor support. Pls contact
[问:] ST能够提供什么样的支持?
[答:] Technical support from Design to production
[问:] 贵公司是否能提供详细的 资料
[答:] Contact
[问:] 650M串行接口,使用什么总线技术?有必要这么高吗?
[答:] sub-LVDS, in order to achieve 2Mp streaming @25fps
[问:] 成本方面有优势吗
[答:] Yes
[问:] 我想知道就提升过程中的问题。
[答:] Think you have the presentation from 2M to 3M. Pls contact
[问:] 您好,我想问一下在CMOS MODULE 制作部分,是否有中趋势,CSP封装将被COB取代?劲请赐教.
[答:] Today, both CSP and COB are available, but more and more will move to COB
[问:] 你们的在线支持反映速度有多快,我是说 responseto the customers qustion via email.
[答:] 2 days or shorter for normal replies
[问:] 竞争优势全面分析
[答:] ST is among top 3 in camera module supply, has 25% market share
[问:] 希望了解整个方案的价格考虑
[答:] Contact
[问:] 现在在三星提出了用大容量的FLASH来代替笔记本硬盘,请问贵公司有没有这方面的意想?如果有的话请问您那边的容量大概有多大?速率有多大?
[答:] Not related to this seminar
[问:] 内置USB模块吗?
[答:] No
[问:] 内置电源吗?
[答:] No