
热门关键字: 电视 噪声 LAN PWM 



[问:jimmy88531] 以往的光电隔离器件,其响应速度也是制约其在高速场合应用的一个弊端,不知iCoupler? 隔离技术在响应速度这方面有什么相应的解决办法或特点? 
[答:Mariah] The highest speed of our part can reach 100MBPS.  [2005-6-1 10:41:58]
[问:shaolei555] 是否有输出和输入呈线性关系的产品? 
[答:Yiming] 现在推出的产品仅仅是数字式隔离器,目前没有输出与输入呈线性关系的产品。  [2005-6-1 10:41:59]
[问:lobster05] 光耦合器件目前的最大困扰是什么? 谢谢 
[答:Mariah] Big size, low integration, large power consumption, LED wearout  [2005-6-1 10:43:15]
[问:snowchang] 请讲讲在AD转换与串口通讯中的应用 
[答:Jing] You can use our AD7400/1 as ADC. there will be a icoupler between you MCU and ADC.But the iCoupler is in our AD7400. You can also use ADM2483/6 as RS485 interface and cancel your original optocoupler. (like RS485+iCoupler------icoupler+RS485). Thanks!  [2005-6-1 10:43:41]
[问:owenzhao] 当应用模拟输入时,ADuM是否对于光藕来讲并不占优势。 
[答:Jing] Our iCuopler is a digital coupler that will be used in digital signal isolate. For analog isolate,you can refer to our isolate AMP.Thanks!  [2005-6-1 10:45:06]
[问:enigmaXJ306] 我在使用ADuM1401和1301传输数据时,发现在一段数据传输完毕之后会多出一个1-0的跳变,请问是否有遇到这样的情况? 
[答:Ronn] Sorry but I don"t understand.  Are you saying that the output transitions from high to low even when the input is not?  [2005-6-1 10:46:35]
[问:mosfet] 请问该产品如果应用于强电磁干扰环境时,会不会受到外部电磁场的影响? 
[答:Yiming] 如果我们将一个频率为1 MHz的电流置于距离iCoupler变压器5 mm远处,要想破坏iCoupler的性能,其电流强度必须达到500A。这是一个频率较高,强度极大的磁场。尽管采用iCoupler器件的系统中包含了发电机、电动机和其它涉及到强磁场的设备,我们还从未见过任何客户的应用会达到甚至接近这么高的磁场。所以,iCoupler产品抗外部磁场干扰能力极强。  [2005-6-1 10:46:41]
[问:sb_yzj] 1.隔离电压 2.传输带宽 3.电源要求 
[答:Jing] 1. We have 2.5kV and 5kV product. 2. from 0---100M 3.3-5V with good decouple .See AN707 on our web.           Thanks!  [2005-6-1 10:47:38]
[问:LingboXu] icoupler器件对脉冲的边沿敏感,我们在使用这种器件做电力测量方面的隔离应用时,被隔离的模拟处理电路部分一般会有随机的脉冲群干扰、高频噪声等干扰,请问其可靠性如何? 
[答:Ronn] All inputs to iCoupler have a Schmitt Trigger with hysteresis to help protect against noice.  The inputs also have a "glitch" filter to filter out spike and short pulses less than 10 nsec.  In most cases iCouplers are robust.  However, your specific application should be examined in greater detail to make sure.  [2005-6-1 10:48:07]
[问:wcy1999] 在应用icoupler之前,必须把模拟信号转换成数字信号?但更多情况下是模拟信号进行传输。到目前你们的产品已经应用到哪些方面?谢谢 
[答:Yiming] iCoupler产品在等离子电视,汽车电子中有广泛的应用,只能传输数字信号。  [2005-6-1 10:48:24]
[问:sz1314 8831152] 我现在正在设计一款新一代产品,产品中使用两个光耦4N33 , 早就想换掉它. 能否提供样品及资料和价格? 谢谢! 
[答:Jing] You can refer to our ADuM12OX and ADuM140X .Please contact with you local distributor for samples,document and price. Or you can call 800 810 1742 for all of that?  [2005-6-1 10:49:25]
[问:maeleton1] iCOUPLER隔离技术的直流失调有多高?耦合直流会有多大误差? 
[答:Yiming] iCoupler隔离是数字式隔离,都是数字电平,没有失调。直流没有误差。  [2005-6-1 10:50:14]
[问:bconnect] 演讲人:你们好!能否就抖动和去抖动问题做进一步的解释!谢谢! 
[答:Mariah] We can filter out the frequency which is larger than the maximum data rate.  [2005-6-1 10:50:27]
[问:georzhao] 1、这个器件的低温特性如何? 2、是否有温度特性曲线? 3、是否需要驱动电压? 4、功耗是多少? 
[答:Eagle] 1。温度范围:-40度到105度 2。有。 3。需两组电压,互相隔离。 4。功耗与速度有关。参考Datasheet。(P8)  [2005-6-1 10:50:39]
[问:guahuahua] 你们的放大器带隔离的技术是数字隔离还是光隔 
[答:Wenshuai] Do you mean AD202 and AD210? In fact, they are not iCoupler parts, but use the transformer as the isolation. It can transfer analog signals with high precision. But, AD7400 is a sigma-delta modualtor with isolation. For details, you can contact us via 800 810 1742 or  [2005-6-1 10:52:30]
[问:dino327] 采用的原理是什么呢?何以在高温的情况下保证工作可靠 
[答:Jing] It adopt our patented iCoupler process. The principle is based on transformer isolate . Our part can work under 125 centigrade because of our process and package.  [2005-6-1 10:52:39]
[问:MHW] 由于期件内有变压器,器件会对PCB板上的其它器件有ESD方面的影响吗? 
[答:Yiming] 对于每一个芯片都有ESD保护电路,所以不会对其它器件有影响。  [2005-6-1 10:52:54]
[问:zyq99] 请问:抗共模的能力如何? 
[答:Mariah] High Common-Mode Transient Immunity: >25 kV/us  [2005-6-1 10:53:10]
[问:maeleton1] ADI的iCOUPLER能否耦合模拟信号?信号失真有多大? 
[答:Yiming] 不能。  [2005-6-1 10:53:13]
[问:keasen] 请问这种隔离技术性能与光电耦合有什么本质区别?设计时候需要考虑那些因素? 
[答:Eagle] 用磁耦合,芯片里用半导体工艺做微型线圈,之间加绝缘层,与变压器类似。设计注意输入输出尽量远离,注意CMOS电路本身问题。  [2005-6-1 10:53:37]
[问:encaon] 能否详情介绍变压器的结构和性能参数?它的工作频率能达到多高? 
[答:Mariah] Please refer to page 9 in the presentation for the transformer structure.  [2005-6-1 10:54:37]
[问:wxgsnake] 1、价格 2、功耗 3、抗干扰能力 4、能够承受的最大的电流、电压 5、体积 6、对其它元件设备是否有干扰 
[答:Ronn]   [2005-6-1 10:54:43]
[问:encaon] ADI的数字隔离技术的ESD保护性能如何? 
[答:Yiming] iCoupler产品对系统级ESD测试表现出较高的敏感性,因为它们内部存在CMOS器件。大多数光耦合器没有CMOS器件,所以不用关心ESD和闩锁效应。基于这点,目前正在开发新的iCoupler系列产品增强了抗ESD干扰能力。这些新的系列产品包括单通道、双通道、三通道和四通道器件,除了改进了ESD性能以外,它们与现有的iCoupler产品其余性能完全一样。预计这些新产品将于今年面世。   [2005-6-1 10:55:18]
[问:simon72] 这种器件是否对电磁干扰很敏感? 
[答:Jing] No. You may think it"s a transformer and apt to affected by ESD. But the size of the transformer is very small . So it"s not sensitive to ESD and has passed all the ESD certification. See page 13  [2005-6-1 10:55:37]
[问:97669] 为什么在低速耦合应用中iCoupler 比光耦价格高很多? 
[答:Ronn] This shouldn"t be.  Please show me the example where you are seeing a low-speed iCoupler have a higher price-per-channel than a high-speed iCoupler.  [2005-6-1 10:55:39]
[问:encaon] iCOUPLER数字隔离的双向传输是否意味变压器的变比是1:1? 
[答:Mariah] It has nothing to do with the turn ratio. Please see page 5 and page 6 for details of the operation theory.  [2005-6-1 10:56:03]
[问:yindz] 目标应用中能否用于USB2.0? 
[答:Eagle] 基本可以。ADuM1200有100M版本,不超过100Mbps时可以(USB2.0本身与线长有关)。但暂时达不到480M。  [2005-6-1 10:56:37]
[问:97669] 如何避免LATCH UP 现象 
[答:Ronn] The answer to this depends on the cause of the latch-up. We have an application note in process to answer your question.  Please send me a request for this note ( and I will send it to you.  Sorry but a the moment it is only in English.  One of our FAE"s in China would be happy to help you.  [2005-6-1 10:57:06]
[问:tommygreen] 隔离技术涉及到具体的计算问题,如何解决?能否以一个实例说明一下! 
[答:Jing] I don"t understand your question. What kind of calculation? Please clearify it for us. Thanks!  [2005-6-1 10:57:20]
[问:lienjun] 你好!我想知道iCoupler@隔离技术与传统的光电隔离技术相比除了耐高温以外还有什么优势?另外,请您介绍一下该隔离技术的工作原理。 
[答:Yiming] 1。集成度优势——这意味着降低尺寸和成本。 2。iCoupler产品提供比光耦合器更高的性能。 3。iCoupler产品的工作功耗要比光耦合器低一到两个数量级。 4。iCoupler产品使用起来更容易。 5。iCoupler产品的可靠性比光耦合器高。   [2005-6-1 10:57:32]
[问:maeleton1] iCOUPLER隔离技术的输入/输出信号的传输延迟或响应时间如何? 
[答:Eagle] 延时30ns左右,见规格书。  [2005-6-1 10:58:07]
[问:LingboXu] icoupler器件封装隔离输入、输出端管脚间距较小,GB4793-84-9.5.4中规定,隔离RMS450~660VAC的电压需要9毫米以上的爬电距离,请问这一问题如何考虑? 
[答:Ronn] Yes, for the voltage range and safety standard you cite in your question, our icoupler devices are not suitable.  However, for lower voltages or other safety standards, our products are appropriate.  [2005-6-1 10:58:17]
[问:linking_nana] 对于纳秒级的10KHz的脉冲,icoupler是否可以有效的隔离,并不使脉冲进一步展宽呢 
[答:Mariah] We can not deal with the pulse which is less than 10ns.  [2005-6-1 10:58:29]
[问:rexyu] Did iCouple have linear coupling character? 
[答:Ronn] No, all our present iCoupler products are digital devices.  They have digital inputs and digital outputs.  We are considering to develop a linear isolator but have no firm plans at the moment.  [2005-6-1 10:58:51]
[问:hyingsheng] 隔离两端是否都要电源供电 
[答:Eagle] 是。我们会做带电源的版本,一段供电,隔离后本身可以给自身供电,另外10mA给外部电路。  [2005-6-1 10:59:40]
[问:meteor_chu] ADI的数字隔离器件通过了那些安全认证? 
[答:Mariah] Please refer to page 9, 10 for the safety approval.  [2005-6-1 11:01:08]
[问:ypeter7574] 请问这种隔离技术,与传统光耦隔离技术相比,其两侧间绝缘、耐压的指标如何?驱动及负载能力如何? 
[答:Jing] compared with optocoupler,we use Polymide as the isolate material that can withstand very high voltage with very thin Ploymide . Now we have 2.5kV and 5kV product. it compliant with TTL/CMOS level.  [2005-6-1 11:01:27]
[问:cjwang] 您好 1。iCoupler?隔离技术是否适合开关电源原副边之间的模拟信号传输? 2。iCoupler?隔离技术抗电磁干扰的性能如何? 
[答:Yiming] 1。不能传输模拟信号 2。iCoupler器件受外部磁场的影响极小,因为变压器的尺寸极小,其直径大约只有0.3毫米。例如,如果我们将一个频率为1 MHz的电流置于距离iCoupler变压器5 mm远处,要想破坏iCoupler的性能,其电流强度必须达到500A。这是一个频率较高,强度极大的磁场。尽管采用iCoupler器件的系统中包含了发电机、电动机和其它涉及到强磁场的设备,我们还从未见过任何客户的应用会达到甚至接近这么高的磁场。所以,iCoupler产品抗外部磁场干扰能力极强。   [2005-6-1 11:02:05]
[问:meteor_chu] 除了隔离性能,选择ADI的数字隔离产品主要考虑什么因素? 
[答:Eagle] 选型时注意速度(2M/10M/100M)合通道数。(1ch ADuM1100、 2Ch ADuM1200、3ch ADuM1300、4ch ADuM1400)、通道方向(如ADuM1400四个同向,ADuM1401是3进1出,ADuM1402是2进2出)。  [2005-6-1 11:03:56]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] iCoupler的偶合度与光偶比如何? 
[答:Jing] It"s better than optocoupler.Because there is a receive circuit in our chip that will recover the input digital signal . For optocoupler, you should drive the optocoupler and there is a optical couple efficient issue . All the photodiode has a sensitivity and dark current issue.  [2005-6-1 11:04:27]
[问:meteor_chu] 数字隔离中的变压器是否会产生电磁干扰(EMI)?会不会出现通常变压器的饱和现象? 
[答:Mariah] Because the size of the transformer is very small. The diameter is only 0.3mm. So it can not generate EMI problem. Also it can not be saturate.  [2005-6-1 11:04:28]
[问:xddyw] 这种隔离器在带宽上可以比拟光偶合器么?另外,它的温度特性好的话,是否就不需要在布局设计上像光耦一样那么考虑周边散热元件的影响? 
[答:Eagle] 带宽比光耦高(可到100M),功耗低,无散热困难。  [2005-6-1 11:05:24]
[问:cxghit] 高速DA,AD布线,与fpga的接口方面应注意什么? 
[答:Yiming] 注意:iCoupler最高工作频率是100MHz。把iCoupler器件按通常高速pcb布局原则处理就可以。  [2005-6-1 11:05:25]
[问:lvchangzhi] iCoupler?隔离在低频、小信号时的线性度如何?在应用iCoupler?隔离技术处理低频、小信号时为获得良好的线性度应该注意什么? 
[答:Ronn] Sorry but the concept of linearity does not apply to our existing iCoupler products.  They are digital isolators - not linear isolators.  They input a digital signal and output a digital signal.  [2005-6-1 11:05:53]
[问:zzkeng] 数字隔离器件是否存在”共地”问题?是否能进行远距离传输? 
[答:Mariah] The ground of each side should be different. How far is your distance. We have RS485 part which integrates icoupler technology, so you can use RS485 to transfer data through a long distance. The part number is ADM2483, ADM2486.  [2005-6-1 11:06:35]
[问:alex.xing] 请问这种隔离技术的信号频带范围及芯片供货情况 
[答:Mariah] The highest frequency is 100MBPS. Please contact our distributors for sourcing.  [2005-6-1 11:07:08]
[问:rexyu] 初級測和次級測最大電壓差? 
[答:Eagle] 与时间有关系。2500VRMS 1 min, 400V 65年。注意不是峰峰值。  [2005-6-1 11:07:39]
[问:meteor_chu] 变压器一般都会带来噪音, ADI的数字隔离技术的噪音性能如何?能否用在线性放大? 
[答:Ronn] Sorry but no.  The iCoupler products we have today are digital devices.  The inputs are digital as are the outputs.  They are not appropriate for use in a linear amplifier.  [2005-6-1 11:07:50]
[问:mcddjf] 光耦合器是否会因为在恶劣的环境下,而改变原来信号的性质,导致控制信号的错误? 假如真是如此,那么污水处理当中的减速机的耦合器选择那种较好,原来的偶合器怎样处理,会改变这些不利的因素? 
[答:Jing] Our iCoupler has passed a lot of certification and test such as UL,CSA,VDE. If you use iCoupler under the situation of UL,CSA etc. The performance won"t degrade. In your application, you can use our ADuM120X and ADuM140X between your ADC and MCU .  [2005-6-1 11:08:12]
[问:shl] 我公司现在使用485总线传送数据,速度不超过10MHZ,芯片为MAX485,MAX488,MAX490等,数字地是不能隔离的。如采用隔离技术, 方案如何替代?复杂程度是否增加过多? 
[答:Yiming] 很简单,完全可以采用iCoupler产品作完全隔离,也就是数字地也被隔开。  [2005-6-1 11:08:20]
[问:robinrao] package? voltage isolation? I coupler gain? 
[答:Ronn] Depending on the product, we use two packages.  Our single and dual channel products are in 8-lead SOIC packages.  Our triples and quads are in 16-lead wide-body SOIC packages.  All products except the ADuM240x family have an isolation rating of 2.5KVrms.  The ADuM240x family have an isolation rating of 5.0KVrms.  The concept of gain does not apply to iCouplers as they are digital devices - digital inputs and digital outputs.  [2005-6-1 11:09:18]
[问:cjwang] 你好 iCoupler的传输延时是多少?用作高速隔离驱动合适吗? 
[答:Mariah] Differenct part has different propagation delay. The specification is in the datasheet. Generally speaking, the propagation delay is below 60ns. Our highest part is 100M SPS.  [2005-6-1 11:09:29]
[问:echi] 该技术能传送信号的频率上限是多少 
[答:Mariah] 100M BPS  [2005-6-1 11:09:54]
[问:chowewah] icoupler为数字隔离传输,是否意味着无法直接应用于PWM控制? 
[答:Eagle] 脉宽调制可用iCoupler。iCoupler可从DC到100M,因为DC和低频时有内部脉冲传过去,相当于调制。  [2005-6-1 11:10:04]
[问:svwf1982] 对于供电电源有什么要求吗?谢谢 
[答:Mariah] Sure. 2.7V~5.5V  [2005-6-1 11:10:30]
[问:jdeng] Could you provide some samples? if can, where to apply? 
[答:Mariah] Please go to ADI website for free sample.  [2005-6-1 11:10:53]
[问:little_guard] 1,我需要同时隔离多路,又不想使用多个隔离器件,怎样是成本最佳的考虑方案? 2,同时隔离多路时如何保证每路的线性度或者是大批量生产时软件的统一? 3,同时隔离多路时如何保证每路间不互相影响,或是多个检测点地接到一点时的回路影响问题? 
[答:Yiming] 1。ADI提供在一个芯片上同时隔离3路,4路的icoupler产品。 2。每一路良好匹配。 3。没有影响。  [2005-6-1 11:11:26]
[问:zzkeng] iCOUPLER数字隔离器件能否代替光电耦合用在电源转换中? 
[答:Yiming] 完全可以。  [2005-6-1 11:11:49]
[问:zhaoyu1029] 输出低电平是多少 
[答:Jing] 0.1V @ 20uA and 0.4 @ 4mA  [2005-6-1 11:12:12]
[问:whitec712] 在监控系统的数据(RS232/422/485)传输中有部分将光耦合器集成在芯片里,“iCoupler”可否也集成在接口芯片里?另其价格如何,成品较我用过的NEC2501贵多少? 
[答:Ronn] Yes, we have two products that integrate an RS485 transceiver with the iCoupler technology.  These are ADM2483 and ADM2486.  The pricing for these in 1K quantities is $3.00 (ADM2483) and $4.50 (ADM2486). As far as the NEC2501, that is only an optocoupler without the RS485 so I"m not sure how to compare...  [2005-6-1 11:12:36]
[问:efei_ma] 隔离器件两边是否跟光电隔离器一样需提供隔离的电源 
[答:Mariah] Yes, it needs isolated power supply. But, we are developing the new products which just needs one power supply.  [2005-6-1 11:13:01]
[问:jianglujia] 速度、耐压和最大电流都是多少? 
[答:Jing] 100Mbps, 2.5kV and 5kV , 2mA@10M for ADuM1100  [2005-6-1 11:14:31]
[问:owenzhao] ADuM130X&140X VDE 认证现在有没有拿到? 
[答:Mariah] Our ADuM130x and ADuM140x Triple and Quad Channel Isolators have been tested by VDE to the requirements for reinforced insulation.  The parts passed but VDE has not issued a certification as the standard they use is restricted specifically for optocouplers.  Instead, there will be a new standard approved this year for magnetic couplers.  Once this is in place, the ADuM130x and ADuM140x products will have VDE certification for reinforced insulation.  I would like to note that these products already carry approval from CSA and UL for reinforced insulation.   [2005-6-1 11:14:35]
[问:steven wang] 带负载能力如何? 
[答:Yiming] 输出电流为最大4mA  [2005-6-1 11:15:07]
[问:guo69] 请问直流信号怎么传输? 
[答:Jing] 这种情况可能是出现在低占空比或低频信号中的直流(DC)信号或者更简单的情况就是刚加电时的状态。iCoupler产品可利用内部刷新电路解决这个问题。当输入信号的逻辑变化率高于1 MHz,该电路不激活。但是,如果在大约1 μs时间内没有输入的边沿变化,该刷新电路就会自动激活,检查输入信号的逻辑状态并将适当的脉冲传送给变压器。这些刷新脉冲会以大约1 MHz的速率连续发送,直到输入信号状态改变,并且输入边沿的出现要优先于刷新电路。 在这种方式下,输出端会不断地“被刷新”以确保输出信号与输入信号相一致――即使在直流输入的情况下。  [2005-6-1 11:15:18]
[问:wxgsnake] 整个芯片的功耗能有多大,能够承受多大的电流、瞬态抑制电压 
[答:Mariah] Please see page 17 for the power consumption curve. It depends on your data rate. our parts have high Common-Mode Transient Immunity: >25 kV/us  [2005-6-1 11:16:42]
[问:ljiancn] 请问:贵公司所提到的icoupler能不能替代开关电源所使用的光电藕荷器,预计效果怎么样?(能否改善电源的动态特性和稳定性),成本方面有什么变化?做为开关信号传递时,最大时间延迟是多少? 
[答:Ronn] I am assuming that the optocoupler you refer to here is the one sending a feedback signal form secondary to primary and that only one channel is needed.  Frankly, this is not a good use for na iCoupler as our single channel part is expensive (>$1.00).  However, the performance is much better as the propagation delays is about 20 ns. If your power supply application is differents (such as synchronous rectification or secondary control) then iCouplers have more applicability since multiple channels and improved timing is required.  [2005-6-1 11:16:43]
[问:bconnect] 演讲人你好!请问icoupler的最大驱动电流是多少?可不可代替为工业控制的机械触点 
[答:Yiming] 4mA。iCoupler产品是标准cmos工艺。数字电压为5V。看你的工业应用电压为多少?  [2005-6-1 11:17:17]
[问:maeleton1] ADI的数字隔离技术,输入/输出的隔离电压有多高? 
[答:Mariah] ADuM240x has a 5KV isolation voltage. ADuM140x has a 2.5KV isolation voltage.  [2005-6-1 11:17:28]
[问:gjxiao] how about the EMC performance of the iCoupler device 
[答:Ronn] iCouplers are extremely immune to EMC as our transformers have a diameter of only 0.3 mm.  In the back of every data sheet is a discussion of this and charts showing how strong a magnetic field needs to be to cause a problem (EXTREMELY strong)  [2005-6-1 11:17:36]
[问:曹振生] 请问该产品有那些优势? 
[答:Yiming] 1。集成度优势——这意味着降低尺寸和成本。 2。iCoupler产品提供比光耦合器更高的性能。 3。iCoupler产品的工作功耗要比光耦合器低一到两个数量级。 4。iCoupler产品使用起来更容易。 5。iCoupler产品的可靠性比光耦合器高。  [2005-6-1 11:17:45]
[问:steven wang] 驱动电流多大? 
[答:Yiming] 4mA  [2005-6-1 11:17:53]
[问:encaon] iCOUPLER隔离技术是单片技术还是多片式单封装模块? 
[答:Mariah] multi-chip technology  [2005-6-1 11:17:57]
[问:jdeng] 对在1M速率下,可传DC信号不理解,可否简诉 
[答:Mariah] Please refer to page 6.  [2005-6-1 11:18:53]
[问:myk_meteor] 对于数据采集后一般的隔离技术应该采用?对于干簧管对数据的采集后 有隔离的必要么? 
[答:Eagle] 因为隔离放大器很贵,所以现在一般先采用,再隔离,即在AD后用iCoupler隔离AD与CPU。干簧管或互感器本身有隔离,是否再需要隔离看情况。  [2005-6-1 11:19:29]
[问:vvvzhzhh] 这种隔离方式如何提高工作频率以及拓展带宽?? 
[答:Yiming] 最高工作频率为100MHz。工作频率与工艺有关。  [2005-6-1 11:19:46]
[问:fisher.yu] In multi-channel iCoupler device, does each channel have its transformer? How ADI can prevent crosstalk between different channels? 
[答:Ronn] Yes, each channel has its own transformer.  Cross talk is prevent by appropriate spacing between the transformers and by the tight magnetic coupling within each transformer.  [2005-6-1 11:20:19]
[问:xhchenk] 所有通道之间是否相互隔离? 
[答:Mariah] They are all isolated.  [2005-6-1 11:21:01]
[问:andy_yiya] 最新的隔离技术精度能达到多高。 
[答:Mariah] Our parts are digital isolation part. What do you mean accuracy?  [2005-6-1 11:21:36]
[问:bloodhood] iCoupler将来的发展会不会为高速ADC的数据总线隔离提供基础?数据率进一步提高,channel-channel skew和device-device skew进一步减小? 
[答:Ronn] Our view at the moment is that our "C" grade products do meet the needs of high-speed ADC buses.  However, if it turns out that greater improvement is needed we are always open do doing that.  At the moment we do not have any plans to offer products with improved channel-channel and device-device skew simply because nobody has asked for this!  [2005-6-1 11:23:38]
[问:wxw_h] 该产品的技术指标、性能、价格、供货期如何? 
[答:Eagle] 性能好,物美假廉,供货好,请咨询本地代理:如华创科技。  [2005-6-1 11:23:57]
[问:jingtomato] 你好,请问I coupler 产品在进行隔离传输时的比较适合、或者说交流行的频段时多少。传输直流信号在一兆频率下刷新,会不会出现传输错误,即正好赶上信号的频率 
[答:Mariah] 我们速度最高的产品的数据率是100Mbps,而且我们传输直流信号。不太明白你的第二个问题, 请详述?  [2005-6-1 11:24:06]
[问:efei_ma] 该隔离技术可否适用于高频脉冲系列的传输 
[答:Yiming] 最高码率100MBPS,脉冲宽度不能窄于10ns。  [2005-6-1 11:24:40]
[问:livekoko] 和光电隔离相比,在完成同样效果的情况下,价格怎样? 
[答:Mariah] Genarlly speaking, the integration Benefits of our parts have 30-60% Cost/Size Reduction  [2005-6-1 11:26:15]
[问:w_suny] 在数模共地的情况下,用ADMU1100隔离采样保持信号是否有效? 
[答:Yiming] 有效。  [2005-6-1 11:26:35]
[问:w_suny] ADMU1100能否做为空节点信号的隔离? 
[答:Eagle] 可以。  [2005-6-1 11:27:07]
[问:sunyuan] 模拟信号隔离放大器采用光耦合器时的主要问题: 1、-25~+70度工作环境下温漂直接影响信号的输出精度,解决方法? 2、辅助电源采用DC-DC隔离电源给光耦合器的输入/输出端时,隔离电源的噪声耦合到了信号通道中,输出信号也有与电源振荡频率相同的噪声,如何减小或消除。 
[答:Mariah] Our part is digital isolation part. It can not isolate analog signal.  [2005-6-1 11:27:51]
[问:jerry.zhang] 我是系统集成用户,不是隔离产品制造商,我想知道直接可以集成到我们系统的隔离模块的供货来源 
[答:Eagle] ADuM1400很容易用,可以找其他合作伙伴。  [2005-6-1 11:28:39]
[问:jerry.zhang] 对于工业焊接场所及设备上的高频起弧干扰的具体应对方案是什么? 
[答:Ronn] Sorry but I don"t know much about this application.  If you care to send me more details at I can better comment.  [2005-6-1 11:29:10]
[问:Yangwh] 何处能下载DATA SHEET,何处能买到? 
[答:Mariah] Please go to our qualified distributors to buy the parts. The contact information is  [2005-6-1 11:29:31]
[问:myk_meteor] 是不是 MCU 两端的所有采集信号、输出控制量都需要采用隔离呢?如果是,请问怎样选型? 
[答:Eagle] 看系统,一般要确保源于控制之间隔开。  [2005-6-1 11:29:54]
[问:lijin_as] icoupler产品是否可用于以太网接口隔离应用 
[答:Ronn] No.  Ethernet is an AC waveform.  iCouplers are digital isolation devices so are not suitable.  Also, Ethernet is normally isolated using low-cost transformers so iCouplers would not provide any benefit to this application.  [2005-6-1 11:30:06]
[问:zyq99] 你好: 1:请问其小量购买价格是多少? 2:可否给点样品? 丹东思凯 朱运起 2005 6 1 谢谢 
[答:Mariah] Please go to to apply samples. You can also find the price in the website.  [2005-6-1 11:30:13]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2005-6-1 11:30:40]
[问:jingtomato] 隔离器件现在的销售价格是多少,如果能完全替代光藕合隔离,样片怎样得到 
[答:Mariah] Please go to our website for samples application and price information. Our part is digital isolation. It can replace the opto-isoltion solution which is in digital isoltion applicaiton.  [2005-6-1 11:31:17]
[问:wxgsnake] 有没有一路输入多路输出的产品 
[答:Mariah] No.  [2005-6-1 11:31:44]
[问:zzkeng] 数字隔离器件,较之光隔离器件在破坏干扰源的进入方面有何优势? 
[答:Ronn] Sorry but I don"t understand the phrase "baffle the interfere source entry".  Can you explain further?  [2005-6-1 11:32:14]
[问:guyepiaoyu] 我们的产品用在 高磁场 的 测量!咨询一下是否采用其隔离? 
[答:Eagle] 多高?我们是500A实验。 Example:  A 1 MHz current placed 5 mm away from an iCoupler transformer must have an amplitude of 500A in order to cause an iCoupler disruption!  [2005-6-1 11:32:27]
[问:LingboXu] 请问隔离电压2500V的ICOUPLER器件, 
[答:Eagle] 建议ADuM2400。  [2005-6-1 11:32:56]
[问:wu-youyong] 是开关型否?有输入与输出线性关系的,精度? 
[答:Yiming] 现在推出的产品仅仅是数字式隔离器,目前没有输出与输入呈线性关系的产品。  [2005-6-1 11:33:00]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 有没有支持USB2.0传输速率的iCouplers产品? 
[答:Ronn] Well, iCOupler do support that data rate of USB2.0 but not the waveform.  By this I mean that my understanding is that USB2.0 includes a differential waveform as well as power.  Our iCoupler devices simply isolate digital signals so are not suitable for differental signals let alone the power line.  [2005-6-1 11:33:23]
[问:qiang_zhen] 对不起,我没有听清楚它(CMOS)是如何进行隔离的?谢谢! 
[答:Yiming] 靠系统片上变压器隔离。  [2005-6-1 11:33:38]
[问:wxgsnake] 请问:其它辅助器件再PCB板上的布线距离是不是越近越好? 
[答:Ronn] Yes....but I"m not sure I understand what you are asking.  Can you explain further please?  [2005-6-1 11:33:50]
[问:LingboXu] 请问隔离电压为2500V的ICOUPLER器件,若长期工作,隔离与被隔离端电路最大可以施加多高的直流、交流电压才是安全的?如果超了会有什么后果? 
[答:Mariah] Please see page 11 for the long time high voltage test result.  [2005-6-1 11:35:13]
[问:yubin] 这种产品的最高传输速度是多少? 
[答:Mariah] 100M BPS  [2005-6-1 11:35:34]
[问:zzfdut] 你好,我曾经用钳子夹开过maxim公司的max1480b芯片,发现它里面也是类似一个变压器的东西实现隔离的,请问你们的iCoupler技术和它有区别吗?区别在哪里?谢谢! 
[答:Ronn] Sorry but my understanding is that Maxim uses a discrete transformer not a wafer-level planar transformer such as in iCouplers.  Is this incorrect?  [2005-6-1 11:35:35]
[问:jingtomato] 传输直流信号时,当信号发生变化时,如果正好赶上你的触发信号会不会对信号的传输产生影响。 
[答:Yiming] 没有影响。  [2005-6-1 11:36:05]
[问:marie] icoupler采用磁耦合,那么是否会对其他器件工作造成电磁干扰? 
[答:Ronn] No, the electromagnetic level is very small due to our small transformers.  Other devices are not affected.  [2005-6-1 11:36:06]
[问:overdue21] is icoupler only used in digital & highspeed signal but not analog signal? thx 
[答:Ronn] Correct - but they can be used on low-speed digital signals.  [2005-6-1 11:36:29]
[问:overdue21] icoupler有量产了吗?icoupler现在已经有应用了吗?它和optocoupler相比,有什么优缺点?谢谢 
[答:Mariah] Yes, most of our parts have been released. Many customers use our products. For advantages and disadvantages, please see 4 of the presentation.  [2005-6-1 11:36:46]
[问:hello333] 用在电源转换中,其转换电压范围是多少 ? 
[答:Ronn] All our existing products can operate from 2.7-5.5V except the ADuM1100 whose minimum voltage is 3.0V  [2005-6-1 11:37:01]
[问:lixb] How about your EMC performance? 
[答:Ronn] iCoupler are extremely immune to external magnetic fields.  In the back of our data sheets is a discussion of this with some charts.  [2005-6-1 11:37:25]
[问:龚雪冰] 如何获得这类芯片 
[答:Eagle] 找本地代理。如世健,华创,艾睿,世平。  [2005-6-1 11:37:36]
[问:zwr7810] 与一般的光耦有什么主要区别?例如ADuM1400 
[答:Yiming] 1。集成度优势——这意味着降低尺寸和成本。 2。iCoupler产品提供比光耦合器更高的性能。 3。iCoupler产品的工作功耗要比光耦合器低一到两个数量级。 4。iCoupler产品使用起来更容易。 5。iCoupler产品的可靠性比光耦合器高。  [2005-6-1 11:38:02]
[问:zyonghui] 和光耦隔离相比较,成本相差如何? 
[答:Eagle] 比高速光耦便宜。  [2005-6-1 11:38:08]
[问:zwr7810] 延时有多长时间? 
[答:Mariah] It can be found in the datasheet. Different part has different propagation delay. Generally it is in several tens ns.  [2005-6-1 11:38:20]
[问:guahuahua] AD7400和AD202里的隔离是线圈隔离,它是数字隔离吗?是采用的ICOUPLER技术吗? 
[答:Wenshuai] AD7400 use iCoupler technilogy, but AD202 is not.  [2005-6-1 11:38:29]
[问:wattxsd] 请问该IC能替代开关电源中的光电耦合器吗? 
[答:Ronn] Yes but depending on the architecture of the switch power supply an iCoupler might not be a good choice.  If you are simply looking to replace an OC in the signal line feedback from secondary to primary an iCoupler is probably too expensive.  If you are looking to use iCouplers in other power supply applications such as synchronous rectification for example, then iCoupler cna be a good choice.  [2005-6-1 11:38:33]
[问:sunyuan] 请问你们这种产品能否直接或间接的替代:AD289  AD202等模拟信号的隔离放大器? 
[答:Yiming] 不行。iCoupler 是数字隔离。  [2005-6-1 11:38:35]
[问:97669] 是否可以用于模拟信号的隔离.比如放在运放之前? 
[答:Eagle] 不行,iCoupler是数字隔离。可以先放大,ADC采样,再用ADuM1400隔离数据线后到CPU。  [2005-6-1 11:39:28]
[问:huajw] 听了介绍,看来这个东西不错,是光偶合器件的替代物,如此,光偶合器件会被淘汰吗? 
[答:Mariah] Our parts have a lot of advantages. You can use it to replace opto-isolation parts and can get better performance and lower cost.  [2005-6-1 11:39:52]
[问:rexyu] EMS能力如何? 
[答:Mariah] What is EMS?  [2005-6-1 11:40:06]
[问:guahuahua] 你们所指的CMOS工艺,是两边的驱动电路部分吗?就是编译码部分 
[答:Yiming] 对。  [2005-6-1 11:40:39]
[问:lxl9726] 请问有没有模拟隔离的产品? 
[答:Eagle] 有,但很老,较贵,如AD202。  [2005-6-1 11:40:43]
[问:lxl9726] 请问ICOUPLER是不是一种偶合装置! 
[答:Eagle] 数据隔离器。  [2005-6-1 11:41:02]
[问:xhchenk] 可否得到1通道和2通道的样片? 
[答:Mariah] Sure. Please go to for free samples.  [2005-6-1 11:41:02]
[问:myk_meteor] 您好,请问在小型的串口通讯中应该做好哪些隔离工作?在光耦的选型上应该注意些什么参数? 
[答:Eagle] ADM2483集成了数据隔离与485接口驱动。 也可用ADuM1201与ADM3202做RS232隔离。  [2005-6-1 11:42:34]
[问:simon72] 该器件功耗(与传统光藕比较) 
[答:Mariah] At lower data rates, iCouplers operated at almost two orders of magnitude lower power than optocouplers.  As the data rate rises beyond 1 Mbps, the iCoupler advantage decreases but is still greater than one order of magnitude up to 10 Mbps.   [2005-6-1 11:43:00]
[问:w_suny] 能说说AD202和AD210的区别吗? 
[答:Mariah] AD210 has larger bandwidth. For details, please see their datasheets.  [2005-6-1 11:44:29]
[问:robinrao] icoupler 在开关电源领域是否适用?ADI有没有相关的应用文章或DEMO 
[答:Ronn] Whether iCouplers are a good choice depends on your architecture.  If you are simply looking to isolated a single line from secondary to primary then iCoupler is probably too expensive.  However, if you are doing other things such as isolated synchronous rectification signals, than iCouplers can be a good choice.   Sorry but at the moment we do not have any material on this.  However, if your application does need multiple isolation channels, please contact me at and I can provide some suggestions.  [2005-6-1 11:44:37]
[问:jingtomato] i coupler 产品在做隔离设计的时候还需要和光藕一样设计两组电源吗,它本身的功耗是多少 
[答:Eagle] 现在还要,电流不大,与速度有关,一般小于10mA每通道,即使90M也才50mA左右。  [2005-6-1 11:44:55]
[问:sunyuan] 我们是生产模拟信号(电压、电流)隔离放大器IC的,目前电源和信号的隔离主要采用变压器或光耦,请问你们这个产品能用在我们的 产品上? 
[答:Mariah] Our parts can only transmit digital signal.  [2005-6-1 11:45:36]
[问:lienjun] 还有我想问的是iCoupler@隔离技术适用的场合有哪些。谢谢! 
[答:Eagle] 任何数据隔离。 模拟隔离可以先用ADC采样,隔离后用DAC,再加运放驱动输出。  [2005-6-1 11:46:09]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给ADI公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,ADI公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2005-6-1 11:46:32]
[问:x2jiang] 强信号和微弱信号混合处理电路的设计注意事项 
[答:Yiming] iCoupler 供电范围为2.7~5.5V。强弱信号都要满足门限要求。  [2005-6-1 11:46:51]
[问:jingtomato] 你好 i coupler 产品带负载的能力是4mA如果我想提高它的带负载能力可否有参考设计,或在其输出端有什么特殊要求? 
[答:Yiming] 可以用Buffer。没有特殊要求。  [2005-6-1 11:47:44]
[问:WBQ] 我已经经常使用数字光电偶合器,请介绍模拟光电偶合器的资料和应用范例. 谢谢  
[答:Mariah] We don"t have opto-isolation products.  [2005-6-1 11:48:23]
[问:guahuahua] AD202里不是也是采用的线圈吗?为什么叫模拟隔离 
[答:Mariah] They use different technology. Please see the datasheet for details.  [2005-6-1 11:48:51]
[问:guahuahua] AD202是采用的什么技术隔离,属于模拟隔离吗 
[答:Mariah] Please see AD202 datasheet for details. It is analog isolation part.  [2005-6-1 11:49:44]
[问:jingtomato] 485串口通讯隔离设计不能使用adum3202? 
[答:Yiming] ADuM3202还是ADM3202?ADM3202是232电平转换。  [2005-6-1 11:50:46]
[问:lixb] electro magnetic sensitive 
[答:Mariah] Please see page 8 for magnetic sensitivity information.  [2005-6-1 11:50:56]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与ADI公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请ADI公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2005-6-1 11:52:33]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 南京能发科技集团的w_suny经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为w_suny的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-6-1 11:52:42]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的ADI公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的ADI公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2005-6-1 11:52:53]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2005-6-1 11:53:03]
  关于Analog Devices  
Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)在现代数字经济的中心发挥重要作用,凭借其种类丰富的模拟与混合信号、电源管理、RF、数字与传感技术,将现实世界的现象转化成有行动意义的洞察。ADI服务于全球12.5万家客户,在工业、通信、汽车与消费市场提供超过7.5万种产品。公司总部位于马萨诸塞州威明顿市。更多信息请访问: