
热门关键字: 智能卡 比特 HMI H.264 





[问:wyq30118] philips  的ESD和EMIF 保护和ON,ST的同类产品相比有什么特点和优势? 
[答:Mel] 以ESD保護而言,基本上Philips的的line capacitance較小,因此在高速的介面上,可以讓信號不失真,很大手機大廠和Intel也都認證了Philips的品質.這是其它競爭者所沒有的.  [2005-1-31 15:17:31]
[问:ivy_yu] 摆幅为600uA的电流,受到RF干扰后用什么进行滤波比较有效。 
[答:Joern] For high current filtering you can use common mode chokes.  [2005-1-31 15:22:34]
[问:tnx] 是否有集成了nH级电感和pF级电容的ID元件?在RF应用方面很需要这类元件。 
[答:James] We have pF capacitor IDs, but has no nH inductor. Although without L inside, we can apply our IDs to a lot of applications, like mobile phone. Major key accounts like Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola are our users.  [2005-1-31 15:24:42]
[问:ivy_yu] 请问你们的IDs与其他公司的同类产品相比有什么优势?在那些领域应用有优势? 
[答:Joern] The biggest  advantage for ID’s are: -board space reduction (up to 90 %) -better technical performance (low  parasitic induction)   [2005-1-31 15:25:52]
[问:ghorse] EMI器件的参数中经常看到插入阻抗,请问应该如何根据此参数来选择器件? 
[答:Stanley] This figure represents the insertion loss of input signal.  We need to select the EMI filter based on what kinds of signals we need to filter out.  And this figure point out the characteristic of the flier.  [2005-1-31 15:26:33]
[问:525wy] IDs除了用作ESD保护和EMI滤波器电路外,还可以用于哪些方面? 
[答:Stanley] IDs application is mainly for ESD protection and filering.  [2005-1-31 15:27:40]
[问:ghorse] 1、静电、雷击、浪涌保护的思路和原则是怎样的? 2、三种类型的防护一般都采用哪些器件,能否用单一器件实现三者的保护? 3、实际产品中,机壳地和PCB的地平面应该如何联系或处理? 4、压敏电阻和TVS在使用目的和使用方法上有何不同? 
[答:Mel] 1.TVS(浪涌),ESD(靜電)的分別,其中TVS所帶有的能量較大,而ESD時間較快,其中內部構造有些許不同. 2.TVS可以取代,但成本考量,不建議. 3.理論上不需要特別的處理. 4.使用目的都是保護電子元件,但是壓敏電阻在啟動前需較大的Trigger電壓,而且被clamp後的電壓較大,可能無法達到保護的效果  [2005-1-31 15:28:04]
[问:encaon] 集成分立元件的散热问题如何解决? 
[答:Charlie] 1. We haven"t found thermal issues in the applications since the IDs is for EMI & ESD. 2. Good ground connection is a must.  [2005-1-31 15:28:16]
[问:jl806] 芯片内的热是如何到热沉表面的? 芯片的热流如何估算?目前有那些有效的散热方法,请举例说明。 
[答:Joern] In the most products we are using passive components, we have no heating problems  [2005-1-31 15:29:26]
[问:kevinshiwpg] Philips"s IDs ,how to compete with other competitor? For example, LT, ON, and Semtech such as. 
[答:Stanley] Philips ID has strong capacity as we have the No.1 vendor in the ID field, and Philips has a strong line up as well (developing more items for various applications).  [2005-1-31 15:29:47]
[问:ljp099] 采用集成分立元件,有什么好处?首先考虑的是什么因素?尺寸或是性能? 
[答:Mel] 就如同簡報所示,可以就成本,pcb使用面積,performance,來做考量,其實這個問題是依據客戶的需求而決定的,在每個因素我們都可以提供最好的品質.  [2005-1-31 15:32:05]
[问:xuguangde] ESD与EMI保护器件,原来我遇到一个问题:一个客户在手机开发过程中发现:器件与金立的LCD屏匹配,经常性出现黒屏现象,请专家帮助解答如何解决此问题,请教 
[答:Joern] How do you know it is an ESD and EMI problem ?  [2005-1-31 15:32:07]
[问:Cris Tsin] csp 与BGA在焊接和布板上有没有区别  
[答:Stanley] CSP is one of the BGA package.  In general, the soldering method of BGA and CSP would be the same.  [2005-1-31 15:32:19]
[问:luogongqiang] Philips的IDs是采用多个裸芯片进行组装的吗?如何布局才能有最小化的EMI或最小化相邻信道干扰? 
[答:James] IDs not assemble many discretes. It is manufactured discretes in one chip. So the chip and layout size can be shrink a lot. And you can only care about input and output data layout. We also can provide reference layout if you need.  [2005-1-31 15:32:22]
[问:sawan] 目前Philips的集成分立器件的ESD保护电压最高可到多少? 
[答:Mel] 30v contact voltage,  [2005-1-31 15:32:24]
[问:sutao] 希望得到DC/DC(24V转5V)电源滤波问题的解决方法。纹波噪声小于3mV。最好有现成的EMI和LC滤波器模块,体积小。 我们用的是Ericsson的PKF2000系列(10W输出)。 我担心届时网络无法连通,能否把方案用Email告知。 
[答:Joern] I"m not quite sure if I can help you in this point. Most of the ID"s products are for filtering in data lines.  [2005-1-31 15:34:04]
[问:lzhliu] 我想了解IDs用于汽车电器的品种和用途,技术参数,典型电路. 
[答:Stanley] Philips"s ID are designed based on the signal needed, for example, for audio, for USB, for LCD, for memory access.  Anyway it could also used in automotive.  But, please kindly specify which parts you needed and contact with our colleagues.  Thanks.  [2005-1-31 15:35:16]
[问:laoyou] EMI的检测需要什么条件?如何检测以及有没有相应的文件能够给我们进行EMI分析。 
[答:Joern] Most of our products are for mobile applications. In this case you have to filer out the GSM frequencies  [2005-1-31 15:36:22]
[问:maeleton1] 集成分立元件如何解决EMI或RFI的问题?是采用滤波办法吗? 
[答:Mel] Philips在這個產品花了很多的功夫,我們研究所有市面上在EMI或ESD保護電路的架構,再加上Philips本身的經驗,加到此產品上.在某些產品是採用pi-filter,有些則是t-filter,當然還有一些其它的架構.請參考Philips的規格書.  [2005-1-31 15:38:46]
[问:iawp] 想请问目前做ESD保护,有没有什么特定的标准,谢谢 
[答:Charlie] 比较通用的如IEC 61000-4-2, Class 4 and MIL-883E Method 3015.7 Class 3等等. IDs满足IEC 61000-4-2, Class 4标准.  [2005-1-31 15:40:01]
[问:lxl9726] 请问你们用的mH级别的电感你们是怎么选择的? 
[答:Joern] The value of the Inductance determines by the frequencies I would like to filter.  [2005-1-31 15:41:39]
[问:maeleton1] 集成分立元件和集成电路相比,有何好处?现在的集成度那么高,集成分立元件有市场吗? 
[答:Charlie] 各有各的应用领域.如IC内部的ESD保护就很难满足IEC 61000-4-2, Class 4的需要.(cost会很高)  [2005-1-31 15:41:42]
[问:meteor_chu] 集成分立元件的市场空间有多大? 
[答:James] IDs is in growth market. For any portable products or area constraint, need use IDs. Any concern about EMI interrupt like audio, video display need IDs. Any ESD protect like USB, need our IDs. So IDs market can cover Communication, Consumer and Computing. So you can imagine its future market growth.  [2005-1-31 15:42:59]
[问:meteor_chu] 集成分立元件是否主要用在外设方面或接口方面? 
[答:James] Yes. You are so smart.  [2005-1-31 15:44:31]
[问:gcybbk] 请问飞利浦公司的IDs产品目前有哪些型号?主要用于哪些产品?适合于影碟机和影院产品使用的有哪些? 
[答:Stanley] Philips have many types of ID products, and the main applications is mobile, LCD TV.  Actually for the speaker, mircophone, LCD display & memory access, Philips will have dedicated ID to use.  Please contact wehich our office to get detailed data sheet & samples for testing as well.  [2005-1-31 15:46:43]
[问:dzks] 1,ESD保护电路参数及其确定,请举例说明. 2,保护(抗静电)一个由多个二极管串并联组成的矩阵,用硅基IC,如何设计. 
[答:Joern] The design of ESD circuits dispense on with kind of standard do you would like to fulfil. I you would like to fulfil the IEC61000-2-4 level 4 you have to find a balance between low line capacitance and big diodes for excellent ESD protection.  [2005-1-31 15:47:59]
[问:meteor_chu] 集成分立元件的封装技术是否更为重要?是否主要用芯片规模封装(CSP)? 
[答:James] Right, it"s quite important for package. CSP package is the major one. Because it can provide more powerful performance and smaller package. At the same time, it can save more cost than the other package.  [2005-1-31 15:48:15]
[问:luogongqiang] 能否列举ID在手机中应用的具体型号?或能从什么地方可以查到这些产品型号? 
[答:Mel] microphone,speaker,SIM card,USB,Power,LCD monitor,data line等等,有關資料傳輸介面的部分都有相關產品.目前在網路我們沒有放上這類產品的資訊.因此無法查到.  [2005-1-31 15:48:31]
[问:luogongqiang] 集成分立元件目前主要应用在那些领域? 
[答:Charlie] 推荐用于手持设备和PCB面积有限的应用中.主要是由于其小型化和集成化.如手机,PDA等等.当然,主板,显卡,电视接口等中也有不少应用(可以参考前面的presentation).  [2005-1-31 15:48:57]
[问:xia312] 你们pf级的ids元件,最小size是多大? 
[答:Joern] We have products thatwith only 1pF line capacitance  [2005-1-31 15:50:04]
[问:luogongqiang] Philips的IDs目前的产品种类和型号,有何详细资料? 
[答:Mel] 我們在各類型的應用產品都有相關的資料,請跟當地Philips的sales聯絡.  [2005-1-31 15:50:36]
[问:ivy_yu] ST现在有一种即可带有EMI功能的ESD器件,不知贵公司是否有类似产品? 
[答:James] Of course, we have similar product. Philips IDs can provide EMI and ESD fuction in one chip.  [2005-1-31 15:50:53]
[问:maeleton1] Philips的IDs一般要用到那几种技术来集成分立元件?成本如何? 
[答:Mel] cmos的製程,csp和plastic的包裝.單一成本比一個保護電路要低百分之30.  [2005-1-31 15:53:03]
[问:encaon] 集成分立元件是指多个相同元件组合在一个封装里还是指不相同元件集成在同一封装里? 
[答:James] Different devices in one chip, one package. Like IDs can assemble Diods, transistors and  resistors in one chip.  [2005-1-31 15:54:33]
[问:pzzy_zhang] 我想了解一下,非是否对 视频解码+主控制 有解决方案提供。 
[答:Charlie] 目前IDs主要是集中在被动器件的集成.你的问题可以和Philips半导体消费电子部联系.  [2005-1-31 15:58:15]
[问:kevinshiwpg] 在手機上的ESD器件都有哪些? 有沒有價格上的優勢?  
[答:Stanley] Our EMI filter is dedicated designed for mobile application, say for data I/O protection, SIM card protection, LCD, audio, etc..   In terms of price, we will try to compete with and make reference to foreign brand  [2005-1-31 15:59:00]
[问:szkdinc] 如何获得产品资料? 
[答:Stanley] Please contact to Philips office, or Philips" distributors.  They will send you the detail information.  [2005-1-31 15:59:50]
[问:xushengke] 是否可以以usb接口例,讲讲采用id与采用分离器件,对成本的影响。 
[答:Mel] 這要看實際的設計而言,如果客戶對於保護的設定較低的話,單一顆zener diode也可以當作保護電路,那使用ID的話就太貴了,但是如果真要讓產品達到工業標準,那就要使用ID,這個很難去界定.  [2005-1-31 16:00:36]
[问:mhbcq] 在飞利浦公司的集成分立器件(IDs) 系列中 : 1.是否有开关电容直流变换器件? 2.是否有大功率开关电源变换器件? 若有,我需要器件的性能指标参数、典型应用原理和电路。 
[答:Joern] Unfortunately we don"t have something like this.  [2005-1-31 16:00:56]
[问:xia312] 请问你们esd保护器件目前最小size?有几个channel? 
[答:Stanley] For ESD diode, Philips can offer single channel.  But for EMI filer, the minimum size is 2 channels.  [2005-1-31 16:01:12]
[问:ivy_yu] 有没有专门用来对电流进行滤波的器件,cut off frenquency 都有多大的? 
[答:Joern] We do not have devices specially for current filtering. Most of our products filters GSM frequencies.  [2005-1-31 16:02:40]
[问:guowangyang] COM口, USB口如何集成? 
[答:Charlie] 目前主要对USB的解决方案. IP4058CX8 for USB1.1 and IP4059CX5 for USB2.0, 都包含ORG功能.  [2005-1-31 16:02:43]
[问:shouzengyi] 各位技术工程人员,下午好!我是一名在校生,今天看了你们的讲演身有体会,在这里先谢谢你们了!Philips d的分立集成器件在USB2.0接口上是起一个什么样的保护作用呢? 
[答:Mel] 讓靜電(ESD)不致於由USB接口打進去,破壞到內部電子元件.  [2005-1-31 16:03:15]
[问:zhxbit] 1.该分立器件可以根据用户需要定制吗?如果可以,大小一般为多大? 2.该器件有相应的分析软件吗? 
[答:James] 1. Yes, we can. It depends on customer request. 2. No. But we can measure it by equipment.  [2005-1-31 16:03:36]
[问:chengping] 请教如何设计ESD保护USB接口 
[答:Mel] 相關電路設計,在我們的規格書上或是application note上有詳細介紹.請參考.  [2005-1-31 16:04:08]
[问:sawan] IDs中可集成那些类型的滤波器(低通,带通...),目前能达到的性能指标? 
[答:Joern] IDs can integrate low and band pass filters. I you compare the performance with discrete solution, you will see a much better performance due to the 10 times lower parasitic inductance      [2005-1-31 16:06:20]
[问:sawan] Philips的IDs用到多少线宽的cmos制程,进一步发展方向是什么? 
[答:James] It will concern about our cost, sorry I can not reply you.   [2005-1-31 16:07:10]
[问:chengping] 集成分立器件与集成块有何区别? 
[答:Charlie] IDs采用CSP封装,器件尺寸就是实际晶元(die)的尺寸. 集成块的晶元在器件中间,采用打金线的方法连接到外围的Pin脚上.因为没有金线,IDs的寄生电感更小,滤波效果更好.  [2005-1-31 16:09:48]
[问:ljp099] 目前集成的分立元件,集成度有多大或集成的元件数量最多有多少? 
[答:James] For the Philips mostintegrated part of ID, we could integrate with 45 ESD diodes, resistors & capactors network in a 10 channel package.  [2005-1-31 16:10:25]
[问:encaon] 目前的ID有多少种类型? 
[答:Stanley] If we divided based on the channels, we could offer 2 channels, 4 channels, 6 channels, 8 channels & 10 channels.  Of course, it could apply in various application, say audio, LCD, SIM card, memory, etc..  [2005-1-31 16:10:54]
[问:raindrop] 我们设备的视频编码芯片saa7121经常坏,请问如何保护视频输出接口? 
[答:Charlie] 我们有针对VGA, DVI, HDMI的各种解决方案, 抱歉不是很清楚 ssa7121的接口,不能直接回答你.  [2005-1-31 16:11:30]
[问:lijin_as] 分立器件的网址是什么? 
[答:Mel] Philips之前是跟手機大廠合作,沒有release到市面上,因此目前沒有網址,您可以跟Philips當地的sales聯絡,我們會全心為你服務.  [2005-1-31 16:12:11]
[问:encaon] ID的频率范围有何上限?它的干扰和电磁辐射有多大变化?如何解决? 
[答:Joern] With most of our products we are filtering GSM frequencies. To filter higher frequencies is not a problem. The question is more what kind of frequencies to you would like to submit..  [2005-1-31 16:12:25]
[问:sawan] (1)请介绍飞利浦公司的集成分立器件的主要性能指标,如最高ESD保护电压,EMI滤波器的带宽、衰减等。 (2)ESD保护采用何种方式,对输入信号有何影响? 
[答:Charlie] 1. ESD 满足IEC 61000-4-2 ESD level 4标准, 8kV/15kV (contact), 15kV (air). EMI filter j截至带宽800MHz-3000MHz,<-30dB. 2. ESD的方式由具体的应用决定.低速和高速(如 USB2.0/HDMI)的配置不同.  [2005-1-31 16:14:48]
[问:wdhxy] 飞利浦公司的IDs有没有判断三相电源的断相和相序检测的产品?(三相电经三个电阻进行分压限流,然后输入该IDs,一旦有断相或相序逆序,就输出一个COMS电平信号给微处理器MCU),类似陕西高科电力电子有限责任公司生产的TH221 
[答:Charlie] 目前还没有通用的产品用于这项功能.  [2005-1-31 16:15:28]
[问:bency] 用作ESD应用,是否有频率范围限制,也就是说在某个频率范围内的通信是否能够正常进行。 
[答:Stanley] Yes, this is the matched with the characteristic of filer.  Please make reference to the frequency response in the data sheet, where has clearly specified the operational frequency of EMI filer.  [2005-1-31 16:15:50]
[问:shenqibing] 对于便携产品,ESD问题该如何解决,有什么比较好的解决方案? 
[答:Mel] ID正是針對手持式裝置所設計的,因為它的體積很小(採用csp包裝),對於各個介面的ESD或是EMI保護我們都有相對應的產品.  [2005-1-31 16:16:34]
[问:wyswin] 怎样选择用于信号的emi滤波器? 
[答:Stanley] Depends on application and where you used.  For example, if you want to use in the display part, then please select the LCD EMI filter, where the filter characteristic is matched with the LCD control signal characteristic.  [2005-1-31 16:17:31]
[问:zspsss] IDs最大功率能达到多少? 
[答:Stanley] Total maximum dissipation power is 500mW  [2005-1-31 16:18:50]
[问:Cris Tsin] ID的selection guide 什么时候会在网上show 出来  
[答:Joern] We are planning to go on the Internet site end of at the latest end of 2005  [2005-1-31 16:20:21]
[问:caogengxin] IDs现在应用情况怎么样?除了占有更小的电路板尺寸外还有哪些特点?谢谢 
[答:Mel] 在手機市場裏,ID的需求很大,因為空間考量,但是性能上的表現,更是客戶採用ID的重要條件,以諾基亞為例,他們要求的性能是比工業標準更高,但Philips依舊能符合他們的需求,因此,性能跟一般分離式電子元件有很大的差別。  [2005-1-31 16:21:31]
[问:DirectCG] IDs解决方案有几种?都是用在手机上吗?PDA或MP3行吗? 
[答:James] A lot of. For consumers, computing and Communication segments, you can use IDs to solve it. So of course, you can use IDs in PDA and MP3. Already have customers use that.  [2005-1-31 16:21:34]
[问:chenyongg] 请问专家: 1.电脑主板和手机主板在ESD和EMI控制方面有什么不同的方案吗? 2.内存模组是否需要进行ESD保护?为什么? 
[答:Charlie] 1. 手机的EMI主要针对RF部分的干扰,所以带阻频率在800-3000MHz. 对两种应用来说,ESD的要求是一样的. 2. 内存模组不是容易接触的部分,通常不加ESD保护.  [2005-1-31 16:24:14]
[问:DirectCG] IDs的 内部电阻是否为薄膜电阻还是块式分立电阻?谢谢 
[答:Charlie] IDs是基于Silicon的工艺,所有的集成器件是建在硅晶元上.  [2005-1-31 16:26:01]
[问:liuxiaoli110] 在多层板的pcb layout中如何有效防止EMI, ESD? 
[答:Mel] 基本上,手機是6或8層板,IDs在手機上有很好的成果,因此在多層板的應用上是沒有問題的。如果您需要相關參考資料,請向當地Philips單位洽尋。  [2005-1-31 16:26:14]
[问:mgx_ch] 能否提供一个集成分立元件应用于测试仪器的方案? 
[答:Charlie] 需要提供具体测试仪器的具体要求. 如带宽,线数,传输速度等等.  [2005-1-31 16:27:05]
[问:zzkeng] 和安森美相比,Philips的集成分立元件有何优势? 
[答:Stanley] High capacity, long history and wider product range.  [2005-1-31 16:27:25]
[问:XINQIHONG] 多少片起定做? 
[答:Joern] A t least 1 Mio devices per year.  [2005-1-31 16:28:15]
[问:lbgy] 音频滤波的IDs,目前的性能如何?请介绍几种主要的型号和它的性能. 
[答:Stanley] Speaker : IP4047CX6, IP4048CX5 Mircophone : IP4049CX5, IP4055CX6 For detailed information, please make reference to data sheet.  [2005-1-31 16:29:14]
[问:riello] 请介绍用于HDMI的集成分立元件的型号和性能. 
[答:James] We have a lot of types for HDMI, please contact your local sales or marketing.  [2005-1-31 16:29:29]
[问:chunsen] IDs 所提供的滤波器的频率范围有多高?是否可用于双频手机? 
[答:Charlie] 对手机baseband部分接口滤除RF的干扰.800Mhz-3GHz. 当然可以用于双频手机.  [2005-1-31 16:30:49]
[问:kllyj2008] Philips的PESD二极管有什么特别的性能?能用在什么地方? 
[答:Stanley] PESD are integrated part of single ESD protection diode, it may integrated into 2 channels, 4 channels, etc..  For cost saving and convinence to use. It may use in various ports of applicance for protection purpose.   [2005-1-31 16:31:20]
[问:DENSTRONG] Which safety standard of EMI has accorded with? 
[答:Mel] IDs的emi保護是根據各個應用的不同而設計,以手機為例,在speaker的部分就不要900,1800,1900MHz,因此會濾掉這個頻率範圍。  [2005-1-31 16:31:36]
[问:riello] 浪涌保护和ESD保护有何区别?所采用的保护ID有何种型号?有什么区别? 
[答:Charlie] Surge(TVS)和ESD的模型不同.ESD的持续时间短,但峰值电压高. IDs目前针对ESD的保护.只符合ESD的国际标准.  [2005-1-31 16:33:06]
[问:laoyou] 1.能否将相应的ESD保护和EMI的标准例一个名单及其出去,以方便我们消化学习的知识。 2.能否将在线讲座的内容发送到我们的EMAIL里面。 谢谢!!! 
[答:Mel] 課程結束後,我們會開放一個網站可以讓各位上去擷取檔案,也會把所有問題放在上面。另外,在今天七點會再播放一次,歡迎再次參加。  [2005-1-31 16:34:28]
[问:lbgy] 能否较详细介绍IP4220C26的USB保护性能?比如它的响应时间和兼容的ESD标准? 
[答:Stanley] IP4220 is used to filter the signal in range 800-2700MHz and follow the IEC62000-4-2 standard.  While for details information, please make reference data sheet and contact our sales office.  [2005-1-31 16:35:56]
[问:chunsen] IDs元件在移动手机中有些什么样的重要作用? 
[答:Stanley] For protection & signal filering.  [2005-1-31 16:36:10]
[问:kane180] 对于手机来说,一个40PINS的B-B连接器使用该ESD器件的成本约是多少? 
[答:Stanley] It is difficult to estimate - depending on your circuit design.  But in system cost, the integrated ID would be a little cheaper than discrete ones.  [2005-1-31 16:37:49]
[问:suncheng] 有大电流小体积EMI解决方按(如:汽车用UPS的直流输入端EMI如何解决)谢谢! 
[答:Joern] We don’t have products for automotive applications today. What exactly do you mean with high current.  [2005-1-31 16:38:25]
[问:zzkeng] 除了手机以外, 集成分立元件主要还应用在那些领域? 
[答:James] Consumer: MP3, DSC, PDA, DVD player, etc. Computing: Motherboard, notebook, server, etc.  [2005-1-31 16:38:37]
[问:iamabletovictory] 在布置PCB板是,布线宽最小是多少?小于4mil的线对与信号影响大吗? 
[答:Charlie] 线宽和间距由PCB上传输线的阻抗要求决定.和PCB的堆迭也有关系. IDs可以消除外界的部分EMI干扰,但对信号完整性的改善有限.  [2005-1-31 16:38:41]
[问:sawan] 能否提供样品,和谁联系? 
[答:Stanley] You could contact to Philips semi office, or contact to our distributors, e.g. WPI, Arrow, SAC, Avnet, etc..  [2005-1-31 16:38:59]
[问:chunsen] IDs有没有EMI对称I/O滤波器?它的性能和特点能否介绍一下? 
[答:Mel] IDs是針對I/O在設計的,比如說LCD module,data I/O,AUDIO等,特點是體積小,成本低,另外性能會比單純用分離式元件來做的好。相關資訊請參考規格書。  [2005-1-31 16:40:32]
[问:kane180] 能否将飞利浦的ESD器件和其他常用的类似器件做一个比较,包括性能、体积、价格等? 
[答:Stanley] It is very difficult to make comparison here.  But I could say that parts from different vendors are similar, say in performance, in package (size).  While the price, it is mainly depending on the end-customers, where the vendor is focusing or not.  [2005-1-31 16:41:50]
[问:weilison] 我做的一块数据采集卡,需要注意ESD和EMC问题吗? ESD和EMC简单的概念是什么? 
[答:Charlie] ESD是静电放电的缩写. EMI是电磁干扰的缩写. 两者合成为EMC. 即电磁兼容性. 如你的数据采集卡有对外的传输接口,如1394,USB等,就需要注意ESD问题.  [2005-1-31 16:41:53]
[问:DirectCG] 在音频通路中插入 IDs,对输入动态范围有无影响?对噪音呢? 
[答:Joern] You can put ID’s in audio channels. Normally our technical parameters are fixed. The noise isn"t a problem .  [2005-1-31 16:42:03]
[问:Cris Tsin] Philips 什么时候会把ID的Datasheet show在官方网上 
[答:Joern] We are planning to go an the web at latest end of 2005  [2005-1-31 16:43:21]
[问:zzkeng] Philips的集成分立元件在功率方面有新的考虑? 
[答:Charlie] Philips IDs主要集成的是被动元件, 基本没有功率(散热)的问题.  [2005-1-31 16:44:34]
[问:DirectCG] 选择IDs中的ESD保护器件的标准是什么? 
[答:Mel] 依據不同的介面。因為我們已經根據不同的介面設計出最好的解決方案。  [2005-1-31 16:45:58]
[问:riello] 音频滤波的IDs,目前的性能如何?请介绍几种主要的型号和它的性能. 
[答:Stanley] Audio ID: Speaker - IP4047CX6, IP4048CX5 Microphone - IP4049CX5, IP4055CX6 For detailed specification, please make reference to the data sheet.  [2005-1-31 16:47:13]
[问:kllyj2008] Philips 那种ESD保护器件能达到HBM 的15KV电压? 
[答:Mel] 全部都可以,有些可以達到30kv.  [2005-1-31 16:47:28]
[问:ivy_yu] 你们的ESD和EMI与ST相比有什么优势 
[答:Stanley] Stronger line-up, larger capacity, stronger soldering characteristic.  [2005-1-31 16:48:03]
[问:kllyj2008] 用于汽车的EMI滤波器有那些型号?和一般数据总线的EMI滤波器在性能上有何不同? 
[答:Joern] Unfortunately we don"t have any products for automotive applications today.  [2005-1-31 16:48:13]
[问:windforce0] 请问IDs设计如何入门??? 
[答:Stanley] You can select the type of IDs depending on your application.  For example, if you employ in the USB part, or employ in LCD part, you could find the dedicated IDs.  Then the next step is to select the number of channel in your application.  [2005-1-31 16:51:21]
[问:cgnlnj] 有使用的例程及原理图吗?常用的型号及封装和价位? 
[答:Stanley] Philips will have general presentation and the data sheet to explain the package and usage.  Please contact to our Philips semi office, or our distributors to get detail information.  [2005-1-31 16:52:33]
[问:chunsen] 很多USB器件的接口电路都有ESD,请问Philips的IDs有何特点? 
[答:Mel] Philips的line capacitance是最低的(1pF),因此在做eye-diagram測試時,可以得到很好的結果。另外,Philips在IDs中還多加了一個zenor diode,以保護esd破壞電源(Vcc)。  [2005-1-31 16:52:38]
[问:zhx771013] IDs和IC有何不同? 
[答:Charlie] 1. IDs 目前主要是被动器件的集成,ASIC通常为主动器件,要完成一些复杂的逻辑功能. 当然要说IDs是IC也不是不可以. 2. CSP和BGA的封装的不同可以参考前面已回答的问题.  [2005-1-31 16:53:38]
[问:wyq30118] philips 的集成分立器件主要包括几大类产品? 
[答:Stanley] We separate our group into different application, e.g. LCD, audio, SIM card, memroy, data I/O, USB, power, keypad, etc..  [2005-1-31 16:54:02]
[问:kllyj2008] IDs主要用在手机什么地方?凡是有外设的地方都能用吗?  
[答:Mel] 所有的介面都有產品,像是speaker,microphone,sim card,lcd,usb等。  [2005-1-31 16:54:53]
[问:iamabletovictory] 在布置PCB内层信号线时,线的粗细不均对信号影响大吗?在内层电源和内层地都有信号线布置,这样布线,对信号干扰大吗? 
[答:Charlie] 主要会有信号完整性的问题.特别是对高速电路.建议信号线都有完整的参考平面. 跨平面布线会引起如cross talk, ring back等问题. 在地平面和Power平面布线会将参考平面割裂.  [2005-1-31 16:56:39]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,吉林省惟升科贸发展有限公司的mgx_ch经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为mgx_ch的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。   [2005-1-31 16:56:43]
[问:lbgy] 集成分立元件中的EMI/RFI滤波器如何进行选择?目前Philips的EMI滤波器有那几种型号,性能如何? 
[答:Stanley] You could select your ideal EMI filter on how many channels you want to use, and which parts of application you will employ, e.g., audio, LCD, memory.  Then you could draw out your dedicated parts.  [2005-1-31 16:58:07]
[问:kane180] 该ESD器件一般的门限电压是多少?能经受多高的静电冲击?在静电解除后能否恢复正常或是该ESD短路就不可恢复? 
[答:Charlie] ESD有专门的国际标准.ESD在保护后会自动恢复,可以继续正常工作.  [2005-1-31 16:58:10]
[问:riello] Philips的集成分立元件中,标准解决方案和定制解决方案各占的分额有多大? 
[答:Charlie] 目前对中国用户来说,都是推荐标准解决方案.  [2005-1-31 16:59:06]
[问:kane180] 在ESD设计方面,可否这样考虑:在某些无法直接接触也没有金属或其他导电物体传递静电的接口,是否可以忽略ESD问题? 
[答:Charlie] 别忘了空气放电!  [2005-1-31 16:59:49]
[问:lbgy] 如何选择ESD保护器件?主要的依据是什么?不同接口或外设的ESD保护器件是否相同? 
[答:Stanley] Depending the no. of channels, the characteristic of filter. IDs are the integrated design of discrete solution, in general, their performance would be the same, but the usage and cost would be different.  [2005-1-31 17:00:15]
[问:lzqtony] 如果应用于DSC中,如何设计才能体现它的优越性 
[答:Stanley] DSC is focus on the size.  Of course, ID is designed to employ in small hand held product, for space and cost saving.  [2005-1-31 17:01:12]
[问:kllyj2008] 集成的元件(IDs)要有一个标准才可以生存和发展吧?集成中的低噪和可靠度如何解决?是否意味着手机可随时升级? 
[答:Mel] IDs主要依據各個介面的標準為標準。  [2005-1-31 17:03:28]
[问:mgx_ch] 在测试系统上有什么应用? 
[答:Mel] 您的問題很有趣,我們並沒有在測試系統上有經驗,希望您可以跟我們聯絡,談談在這方面我們能幫您什麼的忙。  [2005-1-31 17:08:36]

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