
热门关键字: 电机控制系统 EPC Android DSP芯片 



:这次在线座谈将介绍中断处理、线程调度和信息处理,以及ThreadX RTOS独特的preemption-thresholdTM能力,以便减少不必要的上下文切换.此外,还会讨论内存空间需求(内存分配)和性能特性(上下文切换时间)以便能使开发商具有访问他们的应用所要求的ThreadX RTOS的尺寸和速度的能力.


主题:用于嵌入式处理器的ThreadX RTOS
[问:dewspy] 是否可以考虑给ThreadX添加类似于MontaVista LinuxCEE3.0 DPM(动态功耗管理)的功能。  
[答:MicetekA] 我们可以建议ThreadX 加上此功能。但用户也可以自己从其他地方移植。  [2005-1-20 10:52:52]
[问:jiangyk] 4. Does ThreadX RTOS support GUI? What"s the price of ThreadX RTOS? 
[答:MicetekA] yes. PegX is the GUI of ThreadX. The price of ThreadX kernel is about 13000US$.  [2005-1-20 10:54:06]
[问:lyx100] 请解释一下Byte Memory 的内存管理机制. 
[答:Rick] Since no mmu components in blackfin ,blackfin memory could support a software management. such as page usage. detail informatino of blackfin memory usag pls refer to blackfin hw manual .  [2005-1-20 10:55:06]
[问:jiangyk] 1. how many memory ThreadX RTOS"s kernel need? 2. Do ThreadX RTOS need MMU"s support?  
[答:MicetekB] 通常需要2k到15K bytes的ROM和2K以上的RAM.根据应用不同. MMU不是必须的.   [2005-1-20 10:55:14]
[问:tubar] 请问专家此系统支持抢占式优先级调度吗? 
[答:MicetekA] yes. ThreadX support all three types of scheduling.Preemption , Time-Slicing,Round-Robin .  [2005-1-20 10:56:09]
[问:ccbaiji] 请问,本处理器用在汽车上,有8个模拟量,8个开关量,1个4位数字量,8个开关输出,要接CAN总线。能否适用? 
[答:Jenny] Please refer to BF537 & BF534 which are upcoming released DSP processor (have CAN) for Auto related application.   [2005-1-20 10:56:46]
[问:ygjzju] 任务调度为时间片轮训还是抢占式调度? 
[答:MicetekA] 抢占式调度加上时间片轮训(在同一优先级上用时间片轮旬、)  [2005-1-20 10:57:39]
[问:hanlly] 贵公司产品在STB(数字电视机顶盒)方面是否有应用?如有,当前主要客户有哪些? 
[答:Rick] ADI"s blackfin processor have successed store in STB application based on h.264, mpeg4 ,etc.... for detail information pls contact ADI local FAE or disity of ADI. or send email to  [2005-1-20 10:58:35]
[问:bclx] 问:嵌入式处理器的ThreadX RTOS 1、在开发视频产品上有那些优势? 2、运行速度是否满足实际要求? 3、能同时处理多个视频图像吗? 4、能支持其它视频板卡吗? 
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX是占先式多任务的实时操作系统.可以满足以上需求.另外它有一个嵌入式的图形界面PegX.可满足图形化需求.  [2005-1-20 10:59:31]
[问:looksun] 该芯片能否用于工业控制中,在恶劣的环境能否使用?有什么抗干扰措施? 
[答:Jenny] All Blackfin family DSP processors can used for industrial control application. And all DSP processors are able to work with industrial temp. Please refer to DSP datasheets for more information.  [2005-1-20 11:01:26]
[问:ygjzju] 我们目前正在基于BF533,BG561的H.264实现,请问贵公司有关于H.264在贵公司评估的结果吗,因为我们对能否实现心中还没底(我们已经实现MPEG4在BF531上的实现)。 
[答:Rick] blackfin have many success store in h.264 and mpeg4 application . blackfin support h.264 D1 decoder. detail information of the benchmark pls send email to .  [2005-1-20 11:05:20]
[问:hunter _micetek] ThreadX 的技术支持由 ADI来做还是 其他公司做 
[答:Tonny] 关于ThreadX的技术问题,可以联系EL本地代理。关于Blackfin处理器的问题,请发邮件到  [2005-1-20 11:05:48]
[问:ygjzju] 最多有几个任务可以创建?任务切换的时间为多少? 
[答:MicetekB] 任务的个数不受限制,主要取决于memory的大小,任务越多,开销越多.任务的切换时间和及系统时钟有关, 对于blackfin,110个cycle,66M时.  [2005-1-20 11:05:54]
[问:碧海长鲸] 此RTOS是适用于那些类型电子产品和CPU/DSP? 代码大小? 和K-JAVA兼容性? 带有那些标准接口的DRIVER?  
[答:MicetekA] 代码大小 4k- 15k. threadx 有k-java 的支持。 driver 不包括在threadx 中,但他提供一些例程,如rs232. 我们也可提供一些网口的历程  [2005-1-20 11:06:44]
[问:nopattern] ThreadX 的相关费用是多少? 
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX 提供source code, 不收版税,大约的费用在$13000左右。  [2005-1-20 11:08:07]
[问:jiangyk] 3. How fast ThreadX RTOS response an interrupt request in     blackfin platform? What"s the fastest,slowest and normal value of it(interrupt response time)?  
[答:MicetekC] for bf561 less than 213ns  [2005-1-20 11:08:54]
[问:oopp] 1 .是否支持C语言编程? 2. 能否提供相关开发板和测试软件 3. 可否寄一份编程指南,MCU使用手册( 4.提供几片样片? 5.希从速回复!!! 
[答:MicetekC] yes, support C/C++  [2005-1-20 11:10:01]
[问:yonganxie] 我想请教一下:在threadx下可以向其他os那样方便的申请内存否?我用起来好像不行。它的中断响应快否?能否给一个大概响应时间? 
[答:MicetekA] threadx have two method of memory management. Block memory ,and byte memory. Byte memory is just like heap in C . you can use byte memory alloc just like malloc in C. But first , you should create a byte pool. 中断等待时间少于 128 个周期(对于600 MHz 的 BF561 为 213 ns)   [2005-1-20 11:11:18]
[问:czbfish] 使用threadx有哪些费用问题?  
[答:MicetekC] No royltee, 一次性开发费用  [2005-1-20 11:11:20]
[问:czbfish] 从哪里可以得到thread x的支持  
[答:MicetekC] 上海,北京 MICETEK office   [2005-1-20 11:12:16]
[问:maeleton1] 能否较详细比较ThreadX RTOS和Linux 操作系统? 
[答:MicetekA] ThreadX 优秀的设计使之具有 代码小 ,执行 快速 ,和 方便使用 等优点。,而linux代码大,操作复杂,执行 快速 相对较慢。  [2005-1-20 11:13:46]
[问:zzkeng] 请问专家,ADI有没有在Blackfin处理器上移植ThreadX RTOS?购买这样的移植需要多少钱? 
[答:MicetekC] 已经移植好,大概us$12500 for ADI customers   [2005-1-20 11:14:41]
[问:meteor_chu] ThreadX RTOS有没有RS232或RS485接口功能?能否在实时测控系统中应用? 
[答:MicetekA] ThreadX kernel do not provide driver support. But it have RS232 examples. Because drivers are dependent on the specific board. We can provide driver porting service.  [2005-1-20 11:15:42]
[问:chen903wei] ThreaDx的源代码公开,哪与UCOSII的区别? 
[答:MicetekC] yes, 完全的商业RTOS  [2005-1-20 11:17:39]
[问:maeleton1] ThreadX RTOS和其它的RTOS如Vxwork,QNX, Lynx和WinCE等有区别或优点? 
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX的footprint相对较小,实时强。基本用C语言写成,移植性好。不收版税。  [2005-1-20 11:17:54]
[问:ruibenxu] ThreadX与Nucleus实时系统是不是有很多相似的地方? 
[答:MicetekA] ThreadX 有很好的兼容性, 其他rtos上的应用很容易移植的threadX 上。 ThreadX 可兼容 多种API uITRON API(符合 ITRON 4.0 标准) OSEK API (符合 OSEK 标准 BCC1, BCC2, ECC1, 和 ECC2) POSIX API   [2005-1-20 11:18:14]
[问:srdqj] threadX和ADI的VDK有什么区别?主要是指性能上的。 
[答:Jenny] VDK and ThreadX are all integrated component in VisualDSP++ IDDE. VDK is smaller than ThreadX and ThreadX apply more resource and function than VDK.  [2005-1-20 11:18:27]
[问:ydfrfl] 哪里可以下载到ThreadX 
[答:MicetekC] For evaluation, please send your address to  [2005-1-20 11:20:33]
[问:zzkeng] 请问专家,如何编写BF533的Cache,才能得到较高的速度? 
[答:Rick] Actually , blackfin use LUR to manage the data which was cached. You could also modify the cahchtab.s to configurate cache map. And blackfin support 4-way mode. it will make customer reach a better performance of cache . more detail information pls refer to blackfin hw manual . or send email to for tech support  [2005-1-20 11:26:04]
[问:wfm] 用于嵌入式处理器BF561的ThreadX RTOS如何支持以太网传输? 
[答:MicetekA] need NetX package for TCP/IP support. NetX is the TCPIP support for ThreadX.  [2005-1-20 11:28:22]
[问:meteor_chu] 能否介绍ThreadX RTOS在板级市场和SoC级市场的应用前景? 
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX目前在国外市场应用广泛,和chip厂商及第三方tool厂商合作紧密。其兼容性和移植性很强。且无版税。目前在国内市场处于起步阶段,相信凭ThreadX的卓越性价比,会很快被大家接受。  [2005-1-20 11:28:37]
[问:luogongqiang] 目前最快的上下文切换时间有多快? 
[答:MicetekA] 所有 Blackfin 处理器需要的时间都仅为110 个周期 183 ns @ 600 MHz (ADSP-BF561)   [2005-1-20 11:29:05]
[问:beiping] 请问有没有该处理器在测试仪器方面的成功应用案例? 
[答:Rick] blackfin have many success cases in test and measurement . for example oscilloscope etc. blackfin processor "s PPI support high speed data stream and blackfin"s perfect performance and the feature of DSP support a fast data processing. more tech request should contact ADI DSP support team.  [2005-1-20 11:29:47]
[问:luogongqiang] ThreadX RTOS支持的连接有那些?USB和WiMAX连接支持吗? 
[答:MicetekA] yes. ThreadX support USB and WiMAX  [2005-1-20 11:30:04]
[问:hznetwork] 我们在实际中如何得到技术支持  
[答:Rick] You should contact ADI DSP china support team by send email to for tech support.  [2005-1-20 11:30:37]
[问:lyfrance] 在BLACK FIN 中进行地址分配需要像汇编中一样每个定义名称吗? 如果不需要是否可以直接用变量形式它自己分配RAM空间不需用户直接参与。 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin processors employ LDF (Linker Discription File) to allocate memory usage whatever in C or Accembly language. User can modify the file to manage all data allocation.  [2005-1-20 11:30:46]
[问:encaon] ThreadX RTOS是否和MS-DOS文件兼容?它所支持的应用协议和堆栈有那些? 
[答:MicetekB] 可以和DOS format兼容,其也有自己的文件系统FileX. 其可支持第三方的协议栈,也有自己的NetX.  [2005-1-20 11:33:56]
[问:yuangq] 贵公司产品在手机上是否有应用? 
[答:Tonny] Yes, we have chipset with Blackfin core inside to be used on handset. Also, Blackfin processor has been used in 3G handset.  [2005-1-20 11:34:44]
[问:lbgy] uClinux和ThreadX RTOS都可用在Blackfin处理器,那种适应性更好? 
[答:MicetekA] 看不同的应用, 一般当然是ThreadX  [2005-1-20 11:35:17]
[问:f_wang] 本处理器直接支持USB接口和彩色接口吗? 
[答:Rick] Yes, Blackfin support interface with USB driver slave or host or OTG mode. and BF535 also integrated a 1.1 USB interface. BF533"s PPI interface have good performanc to interface in video application . for example ITU656 video stream or RGB video stream input or output.  [2005-1-20 11:35:37]
[问:13910702172] ThreadX RTOS是否需要专用的开发平台? 
[答:MicetekC] Yes, VisualDSP++ and Greenhills MULTI  [2005-1-20 11:36:13]
[问:luogongqiang] 除了Blackfin 处理器,ThreadX RTOS还支持那些处理器如目前迅速增长的ZSP处理器? 
[答:MicetekB] 支持几乎所有目前流行的CPU,包括BlackFin,PPC,ARM,x86,68K,MIPS,DSP等等。  [2005-1-20 11:36:20]
[问:victo2] Please tell me what ThreadX supports application layer protocol, such as SNMP etc.  
[答:MicetekA] threadx support full tcpip protocol, include SNMP in NetX package.  [2005-1-20 11:36:59]
[问:move] Thereadx 在时间调度上有多少个优先级?  
[答:MicetekA] threadx has 32 个优先级  [2005-1-20 11:38:50]
[问:move] ThreadX RTOS系统的最多任务数,和最大任务嵌套数 
[答:MicetekB] 任务不受限制,取决于系统开销,比如任务越多,memory占用越多。  [2005-1-20 11:39:27]
[问:pan-x] 在强磁场下应用,该注意什么? 资料从哪里获取? 
[答:Rick] Pls refer to blackfin data sheet . and commonly A good shield for protection is useful  in the case you refer . Pls contact to provide detail information of your application case. china DSP support team will give your suggestion for it.  [2005-1-20 11:39:38]
[问:gongguodong] ThreadX RTOS是否可用于其它芯片(如ARM,SH4等)? ThreadX RTOS与LINUX KERNEL 2.6有何不同? ThreadX RTOS是何时推出的?主要应用在什么领域?到目前为止有哪些成功的案例应用? 谢谢!!!  
[答:MicetekC] 1. ThreadX support All RISC CPU and DSP 2. ThreadX is hardware real-time OS, VERY powerful 3. ten years ago, application for 消费,工业及通讯, HP的所有Ink-jet printer use ThreadX  [2005-1-20 11:39:54]
[问:f_wang] 本处理器的功耗怎样?使用在移动式通讯产品和存储设备上有哪些优势? 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin Family have two stage operating voltages - core operating voltage 0.8-1.2V; I/O operating voltage 3.3V. Blackfin Family Processor have lots of advantages in power management, they have differet working mode and dedicated power management unit to reduce power comsume to the least. That"s why Blackfin Family DSP processors are appropriate processors for power cosume urgent product, such as mobile equipment and so on.  [2005-1-20 11:40:44]
[问:ljp099] Blackfin处理器应用ThreadX RTOS有没有成功的案例? 
[答:MicetekC] 有,具体案例,I will check for you. please send to  [2005-1-20 11:41:12]
[问:bclx] 你公司提供移植软件程序的服务吗? 
[答:MicetekB] 这要看具体的情况,如有需求可和Micetek联系  [2005-1-20 11:41:18]
[问:dxp0715] 请问BF532最大能扩展多少外部程序存储器? 
[答:Tonny] You can extend up to 128MB SDRAM and 4MB Flash to BF532.  [2005-1-20 11:42:02]
[问:fjiang] Can u describe the performance of memory alloc & free in threadX? plz give some description on the memory management mechanism of ThreadX. 
[答:MicetekA] threadx 分配内存块只要160 ns(@400M BF) Threadx have two types of MM, block memory and Byte memory. The detail can be found on threadx manual .   [2005-1-20 11:42:09]
[问:move] Thereadx 在时间调度上有多少个优先级?  
[答:MicetekA] 32  [2005-1-20 11:42:17]
[问:encaon] ADI能否提供ThreadX RTOS使用的设计源代码?价格如何? 
[答:MicetekC] 当然可以,已经移植好。for ADI customers, us$12500  [2005-1-20 11:42:31]
[问:meteor_chu] ThreadX RTOS有没有中文处理功能? 
[答:MicetekB] 目前还没有汉字库,可移植。  [2005-1-20 11:42:56]
[问:zblj] THREADX的BOOTLOADER过程是怎样的? 
[答:MicetekA] BOOTLOADER 与 RTOS 无关。 可以把其他的bootloader 用到threadx 上。  [2005-1-20 11:43:15]
[问:whtoyou] Blankfin的处理速度如何,比如处理10MHz的实时信号时,算法复杂度能达到什么程度? 
[答:Jenny] The highest speed of Blackfin Family DSP processors can reach to 750MHz(Single core). As a result, they can handle most of complicated algrithm, such as 10MHz real-time signal processing (For core).  [2005-1-20 11:43:51]
[问:sw_bj] Can protocol stack run on blackfin? or can only algrithm run on blackfin?  
[答:Rick] I am not sure which protocol stack does you want to run in blackfin ? Luckily , blackfin processor have many feature of MCU. it support some protocol stack for example TCPIP ,H.323 very well. And blackfin"s feature of DSP means the many algorithm will run well and reach a Good performance based on blackfin . while you have confusion in apply blackfin pls contact for tech support.   [2005-1-20 11:43:51]
[问:move] ThreadX RTOS比之其它嵌入系统比如VXWORKS、CE、LIUNX等有什么优缺点? 
[答:MicetekC] 各有长处,ThreadX免付版权费,代码小,实时性最好  [2005-1-20 11:44:20]
[问:maeleton1] ThreadX RTOS对多线程的线程同步如何处理? 
[答:MicetekC] Please send your question to, I will give you detail information, thanks   [2005-1-20 11:45:39]
[问:camel_sh] BF561对中断嵌套支持如何?ThreadX对中断嵌套支持如何? 
[答:MicetekA] 为保证无应用程序延迟,threadx采用一元中断结构 单级 ISR,无中断嵌套.   [2005-1-20 11:45:53]
[问:skycity1221] blackfin 处理1750*200pixs*20pics/s是否会出现内部存储器不足的现象,图像模式识别 
[答:Rick] Actually , for most video application the external memory is used . so internal memory will not to store the whole frame video data. the video data will be stored in external memory and cache will make a perfect performance of data and code accessing .  [2005-1-20 11:46:23]
[问:maszcy] 现在或计划中有带多通道模入的Blackfin产品吗?一套完整的Blackfin的开发工具价格多少? 
[答:Jenny] You can refer to ADSP-2199x DSP processor with integrated analog unit. A full set of Blackfin development tools(CROSSCORE tools) costs 1,200 dollars which includes VisualDSP++ IDDE, emulator and evaluation board.  [2005-1-20 11:46:49]
[问:awgn] 适用于通信信号处理吗? 比如:调制、同步等。与TI的DSP相比有什么优点? 
[答:Tonny] Blackfin processor can be used for Multimedia, communication and I&I field. The advantage of Blackfin processor include low cost, high performance, low power and so on...  [2005-1-20 11:47:31]
[问:lbgy] ThreadX RTOS支持Sharc处理器吗?和Blackfin处理器相比,它们在编程有何不同? 
[答:MicetekB] 可支持SHARC。因其决大部分为C语言写成,开发时相对于CPU的关系不大。  [2005-1-20 11:47:47]
[问:maeleton1] 请问专家,你对ThreadX RTOS在未来嵌入RTOS中的地位或市场分额有何见解? 
[答:MicetekC] 在北美市场,成长很快,对于将生产大量产品的公司,使更好的选择,如HDTV, DVE, Mobilephone.. thanks  [2005-1-20 11:47:57]
[问:michaelxin] Treadx 如何调度SDRAM中的线程,怎样解决实时性问题? 
[答:MicetekA] 任何线程都已function的形式运行。 实时性问题有threadx 的调度方法来保证。  [2005-1-20 11:49:34]
[问:luogongqiang] 据我所知, ThreadX RTOS支持嵌入的软核,是否对嵌入硬核也支持?这两者有何区别? 
[答:MicetekC] ThreadX supports Hard-kernel, Please send your questions to, I will give your detail information  [2005-1-20 11:49:36]
[问:hunter _micetek] ADI 公司的开发环境for Blackfin价 格是多少,仿真器价格是多少,                          
[答:Jenny] Please contact ADI distributions for price issue. If you need distributions detailed information, please send mail to, or call ADI free 800 hot line 800-810-1742.  [2005-1-20 11:49:42]
[问:翔儿] Thread RTOS同时支持Unicode和ANSI吗? 
[答:MicetekA] 支持  [2005-1-20 11:49:57]
[问:chen903wei] threadDx开发工具与TORNADO的区别是什么? 
[答:MicetekC] Threadx for Blackfin, uses VisualDSP++ or GHS MULTI IDE  [2005-1-20 11:50:37]
[问:bclx] 我公司专门从事"视觉识别控制"技术产品的开发,由于速度问题,产品一直在PC机上开发,现在想将产品移植到嵌入式处理器上,是否可行? 
[答:Rick] Yes, Blackfin is powerful to such application case which you mentioned. detail information for blackfin application pls contact china dsp support team by send email to for tech support.  [2005-1-20 11:51:15]
[问:michaelxin] 我想了解利用Thread RTOS 建立TigerSharc多处理器开发环境? 
[答:MicetekC] Please send your questions to, thanks!  [2005-1-20 11:51:28]
[问:guke1978] ThreadX是否可以用于ARm芯片 
[答:MicetekA] 当然。很多  [2005-1-20 11:51:45]
[问:victo2] ThreadX的内核有多大? 
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX会根据应用的不同,生成不同的kernel image. 一般为2K到15K。对于BlackFin来说,基本的为4K.  [2005-1-20 11:51:57]
[问:wangtsing] Does blackfin have onchip USB host controller peripheral? 
[答:Jenny] As to Blackfin BF531/2/3/5 and BF561 processors, they have no on-chip USB host controller peripheral. But you can employ EBIU peripheral to implement it.  [2005-1-20 11:52:10]
[问:wang wei9580] 相比uCOSII,ThreadX的价格太高了,那它和uCOSII有什么竞争优势? 
[答:MicetekA] code 小,速度快。这就够了。  [2005-1-20 11:52:22]
[问:zzkeng] 一般来说,如何选择嵌入式实操时操作系统? 
[答:MicetekC] 1.price, 2.real-time 3. performance. 4. Tools(集成开发环境)  [2005-1-20 11:52:48]
[问:fjiang] How many kinds of file system does ThreadX RTOS support? 
[答:MicetekC] please visit :, fileX Page. Thanks  [2005-1-20 11:53:34]
[问:ygjzju] 在使用时,我们发现基于PC的VDSP仿真速度慢的很惊人,不知道为什么(因评估版不够用,我们有些同志用仿真器) 
[答:Rick] VDSP"s performance of simulator based on performance of the PC very much . here is a suggestion to improve the simulator performance : use compiler simulator session . it will have better performance than the common simulator session .   [2005-1-20 11:53:38]
[问:lbgy] 一般来说,如何选择嵌入式实操时操作系统? 
[答:MicetekA] small code size, short interrupt latency, easy to use, good development support.  [2005-1-20 11:53:44]
[问:yonganxie] USBX是什么?能否介绍一下 
[答:MicetekA] usbx is the usb protocol support package for threadx. It also support USB disk.  [2005-1-20 11:54:43]
[问:pigeonguo] 该芯片在LCD驱动电路上可有应用,谢谢 
[答:Rick] Blackfin could support glueless interface with LCD . While you have confusion about it pls contact for tech support . we could send you reference design and related design application notes.  [2005-1-20 11:56:10]
[问:hunter _micetek] Blackfin的开发工具中提供那些免费的算法包? 请列举一些常用的.谢谢 
[答:Jenny] VisualDSP++ apply lots of standard lib functions such as FFT, CFFT, IIR, FIR and so on. Please contact for more information.  [2005-1-20 11:56:12]
[问:hanxin] 如果想用ThteadX进行系统开发,前期的费用估计需要多少? ADSP-BF561上可以运行ThreadX,在ADSP-BF533上的效果如何?技术上需要如何处理? 
[答:MicetekC] ThreadX $US$12500 IDE: visualDSP++ 在BF561 AND BF533上很好  [2005-1-20 11:56:19]
[问:yinchd] 请谈一下移植ThreadX RTOS 应该注意那些关键问题? 请对ThreadX 和 Nucleus做些分析对比? 
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX决大部分为C语言写成,移植时只需写少量汇编程序。其兼容性也很好,可完全移植以前Nucleus写的程序。  [2005-1-20 11:56:36]
[问:hehe_000] THREADx的实时时间精度是多少 
[答:MicetekC] 中断响应 for BF561 less than 213ns  [2005-1-20 11:58:51]
[问:zblj] 是否提供全部源码? 
[答:MicetekC] yes, 95% C source code  [2005-1-20 11:59:14]
[问:ygjzju] 有关于视频处理基于ThreadX的一些使用实例吗?本人对视频算法基于ThreadX的任务调度如何实现还不是很有概念。de谢谢d 
[答:MicetekB] 我们有一些评估板已移植了ThreadX.如有需要,可和Micetek联系  [2005-1-20 11:59:22]
[问:zblj] THREADX的安全等级是多少? 
[答:MicetekC] 在卫星上有应用  [2005-1-20 11:59:40]
[问:ygjzju] 请问操作系统内核内核有多大?可以裁减吗? 谢谢! 
[答:MicetekA] thread kernel 在 ADSP-BF531上仅占用 4 KB 空间, 最大也只到到15k(include all services). 可以按不同的应用裁减  [2005-1-20 12:00:35]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,西安中飞公司的gytcmc经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为gytcmc的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2005-1-20 12:01:43]
[问:jerrynone] 贵公司的DSP产品与TI 的相应产品相比,有什么不同?有什么优势? 在图像处理方面,哪一款DSP比较好,经济性如何? 
[答:Rick] blackfin have many perfect feature for video application . BF533"s PPI could glueless interface with image sensor and support itu656 stream input and output. Blackfin have many special video instruction for image and video processing. detail information for blackfin in video application pls contact for tech support  [2005-1-20 12:02:04]
[问:dedeng] What is the main difference between threadX and Vxworks?  
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX所需的系统开销少,实时性强,可移植性强,与第三方软件兼容性强,无版税,另有Threshhold的额外保护功能等  [2005-1-20 12:03:13]
[问:yy_tseng] ThreadX是否有提供各類Blackfin周邊介面的ISR based 驅動程式範例? 以及各種DMA,MDMA使用範例?  
[答:MicetekB] BlackFin评估板上已移植了ThreadX.如有需要,可和Micetek联系  [2005-1-20 12:04:02]
[问:hunter _micetek] 请问Jenny,Blackfin和TI公司同档次产品相比较,优势是那些?谢谢  
[答:Jenny] Blackfin Family Processors have new DSP architector that named MSA and luxuriant peripherals. They also have many working modes and power control unit which supply user flexible and powerful control method. As to devlepment tools, VisualDSP++ supplies user easy-to-use and VC-likely IDDE, it also suppy user VDK to implement event control (RTOS). User can use stantard C language and assemblly language(easy-to-understand) to devlepment his application. For detailed information, please contact  [2005-1-20 12:05:24]
[问:liu2005] 请问ADI专家:如果将两个以上的程序加载到flash,上电引导后,运行时如何控制程序之间的切换? 
[答:MicetekA] 需要有一个bootloader 来选择程序之间的切换。  [2005-1-20 12:05:34]
[问:fjiang] ThreadX最大文件打开数?最大网络连接数?最大内存支持数? 
[答:MicetekB] 原则上没有限制,取决于系统开销  [2005-1-20 12:05:59]
[问:hehe_000] threadx代码尺寸多大,在多少位的MCU上使用比较适合 
[答:MicetekB] ThreadX会根据应用的不同,生成不同的kernel image. 一般为2K到15K。对于BlackFin来说,基本的为4K. ThreadX支持很多流行的CPU,包括BlackFin,PPC,ARM,x86,68K,MIPS,DSP等等.一般为16/32位CPU   [2005-1-20 12:08:16]
[问:wang wei9580] 该实时操作系统与uCOSII实时操作系统有什么差别? 
[答:MicetekA] uCOSII only support up to 64 task. uCOSII do not support the tasks with the same priporty uCOSII do not have application timer. etc ...  [2005-1-20 12:08:21]
[问:maszcy] Blackfin中的DSP功能如何?比如,双内核的Blackfin,在ThreadX支持下做1024点浮点FFT,需时多少?  
[答:Rick] blackfin have perfect feature of both of DSP and MCU.  Blackfin have related lib for float processing. as for  float FFT processing application pls send email to for detail information .  [2005-1-20 12:08:29]
[问:yuangq] ThreadX RTOS是否支持FAT16/32文件系统 
[答:MicetekB] 是的  [2005-1-20 12:08:39]
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