
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 



这次在线座谈会主要介绍飞思卡尔半导体公司的16位单片机MC9S12UF32的性能,特点和在高速USB2.0海量存储中的应用,以及MCU功能实现的基本要素,包括支持巨量传输模式的特殊外围线路、以应用于USB、ATA和通用海量存储设备(包括Secure Digital、SmartMedia、CompactFlash和记忆棒Memory Stick等等)和USB海量存储类应用及飞思卡尔的参考设计。内容丰富多彩和实用。


主题: 适宜海量存储应用的高速USB单片机
[问:yaojie] 1、UF32是否支持XD卡。 2、UF32是否同时连接两种不同的存储体,并能够实现相互之间的数据拷贝。 3、UF32是否支持对盘符的划分。 
[答:Derek] 1. UF32是否支持XD卡 (NO) 2. UF32是否同时连接两种不同的存储体,并能够实现相互之间的数据拷贝。(YES, by using the IQUEUE module) 3. UF32是否支持对盘符的划分。(Yes, the host can see several hardisks if several partitions used)  [2004-12-2 10:45:20]
[问:hejptm] 此USB单片机与计算机的接口驱动如何做。 
[答:Vincent] The USB thumbdrive reference design is documented in web site. Please use it as a reference design for USB firmware development. Here is the site address. /prod_summary.jsp?code=RDHCS12UF32TD&parent Code=MC9S12UF32&nodeId=0162468636K100  [2004-12-2 10:48:05]
[问:ohayo] 1、普通MCU为什么不适宜海量高速USB; 2、为了适应此种应用,MCU应具备什么特性? 3、该产品的配套开发环境如何? 谢谢。 
[答:Derek] 1. If using normal MCU, the performance will be very poor. 2. The necessary requirements are the USB control endpoints and one Bulk IN and one bluk out endpoints. Other requirements depend on what mass storages needed to be supported. 3. Software, we have the Codeworrier C++ complier. Hardware, we have a development boards with all the memory card sockets and an ATA connector built-in. We also have some reference designs boards.  [2004-12-2 10:49:40]
[问:luowenfeng] 请问USB2.0的通信协议是不是与模块化,可直接调用?单片机的价格是不是有优势?谢谢!  
[答:Vincent] Most the standard USB commands, except GET_DESCRIPTOR, are handled by USB module hardware. In term of USB firmware development, mostly user will need to handle GET_DESCRIPTOR commands, and some bus status handling (such as SUSPEND, USB RESET, RESUME, etc). UF32 is a cost competitive USB HS device in the market with most of the FLASH host controllers built-in.  [2004-12-2 10:53:47]
[问:qunshan] 请问与普通的USB控制芯片相比有什么不同点和相同点。 
[答:Alan] This is Freescale"s first High Speed USB device (480mbps), previouse USB devices from Freescale are low speed/full speed devices.  [2004-12-2 10:54:06]
[问:beiping] 请问该单片机是否支持CAN通信方式 ? 
[答:Vincent] No! CAN module is not included in UF32  [2004-12-2 10:54:30]
[问:000999] 请教专家下面三个问题: 1、功耗情况如何(全速和节电模式)? 2、开发系统有何要求? 3、Windows驱动程序如何处理? 谢谢! 
[答:Derek] 1. For UF32, the normal run IDD is around 90mA. At room temperature, the STOP IDD is around 100uA. 2. We suggest to use Metrowerk"s Codewarrier with at least 16K FLASH memory supports. 3. Windows 2000 and Windows XP have embedded drivers for USB Mass Storage Bulk-Only Transfer, and no special drivers are needed. For Windows 98, we have developed the drivers for our customers.   [2004-12-2 10:56:28]
[问:ltslts] usb和单片机结合有哪些优点?usb2。0可以达到480Mbit每秒,单片机在速度上如何匹配? 
[答:Alan] MCU + USB can provide a more cost effective solution, save board space, easier to develop. With internal buffer, we can achieve maximum USB through put, this is taken care by internal databuffers, loading on CPU is small. Our UF32 also uses our S12 Core, can run at 30MH bus.  [2004-12-2 10:57:32]
[问:jiessie] What is the difference beteween the MC9S12UF32 and 68HC908JB16 in the application of USB2.0? 
[答:Alan] UF32 is high speed 480mbps, storage class device whereas 908JB16 is low speed 1.5Mbps, interrupt clase device.  [2004-12-2 10:59:11]
[问:guanghui] 请问1。MC9S12UF32是用什么开发软件及开发器? 2。USB2.0、ATA驱动程序需要自己编写吗? 
[答:Derek] 1. We suggest to use Metrowerk"s Codewarrier compiler with at least 16K Flash support. For hardware, we have a evaluation board M68EVB912UF32 with all the supported memory card sockets and an ATA connectors. 2. We have reference design codes that can be released to our customers  [2004-12-2 10:59:47]
[问:zguox] 如何实现读、写USB 优盘?是否有资料下载? 芯片价格? 
[答:Derek] 1. We have reference design codes that can be released to our customer. A completed reference design with schematics and source codes will be available in soon.  [2004-12-2 11:01:01]
[问:xiaoq1980] 请问:MC9S12UF32的寻址空间有多大?外部数据总线为多少位?工作频率最高为多少? 
[答:Vincent] The entire address mapping is from $0000-$FFFF however, the programming flash is only 32k in size and embedded RAM is 3.5K. Only a single page (16k) external memory is allowed, 16 bit address/data are muxed to PTA and PTB. The max bus frequency is 30MHz.  [2004-12-2 11:01:18]
[问:hcj] 1.请问Freescale有没有无线USB芯片或方案计划? 2.该款USB单片机是否具有 IDE to USB 桥功能?有没有其它 IDE to USB桥芯片? 3.Freescale有无 USB OTG芯片? 
[答:Alan] 1. Yes, we have two chip wireless USB solutions for both 27MHz and 2.4GHz. 2. UF32 has IDE to USB interface. 3. We have USB OTG on with 32-bit Core, please contact Freescale sales for information.  [2004-12-2 11:02:10]
[问:lhb] 开发MC9S12UF32是否可以使用并口的BDM-MULTLINK? 
[答:Derek] Yes. You can use S12 DBM Multilink with either parallel port interface or USB interface  [2004-12-2 11:02:17]
[问:cadog] 请问主机和设备之间的命令和相应是通过什么方式传递的,直接存取共享内存还是中断等? 
[答:Derek] 1. It follows the USB Mass Storage Bulk-Only Transport. The completed specification can be download at  [2004-12-2 11:03:20]
[问:lee2008] 请问此类单片机外围器件多吗? 价格在多少? 海量指的是存储海量,还是缓存海量?? 谢谢! 
[答:Vincent] UF32 supports several flash host controllers, such as SD, MS, SM, ATA, CF and of course USB 2.0 HS module. For price quotation, please contact Freescale sale and marketing or our distributor. UF32 supports mass storage but not mass buffering. Flash memory is located external Flash card or harddisk. While internal flash is only for firmware programming.   [2004-12-2 11:06:44]
[问:lhb] 开发MC9S12UF32是否可以使用并口的 "BDM-MULTLINK"?我现在用并口仿真器正在开发MC9S12D64. 
[答:Derek] YES  [2004-12-2 11:07:52]
[问:sh_dyb] 请问一下这款单片机有输出比较\输入捕捉、PWM、AD、等常用的模块吗?它的主要菜单现在USB处理上,如有上述常用模块,其在这方面的性能会不会有些下降?我能不能把这个芯片用在汽车上的控制系统上呢? 
[答:Alan] UF32 does not have on-chip timer which can be used for PWM control, SCI and no ADC. Since USB is handle by hardware so it requires little CPU power, our UF32 chip also uses 16-bit S12 core which can run at 30MHz bus speed.  [2004-12-2 11:08:14]
[问:gaoying1982] usb单片机与普通单片机相比较有什么区别,又什么优点? 
[答:Alan] It has hardware USB 2.0 module on chip and also many card interface module.  [2004-12-2 11:10:23]
[问:huangjp] 从体系架构上,该单片机有那些适宜海量存储应用? 该单片机已经在大陆应用到哪些厂商的何种存储产品? 
[答:Vincent] UF32 can be used for common FLash card readers (such as MS, SD, SM and CF), USB-to-ATA controller, Flash thumbdriver memory stick. Many digital wallet and media player manufacturers in Mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore are chosing UF32 as their key components.  [2004-12-2 11:11:30]
[问:lucida] 您是否测试过对于4200转的硬盘,USB2.0,使用您的芯片的设备与PC最大的读写速度能到多少? 
[答:Derek] 1. It can used in 4200 rpm hardisk. For hardisk supporting UDMA mode 4, the speed measured at a PC system with 2.6GHz Pentium 4 CPU is around 33MByte/s buffer read and 23MByte/s buffer write. The speed depends on the PC system and the hardisk performance.  [2004-12-2 11:14:16]
[问:buswalker] 请问FreeScale是否提供该MCU的USB2.0固件? 
[答:Vincent] UF32 has built-in USB2.0 HS hardware module. The UF32 development platform (EVM) includes the USB connector which is ready to use for firmware development.  [2004-12-2 11:14:40]
[问:dongxiongjie] 请问开发是基于何种操作软件?C和汇编可以吗?还有那些高级语言可以应用在高速USB单片机系统 
[答:Derek] C and assembly are supported. Other high level languages are not common in embedded controller applications  [2004-12-2 11:15:21]
[问:libin11] 用这颗芯片做系统,如何加上LCD呢?有什么接口呢? 
[答:Vincent] You could communicate to external LCD driver via software SPI or IIC interface. The device can support 30MHz bus frequency which has enough software bandwidth to handle the SPI or IIC communication.  [2004-12-2 11:18:05]
[问:zhahhai] 贵公司的海量USB单片机在KTV点播设备中的应用如何? 
[答:Chen] 这种具体的应用需要进行具体的针对性开发了。UF32所能提供的,是电脑与高速USB及其它海量存储器件之间的接口,如硬盘,CDROM或DVD-RW等。  [2004-12-2 11:19:36]
[问:Eric Leung] Does the USB MCU incorporate the host function ? 
[答:Law Wai] No.  The UF32 MCU includes a USB 2.0 device controller for connecting to a USB host (e.g. PC).  [2004-12-2 11:25:45]
[问:yct991] 请问专家:你们的hcs单片机和51单片机相比,有甚么区别(有缺点)呢?谢谢! 
[答:Derek] There are lots of variations in 51 MCUs. We can"t directly compare between them. However our HCS08 and HCS12 MCU has a distinguished feature of built-in Background Debug mode which enable a simple application board to be used as a evaluation board and programming board.  [2004-12-2 11:25:53]
[问:huangjp] 请问是支持USB2.0还是1.1,全速、高速还是半速? 
[答:Taine] USB2.0 Hi-speed, USB1.1 Full-speed and Low-speed are all supported. 全速、高速、半速全都支援  [2004-12-2 11:28:38]
[问:boseby] 该USB可否达到和普通mp3解码芯片解码所需的速度? 
[答:Alan] Yes, UF32 has been used in MP-HDD players.  [2004-12-2 11:29:35]
[问:wrz] usb的通讯距离是比较短的,请问象贵公司的此类单片机在应用时是否会受此影响。 
[答:Alan] 5 Meter is the standard.  [2004-12-2 11:33:13]
[问:libin11] 请问这种单片机的主要应用场合是什么?相比ARM芯片有何优势? 
[答:Vincent] UF32 supports USB mass storage class application, it has built-in flash card reader controllers. UF32 is in Freescale S12 core architecture, to compare with ARM, they are 2 very different architecture, S12 is in CISC but ARM is in RISC architecture. Deciding on MCU performance should not be purely compare the core architecture, peripheral support, compiler/development tool support and manufacturing support are also the key factors to determine. UF32 has built-in major flash card controller modules, complete support for software compiler for C/C++/assembly and development tools. There is no equivalent ARM product is available for similar application.  [2004-12-2 11:33:36]
[问:buswalker] Freescale 是否提供UF32的USB2.0固件程序? 
[答:Alan] Yes. USB SIE and PHY are hard module.  [2004-12-2 11:34:00]
[问:libin11] 功耗如何?是否可以用于便携式产品? 
[答:Derek] 1. If USB and other memory interfaces are not used, and the PLL is not enabled, the UF32 runs at 6MHz with 12MHz crystal. The current under this mode is around 10mA (actual current depends on applications), the STOP mode is around 100uA at room temperature. It is suitable for some portable devices.  [2004-12-2 11:35:09]
[问:电池] 是host端还是设备端,价格在什么范围 
[答:Alan] Device end, please consult our distes/sales/marketing for pricing information.  [2004-12-2 11:37:04]
[问:asun] 作为16位USB单片机,与集成有ARM核或者其它软核的FPGA的USB开发有什么优缺点。更适合于那些方面的应用。譬如,我如果要完成一个高速信号采集,通过USB通道上传数据,单片机能不能达到那么高的速度。 
[答:Chen] UF32仍是传统意义上的16位单片机,但它内部集成了高速USB接口及控制电路,还有收发器及收发缓存区,另外还有专用的集成队列模块,所有这些特性能大大提高其数据处理及传输得速度,同时也大大减轻了软件的负担。至于对于某个具体的应用UF32是否能达到其要求,应该对数据处理和传输的要求进行具体分析。  [2004-12-2 11:38:37]
[问:ptwang] s12主要用于哪一方面啊?与硬盘或是记忆卡的通信还是控制他们?还是用于计算机主板,作为cpu与硬盘的通信中间部分?  
[答:Derek] The S12 core mainly handles the USB Mass Storage Flow, does the physcial/logical table translations for Memory Stick and SmartMedia . ATA and other memory cards interfaces have got their own modules to control. The transfer of data between PC and storage devices are through the IQUE Module.  [2004-12-2 11:39:05]
[问:taopin] 请问该芯片容易购买吗? 有参考设计图吗? 
[答:Alan] Yes, this part is MC qualified, widely available now. Please contact our sales marketing and disties.  [2004-12-2 11:39:17]
[问:lee2008] mc9s12uf32与dsp比较有什么优缺点?谢谢 
[答:Vincent] UF32 is in S12 core architecture. S12 is 16bit general purpose processor, it is good for general purpose control while DSP is specialised in mathematic calculation. For UF32 defined applications, firmware will need to perform mostly data movement and bit manipulation type of tasks, S12 architecture has benefit over DSP equivalent product.  [2004-12-2 11:40:05]
[问:huali] 能否对采用ATA/ATAPI转接桥实现保密功能的设计,简单的介绍一二,谢谢! 
[答:Derek] 1. If proprietary encryption is used. It can be done in UF32. If you want to use the Microsoft DRM encryption, it can"t be done by UF32 alone. It must work with other CPU with more memory sizes.  [2004-12-2 11:41:33]
[问:ffcsdx] 我用的是GP32芯片,请问如何将其SCI转换为USB接口(硬件连接)?MC9S12UF32芯片在线编程如何实现,其USB2.0接口寄存器编程实现方法及在汽车电子上具体实例? 
[答:Chen] GP32没有内置的USB接口电路,应该通过串行通讯接口与其它的USB接口电路进行通讯。UF32可以通过BDM(背景调试模块)接口进行在线编程,也可以通过串行通讯接口进行在线编程。  [2004-12-2 11:42:35]
[问:askl] UF32支不支持IDE模式的CF卡读写? 
[答:Chen] 可以支持,但要通过ATA接口控制方式。  [2004-12-2 11:43:32]
[问:luomingq] 在系统解决方案中,usb模块硬件架构和软件架构是如何协同设计和验证的?针对外存读写速度慢和host端请求快的矛盾是如何解决的? 
[答:Derek] 1. For USB, we use the USBCV for testing. For USB working under Mass Storage Class, we tested differents mass storage devices under different PC systems. Regarding the slow speed mass sotrage devices, USB handles this by NAK the host if device is not available to send or receive data.  [2004-12-2 11:44:29]
[问:小康] 您好!我想问一下此类单片机的最大容量和最高传输速度 
[答:Law Wai] UF32 MCU has 32K flash and 3.5K SRAM. The USB interface module, the ATA interface module and the CF/MS/SD/SM card interface module run at 60MHz.  The transfer rate of different interfaces depends on the corresponding protocol. For example, USB HS is 480Mbps and UDMA4 is 60MB/s.  [2004-12-2 11:45:42]
[问:luomingq] 实际读写外存的速度是多少? 
[答:Derek] For ATA hardisk supports UDMA mode 4. The speed under PC system with 2.6GHz Pentium 4 is around 33MByte/s buffer read and 22MByte/s buffer write. The speed depends on the PC systems and the hardisk performance.  [2004-12-2 11:46:21]
[问:youyubing] uf32程序编译器和飞思卡的例程序在用于商业的时候是否要许可和付费? 
[答:Chen] 飞思卡尔的所有参考设计以及范例程序的源程序都是免费的。UF32的汇编编译是完全免费的,但它的C程序编译有一定的限制,超过一定程序容量之后需要付费。具体情况请与我们的销售人员或代理商联系。  [2004-12-2 11:50:58]
[问:jim90us] ATA 的传输模式是如何设置的?可通过单片机软件设置吗?ATA 设备识别是如何完成的?谢谢 
[答:Derek] The transfer mode is done by ATA command. We only distinguish between ATA and ATAPI devices by checking the cyclider register. Please refer to the presentation.  [2004-12-2 11:51:39]
[问:climbing] 请问:一、该款usb单片机是否支持on-the-go 技术? 二、使用什么样的开发工具,及开发环境? 三、有没有比较成熟的应用方案? 
[答:Taine] 1. USB on-the-go is not supported 2. Use CodeWarrior compiler and one 6pin    BDM connector to the target board. We also have    an EVB(evaluation board) with 6-in-1 card    reader and IDE interface on board 3. Thumb drive, ATA/ATAPI bridge and card reader  [2004-12-2 11:51:52]
[问:anthen] 开发MC9S12UF32可以使用我现在已有的USB的BDM-MULTLINK吗? 
[答:Chen] 可以。  [2004-12-2 11:51:57]
[问:Eric Leung] Does the UF32 support the 1 inch mini harddisk such as those used in IPOD ? 
[答:Derek] Yes  [2004-12-2 11:52:04]
[问:chenhgl] 该芯片的可编程中断口是否仍然是边沿触发方式? 
[答:Law Wai] IRQ and XIRQ of UF32 MCU are the same as other S12 MCU.  XIRQ is level sensitive. IRQ can be level or falling-edge sensitive.  [2004-12-2 11:52:16]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,Nanjing Postel Toshiba Telecom.的billwang73经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为billwang73的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。  [2004-12-2 11:52:41]
[问:bbkzhr] 该芯片能否对代码加密?开发板的价格是? 
[答:Chen] 可以加密。开发板的价格请与飞思卡尔的销售人员或代理商联系。  [2004-12-2 11:52:47]
[问:ouyangwei] 1、使用CodeWarrior开发UF32程序,最多可以设置两个断点,问如何设置多个断点? 2、UF32内置32K Flash ROM,是否可以扩展?如何扩展? 
[答:Derek] 1. The two breakpoints are fixed and can"t be increased. 2. Use expanded mode and use I/O to page the memory.  [2004-12-2 11:54:21]
[问:youyubing] What must be taken attention when design the power for uf32 system? 
[答:Derek] Take careful about different voltages 2.5V, 3.3V and 5V supplies  [2004-12-2 11:55:09]
[问:luogongqiang] MC9S12UF32能否外接总线?如何设计外接总线?对外接总线有何要求? 
[答:Law Wai] UF32 MCU supports S12 expanded mode. Address/data are muxed to Port A and Port B.  [2004-12-2 11:55:10]
[问:encaon] 高速USB单片机的系统设计和PCB布局如何才能降低它的噪音性能? 
[答:Chen] 实际上有很多的方法和要求。请登录飞思卡尔的网站,可以从参考设计,应用说明的文档中看到。  [2004-12-2 11:55:29]
[问:]  Is uf32 is an host usb ?
[答:]  No, it's just a slave USB device.
[问:]  mc9s12uf32工作温度范围是0~70度,与MC9S12D64相距甚远,是否采用不同的工艺?
[答:]  由于UF32是针对电脑及一般商业应用的,所以不需要很大的温度范围。而D64是针对汽车应用设计的。他们的制造工艺当然有所不同。
[问:]  MC9S12UF32是否带有USB接口?
[答:]  是的。It has a 480Mbps High Speed USB PHY and SIE.
[问:]  MCU中的敏感信号如时钟,重置和中断信号线应如何处理才能使MCU不受干扰可靠地工作?
[答:]  这些信号线的处理应该比较注意。应布得尽量靠近芯片;时钟线可以用地线与其它信号隔离;中断信号线上应考虑加上滤波器件。
[问:]  UF32除了USB接口外,是否配置了CAN接口?
[答:]  No, UF32 does not have any CAN interface, but it has a SCI interface module.
[问:]  不知MC9S12UF32的性价比如何
[答:]  就其功能来说,UF32有很高的性价比。
[问:]  程序可否通过usb下载?
[答:]  可以。但要事先装入USB通讯firmware。
[问:]  你好,它的开发硬件和软件都有哪几种呀?很多种吧?!
[答:] 一般软件采用CodeWarrior,硬件采用BDM接口,是非常简单便宜的。
[问:] 请问该单片机是用usb提供电源,还是需要另加外部供电呢
[答:] 单片机完全可以通过USB提供电源。但必须考虑整个应用的功耗,是否在USB能够提供的范围之内。
[问:] debug出现错误提示:Feature "HI005150:HC08 True-Time Simulator" is running in demo mode! To get an evaluation license,......maximum code size is 1024 bytes.  请问出现这样的问题影响使用吗?
[答:] This is due to no valid license. This indicates that you even don't have the evaluation license. You can download the evaluation license from Metrowerks' web site
[问:] freescale提不提供该芯片读卡器的wince或者linux的驱动程序支持?  
[答:] No. We only provide Windows98 driver  
[问:] UF32的EMC指标如何?  
[答:] UF32 is design with the S12 Automative quidlines in meeting EMC requirement, so we believe it will be good. So far we have not done any internal testing on this, we have also not heard any complaints from the field.  
[问:] USB2.0数据线的最短—最长使用长度;对此线的数据要求有那些;或者能给予更高的要求。  
[答:] The maximum length of USB cable is 5 meter while there is no minimum length requirement.  
[问:] usb单片机对加密和版权保护有没有相关内容
[答:] If you are talking about the Microsoft DRM. UF32 doesn't have enough resources. Such kind of applications need to add another processor with larger memory. 
[问:] USB单片机系统能适应多高转速的硬盘?
[答:] Any speed 
[问:] what is the latest software version for the demo solution  
[答:] What you download from the web is the most updated one  
[问:] 传输数据的宽度是否可编?最宽是多少位?  
[答:] The max bulk transfer length is 512 bytes
[问:] 此类单片机的预期发展时间有多久,行业预期如何?
[答:] Flash Card Reader, ATA-to-USB controller, Digital wallet, etc
[问:] 对所接的U盘,文件管理方面,如文件夹深度,文件名字数等,能否介绍一下?方便否?
[答:] I suggest you to download the "Fat32 File System Specification" at Microsoft web site. 
[问:] 高速USB单片机的EMI源有那几方面?如何应对?地线应作何种安排?
[答:] You can refere to the EMC applications notes at and the documents of "High Speed USB Platform Desgin Guildlines" at 
[问:] 高速USB单片机的高速体现在哪个方面?
[答:] Mass Storage, Printer, Webcam etc 
[问:] 能否说明排队的等待时间?它的传输速度中占有的比例有多高?  
[答:] It depends on the speed of the host system and the device. For example, the wait time for an UMDA mode 4 hardisk is much less than that of a Memory Stick  
[问:] 能否提供高速USB单片机驱动接口\汇编语言\集成调试环境以及程序设计实例  
[答:] We have reference designs of USB Thumb Driver and will soon have the USB IDE Bridge and Card Reader. Please download our reference design at  
[问:] 片内ram多少,我要作flash drive得话,因为nand flash是16k擦写得,这样是不是要需要16k ram?这样得话是不要要外置sram。  
[答:] We have 3.5K normal RAM plus 1.5K QRAM. The access of NAND Flash doesn't occupy MCU address and does not require 16K RAM  
[问:] 请介绍高速USB单片机的EMC性能  
[答:] UF32 is design with the S12 Automative quidlines in meeting EMC requirement, so we believe it will be good. So far we have not done any internal testing on this, we have also not heard any complaints from the field.  
[问:] 请问Freescale是否有U盘的参考设计,包括硬件设计和固件设计,是否公开,从哪里可以得到?
[答:] It will be available in early Jan 05. Please download it at 
[问:] 如何降低单片机系统的EMI发送强度?
[答:] Better layout and use termination resistors and capacitors
[问:] 如何降低由于耦合所引起的噪音?
[答:] Better layout and use termination resistors and capacitors 
[问:] 如何使用usb?谁能帮我找一点相关资料,能提供一些软硬件例子。谢谢!
[答:] There are many information at The reference design of USB IDE bridge will be available in early Jan 05 
[问:] 使用什么样的操作系统?  
[答:] For development environment works under Microsoft Windows. The USB applications can work under Windows, Linux, WinCE and MacOS  
[问:] 外围电路复杂吗?  
[答:] For Thumb Driver, IDE bridge and card reader applications, the major external components are a MOSFET for 5V to 3V regulations use  
[问:] 我公司正在寻一款无线USB芯片,请问贵司的无线USB芯片传输率和功耗有多大?  
[答:] "Freescale has many RF solutions that can be connected with USB for different kind of applications. Like UWB, Zibee and HID. We also have a family of USB devices, low speed JB-family, full-speed JW-family and High-speed UF32. Please contact our Distributors or sales for more information. For example, we have a wireless mouse reference design with 4800 baud rate. The running current for the MCU is 7mA typ."  
[问:] 希望能增加一些关于Secure Digital、SmartMedia、CompactFlash和记忆棒(Memory Stick数据格式和接口协议的内容.谢谢!
[答:] Please refer to the corresponding specifications
[问:] 需不需要与其它usb接口ic 配合。
[答:] No
[问:] 有没有方案和c语言的源代码可以参考
[答:] We have reference designs of USB Thumb Driver and will soon have the USB IDE Bridge and Card Reader. Please download our reference design at 
[问:] 在开发系统中,和原来的有什么区别,主要应用在哪个领域?
[答:] All S12 products use CodeWarrior for development. UF32 is designed with USB/ATA/Card Reader functions. It is idea for portable players that requires frequent download of data from PC or Storage cards. For examples, Text to Speech player, HDD MP3 player. 
[问:] "尊敬的专家:    我想了解一下这种单片机在硬件设计方面的注意点,还有在现在社会中的应用范围,和PC机通信的最远距离,在工业上的应用是否有前景。"
[答:] The max USB cable is 5 meters. USB will properly replace those applications that rely on RS232 communication 
[问:] 作为单片机的开发人员怎样考虑不同厂家的USB存储设备的驱动兼容问题?举一个最简单的例子:怎样把一个".txt"的文件用一段相同的代码实现可已想朗科、明基等USB移动存储器存储文件。
[答:] Use FAT16 or FAT32 format can ensure compatibility 
[问:] BDM仿真器使用并口的行吗?
[答:] No. (Must use USB BDM and run with CodeWarrior v3.1) 
[问:] Bulk-only协议和storage的设备类命令是各自独立的么?对于设备类命令如UFI在主机端的驱动还是在应用层编写?
[答:] The Bulk-Only Transport is one of the USB Class specifications. It defines the 31 bytes Command Block sent out from host and 13 bytes Command Status return by device. While the SCSI and the UFI Commands are higher level protocol for multimedia and storage devices use 
[问:] does it support I2C, SPI or CAN bus?
[答:] No, only supports SCI.
[问:] MC9S12UF32的硬件开发系统包括哪些内容?价格?软件编程用什么语言?是否带AD转换?
[答:] The hardware development tool includes an evaluation board and a BDM multilink. The compiler uses C language. No ADC on chip. The prices varies depending on the target code-size, please check with our Distributors and Sales.
[问:] UF32有A/D转换口吗?
[答:] No.
[问:] 该单片机的最高主频是多少?
[答:] 60MHz core clock and 30MHz bus clock
[问:] 该单片机是否提供了方便的用户开发包?
[答:] Yes. The development tool includes an evaluation board, a BDM multilink and the CodeWarrior compiler.
[问:] 该单片机是否提供了网络接口?
[答:] No. We have a device name 9S12NE64 which has built-in Ethernet PHY and MAC. Please visit for more information.
[问:] "开发MC9S12UF32是否可以使用并口的 "BDM-MULTLINK"?我现在用并口仿真器正在开发MC9S12D64."
[答:] No.
[问:] 请问这个单片机的控制功能如何?最高速度是多少?谢谢!
[答:] The chip includes one USB2.0 interface and SM, MS, CF, SD, MMC, ATA, and SCI interfaces and total 75 I/O pins. Max. internal bus speed is 30MHz with 60MHz core clock.
[问:] "1.封装? 2. 3.支持的晶振频率?"
[答:] "1. 100LQFP & 64LQFP 2. 4.25V to 5.5V Vbus power input with embedded 3.3V internal regulator. 3. Crystal supports 12MHz only"  
[问:] 9S12UF32有无工业或汽车级芯片?其EMC指标如何?
[答:] No
[问:] Does the USB MCU incorporate the host function ?
[答:] No.
[问:] how about cpu speed and internal memory for MC9S12UF32?
[答:] Cpu speed is 30MHz. There are 3.5k RAM with addition 1.5k QUE buffer for USB and Flash host controller data transfer. The Flash size is 32K for firmware.
[问:] I/O的最小分辨率能到达多少
[答:] The I/O transfer rate is different in different Flash card host controller, it depends the flash card data rate support, please consult the specification. For example ATA controller can go up to 60MHz.
[问:] MC9S12UF32芯片时钟最佳频率是多少?读、写脉冲时间、精度有什么要求?有时序波形图吗?
[答:] Because of the HS USB, external crystal must be 12MHz, 12MHz is boost up to 480MHz for USB data transfer. The jitter and accuracy is compliance to USB HS specification. UF32 is listed in site.
[问:] MC9S12UF32与其它16位/32位的微控制器相比,其竞争优势在哪里?
[答:] UF32 single chip includes most of the popular Flash card reader controller, ATA controller, USB HS/FS with embedded 3.3V regulator and USB pullup resistor. It also includes additional regulator control (external FET) for 3.3V high power I/O. Single chip can supports both 5V I/O and 3.3V I/O such that multiple flash card can attached at the same time. Data transfer via different flash card is possible.
[问:] 此类型单片机可以应用在什么工业场合?
[答:] Flash Card Reader, ATA-to-USB controller, Digital wallet, or any portable player that requires frequent upload/download data from PC or Storage cards.
[问:] 该机与51系列的Cygnal 公司80F51 、Cypress AN2131 、TI MP430的区别?接口函数、驱动程序是否提供?开发难度和特点?价格和技术支持?
[答:] "It is difficult to direct compare with devices from other manufacturer. UF32 reference design, firmware are ready for web download, together with Freescale FAE supports, development is made simple. "  
[问:] 该系统能支持的海量存储有多大?和存储器间的数据传输速度能达到多高?
[答:] The maximum capacities can be supported depend on the memory device interface and the Operation System. For example, max capacity for SmartMedia is 128M Bytes. Although ATA-6 device can support capacities up to 144 Peta Bytes, there is limintations in the Operation Systems. 
[问:] 该芯片与CYPRESS公司的CY7C68013有什么区别,其优越性在哪?
[答:] It is difficult to direct compare with devices from other manufacturer. Some simple differences - UF32 can power directly from USB Vbus 5V and have internal 3.3V regulator for USB operation. On top of ATA, UF32 also supports other major Flash card controller, such as MS, SM, SD and CF. UF32 is in 16bit bus architecture. 
[问:] 高速USB单片机如用在仪器仪表上应该能提高处理能力,我司生产医疗仪器,如能用此单片机,相信用途很广。能否给予指导?
[答:] High speed USB can provide high speed data transfer 480Mbps from device to Usb host (most of the time is PC). Any equipment with HS USB can have immediately benefit with faster report rate and faster control rate. 
[问:] 贵公司的MC9S12UF32PU和MC9S12UF32PBE,温度范围都是在0~70°C的,我们使用的场合要求-40°C,不知道有没有这样的,好不好采购
[答:] 0-70C operation range is the quality standard to Freescale, all device (IC) will meet this requirement before release to the market. Your 40C application is well within this temperature range, so UF32 would have no problem in your application. 
[问:] 海量存储用的是NAND flash吗?
[答:] Yes 
[问:] 你好!请问它最主要的应用是在哪个方面呢?
[答:] Flash Card Reader, ATA-to-USB controller, Digital wallet, etc 
[问:] 你好,是否有汽车级的,我想将该款芯片应用在汽车行业。我的电脑声卡有问题,听不到,对不起!
[答:] No. This is device is not automotive class 
[问:] 你们的MCU 多少MIPS. 单位时间可以可以做多少IO? 什么指令集?
[答:] This device is in CISC architecture (instructions take variable clock cycles), it is not fair to compare by MIPS value, it is around 10MIPS depends on the application running. The device CPU core is Freescale S12 16bit core, max bus speed is 30MHz. 
[问:] 你们的单片机与其它单片机相比,有那些优势?
[答:] UF32 single chip includes most of the popular Flash card reader controller, ATA controller, USB HS/FS with embedded 3.3V regulator and USB pullup resistor. It also includes additional regulator control (external FET) for 3.3V high power I/O. Single chip can supports both 5V I/O and 3.3V I/O for different flash card configuration. Data transfer via different flash card is possible. 
[问:] 请教USB单片机具体应用方向及优势
[答:] USB is the factory standard in PC base communication. Since Usb 1.0 til today USB 2.0 and OTG, Usb gradually becomes the default communication choice in PC market. This trend seems to be continued. 
[问:]  请介绍该款单片机的主要性能指标。
[答:] "1. USB2.0 FS/HS controller with embedded 3.3V regulator. 2. Flash card controller such as MS, SM, SD, CF 3. ATA controller 4. Dedicate 1.5K data buffer between USB , ATA and the flash card controller. 5. 30MHz bus frequency 6. Additional regulator control (external FET) for 3.3V high power I/O. Single chip can supports both 5V I/O and 3.3V I/O for different Flash card configuration."
[问:] 请问该MCU的性价比和同类产品相比较如何?例如与FX2相比较。
[答:] "1. USB2.0 FS/HS controller with embedded 3.3V regulator. 2. Flash card controller such as MS, SM, SD, CF 3. ATA controller 4. Dedicate 1.5K data buffer between USB , ATA and the flash card controller. 5. 30MHz bus frequency 6. Additional regulator control (external FET) for 3.3V high power I/O. Single chip can supports both 5V I/O and 3.3V I/O for different Flash card configuration."
[问:] 请问这次讲座的usb接口是2.0标准还是1.1的。  
[答:] It is USB 2.0 HS (480Mbps).  
[问:] "是否是USB2.0,与Cypress的cy7c6801X的区别? 为什么是适合海量存储的? 价格多少? 可否申请样片?"
[答:] "1. USB2.0 FS/HS controller with embedded 3.3V regulator. 2. Flash card controller such as MS, SM, SD, CF 3. ATA controller 4. Dedicate 1.5K data buffer between USB , ATA and the flash card controller. 5. 30MHz bus frequency 6. Additional regulator control (external FET) for 3.3V high power I/O. Single chip can supports both 5V I/O and 3.3V I/O for different Flash card configuration. Please contact Freescale sale or Freescale distributor for price and sampling." 
[问:] 是否有适合10位1MSPS采样速率的单一功能的高速USB单片机?  
[答:] Sorry. Do not understand what is 10bit 1MSPS.  
[问:] 数码相机数据转存应用是否有公开程序等资料?  
[答:] Yes  
[问:] 速度能达到多少?  
[答:] CPU speed is 30MHz. USB rate is 480Mbps. ATA transfer rate is 60M Bytes per second. Card reader rate is card dependence.  
[问:] "有can总线接口吗?"
[答:] No.  
[问:] "与51系列单片机兼容吗?"  
[答:] No.  
[问:] 在usb进行数据传输过程中,单片机MC9S12UF32可否另外运行其它程序。  
[答:] Yes. The device is interrupt driven. Most of the Usb request is handled by hardware, no software interaction is needed.  
[问:] 这款单片机提供了很多存储媒体的借口,实际应用时可能只用到其中一二种,请问Freescale有没有单独提供其中某些功能的单片机芯片?谢谢  
[答:] No.  
[问:] 这种USB单片机的优点是什么?以及可否驱动大功率设备?  
[答:] "1. USB2.0 FS/HS controller with embedded 3.3V regulator. 2. Flash card controller such as MS, SM, SD, CF 3. ATA controller 4. Dedicate 1.5K data buffer between USB , ATA and the flash card controller. 5. 30MHz bus frequency 6. Additional regulator control (external FET) for 3.3V high power I/O. Single chip can supports both 5V I/O and 3.3V I/O for different Flash card configuration. Please contact Freescale sale or Freescale distributor for price and sampling."  
[问:] 支持Tri-Flash卡吗?  
[答:] Sorry. Do not understand what is tri-flash card.  
[问:] 专家好,用此单片机控制芯片可以做一个工业计算机控制系统吧?!THANKS!  
[答:] UF32 is a 16bit process in 30MHz bus. It should have enough processing power for general industrial controller.
[问:] "单片机MC9S12UF32有外部总线吗?用它做成ATA接口是否浪费了很多IO资源?"
[答:] UF32 can have the data/address bus routed to Port A and Port B in expanded mode, but the bus I/O will run at slower speed (< 30MHz). For ATA connection, UF32 has a set of dedicated pins for ATA5 I/O that connects to the internal ATA5 host controller and runs at 60MHz.
[问:] 对不起,我是个单片机的初学者,想请教一下,贵公司的海量存储是存到单片机里吗,还是转储到存储器中?另外,在问一句。此单片机支持USB2.0协议么?具体怎么实现?
[答:] "Compared to the storage devices (e.g. ATA harddisk, CF card), the UF32 on-chip RAM is relatively small. The QRAM (inside the IQUE module) is intended as a buffer for data transfer among different storage devices (e.g. between USB and CF card). UF32 supports USB 2.0 FS and HS. It has dedicated pins for connections through USB cable to a USB host."
[问:] "1.USB单片机开发系统报价2.深圳有无代理商?"
[答:] Development kit PN: M68KIT912UF32, price around 400-500USD. Disty - QCE, Nanco, Arrow, Avnet, Future, ….
[问:] "Do you have or intend a training about MCU Mc9s12 recently?Our Company need it."
[答:] Pls connect our sales office for detail discussion.
[问:] “How to get the information of demo of freescals?”
[答:] Demo infor can be available in website
[问:] There is free developing tools for MC9S12UF32?
[答:] No
[问:] UF32MCU的价格和开发费用大概是多少
[答:] Pls contact our disty
[问:] where can i get this MCU&quot;s reference mannual?
[答:] manual available in
[问:] would u please send your reference design examples to my email box if they are free?
[答:] manual/detail available in
[问:] "该单片机在大陆已有大量销售吗?"
[答:] Yes
[问:] 该款芯片的零售价是多少?
[答:] Pls contact our disty
[问:] "能否介绍一下此单片机的市场价格以及与目前的竞争对手的优势.对用户来说虑的是开发成本,以及开发周期. 这方面有优势吗?"
[答:] Price around 2-3USD, final pricing depends on vol and potential. Competition include Cypress.
[问:] 能否提供样片?
[答:] Yes
[问:] 评估板/开放板的价格多少?UF32的价位如何?成都有代理么?
[答:] Development kit PN: M68KIT912UF32, price around 400-500USD. Disty - QCE, Nanco, Arrow, Avnet, Future, ….
[问:] "请问:USB单片机都有什么封装形式呢?需100片的价格大概多少呀?"
[答:] Package include 64 and 100QFP. 100QFP price around 3$. Final price pls contact our disty
[问:] 请问该单片机的价格如何, 开发需要哪些工具?
[答:] Development environment, pls check website
[问:] 请问该单片机是什么封装,价格是多少?
[答:] Package include 64 and 100QFP. 64pin price around $2.5, 100QFP price around 3$. Final price pls contact our disty
[问:] 请问该款单片机及其开发系统的价格如何?开发的难易程度如何?谢谢!
[答:] Development kit PN: M68KIT912UF32, price around 400-500USD.
[问:] 请问贵公司有没有适用于开发USB 设备接口的产品
[答:] Development kit PN: M68KIT912UF32, price around 400-500USD.
[问:] 请问开发板价格多少钱
[答:] Development kit PN: M68KIT912UF32, price around 400-500USD.
[问:] 请问这种芯片的1K批量价格是多少?
[答:] Pls contact our disty
[问:] 通过何种渠道能够的到样片或是开发板?如果提供的话
[答:] Pls contact our disty
[问:] "问一下,大约多少钱一片? 用mc系列的汇编吗?"
[答:] Pls contact our disty
[问:] "我们希望得到更详细的设计与开发资料,如何联系"
[答:] Contact our website or our sale office
[问:] 我们想购买UF32,如何联系
[答:] Pls contact our disty
[问:] 我怎样从网上找到16位高速USB单片机中文资料?
[答:] Now its in English
[问:] 研发的目标产品存在价格敏感的问题,请告知Freescale 的USB单片机及解决方案的成本比较
[答:] We believe we are price competitive in the market we serve. UF32 has a unique feature that it is possible to transfer data from either USB to HDD or Storage Card to HDD where competitor solution may requires two chip solution.
[问:] 用这颗芯片做U盘,有价格上的优势吗?
[答:] Yes
[问:] 有无附带网卡驱动器的USB单片机了?
[答:] No
[问:] 有没有支持USB主控器的单片机?
[答:] No
[问:] 在哪里可以了解到开发板的信息,价格如何?有电话吗?
[答:] Contact our website or our sale office
[问:] 这款芯片的售价,它在南京地区有没有代理商?
[答:] QCE
