
热门关键字: 智能卡 比特 HMI H.264 



这次在线座谈会主要介绍能使各种外设直接交换数据的USB 2.0 OTG技术与飞利浦半导体公司的USB2.0 OTG架构,USB协议和各种USB2.0收发器的性能以及高速USB 2.0和OTG 完整解决方案与应用案例.


主题:USB 2.0 OTG于消费类电子产品之应用
[问:gaozx] USB 2.0 OTG的详细资料可以在哪里获得? 
[答:Priscilia] Please go to to get more information on the USB2.0 OTG Specifications  [2004-9-30 10:33:24]
[问:ciber] 如何解决USB2.0高速数据传输可能带来的对移动电话无线通信模块的干扰? 
[答:Rajaram] In general, On USB2.0 hi-speed datalines , that is D+ and D-, you can use recommended Common mode choke coils to suppress the interference. You are not allowed to put Ferrite beads as used in USB1.1(Full speed) applications.  [2004-9-30 10:33:53]
[问:ciber] 目前很多的手机基带处理芯片并不支持USB2.0,如何实现呢? 
[答:Zhongwei] 用PHILIPS 的ISP1761/ISP1762可以支持手机USB2.0解决方案.  [2004-9-30 10:36:46]
[问:Eric Leung] How is the OTG used in mobile phone application ? 
[答:Priscilia] This allows 2 phones to share data. The OTG enabled phones can be host or device .  Therefore , one of the OTG enable phones will be a Host , and the 2nd would be a Device. Therefore , with this, data can be transfered. Of cause software has to be written to control the entire transfer.  [2004-9-30 10:37:56]
[问:f747] Philips公司的解決方案與其它的方案相比有哪些特點及優點? 
[答:Priscilia] We are a total solution approach. We would support you in terms of hardware , software.  [2004-9-30 10:39:08]
[问:rampart123] "USB2.0 能提供480Mbps的高速稳定的传输接口比USB1.1要快40倍",请问USB2.0采用了什么样的/哪方面的先进技术,使得它能提供这么高的传输速度?? 
[答:Rajaram] It is a Hi-speed differential data signalling with a swing of 400mV. Whereas the USB1.1 (Full speed) , the swing is 3.3V. The termination is also different. For more details, Please refer to the USB2.0 specifications published in  [2004-9-30 10:40:10]
[问:liph] Is there any firmware for usb embedded system (such as 8051 which is no standard OS) on philips website? thx! 
[答:Subhash] We have code 8051 controller.It is available at the Philips website.  [2004-9-30 10:41:01]
[问:Eric Leung] Right now, in the marketplace, there are numerous USB MCUs for choice.  What is the advantage to be gained if just the standalone USB transceiver ICs are used ? 
[答:Priscilia] In the case where by there is already a exisiting design with MCU. If , USB is added in this product , then , our discrete component can be used. If  the MCU contains the USB functionality , a change in MCU and perhaps a change in the existing firmware is needed to communicate with the new MCU. on the downside , searching for MCU that has USB as well as meets your criterion might require a bit more time.. .thus this limits your selection. Where as if the USB Solution is discrete , the choice of processor would base on the targetted application  [2004-9-30 10:44:00]
[问:dreamb] 请问USB数据线是多少伏的电平?  
[答:Rajaram] It is a  differential data signalling; For High speed, the swing is 400mV and for Full speed , it is 3.3V.  [2004-9-30 10:44:03]
[问:lucida] OTG中的A-device與usb host有何不同? 如果OTG實現MassStorage,那麼A-device是否也要實現host的功能? 設備列表都儲存那些信息?應該是在firmware中來實現的吧? 
[答:Priscilia] On top of normal Host protocols for a standard host , the OTG A-Host software has to implement SRP(Session Request Protocol) and HNP (Host Negotiation Protocol).   [2004-9-30 10:47:17]
[问:向立堂] 想通过OTG,把USB视频采集设备的USB流动影像保存在硬盘中(不通过电脑) PHILIPS的OTG芯片能否直接与IDE硬盘接口? 能否直接与USB视频采集设备相连,并实时处理USB视频流?  
[答:Zhongwei] PHILPS 的ISP1583 支持IDE硬盘. PHILIPS 正在开发USB VIDEO CLASS 芯片ISP1585 支持USB VIDEO 应用, 并实时处理USB视频流  [2004-9-30 10:48:01]
[问:morris] Just be heared by my in your presentation, saying that you have a Development Kit for OTG, what kinds of layer being included in your Dev-Kit, I mean, can it cover all product? 
[答:Priscilia] The Evaluation kits from philips come with Software , Hardware , and the schematics for the user.  [2004-9-30 10:48:35]
[问:pusu555] 作为嵌入式设备但非手持设备,用ISP1161,和ISP1362的优缺点?另若需接口隔离有何方案?谢谢!!! 
[答:Priscilia] The ISP1362 is a Host/Device OTG capable device. THe ISP1161A1 is a normal Host/Device . THe ISP1362 has a better architecture , then the ISP1161A1 because ISP1362 is our latest. In terms of speed ISP1362 is better then ISP1161A1  [2004-9-30 10:51:06]
[问:josephfu] 现在用到的所谓USB OTG 功能,据我所知都是只用芯片HOST部分的功能,请您们预测一下,OTG 什么时候才能真正的普及应用? 
[答:Zhongwei] SONY CLIE PDA 现已有OTG功能. 一些手机也即将支持OTG. PHILIPS OTG TRANSCEIVER ISP1301 已有超过50个DESIGN IN.  [2004-9-30 10:53:24]
[问:micro_ww] 请问一下:现在贵公司的USB2.0主要是多少工艺的,如果是0.18以下的话,是不是主要是考虑芯片设计的信号完整性问题,对于时序还有其他怎么考虑? 
[答:Tee] Presently, it is at 0.18u. The challenge of lower the process is on the USB phy or transceiver which is reflecting the signalling quality.  [2004-9-30 10:54:48]
[问:fangliang999] 目前几乎所有的OTG controller都是16/32位接口,但是很多应用来自原来的产品升级,因此希望看到8位接口的OTG controller,philips有无这样的产品计划? 
[答:Zhongwei] 暂时没有.  [2004-9-30 10:56:11]
[问:zxlsa] 如果手机直接和打印机相连,那么数据传输的供电需要由手机提供.可是手机的锂电容量瓶颈如何解决? USB驱动安装的问题,USB驱动大概要占用多大Kbits? 
[答:Priscilia] Why not change the role , and make the place the host functionality in the Printer instead , and the Device , in the Handphone. With this , if the phone has data to be printed , the Printer(Host) would get the data from the Phone(Device) , and print it. Around 200kbyte would be the size of the entire OTG implementation  [2004-9-30 10:57:38]
[问:winnie_neil] 如何解决告诉USB 2.0 环境下(无线传输界面中)的误码问题?性能能否得到保证(虽然消费电子产品中对误差的要求并不高)?谢谢回答! 
[答:Rajaram] There are different transactions to take care of different applications. For example, in the case of Massstorage(Hard disk..), printer, the data has to be error-free , so the requirement is a BULK transfer which will provide Error free data. For applications such as webcam, speaker.., you need priodic transfer, whereas you can afford to miss some data in between. In such applications, you can choose ISO transaction. The USB protocol is really robust and if there are any errors, you will see Data CRC error and the data will be sent again on the bus.  [2004-9-30 10:59:23]
[问:wasic] usb2在网络上能有作为?在数码相机与移动存储器方面有作用? 
[答:Priscilia] and example application would be a Network Router , with a USB2.0 host controller. With this , a printer can be connected to the router. The router would enumerate this printer , and users on the network can use this printer. The same can be applied with a Mass Storage Device. The Mass Storage Device can be connected to the router , and users on the network would be able to access this mass storage.  [2004-9-30 11:01:00]
[问:zhouyl] 我们现在的产品是用串口通讯(PC和烧录设备),速度较慢,请问改为USB的话是否很复杂,PHILIPS能提供什么支持? 
[答:Rajaram] We do have evaluation kit supporting it, using our device ISP1181. The kit is ISP1181 Serial eval kit. This comes with the source code and the application schematics.  [2004-9-30 11:01:38]
[问:向立堂] 如果想通过MCU来控制OTG芯片,PHILIPS是否能推荐几种MCU,对这几种MCU,PHILIPS能否提供MCU侧及OTG芯片侧的软件? 
[答:Subhash] Yes, you can control the OTG chip by MCU. The chossing of MCU will depend on your needs. Most of the system may have the MCU inside so use the same. We do provide help on the code for the MCU side.  [2004-9-30 11:03:34]
[问:Hawy] Philips的解决方案对于文件系统支持如何?以什么形式提供支持?二次开发需要做的工作多么? 谢谢 
[答:Priscilia] What we can provide are like drivers for WinCE and Linux. These Operating systems have their own mass storage drivers.   [2004-9-30 11:03:57]
[问:luogongqiang] How to test the USB 2.0 OTG-based device for signal quality? 
[答:Rajaram] For signal quality, you can test the OTG controller in host mode seperately and in device mode seperately. the signal quality requirements are the same as the normal hi-speed Host controller and normal hi-speed device controller.  [2004-9-30 11:05:47]
[问:ciber] How about the cost difference between USB1.1 and USB2.0 implementation? 
[答:Priscilia] The cost for implementation of USB2.0 is twice that of USB1.1  [2004-9-30 11:05:54]
[问:dreamb] What do you think about CompactPCI compareed with USB OTG? 
[答:Tee] PCI is an internal bus for connecting devices and USB is meant for external device connection. USB is more easier to change their device so that there is no need to open up PC to change the device.  USB is a more cheaper solution.  [2004-9-30 11:06:37]
[问:aladdin01] 1.请问是否有产品化的OTG产品,即TURNKEY的方案,拿到就可以生产? 2.请发给我详细的datasheet,和产品化的框图,我们希望有MPEG4产品上的应用最好,之前有用过ISP1361。 
[答:Zhongwei] Philips has FS and HS OTG solutions which include software stack on majar RTOS/CPU platform. Please visit for more detail information. You can also contact for specific request.  [2004-9-30 11:07:18]
[问:myawymwb] 我关心的问题是,采用USB 2.0 OTG用于设备间数据通讯时,他的最大传输距离是多少? 
[答:Rajaram] The Recommended cable length is 4.5 metres (maximum).  [2004-9-30 11:07:18]
[问:rampart123] 请问USB2.0采用了什么样的/哪方面的先进技术,使得它能提供这么高的传输速度?? 
[答:Zhongwei] USB2.0 use 400mV differential signaling and current source technology, which increase the transmision rate significantly with same cable as USB1.1 FS.  [2004-9-30 11:10:04]
[问:hlgao] ISP1362兼容USB2.0,但是为什么它的传输速率只有12M/S~1.5M/S 
[答:Priscilia] USB2.0 is a super set of the USB1.1. The ISP1362 is still a USB1.1 device. Therefore , it can only acheive USB1.1 Speeds  [2004-9-30 11:10:58]
[问:digitalnet] USB 2.0 OTG应用在电子产品中是否可以提供检测数据来补偿和调整电器的使用参数。 
[答:Rajaram] I am sorry; can you Please explain what is this "device"s parameter"?.  [2004-9-30 11:11:29]
[问:luogongqiang] What is the maximum allowable termination impedance of the USB 2.0 OTG? Is it dependent on the voltage? Why? 
[答:Rajaram] Termination impedance is 45 ohms.  [2004-9-30 11:13:13]
[问:zhangxin006] 目前很多基带芯片都没有USB,而需要串口或者并口转接芯片,这对USB传输速率有没有影响? 
[答:Tee] No, but CPU should not be the bottleneck. If the MCU is loaded with too many devices on the bus obviously there will not be enough time for USB controller.  It is purely depends on the platform.  [2004-9-30 11:14:49]
[问:aladdin01] 3.是否有支持ATA接口,我们希望通过PHILIPS的OTG,直接拷贝U盘,读卡器,数码相机等USB设备的数据到硬盘。 
[答:Tee] Currently we do not support ATAPI interfacing on our OTG but ATAPI can get through system CPU.  [2004-9-30 11:17:08]
[问:trye_1] USB OTG是USB HOST的一个简化,主要是硬件简化,还是软件方面的简化? 
[答:Priscilia] Actually The USB OTG dual role device is slighty more complicated then the Normal USB Host. Therefore the USB OTG dual role device is not a simplified version of the Normal OTG host. The OTG dual role device has to handel HNP(Host Negotiation Protocol) ,  and SRP(Session Request Protocol).  [2004-9-30 11:17:52]
[问:fangliang999] 如果使用ISP1261/2升级现有的USB设备具备OTG功能,作为Device是否完全兼容原来的固件设计?在USB传输速度上是否会有损失? 
[答:Zhongwei] 是的.ISP1261/2 可以作内置或外挂OTG BRIDGE. 在USB传输速度上还是12Mbps, 总带宽损失不超10%.  [2004-9-30 11:18:15]
[问:yuchk2000] full speed的OTG与High Speed的OTG区别只是速度吗 
[答:Priscilia] Yes the speed is the main difference  [2004-9-30 11:19:31]
[问:zhahhai] 针对目前广泛存在的USB1.1设备,PHILIPS公司是否已考虑开发出某种转接扩展设备,以使这些USB1.1设备通过非常直接简便的方式也能具有USB2.0及0TG功能? 
[答:Tee] Not possible.  USB2.0 and OTG is more complicated solutions but ISP1261 is a converter from USB device 1.1 to OTG 1.1.  ISP1261 is a simple hardware design but need very big support for S/W development.  [2004-9-30 11:19:48]
[问:jgzwalex] 您好:    1) 我请问一下USB2.0与1.0的本质区别是什么?线材结构有什么区别?    2) USB线中信号线(对绞线)的绞距是否有严格规定?具体为多少? 
[答:Rajaram] USB cable is the same for both the USB1.1 and USB2.0 in terms of wire structure. But please bear in mind that the USB cable has to be of a quality one, because the USB cable plays an important role in signal quality. This is the reason for implementing a seperate USB compliance testing for USB cables.  [2004-9-30 11:20:58]
[问:alan_wang] OTG在有電源與無電源上是不是會有很大的差別,主要區別會是在哪一部份,是完全在電源電路部份嗎.      謝謝! 
[答:Tee] There is no relationship between the power and OTG.  [2004-9-30 11:23:26]
[问:fangliang999] 一个传统的bus power的USB Device连接到了OTG HOST,或者是一个电池供电的OTG device连接到了OTG HOST,那末OTG HOST如何获知device的电源需求呢? 
[答:Rajaram] With repsect to the OTG specification, the Vbus has to support minimum of 8mA. If you are connecting a device which draws more than this, then there will be a Overcurrent condition reported and in-turn, the OTG controller will switch OFF the Vbus.   [2004-9-30 11:24:10]
[问:xls_xls] 两个设备间的数据传输如果带有选择性,即并不会传送所有数据.那么,对于部分数据传输的选择,由哪一方来控制? 
[答:Priscilia] Basically all USB transection are initiated by the host. The host will schedule all transections. The host would also make sure that it sends all the data that it"s suppose to send.   [2004-9-30 11:24:42]
[问:nhy15] VIDEO类设备的CLIENT DRIVER如何体现该类别设备的特征?USB.ORG上的VIDEO规范有何种程度的参考呢? 
[答:Zhongwei] need to compliant to the USB video class specification. For OTG video application, there will be some special issue like clock sync/jitter. Video class spec v1.1 will take this into consideration.  [2004-9-30 11:25:37]
[问:yiwudl] USB 2.0 OTG传输距离多少?能支持100米左右的距离吗? 
[答:Rajaram] The cable length can be 4.5metres(maximum).  [2004-9-30 11:25:48]
[问:wuj_forward] 请问OTG是否与现有的USB设备兼容?也就是说一个OTG的设备作为host能否直接和现有的USB device设备直接连接? 
[答:Tee] Yes, USB OTG is supplement spec of 1.1 and 2.0 so they are fully complatible. Your understanding of question 2 is correct.  [2004-9-30 11:25:50]
[问:wells] 如果在现有设备中,增加一套USB2.0OTG的装置,成本大约是多少?(包含控制芯片,接口,和其他相关元件?) 
[答:Priscilia] USB 2.0 OTG is the most complicated device in the USB Family. We are expecting a 1.5times cost up when going from full speed OTG to high speed OTG  [2004-9-30 11:27:08]
[问:yuchk2000] philips的usb 2.0 OTG芯片是片内包含cpu或其他控制器,可直接对其编程操作还是需要外扩cpu或其他控制单元对其进行操作 
[答:Vincent] 需要外擴CPU 對其進行操作  [2004-9-30 11:27:17]
[问:mississippi] 能否估计实现OTG比无OTG的USB增加的工作量? 
[答:Tee] USB device is 10% of USB OTG development effort, USB Host is around 60% of USB OTG development effort.  [2004-9-30 11:27:25]
[问:embedfree] 在工业控制领域,USB是否有可能用来替代CAN总线? 
[答:Priscilia] CAN BUS more related to the MCU interface. Where as USB is more related to external Peripheral interface.  [2004-9-30 11:29:27]
[问:qaz217] 请问Philips提供哪些支持OTG的嵌入式微控制器?如何取得这些微控制器的资料?  
[答:Subhash] We do  not have an MCU with OTG on it yet.We have the OTG ICs without MCU.  [2004-9-30 11:30:03]
[问:liulh] 请问在平板显示器上,如何可以实现利用USB接口来直接实现交换影音数据? 除了需要专门的解码芯片外,还需要那些条件? 
[答:Zhongwei] 可以用RAW或MPEG2或DV VIDEO 格式. 用ISP1585+CODEC的SOLUTION 可以实现与PC交换影音数据.  [2004-9-30 11:31:29]
[问:amoiping] USB OTG设备通过USB HUB通讯会不会有问题? 
[答:Priscilia] If a hub is connected to a OTG DualRole device , the OTG DualRole device becomes a HOST only. It looses its dual role capability cause the Hub is not a dual role device. The Hub has a Strictly Device functionality  [2004-9-30 11:31:47]
[问:zhangxin006] USB2.0与USB1.0是不是只是协议上的升级,在硬件方面有哪些改进? 
[答:Tee] USB 2.0 is a performant increase based on 1.0 and there is a major hardware added in the solution.  And the speed from 12mhz to 480mhz.  [2004-9-30 11:34:29]
[问:yuchk2000] 请问Philips在usb High speed和OTG的产品中的实际传输速率可以到达多少 
[答:Priscilia] Depends on the platform , and whether it is able to max out the read/write cycle time of the Device in question.  [2004-9-30 11:34:39]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 有些手持设备用PC的USB口作为充电电源,这样长时期的大电流输出对USB口有无损伤? 
[答:Zhongwei] 如果电流不超过0.5-1.0安倍,应该不会损伤USB口.  [2004-9-30 11:34:48]
[问:zzkeng] WE have USB1.1, USB2.0 and high speed USB. Why has USB OTG been developed? What is the advantage of USB OTG? 
[答:Tee] OTG allows 2 peers devices to connect in the host/device configuration, this allows USB data transfer to occur without a PC.  [2004-9-30 11:37:28]
[问:meteor_chu] I really need to put a USB device more than 30 meters away from my PC. What should I do? 
[答:Rajaram] According to the USB specification ,Good performance can be obtained with 5 tier Hubs and not more than this. That is a device connected as shown here:from PC(host)--->Hub1--->Hub2--->hub3---->hub4--->hub5--->device.Roughly, it can be 25met. (maximum). If you want to obtain more than this length, there are some commercial products which can act as repeaters..This is not covered by USB specification.  [2004-9-30 11:37:38]
[问:darkerscjl] 请问USB的驱动程序开发环境,一般源代码公开吗? 
[答:Subhash] We do have the code for the USB Drivers. We do not give the code,it is on the case to case basis. You need to talk to our marketing people.  [2004-9-30 11:37:56]
[问:kllyj2008] Can you tell me more detailed about the USB Hub controller, USB Host controller, USB Peripheral controller and USB transceiver? 
[答:Priscilia] Due to the fact that there is too much information to provide on this forum, If you require more information on the host , hub , peripheral and transceiver , please visit for more information , or perhaps review the slides in this  online web-seminar.   [2004-9-30 11:39:18]
[问:figos] Philips是否有带HIGH SPEED HOST或OTG功能的MCU? 
[答:Vincent] Philips 目前沒有帶有USB 接口的MCU  [2004-9-30 11:40:03]
[问:meteor_chu] What characteristic impedances should I design for the USB data lines? 
[答:Rajaram] Termination impedance is 45 ohms. There are PCB design guide lines available for USB lines. If needed, please visit our website.  [2004-9-30 11:41:03]
[问:whyeah] 1、我们经常听到USB2.0 OTG与IEEE 1394接口技术标准之争,请问USB2.0 OTG相于对IEEE 1394优势或优点在那里? 2、我们将什么时候能用上应用USB2.0 OTG技术的电子产品。 3、USB2.0 OTG未来的发展方向是什么  
[答:Zhongwei] 1. PC CHIPSET 支持USB2.0. 几乎所有PC/NOTEBOOK 都支持USB2.0. 2. 现已有USB2.0OTG 产品如SETUP BOX. 3. 可能是视頻.(DIGITAL TV, DIGITAL VIDEO CAMCORDER ETC)  [2004-9-30 11:42:27]
[问:kllyj2008] How to select the cable for USB1.0, USB2.0 and USB2.0 OTG? 
[答:Rajaram] For USB 1.1 and USB2.0, the USB cable specification is the same. it means, you can use the same cable used in USB1.1 application on a USB2.0 application. For OTG , the USB connector is different.  [2004-9-30 11:43:33]
[问:zzkeng] What are the main parts in USB 2.0 OTG? What are  the function for them? 
[答:Tee] Host, device, transecievers and OTG, these are the 4 main parts in USB2.0.  Host function as a master of the bus management between device.  Transceiver is the digital analogue facing to the USB bus and finally OTG is to decide dual role between the host and device.  [2004-9-30 11:43:37]
[问:dreamb] How far can data be transmitted by USB2.0 at 480M? 
[答:Rajaram] the maximum USB cable length can be 5metres.  [2004-9-30 11:44:30]
[问:aprilwgp] USB 2.0 OTG除了传输速率提高外,还有什么新的技术改进或提高吗? 
[答:Tee] USB OTG supports peer to peer connection.  [2004-9-30 11:45:46]
[问:ahhnsh] 请介绍如果进行USB开发需要哪些软硬件?大概价位多少? 
[答:Subhash] This is quite generic question. It will depend whether you are doing a USB Host or device or Hub or OTG. The answers will be quite different. For all of these you need: 1. The USB IC. 2. An MCU 3. A development platform 4. A way to debug.  [2004-9-30 11:48:39]
[问:maeleton1] Does USB 2.0 OTG have master (Host) and slave (Device) port? What is the difference between Host port and Device Port? 
[答:Priscilia] For OTG Dual Role Device like the ISP1362 , 1 port on the OTG Dual Role Device can act as Host or Device. Base on the OTG protocol , the host and device functionality of the port can be switched. Interms of electrical side , the OTG connector has an extra ID pin to determine the initial plugin state. THe ID pin determine who is host and who is device during the initial plugin.  [2004-9-30 11:49:08]
[问:chejin] 一个USB 2.0 OTG器件能否既做HOST,又做DEVICE? 
[答:Zhongwei] Yes, that is actually what OTG means(dual-role).  [2004-9-30 11:50:13]
[问:sg762762] USB 2.0 OTG在视频传输中如何提高质量 
[答:Tee] There is a Video class specification available on USB.  This is common for OTG and normal USB.  [2004-9-30 11:53:26]
[问:freeyourmind] USB2.0接口在应用于高速传输数据采集时,实时性如何,数据可靠性如何? 
[答:Zhongwei] 用ISO TRANSFER保证实时性,用BULK TRANSFER保证数据可靠性.  [2004-9-30 11:54:16]
[问:wlk] USB 2.0 OTG 和1.1 用法区别大吗?价格差别呢? 具体的应用样板有没有?怎么提供? 什么时候上市? 深圳地区的代理那家比较有助于快速实现?  
[答:Tee] USB 2.0 OTG is more complex by 2 - 3 times, Yes Philips do provide demo boards ready in the market.  Pls contact our Philips Sales Office in Shenzhen for disty enquiry.  [2004-9-30 11:57:07]
[问:crquan] 做好USB2.0开发环境的初期投入将会有多少? 
[答:Priscilia] Well.. A development platform + a USB Evalution Kit  and and engineer"s time would be needed. Of cause software development platform is also required.  [2004-9-30 11:58:13]
[问:bd2ld] USB 2.0 OTG 技术有专用芯片吗?价格? 
[答:Priscilia] ISP1761 is our Philips OTG Dual Role device. Please contact our philips sales office for pricing.  [2004-9-30 11:59:47]
[问:ruoruo1997] 480Mbps的传输速度的确很快,“数字影音数据的交换将不用透过PC,使各种外设能直接交换数据,”也的确很好,可手机总内存相比少的可怜,USB 2.0 OTG很有价值吗? 
[答:Tee] 2.0 is only mainly for how fast the data can be transfer, it is not pertaining to how large the data.  [2004-9-30 11:59:51]
[问:thankerfly] usb 2.0 的通信驱动芯片都有哪些? 
[答:Priscilia]   [2004-9-30 12:00:55]
[问:szkang] USB可否用作电视及收音的接口?如何实现? 谢谢! 康生  
[答:Zhongwei] 可以. 利用USB VIDEO CLASS 及OTG 技术可以实现ANALOG TUNER, DIGITAL TUNER, SETOP BOX应用  [2004-9-30 12:01:11]
[问:johnsun101] philips 开发的USB 2.0 OTG目标市场是什么?  
[答:Tee] Target application is for Mobile phone, set-top box, DTV, MP3 players .....  [2004-9-30 12:01:42]
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[问:pusu555] isp1362和ISP1161a1的性价比哪个较好?开发的工作量如何?  
[答:Tee] Pls contact Philips regional office for pricing.  ISP1362 is slightly more development effort.  [2004-9-30 12:03:14]
[问:cquly] 如何编制USB2.0接口驱动程序,用于数据采集的传输通道 
[答:Subhash] This has got to do with interfacing between to two protocols.  [2004-9-30 12:04:52]
[问:ggyg1121] OTG 是怎样保证传输快速的? 
[答:Tee] There is no relationhip between OTG and speed if the device is 1.1 OTG it can support 12Mbps and if it is USB2.0 OTG it can support 480Mbps.  [2004-9-30 12:05:00]
[问:darkerscjl] USB需要外加CPU控制吧,其驱动程序是怎么烧入?谢谢 
[答:Subhash] USB definitely needs a CPU, the cpu CAN BE Inside the single USB IC or it can be separate from the USB IC.  [2004-9-30 12:06:01]
[问:xuestic] 使用usb2.0 otg时,是否需要特别注意干扰问题?具体来说应该在那些方面需要加强?  
[答:Priscilia] since the USB2.0 is a high speed transmitting at a high speed , EMI has to be taken care of. Typically common mode choke coils are used. For more information on PCB design guide lines , please refer to  [2004-9-30 12:07:38]

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