
热门关键字: 步进电机控制 手持终端 智能手环 智能电视 





[问:jhbofxjtu] 对于电机这种感性负载,怎样才能更好的消除它对控制电路的影响和母线电流上的毛刺。
[答:Peng] layout is very important to minimize the impact of the switching action. The gliches are results of both the stray inductance and the inductive load. The power bus should be as short and as thick as possible. And the power bus that carries switching impacts should be far from the control block. the sensor resistor should be of low inductance. Any kind  of wire wound resistor is not recommended. Also there is a balance between switching time and spikes.  [2004-9-23 10:21:50]
[问:shaoming-8] 请问这种芯片的最高工作频率使多少?驱动电压的上升沿是多少?能否在低温下运行? 
[答:Peng] the switching freqency is up to 100KHz, trise 40-250ns, the operation temp is -25---+125  [2004-9-23 10:25:01]
[问:zhang zhenghong77] 请问ST之Powerspin有那写突出优点 
[答:Peng] This product family integrates the power stage and control block into the same block, and offers flexible protection schemes. also offers high effitciency   [2004-9-23 10:27:39]
[问:hao_peng2000] 马达的驱动力是多大,响应速度多快?能否驱动45kw的发动机?  价格如何?性价比主要在什么方面体现? 
[答:Peng] Power spin can drive a voltage up to 52V and a current up to 3A  [2004-9-23 10:32:47]
[问:lcz1001] 能控制马达的转速吗?比如3-5转/分钟。谢谢! 
[答:Peng] Yes, to control the speed of the motor tacho feedback is necessary, and the MCU should be programmed accordingly.  [2004-9-23 10:34:37]
[问:刘志亮] 请介绍其电路的接口要求与其使用范围,最好有电路图说明。 
[答:Peng] the interface between Powerspin and the control circuit is CMOS and TTL compatible. Please refer to our datasheets and application notes for detailed schmetics.  [2004-9-23 10:37:23]
[问:wangys] 请问:     与传统的分散组件组成的电路比较,这些产品在性价比上有多大优势? 
[答:Peng] powerspin offers unmatched simplicity and system integration. From the board space point of view, it is impossible to fit two full mosfet bridges and protections into a size like the IC. IC also shortens the R&D cost framatically and the much more choice functionwise  [2004-9-23 10:41:37]
[问:Deng] ST马达驱动系列是否直接能和马达相连?它对马达的起动和停止的位置误差有多大影响? 
[答:Peng] Yes, the power stage is designed to be connnected to the load directly. The accuracy of the start and stop shaft position is affected by the accuracy and time constant of the feedback loop. Mean the accuracy of the shaft sensor/hall effect sensor, AD/DA accuracy. current PWM accracy. some Powerspin products integrate a PWM block, which has less ripple when the on time is shorter  [2004-9-23 10:46:50]
[问:dspyzd] 请问能否采用简单的办法,将Powerspin驱动电压提高到200V?或扩大它的驱动电流到10A以上? 
[答:Peng] powerspin is monolithic motor drive, which the power stage is an integrate part of the chip. In this case, the power stage has its power rating limit. It is more appropriate to use MCU+High voltage gate drivers(L638X family of ST)+discrete IGBT/MOSFET to build the application  [2004-9-23 10:52:39]
[问:2fish] 有军级或宇航级的产品吗? 
[答:Peng] Powerspin is designed for industrial applications  [2004-9-23 10:53:15]
[问:iamljz] Can you supply a low power(12-26V,300-600mA) stepper motor drive IC? If you have,how much it cost(1000pps/month)?  
[答:Peng] our powerspin family fits your application very well. Please call 755-86012283 for quotation issue  [2004-9-23 10:56:01]
[问:zyn37] Powerspin 可驱动的最小马达与最大马达情况可以举个例子吗? 
[答:Peng] the smallest is 8V and a tens of ma, the biggest is 52V, 5.6A peak current and up to 2.8A continuous current  [2004-9-23 10:57:33]
[问:yonglin99] 一、是开环还是闭环控制,反馈传感器用光电编码器还是其它。二、有自动升降速电路吗?三功率放大部分用IGBT吗?谢谢解荅 
[答:Peng] Powerspin can not consist a close loop system on its own. L6229/L6235 can decode hall-effect sensor within a BLDC motor and generates an analog tachco output. the speed control is achieved by external MCU,so the feedback and control arrangement depends more on the MCU. the power stage consisted of mosfets with flywheel diodes.  [2004-9-23 11:02:22]
[问:dfriend] 有些驱动芯片在使用过程中容易烧,不知道贵公司的稳定性怎么样 
[答:Peng] All powerspin products integrates thermal protection. when the temperature is higher than 165 degree, the device will be turned off.  [2004-9-23 11:04:43]
[问:qianjun1978] 请问POWERSPIN是否可以用在三相感应马达? st在三相感应马达有无更好的解决方案? 
[答:Peng] it is more approriate to use MCU/DSP+high voltage gate driver(L638X family of st)+ discrete mosfet/igbt to drive three phase induction motor. ST also has very power ST7 MCU family for this kind of application.  [2004-9-23 11:07:53]
[问:yubinwu] MCU是否普通的MCU就可以,而不限定ST的MCU 
[答:Peng] Yes, as long as the ports are CMOS/TTL compatible.  [2004-9-23 11:08:42]
[问:Deng] 请问ST的马达控制系列产品的过载能力如何?它对马达起动或停止所引起的脉冲的防护能力如何? 
[答:Peng] powerspin is not designed for overloading. It has high side mosfet non-disspasive overcurrent protection to protect device in high current pulse.  [2004-9-23 11:11:25]
[问:seaniu] 请问可以用这个驱动器实现矢量控制电机的算法吗? 贵公司有没有提供电机控制的程序库? 谢谢! 
[答:Peng] Powerspin itself has no computing fuctions. The control scheme depends on the MCU/DSP programming. For vector control, 3 phase bridge is needed, and the bridge can be buit with L638X gate drivers and discrete power switches. Please check the ST7/8/9 MCU family for more information about MCU programming.  [2004-9-23 11:15:28]
[问:badcat001] 使用POWERSPIN时如何设置驱动电流? 
[答:Peng] some powerspin products has the PWM current control function. the current can be controlled by setting a external RC network, which controls the off time of the PWM monostable latch. Please refer to the datasheet for details  [2004-9-23 11:20:03]
[问:hoytlong] 马达在运转过程中是否会在线路中产生很大干扰,如何去消除? 
[答:Peng] Motor generates significant interference. To minimize its impact. Layout is critical.  [2004-9-23 11:23:52]
[问:2123063] 看介绍,次类的驱动电压比较宽,对于波动比较大的情况下,输出电压与电流有什么明显的变化吗? 
[答:Peng] Some products offer the function of PWM current control. in this case the load RMS current will not change with the rail voltage.  [2004-9-23 11:25:40]
[问:chunsen] 请介绍L6207中电荷泵的工作和外接组件的选用. 
[答:Peng] The chargepump voltage and currents switching @ 600 kHz can irradiate noise, so Charge pump connections must be short, and avoid control signal to pass nearby. For a C bootstrap of 220n, the C chargepump can be 10n  [2004-9-23 11:30:29]
[问:chunsen] L6207的过流保护动作延迟时间有多长?如何设定检测阈值? 
[答:Peng] L6207 current protection is set at 7.1A, it can not be programmed, and the delay is 500ns  [2004-9-23 11:36:20]
[问:HJ] 它对步进电机的控制的稳定度如何啊?  
[答:Peng] Powerspin family contains basic logic blocks and power stage, the stability of a control loop can only be analized within a complete control system. I can say powerspin as a part of the loop is very robust  [2004-9-23 11:39:40]
[问:riello] How high is the overload capability of Powerspin? 
[答:Peng] for L620X series, it can take a 7.1A pulse for up to 7.1A. Proper thermal design and management is the key of a sucessful motor drive design  [2004-9-23 11:41:31]
[问:riello] 电机调速有很多种方式,比如说直接转矩控制,矢量控制等,请问ST的马达驱动系列中电机调速能用什么算法?和那几种MCU相配? 
[答:Peng] DTC and Vector control are mainly induction motor control schemes. The control scheme is subject to the programming of the MCU. the interface to the MCU is CMOS/TTL compatible, so it can be used with virtually any MCU.  [2004-9-23 11:45:08]
[问:meteor_chu] 马达相序接错是否会损坏马达驱动器?驱动器有没有保护措施? 
[答:Peng] powerspin has robust current protection schmes to fight over current and over temperature.  [2004-9-23 11:47:20]
[问:dengxc] 请问专家,POWERSPIN系列与AT89S系列和AT90S系列单片机的接口是否方便? 
[答:Peng] Yes, very convinient. the input of the powerspin devices are all coms/ttl compatible, general purpose output port will be ok.  [2004-9-23 11:49:33]
[问:yghl] 价格如何?请告诉上海销售商的地点。谢谢 
[答:Peng] please call 0755-86012283  [2004-9-23 11:51:14]
[问:meteor_chu] How to avoid false detection due to spike voltage? 
[答:Peng] a small resistor can be added between enable pin and GND  [2004-9-23 11:52:59]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与ST公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请ST公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2004-9-23 11:54:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,上海海尔集成电路有限公司的zhouyl经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为zhouyl的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。   [2004-9-23 11:54:56]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的ST公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的ST公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。   [2004-9-23 11:55:11]
[问:monster683] 请问贵公司在江苏南京有无分销商/代理商?如何联系? 
[答:Peng] sorry for the last question it should be capacitor. please call 0755-86012283 for enquires   [2004-9-23 11:59:23]
[问:] 对于马达停转位置要求比较严格的应用中,如何比较准确的控制?
[答:] 1 High precision position sensor and control loop. 2Optimized Gain/Phase of the system for such position control application. 3 For stepper motors, aprropriate value of current should be injected to the two windings to keep the shaft holding its position
[问:] 1、st马达驱动器在中国大陆的销售商?技术支持情况? 2、st马达驱动器与ti的dsp比较有何特点?
[答:] 1 Please check the above link for information about distributors and support. 2 The two are not camparable. Powerspin is a motor driver that integrates the powerstage (MOSFET Bridges), basic protection,control and logic in one silicone. This family has no programming and computing ability, and itself does not require software to operate. DSP on the other hand, is a very powerful general purpose computing device, but does not have the power stage that can connect to a motor directly
[问:] 马达驱动系列是否有马达超温保护功能?
[答:] All Powerspin devices have thermal protection
[问:] 请问该系列芯片是什么封装啊?
[答:] DIP24,SO36, PowerSO36
[问:] 对220V单相电机是否有更好的变频调速方案?已经仔细看过AN1479, AN1354, AN1255.
[答:] From the best of my knowledge slip control is the most practical way to control a single phase induction motor. Vector control has way superior performance, but it is for 3 phase.
[问:] 如何购买产品,是否免费提供样品。
[答:] Please check the link above for our world wide distributors. Powerspin technical data can be downloaded from
[问:] Please email me data sheet fo these chips, price, and where can buy in world.
[答:] Please check the link above for our world wide distributors. Powerspin technical data can be downloaded from
[问:] ST是否有马达驱动系列和控制MCU系列?能否列举完整的解决方案?
[答:] stonline/bin/hilite.exe?file=/stonline/books/ascii/docs /8513.htm&words=L6386 this is one of the many application notes about motor drives. Please check for more solutions
[问:] 过流保护是外接还是马达驱动系列内置?如果内置,能否可编程?
[答:] In some devices, the current protection threshhold can be programmed with simply a resistor. But the protection function is built in for all Powerspin devices
[问:] 我想用来驱动无刷直流电机(DC24V),编码器(2000p/r)反馈,电机功率120W,用在高速位置控制,负载惯量较大。不知贵公司可有合适的型号。 谢谢!
[答:] In your application, I suggest you to parrelel 2 L6234 to match the power the motor requires. The high side MOSFET of all three bridges can be turned on at the same time for fast braking if position control is needed. Also a effective control algorithum is needed for such application. Please choose a suitable MCU, PWM output is prefered for the MCU.
[问:] POWERSPIN除了驱动步进马达外,能否用作交流异步电动机控制器的驱动? POWERSPIN能用作IGBT的驱动吗?
[答:] it is more approriate to use MCU/DSP+high voltage gate driver(L638X family of st)+ discrete mosfet/igbt to drive three phase induction motor. ST also has very power ST7 MCU family for this kind of application. The power stage(power mosfet) is integrated into Powerspin, it can not drive external IGBT. Please use L638X gate driver family.
[问:] Powerspin 可否实现三相数字移相控制?
[答:] it is more approriate to use MCU/DSP+high voltage gate driver(L638X family of st)+ discrete mosfet/igbt to?achieve three phase?phase-shift control. ST also has very power ST7,ST8 and ST9?MCU family for this kind of application.?
[问:] 哪一款产品适合步进电机的驱动,并有较高的步进细分数。
[答:] L6205-08 and L6225-28 can drive two phase stepper motors.L6208/L6228 has integated state machine to generate half step power stage switching sequence. Micro stepping can be achived by feeding appropriate reference voltage to VrefA and VrefB pin of devices with programmable PWM current controller(L6207/L6227).
[问:] Which item of L638x family is for three phase AC motor driver?
[答:] L638X family has 4 members, L6384,L6385,L6386,L6387. These devices can drive the power IGBT or MOSFET that drives the AC motor, or power transistor bridges of other applications. The 4 devices are different in some functions such as current sensing, under voltage lock out threshhold, ETC. Please refer to the attached application guide for more infromation.
[问:] Can you supply a low power(12-26V,300-600mA) stepper motor drive IC?
[答:] Our L622X series suits your application very well. Please check the link above for datasheets of L6225,L6226,L6227,L6228. They all have the same current and voltage rating, but have differences in functions. Please find the one that best fits your application.
[问:] 请问:5A容量H-桥产品的零售价,如何得到样品?
[答:] please call 0755-86012283 for enquires
[问:] 请问该控制芯片的价格如何?
[答:] please call 0755-86012283 for enquires
[问:] Powerspin系列器件如何采购到?
[答:] Please check the following link for information about distributors and support.
[问:] 无刷直流电机的驱动电路、器件型号以及采购方式、账号及邮购方式。
[答:] Please check the following link for information about distributors and support.
[问:] 能给个电路和实例吗?谢谢先。
[答:] Please check
[问:] 请给我典型电路图,和使用方法。
[答:] Please check
[问:] 请问能提供样片和DEMO板?
[答:] Please check
[问:] 我想知道这些马达驱动器的具体型号,先了解了解一下你们的产品说明
[答:] Please check
[问:] 我正好在设计一款马达驱动器,需要ST最新马达驱动器的资料,请提供.谢谢!
[答:] Please check
[问:] Powerspin系列适应哪些马达?
[答:] Powerspin can drive a voltage up to 52V and a current up to 2.8A RMS for a single chip. Any winding can be driven by the full bridge of the power stage. It is very versatile. Also some models of the family are designed for either two phase stepper or three phase BLDC motor drives.
[问:] powerspin能控制的电机类型及电机的最大功率?
[答:] Powerspin can drive a voltage up to 52V and a current up to 3A. Any winding can be driven by the full bridge of the power stage. It is very versatile. Also some models of the family are designed for either two phase stepper or three phase BLDC motor drives.
[问:] 仿真系统价格?
[答:] Powerspin does not require emulator, for prices of MCU emulator, please contact our world wide sales network
[问:] ST马达驱动系列有那些功能?是否包括电流检测,位置测量和角度检测?
[答:] Powerspin enables the user to sense the low side current by adding a sensor resistor from the source of the low side power mosfet to the ground. It does not have position and angle sensing.
[问:] 马达驱动系列是模块式还是单片式?能驱动几相马达?
[答:] Powerspin integrates power stage and protection scheme on a single chip, some devices of the family also provide basic logic function for some specific kinds of machines.
[问:] 此马达需要多高的电压,功耗多大?
[答:] Powerspin is a family of ICs that drive motors, not motors themselves.
[问:] 我公司长期从事电动车生产开发,不知贵公司马达控制器的开发成本如何,可否实现能量反馈功能。谢谢!
[答:] Powerspin is a family of monolithic motor drivers that are reliable and easy to use. The powerstage can drive the motor in both drving and regenerative mode under the control of an external MCU. denpending on the control scheme the device can work in different mode.
[问:] 马达驱动系列能否驱动直流马达和交流马达?
[答:] Powerspin is a family of monolithic motor drivers. Each device has two full MOSFET bridges and some protectection function built in. The control scheme of the driver, depending on external input, affects the ability of the driver in driving a caretain kind of load.
[问:] 请问POWERSPIN的最大驱动能力及主要应用领域?
[答:] Powerspin technical data can be downloaded from
[问:] 请问该芯片的价钱怎么样?性能怎么样?是什么封装的啊?
[答:] Powerspin technical data can be downloaded from
[问:] 请问有没有应用手册和样片提供?
[答:] Powerspin technical data can be downloaded from
[问:] 请详细介绍该芯片在两相直流电机换向及调速控制中的应用方法。 谢谢!
[答:] Powerspin technical data can be downloaded from
[问:] ST最新马达驱动器有何优良性能??
[答:] POWERSPIN 是ST公司出品的新一代马达驱动芯片系列。POWERSPIN采用POWER BCD 工艺将驱动MOSFET和逻辑电路集成在一起。集成度高,外围组件少,工作可靠,使用灵活方便,功耗低。只须一片MCU和一片驱动芯片即可对两相步进电机或三相无刷电机进行控制。比目前市场上产品更能适应日益小型化,高效化和低逻辑电平的发展趋势。POWERSPIN系列必能为工程师带来更高性能,更便宜的马达驱动整体设计方案
[问:] 它的价格如何?驱动步进马达时真像由CPU写入控制字那样简单?
[答:] Regarding Pricing, Please contact our distributors and ST sales offices. And the driver can be controlled by an MCU
[问:] 对于工作在5~10v,电流仅有几十个mA的普通直流电机可否推荐一种st的集成电路来驱动或者一种解决方案。控制电机需要正、反向转动。谢谢!
[答:] Sorry we don't have such device.
[问:] 需要电压相对较低,低于6V,电流也小一些,达到几百mA的马达驱动芯片 有这种系列的产品吗?
[答:] Sorry we don't have such device.
[问:] 此类驱动组件是否可以驱动马达以外的负载?单独驱动一个负载,负载的另一端接地或接电源
[答:] The power stage of a Powerspin device are two MOSFET bridges with freewheel diode. In some devices of the Powerspin family, the bridges can be controlled independently, thus they can drive any load that can be driven by MOSFET bridges.
[问:] 这些马达驱动系列适合的控制方式有那几种?适合PWM方式的有那几种器件系列?
[答:] The Powerspin family is very flexible, the powerstage are MOSFETs with flywheel diodes which can switch up to 100KHz. Every device of the family can be used with PWM current control
[问:] 请问该芯片是可编程的吗?
[答:] The settings and functions of the powerspin driver can be set by either MCU or other circuit externally
[问:] 请问该芯片的工作电压范围是多少? 是3V-5V吗?
[答:] The supply voltage is from 8V-52V
[问:] 这种芯片是否已经面世?价位大概是多少?驱动步进马达时,是用电流驱动吗?芯片发热是否厉害?
[答:] The whole Powerspin family has been on the market for a period, for L620the operating current can be set
[问:] 该芯片的性价比如何啊?
[答:] Very good.
[问:] 对于大负载,在多个并联的时候,有没有什么使用要求?
[答:] We suggest to parellel the two arms of two devices rather than two arms of the same bridge, this can avoid confusion in non-disspasive current protection.
[问:] 对于输出的短暂短路,会不会损坏内部的MOSFET
[答:] when short circuit occurrs, the event will trigger the over current protection. This will protect the device from damage.
[问:] 资料在哪里下
[问:] 该芯片可以很好的控制步进电机吗? 包括步进电机的转速,方向等
[答:] Yes, also L6208/L6228 is specifically designed for steeper motor application. Which integrates the state machine that generates the power stage driving sequence.
[问:] L638x 产品可以驱动IGBT吗?有具体应用实例吗?
[答:] Yes, Please check the our application guide for details
[问:] 能否用单片机来控制该芯片啊
[答:] Yes, Powerspin are designed to be controlled by MCU.
[问:] 驱动电压从8V到52V是否为无级可调?
[答:] Yes, Powerspin can be supplied by a single source from 8V-52V
[问:] MCU的电平为5V或者3V,在驱动电压8V-52V范围内都可以直接控制吗
[答:] Yes, the control logic input of powerspin is COMS/TTL compatible. The control block is supplied by an internal power suppuly, which regulates the powerstage voltage input (VSa,VSb) to 5V for the logics and 10V for the gate drivers.