
热门关键字: 电机控制系统 EPC Android DSP芯片 





[问:cgsun] 请讲解在北京如何得到瑞萨对马达微控制器的技术支持和如何购买该类产品。 
[答:Hugo] Please visit our website and contact our Beijing or Shanghai sales office. [2004-9-14 10:35:40]
[问:cgsun] 如何以最快的方式将瑞萨微控制器做成产品?有无demo机?价格? 
[答:Hugo] We have R8C, M16C/tiny and SH motor control demo board. For more detail information, please visit and contact Renesas sales office: [2004-9-14 10:38:12]
[问:alex_1981] 专家您好:请问1.使用瑞萨马达控制芯片能否控制永磁交流电机? 2.是不是使用空间矢量控制方法? 3.使用后电机的低速性能(低于100r/min)怎么样?  
[答:Jason] 1、可以。 2、可以使用矢量控制方法(其中之一)。 3、低速性能依赖于软件的具体实现。  [2004-9-14 10:39:02]
[问:mang988] 微控制器的编程如何实现? 
[答:Jason] 我们提供汇编和C语言的编程,还有大量的参考资料和程序。可以访问我们的网站。  [2004-9-14 10:40:21]
[问:zhang zhenghong77] 请问瑞萨MCU目前应用情况如何,比如主要应用在那些领域以及关于推广情况 ?
[答:Hugo] Our MCU can be used in Home Appliance (ie. air cond., washing machine, refrigerator, etc. and Industrial applications, ie. UPS, general inverter, AC servo control,... etc. [2004-9-14 10:41:26]
[问:xingge] 请问能跑多高的速度? 
[答:Jason] 32位机SH2-7047可以跑到50Mhz的频率。 [2004-9-14 10:41:43]
[问:cx_78] 怎样能方便的购买到仿真器? 国内的技术支持怎么样?  
[答:Hugo] For sales and technical support, please visit our web site:  [2004-9-14 10:42:15]
[问:zyh123] 我目前在开发一台小型永磁直流电动机(8w,带减速机)驱动,pwm闭环调速(低速),不知贵公司的哪款产品适合我? 
[答:Jason] R8C/Tiny系列,或是H83687。  [2004-9-14 10:42:34]
[问:jxgzzl] 请问正弦波驱动的库文件有没有? 
[答:Jason] 没有,但是我们有参考程序可供修改使用。  [2004-9-14 10:43:29]
[问:zhouxuchu] 瑞萨微控制器是否可用于三相交流异步直线电机速度控制. 
[答:Jason] 可以。  [2004-9-14 10:46:31]
[问:zhang zhenghong77] 请问瑞萨MCU应用于马达控制抗干扰能力表现如何?
[答:Bawson] 瑞萨MCU应用各种领域和场合,表现非常优秀.  [2004-9-14 10:47:17]
[问:mengzr] 能不能谈谈马达控制的瑞萨微控制器工作流程?
[答:Jason] 请参考我们公司网站上的应用技术资料,对于典型的马达应用,有比较详细的介绍。  [2004-9-14 10:47:34]
[问:wangdwl] 相对于针对电机控制的DSP,在哪些方面有优势?价格上是怎么的? 
[答:Hugo] Dsp can control motor only but MCU can control both the motor and the system. For example M16C have 16 bit multiplier which is enough for the motor control. Price depend on the device on your choice. For detail, please visit our web site:   [2004-9-14 10:48:27]
[问:pan-x] 请介绍变频调速控制方面的应用 
[答:Jason] 变频家电、工业控制、汽车电子、电力拖动、不间断电源。  [2004-9-14 10:50:24]
[问:yunyang2046] 控制器在驱动汽车电子安全支持系统过程中的实现模式如何? 
[答:Jason] 在汽车电子应用中,本公司产品一直处于领先地位。除了高可靠性,还支持CAN总线、马达控制、丰富强大的周边功能、高速等。  [2004-9-14 10:52:49]
[问:xingge] 功能的稳定性怎样? 
[答:Bawson] 非常稳定,可靠,高抗干忧性,应用于空调,工业控制,家电,变频...  [2004-9-14 10:53:18]
[问:zzyu18] 步进电机控制项目的硬件需求如下: 1.两个脉冲输出口(32位PWM输出),频率0.1hz--1mhz 2.两个脉冲记数输入口频率10mhz 3.8个16位A/D 4.两个16位D/A 5.嵌入式FLASHROM SRAM 6.3个以上32位记数器/定时器 请问瑞萨微控制器那一款能基本满足要求 
[答:Hugo] currently, we don"t have 32 bit PWM output and we don"t have 16 bit D/A.  Others functions is OK for SH-2 series. Please check our SH-2 series MCU. Please leave your email and we will answer you later.  [2004-9-14 10:54:45]
[问:zhoushuyu] sh7046,sh7047的片内程序能否保密? 
[答:Jason] 能。  [2004-9-14 10:54:57]
[问:zhoushuyu] sh7046,sh7047的批量价格如何? 
[答:Hugo] Please contact our sales office or visit our website for supporting [2004-9-14 10:55:34]
[问:spr614] SH7046是否可用于交流伺服电机的矢量控制?其控制性能与DSP芯片相比哪个更好? 
[答:Bawson] 是。sh7046是专业的电机矢量控制MCU,其控制性能与比普通的DSP芯片更专业,易于控制.  [2004-9-14 10:56:01]
[问:ybgy5678] 1,是否可应用DC带刷电机。 2,在不增加电机外设装置的情况下,对转速提取(一至性),精度要求小于千分之1 。 3,芯片价格。 
[答:Jason] 1、可以。 2、再增加软件复杂度的情况下,可以实现转速检测。 3、具体价格请向最近的销售商咨询。  [2004-9-14 10:57:29]
[问:tonytian] 有什么特别的功能吗? 请把与其它的IC厂家(Microchip-dsPIC, TI2406)的对比提供出来,可以吗? 
[答:Hugo] Basically,  Microchip-dsPIC and TI2406 are only DSP but our device is MCU which can do motor control and system control and we have stack pointer. ALso, we can handle multiple interrupts.  [2004-9-14 10:58:41]
[问:raymondw] 请问你们有没有通用型变频器和大功率变频器的设计方案供参考? 
[答:Jason] 我们有部分参考程序和硬件供客户参考。  [2004-9-14 11:00:08]
[问:wangdwl] 主要的对外接口方式是什么? 
[答:Bawson] PWM,外部中断,AD转换,分流检测  [2004-9-14 11:01:15]
[问:yonglin09] 马达伺服控制系统的精度是用光电编码器吗?还是用其它方法? 
[答:Hugo] For motor servo control, we use photo-electric encoder and this is the most popular type control method. (for SH series MCU and M16C series MCU).   [2004-9-14 11:02:00]
[问:hngold changzhou] 请问步进电机的细分控制在瑞萨微控制器应用中是如何实现的?有无实例可供参考? 
[答:Hugo] Depends on the stepper motor and the PWM control timer.  Please provide more detail information in order for us to answer you more deeply.  Please give your email address. Also, for more detail support, please visit our web site:   [2004-9-14 11:05:05]
[问:huangjp] What features are required for MCU for motor control compared with the MCU for normal control 
[答:Jason] 1, PWM (or driving waveform) generation function 2, dead time control unit 3, A/D input 4, output shut down function 5, external interrupt for protection 6, six way output ports  [2004-9-14 11:05:17]
[问:raymondw] 请问中小功率的变频器控制,用什么MCU比较好?大功率的变频器,用同样的MCU是不是可以?MCU的成本是多少?开发工具通用吗? 
[答:Bawson] M16C/TINY, M16C/62P, H8/TINY,大功率的变频器可以用同样的MCU,取决于控制的方式和变频器的要求.  [2004-9-14 11:07:34]
[问:luogongqiang] 请问专家,死区时间是如何设定的,与系统的安全性有何关系? 
[答:Jason] 死区时间是由软件实现的,具体数值要根据功率器件的具体参数来设定。合适的死区时间,可以实现功率器件的安全运行和可靠运行。  [2004-9-14 11:08:39]
[问:luogongqiang] 瑞萨微控制器是否与任何执行器相匹配? 
[答:Bawson] 瑞萨微控制器与目前的IPM均匹配  [2004-9-14 11:12:22]
[问:maeleton1] 电机位置传感器采用何种方式最好? 
[答:Jason] Hall sensor is the best way for position detection in home appliance application. Encoder is the best way in industrial application.  [2004-9-14 11:13:07]
[问:handel.shao] 请问在数码相机上进行马达控制,选用什么mcu比较合适?  
[答:Jason] 我们有专用的用于驱动数码相机的马达IC,请参考我们的网站或是想最近的销售商咨询。  [2004-9-14 11:14:52]
[问:encaon] 控制器的PWM的频率与系统稳定性有何关系? 
[答:Jason] 高的PWM输出频率意味着MCU本身将耗用更多的机时用于计算,在某些情况下,将导致一些实时中断等功能无法及时处理,进而影响系统的稳定性。  [2004-9-14 11:20:00]
[问:zhoushuyu] SH2的汇编和c语言编译器可在网站上免费下载吗? 
[答:Bawson] 可以在网站上免费下载SH2的汇编和c语言编译器试用版.  [2004-9-14 11:21:53]
[问:encaon] 高精度马达控制器的控制精度最高能到多少? 
[答:Hugo] The accuracy is depends on both hardware and software. For Hardware: depends on the motor you use. For software: depends on the timer.   [2004-9-14 11:24:55]
[问:Hook] 如何得到你们的参考程序,  
[答:Hugo] Please visit our website for techincal support. Also, our motor control topic will be ready in November time frame. [2004-9-14 11:28:03]
[问:ericf] 有那些通信传输功能? 
[答:Jason] UART,SCI,DMA,IIC,CAN,IEBUS,LIN,etc.  [2004-9-14 11:30:56]
[问:cybio] Could renesas"s MCU be used for digital cameral ?
[答:Hugo] Usually, SOC is used in digital camera. [2004-9-14 11:31:01]
[问:zhoupeter] 如果我购买了一个伺服电机,比如松下或者西门子,我是否可以用瑞萨的芯片代替原厂的控制卡、控制器等附件呢? 
[答:Jason] 可以,但是系统要重新设计(软、硬件)。  [2004-9-14 11:31:35]
[问:cybio] 请问瑞萨在马达控制方面有什么成功的解决案例?  
[答:Jason] 对于家电和工业的马达(变频)的各类应用,我们有参考的方案和设计,请联系最近的销售商。  [2004-9-14 11:33:32]
[问:ckh99] 微控制器与用户(位置、对象、异常等测量换能器)硬件怎样对接? 
[答:Bawson] 可以通过AD转换口,PWM,分流检测,外部中断与用户硬件对接.  [2004-9-14 11:34:13]
[问:DirectCG] 在初期设计马达控制区时经常烧器件,专家有无好的建议? 
[答:Hugo] We suggest you to use isolated transformer.  Also, remember to switch off the power supply before unplugging the target probe.   [2004-9-14 11:34:19]
[问:yonglin09] 执行驱动马达的功率放大器是用达林顿还是IGBT 
[答:Jason] 功率器件可以是:达林顿、MOSFET、IGBT、IPM。但要配上相应的外围器件。  [2004-9-14 11:34:41]
[问:wangdwl] 开发软件用什么语言? 
[答:Jason] 汇编、结构化、C语言。  [2004-9-14 11:34:58]
[问:huangjp] 请问用于马达控制与普通微控制器区别在哪里? 
[答:Jason] 用于马达控制的MCU除了具有通用控制器的功能外,还有专用于马达驱动的特殊功能,如波形发生、驱动电路等。  [2004-9-14 11:36:37]
[问:eMartian] 对于三相永磁同步电机,用于1KW伺服控制,用那种芯片性价比最好? 
[答:Jason] R8C/Tiny  [2004-9-14 11:37:28]
[问:zhuxuejun] 无霍尔用哪种? 
[答:Jason] 可以用电流互感器,或是演示资料中OSCD功能。  [2004-9-14 11:39:00]
[问:lixb] 在汽车和工业应用中,对ESD、EMI的指标要求较高,你们的芯片采取了什么措施?达到什么样的指标?  
[答:Hugo] Actually, there are no standard for ESD and EMI but we have some reliability report which can shows the ESD characteristic.  EMI data can provide to you by requires. (depends on the devices) For more details, please contact our sales office.   [2004-9-14 11:39:28]
[问:jjwjjw406] 你们在调速电机方面跟FUJITSU、TOSHIBA etc.有什么比较优势 
[答:Jason] 高可靠性、高速、高性能价格比。广泛的用户群。  [2004-9-14 11:39:59]
[问:raymondw] 请问光耦的选择,是不是和死区时间有很大的关系? 
[答:Jason] 除了和死区时间有关外,还和输出频率有关系。请向光耦供应商咨询。  [2004-9-14 11:40:57]
[问:huamuzi12] 各种控制器的功耗大小是怎么界定的?  
[答:Bawson] 根据晶振(HIGH OR LOW),工作电压(如此等3V/5V)及工作方式(正常,等待,停止)来界定,可由软件来控制.  [2004-9-14 11:41:41]
[问:raymondw] 请问你们的MCU内部有RS485通讯? 
[答:Jason] 无。通常是用UART+485IC来实现。  [2004-9-14 11:41:51]
[问:raymondw] 请问如果晶体的振荡频率的误差大,会影响到死区时间吗? 
[答:Jason] 是的。具体影响多少,要根据实际情况来确定。  [2004-9-14 11:42:34]
[问:aglalala] 是否各种马达的控制都是有效的? 
[答:Jason] 是的。关键是软件的实现。  [2004-9-14 11:43:23]
[问:huamuzi12] 瑞萨公司的这种产品在市场的占有率大约是多少? 
[答:Hugo] Motor application: In japan is about 70 percentage market share. For overall flash MCU market, we are in the leading position.(about 40 percentage market share).   [2004-9-14 11:43:34]
[问:aglalala] 请问广州有你们的办事处没有? 
[答:Hugo] Please visit our website and contact our sales office in Shenzhen. [2004-9-14 11:44:06]
[问:raymondw] 瑞萨MCU需要外接EEPROM? 
[答:Jason] 有些型号不需要,因为片内已经有了EEPROM,或是相当于EEPROM的空间。  [2004-9-14 11:44:43]
[问:english_li] 产品(马达)开发资源要求如下: 1)ITU 6相PWM 2)UART、SPI 串行接口 3)16KB FLASH、4K RAM 4)80条引脚 附合以上资源贵公司有那型号产品可选? 
[答:Jason] M16C/Tiny,H83687。  [2004-9-14 11:45:45]
[问:huangjp] 瑞萨的用于马达控制的微控制器芯片在电磁兼容(EMC)方面有哪些独到之处?  
[答:Bawson] 瑞萨微控制器芯片具有高抗EMC,低的EMI,广泛应用于各种场合.  [2004-9-14 11:46:47]
[问:caolh] 如何用瑞萨微控制器实现交流变频电机的恒定负载下的动态准确定位? 
[答:Hugo] Usually use encoder to feedback the position. (direct and more accurate method) Or you can use Hall sensor to estimate the position by means of the speed (indirect method)  [2004-9-14 11:47:24]
[问:DirectCG] 我在以前做电动自行车控制器时,在软启动时单片机老是复位,请问是什么原因? 
[答:Jason] 具体原因要看过你们的设计才能确定。但通常是因为干扰等原因导致复位。如果使用本公司的产品,我们会提供全方位的支持和服务。  [2004-9-14 11:48:09]
[问:yjzd] 瑞萨微控制器在精确控制步进马达访马的应用 
[答:Hugo] Applications: Hard disk,  PPC (copy machine), ... etc.  [2004-9-14 11:49:30]
[问:pengwh001] 请问,(H8/TINY SERIES)一般用于矢量控制的时候,载波频率最高可以达到多少Hz(保证调制不失真) 
[答:Jason] 用于矢量控制建议使用SH2或是M16C/62P系列。H8/Tiny和M16C/Tiny可以实现空间矢量控制。  [2004-9-14 11:50:12]
[问:ckh99] R8C/Tiny  A/D 采样率为多少? 
[答:Bawson] R8C/TINY最大工作频率:20MHz,A/D:10BIT,3.3MHZ采样率.  [2004-9-14 11:52:21]
[问:hwh_888] 1. 变频器输出频率的精度如何保证 2.载波频率较高时每次中断都要计算,中断外的程序将受到影响,那么该怎么办. 3.sin表中的数据是用来计算占空比用的,那么在计算占空比前哪些参量必须先计算好. 
[答:Jason] 1、输出频率的精度是由软件算法保证的。 2、软件结构和方法很重要。 3、不同的调制方法,预先计算的参量略有不同。但通常sin表的值是加权实现的。  [2004-9-14 11:53:22]
[问:huamuzi12] 这些产品的详细规格书什么的可以提供吗? 
[答:Jason] 请到我们的网站上下载。www.renesas.com或  [2004-9-14 11:54:18]
[问:cybio] 关于汽车电子方面,请问贵公司在车身控制方面有哪些MCU可以选择?有没有可以替代908MR32的产品? 
[答:Jason] 本公司的产品一直在汽车电子方面处于世界领先地位,请联系最近的销售公司。  [2004-9-14 11:55:41]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,沈阳众恒科技有限公司的DirectCG经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为DirectCG的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7008 或。  [2004-9-14 11:56:36]
[问:maeleton1] 采用瑞萨微控制器对提高系统效率有何帮助? 
[答:Hugo] Motor control method determine the system efficiency. For example, 180 degree vector control with position sensor is a high efficiency control method.  [2004-9-14 11:56:54]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的Renesas公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的Renesas公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2004-9-14 11:57:03]
[问:hazh1363] 我现在有个项目:10w左右的永磁直流电机,PWM单向调速,用于垂直方向提升重物,要求下放时也能在无机械制动时匀速下放,请问贵公司有没有此类驱动器可提供? 
[答:Jason] R8C/Tiny可用于该应用,请参考具体技术资料。  [2004-9-14 11:57:03]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2004-9-14 11:57:13]
[问:phsx] R8C系列有没有25毫安的驱动能力的IO? 
[答:Jason] 在“peak”的情况下,可以输出超过25mA的能力。  [2004-9-14 12:01:53]
[问:quanhu] 针对目前比较多的DSP方案,推荐哪一颗芯片比较合适?在性能和价格上面比较有竞争力。 
[答:Hugo] We have several series of motor MCU to target for different motor control applications. For example, 80 pin, 16KW, 40MhzDSP product,  our compatible device is SH3 7046. (7046 series 80 pin, 50 Mhz) For more detail information, please leave your email address to us and then we will answer you later.  [2004-9-14 12:03:53]
[问:noilion] 请问RENESAS MCU是如何实现无传感器BLDC控制的,内部有位置检测硬件还是通过A/D用软件实现 
[答:Bawson] 1. 通过 AD and the PWM timer. 2. 通过 A/D software. M16C/Tiny has the position data sampling and hold function to perform the position detection.  [2004-9-14 12:04:29]
[问:zhoupeter] 瑞萨在马达控制领域的主要对手有哪些,您认为瑞萨的主要优势在哪里。 
[答:Hugo] We are the leading company in motor control applications especially in the 16 bit and 32 bit market.   We have mature motor control technology and the market share of motor control application is around 70 percentage in Japan.   [2004-9-14 13:40:09]
[问:zsyf] 瑞萨微控制器主要的特点,用在马达控制方面应注意哪些问题,谢谢 
[答:Bawson] 1.瑞萨微控制器覆盖低端到高端,具有特色的世界一流产品群, 应用在各个领域. 2.在马达控制方面可参考瑞萨微控制器相关的资料和参考设计  [2004-9-14 13:45:10]
[问:fangyu0] 现在马达控制有什么新的进展! 
[答:Hugo] 180 degree sinusoidal one shunt vector control is the most advance motor control method.  [2004-9-14 13:49:14]
[问:cybio] 我在瑞萨的网站上看到SH系列的介绍,感觉很强大,请问它和ARM系列相比有什么优缺点?  
[答:Bawson] For motor application, SH is more professional and more powerful.  [2004-9-14 13:49:57]
[问:meteor_chu] 请解释软启动和硬启动的利弊,以及在何种场合采用何种启动方式? 
[答:Jason] 软启动可有效地降低电动机的启动电流,其启动电流仅为标准电机硬启动电流的50%,是高效电动机硬启动电流的20%。软启动的限流特性可有效限制浪涌电流,避免不必要的冲击力矩以及对配电网络的电流冲击,有效地减少线路刀闸和接触器的误触发动作。对频繁启停的电动机,可有效控制电动机的温升,大大延长电动机的寿命。  [2004-9-14 13:56:02]
[问:eMartian] 控制PMSM,目前最好的算法是哪种?如用瑞萨产品,最适合CPU的算法是哪种? 
[答:Bawson] It depends on what is the most important specification. i.e) If efficiency is the most important, sinusoidal wave drive with vector control is the method. If cost is important, 120 degree sensorless method is the suitable method.  [2004-9-14 13:57:08]
[问:peng-kai] 贵公司的马达控制器有应用于医疗行业的范例吗,在对emc、emi的测试时,是否能够满足我国的电磁兼容检测标准? 
[答:Bawson] 瑞萨马达控制器应用各个领域,包括医疗行业. 在emc、emi的测试方面,完全能够满足我国的电磁兼容检测标准.  [2004-9-14 14:01:43]
[问:hngold changzhou] 对于应用最为广泛的混合式步进电机四相步进1.8度,实现64细分,应该采用何种方法实现。 
[答:Jason] 请联系最近的技术支持中心。  [2004-9-14 14:04:07]
[问:meteor_chu] 在全桥驱动是高边和低边驱动电流时有不对称,请问有何影响,如何解决? 
[答:Bawson] 通常高边和低边驱动电流应该对称,如有不对称会产生不可预知结果. 请用标准的器件和设计.  [2004-9-14 14:17:39]
[问:] HD64F7044F28以后还生产吗?
[答:] Yes, this is an old item, but still under production. 
[问:] M16c28*与H8/3687什么关系
[答:] They are two different series of MCU. For details please check our website
[问:] R8C/14推出没有? 
[答:] Q4/2004 
[问:] SH7046,SH7047的批量价格如何? 
[答:] For pricing issue, please contact our sales office or visit our website 
[问:] SH7046价格和DSP芯片价格哪个更优? 
[答:] For pricing issue, please visit our web site and contact our sales office
[问:] What is the composition of three phase control timer when 120 degree of M16C controlling? 
[答:] When the frequency of the carrier is 10KHz, Timer B2 operates as based with 10Khz and the output of each UVW phase is generated as one shot pulse with three of Timer A1, 2, 4 which operates synchronizing with timer b2.  
[问:] 不知瑞萨在2004年在中国有类似Microchip举办的MCU技术研讨会,如有能否公布尔日程安排? 
[答:] 正在筹划中,如有技术研讨会,一定公布尔日程安排. 
[问:] 贵公司的马达控制器有应用于医疗行业的范例吗,在对emc、emi的测试时,是否能够满足我国的电磁兼容检测标准? 
[答:] 瑞萨马达控制器应用一各个领域,包含医疗行业,在对emc、emi的测试方面,完全能够满足我国的电磁兼容检测标准. 
[问:] 请问,使用贵公司芯片的伺服驱动器低速性能怎么样,在1r/min时电机是否会平稳前进 
[答:] Depends on the control method you use. For example, if your application use position sensor or hall sensor to detect the motor position, then no problem for control.  
[问:] 请先将有关资料发给我才好提问。谢谢! 
[答:] Please visit our website and contact Renesas distributors and rep
[问:] Is 1 shunt control possible by M16C/Tiny? 
[答:] It is necessary that two AD operate according to arbitrary timing for controlling 1shunt. M16C/26A, 28, and 29 prepared sample & holding circuit of the AD1 exclusive use in addition to sample & holding circuit which maintained a usual AD input voltage . The AD converter is 1ch. Moreover, AD0/AD1 can use TimerB0 and TimerB1 as AD start trigger. In M16C/26A, 28, and 29, one shunt can be controlled by using these.  
[问:] 瑞萨微控制器 的基本原理是什么? 它怎样控制马达实现相应的功能? 
[答:] Please visit our website 
[问:] 瑞萨微控制器是否可用于三相交流异步直线电机速度控制. 
[答:] Yes 
[问:] 我对马达发面的知识了解不是很多,能否给我发点资料提前学习一下。<br> 谢谢! 
[答:] Please visit our website
[问:] 我对他的应用不太熟悉,想请问他主要用于哪类电机驱动? 
[答:] Please state clear your application so that we can suggest you the control method. 
[问:] 我公司自主研发的CVT汽车无级变速器,能否为我公司产品开发电子控制器. 
[答:] Pleawe give your email address to us so that we can contact you for more detail discussion. 
[问:] 有贵公司产品的详细介绍文档吗? 
[答:] Please visit our website
[问:] 尊敬的先生我想在座谈结束后得到有关该控制器的一些电子文档资料,谢谢! 
[答:] Please visit our website  
[问:] 在全桥驱动是高边和低边驱动电流时有不对称,请问有何影响,如何解决? 
[答:] 通常全桥驱动的高边和低边驱动电流是应该对称,如不对称可能得不到想要的结果,请选用标准的器件和设计. 
[问:] 请问在数码相机上进行马达控制,选用什么mcu比较合适?
[答:] Similar question already answered during the Q & A section 
[问:] 有没有但电势反接制动的驱动器?用于小直流电机的(10W,24V) 
[答:] Already answered through the Q & A section
[问:] 在汽车和工业应用中,对ESD、EMI的指标要求较高,你们的芯片采取了什么措施?达到什么样的指标? 
[答:] Already answered through the Q & A section 
[问:] 有没有提供相应的使用案例 
[答:] Yes, please refer to the application notes on our website
[问:] 请问你们公司的控制器应用于哪些领域?智能化仪器的开发情况是什么? 
[答:] Homeapliance,industrial control including intelligent instrument. 
[问:] Please recommend microcomputers to control the rectangular wave or the sine wave control of 180 degrees exist? 
[答:] M16C/Tiny, H8/3687, and M16C/62, etc. are the most suitable in Renesas . Naturally, SH2 can be controlled.  
[问:] 瑞萨微控制器的软件开发比其它厂家产品的优秀之处? 
[答:] Please visit our website 
[问:] 控制器在驱动汽车电子安全支持系统过程中的实现模式如何? 
[答:] Already answered through the Q & A section 
[问:] 对于应用最为广泛的混合式步进电机四相步进1.8度,实现64细分,应该采用何种方法实现。 
[答:] Please give your email address to us for more detail discussion. 
[问:] 请问步进电机的细分控制在瑞萨微控制器应用中是如何实现的?有无实例可供参考? 
[答:] Already answered through the Q & A section 
[问:] 对马达的型号有限制吗? 
[答:] No. 
[问:] 贵公司有应用于数码相机电池充电器 的产品吗? 
[答:] Please refer to renesas 740 family MCU 
[问:] 怎样能方便的购买到仿真器 国内的技术支持怎么样 
[答:] Please visit and contact our sales office and local distributors  
[问:] Can two three phase motors be turned with one microcomputer? 
[答:] There are some products with built-in two motor control timers (MTU and MMT), and two motors can be driven in these devices in the SH microcomputer. The product name is SH7046, and SH7047.  
[问:] 怎样用您的产品控制电机,能否寄份你们的培训资料,谢谢。 
[答:] Please visit our website
[问:] 微控制器是由何款单片机组成 
[答:] Please visit our website
[问:] 瑞萨公司的这种产品在市场的占有率大约是多少? 
[答:] In Japan, about 70 percentage market share in invertor air cond. applicaton and also, 70% in industrial servo market. 
[问:] M37906是不是淘汰产品? 
[答:] No 
[问:] M37906属于哪个系列? 
[答:] 7900 
[问:] 请问M37906是不是淘汰产品了? 
[答:] No 
[问:] SH7026和SH7047有什么区别? 
[答:] SH74047 have CAN function. SH7046 have 80 pins but SH7047 have 100 pins 
[问:] 对于中端马达,请简单举几例解决方案来说明其性能和应用。谢谢! 
[答:] For mid-end product, we can use M16C/tiny for control. For simple control can use 120 degree control method. For more high efficiency, or more concern about the noise issue, you can choice 180 degree sinusoidal control method. 
[问:] I want to control three phase induction motor by the v/f drive feeding back the speed with the tacho meter . Is there a microcomputer of the recommendation? 
[答:] M16C/Tiny can easily control the system of IM + tacho.  
[问:] 能否仿真? 
[答:] Yes 
[问:] 相对于针对电机控制的DSP,在哪些方面有优势?价格上是怎么的? 
[答:] Already answered through the Q & A section 
[问:] 有没有样品模型和说明书或者试用品? 
[答:] For enquires, please contact our sales office or visit our website
[问:] 您好,我很早以前就听说过瑞萨的控制器功能很强大,但一直有2个因素使我对它 敬而远之,主要是: 1.开发工具价格是否昂贵?<br> 2.开发的容易度如何? 
[答:] 1. We already developed some low cost emulator. For example, E7 or starter kit. If you want to know more, please contact our sales office and visit our web site. 2. We think our development environment is user friendly, and we can provide technical support for customers as well. 
[问:] 售后服务怎么样呀 
[答:] Our sales office or agent will handle the after sales services 
[问:] 我想了解一下贵公司各个档次的马达驱动芯片的详细应用资料, 
[答:] We will send email to you 
[问:] 应用在变频中央空调,成本考虑,选哪个型号比较好 
[答:] M16C/Tiny is suitable for invertor air cond. applications. 

瑞萨电子(TSE: 6723),科技让生活更轻松,致力于打造更安全、更智能、可持续发展的未来。作为全球微控制器供应商,瑞萨电子融合了在嵌入式处理、模拟、电源及连接方面的专业知识,提供完整的半导体解决方案。成功产品组合加速汽车、工业、基础设施及物联网应用上市,赋能数十亿联网智能设备改善人们的工作和生活方式。更多信息,敬请访问。关注瑞萨电子微信公众号,发现更多精彩内容。