
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 





[问:hellson] 目前消费类电子的外部电源适配器价格一路下滑,现在一般一只功率在10W左右Adapter的价格在12-14元RMB左右徘徊,请问能否现在推出的产品能否在保证价格的情况下提供高效的节能产品?谢谢 
[答:Guoqin] 对,我们的节能认证实施的是一种精品的概念,我们要求产品在保证质量的前提下提高能效  [2004-9-3 10:17:21]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2004-9-3 10:17:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是的:Guoqin Zhang,Aizhen Li,Qunxing Liu,Andrew Fanara,Robin Clark,Kelvin Tsiang和Maria Chen  [2004-9-3 10:18:24]
[问:muzi338021] 各位专家: 电子镇流器国内已有相关的3C认证,请问节能认证与3C的技术要求有什么区别吗? 
[答:Guoqin] 3C认证主要关注产品的安全性能,而节能认证是要求产品在满足质量要求的前提下,在满足能效要求  [2004-9-3 10:19:39]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-9-3 10:22:09]
[问:huamuzi12] 认证申请有没有网上可以提交的方式? 
[答:Guoqin] 目前我们尚未开展网上提交的方式,如果您需要可以直接与我们联系,所有资料都可以免费提供  [2004-9-3 10:22:17]
[问:huamuzi12] 市场上对于不符合平均效率的产品是怎么安排规范的呢? 
[答:Aizhen] 目前节能认证是自愿项目,如果达不到节能认证技术要求中规定的指标要求,而使用节能认证标志或宣称取得节能认证,一旦发现,认证中心会追究其责任.  [2004-9-3 10:22:27]
[问:huamuzi12] 贵单位是不是我国境内唯一的一家认证单位? 
[答:Guoqin] 是国家授权开展节能认证的唯一机构  [2004-9-3 10:23:18]
[问:ckwklin] 請問境外廠商認證的手續如何?例如台灣廠商。 
[答:Guoqin] 您可以直接向我们中心申请,有关认证程序,您可以访问我们的网站  [2004-9-3 10:24:16]
[问:huamuzi12] 企业认证需要做好哪几个方面的准备工作呢? 
[答:Guoqin] 首先您的产品应该满足技术要求的规定,其次,你能够保证您的产品质量持续、稳定的符合技术要求  [2004-9-3 10:27:52]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-9-3 10:28:51]
[问:tangzhiya] 效率最高能到多少? 
[答:Qunxing] 理论上是,有可能100%,实际的数值,与产品本身有很大关系,根据我们以往的数据,大部分开关型电源适配器在70%-90%之间.  [2004-9-3 10:29:22]
[问:huamuzi12] 请专家介绍一下安森美公司是如何做这个认证工作的,谢谢 
[答:Guoqin] 认证工作是由中标认证中心开展的,有关具体的认证规定和程序,您可以访问我们的网站  [2004-9-3 10:29:33]
[问:a-powertec] 专家您好! 请问如下要求目前能否可能实现? 条件: 1.INPUT:AC 90-264VAC 2.OUTPUT:DC 12V/5A 3.无载功耗要求小于100mW 请专家给予解答! 谢谢! 飞兆科技股份有限公司 杨恒 2004/8/24 
[答:Kelvin] this is a non-pfc design, so, I suggest to use 1207 with syn-rect. The efficiency and standby power will be reached.  [2004-9-3 10:30:31]
[问:amy_zhou9898] 外部高效电源适配器节能认证的程序是什么? 
[答:Aizhen] 申请方首先提交申请,(申请表格可在认证中心网站上获得),认证中心受理申请后会通知申请方将样品递交到指定的检验机构检验,同时认证中心对申请方提供的质量管理体系文件审查,在样品检验结果合格及文件审查合格后,认证中心会批准认证通过,并与申请方签订合同,授予节能认证证书并准予使用标志.  [2004-9-3 10:31:00]
[问:huamuzi12] 在产品设计中除了降低功耗之外,有没有其他节能的方式方法? 
[答:Qunxing] 比如,采用智能节电技术,但要结合技术复杂度和成本考虑,基本上,降低功耗是较为现实和主要的.  [2004-9-3 10:31:28]
[问:kkwd] 请问这种适配器主要用于什么设备 
[答:Robin] Single voltage external ac-ac and ac-dc power supplies are used in a wide variety of end-use products, including cordless telephones, cell phones, laptops, and other consumer and office products.  [2004-9-3 10:32:31]
[问:luogongqiang] 目前的DVD,TV的待机功耗能达到多少瓦特? 
[答:Kelvin] DVD, it is normally to meet 1W. TV, since it is more complex and need standby power higher (for internal MCU operation), it will normally be higher, the best is 1W.  [2004-9-3 10:33:01]
[问:huamuzi12] 单输出电源是否比其他形式的电源相对更节能? 
[答:Qunxing] 并不能得出这样的结论,节能与否要通过测试来判断,而与形式无特定关系.  [2004-9-3 10:33:57]
[问:kkwd] 认证的依据、标准是什么? 
[答:Aizhen] 认证中心即将完成外部电源适配器产品的节能认证技术要求和实施规则,两个文件是认证的依据,在认证中心网站上可获得.  [2004-9-3 10:35:18]
[问:maeleton1] 目前有那些先进的技术可以降低待机功耗?效果较好的是那种? 
[答:Kelvin] Skipping mode or frequency reduction (foldback) will be normally used. Both technique will have good point, from the IC design point of view, skipping mode is easier. The new technique for skipping mode is called soft-burst, which make use of softstart technique on eavery skipping pulses.  [2004-9-3 10:35:50]
[问:huamuzi12] 一次申请大约多长时间能够完成认证工作? 
[答:Guoqin] 这主要依据您提交样品的速度和工厂质量能力的审核情况,一般情况下,您会在一个月左右的时间获得认证结果  [2004-9-3 10:37:15]
[问:meteor_chu] .除了IC外,无源元件的选择对功耗有多大影响?请问专家有何好的建议? 
[答:Kelvin] For example, when you select resistor value in order to detect the output voltage of psu. you will try to select the value as high as possible, so that it can reach the overall loop stability and the power loss on the resistor. If you have such methodology, you may spread on to other portion of power supply circuit.  [2004-9-3 10:38:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2004-9-3 10:38:51]
[问:meteor_chu] 在待机状态,功耗的降低是否会影响到系统如电视机的稳定性工作? 
[答:Qunxing] 待机状态不应影响到负载预期的功能.  [2004-9-3 10:39:55]
[问:zzkeng] 降低电源适配器的待机功耗,关键技术是什么? 
[答:Kelvin] if you have PFC circuit, you need to switch it off when the power supply runs into standby mode to reduce the power loss, then the PWM side will run also into the skipping mode or frequency foldback mode to further reduce the standby power.  [2004-9-3 10:40:29]
[问:huamuzi12] 高效电源设计在移动产品中如手机中是如何体现的呢? 
[答:Andrew] In general, switch mode power supplies are used to meet ENERGY STAR efficiency levels, but there are some linear power supplies that also meet the efficiency level. Roughly one third of the sample of U.S. phones we tested achieved the ENERGY STAR efficiency level.  [2004-9-3 10:41:16]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 国家是否会宣布只有取得3C和能源认证的产品才能进入市场?  
[答:Aizhen] 目前,国家正在制订相应的政策鼓励购买获得节能认证的产品,例如政府采购目录中会将通过节能认证作为一个条件,政府机构率先采用高能效产品.政策一旦出台,对于促进节能产品的推广使用将具重要意义.  [2004-9-3 10:42:13]
[问:chunsen] 从演讲的图表中可以看到,市场电源普遍不符合要求,为什么?如何改进? 
[答:Guoqin] 主要是图表中显示的电源有许多是线性电源,他们很难达到要求。另外,依据我们技术要求的制定来看,目前市场中的产品大约有20%能够符合要求  [2004-9-3 10:42:54]
[问:zzkeng] 请问输入电压如110V和220V,对电源适配器的待机功耗有何影响? 
[答:Qunxing] 输入电压不同时,待机功耗可能会有微小差别,但不管输入电压如何,电源适配器的待机功耗要求是一样的.  [2004-9-3 10:43:18]
[问:encaon] 电源适配器的参数如何设计和选材才能满足节能要求,满足待机功耗的要求? 
[答:Andrew] In general power supplies that we test that meet the efficiency requirements are switch mode power supplies but we are also seeing some linear power supplies that also meet the requirements for both load and no load conditions.  [2004-9-3 10:44:16]
[问:meteor_chu] 有那些技术可降低EMI? 
[答:Kelvin] from the EMI source, try to add sufficient clamping, snubber to attenuate all the high frequency nosie whihc noise normally affect the radiation band. Next consideration is to on the fundemental harmonics, try to use differential mode cap and choke to smooth the noise current. Most trouble things is the common mode, it may need consider the layout, try to make as much as enough low voltage plane to absorb or localise the high voltage swithing element.  [2004-9-3 10:46:09]
[问:encaon] 符合能源之星要求的电源适配器,电磁兼容有何考虑?在设计上如何处理?  
[答:Robin] In Draft 3 of the external power supply specification, EPA has added Section 4.A., Safety Standards. This section requires ENERGY STAR qualified external power supplies to comply with UL 1012 and UL 1310, where applicable.  [2004-9-3 10:46:27]
[问:lbgy] 对产品做电磁兼容设计可以从哪几个方面进行? 
[答:Qunxing] 本问题不在本次讨论范围内,EMC设计主要从防干扰和防释放干扰两方面入手,参照相应的国家标准如GB13837和GB9254等  [2004-9-3 10:46:32]
[问:tony_tll] 请问,申请认证到认证结束约需多久? 
[答:Aizhen] 如果提交申请材料符合条件,5个工作日将通知申请已受理,样品检测/文件审查需1个星期,加上审定批准时间,估计20-30个工作日. 根据需求,认证中心会在自己的工作程序中提高效率,缩短周期.  [2004-9-3 10:48:13]
[问:kant.jiang] I want to know how high of the efficiecy of 120W 16V/7A whith(16vadapter used NCP1377DR2? 
[答:Andrew] I assume you are referring to the NCP1377: QR SMPS controller vended by ON Semiconductor?  I don"t know the answer but could forward the question to staff I know at ON SEMI if you provide an email. David Korn (for Andrew)  [2004-9-3 10:49:02]
[问:huamuzi12] 当前有哪些公司厂家在做这项认证工作?能否透漏一下 
[答:Guoqin] 目前,该项认证尚未正式开展,依据计划,中美两国将在今年9月28日的中国国际电源博览会上宣布正式启动认证,开始受理企业的认证申请。在前期的技术准备过程中,我们得到了国内外许多企业的积极响应和支持,应该说行业内领先的企业都参与到了我们的活动中来了  [2004-9-3 10:49:58]
[问:zzkeng] 待机功耗与电源适配器的效率有何关系? 
[答:Andrew] For a linear power supply the no load power affects active power efficiency because the no load losses persist even at higher loads.  At 100 percent load, the no load power is relatively less important.  [2004-9-3 10:50:34]
[问:riello] 开关频率对电源适配器的待机功耗有何影响?如何选取? 
[答:Qunxing] 待机功耗是指空载状态功耗吧,空载状态下好象不存在开关频率的问题.  [2004-9-3 10:50:42]
[问:encaon] 现在有那些产品可达到待机功耗小于0.75W的标准? 
[答:Qunxing] 输出标称功率小于10-180W的开关电源要求小于0.75W  [2004-9-3 10:53:07]
[问:luogongqiang] 变压器如何设计才能和开关电源器件匹配得好,使得待机功耗小于0.75W的标准? 
[答:Kelvin] It will depend on your power supply power range.  [2004-9-3 10:53:14]
[问:tony_tll] 另外,想问一下整个认证费用约需多少 
[答:Aizhen] 根据申请型号多少略有不同,初次费用大概在10000元.  [2004-9-3 10:53:18]
[问:chunsen] 中标认证有哪些认证项目? 
[答:Aizhen] 认证中心已经开展了家用电冰箱、空调器等共计150余种产品的认证,涉及家电、照明、电力、机械、节水及环保产品认证等众多领域.详细目录请见WWW.CECP.ORG.CN  [2004-9-3 10:54:32]
[问:luogongqiang] 一个系统要降低功耗,除了电源适配器外,还要考虑什么问题?要从那几方面进行解决? 
[答:Qunxing] 应结合产品考虑,如计算机过一段时间未使用后,进入睡眠状态,达到节能.  [2004-9-3 10:55:08]
[问:kllyj2008] 采用ONS的电源管理器件对节能有何好处?  
[答:Kelvin] good delivery, good performance on wide range poewr supply and cost effective solution. The solution is very easlier to implement.  [2004-9-3 10:55:16]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交  [2004-9-3 10:56:07]
[问:tang_lixin] 如果我公司现在开始实施质量管理体系,一个月的时间是否可以通过认证。 
[答:Aizhen] 体系只有在有效运行3个月后才可以.  [2004-9-3 10:56:09]
[问:huamuzi12] 9月28日的中国国际电源博览会在什么地方举行的? 
[答:Guoqin] 在北京国际会议中心,有关情况可以访问  [2004-9-3 10:56:09]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交  [2004-9-3 10:56:11]
[问:kllyj2008] 平均效率表中显示,输出功率愈低效率愈低,为什么? 
[答:Andrew] The graph is showing the average efficiency from 4 data points (25, 50, 75,and 100% of nameplate current).  Each point is a single power supply.  In general, higher powered (high watts) power supplies tend to have higher efficiencies.  There are a variety of reasons for this.  Some of the losses are relatively fixed so cause a large efficiency loss for small power supplies, but have little effect for larger output power supplies.  [2004-9-3 10:57:31]
[问:huamuzi12] 贵单位在IC的设计中是如何做降低功耗这一目标的实现的? 
[答:Kelvin] we apply different technique to achieve standby power, skipping mode and frequency foldback.  [2004-9-3 10:57:36]
[问:Deng] 开关电源的有效值和效率如何测试?  
[答:Qunxing] 开关电源的有效值是指什么? 效率的测试方法可参照节能认证中心将推出的标准,或上网查到.  [2004-9-3 10:59:06]
[问:sduking] 专家您好!请问外部高效电源适配器产品具有什么优点? 
[答:Robin] I am assuming that this question is referring to the advantages of efficient external power supplies. Obviously, efficient power supplies offer energy savings and environmental benefits. In addition, efficient external power supplies are often smaller and lighter designs than their conventional counterparts. This makes them more portable and convenient for consumers while also reducing packaging and shipping costs for manufacturers.  [2004-9-3 10:59:46]
[问:kant.jiang] OK,and I am an FAE of power in WPG,I promote green chiep for ON.BUT i DON"T KNOW THE DETAIL highest efficiecy. 
[答:Kelvin] ON will have new approach on making higher power efficiency by using new topology, especially on the secondary side post regualtion.  [2004-9-3 11:00:17]
[问:MR.king] 正激变换器的效率一般能做到多少? 
[答:Qunxing] 跟设计有关.70-90%应该没问题.  [2004-9-3 11:00:23]
[问:huamuzi12] 国家会不会在一两年之内全面推行这项工作,以后进行市场的规范化,而强制推行呢? 
[答:Aizhen] 是指节能认证吗?节能产品认证本身是资源性项目,对于高能耗且影响面大的产品不排除强制推行节能认证的可能.  [2004-9-3 11:00:43]
[问:MR.king] 电源效率如何计算的? 
[答:Andrew] For full details please read the test specification released by ENERGY STAR. To measure no load power, the output of the power supply is metered with no load attached.  It represnets the losses of a power supply when the end use product like a cell phone is not attached. To measure active power the EPS is attached to a variable resistor.  The resistance (ohms) is varied and 4 conditions are tested, operation at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the namplate current (amperage) rating.  [2004-9-3 11:00:52]
[问:kllyj2008] 待机功耗到多少才能符合节能标准?  
[答:Robin] Draft 3 of the specification proposes the following Tier 1 No-Load levels: 0.5 watts or less where Nameplate Output Power is less than 10 watts; and 0.75 watts or less where Nameplate Output Power is 10 watts or greater (up to 250 watts)  [2004-9-3 11:02:53]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] ONS在节能电源产品IC的技术上有何特长,比较同类产品节能效果能提高多少? 
[答:Kelvin] highly integration for ease of design of engineer.  [2004-9-3 11:03:52]
[问:DirectCG] 隔离电源和非隔离电源,哪个效率可做到更高?  
[答:Qunxing] 适配器首先应符合安全要求,就我们现在所接触,为实现安全要求,一般都是隔离的.  [2004-9-3 11:03:59]
[问:huamuzi12] 请专家谈谈这项认证对企业发展的长远意义,国外的一些经验? 
[答:Aizhen] <电源适配器产品的节能认证技术要求>是我国在节能认证方面第一个从制订之初就充分考虑和借鉴各国的成功经验和要求,与美国、澳大利亚等国家的相关机构建立了联系并达成共识,共同起草制定国际间协调一致的电源适配器产品节能认证技术要求和测试方法。可以说为电源适配器产品建立一个协调统一的能效认证体系,实现国家和/或地区间协调互认奠定了很好的基础。   [2004-9-3 11:04:36]
[问:ag.wong] 请问NCP1207可不可以用来作电源开关. 
[答:Kelvin] I don"t understand this question. 1207 is a QR controller for switch mode power supply.  [2004-9-3 11:05:01]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 由于开关电源和线性电源有不同的用途与特性,在能源标准中是否有不同的要求? 
[答:Guoqin] 我们也注意到了这个问题,但我们的认证主要的还是考虑普遍使用的产品,在许多场合,线性电源和开关电源是可以互换的,考虑到目前的认证仍然属于自愿性认证,所以在目前的认证范围中,我们并没有对现行电源作出特别规定  [2004-9-3 11:05:18]
[问:huamuzi12] ONS有没有最新的开发的针对手机产品的电源管理器件? 
[答:Kelvin] Yes. we have many solution definitely for mobile phone, please contact our Sales and FAE for more detail solution.  [2004-9-3 11:05:54]
[问:iceheart] 請推荐100W以下的電源用哪類ic, 用哪類拓扑?tks! 
[答:Kelvin] It will depend on your efficiency requirement. 70W or lower, 1200/3 series, 70W or above, 1216/7 or 1230/1 series 100W or aobve, 1207, 1230 series would be the suitable choices.  [2004-9-3 11:08:31]
[问:kllyj2008] 关于节能标准国际上有无通用标准? 
[答:Robin] EPA ENERGY STAR and CECP are collaborating on the development of a harmonized voluntary energy efficiency level for single voltage external ac-dc and ac-ac power supplies. Where appropriate, EPA and CECP are also working with other international organizations in Australia, Europe, etc.  [2004-9-3 11:08:50]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 中标认证中心是否隶属于国家技术监督局? 
[答:Aizhen] 认证中心上级主管单位是中国标准化研究院,该院属国家质检总局.  [2004-9-3 11:10:35]
[问:wells] 目前中国实行节能认证的产品种类有哪些? 
[答:Guoqin] 请参考上面aizhen对此问题的回答,您也可以访问我们的网站  [2004-9-3 11:10:48]
[问:waiting jiang] 请问:有一种说法,将来对50w以上的电子产品,都会有pfc的要求,请问什么时候会实施? 
[答:Qunxing] 没听说  [2004-9-3 11:11:24]
[问:DirectCG] 为什么这次演讲中说认证电源的输出功率不能大于250W?  
[答:Robin] In Draft 2, we had proposed a limit of 180 watts. However, based on stakeholder feedback and an interest in keeping pace with market trends, we proposed 250 watts in Draft 3. Stakeholders who feel the upper bound should be different are encouraged to submit their recommendations and rationale.  [2004-9-3 11:11:30]
[问:MR.king] 开关电源最大输出功率和效率有何关系? 
[答:Andrew] In general, larger power supplies have higher efficiencies.  This is a general trend and not true for all power supplies.  There are several reasons why units with higher output have higher efficiency. Some losses are fixed so they reduce the efficiency of a small power supply but have less impact on a larger model.  [2004-9-3 11:11:41]
[问:Deng] 中美两国在节能认证领域有什么具体措施和合作项目! 
[答:Guoqin] 我们使用的是同样的技术要求和测试方法 我们将在同一时间联合启动认证项目 又符合要求的测试机构出具的测试结果报告将得到彼此的认可 我们目前正在就实现协调互认进行努力   [2004-9-3 11:14:29]
[问:Deng] 房间空调器节能认证有什么具体要求? 
[答:Guoqin] 你可以访问  [2004-9-3 11:15:23]
[问:kant.jiang] Dear Kelvin:I and KANT,Could you help me to confirm the higest efficiecy of NCP1207? 
[答:Kelvin] It will depend on your design, if you have PFC on the front end, say 95%, and you use a two mosfet QR stage using 1207 for a 24V output, say 93%, overall 89%. If stand alone 1207, 88% for 60W.  [2004-9-3 11:15:48]
[问:chyeam] Is there any dead line for this to become a Mandatory Requirement? 
[答:Robin] ENERGY STAR is a voluntary energy efficiency program administered by the EPA and the US Department of Energy. ENERGY STAR signifies high efficiency and is different (completely separate) from a mandatory minimum efficiency standard.  [2004-9-3 11:16:18]
[问:kant.jiang] 我认为,开关频率越高,开关损耗越高,而空载的时候,开关损耗占很大一部分,所以会尽量选小,但要保持稳定的输出电压和VCC和空载25KHZ 
[答:Qunxing] 原回答会错意了,要在设计中更多摸索.  [2004-9-3 11:20:05]
[问:ckh99] 具有最高能效比的电沅(除开关电源外)是什么娄型的? 
[答:Qunxing] 开关电源的最大特点就是效率高,线性电源效率较低.  [2004-9-3 11:23:54]
[问:huamuzi12] 国家有没有这方面相应的法规条例文件等等?如何查询得到? 
[答:Aizhen] 有关能源效率的法律法规文件可到国家发改委的网站上查询  [2004-9-3 11:24:00]
[问:chunsen] 节能认证的收费标准是什么?  
[答:Aizhen] 通用的收费标准可在认证中心网站上获得,不同产品会有所调整.  [2004-9-3 11:25:23]
[问:zhngjnpng911] 请介绍一下“无用待机”和“无用电力能耗”? 
[答:Qunxing] 电源适配器讨论稿中并无此术语  [2004-9-3 11:25:53]
[问:wells] DVD视盘机经过中标节能认证过的产品如果出口美国市场,是否还需要在进行能源之星的认证申请? 
[答:Aizhen] 认证中心在与能源之星商讨互认事宜,但目前仍不能做到.  [2004-9-3 11:26:53]
[问:tintin] 在推广中标节能认证方面,安森美主要起什么作用?  
[答:Guoqin] 安森美半导体积极参与和支持中标认证中心开展的节能活动,安森美协助中标认证中心在中国普及待机能耗的概念,得到了社会各界的广泛关注  [2004-9-3 11:28:00]
[问:cx_78] 贵公司电源适配器设计方案怎样的? 电源的转换效率是多少? 
[答:Kelvin] Our company will focus on adapter solution from 2W solution upto 200W adapter solution. Due to power density getting higher, the coming development will foucs on high power high efficiency deisgn.   [2004-9-3 11:29:26]
[问:iceheart]  請問節能標准是怎樣?要求的效率和standby power是多少? 
[答:Guoqin] 对于不同功率的产品,其效率和待机的要求是不一样的,具体的指标您可以查阅演示中的介绍,有关的技术要求您也可以在下周一后从我们中心网站下载  [2004-9-3 11:31:15]
[问:kant.jiang] 2.Can NCP1651 used on 90w~~120w adapter?If it is 16v/7A,how high is the output E-CAP?How high is the output Vp-p? 
[答:Kelvin] yes...the voltage recommended is higher than 20V, lower voltage will have higher output ripple. If you need general o/p ripple spec, the cap will be higher than 10k uF for example.  [2004-9-3 11:32:03]
[问:tintin] 在达不到认证要求时,认证中心是否也提供相应的指导? 
[答:Aizhen] 认证中心会指出问题所在,解决办法由企业自身寻找.  [2004-9-3 11:33:58]
[问:huamuzi12] 认证工作以后正式启动后是不是随时可以办理?还是每年相对集中在哪几个月? 
[答:Guoqin] 在认证启动后,随时可以向我们中心提出认证申请  [2004-9-3 11:36:32]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 现在手机,MP3,数码相机等产品电源输出功率要求较低,从220V降到4V/1W左右,这样电源的效率能做到多少? 
[答:Qunxing] 从220V降到4V/1W左右?  [2004-9-3 11:36:49]
[问:iceheart] 請問開關頻率有40k, 60k, 100k,怎么選擇?工作頻率對EMI有何影響? 
[答:Kelvin] First you should understand the effect on the frequency, 40k would be lower switching loss, but higher flux density used, standby power will be lower. However the power handling will be lower. In contrast, 100k will have better power handling. For EMI, should consider 150kHz limit, make sure the peak of harmonics never hit the 150kHz.  [2004-9-3 11:37:23]
[问:DirectCG] 在DC-DC中升压变换和降压变换,哪个效率高?  
[答:Kelvin] boost..small current going thru the converter.  [2004-9-3 11:37:53]
[问:tintin] 要降低电源供应器的待机功耗主要应从哪些方面着手?安森美都提供哪些方案  
[答:Kelvin] consider from controller and topology point of view. ONsemi offers wide range of PWM and PFC controller for such low standby power application, like 1601 (PFC) + 1230 (PWM) is the good approach on 75W to 150W design.  [2004-9-3 11:40:58]
[问:huamuzi12] 贵公司的SALES联系方式能否给说一下? 
[答:Kelvin] For the detail Sales contact, please go to our  , there will be a sale and support details.  [2004-9-3 11:42:08]
[问:ag.wong] 对不起,我想问的是NCP1207的第1脚可不可以用来做电源开关 
[答:Kelvin] not suitable, pin 1 is a function pin for OVP detection. For any on-off control, normally we will make sure of FB pin, please refer to our app note.  [2004-9-3 11:44:03]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2004-9-3 11:47:18]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与专家们讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请各位专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2004-9-3 11:47:28]
[问:maeleton1] 笔记本电脑的节能解决方案目前达到什么水平?它的电源适配器待机功耗能小于0.75W的标准? 
[答:Qunxing] 笔记本电脑的节能要求可参照WWW.CECP.ORG.CN中列出的计算机节能产品认证技术要求, 小于0.75W是是电源适配器在空载状态下的要求.(其标称输出功率为10-180W时)  [2004-9-3 11:48:30]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的中标认证中心(CECP),特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2004-9-3 11:50:37]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,升特股份有限公司的chyeam经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为chyeam的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。  [2004-9-3 11:51:51]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2004-9-3 11:52:05]
[问:lbgy] 在以电池为能源的产品中,降低待机功耗有什么办法? 
[答:Kelvin] I believe the concept is to make sure every idle time to switch off the operation and maintain wakeup.  [2004-9-3 11:55:01]
[问:kant.jiang] 1.I want to konw how high of the efficiency of 12ow adapter(19v/6.4A) which used NCP1207DR2 or NCP1377DR2? 
[答:Kelvin] The efficiency is around 88% at low line.  [2004-9-3 11:56:51]
安森美 (onsemi, 纳斯达克股票代码: ON)一直在推动颠覆性创新的路上孜孜以求,努力打造更美好的未来。公司专注于汽车和工业终端市场,目前正加速变革,拥抱大趋势的转变,包括汽车电汽化和汽车安全、可持续能源网、工业自动化以及5G和云基础设施等。安森美的智能电源和感知技术,以高度差异化的创新产品组合,解决世界上最复杂的挑战和难题,引领创建一个更加安全、清洁、智能的世界。安森美拥有灵敏、可靠的供应链和品质项目,及强大的环境、社会、治理(ESG)计划。公司总部位于美国亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔,其全球业务网络包括覆盖各大主要市场的制造厂、 销售办事处及设计中心。