
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 



此次在线技术座谈将介绍用于数字消费电子领域的瑞萨AND闪存/superAND闪存/ MMC/X-移动卡的性能以及具体应用.


主题:用于数字消费电子领域的瑞萨AND闪存/superAND闪存/ MMC/X-移动卡
[问:ppkliu] 请问NAND type 与NOR type flash的优缺点为何??各有什么不同的产品利基(niche) 
[答:Yoshitaka] AG-AND type Flash achieved higher density product when compared to NOR type Flash. [2004-8-5 10:36:22]
[问:david tangkaijun] 关于Renesas的 AG-AND FLASH 在U盘上的应用, AG-AND FLASH 支持哪些 USB controller? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Several Taiwanese controller makers support AG-AND Flash. [2004-8-5 10:38:59]
[问:corbal] superAND闪存的写入电压和擦除电压有何不同?有多高? 
[答:Kazuro] Can't provide details as this is a confidential issue. Program voltage level is lower than erase voltage level. [2004-8-5 10:41:12]
[问:jimabcd1126] Renesas闪存的数据安全性能如何?有几种措施来保证数据安全性? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Our cards have some data protection function like a write protection. [2004-8-5 10:43:52]
[问:likedaxia] 请问“高效性能“体现在什么地方?读取、写入速度如何? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Please refer to our presentation (Page 7 and 8) as for Read/programming speed comparison. [2004-8-5 10:45:58]
[问:zhaoz] 与SD卡相比,瑞萨闪存卡的优势在什么地方? 
[答:Yoshitaka] MMC is the de-fact standard on GSM mobile phone. And is the Open Standard Memory Card org. No royalites and License Free. MMC4.0 will have better performance when compared to SD. [2004-8-5 10:46:48]
[问:YOUSEE] 用于数字消费电子领域的瑞萨AND闪存/superAND闪存/ MMC/X-移动卡技术有何优势?怎样更有效的解决大存储容量微型化,及输入输出瓶颈问题? 
[答:Kazuro] Please refer to Page 4 to P8, P11 to P13, and P31. [2004-8-5 10:48:01]
[问:corbal] 用在移动产品中,Renesas闪存的功耗如何?和其它公司的闪存相比,有和优点? 
[答:Tatsuomi] 1.AG-AND for large data storage Please refer to Page 9 Advantage: Renesas AG-AND is MLC(Multi Level Cell) which achieves cost effectiveness and higher performance 2.Super-And for Program data storage Please refer to Page 15 Advantage: It's user friendly, while customer does not need flash controller and can reduce development time. 3.MMC for removable storage card Please refer to Page 23-28. Advantage: Renesas is the first company which passed MMCA compliance test. So, our MMC card has much better compatibility. [2004-8-5 10:54:23]
[问:liyong624] 以芯片为存储介质的数字移动硬盘(几十Gbt)何时能取代目前广泛应用的机械式硬盘? 目前几十Gbt的数字硬盘的商业应用的主要障碍在什么地方? 
[答:Kazuro] I think it will come true when 8GB or 16GB flash will be available. As Renesas road map, we will release them from "2H/05. The current problem is the cost of flash memory device. [2004-8-5 10:54:47]
[问:w123wl] MM3和MM2相比,除了容量以外,还有什么特点? 
[答:Yoshitaka] MM3 supports higher density, higher performance and dual voltage with RS-MMC. [2004-8-5 10:55:51]
[问:ningxiuwen] 对于,容量相对较大的产品,如:128M,256M或者更大的容量的产品,贵公司目前的价格怎么样?未来一段时间将会怎么变化!或者说大概在什么时候,产品的价格会有一个飞速下降? 还有,贵公司的产品与三星、东芝等厂家相比有什么优势?
[答:Tatsuomi] Renesas will follow the price from major suppliers . Renesas 's Flash is MLC , same with Toshiba while SS is SLC - cost effective . [2004-8-5 10:57:40]
[问:creatoday] 解相关用于数字消费电子领域的瑞萨AND闪存/superAND闪存/ MMC/X-移动卡的相关信息,若可能,请把一些资料发到我的电邮。谢谢 
[答:Kazuro] Our flash memory has already been used on many consumer applications. For example, DSC, PDC, DTV, PDP, printer, etc. yet we can not release the info. [2004-8-5 10:58:25]
[问:tonyw] 这就几种闪存的功耗,读写性能,可以擦写的次数,以及信号是5V还是3.3V等做一个说明 
[答:Yoshitaka] Refer to the page 9 about performance. AG-AND does not support 5V operation. [2004-8-5 10:58:58]
[问:tonyw] 如何在设计MP3等产品当中提升音质? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Please adopt multi-bank operation on AG-AND. It achieved higher read/ write performance. [2004-8-5 11:01:31]
[问:niujun4931] Renesas的闪存卡的数据宽度是几位?能否可编程? 
[答:Yoshitaka] MMC3.3 is x1. It is available to reprogramming. [2004-8-5 11:05:35]
[问:fisher.zhu] Does superAND support re-program a page without erasing on purpose?
[答:Kazuro] Overwrite is OK. You should use re-write command. superAND perform automatically erase and write function. [2004-8-5 11:06:19]
[问:yujia_cn] 在对闪存进行多次擦写后其数据retention时间是否会急剧下降.在超过厂家保证擦写次数后,能否有经验公式推断数据的retention时间. 
[答:Tatsuomi] Please refer to the datasheet, available on &fp=/products/memory/ag_and_flash_memory/   [2004-8-5 11:06:28]
[问:Suzan] what kind of file system can run on AND flash? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Please describe more about your question. [2004-8-5 11:07:18]
[问:zengxiaohua] 这样大容量的闪存(MB级)是否可以向汽车电子控制产品中应用,如增加在片编程等技术。 
[答:Kazuro] Sorry, Renesas flash memory can't support automobile application, for consumer use only. [2004-8-5 11:08:31]
[问:wavepeak] XMC目前的容量有多高?它的移动可靠性如何?请详细介绍它的防震性能. 
[答:Yoshitaka] 64MB is available. Please contact RTHK for further details. [2004-8-5 11:09:43]
[问:fisher.zhu] Does superAND have bad block inside chip? I mean, maybe bad block are transparent to hosts. 
[答:Kazuro] You don't need to take care of it. superAND performs automatically on bad sector management. [2004-8-5 11:10:25]
[问:杨永利] Renesas闪存中读写误差如何检测和处理,以保证数据可靠性? 
[答:Kazuro] ECC, wear-leveling, bad sector management techniques are used on storage data flash. [2004-8-5 11:13:56]
[问:grant.wen] 1) Which transfer rate is best  between MMC and SuperAND flash?2) Which card reader can  read  this card? 3) Life of this kind of cards
[答:Tatsuomi] 1) Sorry, question is not clear. 2) Please check with Card reader maker. MMC is a standard flash card, so that all card reader should be able to read. 3) One year to be used under room temperature. [2004-8-5 11:14:35]
[问:fuyl] 瑞萨AND闪存/superAND闪存/ MMC/X-移动卡的市场份额和竞争对手. 
[答:Tatsuomi] Market share of Renesas for Large Storage Flash memory is around 10%(#3) in W/W (CY2003) [2004-8-5 11:16:51]
[问:杨永利] 请介绍AG-AND/superAND的开发工具及系统配置. 
[答:Yoshitaka] We provide some documents and tool. Design guide, reference driver software and evaluation board. As for superAND, please refer to page 16. [2004-8-5 11:17:06]
[问:bibby] 在1Gbit AG-AND Flash中,出现有动态坏块的情况,这个在实际使用中不是很方便,请问有什么办法 
[答:Kazuro] You should prepare bad sector management on your firm ware. [2004-8-5 11:17:09]
[问:sun_sky01] 您好!我们现在用的闪存都是三星的,请问贵司的闪存与三星的可以通用吗?供货与价格上有无优势?性能方面与三星的比较数据传送错误率会不会好一点?谢谢! 
[答:Tatsuomi] Which type of Memory(Samsung) are you using ? What is your application ? [2004-8-5 11:18:52]
[问:pennypeng] Is AND going to enter wireless or broad market area? When? How? 
[答:Kazuro] These are industrial markets. We can't support industrial products. [2004-8-5 11:19:58]
[问:yiyaoshi] superAND的控制和管理有几种方案,和别的闪存有何不同? 
[答:Yoshitaka] User friendliness - Customer does not need flash controller like a sector management, ECC, Wear leveling and can reduce development times. [2004-8-5 11:20:34]
[问:czd1] SuperAND闪存支持哪些总线协议? 
[答:Kazuro] SRAM interface is available. [2004-8-5 11:21:44]
[问:wavepeak] 什么是智能卡认证?有何机构办理?和一般安全认证有何不同? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Smart card is a different card from flash memory card. Please refer to the following website: _category_landing.jsp&fp=/products/smartcard/&site=i [2004-8-5 11:22:59]
[问:fisher.zhu] what is the maximal size of MMC of Renesas? 
[答:Yoshitaka] MM2 series supports up to 128MB. MM3 series is up to 512MB. [2004-8-5 11:24:02]
[问:sed_bwj] Renesas的闪存,和三星与Intel的相比,有何优势? 
[答:Tatsuomi] 1.Smaller die size, which means more cost effective 2. Higher performance with MLC technology [2004-8-5 11:24:58]
[问:lilyfree] SuperAND和NOR,NAND的接口有何不同?有什么优势? 
[答:Kazuro] All is different. But superAND can be connected to NOR interface (as same SRAM interface). There is not specific advantage. If you want to use by the maximum performance, you should use by the exclusive interface. [2004-8-5 11:26:06]
[问:bibby] 另外,在1Gbit AG-AND Flash中,Cache program的功能应该存在有问题,其速度还不如Multi page progarm,但是在规格书上并不是这样说明,为什么? 
[答:Yoshitaka] AG-AND supports Cache and Multi-Bank program operation. [2004-8-5 11:27:05]
[问:pennypeng] How can AND compete against NOR on feature?
[答:Kazuro] Boot function is available on superAND. Programming time is faster than one of NOR flash. We can realize the high-capacity by lower cost than Nor flash. We think we can win against NOR flash. [2004-8-5 11:29:45]
[问:EdwardLAI] What does F2/bit mean?  
[答:Tatsuomi] F2 stands for Field (square ) = Transistor level area = small dies [2004-8-5 11:29:50]
[问:fisher.zhu] Renesas’s AND flash make software development easier, but how about the price of AND compared with NAND? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Price depends on the volume. Please contact Renesas sales channel: /purchasing_info.htm&fp=/support/purchasing_info [2004-8-5 11:33:53]
[问:bibby] 在演讲稿中看到,RESESAS AND Flash最大的编程速度可以达到10MB/s,但是在我的产品中只达到4MB/s的速度,归公司技术支持人员认为已经达到顶点了,是这样的吗? 
[答:Yoshitaka] It depends on your system design. 1Gb AG-AND achieved around 10MB/s itself. [2004-8-5 11:33:57]
[问:KSLXDONG] 国内在何处购买AND闪存/superAND闪存/ MMC/X-移动卡,RS-MMC能买到吗?RS-MMC最大容量为多少? 
[答:Tatsuomi] lease refer to following website for contact: /purchasing_info.htm&fp=/support/purchasing_info [2004-8-5 11:35:04]
[问:cobin.xrr] what protocal do these cards based on? 
[答:Yoshitaka] MMC interface. [2004-8-5 11:35:10]
[问:fisher.zhu] Is MultiChipPackage memory product in Renesas"s roadmap? 
[答:Kazuro] Of course, we have it. If you need it, please contact : [2004-8-5 11:36:32]
[问:fisher.zhu] Does Renesas provide Flash File System to its customers? 
[答:Yoshitaka] We provide reference File system for superAND. [2004-8-5 11:36:39]
[问:tiger_tang1978] 在MP3或者U盘上,现在有哪些方案来支持瑞萨AND FLASH?价格如何?是否整体在价格上会有优势? 
[答:Tatsuomi] MP3 Sigmatel (USA) and several Taiwanese solution USB, and most of Taiwanese solution support AND Flash. For price, please check with them. [2004-8-5 11:38:12]
[问:fisher.zhu] Does re-programming a used page cost more time than programming a blank page? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Yes. Re-programming do Erase and programming operation automatically. [2004-8-5 11:38:35]
[问:fisher.zhu] superAND has the similar I/F with NAND, but superNAND implements ECC/WL/BBM inside chip, I think, it"s an advantage, but the cost must be higher than NAND. Right? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Yes.  [2004-8-5 11:39:16]
[问:EdwardLAI] Can you introduce the prices for the products above amentioned? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Please access the following website for sales contact and more information. /purchasing_info.htm&fp=/support/purchasing_info [2004-8-5 11:40:33]
[问:pennypeng] What"s AND"s advantage to enter wireless, boot code market?  
[答:Yoshitaka] We can support higher density product. It can store not only code but also user data or application program. [2004-8-5 11:40:50]
[问:pupu219] 在应用贵公司的闪存时,设计中主要要注意哪些问题? 
[答:Kazuro] You should use the exclusive I/O if you want to achieve the maximum performance. All flash memory should notice the maximum P/E cycles. [2004-8-5 11:41:22]
[问:jiangzq] 请问:数据安全性在Renesas公司是如何用技术手段实现的。 
[答:Tatsuomi] Your question is not clear. [2004-8-5 11:41:28]
[问:bibby] Super AND Flash什么时候可以提供样片和规格书 
[答:Tatsuomi] For more information, please contact: HK: China: [2004-8-5 11:42:13]
[问:Suzan] What kind of FS can run on your AND Flash,maybe FAT16,EXT2 and so on? 
[答:Yoshitaka] It depends on your system design. AND Flash can be run. [2004-8-5 11:43:03]
[问:fisher.zhu] How about the read throughput of AND vs. that of NOR? 
[答:Kazuro] Storage flash read function is serial type. Read speed of Nor is nano-sec level, but one of storage flash is micro-sec level. [2004-8-5 11:43:54]
[问:yutouhu] Would Renesas only provide the MMC interface? Will you plan to provide chip without any interface package directly? 
[答:Tatsuomi] We support Component(TSOP) but No bare chip. [2004-8-5 11:44:01]
[问:qiaotang] 抗震方面如何? 
[答:Kazuro] We test over 15000 times. [2004-8-5 11:46:22]
[问:rockrain] 请问AND 与NAND 在应用上有何不同点? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Major difference is Erase block size. [2004-8-5 11:46:49]
[问:buddyfei] How about Renesas flash market share in different application area, such as digital camera, DVD, Mobile, etc. and which area is of priority?
[答:Tatsuomi] Renesas Share DSC : 70% (in Japan) DVD : None (DVD uses small size of Flash memory) Mobile : Around 15% (in Japan) Digital consumer and Mobile market are the priority. [2004-8-5 11:47:40]
[问:yokexu] Please tell me contact of your FAE in Shanghai. 
[答:Tatsuomi] Please contact Mr. Lu (Technical Dept. ) [2004-8-5 11:49:01]
[问:zhuxd321] AG-AND FLASH内部与NAND有什么区别? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Memory structure is different. [2004-8-5 11:49:10]
[问:science] What is MLC technology? 
[答:Kazuro] It means Multi-Level cell. Data is kept on one cell. [2004-8-5 11:49:35]
[问:MaryKuo] MMC卡和SD卡那种在价格上最具有优势? 
[答:Tatsuomi] SD is higher in general because of loyalty. [2004-8-5 11:49:53]
[问:pennypeng] How’s AND wafer cost compared against NAND?
[答:Tatsuomi] Wafer cost is same. But die size is smaller, so die cost is effective. [2004-8-5 11:51:01]
[问:fisher.zhu] What is SGI? 
[答:Kazuro] Conventional device isolated technology on a wafer. [2004-8-5 11:51:43]
[问:fisher.zhu] How to get the development tools for Renesas flash products? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Please contact: /purchasing_info.htm&fp=/support/purchasing_info [2004-8-5 11:52:05]
[问:niujun4931] XMC能提供几种操作系统? 
[答:Yoshitaka] XMC is the custom product. It is different case by case. [2004-8-5 11:53:44]
[问:w123wl] MMC中的适配器有何作用?它包含了什么功能? 
[答:Tatsuomi] MMC does not have such function, Please refer to: /products/memory/flash_card/multimedia_card/ for more information about MMC card [2004-8-5 11:55:22]
[问:tosz] 是否renesas的闪存卡只具有写保护,而不支持密码保护? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Yes.  [2004-8-5 11:55:50]
[问:fisher.zhu] Another question about Price:take 512Mbit AND and NAND devices for instance.The price of 512Mbit AND is higher or lower than that of 512Mbit NAND? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Depends on business condition. The price will be lower or higher. [2004-8-5 11:57:50]
[问:SHENSONG] 对于防止数据丢失方面有什么措施? 
[答:Kazuro] For example, every time when you erase and write your data, you keep in other device(Nor flash, AND flash etc.) [2004-8-5 11:58:03]
[问] Does Renesas has plan to manufacture SD card? 
[答:Tatsuomi] Renesas does not plan to produce SD card. [2004-8-5 11:59:20]
[问:tosz] can the expert be more active to answer our questions? and please don"t type wrong words. 
[答:Tatsuomi] Okay.  [2004-8-5 11:59:51]
[问:Hook] M5M29KB331AVP 和M5M29KB331ATP的差别是什么,我在里面放外扩程序,在使用中会有什么不同及应该注意什么。(程序的起始地址有什么不同否,我用Bootlaod烧录程序要对地址什么设置) 
[答:Yoshitaka] This is NOR type Flash & only package is different - AVP - BGA & ATP - TSOP Both seems to be Bottom Boot device [2004-8-5 12:01:25]
[问:yiyaoshi] AND闪存和NAND闪存有何差别? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Program and Erase block size are different. Please refer to our data sheet on [2004-8-5 12:05:08]
[问:mizx] 请问:在高速写入时抗干扰性能如何? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Related testing report not available . Please use within Renesas specification. [2004-8-5 12:08:47]
[问:cms521] “瑞萨AND闪存/superAND闪存/ MMC/X-移动卡”它的组装工艺是什么?芯片如何返修? 
[答:Yoshitaka] Please refer to page.3. [2004-8-5 12:09:59]
[问:fisher.zhu] What is the name of Renesas" FFS? Is it delivered in source code and no charge? 
[答:Yoshitaka] We deliver just Reference Software only. [2004-8-5 12:12:48]
[问:fisher.zhu] One suggestion: Can Renesas provide more application notes about AND products on your website?  
[答:Yoshitaka] Thank you for your feedback. We will try. [2004-8-5 12:13:22]
[问:] 1.闪存和移动存储卡有何不同;<br> 2.它们容量有多大?<br> 3.目前主要运用于哪些行业,哪写产品?<br> 4.价格性能比?
[答:] 1. Flash Memory is embedded component in mobile phone. Mobile storage card is for removable use such as MMC card. 2. Please refer to the Page 3 and P23. 3. USB Flash drive, DSC, DVC, Mobile phone, and Flash memory cards etc. 4. Pricing cannot be compared for memory products, it depends on market status.
[问:] 1.预计在批量供货上会有多少货投到大陆市场?占重体产能的多少?<br> 2.在MP3或者U盘上,现在有哪些方案来支持瑞萨AND FLASH?价格如何?是否整体在价格上会有优势?<br> 3.关于AND FLASH在供货以及价格上会有什么优势来对抗TOSHIBA,SAMSUNG以及ST,HY等一系列品牌? <br> 
[答:] 1. Around 15% shipped to Great china market. 2. Several US and Taiwan controller will support AG-AND. 3. It depends on the business condition. 
[问:]  2005年贵公司批量销售的卡的容量多少?价格多少? 
[答:] Please refer to presentation road map. As for price, please contact Renesas local office.
[问:]  CF卡、MMC卡、MS卡、SM卡、SD卡、XD卡瑞萨都在做吗? 
[答:] CF and MMC.
[问:] Is there any SIM card sized AND module? i.e. large capacity SIM card?<br> 
[答:] No. 
[问:] MMC card 和MS及XD card相比有什么优势?
[答:] MMC card is license free. 
[问:] MMC卡和M系统的存储卡相比,在容量,尺寸和功耗上有何特点?
[答:] MMC is a standard specification. 
[问:] Renesas AND flash memory用什么工具烧录,32M flash memory写的速度为什么没有富士通的快。 
[答:] NOR and AND is different. Please contact Renesas HK office for more details. 
[问:] Renesas哪一种/类的variable capacitance diode在世界范围内最具增长潜力?  
[答:] Please contact: htm&fp=/support/purchasing_info  
[问:] Renesas闪存的编程和三星与Intel的是否兼容?采用什么工具烧录?烧录速度有多块?
[答:] 1. Not compatible with Samsung and Intel flash. 2. Please contact with Renesas local office as for program tool.  
[问:] Renesas闪存的连接接口有几种?能适合多高速度的USB控制器?  
[答:] 1. Super AND has Super-AND I/F and SRAM I/F. AG-AND has NAND type I/F. 2.It depends on USB flash controller. 
[问:] superAND与普通的and有何区别 
[答:] Please refer to page 11 for Super-AND
[问:] XMC的数据保护采取了那些措施?它的操作系统有那些? 
[答:] Please refer to page 31 to 33 for XMC 
[问:] X-移动卡的最大容量是多少?  
[答:] 64MByte now. 
[问:] x-移动卡是什么样子?主要功能是什么? 
[答:] Please refer to page 31 to 33 for XMC
[问:] X-移动卡是一种新技术应用吗?  
[答:] Please refer to page 31 to 33 for XMC
[问:]  读写过程中发热程度如何?时间稍长呢 
[答:] It depends on the equipment, component or cards, operating condition, etc. 
[问:] 该产品在5v单片机系统中是否可以直接使用  
[答:] It is impossible to use our product directly used in 5V system.  
[问:] 关于AND FLASH在供货以及价格上会有什么优势来对抗TOSHIBA,SAMSUNG以及ST,HY等一系列品牌?  
[答:] Please refer to page 31 to 33 for XMC 
[问:] 贵公司近来闪存供货货期不好,请问原因?我们生产没料! 
[答:] Renesas Beijing office will contact with you.  
[问:] 贵公司在中国有分公司吗?能提供哪些技术支持?AND闪存有在产品中应用的例子吗?<br> 谢谢! 
[答:] 1. Yes. Please refer to the following website URL. purchasing_info 2. Application of AND-FLASH : USB Flash drive, DSC, DVC, Mobile phone, and Flash memory cards etc.
[问:] 接刚才的问题,比如在编程或者擦除出错以后,需要判断ECC是否可以纠正的情况,但是这个在实际使用中存在很多的困难,有些controller只有在DMA通道中才有ECC check的功能,而不能用来单独进行ECC check  
[答:] Controller needs to be modified. Renesas HK office contact with you for more detail. 
[问:] 据说XD存储卡的读写速度要比MMC的快很多,请问两者的主要差别在哪里?谢谢~ 
[答:] No data is available. MM2 Is 20Mhz/Max. 
[问:] 卡的通信接口除了USB以外还有什么接口?  
[答:] Please refer to page 24 and 25 for MMC interface. 
[问:] 可以预测一下内存芯片的市场前景吗?在芯片的价格体系中,瑞萨的内存芯片会扮演一个什么角色? 
[答:] Please refer to Page 1 for Market outlook. Renesas target to follow market price. 
[问:] 能否简单介绍一下USB存储下的典型应用 
[答:] PC removable storage media. 
[问:] 你好:1。请介绍一下闪存的工作原理和使用注意事项。 
[答:] Please refer to the following website: ag_and_flash_memory/&title=Documentation&lid=470
[问:] 你好:1。请介绍一下闪存的工作原理和使用注意事项。  
[答:] Pls refer to the product information which you can get from; ag_and_flash_memory/&title=Documentation&lid=470  
[问:] 请介绍闪存中的AND,NAND和NOR结构,性能以及用途,它们之间有何区别?
[答:] Please refer to page14. 
[问:] 请介绍闪存中的AND,NAND和NOR结构,性能以及用途,它们之间有何区别?  
[答:] Please refer to page14. 
[问:] 请问:如何申请样片?  
[答:] Please refer to the following website: asing_info  
[问:] 请问:在高速写入时抗干扰性能如何 
[答:] Nothing, by using within specification. 
[问:] 请问AND系列闪存是否也可用于移动存储?如果可能,为何还要开发MMC?毕竟AND是开放式的。  
[答:] Yes. AG-And or Super-And components are for embedded data storage use. MMC card is for a removable media. MMC card is also built with AG-And components. 
[问:]  请问贵公司的闪存和普通市面上的闪存优势在什么地方?请详细解答,谢谢!<br> 各种闪存的接口怎么兼容,能提供详细的文档资料吗,谢谢! 
[答:] <Advantage>1.AG-AND is the fastest MLC and faster than SLC. 2.Memory cell is smallest in the world. 3. Production is flexible by utilizing capacity of outer source. <Compatibility I/F> Conventional And-Flash is not compatible, AG-AND/ Super-AND has some unique pi.
[问:] 请问闪存在系统设计中应如何使用?设计有那些注意的问题?控制器如何访问?谢谢  
[答:] Please refer to the following website for Application Notes: ory/ag_and_flash_memory/&dscl=disclaimer1.html&title=Application%20 Notes&lid=470  
[问:] 瑞萨AND闪存与当下流行的NAND闪存有何区别?  
[答:] Program and Erase block size are different. Please refer to our data sheet. 
[问:] 什么是ML技术?有何好处?  
[答:] 1 It means Multi-Level cell. 2 Data is kept on one cell. Advantage is 1) smaller die size , 2) high density 
[问:] 是否有工业级的芯片?是否提供免费样品?怎样获取详细资料?  
[答:] Please refer to the following website: /purchasing_info  
[问:] 索要有关资料,发我的EMAIL:<br>  
[答:] Please refer to the following website: cts/memory/ag_and_flash_memory/&site=i  
[问:] 我关注的是信息的安全性和联接接口俩方面:<br> <br> 作为信息存储的介质如何保证信息的安全、不被窃取;<br> 如果应用在通信终端或智能手机中,是否可提供信息加密的功能或处理能力;<br> 目前usb\1394\uwb等高速接口在存储介质中的应用及未来的发展。<br> <br> 谢谢!  
[答:] Users should protect the data by own responsibility using password, Pin secure and so on. USB type will retain main I/F within few years. 
[问:] 我们关心的是MMC的接口性能,是否能提供相关的CD资料和提供产品的样品?  
[答:] Please refer to the following website: asing_info  
[问:] 我们只是闪存的应用级用户,请谈一下你的闪存的应用情况及其优劣。 
[答:] <Application>Digital Consumer products, such as DSC, DVC, Mobile phone, PDA, E-dictionary and etc. <Advantage> 1.AG-AND is the fastest MLC and faster than SLC. 2.Memory cell is smallest in the world. 3. Production is flexible utilizing capacity of outer source.  
[问:] 想了解下该产品的性能、功耗、尺寸以及接口特性。  
[答:] Please refer to the following website: ag_and_flash_memory/&title=Documentation&lid=470
[问:] 想了解下该产品的性能、功耗、尺寸以及接口特性。 
[答:] Please refer to the following website: ag_and_flash_memory/&title=Documentation&lid=470
[问:] 在设计产品的时候,MMC的成本大概是多少?<br>  
[答:] Please contact Renesas HK office.
[问:] 怎样处理闪存卡的数据加密问题?是写在卡里吗?  
[答:] Users should protect the data by own responsibility using password, Pin secure and so on.  
[问:] 这些卡主要针对那些类电子产品的  
[答:] Digital Consumer products such as DSC, DVC, Mobile phone, PDA, E-dictionary and etc. 

瑞萨电子(TSE: 6723),科技让生活更轻松,致力于打造更安全、更智能、可持续发展的未来。作为全球微控制器供应商,瑞萨电子融合了在嵌入式处理、模拟、电源及连接方面的专业知识,提供完整的半导体解决方案。成功产品组合加速汽车、工业、基础设施及物联网应用上市,赋能数十亿联网智能设备改善人们的工作和生活方式。更多信息,敬请访问。关注瑞萨电子微信公众号,发现更多精彩内容。