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这次在线座谈会主要介绍飞利浦半导体公司的各种功率MOSFET器件系列的主要性能,包括工业应用的20V/30V/60V uTrend MOSFET以及25V/30V和31V-200V的Trend MOSFET以及Power MOSFET的各种应用案例.这次在线座谈还将介绍用于MB/NB/服务器,开关电源和手提设备的功率MOSFET器件和它们的各种封装.


[问:gaoyh] 利用MOS器件设计电路的注意问题。 
[答:Adam] 1. VDS breakdown voltage.2. operating current.3. circuit performance, like efficiency/thermal and it is related with RDS(on) and Qg character.  [2004-7-29 10:31:02]
[问:王庆功] 场效应管漏极所承受的反相电压需怎么计算? 
[答:Sean] it is specified in datasheet.  [2004-7-29 10:33:49]
[问:xucheng] Generally how many power mosfets are needed in one Notebook computer? And what are the main requirements for them? 
[答:Adam] If talking about power MOSFET, then it is about 12pcs to 16pcs for CPU/chipset/DDR...and if for switching then it will about 20~30pcs.  [2004-7-29 10:33:52]
[问:aegean_wu] 新的封装形式日新月异,对于传统的封装在近几年是否会淘汰呢? 
[答:YYchen] Yes, the package will be smaller.  [2004-7-29 10:34:58]
[问:develop] 飞利浦的功率MOS器件的型号命名是否能与其他公司如IR,Fairchild,ST等公司相对应和替换? 
[答:Eric] Not all of the parts are can cross with other suppliers. Like Si4800 we have the same namingwith Vishay. But most of the naming are not do the same way. We have our naming stratgy.  [2004-7-29 10:36:11]
[问:yuli9721iu] 在解决提高功率的同时,又要把各种噪声压制到最小。贵公司有什么好的可操作的方法? 
[答:Adam] if you plan to keep the noise or loss to more small, then the more better MOSFET is neccessary.and the lower RDS(on) and low Qg figuer is good for eliminated this issue.  [2004-7-29 10:36:15]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2004-7-29 10:36:39]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是飞利浦公司的:Adam Liao,Eric Wen,Sean Chen,Tom Chiu,David Huang,Silvia Chen和Y Y Chen  [2004-7-29 10:37:00]
[问:chang-shan] 请问:1、最大工作功率2、最高工作频率3、最高工作电压 
[答:Eric] Which type?  [2004-7-29 10:37:25]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-7-29 10:38:11]
[问:x2b] 用于电子镇流器的功率MOSFET与BJT相比,MOSTET具有哪些优势(技术、成本、可靠性等方面)? 
[答:David] MOSfet is mainly applied for low power consumption application while BJT might consume more than MOSFet can do !Normally, BJT product is more cheaper than MOSfet ...  [2004-7-29 10:38:43]
[问:YGQ] 1)请问P沟道 130A以上 50V的MOS管价格最低的有那些型号。 2)在设计开关电源时,需考虑耐压和电流之外,请问还需要考虑那些呢?       多谢!!! 
[答:Adam] PHP112N06TPHP11N06LTPHP20N06TPHP21N06LTPHP54N06TPSMN005-55Pabove for you reference and you also can refer this on Philips web site.Loss and efficeincy also imnportant.  [2004-7-29 10:39:00]
[问:dw] 功率器件如何与pcb线路板完美匹配. 
[答:Tom] 如果是需要用到PCB來散熱的,要特別留意面積大小,可參考Philips的應用說明 [2004-7-29 10:39:07]
[问:zhaoshenj] 如何降低开关电源中所产生的尖峰电压对MOSFET的损坏?有那些保护措施? 
[答:Silvia] snubber circuit or protect the device  [2004-7-29 10:40:49]
[问:xyc1968] 在VHF段,特别是在87mHz~108mHz,单管输出功率什么时候可以做到500W?在VHF段除BLF-278外还有其它的器件吗?, 
[答:Sean] so sorry, we do not talk about RF MOS device today.  [2004-7-29 10:40:49]
[问:lianmengwkf] 在DC-DC电路中,MOS管损耗怎么计算? 
[答:Adam] 1. P=V*I and also P=I2 *R. [2004-7-29 10:41:45]
[问:tqmyy2000] mos器件的高位驱动应用有哪些技巧? 
[答:Sean] 要提供足够的驱动能力和妥善的保护。注意驱动电阻的选择。  [2004-7-29 10:45:24]
[问:流云飞梭] 请问现在MOS器件都是运用什么技术,飞利浦又有哪些领先的技术突破?未来的半导体将朝什么方向发展?谢谢 
[答:Adam] 1. currently that our tech is Trench process.2. the newly is uTrench process for low voltage products.thanks.  [2004-7-29 10:47:58]
[问:laterboy] 能否介绍功率MOSFET的线性放大性能和噪音特性? 
[答:YYchen] MOSFET not linear AMP. ( transistor )please verify the 噪音特性 ?  [2004-7-29 10:49:35]
[问:Ding] 请比较MOSFET的几种封装的频率特性和热特性以及封装成本.能否用数据来说明? 
[答:David] Normally , the Sw. frequency is not directly related to the package type but the package type is really impact the Thermal performance, such as SO-8 (poor thermal) / Dpack / D2pak / LFpak / QLpak package (best thermal performance)will show the different thermal perfomance grade ... !As for the detailed data number, pls. kindly refer to our related datasheet for your further reference !  [2004-7-29 10:49:46]
[问:ww_wuji] 我想问:MOSFET可以代替肖特基作同步整流管吗?有没有参考线路? 
[答:Sean] 当然可以,现在这类的应用已经非常普遍。参考电路可以上飞利浦的网站下载。或联系我的代理商。  [2004-7-29 10:50:45]
[问:cedar] 在设计高频率电源时,输出变压器的参数与MOS管的参数的匹配应注意些什么? 
[答:Adam] If you talking about the secondary side "MOSFET",then the spike voltage should more attention.please let me know if this is for your quesiton.  [2004-7-29 10:53:04]
[问:cheng508] 请问贵公司MOS管中,n沟道在2.7V电压时最低ON电阻为多少?是什么型号?谢谢!! 
[答:Tom] PSMN006-20KVds = 20 V (as you did not mention Vds)SOT 96-1 (SO-8)Rds(ON)=8.2 mOhm at 1.8VRds(ON)=5.7 mOhm at 2.5VRds(ON)=5 mOhm at 4.5Vis this OK for you ?  [2004-7-29 10:55:26]
[问:zhaoshenj] 能否详细介绍开关电源中变压器的设计原则? 
[答:Eric] It is more detail question. Some books like power supply can describe it. you can refer the books below:1.Switching Power Supply Design. It"s written byAbraham I. Pressman.2.SWITCHMODE POWER SUPPLY HANDBOOK. It"s written by KEITH BILLINGS.  [2004-7-29 10:56:07]
[问:kelen] 该MOS管使用的散热片最小是什么尺寸 
[答:Adam] Please advise which MOSFET part that you talking.and if for MOSFET products, currently that our smallest pacakge with heatsink is DPAK is application in DC-DC application.  [2004-7-29 10:56:31]
[问:lianmengwkf] N沟道的MOS在高端应用时,有没有简单的驱动方式? 
[答:YYchen] using MAXIM driver IC on N/B,using LT driver IC.  [2004-7-29 10:57:34]
[问:ywmdzxx] 请问50A以上大功率管输出控制的线性度如何 
[答:Sean] 通常来讲,电流越大其线性区越长。  [2004-7-29 10:57:40]
[问:tqmyy2000] 飞利浦MOS器件在高位电子开关中的应用,有无案例? 
[答:Adam] If high to 600V ~ 800V then it is applicaiton in Switching mode power supply.and if for low voltage then the applicaiotn range is very wide.  [2004-7-29 10:59:23]
[问:Hawy] 用在开关电源时,功率MOSFET的栅极驱动和器件保护有那几种好方法? 
[答:Silvia] add zener diode  [2004-7-29 11:00:01]
[问:Terry Kong] Will Philips entry the market of IRF630-IRF840 high volt MOSFET series ? 
[答:David] Yes, we do !But, due to market dynamics we"ll consider to have a low profile for this market and may consider any possibilities to slow down the business push from this product range ...  [2004-7-29 11:00:06]
[问:laterboy] 200V的MOSFET的Id电流允许有多高?是否需要加散热片? 
[答:YYchen] PSMN057-200B/P, the Id current is 39A.headsink is base on your design margin and design conditions.  [2004-7-29 11:00:18]
[问:Hawy] Philips有没有集成了PWM控制器和功率MOSFET的产品?是那几种型号? 
[答:Sean] 此类产品我们已经大批量提供。详细资料可上网查询或联系我们的代理商。TEA1620,TEA1622,TEA1623.TEA1520,TEA1521,TEA1522,TEA1523,TEA1524  [2004-7-29 11:00:37]
[问:ww_wuji] 低压大电流的MOSFET的栅极驱动的功率是不是比普通的高压MOSFET的大一些? 
[答:Eric] Do you mean Vgs? It"s depends on what kinds of application.  [2004-7-29 11:01:16]
[问:laterboy] 为了安全可靠,功率MOSFET的应用参数与额定参数应有多大的富余量? 
[答:Adam] Normally the margin is 20% ~ 40%, depending on ctm application.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:01:46]
[问:bruceshang] 关于MOS器件损伤之检测技术 
[答:YYchen] using multi-meter to test open or short.  [2004-7-29 11:02:18]
[问:zf_fan] 使用时有何降额要求? 
[答:Sean] 完全依赖你的应用,通常来讲20%是必须的。  [2004-7-29 11:03:05]
[问:nevermind] 能否评价一下贵公司功率MOSFET产品与其他厂商相比有何优缺点? 
[答:Adam] Philips MOSFET is focusing on below 200V products.and the lower RDS(on) and good performance should be the benifit for all of our ctms.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:03:50]
[问:tqmyy2000] 能否介绍一种用N沟道MOS器件的高位电子开关的应用案例? 
[答:YYchen] Philips has 600V MOSFET in the LCD monitor power supply of primary side. ( PWM+MOSFET )  [2004-7-29 11:03:59]
[问:lianmengwkf] SO-8封装的MOS,如果没有足够的PCB用来散热,采用MOS并联的方法应注意什么? 
[答:Sean] 请注意选用同型号,同公司的产品。驱动线路完全相同即可。  [2004-7-29 11:05:14]
[问:zyn37] 驱动晶闸管的数字控制电路贵公司有吗?什么型号? 
[答:Adam] I am sorry that our topic here is MOSFET products.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:06:12]
[问:zyn37] IR公司的2136,2103等700伏特驱动器IC能否被贵公司替代,什么型号,可否提供样品? 
[答:Sean] it is not our topic today.  [2004-7-29 11:06:42]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-7-29 11:07:11]
[问:tennad] 能否介绍一下耐压在400V左右(电流不大)的产品,价格如何 
[答:Silvia] Sorry, Philips doesn"t provide products of 400V currently.  [2004-7-29 11:07:24]
[问:jasonell] MOSFET 的选择会不会影响到控制环路的稳定? 
[答:YYchen] YES  [2004-7-29 11:07:25]
[问:方圆电子] 开关时间引起的器件本身功耗问题? 
[答:Sean] 显然,开关时间越短越好,尽量不要让器件工作在线性区。  [2004-7-29 11:08:25]
[问:hengguo] 功率MOSFET和双极晶体管在可靠性和性能上有何优点? 
[答:Adam] The MOSFET have more lower (switching/conduction)loss due to it is majority carrier device. [2004-7-29 11:11:16]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-7-29 11:13:04]
[问:zyn37] 在电子镇流器方面,贵公司与美国IR公司的2157,2159等产品比较有优势吗? 
[答:David] As for Electronic Ballast is not an " IC component " from us but we do have the driver IC for this type of application. The P/N is like UBA2021 / UBA2014 ... etc.So, it"s hard to compare the IC product to other component modules like from IR"s ...Hope this can give you some ideas but you may contact our local sales for more information ... as well.  Tks !  [2004-7-29 11:13:49]
[问:mysky] 如何降低功率MOSFET的EMI?在使用上需要采用何种方法? 
[答:YYchen] Add snubber between D-S  [2004-7-29 11:14:19]
[问:tintin] 在高频率开关电源中,驱动电路如何克服功率MOSFET的大输入电容的影响?谢谢! 
[答:Adam] Did you plan to reduce the switching loss ?thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:15:40]
[问:lgwyt] Philips"s MOS Devices compare with CMOS Devices In Power_Consume.Which is the best? 
[答:Eric] Power consume is base on what kind of package. If the packages are the same their power consume is almost the same. For example you can refer PHC21025 & PHN210.That"s exactly CMOS has much better performance than stand MOS. [2004-7-29 11:16:08]
[问:tintin] 在使用开关电源供电地情况下,视频运放在使用中非常容易出现自激现象。如何克服自激现象。   谢谢! 
[答:Sean] sorry, it is not our topic today.  [2004-7-29 11:18:06]
[问:chan_ge] 请介绍汽车应用中防静电问题 
[答:YYchen] For Automotive application, Philips provide the BUKxxx series MOSFET for car application.Contact our people or website for detail.  [2004-7-29 11:18:24]
[问:cuizhen1802] 飞利浦功率MOS器件的特点及其在同类器件中的技术优势是什么?谢谢! 
[答:Tom] Philips MOS 在與 SO8 相同PCB面積的最新 LFPAK 及 QFPAK 都在散熱效能上有很大的突破而在 電腦產品 和 電源設計 上的隱定和大比例的市場佔有率 可叫大家對 Philips MOS 的穩定性和表現 都有很好的  [2004-7-29 11:18:33]
[问:tintin] 贵公司的功率MOS场效应关可用于小型马达驱动,请问有没有专用于PWM输出驱动控制直流永磁微型电动机的集成芯片? 
[答:Silvia] yes, depend on your applpicationpls visit Philips" website and our sales for detail [2004-7-29 11:21:31]
[问:zyn37] 使用中MOSFET容易烧毁,最重要的要注意什么? 
[答:Adam] The important point should be the spike voltage.and energy result the thermal to make the part going to degrade.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:21:49]
[问:qzwu] philips有没有LDMOS?最高能承受多少电压? 
[答:Silvia] LDMOS is old process, we didn"t have kind of process now, sorryFor other needs, pls visit Philips" website  [2004-7-29 11:23:13]
[问:zhaoshenj] Philips能否提供单封装全桥整流模块?如有,请介绍产品型号和主要特性. 
[答:Tom] Philips沒有单封装全桥整流模块....  [2004-7-29 11:24:47]
[问:hengguo] 功率MOSFET是否主要用在开关应用?能否用在放大电路? 
[答:Adam] Normally MOSFET were were using in the power applicaiton, not so much in amplifier applicaiton.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:25:40]
[问:yikesan] 飞利浦功率MOS器件与IR公司的器件有何异同点?有什么优势? 
[答:David] Philips MOS has its own superior features / package advantage, you may find it from our Micro trench mos / LFpak / QLpak ... etc while the other componies won"t have it now !  [2004-7-29 11:26:55]
[问:benfu] 有没有温度保护或检测之类考虑 
[答:Eric] Most of MOSFET have no thermal protection. In PHILIPS TOPFET series MOSFET for automotive application we offer these function.Please refer BUK100-50GL.  [2004-7-29 11:28:12]
[问:nevermind] 贵公司uTrench的工艺水平如何?例如槽宽和槽深在什么量级上? 
[答:Adam] Philips uTrenchMOS process is sub-Micron level process.  [2004-7-29 11:28:16]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-7-29 11:31:28]
[问:zyn37] 请问MOSFET和IGBT相比,哪个更有前途?MOSFET相比IGBT有什么突出的优点? 
[答:Adam] MOSFET product general it"s voltage range is high to 600V~800V.and IGBT is more high voltage  higher 800V.also the applicaiton were different.Thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:31:38]
[问:jun] 电子开关中有多少应用MOS元件? 
[答:Sean] 非常普遍,最多的是负载开关。  [2004-7-29 11:31:53]
[问:eechina1] 请问贵公司的NMOS中,Vds=60V左右一档中,Id最大可以达到多少安培? 
[答:Adam] The continuous Drian current is 75A.and peak current is around 300A.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:32:47]
[问:nantan] 请问在设计笔记本Vcore电源时,选择MOS的哪些重要参数,来避免60A电流直接灌进后端负载,从而烧坏北桥呢? 
[答:Eric] Rds(on),Qgd and Vgs(th)  [2004-7-29 11:32:50]
[问:kingta] 请问有无适用于宽频大幅度(功率)信号放大的MOS管(<400MHz) 
[答:YYchen] MOSFET is not amp., MOSFET is switch by voltage turn on of Vgs.  [2004-7-29 11:34:25]
[问:weke] 请介绍有关mos器件的功率、封装、控制方式等技术参数资料! 
[答:Tom] may be this MOS internet link is helpful to you /catalog/^30928 /30689/index.html#30689  [2004-7-29 11:34:40]
[问:michael.hsieh] 請問貴公司的MOS器件參數是1A左右的PNP MOS管是那一些系列型號? 
[答:Adam] We have several P channel parts.for example the BSH207 is around 1.5A and pacakge is TSOP6.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:35:17]
[问:xyc1968] 能否给我提供一份PHILIPS的高频功率器件的使用手册?谢谢! 
[答:Adam] Hello,Please going to below web site address for more detail document. markets/mms/applications/index.html  [2004-7-29 11:37:33]
[问:jiangfj] 请问噪声系数指标如何? 
[答:Silvia] pls describe more for this questionFor S/N ratio, it may show in datasheetpls contact Philips website to download its datasheet  [2004-7-29 11:37:37]
[问:cuizhen1802] 当今MOS器件应用的发展趋势?谢谢! 
[答:Silvia] it has showed in presentation slidepls back to review it  [2004-7-29 11:40:02]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-7-29 11:41:09]
[问:forster] 飞利浦有否底阻值的mos,要求大电流,表贴,相关参数 
[答:Adam] PHB101NQ03LTD2-PAK 30V 75APHB160N03TD2-PAK 30V 75AThanks.  [2004-7-29 11:41:22]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-7-29 11:42:48]
[问:mysky] Philips的功率MOSFET有没有汽车电子级的产品?能否告知具体型号和工作温度? 
[答:Sean] we have a dedicate series MOS for auto application BUKxxx. pls go to our website for details.  [2004-7-29 11:43:21]
[问:cityoneyjc] 那一种封装的电流能力与封装尺寸之比最高? 
[答:Sean] LFPAK  [2004-7-29 11:44:20]
[问:liujun123] 开关电源中脉冲变压器的设计很关键.请问为了减小脉冲变压器引起的脉动和谐波,该采取那些措施?变压器如何和MPSFET相适应或匹配? 
[答:Adam] If you under the QR mode working, then the working frequency will also effect the performance.and clamp/Zener/TVS also can do some improvement.thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:46:02]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给飞利浦公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,飞利浦公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2004-7-29 11:46:13]
[问:fxzzs] 飞利浦的POWER MOSFET与其它公司的产品比较,在开关特性方面有何不同呢? 
[答:YYchen] Our trigger voltage is lower than Vgs is 1.8, see PMWD15UN datasheet for example.  [2004-7-29 11:47:37]
[问:xiaodix] 贵公司产品性价比如何? 
[答:Silvia] Philips provide competitive products. Please visit Philips website, if you"d like to learn more about our products.  [2004-7-29 11:48:27]
[问:liujun123] MOSFET在空载时应如何处理才比较合适? 
[答:Adam] under no load working, the more important point is the controller and feedback signal loop. and it should more lower effective.  [2004-7-29 11:48:38]
[问:cityoneyjc] 如何确定功率MOSFET的热阻?如何解决封装尺寸和MOSFET散热问题? 
[答:YYchen] See datasheet Rj-c and Rj-a parameter.change more big rang MOSFET for the margin or add headsink.  [2004-7-29 11:50:38]
[问:lianmengwkf] 贵公司驻中国办事处能否提供样品? 
[答:Sean] 可以  [2004-7-29 11:51:16]
[问:lianmengwkf] MOS管的开关损耗怎么计算?在DC-DC中应该怎样保护MOSFETS? 
[答:Eric] Ps=(1/T)Integral (I2(Vgs)*R(Vgs))dt  [2004-7-29 11:51:17]
[问:kelen] MOS管作为开关管如何用? 
[答:Adam] The basic operating of MOSFET is Gate control.when you apply the ON/OFF signal to Gate terminal then it is that we say switching.Thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:53:34]
[问:zuner] 开关电源中整流桥后的电容选择有何原则?它对波纹有何影响? 
[答:Silvia] It must consider about voltage,ripple currentrating and capacitance. The more high capacitance,the more low ripple & noise at output.  [2004-7-29 11:54:53]
[问:liujun123] 目前开关电源的输出纹波有很多解决方案,但是,究竟哪种方法或者材料可以将其限制在50mV以内呢? 
[答:YYchen] primary side : using big bulk cap.secondary side : using more big LC filter or 2 layer LC filter. , To see transformance coupling is good or not.  [2004-7-29 11:55:33]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与飞利浦公司讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请飞利浦公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2004-7-29 11:55:35]
[问:jun] 设计一个电路时如何考虑功率元件在线路中的匹配? 
[答:Eric] 1.How many phases to share the current and how many pcs MOSFET in each phase.2.In high side you need care about Qgd, and in low side you need care about Rds(on).3.What kind of package is suitable for your circuit.  [2004-7-29 11:55:41]
[问:xddyw] 请问功率MOS管烧毁的条件与其Vgs电压过低有关?另外,能否告知一般MOS管的ESD电压为多大? 
[答:Adam] If fact, MOSFET have VDS / VGS breakdown character.And the normally ESD capability of MOSFET products is around x00 V.Thanks.  [2004-7-29 11:55:56]
[问:zuner] 要增加输出功率,能否把MOSFET并联使用?如何选择这两种MOSFET?驱动时有何要注意的地方? 
[答:YYchen] Yes, choose same brand MOSFET and part number, the driver need to choose can trigger MOSFET directly.  [2004-7-29 11:57:19]
[问:xilili] 请问贵公司对COOLMOS是否有相应研究及成熟产品?目前已达到何种程度?谢谢。 
[答:David] So far we don"t have the exact device but we do have the new device types such as we just introduced the LFpak & QLpak series is quite innovative at the moment though !  [2004-7-29 11:58:55]
[问:ywmdzxx] 现在中小功率电源中仍以PWM技术为主,请问大功率管采取的是不是软开关谐振技术控制为主 
[答:David] Actually, the PWM IC will dominate the Soft switching control but of course every MOSfet can be controlled by this PWM IC.Meanwhile, for the High side MOSFet we used to look for the lower Qgd rating device to get the higher switching performance ... !  [2004-7-29 12:00:43]
[问:engeary] 1、如何评估功率过冲对功率MOS器件(如LDMOS)的影响?即功率过冲量与过冲时间与器件失效的关系。 
[答:Eric] Each MOSFET spec. has offer the parameter about this. So base on different device it"s characterics are different.  [2004-7-29 12:01:25]
[问:zuner] 功率MOSFET能否用在D类放大器?对MOSFET有何特别的要求? 
[答:Eric] Yes, it is. The voltage around over than 110V.  [2004-7-29 12:04:17]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,华为技术有限公司 的xddyw,经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为xddyw 的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。   [2004-7-29 12:04:47]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的飞利浦公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的飞利浦公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2004-7-29 12:09:15]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的飞利浦公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的飞利浦公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2004-7-29 12:10:11]

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