
热门关键字: 智能卡 比特 HMI H.264 



这次在线座谈将介绍嵌入式系统开发工程师面临的设计挑战,针对Blackfin处理器的开发提供了那些软件开发工具和操作系统以及如何利用这些软件开发工具解决设计中的难题,以及完全支持Blackfin处理器的ADI公司的VisualDSP++TM集成开发与调试环境(IDDE)的CROSSCORE?系列开发工具,和Green Hills公司提供的MULTI9? 集成开发环境(IDE)工具套件.


[问:116948] 在使用BF533内部的regulator提供VDDINT时候,是否一定需要一块MOS开关管,该管子由VROUT1,VROUT0控制?是否可以VDDINT直接外接3.3V电源? 
[答:Jack] Yes. BF provides internal regulator.VDDINT can connect 1.2V voltage input.  [2004-7-20 10:35:54]
[问:018984] visual dsp++可以仿真调试MPEG2数据流吗?图像可不可以实时显示在仿真接口内? 
[答:Rick] It is good question . Visualdsp++ can simulator mpeg2 algorithm . 1. On simulator status the data stream can be input based on PPI data simulator which is a function provide by visualdsp++2. On emulator status you can debug the MPEG2 algorithm based on vidualdsp++ and EZKit or own board.In visualdsp++ you can view image based on the image view function . Since the plot video data real time need a very big bandwidth it will influence the video processing. So in simulator video can not be view  real time.  [2004-7-20 10:38:39]
[问:018984] 请问用Blackfin如何实现4个E1接口?2个Blackfin芯片如何用DMA方式通信? 
[答:Jack] 1. USE SPORTS"s TDM mode, it can realize up to 128 E1 ports.2. You can use UART or SPI to connect two BF. So you use UART/SPI DMA to transmit data.  [2004-7-20 10:40:36]
[问:qin] 请教adsp-21535的引导问题?我现在用adsp-21535的第四种引导模式(bypass 内部的boot),使程序直接从0x2000000处开始运行,flash芯片为dsm2150f5v(电路图与开发板一样),请问我该如何配置dsm2150f5v(mian 、second) 
[答:Amy] FLASH:dsm2150f5v(mian 、second)的配置根据你的系统要求和软件要求确定.adsp-21535的第四种引导模式(bypass 内部的boot)对FLASH没有要求.您需要修改LDF和LDR的一些设置,使得生成正确的LDR文件.细节请参考VDSP的帮助文件,或写邮件给北京技术中心 [2004-7-20 10:41:09]
[问:467549] 我想用该开发工具开发“汽车蓝牙免提的声控系统”,功能有语音识别、声控拨号和杂音过滤等功能。我准备用ADSP-BF531这种芯片去开发,你们认为这种方案怎样,是否有更优的方案?请详细说说(包括方案及其开发工程)。 
[答:Jack] Yes. You can do that. BF has UART, so you can acess Bluetooth module through UART. BF has powerful MIPS to process voice.  [2004-7-20 10:42:02]
[问:Ligong981] 在visual dsp++中如何使用外置的内存,如Flash,SDRAM,SRAM等? 
[答:Singer] You can set the external memory in the VisualDSP++. For example, If you want to use the SDRAM, You can put these codes to your program:Setup_SDRAM:P0.L = EBIU_SDRRC & 0xFFFF;P0.H = (EBIU_SDRRC >> 16) & 0xFFFF; //SDRAM Refresh Rate Control RegisterR0 = 0x0817(Z); W[P0] = R0; SSYNC; P0.L = EBIU_SDBCTL & 0xFFFF; P0.H = (EBIU_SDBCTL >> 16) & 0xFFFF; //SDRAM Memory Bank Control RegisterR0 = 0x0013(Z);[P0] = R0;SSYNC; P0.L = EBIU_SDGCTL & 0xFFFF; P0.H = (EBIU_SDGCTL >> 16) & 0xFFFF; //SDRAM Memory Global Control RegisterR0.L = 0x998D;R0.H = 0x0091;[P0] = R0;SSYNC; Flash and SRAM is similar.   [2004-7-20 10:42:10]
[问:cactus1213] 如何用Blackfin系列DSP组成并行系统,加载方式是怎样的 
[答:Rick] normally you can use sport ,SPI  to transfer the data between two or more blackfin processor.It  is very easy to interface two blackfin with sport and spi!Blackfin support several boot mode: SPI booting 8bit/16bit flash boot .  [2004-7-20 10:43:13]
[问:kerlane] 您好,visualdsp++系列编译器经常出现预想不到的bug,尤其是在使用优化编译的时候,请问贵公司有没有同样的反馈信息,是否在更高级的版本中解决了这些问题?谢谢 
[答:Jack] You can use optimize option to configure what your program.So you can check what program in optimization has bug.  [2004-7-20 10:43:36]
[问:cycloneii] 我试用了visualdsp++ 3.5感觉visualdsp++的编译和simulator仿真速度比ti的ccs要慢一些,请问贵公司有这两种开发工具的比较资料吗? 
[答:Singer] We have some data about the different of VisualDSP and CCS. But they are ADI internal. Could you send your email to We will email to reply you late.  [2004-7-20 10:44:08]
[问:chyang_xm] 是否有采用BLACKFIN处理器的车载多媒体处理平台的参考设计方案? 
[答:Kevin] 目前为止还没有这样的参考方案。  [2004-7-20 10:44:11]
[问:844410] 请问你们提供的RTOS的名字?是由IDE自动嵌入RTOS的核么?就像ti的BIOS请简单介绍一下其特点和性能 
[答:Cheng] 和TI的BIOS相对应,ADI在IDE中提供VDK,并且VDK的代码尺寸比BIOS要小得多。另外,已经有很多第三方提供的操作系统,例如:Unicoi Fusion RTOS,Nucleus PLUS,ThreadX,CMX,Live Devices,uITRON (API),ucLinux等等。  [2004-7-20 10:45:35]
[问:qin] 求教有关Blackfin中断的问题:我现在用一个PF脚做中断输入,中断来以后,SIC_ISR相应的位被置“1”,可不知怎么清除,程序不停地进中断。 
[答:Tonny] Please clear your FIO_FLAG_C register in your interrupt handler subroutine. For detail, please refer to the Blackfin HRM  [2004-7-20 10:45:43]
[问:ice-river] 如果在BLACKFIN运行LINUX操作系统,需要那些开发软件 
[答:Amy] LINUX的原码开放的系统,您可以从一些网站上免费下载.您可以用VDSP的开发环境将LINUX系统移植到你的开发板上.如果您要在LINUX的环境下开发系统,可以用LINUX的-GCC去调试.如果您有细节问题,请与我们联系  [2004-7-20 10:46:40]
[问:wxg6544] 一整套的开发工具多少钱? 
[答:Michael] Promotion price is US$1200, ordering number is ADDS-BF533-TOOLKIT which includes:1) ADDS-BF533-EZLITE, Evaluation kits (正常价 US$400)2) ADDS-HPPCI-ICE, emulator (正常价 US$4000)3) VDSP-BLKFN-PC-FULL, development software(正常价 US$3500)  [2004-7-20 10:47:45]
[问:qin] 请问Blackfin代码下载运行前SDRAM的配置: 本人将程序配置在SDRAM中,用USB接口可以自动将代码直接下载到SDRAM中。用JTAG的Emulator时怎么样在下载和运行程序之前配置SDRAM呢?多谢! 
[答:Jenny] 您需要将配置SDRAM的初始化代码放入LDF文件的开始处。  [2004-7-20 10:48:09]
[问:726304] 561双核都要访问sdram,如何才能最大限度的提高资料吞吐率。数据传输时有没有特别要注意的问题。 
[答:Rick] Well, they have a shared on-chip L2 memory. You can do semaphores in there. They also share the SDRAM interface, so all off-chip memory is accessible to both cores. They can using the DMA traffic control  to implement the effection of the data bandwidth.Cache is also a good method the implement the effection of access external memory  [2004-7-20 10:48:39]
[问:116948] can i use general video decoder with 656 format to connect with bf533? such as saa7113,etc 
[答:Jenny] Of course, you can. BF533 has CCIR-656 compatible PPI interface which support CCIR-656 video codec.  [2004-7-20 10:49:58]
[问:swinger] 如何采用BLACKFIN处理器架构设计陀螺信号处理系统?ADI公司的平面陀螺是否采用BLACKFIN处理器架构进行信号处理? 
[答:Jack] BF is GP DSP, so it can be used in any signal processing.  [2004-7-20 10:50:11]
[问:jungchien] Blackfin处理器能采用几种操作系统? 
[答:Cheng] ADI在IDE中提供VDK,另外第三方提供Unicoi Fusion RTOS,Nucleus PLUS,ThreadX,CMX,Live Devices,uITRON (API),uCLinux 等等。  [2004-7-20 10:51:19]
[问:starrats] 您好!我想问一下在bf531的应用时,同时打开指令cache和data cache,sport dma会不正常(只打开指令cache是正常的).这是什么原因?有什么好的解决方法么?另外8bit的flash 脱机和16bit脱机应该要改动硬件的吧?所有的地址线都要改变。我们试验下来是如此。因为不改动硬件16bit脱机可以,而8bit则不可以。 
[答:Amy] 1.bf531的应用时,同时打开指令cache和data cache,sport dma不会影响SPORT DMA的工作的.2.8bit的flash 脱机和16bit脱机的硬件联机的确不同.你可以参考BF的硬件手册.您可以把你的出现问题告诉我们,我们很了个帮你解决 [2004-7-20 10:51:59]
[问:logicman] (1)Blackfin这种统一编程的体系结构与其它一些体系结构如多发射及MCU DSP并行比较有什么优势?该优势是如何测试出来的?(2)目前Blackfin系列处理器有那些能处理D1格式的MPEG4编码? 
[答:Singer] The main advantage is that the Blackfin processor is a union processor and a single development tools. And Blackfin support the C/C++. You can save your time and money. When you design a new system or a new project, blackfin will be the most easy to start the project running. In current, BF561 can do the D1 MPEG4 encoder.  [2004-7-20 10:52:08]
[问:mo_jianhao] 我用21535设计了一个pci卡,在设计硬件时参考了ad公司工程师所提供的原理图(采用intel21152解决电平兼容问题)。请问:在调试pci接口时有什么好调试工具?能否得到调试pci的测试程序(使用了intel21152)? 
[答:Jack] We have an EE document to discuss it, in which it has example. You can download it in ADI website.  [2004-7-20 10:52:28]
[问:woorr] ppi 源码 哪儿有啊? 
[答:Jenny] 在VisualDSP++ 软件的安装目录下,我们提供了code example. 您也可以在我们的网站和FTP上下载PPI相关的code  [2004-7-20 10:53:11]
[问:kingwcl] 如何使用profile工具,来解决程序中的瓶颈 
[答:Frank] 1)首先你可以通过profile来观察各个程序所占的运算量的比例,确定出哪一个程序的运算量最大。2)你可以在view菜单中观察程序的pipeline中是否存在stall等情况。  [2004-7-20 10:53:14]
[问:615571] 在音频编码中经常使用一些通用的定点函数,在Visual Dsp++中有一些替代的built-in函数,但是在替换进去后使用编译优化选项后结果会经常出错,有没有比较好的解决办法? 
[答:Rick] A good method to find the problem is using a #pragma optimize_for_speedto do optimize for single function in stead of using the global optimize option.  [2004-7-20 10:53:16]
[问:cycloneii] 今年年初ADI举办了blackfin的ez-lite kit的优惠活动,当时bf533评估板是99美元,bf561评估板是199美元,可惜现在优惠活动结束了,请问以后什么时候才会再有类似的优惠活动? 
[答:Michael] ADI are offering another promotion price for BF533 EZ-Lite at US$99 up to end of September, ordering part number is ADDS-BF533-EZLITE.  [2004-7-20 10:53:26]
[问:cycloneii] blackfin533(750Mhz)能否实现D1格式的mpeg4实时压缩? 
[答:Jack] You can try. Now I can see VGA in BF533.  [2004-7-20 10:53:38]
[问:Ligong981] 我想请教各位专家一个问题:如何用C语言开发533的Uart? 
[答:Jack] It is easy. You can get this example from  [2004-7-20 10:55:57]
[问:105979] 请介绍该开发工具套件的主要功能和特点、价格。谢谢! 
[答:Kevin] Blankfin的开发套件包括1.开发评估板一块,功能主要是针对用户用在DSP的评估2.开发软件平台,VisuaLDSP3.仿真工具HPPCL-ICE4.开发资料这套开发套件价格为US$1200. [2004-7-20 10:55:58]
[问:lkm1003a] 在使用BF531时,16BIT的脱机已成功,但8BIT的脱机不成功,请问是什么原因?FLASH芯片型号为MX29LV800(1MBYTE) 
[答:Rick] 1. pls make sure the loader configuration in visualdsp++ is exactly. you should refer to the loader manual to check the configuration.2. make sure the hardware interface is exactly . you should refer the blackfin 533 HW manual to check you hw design.Any confusion pls email to china.dsp for further technical support!  [2004-7-20 10:56:05]
[问:018984] Multi IDE 集成Rtos,这个RTos可不可以用在Blackfin中? 
[答:Singer] Multi IDE has the defferent versions and support many defferent processors. Multi IDE for Blackfin support the some RTOS kernal depends on the GHS information. If you want to look for more RTOS material, you can directly send email to GHS and asking.  [2004-7-20 10:56:18]
[问:lps1999] 请问DXE的文件格式是什么?如何才能转化为BIN文件格式?如何将我的数据文件直接调入RAM中?(在EZ-KIT533中) 
[答:Cheng] DXE是ADI DSP的可执行文件格式。在DSP领域没有BIN这样的文件格式,可以脱离DSP或IDE环境直接运行。您可以使用ICE或USB直接将资料调入DSP的片上资料RAM,但文件不能。  [2004-7-20 10:56:18]
[问:woorr] 请教blackfin533的ppi不能正常工作,采集的资料达不到一定的清晰度,该怎么设置? 
[答:Jack] It is video decoder"s problem.Set PPI in CCIR656 mode, PPI works.  [2004-7-20 10:56:44]
[问:mx040720] 用Matlab生成的程序,是否可以用VisualDSP++进行优化? 
[答:Frank] 1)凡是C语言编的程序,都可以在VDSP中通过打开优化开关的方式进行自动的优化。但是Matlab的程序的语法与C不同,需要用C语言写。  [2004-7-20 10:57:02]
[问:playyz] when can i get bf561 sample? 
[答:Cheng] 请联系您那里的ADI代理。  [2004-7-20 10:57:52]
[问:mx040720] VisualDSP++是否只是为BF设计,还是兼容其它系列的DSP? 
[答:Kevin] VisualDSP++兼容ADI的全系列DSP。  [2004-7-20 10:58:08]
[问:woorr] PPI的驱动该怎么编写? 
[答:Rick] We provide a PPI input and output code example in vidualdsp++ . you should refer to code example to write the PPI driver. I think it will be helpful to config the PPI exactly as you want !Any confusion about PPI configuration pls email to china.dsp for further technical support!  [2004-7-20 10:58:18]
[问:mx040720] VisualDSP++ 和Green Hills开发工具有何区别? 
[答:Jenny] MULTI and VisualDSP++ both cover the basics of IDEs. They are both modern integrated development environments. But they come from two different backgrounds. MULTI supports many processor architectures and has been used for developing large embedded systems. These include functions like networking, user interface, and even signal processing, for example voice over IP encode/decode, but really coming from the large embedded system application background.  [2004-7-20 10:59:21]
[问:S2001020] 能否使用图形接口程序,比如VC++,在脱离Visual DSP++的环境下,直接通过API函数对DSP进行操作,是否有现成的函数库 
[答:Frank] 只可以仿真,不可以实际操作。  [2004-7-20 10:59:29]
[问:018984] visual dsp++的免费试用版本的功能与正式版有差别吗? 
[答:Frank] 除了有时间限制之外,没有任何区别。  [2004-7-20 11:00:13]
[问:S2001020] 评估板上的很多器件都不能通过零售的方式买到,北京哪里可以购买 
[答:Rick] You should contact the related distributor for buy those parts.  [2004-7-20 11:00:56]
[问:huchen] do you have H.264 solution , or third party support it  
[答:Singer] ADI had the IP-STB solution based on the ADI Fusiv platform. It included the H.264 decoder. And ADI SST and several China 3rd parties are also working the H.264 decoder solution. Please keep the touch ADI about these solutions information. You can also scan ADI web site to find the newest inforamtion.  [2004-7-20 11:01:32]
[问:mo_jianhao] bf235 内含pci桥,调试pci有什么调试软件?怎么获取? 
[答:Cheng] 我想您说的BF535。调试PCI可以直接使用Visual DSP++编译环境,ADI提供PCI的驱动程序。请和china.dsp@analog.com联系。  [2004-7-20 11:01:41]
[问:darshou] 能否详细介绍微信号结构(MSA)结构?采用这种结构的指令集有何特点? 
[答:Jenny] It is hard to introduce MSA in several words, so would you please send to china.dsp@analog and we will apply you more detail information.Thanks.  [2004-7-20 11:02:13]
[问:mx040720] 请详细介绍VisualDSP++工具的可扩展性。 
[答:Amy] VISUALDSP++具有优越的性能,它可以进行软件的扩展,比如,VDSP可以通过SDL与MATLAB直接相连,运行MATLAB的程序.如果您对此有兴趣,可以与我们联系  [2004-7-20 11:02:44]
[问:jimmyguang] 我不太了解blackfin体系,能简单介绍一下其特点,如字长,结构,流水线等.它比其它体系如arm有什么优点? 谢谢! 
[答:Jack] You can look BF as ARM, same RISC architecture.But BF has more DSP instructions, long pipeline, large bandwidth.BF also has video perepheral to process video signal.  [2004-7-20 11:02:46]
[问:018984] 用Matlab如何与visual dsp++结合起来进行仿真? 
[答:Frank] 您在这个网址www.sdl.com上可以查到相关的内容。  [2004-7-20 11:03:33]
[问:playyz] 怎样分配CACHE, SDRAM为最佳,有没有一个算法? 
[答:Rick] Our Cache use LUR to be the principle. How to assign SDRAM to reach a best efficient is case by case . You can contact for further technical support in your application !  [2004-7-20 11:03:47]
[问:swinger] 在开发调试环境中,如何施加外部仿真信号? 
[答:Jack] In simulation, you can dump/.fill data to simulate your data. You can also simluate software perepheral to input/output data.  [2004-7-20 11:04:46]
[问:heburn] Blackfin处理器是浮点运算吗?能进行多少位运算?运算精度有多高? 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin processor is 16-Bit fixed point DSP processor.You also can implement 32-Bit float operation by software.The operation precision depends on your arithmetic and your program.  [2004-7-20 11:05:07]
[问:zwg73] 1. 开发工具是否支持 c/c++ 语言?2. 能否通过自制JTAG电缆调试程序?(不用仿真器,类似于Altera的FPGA调试方式)
[答:Amy] 1.VISUALDsp内嵌支持C/C++编程,无须安装别的软件.非常方便,高效.2.JTAG的设计非常复杂,除了硬件系统之外,还需要非常复杂的软件协议.所以,您如果有兴趣,不妨自己摸索一下.  [2004-7-20 11:05:48]
[问:bebe00] Blackfin处理器的工作频率高达750MHz.请介绍它的功耗有多大?如何进行功能管理?是DSP内部功能吗? 
[答:Singer] The power consumption depends on your working frequency and voltage. You can enter ADI web site /technicalLibrary/appNotes.htmlto find the EE-229. It will explain your requirement.  [2004-7-20 11:05:55]
[问:467549] 请问用于Blackfin处理器体系结构的开发工具的价格是多少?有没有用过该工具开发过“汽车蓝牙免提的声控系统”的工程实例。 
[答:Jack] 1200$ for BF toolkit.BF has been successfully used in car telematric system.  [2004-7-20 11:06:11]
[问:xingxiao] 你们有关于ccir 656方面的方案吗?? 
[答:Jack] You can ask the example from  [2004-7-20 11:06:42]
[问:playyz] BF535 可以用BF533的仿真工具开发吗?我公司之前买过ADSP2181的开发工具 ,是否可以通过软件升级来对BF5631进行仿真调试 
[答:Rick] Our ICE( HPUSB ICE /HPPCI ICE/Summit ICE/APEX ICE) can support all family of ADI processor. include BF533/2/1 and BF535 and BDF561.the ICE for ADSP2181 is special .it can support 218x only. Can not update to support Blackfin procesor  [2004-7-20 11:07:39]
[问:savio] 如何设定断点跟踪?有什么技巧? 
[答:Frank] 1)可以在调试程序中设置断点进行调试,同时观察变量的变化,但是如果打开了优化的开关,则局部变量是不能看到的。2)或者,可以写一个TCL测试脚本,用脚本对程序进行断点的设置,实现自动的测试。  [2004-7-20 11:07:45]
[问:jshzsm] 能否介绍Blackfin处理器中的寻址功能. 
[答:Jenny] There are 4 units that generate addresses for memory accesses, including:  Two Data Address Generators (DAG0 and DAG1)Generates addresses for data fetches;The Program Sequencer Generates addresses for instruction fetchesAutomatically controlled from program;The DMA controller Generates addresses for DMA transfersUser defines addresses for source and destination of transferDMA controller automatically generates addresses to complete DMA transfer.  [2004-7-20 11:07:47]
[问:sim0407] VisualDSP++工具是否有反汇编功能? 
[答:Jenny] Of course, yes.  [2004-7-20 11:08:02]
[问:frances1236] 什么是分级内存结构?它有何优点?如何对它们进行内存管理? 
[答:Cheng] 片内存储器分为L1和L2。前者速度快,但容量小;后者速度慢,而容量大。这样可以在满足成本要求的前提下满足大尺寸应用程序的需要。将正在运行的代码或资料放在L1中,同时将剩余代码或资料放在L2中。在需要更新L1时,通过DMA方式从L2读取。通过ldf文件对内存进行管理,ADI的IDE提供可视化的管理接口,非常直观方便。 [2004-7-20 11:08:10]
[问:Ligong981] 请问在哪儿可以得到用C编写的例程? 
[答:Kevin] www.analog.com网站上有一些,另外在VisualDSP++的安装目录下也有些例程可供参考。  [2004-7-20 11:08:34]
[问:frances1236] Blackfin处理器采用MSA架构,它的数据类型有几类?是否是特殊设计? 
[答:Singer] Blackfin nearly supply all data type. You can use the all C data type in the Blackfin codes.From MSA, you can use the 8bit, 16bit and 32bit data. you also can use the floating data on the Blackfin platform.  [2004-7-20 11:09:02]
[问:heburn] 请介绍一下Blackfin处理器的计算功能以及多媒体资料运算能力. 
[答:Rick] As for BF533 and bf561 upto 750Mhz.Blackfin processor can support video and audio processing powerfully. for example Mpeg2/4,H.263/H.264/WMV etc  [2004-7-20 11:09:36]
[问:ourweb007] Blackfin处理器开发工具中是否有程序烧录功能?如果没有,能提示如何解决这一问题? 
[答:Jack] ADI has some Flash programming driver, for ST flash. But I suggest you write your code by yourself. Because your code is dynamic, and the programming code is easy to write.  [2004-7-20 11:10:23]
[问:ourweb007] 调试工具中的三种调试方法,最常用的是那种? 
[答:Amy] 您可以根据你的系统的复杂性原则选择,如果您系统比较复杂,实时性要求较高,您最好使用仿真器加快研发的周期.当然,如果您的系统比较简单,您可以考虑其它的调试方法.  [2004-7-20 11:10:26]
[问:qinzonghou] blakfin是否可在线编程? 
[答:Kevin] Blackfin可以用JTAG在线烧写Flash。  [2004-7-20 11:11:27]
[问:songtc] Blackfin处理器内部的内存有几种类型?有没有内存控制器? 
[答:Jenny] The Blackfin processor uses a memory hierarchy with a primary goal of achieving memory performance similar to that of the fastest memory (i.e. L1) with an overall cost close to that of the least expensive memory (i.e. L2).Including: Instruction ROM/SRAM/Cache, Data SRAM/Cache.And Blackfn processor has the memory controller. [2004-7-20 11:11:54]
[问:116948] 听说8月份AD公司有促销活动,BF533套件有优惠活动吗? 
[答:Michael] Yes, BF533 evaluation kits (ADDS-BF533-EZLITE) is at $99 up to September.  [2004-7-20 11:12:13]
[问:yuxueming] 清问作为电池供电的手持设备,低功耗性能如何 
[答:Singer] Blackfin processor has very good the low power consumption advantage. It adapted to the portable device. I can give you example. BF533 worked on the 600MHz, the power consumption is only 280mw. When it worked on the 200MHZ and 0.8V core voltage, the power consumption is only 52mw.  [2004-7-20 11:13:06]
[问:S2001020] 在自己开发的完整的产品系统中,计算机都能通过哪几种方式对DSP访问和控制,用USB口是否能实现程序的下载,如果AD公司该技术对用户保密,那么用USB口及PCI口可以通过什么方式控制DSP 
[答:Cheng] 如果您使用的是ADI的EZ-KIT,您可以通过USB或ICE对DSP进行访问和控制。但如果您使用的是自己的目标板,最好使用ICE(前提是您的目标板上有ICE接口)。ADI目前提供的ICE有USB和PCI两种方式可以连接到PC机上。  [2004-7-20 11:13:11]
[问:sim0407] VisualDSP++的优化策略是什么? 
[答:Frank] 1)首先是针对不同的DSP的硬件特点,充分发挥其效率。2)只能对C语言程序进行优化,asm程序不能优化。3)根据C程序的特点,如展开循环,合并变量等。  [2004-7-20 11:13:28]
[问:www1234] 在程序调试时,断点是否可以任意设置? 
[答:Jenny] Completely YES!  [2004-7-20 11:13:58]
[问:sim0407] 演讲中提到BF支持GPS,Cable Modem,PDA等应用,是否意味ADI提供相关开发的例程? 
[答:Jack] Yes. BF has these applications, and third party.But We better provide chip level support.We will help you to be an excellent DSP GUY.  [2004-7-20 11:14:47]
[问:jungchien] Blackfin处理器的开发工具有几种?各适用在那些领域?有没有带USB2.0接口的仿真器?它的传输速率能达到多少? 
[答:Rick] Now ADI have several development is visualdsp++3.5as for ICE : HPPCI ICE/SUMMIT ICE/APEX ICE/HPUSB ICE/USB ICE.HPPCI ICE and HPUSB ICE is hign performence ICE it can work upto 50Mhz .By the way , green hill also provide development tools for ADI processor.any confusion you should email for help  [2004-7-20 11:14:53]
[问:songtc] Blackfin处理器用媒体处理,有没有ADC?它对ADC的要求如何? 
[答:Jack] BF PPI connect to ADC and DAC will reach 66.5MHz*16Bit.  [2004-7-20 11:15:44]
[问:tuza2000] 请问在南京有分销商吗? 
[答:Cheng] 南京有五家代理商:世健富昌艾睿安富利世平  [2004-7-20 11:15:51]
[问:woorr] blackfin533对mpeg4是如何处理的?使用什么压缩算法吗 
[答:Rick] Blackfin 533 can support Mpeg4 decoder and encoder algorithm. Blackfin533 can work upto 750mhz and support some advanced video processing insructions. It can help to do video processing efficiently.  [2004-7-20 11:17:01]
[问:jshzsm] Blackfin处理器适合媒体处理,ADI公司的开发工具能提供几种音频/视频媒体算法?如何获得它的源程序? 
[答:Singer] You can develop your audio/video algorithms on the VisualDSP development tools. In current, ADI"s 3rd parties have the many audio/video algorithms. ADI can"t directly supply these algorithm to customers. if you want to get them. you can contact ADI and distribution to got the 3rd party information.  [2004-7-20 11:18:16]
[问:sim0407] VisualDSP++与目标板的连接采用什么接口? 
[答:Amy] 目前,VISUALDSP++可以通过仿真器与DSP 相连.DSP这边采用JTAG连接.而仿真器根据型号的不同,可以选择用USB或PCI接口与PC相连.ADI的评估板提供了用USB接口直接将板子与PC相连.细节您可以参考评估板手册. [2004-7-20 11:18:31]
[问:www1234] BF处理器的各组电源的供电有无上电时序要求? 
[答:Jack] Core first, then perephral.  [2004-7-20 11:19:44]
[问:018984] 免费的实用代码太少了,能不能适度开放一些,比如视频处理。 
[答:Singer] We are working on this issue. In the future, you will see the more and more open codes on ADI web site.  [2004-7-20 11:20:29]
[问:szczhang] Blackfin处理器的双处理器引擎如何分工?在执行指令上有何不同? 
[答:Rick] Blackfin561 is a dual-core processor. The two core is independent . you can assign the task to two core based on your application . there are no difference for two core to excute the instruction.Any confusion pls email to for further technical support!  [2004-7-20 11:21:02]
[问:millin] 如何确定代码效率? 
[答:Jack] Most algorithm has its benchmark, like MPEG4.So you campare your code with benchmark.  [2004-7-20 11:21:16]
[问:www1234] 请介绍流水线互锁结构的优点。 
[答:Cheng] 在一般的流水线中,没有硬件互锁机制,这样会导致流水线中极易出现资源冲突,引起错误。ADI的DSP提供了硬件互锁机制,避免了资源冲突,用户完全不用担心流水线会出现错误。  [2004-7-20 11:21:25]
[问:lotusyan] 531与533的价位差很远吗?仿真工具、评估板一样吗? 
[答:Amy] 531与533的资源主要是内部MEMRY大小不同,因此价位不同.具体价格请想ADI或代理商询问.仿真工具,开发软件完全兼容,可以用一套533的开发板进行开发.  [2004-7-20 11:22:11]
[问:gaoyp] BF的安全保密措施是怎样的? 
[答:Cheng] 您可以在DSP外围加入加密电路。  [2004-7-20 11:22:43]
[问:szczhang] Blackfin处理器的优先级和中断有几种? 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin processor has 15 level prorites from lowest to highest.Blackfin processor support software interrupt and hardware interrupt; core interrupt (7 interrupts) and system interrupt(24 interrupts).  [2004-7-20 11:23:44]
[问:qin] 请专家简述一下blackfin ,sharc , tigersharc 的 区别,谢谢 
[答:Frank] 简单而言:1)blackfin 是16bit定点处理器。2)SHARC是32bit浮点处理器。3)TigerSHARC是32bit的定点和浮点同时支持的处理器。具体的区别可以同我们的技术支持中心联系  [2004-7-20 11:24:09]
[问:sunnyzhou80] Blackfin同时支持定点和浮点运算? 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin processor is a 16-bit fixed point processor. But it also can support float point orperation by software way.  [2004-7-20 11:24:55]
[问:hangzhouliu] 我想了解一下该产品开发工具,需要什么系统支持? 
[答:Kevin] Blackfin的开发套件包括:1. 评估开发板一块,功能是针对用户对DSP的评估用2. 软件开发平台:VisalDSP++3. 仿真工具HPPCL-ICE4. 开发资料购买该套件可以与ADI的代理商联系。支持的操作系统包括:2000,ME,XP,NT,98  [2004-7-20 11:25:52]
[问:millin] 请介绍Blackfin处理器的优化处理功能. 
[答:Jack] In VDSP has optimization option to let VDSP to optimize.VDSP has also had function to measure your code"s MIPS. So so can find where you should focus.  [2004-7-20 11:26:25]
[问:nopattern] I find little support on dual core devolop.Is there any resource about dual core synchronization? 
[答:Singer] This is new technology. Many engineers are very interestin on this topic. I would like to discuss with you about this application. In the future, we will put more and more EE-note and application notes fo dual core applications to the ADI web site. You can also got some information from this web site: /DSP_FAQs_Section_Home/0,2026,DSP,00.html  [2004-7-20 11:26:30]
[问:sunny zhou80] VisualDSP++是否支持混合代码的编译? 
[答:Jenny] Of course, yes!  [2004-7-20 11:26:57]
[问:millin] 请介绍Blackfin处理器的程序开发流程.ADI的开发工具里有几种应用案例?ADI能提供什么样的技术支持? 
[答:Rick] Normally customer can develop project as following.1. firstly you evaluate the algorithem in the visualdsp++3.5( the latest version of vidualdsp++) test driver .2 ,ADI provide EZkit for customer do a hardware evaluation3.develop customer"s own application based on ICE. ADI provide following ICE.HPPCI ICE/HPUSB ICE .those are hign performance tools upto 50Mhz.As for technicial support ,you can email to . We have a powerful technicial support team to support customer  [2004-7-20 11:27:11]
[问:playyz] What"s the edition of VisualDSP++ that we spend 1200$,Is it the formal? 
[答:Michael] Release 3.5.  [2004-7-20 11:27:59]
[问:sunny zhou80] Blackfin处理器自身有USB接口吗? 
[答:Amy] 是的.BF535自身带1.1USB接口.ADI今年推出8款新的芯片,其中BF543,BF563会自身带2.0的USB接口  [2004-7-20 11:28:52]
[问:gaoyp] VisualDSP++是否支持在线编程/ 
[答:Cheng] 支持。您可以通过ICE或USB对DSP进行在线编程。  [2004-7-20 11:29:07]
[问:116948] 99的套件是否包含了jtag下载线? 
[答:Singer] It is the USB connector in the $99 EZKIT suite. It also connect to the BF533 JTAG interface. You can use this connector download your data and code.  [2004-7-20 11:29:14]
[问:starrats] 在visualDSP++中能否对flash进行8位的读写(the board of ourselves)? 
[答:Rick] well , Blackfin support 8bit flash operation .blackfin provide byteenable pin for those flash which support bytenable function .detail information you should refer to bf533 hardware manual or email to  for technicial support.  [2004-7-20 11:29:37]
[问:cycloneii] 在使用uclinux操作系统的情况下,需要用gcc编译和gdb调试,请问gdb能否驱动ice仿真器进行硬件调试和使用BTC功能? 
[答:Amy] 很抱歉,GDB目前不能直接驱动ICE仿真器和BTC,您需要自己修改低层的DRIVE.  [2004-7-20 11:31:24]
[问:johnxu] 请比较一下Blackfin处理器体系结构与业内常见处理器体系结构如ARM/MIPS等的异同。 
[答:Jack] Similarity:They are all RICS - load/store core, same memory bus interface.Difference:BF has more DSP intruction, video instruction, video interface, internal bus bandwidth.  [2004-7-20 11:31:36]
[问:lzhan -lin223] 处理器体系结构的开发工具是否能实时跟踪调试,以及实时显示参数和内存、寄存器的内容。 
[答:Frank] 对于blackfin处理器,可以采用其VDSP中的BTC功能实现你的要求。你可以在VDSP3.5的help中搜索BTC,得到进一步的帮助。  [2004-7-20 11:32:12]
[问:jackgao] Visualdsp++可以直接访问BLAckfin 533吗? 
[答:Kevin] VisualDSP++是软件开发平台,可通过仿真工具(JTAG/USB)连接访问Blackfin.  [2004-7-20 11:32:21]
[问:Ligong981] Blackfin系列DSP可以外接SDRAM,而SDRAM需要刷新,那么SDRAM的刷新是由DSP控制的吗?DSP上带有控制刷新的电路吗? 
[答:Jack] You are right. You just set SDRAM register, it can control SDRAM"s refreshment.  [2004-7-20 11:32:50]
[问:hanchi_000] 请教,Blackfin处理器内部是否集成有A/D,D/A,运放等电路。 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin can connect A/D, D/A with PPI interface.ADSP-2199x famlily DSP integrate A/D, D/A inside.  [2004-7-20 11:32:51]
[问:kerlane] In my visualdsp++3.1,the pipeline can not work,why? Thanks! 
[答:Singer] I am not very clear your question. But I know that my 3.1 version is work on the pipeline view. I would like to recommend you to use the 3.5 version VisualDSP. Which is more friendly for you. about your question, you can send email to and detailly describing your question.  [2004-7-20 11:33:13]
[问:xingxiao] 能提供一点外围加密电路的详细说明吗?? 
[答:Jack] You can use a CPLD to encript your code.  [2004-7-20 11:33:36]
[问:lkm1003a] 我准备用8bit方式烧写脱机程序(提高空间效率),这样的话,是否以后程序就不能用WORD方式去读外部FLASH(rom)的资料?(因为FLASH置为BYTE方式了) 
[答:Rick] Blackfin support 8bit flash is no problem to access external flash by word mode. But the up 8bit of the word is unavilable.detail you should refer to bf hw manual or email to for further technicial support  [2004-7-20 11:33:43]
[问:xingxiao] 有没有关于ldf方面的资料?? 
[答:Cheng] 您可以直接使用ADI的Visual DSP++中的Expert Linker自动生成ldf文件。另ADI也提供了一组ldf范例。如果您需要详细的资料,可以使用Visual DSP++中的help功能。  [2004-7-20 11:34:40]
[问:tuza2000] 请问blankfin有没有ADC的解决方案?谢谢 
[答:Jack] BF has PPI interface, so it can connect ADC directly. BF can use PPI DMA to input and output data.  [2004-7-20 11:35:13]
[问:Ligong981] BF533内部的数据存储器的地址是不连续的,我想定义一个较大的数组而不想使用外部的内存,请问我该如何处理? 
[答:Rick] Well, if the length of the array you define larger than the internal memory you can not define the array in internal memory. But if you using cache and located the array in external memory. the efficient for accessing the external memory will also  be perfectly.  [2004-7-20 11:37:06]
[问:lixb] Blackfin的供电电压范围? 
[答:Cheng] 外围电压3.3V,核电压0.8V~1.4V不等。Blackfin可以通过降低核电压,以及关闭不用的外设来降低功耗。您可以查阅不同型号的资料手册。  [2004-7-20 11:38:38]
[问:439382] 请问BLACKFIN的应用在哪些方面? 
[答:Singer] Blackfin有非常广泛的应用,象通讯、消费类产品、掌上型设备、工业控制设备和汽车应用等多个领域。Blackfin处理器几乎可以适合于你能想到的应用。我们还在不断推出新的Blackfin处理器产品。  [2004-7-20 11:39:25]
[问:gaoyp] Blackfin的双核结构是怎么一会事? 
[答:Jack] BF561 has dual cores, that run at the same time. So dual core will have high performance than single core.  [2004-7-20 11:39:29]
[问:xingxiao] 请问现在有带USB2.0和PCI的53x的芯片吗? 
[答:Jack] No, but in roadmap.  [2004-7-20 11:39:53]
[问:cycloneii] 您说BF533评估板的优惠活动持续到9月底,为什么我和华创科技武汉办事处联系购买时,他们说优惠活动已经结束? 
[答:Michael] This is a new promotion activity with this eSeminar. You could contact our distributor again.  [2004-7-20 11:40:02]
[问:lsl696] Blackfin处理器体系结构的开发工具能提供免费的试用吗? 
[答:Kevin] WWW.ANALOG.COM网站上提供免费的VisualDSP++的下载,90天的试用期限。  [2004-7-20 11:40:20]
[问:savio] 请介绍跟踪缓存区所显示指令的主要内容. 
[答:Amy] 跟踪缓存区主要显示了指令内容,位址,读写方式.细节内容您可以参考VISUALDSP的帮助手册.或者给我们发邮件  [2004-7-20 11:40:27]
[问:lkm1003a] 有关bf531的脱机问题 
[答:Cheng] BF531有多种Boot方式。您可以查阅相关的硬件手册。  [2004-7-20 11:40:59]
[问:018984] 设计、制作、焊接Blackfin的PCB难度是不是很大?尤其在频率很高的情况下不易成功? 
[答:Rick] Well , It is no problem for PCB factory to make the blackfin system pcb.Blacfin can work up to 750Mhz .but do worry about it .  clock in for blackfin  can be very low because balckfin have internal will make the blackfin system design faster and easier.  [2004-7-20 11:41:09]
[问:018984] 要推广ADSP最重要的是在技术上长期有效的支持,ADI在这方面应该加强 
[答:Tonny] 我们在中国设有ADI技术支持中心,提供快速专业的DSP技术支持。如果您有任何关于ADI DSP的问题,请联系:china.dsp@analog.com谢谢  [2004-7-20 11:41:12]
[问:qinzonghou] 您好!请问ADI有没有产品资料(Data Sheets)光盘赠送? 
[答:Rick] Well , you can email your detail contact to .  [2004-7-20 11:43:59]
[问:bebe00] Blackfin的内部总线速度有多高?几位资料? 
[答:Singer] Blackfin core bus can run on the same speed with core. The peripheral will run at 133MHz. BF535 PAB is 32bit. BF533/532/531 PAB is 16bit. About the detail information, you can read the Blackfin hardware reference manual.  [2004-7-20 11:44:27]
[问:chenhezhi] 请你讲一下Blackfin处理器以及其开发工具的特点.谢谢! 
[答:Jenny] Blackfin processor base on MSA, it is a DSP with microcontroller"s functions. It has high performanceusing a pipeline architecture to maintain Clock speed advantages. And user can do more with Blackfin -more features, higher performance applications, etc. His low powerwith Dynamic PowerManagement(designed for portable appliances). And user can save battery life and now do more portable eEasyto use / programFaster TTM, easier to develop, high level language support and great tools.  [2004-7-20 11:44:43]
[问:fineo] 这些工具包括哪些部分 
[答:Jack] It includes three parts.1.visual dsp software. 2.evaluation board.3.HPPCI emulator  [2004-7-20 11:45:10]
[问:qinjinming] 你们这种开发工具有哪些重要的优点? 
[答:Frank] 1)support asm、C and C++.2)可以在ADI公司的网站上得到免费的试用版。3)C语言的优化效率较高。4)接口友好。  [2004-7-20 11:45:10]
[问:njfuzhouyong] 请问:是否有比较适合大学的产品,对大学购买是否有优惠政策 
[答:Coco] 大学可以通过在www.analog.com主页上申请大学计划的序列号,就可以得到较为便宜的价格,具体请发邮件至  [2004-7-20 11:45:46]
[问:lixb] blackfin的外部时钟频率多少?外接晶振多少? 
[答:Jack] SCLK will be 133M.Clock can use 30MHz.  [2004-7-20 11:45:48]
[问:kelen] blakfin处理器适用于网络DVR中视频解压吗?(D/A) 
[答:Jenny] Yes. Not only for data processiong, but also for event control.For more detail information about the solution, please send mail to  [2004-7-20 11:46:35]
[问:018984] adi在广告宣传中列举了几款功能更为强大的ADSP芯片,现在的VDSP++是否支持,如果要升级,是否要增加费用? 
[答:Singer] In current, VisualDSP++ 3.5 support BF561, BF539 AD6532 and so on. We will update the new chip support software in the every month. You need to notice the ADI website and keep to update your VisualDSP. They are free if you are the ADI user.  [2004-7-20 11:47:06]
[问:ccdt] 可以提供软件吗? 
[答:Kevin] 软件开发平台VisualDSP++可以在www.analog.com下载,90天使用期限  [2004-7-20 11:47:30]
[问:xingxiao] 我的系统中使用了8M的dram,可是我不能用如下格式float arry【50000】定义大数组,怎么解决?我现在用直接地址操作方式,很不方便。 
[答:Amy] 请把将您的问题发到我们的技术中心,china.dsp@analog.com我们SEMINAR之后将为您解决.  [2004-7-20 11:48:01]
[问:cycloneii] TI DSP最近推出的三款c5500系列的芯片,号称最低待机功耗为0.12mW,请问blackfin的最低待机功耗为多少? 
[答:Singer] Blackfin has more power consumption modes. In the hibernate mode, Blackfin has the <1 uA power consumption.  [2004-7-20 11:50:10]
[问:starrats] 如何成为ADI的第三方,进行有偿的代码提供? 
[答:Tonny] For your request, please contact ADI China DSP Application Support Team by sending mail to We"ll help you on that.  [2004-7-20 11:50:34]
[问:cycloneii] Ti的dsp软件有expressdsp标准,请问ADI是否有类似的软件开发标准? 
[答:Jenny] Within VisualDSP++ the algorithm standard is largely similar in concept, and we call it VCSE or VisualDSP++ Component Software Engineering technology.  [2004-7-20 11:53:04]
[问:qinjinming] 请问你们公司能免费赠送一套这样的开发工具吗? 
[答:Michael] We can provide you the discount price US$1200 for development tools kit, includes- ADDS-BF533-EZLITE (正常价 US$400)- ADDS-HPPCI-ICE (正常价 US$4000)- VDSP-BLKFN-PC-FULL (正常价 US$3500)  [2004-7-20 11:56:01]
[问:kelen] 对视频开发商有什么好用之处? 
[答:Rick] Blackfin is powerful in video processing.Blackfin provide advanced video instruction  it will be helpful to realize video algorithm .And Blackfin have some MCU feature , it can also support RTOS .detail infromation about blackfin you should visit or email to for techincial support.  [2004-7-20 11:56:08]
[问:cxzeng] 请问ADI公司是否有计划发展国内一些leader design house 作为其第三方工具及评估系统供货商?如果是,请问这些design house需要符合哪些条件?谢谢! 
[答:Tonny] Please contact ADI DSP China Application Support Team at and we"ll help you on that. Thank you.  [2004-7-20 11:56:32]
[问:rxwy] 是否可以用于其它体系的开发? 
[答:Frank] 请您给我们您的具体要求。或发邮件至  [2004-7-20 11:57:23]
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