
热门关键字: 数据传输 HDMI 分辨率 通信接口 





主题:如何运用意法半导体 (ST) 之VoIP解决方案成功建构IP网络电话及网关器
[问:bingyang_82] 如何有效的消除回声如何有效的进行网络监控(语音品质监控)如何提高安全性 
[答:Helen] D950 supports Line and Acoustic echo cancellation.STLC1502D also supports 802.1P.Security will be supported in the future.  [2004-7-1 10:24:20]
[问:zerg6023] 1、贵公司所提供的STLC1502D的芯片的datasheet2、贵公司所提供的STLC1502D的芯片是否已经在国内某厂家得到应用。3、贵公司所提供的STLC1502D的芯片推出的时间4、贵公司所提供的STLC1502D的芯片支持的语音编解码算法?5、贵公司所提供的STLC1502D的芯片的密度如何? 
[答:Helen] 1. Please provide your contact info.2. We have a couple of customers in China.3. It"s already in mass production.4. G.711, G.723, G.726, G.7295. Supports IPP and 1-4 ports GW  [2004-7-1 10:25:36]
[问:zhang yu_swpi] 你们的解决方案可以应用于网络摄像机吗?VoIP的解决方案有什么优势?谢谢 
[答:Khee-leong] VoIP is mainly for voice application.  Webcam application is a different domain.  VoIP main advantage is to make use of the existing internet network or LAN to carry voice data.  It lowers the cost to make the voice call.  [2004-7-1 10:26:26]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2004-7-1 10:31:22]
[问:druid] 请问ST有无基于WLAN的VOIP(即VOWLAN)解决方案? 
[答:Helen] We"re working on the product integration right now.  [2004-7-1 10:32:39]
[问:yang98gw] 贵公司针对1502是否计划提供基于Linux操作系统的软件 
[答:Helen] Yes. Later this quarter it"ll be available.  [2004-7-1 10:33:00]
[问:yz1005] 该VoIP解决方案的软件体系结构是怎么样的 
[答:Helen] Please refer to the presentation file.  [2004-7-1 10:33:21]
[问:chris topher_xia] [3] and where can get/download the chip user manul, reference design?[4] vxworkd is also included in ur evaluation package? another fee is needed?[5] supply samples? 
[答:MB] Please contact local marketing for complete documents and samples. VxWorks license fee is included in the chipset, but for development, you will have to purchase the tool from Windriver.  [2004-7-1 10:35:26]
[问:dingwei_] 有没有pppoe功能的支持,我们是否需要为pppoe模块支付额外的费用? 
[答:Helen] Yes, we do provide the PPPoE module from ATI.The customer has to pay for the sub-license to ATI for this module.  [2004-7-1 10:35:56]
[问:STLC0001] STLC1502D比其他得芯片有和优越之处,能为设计带来哪些方便。在建构IP网络电话及网关器中能起到什么样得作用,和其他得芯片得不同之处在哪里? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 我们的芯片的优点是比较灵活,同一款芯片即可用于做IP Phone,又可以做small gateway,而且提供了完整的解决方案,包括demo application, (h323,sip,mgcp,t.38)协议栈,常用的语音算法(g711,726,723,729等),用户可以很快开发出符合自己需求的VoIP产品.该芯片集成了Arm7tdmi和D950 dsp芯片,只要添加一些简单的外围芯片(如memory,LCD等)就可以构建一个全功能的VoIP产品.  [2004-7-1 10:36:42]
[问:qin] 能否提供IP电话的完整的解决方案?包括主要的元器件和方框图. 
[答:Helen] Yes, please refer to the presentation file.  [2004-7-1 10:37:30]
[问:zdchl] 我曾经做过基于SIP协议的VoIP电话的研究,当时的硬件平台选择的是TLC1502;同时也在D—LINK的VoIP部工作过一段时间。现在我想做一个最简单的VoIP系统,请给我一点建议,谢谢! 
[答:Khee-leong] For VoIP Single port Gateway application- STLC1502 + STw5093 Codec + STLC3055 SLIC  + STE100P Ethernet PHYFor VoIP 4-port Gateway application- STLC1502 + STLC5046 Quad-Codec + STLC30R80 SLIC  + STE100P Ethernet PHYFor VoIP IP Phone application- STLC1502 + STw5093 Codec + STE100P Ethernet PHY  [2004-7-1 10:38:00]
[问:tengxj] 请问1502的Demo设计中,是否支持NAT/PAT?是否支持PPPoE? 
[答:MB] Yes. It is available for demo. But, if you want to use it in the product, you have to sign the licence agreement with licence fee.  [2004-7-1 10:39:18]
[问:voipgrl] 1、st解决方案的关键器件的成本?2、该方案提供了那些便于开发的工具?工具的价格?3、该方案的可靠性如何?4、怎样获得该方案的技术资料和获得进一步的技术支持?5、如果采用该方案,st提供培训吗? 
[答:Helen] 1. Please provide your contact info and we"ll have the local marketing to contact with you.2. The starter package is provided to target customers by ST local marketing.3. It"s passed many tests in major carriers network.4. Please leave your contact info and we"ll have the local marketing to contact with you.5. Yes.  [2004-7-1 10:39:47]
[问:commonliu] Which operation system does this solution use. 
[答:MB] The question is not clear.  [2004-7-1 10:40:17]
[问:agnd] 在该VoIP解决方案中,有无涉及还需要特别授权的贵公司或其他公司的专利? 
[答:Helen] 1. Compressed codec is porvided by Sipro. (G.723, G.726, G.729). So the customer has to pay for the loyalty to Sipro.2. The PPPoE is from ATI so sublicense fee has to be paid to ATI.  [2004-7-1 10:40:50]
[问:dingwei_] 是否支持gk和p2p两种工作模式,即直接拨打IP地址 
[答:MB] It supports gk and direct IP  [2004-7-1 10:43:39]
[问:tengxj] 使用贵公司的解决方案,是否需要交付除了芯片以外的费用?他们是什么?是多少? 
[答:Helen] Please refer to the previous question regarding the required loyalty for 3rd party.  [2004-7-1 10:43:52]
[问:tengxj] 请问贵公司的参考设计中,是否支持NAT/PAT功能? 
[答:MB] It support NAT with a special license  [2004-7-1 10:44:49]
[问:dingwei_] 如何打开ETHERNET DEBUG的功能? 
[答:MB] Support debug via JTAG interface  [2004-7-1 10:45:43]
[问:谢文志] VoIP目前主要采用什么样的操作系统? 
[答:Helen] VxWorks.But later this quarter we"ll support Linux also.  [2004-7-1 10:46:44]
[问:dingwei_] 为什么你们不使用tornado2.2,这样我们可以直接使用windriver的windnet pppoe模块而不需要支付lisense fee 
[答:MB] It need changes in the APISs used in the protocol stack  [2004-7-1 10:49:31]
[问:fjjiang] 贵公司是否有性价比教好的产品,应用于小型的公司或别墅的内部网络(包括通话、或则传图象等) 
[答:Helen] Question is not very clear.Are you looking for ethernet-based VoIP or ADSL solution?Please specify!  [2004-7-1 10:50:09]
[问:voipgrl] 语音压缩和网络处理部分在软件平台中以什么样的形式提供? 
[答:MB] Can you plesase make it more clear ? What is mean by style in voice compression?  [2004-7-1 10:50:46]
[问:druid] We are looking for provider for vowlan. Can ST provide more information about their vowlan solution? Including demo design and application 
[答:MB] Please contact local technical marketing  [2004-7-1 10:52:03]
[问:ckh99] 1、音频压缩/解压采用G·711或G·723压缩标准?还是其它标准?2、音频码流在多少Kbps?A/D采样率多少?几位A/D?3压缩>传输>解压主全程延时多少ms? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 1.支持g711,g723,g726,g7292. g711 64k, g723 5.3k, g726 16k/32k, g729 8k,A/D采样率 8kHz, 16bit or 14bit(Ip Phone)3.编解码的延时30~50ms.  [2004-7-1 10:52:12]
[问:xachina] 请问:此套解决方案包括哪些资料?需要购买哪些协议软件软件和开发环境?费用大概多少?在西安有技术支持吗?    多谢 
[答:Helen] We provide the developer package.The compressed codec & PPPoE & VxWorks compiler requires seperate license.Our technical support are in BJ, SH and SZ. Should be able to provide support to you remotely.  [2004-7-1 10:52:18]
[问:yang98gw] 刚才提到1502支持FoIP(Fax over IP),具体使用的是什么协议。 
[答:Xiao-dong] 使用T.38  [2004-7-1 10:53:08]
[问:voipgrl] 我们能在你们的基础上再次开发吗?是否提供c编译器 
[答:MB] We don"t provide any compiler for this device.  [2004-7-1 10:54:13]
[问:zjnewly] How about ST"s DSP support for FXS and FXO?And what advantages does STLC1502D have comparing with the other chipset such as TI"s,UBICom"s...? 
[答:MB] We do support FXS and FXO  [2004-7-1 10:54:55]
[问:samire] STLC1502的模拟接口有那些? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 没有模拟接口.  [2004-7-1 10:55:29]
[问:玉树临风] 你好,现在内地在推行IPV9网址解析方案,请问VOIP在这方面有什么困难,需要要什么 要调整的? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 目前协议栈并不支持,而且需要具体了解该协议的细节.  [2004-7-1 10:57:09]
[问:voipgrl] 如果做一个voip的话机,除了stlc1502外还需要其它芯片吗? 
[答:Khee-leong] VoIP Single-port Gateway- STLC1502 + STw5093 codec + STLC3055 SLIC + STE100P Ethernet PHY + SDRAM + FLASHVoIP 4-port Gateway- STLC1502 + STLC5046 Quad-codec + STLC30R80 SLIC + STE100P Ethernet PHY + SDRAM + FLASHVoIP IP phone- STLC1502 + STw5093 codec + STE100P Ethernet PHY + SDRAM + FLASH  [2004-7-1 10:57:34]
[问:dingwei_] 是否支持p2p的模式,即在GK discovery失败后,可以直接拨打对方的IP地址 
[答:Khee-leong] Yes, we support direct IP call connection.  [2004-7-1 10:58:31]
[问:yang98gw] 利用贵公司的方案进行开发,是否需要贵公司的授权,是否需要授权费用? 
[答:Helen] No initial payment is required.  [2004-7-1 10:59:23]
[问:张振坤] STLC1502能否实现PC到电话机的通话?如果能,能否提供完整的解决方案? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 可以,只要在PC上运行支持VoIP协议(h323或Sip)的客户端软件就可以了.ST不提供这种软件,但Windows自带的Netmeeting就支持h323.  [2004-7-1 10:59:23]
[问:druid] Can ST provide datasheet for vowlan products? 
[答:MB] Yes.  [2004-7-1 11:01:56]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] STLC1502+ST50150,是否支持FAX? 
[答:Helen] In the 1st phase, no.Possible in the later phase.  [2004-7-1 11:03:12]
[问:leon.fon] 请问目前ST方案支持FXS和FXO口的芯片有哪些?或者将做这方面开发吗? 
[答:Khee-leong] FXS interface:- STLC3055 SLIC for Single Port Gateway- STLC30R80 SLIC for 4-port GatewayFXO interface- L3865 trunk interface IC  [2004-7-1 11:03:48]
[问:dingwei_] 1:如果gk discovery模块找不到gk,在没有gk的模式下,是否支持p2p的工作模式呢? 
[答:Khee-leong] Yes, we support direct IP call connection.  [2004-7-1 11:04:08]
[问:tengxj] 请告知贵公司在北京的商务联系方式 
[答:Helen] Could you please contact with our local marketing: Mr. Alger  [2004-7-1 11:04:16]
[问:dingwei_] 但是在你们的演讲中说支持ethernet debug请确认!!! 
[答:MB] You can do it with Tornado debugging support  [2004-7-1 11:04:27]
[问:tengxj] 如果支持Linux操作系统,是否可以免除PPPoE和NAT/PAT的费用?因为这两者都可以由LINUX很好的支持 
[答:MB] Yes.  [2004-7-1 11:04:46]
[问:yang98gw] 贵公司1502的单价是多少,如利用其进行开发,是否收取入门费,如需的话,一般是多少? 
[答:Helen] Unit price depends on quantity.No initial payment is required.  [2004-7-1 11:06:58]
[问:jlwxxh] 我以前沒有這方面的接觸,很想知道是如何运用意法半导体 (ST) 之VoIP解决方案成功建构IP网络电话及网关器的? 
[答:Helen] Please refer to today"s presentation first.  [2004-7-1 11:07:15]
[问:lzjtuwangzhe] 贵公司的产品是否支持Wireless LAN 
[答:Helen] We have a seperate product line for WLAN.If you mean the integration of VoWLAN then we"re working on it right now.  [2004-7-1 11:07:48]
[问:ecibeijing] if I wanna design a 4 ports and E1 interface gateway, Must  I buy two different development packet? 
[答:MB] Are you taking about 4 port gateway with E1 interface instead of Ethernet ?  [2004-7-1 11:07:59]
[问:voipgrl] 开发平台是怎样的?能描述一下吗? 
[答:Khee-leong] We have VoIP demoboard, as an IP Phone.We have VoIP demoboard + 4-port SLIC board as 4-port Gateway.The VoIP demoboard has serial port for software download.  We have a software tools running on PC, call Hypervarius, as a terminal emulation tools for debugging and software download.  [2004-7-1 11:08:10]
[问:谢文志] 请详细说明ADSL上VoIP中ADSL RGW的主要作用?是否具有电话拨号功能?用它能否实现PC和电话机的通话? 
[答:Xiao-dong] ADSL RGW包括两个部分,一个是ADSL接口,一个是RGW,前者用于ADSL接入,后者用于VoIP的支持.不是很明白您所说的电话拨号功能是什么意思,RGW可以接普通电话,使用起来跟传统电话系统类似,但若需要与传统电话网络相连,需要通过运营商提供的网关.可以用于与PC通话,比如可以使用Netmeeting与我们的H323 Ip phone或RGW通话.  [2004-7-1 11:08:58]
[问:robin-wang] PHY部分能否具体介绍一下? 
[答:Khee-leong] STLC1502 has the MII interface connecting to the external Ethernet PHY IC - STE100P - supporing 10BT/100BT.  [2004-7-1 11:09:00]
[问:ecibeijing] What does the development packet contain? H.323 PROTOCALSOURCE CODE? I GUESS IT IS A THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE. 
[答:MB] It will not contain any source code of protocols. We will provide the libraries for the protocols.  [2004-7-1 11:09:07]
[问:go418] 1、ST是否会提供基于1502的解决方案,授权方式是怎样的?何时会有?2、这套方案和MINDSPEED的VOIP方案相比有何优势? 
[答:MB] ST has reference design for IP Phone, 4 port gateway and single port gateway with H.323, SIP and MGCP protocol support.  [2004-7-1 11:11:32]
[问:leon.fon] 请问ST方案和目前的TI,BROADCOM,CONEXANT方案比较起来的优势特点,以及成本如何 
[答:Helen] Our price performance is very good compared to competitor"s solutions.And it"s very easy to implement and we provide the most flexible software architecture in the market now.  [2004-7-1 11:11:39]
[问:wen630616] 1. 没有STLC1502D相关的开发系统详细资料(包括价格),能否提供? 
[答:Helen] Please let your contact info and we"ll have our local marketing people to contact with you.  [2004-7-1 11:11:59]
[问:regal] 1、基于有线电视网络的VOIP解决方案2、gateway的型号和特点 
[答:Khee-leong] The question is not clear to us.  Are you referring to VoIP over Cable TV network?  [2004-7-1 11:13:05]
[问:luanxj] 支持Linux操作系统的方案,大约什么时间可以推出? 
[答:Helen] in 3Q, 2004  [2004-7-1 11:15:16]
[问:bruceoy] 如何解决服务质量问题?如何在现网上不用做太大网络改造应用该方案? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 在IP网络上,服务质量问题的解决依赖于路由器,现有的路由器产品一般都提供一些功能来改善服务质量,当整个传输网都在同一个管理域时,服务质量问题相对容易解决,而但跨域传输时比较困难.  [2004-7-1 11:15:20]
[问:siller] ST的VOIP方案是否支持以下的协议(H.323、SIP、MGCP)? 
[答:Helen] yes.  [2004-7-1 11:16:01]
[问:ecibeijing] 您好,我是民航网络公司的开发人员,对Ip access gateway很感兴趣,我曾经在软交换会议上看过ST的此类产品,请于我联系,电话:67318866-5232张燕峰 手机:13611397913 
[答:Helen] OK. We"ll have ST China people to contact with you.  [2004-7-1 11:16:53]
[问:ecibeijing] No I wanna develop two products one for 4 ports andanother is E1 interface to PBX.. 
[答:Khee-leong] Thanks for your interest in our product.  Your question is not clear to us.  [2004-7-1 11:17:21]
[问:dxm] 我想了解一、语音压缩所采用的国际标准;二、电话网关能否支持网上电话会议? 
[答:MB] We support the following codecs for voice compression: G.711, G.726, G.729A, G.729AB & G.723.1 It can support 3rd party conference  [2004-7-1 11:17:56]
[问:luckystar] 1、请描述用贵公司的解决方案制作的产品的应用领域。 
[答:Helen] IPP and 1-4 ports gw.  [2004-7-1 11:19:05]
[问:谢文志] voip是基于什麽传输协议开发的 
[答:Khee-leong] H.323 or SIP  [2004-7-1 11:20:35]
[问:tengxj] ST的方案是否支持Linux操作系统?是否支持设备开发商扩展自己的VoIP协议和特色应用开发? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 基于uClinux平台的版本正在开发中,由于demo application会给源码,开发商可以开发自己的增值特性.一般协议栈的功能扩展是由ST完成的.  [2004-7-1 11:20:52]
[问:cnvi_8117] 自动增益控制电路设计中,有哪些需要注意的? 
[答:Khee-leong] The Codec Gain setting.  [2004-7-1 11:21:48]
[问:jx882003] 请问用ST构建IP网络电话的方法与其它方法构建IP网络电话及网关有什么优越性? 
[答:Helen] STLC1502 already integrates DSP+ARM so there"s no need to additional DSP or processor.Also, it has massive memory on-chip to improve the performance.This also massively simplifies the design of the other circuit.The required components are very limited.  [2004-7-1 11:22:04]
[问:张振坤] STLC1502中的DSP和MCU处理器有何分工? 
[答:Xiao-dong] DSP用于进行语音编解码,MCU处理呼叫信令和配置管理.  [2004-7-1 11:22:28]
[问:dingwei_] 为什么使用tornado2.0,我们现在使用tornado2.2会不会有兼容性上的问题?! 
[答:Xiao-dong] 目前只能用2.0,我们将很快的提供对2.2的支持.  [2004-7-1 11:23:13]
[问:hzy2002] 支持的VOIP协议类型都包括什么内容? 
[答:Helen] Currently, H.323 V2. V4 will be supported by end of 2004.MGCP. We"re also working on the enhancement of RFC3435.SIPv1 right now. V2 will be available later this year.  [2004-7-1 11:24:03]
[问:szdsplab] 我打算用此芯片来开发一个串行口-TCP/IP通信卡,请告诉我芯片的价格和有关TCP/IP协议栈能否免费提供,谢谢! 
[答:Khee-leong] Thanks for your queries.  We are not sure what do you mean by "串行口-TCP/IP通信卡"?  [2004-7-1 11:24:15]
[问:rj_tang] 目前有多家芯片制造商推出VoIP方案,ST在价格上有竞争力吗?如何实现低成本呢?一个最简单的设计(采用ST方案)的BOM Cost大约是多少呢? 
[答:Helen] Yes our solution is competitive in price/performance ratio.And sure can meet with the market price.  [2004-7-1 11:25:12]
[问:jxkdy] 如何避免交互干扰? 
[答:Khee-leong] We are not sure which interference are you referring to?  [2004-7-1 11:25:15]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] VOIP OVER ADSL的通话质量受接入距离的增加的影响大吗?因ADSL数据速率就下降太多,何况再加上语音.有无好的结局方法. 
[答:Xiao-dong] 通话质量受网络带宽和线路质量的影响比较大,可以采用g.723等比较高压缩率的vocodec来减少对带宽的需求.  [2004-7-1 11:25:41]
[问:sbhnet] 是否支持VoWlan 
[答:Helen] This will be supported by other product. Not on STLC1502.  [2004-7-1 11:25:52]
[问:btqt] 请问怎样能得到整套的方案,包括原理图和demo程序? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with ST local office.  [2004-7-1 11:26:14]
[问:wuzhensu] 贵公司VoIP的技术关键是什么?有什么特点? 
[答:MB] It is a single chip cost effective and flexible solution which support IP Phone and Gateway application using H.323, SIP and MGCP protocols  [2004-7-1 11:26:32]
[问:tengxj] VoIP协议的兼容性很关键,如果与其他厂家的产品在VoIP协议方面出现不兼容问题时,怎么办?如果我们使用自己的VoIP协议栈,工作难度怎么样? 
[答:Helen] If uses ST"s protocol stack, then ST will support on resolving the IOP issue.So far, we"ve passed the IOP tests with major vendors equipment.Also, it"s possible to replace the protocol stack by your own stack.  [2004-7-1 11:27:23]
[问:dingwei_] 贵公司有没有带有视频功能的voip的解决方案 
[答:Helen] We plan to support it using a different series of DSP product line called ST-100.And we"re also working on Video solution using the multimedia processor called Nomadik.  [2004-7-1 11:28:22]
[问:dingwei_] 实现了那些H450的协议呢? 
[答:Xiao-dong] H450 1,2,3,4,6,7,8.  [2004-7-1 11:28:47]
[问:lovemeone2] STLC1502D需要什么样的开发环境,达到什么样的工艺水平? 
[答:Xiao-dong] Tornado2.00.25um工艺  [2004-7-1 11:29:30]
[问:christopher_xia] [1] how much per chip?[2] need a relative develop package? how much? 
[答:Helen] 1. Depends on quantity.2. No initial payment for developer software package. Hardware evaluation board is sellable.  [2004-7-1 11:29:55]
[问:druid] I"m in xi"an. How I get contact with ST local support agency? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with ST local marketing: Mr. Alger Lai.  [2004-7-1 11:30:27]
[问:yang98gw] 贵公司提供软件时,针对不同的操作系统,是否提供BSP源代码,以便户进行优化? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 是的.  [2004-7-1 11:30:48]
[问:samire] STLC1502有没有存储器控制器接口?外接那几种类型存储器?能外接多大容量的存储器? 
[答:MB] It has 32 bit highspeed memory interface. It can support different memories like Flash,EEPROM,SRAM, EDO SDRAM. The built-in decoder support upto 32MB of external memory  [2004-7-1 11:30:48]
[问:yang98gw] G723.1协议有两种速率,1502在通话过程中,是否能根据远端设备的速率进行自动转换? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 可以.  [2004-7-1 11:31:50]
[问:yang98gw] 1502的功率是多少?贵公司4口的VoIP网关DemoBoard的功率是多少? 
[答:Khee-leong] STLC1502 typical power consumption:- 3.3V @ 70mA- 2.5V @ 170mAVoIP IP Phone demoboard- 5V @ less than 500mA  [2004-7-1 11:31:55]
[问:oopp] 能否与ADSL集成一起? 
[答:Helen] yes  [2004-7-1 11:34:32]
[问:tengxj] 你们的T.38传真,能否和大部分厂商的VoIP设备互通,例如Cisco,3com,lucent,华为等 
[答:Xiao-dong] 可以.  [2004-7-1 11:35:03]
[问:jx882003] 请问用ST构建IP网络电话的过程中,其硬件与软件的基本构建形式是怎样的? 
[答:Khee-leong] IP Phone- STLC1502 takes care all VoIP/Application layer- STw5093 as the Codec, driving the mic/speaker- STE100P for the Ethernet PHY for 10BT/100BT  [2004-7-1 11:35:31]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 请问ST的什么型号的SLIC无须外加零流驱动? 
[答:Khee-leong] We are not sure what do you mean by "零流驱动".- STLC3055 SLIC only requires positive   voltage power supply from 5.5V to 15.5V.- STLC30R80 SLIC required +5V, +3.3V and -48V supply.Both SLIC devices support integrated ringing.  [2004-7-1 11:37:35]
[问:chinayhvh] 请问ST的Voip方案和其他家的方案相比有哪些优势 
[答:Helen] Easy to implement.Can be for both IPP and GW application.  [2004-7-1 11:38:06]
[问:digitom] 该低成本IP网络电话解决方案的成本大约多少(10k批量时)?能否提供基于Linux操作系统的SDK?如果能,采用何种许可证方式? 
[答:MB] Please contact local ST office for price related information. If you can provide your particulars, we will contact you later. Currently we have VxWorks based solution.  [2004-7-1 11:38:50]
[问:oopp] 可以再其基础上进行二次开发 
[答:Xiao-dong] 可以,我们提供demo app的源码.  [2004-7-1 11:39:56]
[问:XUEBAO JUN1965] 是全套解决方案吗?H323?SIP?传真?需要开发的软件量有多大?网关器最大为几口? 
[答:MB] We support H.323,SIP,MGCP. The maximum number of gateway ports are 4. Yes, we support fax also.  [2004-7-1 11:41:12]
[问:ckh99] 该系统固化自测诊断系统能否测到具体芯片工作状态? 
[答:MB] yes.  [2004-7-1 11:41:36]
[问:hnhbyxt] 产品开发成本,采用的通信协议是否将来符合GB。谢谢!能否、如何组织生产等。 
[答:Helen] Sorry, what is GB?We do support our customer for mass production now.  [2004-7-1 11:41:58]
[问:dimin] 怎样实现最佳效果? 
[答:Helen] 最佳效果means the voice quality?Please be more specific.  [2004-7-1 11:42:38]
[问:luckystar] 最终产品可否独立于PC机单独使用? 
[答:MB] yes  [2004-7-1 11:43:16]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] ST的VOIP方案,在普通电话和VOIP之间的识别是如何进行的? 
[答:Khee-leong] The IP phone connects to the Gateway (Gatekeeper) to establish the call to the other party.Only the Gateway (Gatekeeper) knows if the other party is a normal telephone or IP phone.It does not matter to the IP phone if the other party is a normal phone or IP phone.  [2004-7-1 11:45:03]
[问:manfuture1] 请问能否提供您们VOIP整体方案! 能否给我报价! 
[答:Helen] Yes. Please contact with our local marketing Mr. Alger Lai.alger.lai@st.comPrice depends on quantity.  [2004-7-1 11:46:44]
[问:tengxj] 如果产品在网络防火墙后面,现在需要穿越防火墙,你们有没有解决方案?例如隧道或者VPN功能? 
[答:MB] There is no VPN support  [2004-7-1 11:47:32]
[问:tengxj] 如果使用你们1502,而SLIC是否可以使用其他公司的产品,有哪些可以使用?1502能否提供SPI接口? 
[答:Khee-leong] To support other non-ST SLIC devices, modification to the software is required.  It is possible, but ST will not be able to support such activities for obvious reasons.STLC1502 supports IIC and UART, not SPI interface.  [2004-7-1 11:48:19]
[问:chinese1725] voip与vip有何不同呢? 
[答:Xiao-dong] VIP 是IM软件吗?VoIp有统一的标准(h.323,sip等),而IM没有统一的标准,而且voip对与传统电话系统的兼容性考虑比较全面.  [2004-7-1 11:48:34]
[问:xustiven] SLIC作用是什么?英文原称是什么?谢谢! 
[答:Khee-leong] SLIC devices drive a normal telephone set.  It provides DC power to the phone and AC signal (voice) to and from the phone.SLIC = Subscriber Line Interface Circuit.  [2004-7-1 11:49:25]
[问:luckystar] 我们曾就有关数字视频IC咨询过贵公司的总部及代理商,但由于代理商代理的ST公司的产品众多,对我们前期研发的小批量进货并不感兴趣,请问VOIP解决方案具体实施的技术支持如何?在国内可以顺利购进相关芯片吗?能提供进货的代理商吗? 
[答:Helen] Please contact with Wintech or QCE (Solomen).  [2004-7-1 11:49:41]
[问:ckh99] 如何克服网络带宽不足对音频的影响? 
[答:Xiao-dong] 使用g.723可以减少对带宽的要求.  [2004-7-1 11:50:25]
[问:oopp] 有没有相关技术培训和讲座 
[答:Helen] We do support different seminar and exhibition.Please pay attention to various news.Detailed training usually only provides to specific customers.  [2004-7-1 11:50:41]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] STLC30R80的传输距离能否达到10KM? 
[答:Khee-leong] STLC30R80 is for short loop application (<1km).  It"s not suitable for the analog line card application in telephone exchange.  [2004-7-1 11:52:00]