
热门关键字: 步进电机控制 手持终端 智能手环 智能电视 





[问:abzheng] 请问有vipower系列ic的设计工具包吗? 
[答:Jodie] yes, you can download from,which we show in presentation slide last page.Thanks  [2004-5-13 10:30:45]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2004-5-13 10:31:43]
[问:lx] 1.用VIPer12做非隔离式电源(220VAC-18VDC),应怎样选择电感线圈,才能使电源的带负载能力更强?2.输入为220VAC时,输出为18VDC时,最强带负载能力能达到多少mA? 
[答:Shen] 1,when you use isolated topology, the maximum load is limited by viper12"s internal current limitation, it is better you let the SMPS work on continues mode2, depend on you continues mode level, the maximum inductance current can not exceed 0.32A  [2004-5-13 10:33:01]
[问:shazy] 贵公司生产的单片开关电源是否有与之配套专用软件,供用户快速完成设计工作?其准确程度如何?是否需人工修改结果?能否自动生成开关电源的电路图? 
[答:Jodie] yes, the design software can be download from There are reference SCH .But need opimize.  [2004-5-13 10:33:23]
[问:zhao_sl] 1、采用VIPower技术的SMPS(开关电源)单片解决方案,是否可以用于任何开关电源?2、采用VIPower技术的SMPS(开关电源)单片解决方案,是否可以用于对交流电的“零电压”的侦查? 
[答:Suuny] 目前为止,ST公司开发出的 VIPER 系列产品,适用于中小功率的电源产品,拓扑结构主要是针对隔离反激式和非隔离的降压式、升压式电路结构  [2004-5-13 10:34:13]
[问:jay998635] 1:Viper22最大輸出功率是多少? Viper22 pin5,6,7,8 是否可以只設計成一個pin腳,餘其的3個加到"S"Pin上.2:Viper22之後提出的系列內部是否具有Opp功能?3:thanks! 
[答:Jodie] 1, input 85-265VAC Viper22ADIP 13W MAX,Viper22AS 8W MAX.2. Yes with OPP.Thaks  [2004-5-13 10:35:34]
[问:REDCLOUD] 是调频还是调宽控制方式? 
[答:Jodie] PWM pulse widith modulation  [2004-5-13 10:36:14]
[问:jasonmama] 请问:相比于三肯和Fairchirld的SMPS 单片解决方案,ST在电压稳定性,stanby功耗,辐射,成本上有什么特点和优势? 
[答:Jodie] EMC related with PCB LAYOUT and Transformer design and common current ....ST Viperxx performance/price is perfect in SMPS design.  [2004-5-13 10:39:29]
[问:xlwang] 请问在何处可得到一些关于开关电源的有关设计,开发的资料.ST能提供较详细的资料吗?谢谢! 
[答:Suuny] 我们st公司的网站上可以搜索相关产品的应用实例(Application Note),在这些文件中,有较详细的线路原理分析和开发设计的建议,建议您到公司网站上下载谢谢  [2004-5-13 10:40:40]
[问:sanzi666] 怎样降低空载损耗,和提高效率, 
[答:Shen] the best way is to reduce the leakage inductance to minimise the voltage spike on mosfet and finally remove the clamp circuit, and try to reduce your Aux supply voltage as low as possible, but don"t let your SMPS work in hiccup mode at low load condition,it should be work in burst mode,thanks  [2004-5-13 10:41:54]
[问:LKH] EMI干扰来源部分和各部分的干扰频率范围 
[答:Jodie] Frequency from 150KHZ-30MHZ conduction emission more related to common current, Radiation above 30MHZ also.Usually MOSFET ON/OFF, SCHOTTKY ,Transformer...dv/dt,di/dtThanks  [2004-5-13 10:42:33]
[问:retreat] 我发现VIPOWER12在过压时的工作不稳定这如何解决,工作电压(85~260V),谢谢! 
[答:Shen] sorry, I don"t understand your question, you mean output overvoltage or when input voltage high?thanks  [2004-5-13 10:42:56]
[问:rexyu] 可以應用於500W~600W的設計嗎?AC input range可以達到80~260V? 
[答:Jodie] Viper can nt reach 500-600w,Max Viper53E in wide range input can reach 40W without heatsink.Thks  [2004-5-13 10:45:36]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-5-13 10:47:34]
[问:xiaowen] 我很关心成本?能大致谈谈价格吗? 
[答:Jodie] price is more competitive in Maket same level SMPS IC.  [2004-5-13 10:47:40]
[问:zhanghq] 在用VIP12时,发现其D极的尖峰很高,就像变压器的漏感很大一样,可是变压器的漏感已经做得很小了,这导致在测试EMC时,很多频点超标;另外,用VIP12时,其输出在空载时,输出电压会跳动,为了降低待机功耗,又不便加虚负载。这些如何解决? 
[答:Suuny] 尖峰电压主要是由漏感产生的,要求漏感在主电感值3%以下,建议你尝试改变RCD吸收电路的参数,或进一步减小漏感在输出空载时,要保证VIPER12的Vdd电压高于Vddoff值,这样输出才能保证稳定!建议增加辅助线圈的全数  [2004-5-13 10:50:25]
[问:江奎集团公司] 1 贵司开发的VIPER系列的成本是否具有竞争力。2 FAIRCHILD所采用的抖动技术,已经将滤波器省略,贵司是否有相应的技术。多谢 
[答:Jodie] 1,Viper cost is perfect in performance price ratio.2,ST products(with frequecy jitter) on going.Thks  [2004-5-13 10:51:26]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 考虑EMC,EMI时,是否需要前置滤波器? 
[答:Jodie] With Filter compenent will be better.Thks.  [2004-5-13 10:52:23]
[问:jiq] 能解决在大功率的数码音频高保真系统中的电源问题吗?即既要大功率,又要有良好的线性放大。 
[答:Shen] can not use in big power system,thanks  [2004-5-13 10:53:32]
[问:mayanf] viper 73可实现多少功率输出,可以并用提高输出? 
[答:Jodie] wide range input85-265VAC Viper73 maximun can reach 40W without heatsink.Tnks  [2004-5-13 10:54:23]
[问:maxlh] 工程师最关心的就是价格,最大功率!能用在TV上吗!与L6565现比有什么优点! 
[答:Shen] L6565 is an old device from ST, and compare with viper series, viper is more compatible in term of price and performance,thanks  [2004-5-13 10:55:40]
[问:encaon] SMPS的待机功耗有多大?是否符合环保和节能标准? 
[答:Jodie] SMPS Standby requirement are different with different power.Thnks  [2004-5-13 10:57:32]
[问:Adam-2004] SMPS中如何降低波纹系数和电磁干扰? 
[答:Shen] use low ESR Ecap at secondary, and choose correct LC filter to solve ripple problem.for EMI pls try to compensate your common mode current generated in your transformer,thanks  [2004-5-13 10:58:04]
[问:luogong qiang] VIPower的满负荷和空载的效率如何?有几种保护方式?响应速度如何? 
[答:Suuny] the efficiency normally can reach above 75% at full load and no load conditionsviper has the over ovltage protection,ocp,over temperature protectionas viper integrate a current mode pwn control,so its regulation response time is quite fast  [2004-5-13 11:00:14]
[问:h110] 采用VIPower技术的SMPS(开关电源)单片解决方案,可否应用于汽车功放中? 
[答:Jodie] Usally,Audio Amplifier in Automotive power is biger than 50W. You can use ST TPA products.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:00:15]
[问:billljy] EMI solution for high switching frequency VIPer?how to improve the stand-by efficiency ? 
[答:Jodie] Viper with high swithing frequency can have pass EMI with enough margin.Usually care more Standby power not efficiency.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:04:18]
[问:maeleton1] 是否需要使用光耦合器或光隔离器?为什么? 
[答:Shen] you can use a zener for primary regulation to remove the opto coupler, but the output voltage pricision is poor.thanks  [2004-5-13 11:04:18]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 在重启状态下,输出是保持原输出电压,还是0V? 
[答:Suuny] when viper operate restart condition,normal the output voltage is unstable.because at this conditon(restart),the output has some faults.viper make sure the system safety!  [2004-5-13 11:04:23]
[问:azhu] 采用VIPER12或22的电路中,要通过3C认证,电路中的关键点在哪里?如何解决? 
[答:Shen] sorry, I was not very familiar with 3C standard, if you was mention about the standby power, then viper12/22 can do less than 0.3W at no load condition, thanks  [2004-5-13 11:05:51]
[问:chenfx] 请问:我现有一电源要求足5v-2.5A,12V-0.25A是否可用VIPer22A实现,变压器怎样设计。谢谢! 
[答:Jodie] 2 output in one SMPS? wide range input85-265?if yes,power is 15.5W you can use Viper53E, get reference design from software.if 5v/2.5A one SMPS,Power 12.5W 12V/0.25A one SMPS can use Viper22ADIP in wide range input.TKS  [2004-5-13 11:09:11]
[问:Adam-2004] 影响SMPS的效率有那几个原因?如何合理选择死区和开关频率? 
[答:Suuny] for the efficiency first factor is the transformer,you should optimize your transformer designsecond the switch devices,you should choose the right device and optimize their driver to decrease their swithing losses.third the rectifier at secondary side.if possible you can choose ST schottky which has quite low forward voltage to improve your system efficiencyespecially for low voltage,high current application  [2004-5-13 11:09:38]
[问:jiayuan] 采用Vipower 作手机充电器可以满足没有Y电容的要求吗 
[答:Jodie] YES.  [2004-5-13 11:10:31]
[问:encaon] VIPower的开关频率有多高?它的效率和输出功率能达到多大?其它的性能如何? 
[答:Jodie] Viper53E frequency upt o 300KHZ, Maxmum power in wide range input up to 30W without heatsink.with good performance.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:12:06]
[问:yingda] 我们是上钩英达视听器材有限公司,希望能向我们推荐AC/DC,AC220V/DC24V,AC60V/DC24V,电流在3A的开关电源单片解决方案. 
[答:Shen] till now the biggest output power of our viper serie device is 30W at wide range input(85VAC~265VAC), and 50W for narrow range(175VAC~265VAC), thanks  [2004-5-13 11:13:12]
[问:lixb] 在芯片内部做过EMI/EMC设计考虑吗? 
[答:Shen] we are develop a new device include FM function which will be useful for EMI,thanks  [2004-5-13 11:14:02]
[问:camail] 请问:如何在省掉共模电感和y电容的情况下通过EMI(即设计时需要注意些什么)? 
[答:Suuny] 1)it ia very important to design the transformer.for example:(1)shielding windings            (2)windings sequence             (3)windinds directions2)PCB design3)RCD clamp design  [2004-5-13 11:15:09]
[问:luogong qiang] 演示中的频率只有60kHz,为什么不提高的点?是性能上的限制还是另有考虑? 
[答:Jodie] Viper12/22 fixed 60KHZ frequency in IC,this frequency is enough for SMPS power below 15W.  [2004-5-13 11:15:50]
[问:billljy] VIPerxx have built-in frequency dither function or not? 
[答:Jodie] ST new product frequency Jitter on going.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:17:47]
[问:billljy] built-in skip cycle or not? 
[答:Jodie] ST products with frequecy jitter on going.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:20:22]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] VIPer设计工具中有没有变压器设计工具? 
[答:Jodie] Yes with transformer design. Take care for different transformer core magnetic material in design.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:22:37]
[问:encaon] VIPer解决方案的具体内容?是否是PWM或PWM+MOSFET?有何特别的地方? 
[答:Suuny] above all,it is a very cost effective solution for low and middle power application1.need less components compare the later solutionso can save pcb space to achieve product small size.2.also can improve the system the reliabilitythanks  [2004-5-13 11:22:42]
[问:zhangjsh] 贵公司是否可以提供相应的应用设计软件?可否提供样件?及设计手册?谢谢 
[答:Shen] yes you can down load design software from our website which could give you bomlist and transformer detail parameter, and we can provide samples, thanks  [2004-5-13 11:22:43]
[问:gy.zy] 有否SMPS、VIPER等的中文资料,以便推广应用?何处可以下载? 
[答:Jodie] Till now,not so much chinese document,ST prepare now.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:25:47]
[问:maeleton1] SMPS的电压调整精度有多高?和那些因素有关键? 
[答:Shen] the output voltage"s pricision main related to output voltage sense resistor"s pricision and your voltage reference pricision.thanks  [2004-5-13 11:25:48]
[问:zjcxzj] 如何降低开关电源使用时的器件温升? 
[答:Suuny] the best solutionfor the key component1.Mosfet or other switch devicesoptimize the drive of the switch to drop down the switch on/off power losses2.Rectifieruse the lower forward voltage drop & fast trr Diodeif possible,assemble some heat sink with the key devices to increase their heat disspation capability  [2004-5-13 11:28:01]
[问:Adam-2004]  决定SMPS的开关频率有那些因素? 
[答:Jodie] For SMPS frequency,Higher Frequency with low transformer volume,so small SMPS Volume.High frequency cause swith on/off  power dissipation.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:29:20]
[问:lcy12345] 我是深圳公司,如何联系上该方案ic销售商。本公司电话是0755-83094485林春云 
[答:Jodie] You can check SZ ST office or mail to us.tks  [2004-5-13 11:31:43]
[问:江奎集团公司] 请解释ESR 
[答:Shen] equivalent series resistor, thanks  [2004-5-13 11:33:17]
[问:zhaobq] 怎样降低开关电源的输出电压的纹波 
[答:Shen] use low ESR ecap, and correct LC filter. thanks  [2004-5-13 11:33:56]
[问:江奎集团公司] 贵司是否有其它大功率的SMPS IC,如:OUTPUT 350W,35V10A等 
[答:Jodie] ST TPA Group products can do.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:34:13]
[问:kongweiqiang] 在适配器后面要接三端电压源如7805,适配器的输出电压和7805的输出电压该如和选择?压差多大合适? 
[答:Shen] standard 7805 need at least 2V voltage drop.  [2004-5-13 11:35:08]
[问:kongweiqiang]  在PCB布局上如何有利降低波纹系数和EMI? 
[答:Shen] use parallel routing at high current loop, and as short as possible. thanks  [2004-5-13 11:36:07]
[问:xywei28] 在哪里能买到芯片,多少钱一芯,能提供整体解决方案吗?谢谢! 
[答:Jodie] what"s your SMPS requirement? Can buy from Distributor of ST.  [2004-5-13 11:36:37]
[问:zhangjsh] 请问贵公司的VIPERX2系列产品单片可支持最大功率为多少? 
[答:Jodie] Wide range input85-265VAC Viper22ADIP maxmum output 12W.tks  [2004-5-13 11:38:08]
[问:Adam-2004] 如何选取变压器的材质和性能以满足高效率和低EMI? 
[答:Shen] for high efficency request, you should choose narrow hysteresis performance material.thanks  [2004-5-13 11:39:54]
[问:guojiang fu] How about the difference among FSC02659,FSDM365,ICE2A0565 and Viper advantage? 
[答:Jodie] Viper12A/22A Mosfet BVDSS 700V,Faichild infineon 650V;Viper VDD 9-36V wide range will be easyer for dasign,fairchild 14-30,infineon 11-20V;Frequency FSDM365 67khz,ICE2A0565 100k,Viper 60KHZ,tranfomer volume different,Tks  [2004-5-13 11:43:48]
[问:dyfea] 家电检验过程中要求打高压(1500V,机壳对大地),用普通变压器可以通过,ViPer12是否可以? 
[答:Jodie] no problem.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:45:28]
[问:kongweiqiang] VIPower中MOSFET抗浪涌的能力有多大?尖峰电压呢? 
[答:Jodie] Viperx2 Viperx3 Series are different, please check from dadasheet.Tks  [2004-5-13 11:46:34]
[问:Adam-2004] SMPS中那几种电容可供选用?为什么? 
[答:Suuny] for EMI: X capacitor,Y capacitorfor filter:Elco capacitor,ceramic capacitorfor the high frequency: PE,PP capacitor  [2004-5-13 11:47:49]
[问:encaon] 请详细介绍VIP模式?什么是垂直电流流动?它有何优点?能承受的功率有多大? 
[答:Shen] vipower means : vertical intelligent powervip is current control pwm mode, biggest output power for viper53 is 30W at 85VAC~265VAC, 50W for 175VAC~265VACthanks  [2004-5-13 11:49:16]
[问:kongweiqiang]  VIPower是否可用在DC/DC转换器中?有应用案例吗? 
[答:Suuny] VIPOWER is the good solution for the AC/DC SMPSbut for dc/dc,ST has other device can be choosedviper is not suitable for DC/DC  [2004-5-13 11:50:01]
[问:dyfea] 家电检验过程中要求打高压(1500V,机壳对大地),用普通变压器可以通过,ViPer12是否可以? 
[答:Jodie] Viper12 ok for this.  [2004-5-13 11:56:51]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,由于听众提问较多。中电网将延长提问时间到12:00。  [2004-5-13 12:00:08]
[问:peng-kai] viper smps用在90W功率的电源时,请问,转换效率能做到多少,用在便携式产品上可以吗? 
[答:Jodie] Viper can not make 90W SMPS in wide range.TPA products fro ST can be used.Tks  [2004-5-13 12:01:05]
[问:huazhai] 请问VIPER怎样保证输出电压在瞬间有较大的变化时仍然都会在稳定范围之内(其稳压范围最大是多少)-谢谢!! 
[答:Suuny] As viper integrate a current mode pwn controller,which has fast response time for the secondary output voltage transient.for the output torelance at transient condition,viper can achieve 5% of Voutthanks a lot  [2004-5-13 12:01:24]
[问:gold_mark1] 請問要如何做有效果的過電壓及過電流保護 
[答:Shen] viper12/22 had over voltage protection, 40V is the ovp point. for over current protection, you should design the transformet , let viper work at hiccup mode at over current condition. thanks  [2004-5-13 12:02:56]
[问:anycrying] 请问理论输出电流和实际输出电流之间的差别主要是受哪几个器件的影响呢 
[答:Shen] no differnce,thanks  [2004-5-13 12:03:51]
[问:klietech] 150w的开关电源最低材料成本要多少 
[答:Suuny] depend on the topology ,the qualitity,the quality of the products  [2004-5-13 12:04:13]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 所有问题均已提交给意法半导体公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,意法半导体公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2004-5-13 12:06:17]
[问:huazhai] VIPER在工作中,如果外围电容出现变质(比如,容量变大或变小),会不会使输出电压出现突变,电压上升烧坏相关部件(在某些如显示屏之类的用电设备有此种情况出现),如果有这种情况出现,是否有解决输出电压过高抑制的方法,谢谢!! 
[答:Shen] normally the cap value will decrease, and then the ripple on cap will increase, if in primary then the current flow in main switch will increase, could be burn your main switch. thanks  [2004-5-13 12:08:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 现在座谈即将结束。欢迎各位填写在线座谈页面的问卷调查,并请于明天中午12点以前提交。  [2004-5-13 12:09:10]
[问:] 1,主要用途. 2,型号/价格
[答:] Viper12A/22A/32/53/73/100(A)/20(A)/50(A) Can provide 85-265V wide range input can provide 60W power with perfect performance/price in same level SMPS Products..
[问:] can you send the details to me?
[答:] Please find on ,the document inculding datasheet application sheet will help you a lot. THKS
[问:] 'I want to get some techonologe message about your products.
[答:] Please find on ,the document inculding datasheet application sheet will help you a lot. THKS
[问:] VIPOWER技术的开关电源采用的什么工作方式?
[答:] Controller and power stage integrated in IC, Pulse Width Modulation in Controller, MOSFET/Mdmesh MOSFETin Power Stage.
[问:] VIPower技术主要适用于哪些方面
[答:] Vipower tech have wide applicatin in Atuomotive/ Industry/SMPS(consumer).
[问:] What about the value of performance/price?
[答:] Perfect performance/price in same level SMPS Products.
[问:] 电源中是否含有单机控制,成本如何?
[答:] Viperxx Perfect performance/price in same level SMPS Products.
[问:] 对于VDD小于14V(大于9V)时,VIPer22A能否启动?
[答:] Can not start When voltage between 9-14V,Viper22A VDDon is 14V, start voltage should exceed this value.After startup,VDD 9-14V,Viper22 can work normally.Please see datasheet VDD (on/off) .THKS.
[问:] 该电源的应用领域如何?
[答:] Viper12A/22A/32/53/73/100(A)/20(A)/50(A) Can provide 85-265V wide range input can provide 60W power with perfect performance/price in same level SMPS Products..
[问:] 贵产品的瞬间响应如何?di/dt响应时间等级是多少?
[答:] Viper integrated Current Mode PWM Controller,which has fast response time for output voltage transient.For the output transient condition,viper can achieve 5% of Vout. Td ,current sense delay to Turn-off is around 200-250ns.
[问:] 开关电源系统解决方案的性能,特性和应用
[答:] SMPS more efficiency than Linear power,adapt to wide range input condition ,volume is smaller and less components more reliability. But should deal well with EMI.
[问:] 可否送一套弹片电源方案给本公司,本公司主要是生产开关电源,还有高频变压器等。地址:深圳宝安电子城旁。电话83094485,林生。
[答:] Please connect with Local marketing Engineer.THKS
[问:] 能否提供中文技术资料?
[答:] ST are prepare chinese document now.THKS
[问:] 能将vipower的ac-dc主芯片传给我吗?
[答:] Please check on ST web.
[问:] 能提供VIPer12A,VIPer22A的样片吗?
[答:] Please connect with Local marketing Engineer.THKS
[问:] 您好!我还是学生,刚刚接触开关电源,我想请问一下现代功率开关电源主要的驱动片子有哪些.其主要优缺点,是什么.
[答:] Forward/Flyback/Pushpull/Half bridge/Full bridge with different application. Please check in related document.Viperxx Forward/flyback topology with PWM controller and Powerstage MOS integrated.Perfect performance/price in same level SMPS Products.
[问:] 您好,能具体说下“采用VIPower技术的SMPS(开关电源)”与其它同类功能产品的主要优缺点和功能使用么?还有其主要应用方面~~谢谢
[答:] Viper with more wide range VDD ,desgin is more easyer.Viper53 with double Stratup current and blanking time provide perfect performance in startup and hiccupmode consumption. Integradted Mdmesh MOSFET(ST Patent) with very low Rsdon can provide more power and without heatsink.Perfect performance/price in same level SMPS Products.
[问:] 请问这种开关电源能做到多大功率?
[答:] Viperxx 85-265V wide range input can provide 60W power.
[问:] 请问专家:目前VRM的单片解决方案进展如何?
[答:] Please check on ST web.
[问:] 我对电源变换感兴趣,能否发个图片过来或者简单介绍一下这个器件?
[答:] Please find on ,the document will help you a lot. THKS
[问:] 我们是上钩英达视听器材有限公司,希望能向我们推荐AC/DC,AC220V/DC24V,AC60V/DC24V,电流在3A的开关电源单片解决方案.
[答:]  ST TPA Group products will help you,please check on .THKS
[问:] 我想知道这种开关电源器件已有产品吗?能否提供产品资料,性能特征,应用范围,参考电路,价格,代理等
[答:] Please check reference document (datasheet application sheet,design software) on ,Viper12A/22A/32/53/73/100(A)/20(A)/50(A) Can provide 85-265V wide range input can provide 60W power with perfect performance/price in same level SMPS Products.Mass product ,wide use in Charger/DVD Power/PC standby power….
[问:] 芯片功耗,电流?
[答:] IDD for Viper12/22 3-4mA while Viper53 8-9mA in normal operation, IC PWM Controller power comsumption related with VDD and IDD.Viper include MOS inside, so IC power Consumption should calculate MOS switching loss and conduction loss which related to operation situation . THKS
[问:] 需要原理图, 请发给我 谢谢!
[答:] Please find Viper Design software on ,the document will provide reference schematic for your design.Viper Transformer…as so on. THKS
[问:] 有变压器和无变压器的适配器在性能上有何区别?使用上有差别吗?
[答:] Usally, SMPS without transformer is non-isolated,with transforemr is isolated more safty . Differenct application requirement.