
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 



UART是设备和设备间进行通信的关键.这次在线技术座谈主要介绍Philips创新的UART解决方案主要系列产品的特性和应用范围, 帮助你解决现有的和下一代应用时的大量连接问题.


[问:n_sg] 请举例说明,UART方案比其他通信方式有何优点? 
[答:Johnchang] Uart is a mature spec which has advantage in easy design with and inexpensive. Furthermore, it also provide a upgrade migrate path for your application in the future.  [2004-2-26 10:22:05]
[问:ggchly] PHILIPS提供的UART芯片与CPU的接口都有哪些方式? 
[答:Johnchang] We provide Intel and Motor interfaces Uart solutions. Beside that our impact line can work with these two interfaces by designer"s setting  [2004-2-26 10:25:27]
[问:leonsfly] 实际上在我周围的人在使用UART的时候更多的采用了MAXIM的产品,较少使用PHILIPS的UART芯片,不知道PHILPS的芯片同其他厂家的比较有什么优势:比如价格、性能、功耗、ESD等方面,同其他厂家芯片引脚的兼容性,如何说服用户能够不使用原来的芯片而采用你们的芯片? 
[答:Sylviekadivar] Maxim offers line drivers. We offer uarts. TO our knowledge Maxim does not provide the portfolio we offer and does not place in this space. What part numbers are you referring to.  [2004-2-26 10:39:34]
[问:李浩] 关于串行接口电路的应用现状及前景如何?市场趋势如何?在哪里能获取相关IC的基础应用技术手册?谢谢! 
[答:Sylviekadivar] The uart market is growing. We see it used in new applications such as wireless or pda based solutions. Uarts interface with bluetooth modeules for example as well as IrDA. You can get information on our products by going to  [2004-2-26 10:41:57]
[问:yangzhaoyong] 有何好的方法保证UART通讯的可靠性和安全性? 
[答:Dongnguyen] There are software method that can do error checking for data reliabitly such as: checksum, CRC...Uart has a very basic error checking method that is done in hardware: parity error detection.As far as securiy you can run some kind of data encription on the top of the data stream.  [2004-2-26 10:42:34]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] UART的奇偶校研位是否必须要有? 
[答:Johnchang] No is will majorly depends on applications but parity could help data accuracy.  [2004-2-26 10:44:34]
[问:huihui] 您好,请问philips的芯片与sst的相比有何有点?我曾用st16c654d谢谢 
[答:Dongnguyen] The current SC16C654D have some difference as far as software is concerned (no differnces in pin out), and you can download an applicaiton note that details these differences from our web site.The next revsion which we called revision B will have no differences to the ST16C654D. This B revision should be hardware and software compatible to the SC16C654D.  [2004-2-26 10:45:56]
[问:chlfatso] 针对当前各种工业总线的发展,Philips是否会对某一类总线通讯提供UART的解决方案还是制定自己的标准? 
[答:Sylviekadivar] Philips designs uarts to meet market demand. For example we have seen customers looking for improved buscycle time as well as higher baud rates and deeper Fifo and extended temperature range. We have developped products based on these demands and market trends. Such examples can be seen on our enhanced SC16C family as well as our SC28L family of uarts. I recommend you look at out latest press release on the SC28L202 ( a dual channel uart with 256 byte Fifo and real time data error detection).  [2004-2-26 10:48:07]
[问:good goodok] 能否进行无线传输。传输过程中能否达到预定字节数。 
[答:Johnchang] Yes. Philips 16C uart offer IRDA encoder/decoder inside the chip. Therefore, it could be used to transmission data via wireless path.  [2004-2-26 10:48:22]
[问:maxdxs] 1,传输距离最大到多大。2,最高速率。3,当要实现远距多机系统串联传输时,如何保证其传输的高速性与准确性。 
[答:Dongnguyen] 1. Our 16C devices can offer speed up to 5Mbit/s2. see answer on number 1.3. Make sure the Vcc is clean and free of noise, use sufficient bypass capacitors. Make sure the ground plane is sodid and free of ground bounce.Make sure data signal, address and control signal (read, write, reset) is short and free of ringing.  [2004-2-26 10:49:40]
[问:willam_gann] 串行通讯速率和FIFO大小选择有什么关系 ? 
[答:Dongnguyen] The FIFO helps to reduce workload the microcontroller has to take care of the UART. The deeper the FIFO the less time the controller has to spend with the UART.Deeper FIFO also allows the transmitter to send more date before the receiver signal the transmitter to stop sending data. Generally speaking the serial communication throughput will increase.  [2004-2-26 10:54:06]
[问:mikefu] Can you use this solution on the digital home? 
[答:Dongnguyen] Sure you can use UART in digital home. We have customers that build ADSL modem that use UART to communicate with the PC.  [2004-2-26 10:55:37]
[问:FOXMAN @ZTE.COM.CN] 我们是做手机开发的。对于现在的套片成本感到太高,想进行器件替换。能否提供一些元器件的参数。同时我们也为手机开发了基于PC侧的一些工具,通过串口在PC与handset之间进行数据交互。因此对UART的解决方案也感兴趣。能否提供一些资料。谢谢! 
[答:Sylviekadivar] All information on our uarts( datasheet, application note, brochure, technical support mail box)can be found on our web site. To access the information please go to would recommend you take a look at our 16C solutions that can operate down to 2.5V as well as our latest dual channel SC28L202 with 256 byte Fifo. Also please make sure to send any technical question to  [2004-2-26 10:57:33]
[问:samire] 演示中提到的“Out of Band”和”In Band”, Band指的是什么? 
[答:Johnchang] The band means bandwidth.  [2004-2-26 10:58:43]
[问:evan_cheng] 我的是新手,请问 uart 是怎样与单片机的主频配合使用的,他们的关系是什么?谢谢! 
[答:Dongnguyen] UART will act a peripheral device to the processor. In other word, the processor will be a master and UART is a slave. If the processor has date to be sent through the serial communication channel it just send the data to the UART, and the UART will send the data to the receiver without any involvement of the processor. The UART will convert parallel data (a byte) to serial data, add start and stop bit and send the data. If the UART receives serial data from the sender it will convert these data to parallel format (byte) and store these data in the FIFO. The UART then interrupts the processor to tell the processor that it has received some data and they are stored in the FIFO. The processor then read these data from the FIFO.  [2004-2-26 11:01:09]
[问:wangdr] 中断方式具体有哪几个?例如,TX完成和RX完成中断。 
[答:Dongnguyen] The routines are too long to type them here. Butif you send us your email we will send you some sample C code that handle the transmit and receive interrupts.  [2004-2-26 11:03:16]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 在许多器件如PowerPC,ArmCPU,DSP能已集成了UART口,请问PHS的UART器件有何特长? 
[答:Johnchang] Integrated uart has lower fifo and speed comparing with standalone uart. In general, philips uart offer more advanced functions, speed, as well as design flexibility to our customers.  [2004-2-26 11:04:47]
[问:wxg6544] 贵公司的uart产品与TI的TL16C554APN对应的是那一款?完全兼容吗?在那里可以申请到样片?中国深圳有没有技术支持?如果能够做好,我愿意改用贵公司的产品。 
[答:Sylviekadivar] Philips SC16C554IB80 is pin compatible. However you may need to do a software modification on an existing design to qualify our part. An application note AN10163 is available on our web site ( highlight the differences.  In the same manner that we have done for the 1 and 2 channel uarts we expect to bring out a rev B solution  SC16C554BIB80 that will be 100% Software compatible in the 3rd quarter.  [2004-2-26 11:10:17]
[问:zcm] Philips创新的UART解决方案在DMA传输方面有没有改进? 
[答:Dongnguyen] If you refer to DMA as in direct memory access, the the UART does not support this mode. DMA in the UART datasheet refer to the interrupt block mode, that is, instead of sending the data or receiving the data byte by byte the software can send/receive the data in block. The UART uses two signal to do this: -TXRDY and -RXRDY. This way the controller will have less overhead of taking care of the UART. It is a improvement to interrupt by byte.  [2004-2-26 11:13:33]
[问:minghaoxu] philips提供的uart芯片中,最多能支持几路串行通讯,什么型号 
[答:Sylviekadivar] We offer uarts from 1 channel up to 8 channels. Here are examples of 8 and 4 channel products we offer today :Sc28L198 ( 8 channels), SCC2698 (8 channels)SC28L194 (4 channels)SC16C554 (4 channel), SC16C654 ( 4 channel), SC16C754 (4 channel)  [2004-2-26 11:16:15]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 刚才专家讲FIFO的深度对UART的工作非常重要,请问是否FIFO的容量越大越好? 
[答:Sylviekadivar] Absolutely. If your processor is sending data to the uart, the larger the Fifo the less interruptions it should do to send the complete data packet. As a result one can significantly reduce the the number of interruptions the CPU must do to send data : all this can contribute to less CPU overhead and greater system optimization  [2004-2-26 11:19:05]
[问:baoxuejun] uart接口:请比较详细的介绍一下最大应用速率及在手机中的应用。谢谢!1 
[答:Dongnguyen] Our UART can run up to 5Mbit/s, but now a day the factor that limits the speed is the line driver. Most of the line drivers I see today have a limit of 1Mbit/s max. We have customers use our UARTs in mobile applications to communicate with other devices through a wireless link such as: IrDA or BlueTooth. They also use UART as a link with the PC to send and receive data from the PC to the mobile device.  [2004-2-26 11:19:16]
[问:jiangzq] Philips创新的UART解决方案 请举列说明工业控制方面的应用实例,谢谢您。 
[答:Dongnguyen] RS232 is a point to point protocol, that is, there are only one transmitter and one receiver in any link. In industrial application where the need for more than one receivers is often required, and people use a differces protocol to accomplish this, we called this protocol RS485. One sample is the use of this protocol in a casino where you have many slot machines connected to a main computer. The slot machines reports how much money is being taken out and how much money is being putting in by the slot players.Another sample is the UART is used to control a robot the a RS232 link. The host computer send commands to the robot using UART connection.People also use UART to control fans, temperature regulation, monitor water level, check ID tags for security reason.  [2004-2-26 11:28:11]
[问:ggchly] 这些芯片有没有提供DMA方式的访问通道 
[答:Dongnguyen] UART does not support direct memory access if this is what you refer to. However, it does support DMA as in block mode. That is, the controller can send and receive the data to and from the UART in block.  [2004-2-26 11:30:18]
[问:YONGJUN] Philips 提供含两个UART的单片机吗。 
[答:Johnchang] Yes we offer two channel uart solution.  [2004-2-26 11:36:19]
[问:谢文志] 从速率上讲,单独的UART比嵌入的UART优越多少? 
[答:Johnchang] We do some comparison in our presentation. you may take a look again.  [2004-2-26 11:37:32]
[问:yczh2004] 请问你们的器件在汽车方面有用到嘛,尤其是小型汽车? 
[答:Sylviekadivar] The answer is yes. We have designed our uarts into  car control box that handles the monitoring and controlling of : the communication channel, the navigation panel, the audio box and the storage. The customer needed a 4-channel uart. We see more and more designs in navigation systems  [2004-2-26 11:38:27]
[问:voice] 一般寄偶校验出错后是如何处理的?如何通知对方? 
[答:Dongnguyen] Depends on whether even or odd parity is used, but in general everytime the UART receives a byte of data it will count how many ones are in the byte. It will then check with the parity bit, if there a even number of ones then the parity bit should be a zero, but if the parity bit is a one then there is a parity error. John has a slide in his presentation where it shows how this even and odd parity work, for more details about parity error and how to calculate it you should check with John.There is not a recovery method as far as the hardware is concerned. When the controller reads the parity-error byte the UART will also reports the parity error to the controller. Normally there is another software layer running on top of the data, this layer will ask the sender to resend the data if the UART reports a parity error with a data byte.  [2004-2-26 11:38:42]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] PHS的SC16CXX与TI的16C55X各有何优点? 
[答:Sylviekadivar] The advantages over Ti solutions :1.Philips SC16C devices operate down to 2.5V volt. 2. We have significant faster bus cycle times ( see table of comparison shown in the training material)3. We offer industrial temperature on all our products4. Our baud rates go up to 5Mbps  [2004-2-26 11:40:19]
[问:adam1976] 如何避免FIFO中的溢出? 
[答:Dongnguyen] To prevent overflow you can setup the UART to do either hardware of software flowcontrol.These methods will signal the sender to stop sending data until the receive FIFO is emptied by the processor. Once more spaces are available in the receive FIFO the UART will signal the sender to send more data.Please ask John to send you the slides where hardware and software flow control are described and detailed.  [2004-2-26 11:42:07]
[问:astinc] 可应用于80C51系列单片机通讯的芯片型号是什么?谢谢。 
[答:Dongnguyen] Any of our UART can work with the 80C51 microcontroller.  [2004-2-26 11:42:51]
[问:reasonal] 增强型的uart,与一般的相比,有何突出优点? 
[答:Sylviekadivar] Philips has been a leader in the Industrial uart for over 15 years. We continue to offer advance features in our uarts such as deep Fifos going to 256 byte, voltage operations down to 2.5V, baud rates up to 5Mbps, real tim data error detection, and arbitration interrupts. the list can go on! My suggestion is that you take a look at our web site : and take a ook at our products and brochures that give you an overview.  [2004-2-26 11:43:17]
[问:shxi-zhou] philips 的UART能不能带500个左右的负载? 
[答:Johnchang] what you mean by 负载? Is character or electric load?  [2004-2-26 11:43:30]
[问:qin] Philips的UART的速度目前能达到多高? 
[答:Johnchang] Our UART can reach 5Mbps.  [2004-2-26 11:43:57]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 现在听众提问较多,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。所有问题均已提交给飞利浦半导体公司公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,飞利浦半导体公司公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2004-2-26 11:46:28]
[问:yanwenna] 现在很多设计采用可编程器件,可以自己设计UART接口,请问采用PHILIPS的专用芯片有何优势? 
[答:Dongnguyen] Normally the UART in the FPGA only offer the very basic functions such as send and receive data. Our UARTs offers a lot more advance features: such as high baud rate, lower sleep current, hardware and software flow control, IrDA, deeper FIFO. Another advantage is that if another feature is needed then you just have to replace the UART, but with FPGA then you need someone to re code the UART VHDL, test it, verify it. And sometimes you would need to replace the FPGA also.  [2004-2-26 11:48:07]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] UART口的传输距离有多长? 
[答:Dongnguyen] Accoring to the IEEE spec. the maximum distance is about 6 feet. But because of the advances of the line driver such as improvement in slew rates, lower VCC supply the maximum distance can be higher than this. The distance also limited by the baud rate that you are running, the higher the baud rate the shorter the distance need to be.  [2004-2-26 11:51:58]
[问:fx118_1999] 请问:你们认为FIFO的深度做到256,还有没有再扩大的必要? 
[答:Sylviekadivar] It all depends on the complexity of the systems. We see that in sytems with increased complexity a growing need for deeper Fifo : our SC28L202 appears to be the solution for these systems.  [2004-2-26 11:52:28]
[问:imbird] 在UART使用中往往还要使用线驱或电平转换,使体积有所限制。philip的产品线中是否有带线驱的UART, 
[答:Sylviekadivar] No. We offer standaloe solutions. Our most popular line driver is the MC145406  [2004-2-26 11:53:25]
[问:qin] Philips的UART器件有无集成了RS232/485或USB/1.12.0功能? 
[答:Dongnguyen] Our UART can work with RS232/485 enviroment. They can also work in a USB/1.12.0 as a seperate entity for the USB devices.At this moment we do not have a USB/UART one chip solution.  [2004-2-26 11:53:57]
[问:caiweijiang] 和MCU接口为SPI还是八位并行口? 
[答:Dongnguyen] The interface is 8-bit data port.  [2004-2-26 11:54:17]
[问:张振坤] 单独的UART和嵌入了UART的微控制器一起使用时,速率作如何选择?可以单独控制吗? 
[答:Dongnguyen] There are registers in the UART that allow you to set the speed. Because the standalone and the intergrated are two seperate UARTs, you just have to program them differently. And yes, you can control them seperately.  [2004-2-26 11:55:52]
[问:13910702172] 利用UART,如何进行透明数据传输? 
[答:Dongnguyen] UARTs usually is an independent entity. The controller does not know how the uart convert parallel data to serial data, so it is really transparent to the controller as far as handling the serial conversion.  [2004-2-26 11:58:05]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] SC28L92能支持多高的数据交换速率? 
[答:Dongnguyen] 1Mbit/s  [2004-2-26 11:59:03]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与飞利浦半导体公司公司讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请飞利浦半导体公司公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2004-2-26 11:59:30]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的飞利浦半导体公司公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的飞利浦半导体公司公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2004-2-26 12:00:32]
[问:pqsh] 目前,UART通讯的最高速率有多少?无线传输图象(动静态)如何? 
[答:Dongnguyen] The maximum speed is 5Mbit/s but in actual reality the speed is limit by the line driver (about 1Mbit/s). For wireless link such as IrDA the speed is 112.5Kbit/s  [2004-2-26 12:00:53]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。  [2004-2-26 12:03:36]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2004-2-26 12:03:46]
[问:] 如何保证信号,特别是高速信号在转换和传输过程的完整性?
[答:] For signal integrity the following actions should be taken by a hardware engineer: 1. Bypass cap on VCC 2. Short and direct ground connection 3. All digital signals should be direct and short as possible 4. Use adequate bypass capacitors on the line driver 5. Do not route any trace close to the cystal area
[问:] UART的数据位是否最多是8位?有没有16位的?
[答:] We do not have 16-bit UARTs
[问:] UART对时钟有何特别的要求?对晶体的稳定度过有何特别的要求?
[答:] Depends on the baud rates, the higher the baud rate the more accuracy the clock needs to be.We generally recommend 100ppm for the UART clock.
[问:] 请解释波特率发生器(BRG)的原理以及和时钟之间的关系.
[答:] BRG means baud rate generator. This circuit takes the UART's input clock and generate other clocks for the transmitter as well as the clock for the receiver. The baud rate is calculated based on the following fomular : baud rate = X1 clock / (16 * divisor) where divisor is the number you write to DLL and DLM registers
[问:] 使用两通道UART时,如何保证通道间的绝缘或隔离?
[答:] External to the UART the hardware designer can do the following: 1. Use separate line driver for each channel 2. Route transmit and receiver traces for each channel away from one another
[问:] 可应用与单片机(80c51系列)的芯片有那些?谢谢!
[答:] Not only our UARTs can work with a 8051 type of microprossor, but they can also work any other processor where there are data bus and address bus available to peripheral devices.
[问:] 成本如何?现在这种片子很多,关键是价格要好
[答:] The cost depends on the number of channels on each UART as well as the volume. Please contact our sale force for more accurate pricing.
[问:] 如果应用在手机的话,速率、FIFO深度、几路(channel)比较合适?
[答:] Depends on what the application is for, but we have seen the ollowing applications: 112.5kbps for IrDA and 1Mbps in Bluetooth application. As far as FIFO deep we generally tell customers to use the largest FIFO evailable.
[问:] Xon/Xoff 的具体含义是什么?是否是用软件来做的通信双方的握手过程? :)我和菜  谢谢
[答:] Yes, it is a predefined handshake characters between two devices. Xon character is sent by the receiver to tell the transmitter to send more data, Xoff character is also sent by the receiver to tell the transmitter to stop sending data.
[问:] 片内是否嵌有IRDA的一些基本协议?还是仅仅是编解码?谢谢
[答:] The UART only has the encoding/decoding circuits built in, no other IrDA protocol.
[问:] 请教专家,在USB通信方式中已经有USB的通信协议,UART在其中起什么作用?
[答:] My guess is that UART is used to send/receive data from the baseband module to the RF module. I am not sure.
[问:] 在5Mbits/s的速率下,PHS的UART的电磁兼容性有何考虑?
[答:] The UART does not do anything special to take care of EMI, it depends on the external circuits to take care of EMI issue.
[问:] 'SC28Lxxx 和SC16Cxxx系列在无限工作时的工作频率和速率是多少?
[答:] 28L devices can run up to 3Mbps and 16C devices can run up to 5Mbps.
[问:] SC16C 3.3V供电,速度为5M/S时,功耗有多大
[答:] Approximately about 5mA
[问:] SC16C 3.3V供电时,总线周期为多少
[答:] About 43ns
[问:] 单个MCU最好拥有2个以上的UART?
[答:] If the application requires more UARTs than the MCU has, then you would need external UARTs. Or if the integrated UART does not support what the application demands then it is better to use external use. Some of such demands are: IrDA support, fast baud rates, very large FIFOs.
[问:] 用SC16C做系统的UART,那么贵公司有没有速度与之配套的性价比较高的高速光耦
[答:] For RS-232 application the speed of the line drivers are limited to around 1Mbps. For RS-485 applications the line driver can support the speed up to 25Mbps. You can use opto-coupler much they are much more expensive.
[问:] 请问,你们的UART方案主要应用在那些场合?
[答:] Industrial controls, device to device communications, point of sale terminal, wireless applications, PDA, ethernet routers…
[问:] 'Philips创新的UART解决方案有哪些创新点?实用芯片在中国如何顺利购买?
[答:] Our UARTs offer very high baud rates, fast bus access time, very deep FIFO.
[问:] UART与CAN那个更好?
[答:] Depends on the applications. CAN is useful in the multip-master enviroment, but the speed is limited to about 1Mbps with short messages. UART speed is faster and larger message but it does not have a well-defined protocol to run it.
[问:] 可否简要的介绍一下创新的UART解决方案的主要系列产品与同类产品的先进点?速度?功耗?
[答:] Our UARTs offer very high baud rates, fast bus access time, very deep FIFO.
[问:] 可否生产带电平转换器(如rs232)的产品?
[答:] At this moment we do not have UART with built-in line driver, but we are study the feasibility to implement such a device
[问:] UART方案中通信的复杂性和保密性如何平衡?
[答:] We generally do not provide the design detail of our UARTs, such as Verilog codes.
[问:] 请问:现有设备周边UART开发的应用扩展产品的兼容性如何解决好?
[答:] The engineer has to run as much testing as he can. He will not only try to test the device but also try to stretch it as much as possile. He needs to cover those corner cases and also worst conditions he can think of.
[问:] 请问“Philips创新的UART解决方案”推广期间对工业控制领域的技术支持如何完成?谢谢您!
[答:] We not only work with customers during the promotion period, but we also work with them until the product is released. If they run into problem during this time frame then we will work with them to have the problem solved.
[问:] 我们的产品是应用到水利监控中的,需要适时预警。UART方案对我们很有宜。
[答:] The UART can not tell what those warnings are, but it can be used to send those warnings to a controller such as a microprocessor for analysis. The microprocessor then can take appropriate actions.
[问:] 希望得到“Philips创新的UART解决方案”技术资料。谢谢!
[答:] Please contact Philips contact in your area
[问:] 请问SC16Cxxx如何进行开发?是否有相应的开发平台。
[答:] We have application notes detail the hardware interface between a controller such as Intel and Motorola based to a UART. We do have evaluation board based on the ISA bus of the PC.
[问:] can you mail me your spec first?
[答:] You can download the spec. for the following web site:
[问:] 请谈谈设备之间通讯的发展趋势以及对无线通讯的展望.谢谢
[答:] The trend for device to device communication now a day is serial communication. Parallel bus such as ISA, SCSI, PCI are now replaced by USB, PCI express. As far as wireless is concerned we see that Bluetooth is becoming more popular in personal wireless communication
[问:] 通信速率为1MBIT/S的串行通信采用那种方案较好?<br> 在串行总线通信芯片中有没有片内自动地址识别功能?当识别地址正确后再给CPU发中断信号.<br> 串口芯片有没有自动产生CRC校验码功能的芯片?
[答:] Some of our UARTs do support automatic RS-485 mode. These devices automatically detect the proper slave address and interrupt the controller. Our UARTs do not generate or check CRC.
[问:] 请将使用说明书传来:lix@PUBLIC.GZ.CN
[答:] We do not have user manual but we do have datasheet for our UART products available at:
[问:] PHILIPS的SPI接口做得不错,UART不是很了解,能介绍其最大的特色吗?<br>
[答:] The advantage of UART over SPI is that UART allow long distance communication up to thousand of feet, where SPI is for local uC to peripheral device communication.
[问:] uart与232总线连接时,需要什么别的转接芯片?
[答:] You would need RS-232 line drivers.
[问:] 我们现在大量使用80C320以利用它的双串口,正准备使用软件来模拟一个串口.但是担心它的可靠性和实时性,请问是否可以利用PHILIPS的产品来解决我们的问题?
[答:] Software UART requires a lot of sofware overhead as well as processor time. And they do not generally perform well in real time application. Stand-alone UARTs such as those make by Philips Semiconductors now a day are very cheap, and it is a much better way to go.
[问:] 对这些产品,如何获取详细得产品说明和应用案例
[答:] Please go to our web site to download these information,
[问:] 用在手提设备的UART需要较低的功耗,Philips的UART器件最低功耗有多低?它的封装尺寸有多大?
[答:] We do offer UART in very small packages: HVQFN and TSSOP.
[问:] 'UART从待机到叫醒,时间有多长?
[答:] From sleep to wake up it takes a few milisecond for the oscillator to stablize.
[问:] 是否UART都是半双工工作的?有无全双工工作的UART?
[答:] Our UART are all full-duplex, which means they can transmit and receive at the same time
[问:] PCB布局如何防止对高速UART的干扰?
[答:] 1. Adequate bypass cap on VCC 2. Short and direct ground connection 3. All digital signals should be direct and short as possible 4. Use adequate bypass capacitors on the line driver 5. Do not route any trace close to the cystal area 6. Data bus and control signals from the uC should be short and direct
[问:] BAUD是一种什么概念?它和一般的数据速率有何不同?
[答:] Baud rate means the bit rate that a UART is sending or receiving, this bit rate indicates the number of bits per second. For example: 9600 baud means the UART is set up to transmit or receive 9600 bit per second.
[问:] 高速uart最快速度能达到多少?
[答:] 5Mbps
[问:] philips uart解决方案最明显的优势是什么?
[答:] Our UARTs offer very high baud rates, fast bus access time, very deep FIFO. They operate from 2.5 to 5V and consump very little current in sleep mode.
[问:] 232接口电路philips有什么好的接口芯片,实现max232功能的
[答:] We do have RS-232line driver (MC145406) but this device is not compatible to the MAX232. Please visit our website: for the datasheet.
[问:] PHilips有多串口解决方案码?
[答:] Yes, our UART devices offer solution from a single channel up to 8 channel on the same chip. Please visit our web site: for datasheets and application notes.
[问:] 有与NEC UPD4711B兼容(PIN TO PIN)的芯片吗?
[答:] (need English version of the datasheet, can not find it on the web)
[问:] 在企业机械设备自动化控制应用前景如何。
[答:] We see more and more control applications go into wireless direction, Bluetooth …
[问:] 请问: 1. philips的异步收发器的原有应用领域,并请举例说明; 2. SC28Lxxx 和SC16Cxxx系列的功耗特性如何; 3. 3.3v系列的shutdown功能如何;
[答:] Industrial controls, device to device communications, point of sale terminal, wireless applications, PDA, ethernet routers…Depends on the baud rate and the number of channel on the device the current comsumption can be from 1mA for a single channel to 10mA for four channel or more. The sleep current is very low, and depends on the number of channels, but the number is roughly around 20-50uA for both family.
[问:] 是否可以提供中文资料?谢谢
[答:] We will offer them in the near future.
[问:] philips在这方面的创新主要是指什么?
[答:] Our UARTs offer very high baud rates, fast bus access time, very deep FIFO. They operate from 2.5 to 5V and consump very little current in sleep mode.
[问:] 双口UART的价位?
[答:] Contact our sale office for pricing, or you can send an email to:
[问:] 请问有抗雷击的工业控制方面UART的器件
[答:] We do not offer UARTs with built-in line driver. Our UARTs depend on external line driver to protect the system in case of thunder.
[问:] 抗雷击的RS485通讯器件有吗?型号与MAX487E兼容?区别?
[答:] We do not offer RS-485 line drivers.
[问:] 能否提供一些驱动程序,比如Vxworks下他的驱动程序。另外,这种UART在价格上面是否有优势?
[答:] At the present time we do not offer custom drivers. Contact our sale office for pricing, or you can send an email to:
[问:] 你们uart器件的开发板有没有?网上是否免费供样?供样和供货周期多长?在中国深圳有没有技术支持?
[答:] We do have evaluation board but these boards require the user to have access to a PC with one available ISA slot. You can request samples from our web site: and we do have a delicate tech support person in Zhenzhen.
[问:] uart的产品价格与同行的情况怎样?
[答:] Please contact our sale office for pricing related issues.
[问:] sc16c554可以完全替代tl16c554a?
[答:] Our SC16C554B should be able to repleace the IT16C554a completely.
[问:] 我们使用的AVR系列芯片上自带的全双工UART,请问Philips的工作模式是怎样的? 我们使用UART与PC机RS232通讯,对传输速率要求不高,但稳定性要求很高,那么,在稳定性上Philips UART 有和优点?谢谢。
[答:] Our UARTs are very reliable.
[问:] 是采用多少通道的UART?串口、并口或兼有?
[答:] All UARTs are serial. We offer UARTs up to 8-channel.
[问:] UART的通信方式比直接TTL电平传输的优点有哪些?
[答:] Do not understand the question.
[问:] 请将Philips创新的UART解决方案的要点谈一下好吗? Kang xibin
[答:] Our UARTs offer very high baud rates, fast bus access time, very deep FIFO. They operate from 2.5 to 5V and consump very little current in sleep mode.
[问:] philips have 8 uart component?
[答:] We do offer UART with 8-channel if that is what you meant. The part number is SC28L198
[问:] 內部 mcu 發展工具為何???
[答:] Do not understand the question.
[问:] 高速UART对时钟的要求如抖动和偏斜有多高?时钟是内置的吗?
[答:] The clock requirement depends on the baud rate, the high the baud rate the higher the frequency the clock need to be, and also accuracy. We generally recommend crystal/oscillator with 100ppm to use. All of our UARTs require either a crystal, an oscillator or an external clock source to operate.
[问:] UART中出现误码,和那些因素有关?如何改进?它和传输速率有关吗?
[答:] As with other communication methods, noises generate by any other devices or the UART itself can interfere with transmit and receive signals to cause data error. Long distance will also degrade the quality of the signl to cause the receiver to detect wrong data. To present such issues the engineer needs to make sure the enviroment the UART operates in is as quiet as possible, and watch for signal integrity issues.
[问:] 看门狗在UART中的作用是什么?待机状态是否也在工作?
[答:] Watchdog timer in our UART is used by the receiver to detect the very last character(s) of a received message that maybe waiting in the receive FIFO, but they are too few in characters to successfully initiate an interrupt. Watchdog stops when the UART is in standby mode (sleep) because the internal clock is shut-down.
[问:] 能否提供一些驱动程序,比如Vxworks下他的驱动程序。另外,这种UART在价格上面是否有优势?
[答:] At the present time we do not offer custom drivers. Contact our sale office for pricing, or you can send an email to:
[问:] 请将单价及订购地址传到
[答:] Please contact Philips contact in your area
[问:] 请举例说明,SC28L92对CPU的请求发送到实现发送,所需时间多长?CPU需要中断处理吗?
[答:] The exact time depends on the interrupt latency of the system. Once the UART receives a request to send from the over device it will generate an interrupt.
[问:] 最高比特率可达到多少
[答:] Some of our UARTs can run as high as 5Mbps
[问:] 电源电压范围如何,稳定性及功耗的改善的情况
[答:] Our UARTs can operate from 2.5V to 5V. Our 16CxxxB devices offer very low sleep current, 50uA.

恩智浦半导体NXP Semiconductors N.V.(Nasdaq: NXPI)汇集英才,共同创造突破性技术,为更智慧安全的互联世界保驾护航。作为全球领先的嵌入式应用安全连接解决方案提供商,恩智浦不断寻求汽车、工业物联网、移动设备和通信基础设施市场的突破,同时不断推出解决方案,助力实现可持续发展的未来。恩智浦拥有超过60年的专业技术及经验,在全球30多个国家设有业务机构,员工达34,500人,2022年全年营业收入132.1亿美元。更多信息请登录