
热门关键字: 传感器制造 噪声系数 载波信号 智能网络 



解决方案包括有完整的照相系统包括透镜,红外滤波器以及彩色传感器,它们的价格要适度,可以选择挖槽式或是弯曲式附着技术。意法半导体公司在CMOS图像传感器技术方面公认的经验和在移动电话系统中嵌入的知识是成功设计并发布最新的移动电话照相机解决方案(VS6552 + STV0974工具包)的关键。


[问:maji_999] 手机相机中对于图像自动白平衡修正的算法是怎样的一个过程?(基于BAYER型图像编码采集方式)谢谢 ! 
[答:CW] Probably too long time to describe here, there is a doc available, will send to you, pls give your contact. In short, our ISP is an optimised block for mobile use, based on past experience and record in achieving good image quality.  [2004-2-19 10:29:01]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2004-2-19 10:29:29]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是意法半导体公司公司的:CW Hor, Chen Pei, Allen  [2004-2-19 10:30:50]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。  [2004-2-19 10:44:36]
[问:yzhj2003] 目前移动电话照相机的发展很快,有CMOS,CCD,VGA等,请问哪种图像传感器较好? 
[答:Allen] VGA with CMOS is the main stream. CCD is applied to only mega pixels resolution so far.  [2004-2-19 10:45:06]
[问:sunquan] cmos和CCD到达谁比较有前景 
[答:CW] CMOS is well positioned to be able to achieve higher chip integration, so CMOS is poised to have brighter future  [2004-2-19 10:45:42]
[问:gz-linjs] 1。 相关的芯片资料及原理图在哪里下载?2。CMOS对信号的采集时有没有延时?与CCD相比差多少。3。我是广州的客户,有没样片提供?以后的技术支持和销售应与谁联系? 
[答:CW] 1. pls visit Delays are seen when data signals are processed through circuit blocks. But, we still can see final framerate at 30.3. Pls contact ST-ShZ, Steve MA. For technical and commercial, pls contact us (,  [2004-2-19 10:49:22]
[问] 请问,在这种设备中,如何实时压缩数据,并使得我们所看到的画面没有动画的感觉。? 
[答:Chen] There is a MJPEG encoder in 974, which can provide 30fps VGA YUV -> MJPEG. It is done by Hardware IC.  [2004-2-19 10:49:31]
[问:xachina] 此摄像方案是否能用于ip网络电话的可视部分?价格是多少? 
[答:CW] Yes, it"s possible, but had never tried. For kit price, pls contact ST-SHZ sales  [2004-2-19 10:50:31]
[问:gxlbs] 近期内有多大可能把主流的300万像素照像头移植到手机中呢? 
[答:CW] From market survey and customer feedback, 2004 shall see a big jump in qty with camera phones, which amount to over 100Mu sets.  [2004-2-19 10:51:58]
[问:zeropoint17] 请问现在的照相手机主要采用双核,还是单核?如果要处理视频解码(QCIF,25帧),单核目前有这个能力吗? 
[答:CW] Both. For QCIF, 25fps results, one needs a video decoding circuit, which is only available on a processor chip, thus a two-chip solution.  [2004-2-19 10:54:26]
[问:zhang quan2003] 手机照相方便,但相片质量还较差,如何在不影响手机性能的情况下提高照片质量?照相机的功能还太单一,有没有可能提高照相机的功能,如何提高? 
[答:Chen] The key point is to get the good quality of camera module for your mobile phone, like what we provide to you. You can see the image quality during the presentation.for your 2nd question, What function for camera you are talking about?  [2004-2-19 10:55:19]
[问:hdqiang] 请问ST的CMOS图像传感器有几种类型?其分辨率分别是多少?谢谢! 
[答:CW] We have and shall have,- VGA 2-chip kit, and 1-chip SoC (2004)- SVGA 2-chip kit (late 2004)- 1Mp, 2-chip kit (late 2004)- 2Mp, 2-chip kit (2005)  [2004-2-19 10:57:08]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] VS6552图像传感器的视角能到多大? 
[答:CW] 50 degree horizontal field of view, enough to view two persons shoulder to shoulder from a "arm" distance  [2004-2-19 10:58:31]
[问:zouzubin g19780411] 我关心的是体积问题!如果相机的象数提高,那么整机的体积肯定要大,而我们的移动电话我觉得是越小越好,如果相机的象数低没有什么用!你们是怎么处理这样的问题的 
[答:Allen] This is why the main stream in mobile phone is still VGA with CMOS. It takes time to overcome the camera dimesion issue in mega pixels. However, it could be resloved in the near future.This is a common issue in the whole industry.  [2004-2-19 10:59:32]
[问:张振坤] VS6552的光敏感度多大?能感应最小的照明亮度是多少? 
[答:CW] 6552 can function under 5lux dim light condition due to its built-in advanced low-light process.  [2004-2-19 10:59:44]
[问:roger benben] 请教专家:1.如何避免移动电话照相机在拍摄过程中由于手部抖动而造成的照片模糊现象?2.本人在用移动电话照相机拍照时,照片总是呈现"哈哈镜"的效果,即画面变形,请问如何改进?谢谢! 
[答:Chen] 1. ST can provide 30fps VGA video streaming, which means the fastest speed for cam is 1/30 sec, if you still find your image is blur, by end user, there is nothing we can do. if you are a developer for the camera phone, you can provide the software to correct the shaking image in the handphone baseband.2. STV0974 can do it perfectly for that, because we have one register for that.  [2004-2-19 11:00:02]
[问:rual00000] 请问在STV0974最大可支持的分辨率是多少? 
[答:CW] STV0974 is a "VGA" compatible image DSP  [2004-2-19 11:00:51]
[问:ninemen] 移动电话照相机上为何不用CCD而用CMOS,仅仅因为成本吗? 
[答:Allen] Power consumption and camerais dimension are also the concerns.  [2004-2-19 11:01:12]
[问:hdqiang] Does ST provide Linux drives for your image processors?Thank you. 
[答:Chen] For 974, we still do not have it, but for other imaging processor, we do have linux driver. Please let me know what application you are talking about?  [2004-2-19 11:03:18]
[问:samire] ST的VGA模块和其它公司的同等模块相比有何特点? 
[答:CW] Key points are:1- low-light mode (good image under 5lux)2- in-house modules manufacturing (>2Mu/mth capacity, can be expanded3- >10-year imaging experience4- Global presence  [2004-2-19 11:04:19]
[问:chinasg001] 请问一下现在VS6524+STV0794目前的价格是多少? 
[答:Allen] Below $10.  [2004-2-19 11:06:28]
[问:qin] VGA模块有没有预览功能?有没有数字变焦功能? 
[答:Chen] Yes, we have preview. and we also have digital zoom  [2004-2-19 11:06:57]
[问:xiao_ming] STV0974內部只有8bit MCU,na那么它的數据轉換速度如何 
[答:CW] 8bit MCU is just a house-keeper, all other major fucntions like ISP, JPEG, etc are hard-wired blocks. The final performance is VGA 30 frame/sec output  [2004-2-19 11:07:00]
[问:circhet 66772000] 请问模块中的图像压缩采用的是什么算法及在dsp中的实现问题,保证图像数据在大的压缩比下不丢失? 
[答:Chen] We are using MJPEG compression, internally we have buffer to avoid data lost.  [2004-2-19 11:08:32]
[问:mo_ren] 请问从哪里可以申请到芯片测试样品及测评套件? 
[答:Allen] Go through ST sales office or our distributors.  [2004-2-19 11:08:57]
[问:qin] 请介绍VGA模块的数字接口性能. 
[答:CW] The VS6552 output is a serial LVDS (2 datas, 2 clocks) interface, able to run at up to 120M bit/sec rate for VGA. This saves the amount of wires as seen in parallel output mode.  [2004-2-19 11:09:37]
[问:ntv] 如何获得VS6552 + STV0974更详细的资料? 
[答:Allen] Contact with Allen LIANG.  [2004-2-19 11:11:26]
[问:张振坤] 手机的功耗很重要,请问VGA图像模块的有多大?何功率管理效率如何? 
[答:CW] VS6552 module dimension is 8.7 x 10.6 x 5.8mm, F2.8 lens, comes with either socket and flex cable connections. VS6552 standby power is 15microWatt  [2004-2-19 11:12:39]
[问:samire] 图像处理器和手机基带处理器的通信是串行还是并行?串行和并行各自有何优缺点? 
[答:CW] STV0974 has a parallel interface.Two interface modes are possible,1- Video output mode, 30fps VGA2- MCU mode, 30fps VGA  [2004-2-19 11:14:45]
[问:gz-linjs] 你们的评估板,在中国应找哪家公司联系 
[答:CW] Pls contact ST sales offices in your locations - Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu. For web enquiry, pls contact  [2004-2-19 11:16:43]
[问:samire] 请详细介绍STV0974处理器的性能.它的工作时钟和功耗如何?它只能CMOS传感器配和使用吗? 
[答:Chen] 1)STV974 is doing image processing from raw data YUV to MJPEG/YUV/RGB, internally there are a lot of steps like defect correction, RGB interpolation, color matrix, crop & scale, gamma correction....2)At 30fps, power comsumption is less than 50mw, standby mode is less than 30uW3) STV974 only works with 6552  [2004-2-19 11:20:51]
[问:张振坤] 图像的质量主要由分辨率,光灵敏度和单个像素的噪音电平来决定,请问ST的图像模快在这几方面的性能如何? 
[答:CW] Our VS6552 VGA sensor is designed based on H7i Image process with improved low-light capability and having advanced pixel design. Our kit is proven to work under 5lux, yet achieving good image quality.  [2004-2-19 11:20:52]
[问:rual00000] 请问数字变焦功能如何实现?可以实现几级变焦 
[答:Chen] 4 times, done by 974  [2004-2-19 11:22:06]
[问:mo_ren] 请问我可以得到移动电话摄像机解决方案的一些支持工具及评测套件吗?包括详细的芯片资料及设计样品?公司想用此方案解决电台的图像传输! 
[答:Allen] Please send your requirement in detail and email to  [2004-2-19 11:23:02]
[问:lixujie] 高像素的实现受到哪部分的影响? 
[答:CW] Higher resolution imager is limited by pixel size (4um is mainstream today) and pixel sensitivity.  [2004-2-19 11:23:58]
[问:litway] 如何解决图像压缩模式尺寸有限与用户的期望值之间的矛盾???   
[答:Allen] The maximum compression rate could be 1/100 in JPEG. To get higher rate, MPEG4 is the solution.  [2004-2-19 11:26:15]
[问:谢文志] 现在用在手机上的有200万像素传感器,ST的30万像素传感器是那年的产品?有何特别的优点? 
[答:CW] 2Megapixel camera in phone is made normally with CCD, there is not a commercial product in CMOS this year. ST"s 6552+0974 is a 2003 product, and we started selling VGA solutions in 2002.  [2004-2-19 11:26:57]
[问:szitsky] 请问ST的方案中是否带有防红眼、白平衡、智能对焦等技术。如果没有,对这些技术的集成是否是未来手机相机的发展方向? 
[答:Chen] If you are not using a flash light, how can you have a red eye image,If you are using flash light, you can remove the red eye on the phone - just give a flash before toy taking photo.STV974 have white-balance function.  [2004-2-19 11:27:20]
[问:qin] VGA图像模块的帧速率有多高? 
[答:Chen] 30fps  [2004-2-19 11:27:31]
[问:peng8127] 移动电话照相机技术最困难的技术是什么? 
[答:CW] 1- space limitation2- Processor to baseband interface3- software (MMI) routines to control camera  [2004-2-19 11:28:39]
[问:dtwh1588] 在低照度条件下,使用CCD好,还是COMS好? 
[答:Chen] For normal technology CCD can provide better image under low light, but ST CMOS provide a low light function, in this case, we can give "CCD-like" image.  [2004-2-19 11:28:58]
[问:maiguoliren] 请问:ST公司"引导移动电话照相机解决方案”与同类解决方案相比,有什么特色? 
[答:Allen] Best performance in low light mode with its good sensitivity and good reliability.  [2004-2-19 11:34:24]
[问:yys] 就移动电话而言,如何尽量减小照相带来的电能损耗 
[答:CW] Our kit accepts a "XshutN" signal from baseband, there are 3 modes possible:1- live/operation2- standby3- sleep  [2004-2-19 11:35:51]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 现在听众提问较多,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。所有问题均已提交给意法半导体公司公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,意法半导体公司公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。  [2004-2-19 11:42:54]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 现在座谈即将结束。欢迎各位填写在线座谈页面的问卷调查,并请于明天中午12点以前提交。  [2004-2-19 11:50:45]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与意法半导体公司公司讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请意法半导体公司公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2004-2-19 11:53:49]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您,小狮子 经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。<br>请网名为小狮子的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。  [2004-2-19 11:57:58]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2004-2-19 11:58:09]