
热门关键字: 光伏逆变器 LIN总线 WPAN MPEG 



瑞萨的新型SiGe及Si双极晶体管具有高频、低噪音、高增益、宽动态范围以及小体积等突出优点,是用在LNA、混合器、缓冲器、VCO以及低至中功率放大器的极佳解决方案。而用于家电及消费电子领域的可控硅管,瑞萨公司有完整的系列,包括150度C和125度C类型的元器件,能满足市场的需求。这次在线座谈将介绍用于Wireless LAN/PHS/Cordless/FRS等的高频分立晶体管和用于家电及消费电子领域的可控硅管的性能和特性以及应用.


主题:瑞萨用于Wireless LAN/PHS/Cordless/FRS等的高频分立晶体管, 瑞萨用于家电及消费电子领域的可控硅管
[问:郭安波] 请问专家用高频分离晶体管放大射频信号,如何才能保证前级放大器的输出阻抗和晶体管放大器的输入阻抗匹配? 
[答:Akira] We measure S parameter using Network analyzer.We provide S parameter data in products dataseet.  [2004-2-18 10:27:00]
[问:radio21] 请问高频功率晶体管在负载失配甚至开路状态下所能持续的不损坏时间有多长?是否需要在设计上额外考虑保护电路? 
[答:Akira] Understanding mis match condition ,it depend on circuits condition. I recomended using Isolator.  [2004-2-18 10:31:09]
[问:johnk_yu] 可控硅的噪声消除方法 
[答:Toshihiro] We recommend insert the CR absorber circuit between T1 and T2 as follow.1) capacitance 0.01uF - 0.47uF2) resistance  47 - 100 ohm  [2004-2-18 10:31:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。  [2004-2-18 10:33:42]
[问:www713] 请问瑞萨是否有wlan的整套解决方案?有那些用于wlan的功率晶体管?一般10W以内的管子要加为多少? 
[答:Akira] We do"nt have 10W power device.LNA,PA and driver transistor(Pout=28dbm) is available.  [2004-2-18 10:34:44]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此回答问题的专家是Renesas公司的:Yasuo, Akira, Toshihiro, Stanley, Dennis  [2004-2-18 10:34:47]
[问:sun80] 高频分立晶体管具体用于什么?
[答:Akira] It uses reciever and transmitter satage.for examle, TV,Celluar phone,cordless phone.  [2004-2-18 10:37:46]
[问:stock] 用于消费电子领域小批量三极管的质量如何保证 
[答:Akira] We examine Reliability test at developing stage.  [2004-2-18 10:40:32]
[问:lijt] 手机上的电路,有没有用可控硅的?可控硅除了用作开关和可控整流之外,在直流供电的超高频电路中,还会有机会使用它吗? 
[答:Toshihiro] Triac can not use high freqency application.Usually, It is using low frequency application and controll alternating current.For example...Home appliance(Frequency 50 - 60Hz)  [2004-2-18 10:45:44]
[问:gnem] 此晶体的功耗、温度、电磁干扰等参数是否能够合乎国际标准?可以用在局域网络通信技术方面吗?
[答:Akira] We measured our standard method for Power loss,temperature. We use thermal resistance for power dissipation and temperature.EMI is not guarantee.Our high frequency Transistor also using LAN application.  [2004-2-18 10:49:44]
[问:xilinx2003] 它有什么特殊性能,能给我们家电及消费电带来什么革新其技术原理和构造 
[答:Toshihiro] We adapted planar structure for low leakage current of Triac.  [2004-2-18 10:50:47]
[问:xmzmz] 我想订购NOKIA手机里面用的VCO和26M,天线开关,我应该了解哪一些参数,市面上的资料直接了解得了吗? 对我很重要,谢谢专家指点,拜托了 
[答:Akira] Unfortunatlly, we do"nt answer directly.Please contact our sales in china.  [2004-2-18 10:52:13]
[问:xxc_3731j] 请提供瑞萨公司TRIAC技术资料 
[答:Toshihiro] What type name of Triacs do you need?I prepaired the datasheets about our Triacs in websight."http//"  [2004-2-18 10:53:14]
[问:marron_sohu] 贵公司产品在性能和价格上与其他公司产品相比有什么特点? 
[答:Akira] Our SiGe transistor has high gain and low noise figure. About Price, please contacts our sale in china.  [2004-2-18 10:54:42]
[问:AudixTPE] As we understand Triac could be use in DSC application. Is there any other application could also using Renesas Triac products?  
[答:Toshihiro] Triacs can not use in DSC.Thyristors is used for strobe circuit in DSC and film camera.  [2004-2-18 10:58:08]
[问:qin] 为什么双极的工艺精细程度不如MOS? 
[答:Akira] I think Bipolar transistor is mainly analoge functuon. It depand on application request.To fine pattern ,it dose not mean good characteristics. Application of COMS is degital function(0/1 function). To fine pattern ,device will get high performance.  [2004-2-18 11:01:46]
[问:谢文志] 无绳电话的分立器件是用于数字无绳还是模拟无绳电话?它和收发器IC有和优点? 
[答:Stanley] Yes. the discrete components could be used in either anolog or digital type cordless phone. In comparing to the transceiver, they are more cheaper and more flexible in design.  Of course some digital solution has to use the RF IC.  [2004-2-18 11:02:52]
[问:王伟东] 可以用于GPS接收机里吗? 
[答:Akira] Yes,ofcause. I recomend 2SC5820 or HSG1003 for LNAapplication.  [2004-2-18 11:04:13]
[问:wrd1] 请您谈谈Triac & Thyristor在变频控制领域的应用情况和renesas在这方面的优势.谢谢! 
[答:Stanley] We offer high voltage TRAIC and SCR with up to 150 deg.c device which is good in the Inverter design at low frequency application, for high PWM you need IGBTs.  [2004-2-18 11:05:05]
[问:Tiaholia] 相关的选型资料(或元件概述)在哪里得到? 
[答:Stanley] YOu can visit the for all the information.  [2004-2-18 11:05:28]
[问:kongweiqiang] 能否提供参考电路设计! 
[答:Stanley] Yes, for the RF transistors, we can offer evaluation board, samples and application note. For the TRAIC we can offer you application idea.Pls. contact us for details  [2004-2-18 11:06:27]
[问:张振坤] 从性价比上比较,SiGe, GeC和Si高频功率晶体管那个较好? 
[答:Akira] I think SiGe product is best as cost-performance.  [2004-2-18 11:07:41]
[问:qin] 无线LAN中采用分立器件有何好处?是否存在调整难的问题?我认为不如用收发器方便. 
[答:Stanley] For the LNA application, module is easy to use bur expensive, but if you are good experience in RF you can design by your own on the LNA, Renesas offers SiGe transistors which is very suitable on LNA application.  [2004-2-18 11:07:46]
[问:m040218] 请介绍可控硅励磁整流装置 
[答:Stanley] Sorry, we don"t have such products.  [2004-2-18 11:08:05]
[问:samire] 高频功率晶体管的3dB的带宽有多大? 
[答:Akira] It depend on circuit.For example, our HSG2001 driver amplifier circuit,Center frequency 1.8GHz ,3dB bandwidth is about 800MHZ.If you need application example ,please contact our sales in china.  [2004-2-18 11:12:50]
[问:张振坤] Renesas公司有无MMIC?请举例说明. 
[答:Akira] We are under developping MMIC LNA and PA as Wireless LAN. But at this moment ,We can"t open.  [2004-2-18 11:16:09]
[问:张振坤] 如何用可控硅使AC220V电压作慢慢的减少直到0V,时间最好可调.注意AC220带的负载要求工作电流达10安. 
[答:Toshihiro] If the applications is not reverse motor,I recommend the BCR16KM-12LA.But when the rush current flow,The rush current should be measured and a detailed heat calculation should be made.Provide us with the following values and We will do the calculation for you.a) case of Triacs temperatureb) Peak value of rush current   (Ip)c) Constant current value       (IT(RMS))d) Operation sequence  (   ) seconds during ON  (   ) seconds during OFF  [2004-2-18 11:19:13]
[问:kongweiqiang] 现所涉及的产品是否已经量产?与其它公司的产品的可替代性如何? 
[答:Stanley] Yes, for the TRAIC/SCR, they are all in mass production. For some of the SiGe RF transistors are still in sampling stage. But all of the Bipolar transistors we are already in MP.  [2004-2-18 11:21:56]
[问:chenkangmin] 如何提高高频晶体管的截止频率(Ft)和降低噪声(Nf)?!在管子设计和制造工艺上采取什么相应措施?! 
[答:Akira] Thickness of base layer desige fT value , Sowe have thinner base layer process using fine pattern process. Noise figure depend on base resistance, so we have low and thin base layer process to get high fT and low NF.  [2004-2-18 11:23:50]
[问:MB45] 能否考虑低噪声下高频分力晶体管与放大电路的集成?有何优缺点? 
[答:Stanley] RF IC is easy to use, but a bit expensive, if you use the RF transistors, the cost will be lower but you will take lower time on design.  [2004-2-18 11:24:01]
[问:WEBCAV] 1.三相交流相位监测器的原理2.求购ILQ-1 
[答:Stanley] Sorry, we don"t have this product.  [2004-2-18 11:24:20]
[问:marron_sohu] 贵公司能不能提供样片,和产品使用说明、案例,及产品特性CD? 
[答:Stanley] Yes, we can offer you samples, datasheets and application note with CD-ROM data. Pls. contact our China Sales office or our Distributor.  [2004-2-18 11:25:02]
[问:m040218] 请问高频双极晶体管有何优势? 
[答:Akira] Our SiGe Transistor has HIgh gain and Low noise figure at 2.4GHz to 5.8GHz.  [2004-2-18 11:26:03]
[问:lotusyan] 瑞萨的SCR都用于家电产品吗?还有别的方面吗? 
[答:Toshihiro] Usually, SCR is used for the applications as follw.1)Film camera and DSC for strobe (electric flash)2)earth leakage breaker3)igniter for Fan heater,Water heater4)Protection the rush current circuit for SMPS and inverter lamp.  [2004-2-18 11:26:09]
[问:wang] 贵公司的高频晶体管能应用在小灵通上吗? 
[答:Stanley] Yes, we have a lot of RF transistors which can be used in PHS handset. Pls. contact us.  [2004-2-18 11:27:09]
[问:wang] 请问贵公司生产的可控硅最高电压能做到多少? 
[答:Toshihiro] We have the maximum voltage of Triac is 1000V(VDRM). It is BCR8KM-20LA(1000V/8A/TO-220FNpkg)   [2004-2-18 11:28:36]
[问:samire] 请比较Bipolar和MOS分立器件的性能,价格和应用范围有和差异? 
[答:Stanley] Bipolar transistor is cheaper, but the loss is limited by VCE9(sat), and bipolar transistor easy to have a thermal runaway problem. But MOSFET loss is mainly from the Rds(on). MOSFET is a bit expensive.  [2004-2-18 11:28:59]
[问:rampart123] 瑞萨的新型SiGe及Si双极晶体管的主要参数及突出特性? 
[答:Akira] Our high ferquency transistor,gain and Noise figure is key parameter. New product our SiGe transistor HSG1002 is |S21| 11dB @2v,10mA,5.8GHand NF 1.2dB @2v,10mA,5.8GHz.  [2004-2-18 11:30:15]
[问:marron_sohu] 贵公司在国内的代理商? 
[答:Stanley] Pls. visit our HK web site can you can select one of the distributor there.  [2004-2-18 11:32:26]
[问:m040218] 请介绍一下高频双极晶体管的应用领域 
[答:Stanley] The major application of RF transistors are FRS, Cordless phone, mobile phone, Wireless LAN etc..  [2004-2-18 11:33:18]
[问:kongweiqiang] 对不起,我们近期要设计带WILL LAN接口的智能家用电器,有什么参考电路可参考呢! 
[答:Akira] We have application data .CONTENT is below.HSG1001/2/3 LNA ,HSG2001 Driver AmplifierHSG2003 Driver Amplifier,2SC5945 Power AmplifierIf you need deta ,please contact our sales in china.  [2004-2-18 11:34:06]
[问:谢文志] 从那里可以下载到SiGe高频功率管的参考设计和S参数? 
[答:Akira] Please contact sales office in Hongkong.  [2004-2-18 11:35:20]
[问:english_li] 跑步机、过塑机产品中瑞萨可控硅有没有运用产品或可选用的? 
[答:Stanley] Yes, we have full line of TRAIC and SCR which can be used in those application, we can provide you samples to try this out if you need this.  [2004-2-18 11:35:46]
[问:xmzmz] 能不能介绍一个会中文的人和我联系,我想订这些在NOKIA里用到的的分立元件 
[答:Stanley] Yes, I am Chinese, you can contact us if you need more information, my email is stanley.leung@renesas.compls. contact us.  [2004-2-18 11:37:07]
[问:kongweiqiang] 我们现在已经用了其它公司所生产的相同类型的产品,想知道贵公司的产品与其它公司产品的可替代性! 
[答:Stanley] Yes, most of the products ( RF transistors and TRAIC/SCR) can be directly replaced by Renesas products with lower cost and better performance. Pls. contact us for the details.  [2004-2-18 11:38:34]
[问:jiangjianweiyd] 请问这些高频分立晶体管在电路中将会起到一个什么样的具体的作用呢? 
[答:Stanley] May I get a question which more specific details?Thank you.  [2004-2-18 11:40:57]
[问:samire] 可控硅移相触发在感性负载时,怎样削除电压、电流不同,若用阻容吸收,那电阻跟电容该怎么取。谢谢! 
[答:Toshihiro] [current class]1)When no rush current flows   (Load current)×1.5≦permissible current.2)When the rush current flows  (Load current)×3.0≦permissible current.[voltage class]Supply votage AC200V-220V   --> 600V(VDRM) [CR absorber]We recommned the CR absorber value as follw.C --> 0.01uF - 0.47uFR --> 47ohm  - 100ohm  [2004-2-18 11:44:33]
[问:lll-j] 怎样消除可控硅电路对收音机的干涉 
[答:Toshihiro] We recommend insert the CR absorber circuit between T1 and T2 of TRIAC as follow.1) capacitance 0.01uF - 0.47uF2) resistance  47 - 100 ohm  [2004-2-18 11:45:41]
[问:040218] 贵公司有没有光电器件可选择?如用作220V绝缘继电器? 
[答:Stanley] Sorry, we don"t have this products from Renesas.  [2004-2-18 11:49:10]
[问:little.daniel] Are you have the total solution of the Set top box??? 
[答:Stanley] We don"t have the total solution in Set Top Box, but we have many products that is suitable in Set Top Box, pls. contact our Sales Office for details.  [2004-2-18 11:51:08]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 现在座谈即将结束。欢迎各位填写在线座谈页面的问卷调查.  [2004-2-18 11:51:19]
[问:little.daniel] 请介绍一下在wlan上的应用 
[答:Akira] 11a system f=5.2GHzLNA HSG1002 ;you can get high gain and low noise   PG=12dB NF=1.49dB typ. @2v,10mA,5.8GHZPA ; HSG2002 underdevelopping Driver; HSG2003 P1dB=19.5dBmPredriver; HSG1002 P1dB=12dBm11g system f=2.4GHzLNA;HSG1003 PG=18dB NF=1.0dB typ. @2v,10mAPA;2SC5945 P1dB=26.2dBmDriver;HSG2001 P1db=18dBm PG=12dB  [2004-2-18 11:51:30]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与Renesas公司讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Renesas公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2004-2-18 11:51:37]
[问:samire] 用在240V AC开关,如和选择TRIAC的耐压?要留多少富余量合适?通过的电流如何选择呢? 
[答:Toshihiro] We recommned the choose voltage class as follw.(supply voltage)×2~3≦permissible voltage for Triacs.  [2004-2-18 11:51:42]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为walkcman@etang.com的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。  [2004-2-18 11:52:53]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 中电网开办的“工程师之家/在线座谈”栏目,是中电网向中国电子元器件领域广大厂商、科研人员和工程师们推荐、推广新产品、新技术、新应用而推出的一项重要的技术教育、培训和支持活动。在这项活动中,中电网会不断邀请一些世界著名电子元器件供应商的高级技术或高级经营管理人员主讲国际半导体科技最新进展、电子元器件最新产品及其应用、全球半导体市场等方面的内容,着力构建起国内外同行业间直接技术交流的桥梁。希望在各位听众(网友)的积极参与下,中电网“在线座谈”能越办越好,其影响范围越来越广!  [2004-2-18 11:53:18]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2004-2-18 11:53:27]
[问:kongweiqiang] 用于无绳设备时,最大有效距离是多少! 
[答:Akira] I think it depend on output power of cordless phone. you use high output power device,distance is increase.  [2004-2-18 11:54:01]
[问:qin] Renesas公司有没有可控制3相380V马达的TRIAC? 
[答:Toshihiro] Please tell our sales the conditions of motor as follws.1)load current   (constant cuurent and rush current)2)Input supply voltage3)maximum ambient temperature4)heat sink fin"s spec for TRIAC  [2004-2-18 11:57:00]
[问:m040218] 请教中功率放大器和低功率放大器的区别
[答:Akira] There is no difference between driver and PA transistor.  [2004-2-18 11:58:40]
[问:张振坤] CR吸收电路的R和C值如何进行计算?和TRIAC那些参数有关?有无具体计算公式? 
[答:Toshihiro] We recommend insert the CR absorber circuit between T1 and T2 as follow.1) capacitance 0.01uF - 0.47uF2) resistance  47 - 100 ohmPlease check the dv/dt value less than 10V/us of TRIAC.We guarantee the dv/dt value is 10V/us of BCR****-**L*.  [2004-2-18 12:01:52]
[问:samire] 如何降低功放级的失真?在选管时要注意那些特性?工作电如何考虑? 
[答:Akira] Key parameter is linearity of output power.So ,P1dB is suitable parameter for linearity.  [2004-2-18 12:03:01]
[问:wang] 有用于广播发射机的高频晶体管吗?最大功率能做到多少? 
[答:Akira] Unfortunately, we don"t have PA transistor for broadcasting application.  [2004-2-18 12:04:58]
[问:谢文志] 请问IGBT和TRIAC性能上有何区别?在应用上有何不同? 
[答:Toshihiro] Usually, inverter type equipment is using the IGBT.Because of IGBT can be control direct current and can be operate high freqency.And then, usually non-inverter type equipment is using the TRIAC. Because of TRIAC can be conrol alternating current.But TRAIC can not operate high freqency.  [2004-2-18 12:06:40]
[问:walkcman] 专家您好,我正打算运用高频晶体管设计一种前端均衡电路,请问贵公司是否有适合于数字视频信号的晶体管及相关的设计参考?谢谢! 
[答:Akira] I think Digital TV set require low C/N characteristics. Therefor TV tuner needs low noise wideband amplifier . we recomend 2SC5773,2SC5820 and HSG1003 for this application.   [2004-2-18 12:12:23]
[问:m040218] 请问,怎样根据发电机/电动机的额定励磁电压和额定励磁电流正确选择可控硅,我想使用平板式可控硅,使用三相全控式整流。 
[答:Toshihiro] [how to choose the voltage class]If your application is not reverse motor,Please see the how to choose voltage class as follw.AC200-220V : VDRM=600V[how to choose the current class]The rush current should be measured and a detailed heat calculation should be made.Provide us with the following values and Renesas will do the calculation for you.a) Ambient temperature          (Ta)b) Peak value of rush current   (Ip)c) Constant current value       (IT(RMS))d) Operation sequence (   ) seconds during ON (   ) seconds during OFF    * Heat-sink fin: Material, size, painting, heat resistance Rth(f-a) if available. [2004-2-18 12:15:33]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 请问在700MHz-1.98GHz频段内,增益10dB左右的低噪音管有哪些型号? 
[答:Akira] We recomend 2SC4926,2SC5820 for 700MHz to 1.98GHz wide band amplifer application. These 2 devices have high fT value(2SC4926 12GHz typ.,2SC5820 21GHz typ.). 2SC4945 is popular part for BS 1st IF amplifier( 0.9GHz to 2GHz range).If you need more high performance ,I recomend 2SC5820 for this application.  [2004-2-18 12:19:11]
[问:040218] 节能灯所用的可控硅,贵公司有那些型号可用?有参考电路可供选择吗? 
[答:Toshihiro] I will send the application circuit later from our sales.  [2004-2-18 12:22:01]
[问:x-m] 用在白色家电的SCR,它的可靠性如何?能否给出它的平均故障时间?
[答:Toshihiro] I will send the general reliability materials and MTBF data later from our sales.  [2004-2-18 12:24:53]
[问:] 请问IGBT和TRIAC性能上有何区别?在应用上有何不同?
[答:] We had already answered it this morning. Please paste the answer from the corresponding cell.
[问:] 我不能按时上网,如何得到座谈内容
[答:] Pls ask Chinaecnet for the seminar content
[问:] 用于消费电子领域的三极管/晶闸管
[答:] [TRIAC] motor control for washing machine,electric fan and vacuum machine, heater control for lamp,copier and fax etc… [Thyristor] earth leakage breaker, strobe for camera,igniter for fan heater,bike etc…
[问:] 芯片中有那些是具有断电保护功能,存储功能并且可修改可编程!用途是用在毕业设计的单片机的电子密码锁,写改密码.
[答:] We are presented the discretes products for high freq and home appliances; not the MCU application. Pls request the MCU product related people
[问:] 请问专家,您认为在中国电子消费类产品的在未来发展的趋势应是什么?发展的方向是什么?
[答:] Please confirm it with the home appliance makers.
[问:] 在NOKIA8310,6100手机里面用的VCO和26M晶体,贵公司能帮我订到货吗?
[答:] We are not the end-product maker. Pls request the corresponding supplier or its dealer
[问:] 请介绍高频分立晶体管等的技术参数及如何使用,最好有典型例子。
[答:] Parameter of high frequency transistor shows as below. |S21| and NF;these parameter deside system sennsitivity higher gain and lower NF improve C/N characteristics. P1dB and IP3;these parameter deside dinamic range of SET Higher P1dB shows good liniarity and IP3 shows low distortion
[问:] 请问瑞萨在我国内的代理商有有哪些?如何联系?国内掌握PHS核心技术的厂商有哪些?国内可以提供PHS手机芯片套件的厂商有哪些?寻求合作。
[答:] Pls contact our sales offices at China. Please find sales office information from
[问:] 请问以前三菱公司的62系列单片机是否停产了?如果是,请问有什么可以替代的型号?谢谢
[答:] This question involves MCU. Please find sales office information from
[问:] 请问如何下载今天的演示?
[答:] Pls request Chinaecnet for answer
[问:] 請問它的頻率範圍
[答:] We prepared many high frequency transitors. Our lineup covered up to 6GHz opration frequency. Si Bipolar transistor(fT value is less than 25GHz) -->can operate up to 3GHz range; As to SiGe product HSG1001/2/3 and HSG2002/3 can opreate up to 6GHz frequency.HSG2001 can operate up to 3GHz.
[问:] 你们有已经量产的实例吗?
[答:] Today we present you our products,most of them is in mass production. HSG1001/2/3 will be start mass productuon at Apr.04. HSG2002/3 will be MP at jun.04 .
[问:] Toshiba has A/C switch IC which is applied for air conditioner.  Is it easy to use compare with Triac?
[答:] I don't know which is easy or not. Our triac is only single type.
[问:] '请问,怎样根据发电机/电动机的额定励磁电压和额定励磁电流正确选择可控硅,我想使用平板式可控硅,使用三相全控式整流。
[答:] We had already answered this morning.Please paste
[问:] 可控硅能不能长时间用直流来触发?也就是说不用每个周期都触发,而是给它一个象继电器一样的电压?
[答:] Of course,its can be operated continously ,but please confirm the junction temperature of TRIACS.
[问:] 用于Wireless LAN的实际传输速率是多少?
[答:] Sorry I could not answer. Its depend on each system.
[问:] 评估板如何得到,是需要购买呢?
[答:] What EVB you asked for? Pls state clearly
[问:] 可靠性测试有相关的测试设备吗?
[答:] what testing equipments you asked? (But we don't sell the equipment; we sell semiconductor components only)
[问:] 请给我Email此次讲座中所有的器件的PDF文档!
[答:] There is many devices discussed in this seminar. Pls let us know which devices you requested.
[问:] 可控硅励磁装置怎样维修、调试?
[答:] Sorry I could not answer. Please comfirm to equipment maker

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