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主题: BlueStreak 微控制器/片上系统
[问:amazon] LH7A400 和LH7A404相对SAMSUNG的S3C2410有什么优越性?国内供货渠道如何,小量购买方便吗?
[答:Jun] I am not familiar with SamSung part, you can easily make a comparison by downloading the specification located at www.sharpsma.comIt is possible to get low quantity through Sharp Shang Hai and Bei Jing office. Look for Lu Zeng Bin phone - (010)-64667543  [2003-12-23 10:33:54]
[问:mysky163] 请问BlueStreak 微控制器/片上系统主要应用于那些方面?和别的同类产品相比有那些优点?
[答:Jun] It is used in Industry, MultiMedia, Medical... area, Low cost, low power, 32 bit/ 16 bit ARM core. It has LCD controller and many other peripherals inside.  [2003-12-23 10:35:15]
[问:Philips] 经提交的问题: 2003-12-17 21:28:41 [ Unanswered ] 请问BlueStreak 微控制器上的可编程资源有哪些?主要用于完成哪方面的功能? 我想知道更详细的
[答:Jun] It"s addressing is 4G linear, with internal 32K SRAM, can interface with SDRAM, Flash, RAM... Many peripherails including LCD controller. Please visit to get detail  [2003-12-23 10:36:26]
[问:guoqi.liu] BlueStreak微控制器/片上系统相对于其他控制芯片的主要特点是什么?
[答:Jun] ARM7 and ARM9 core. 32/16 bit bus, 4G linear addressing. With LCD controller and many peripherals. Good to be used in industry, medical and multimedia area.  [2003-12-23 10:37:36]
[问:whx] 请问sharp微处理器支持的LCD控制器的最高分辨率是多大?是否有USB接口?多谢! 
[答:Jun] ARM7 can go up to 800x600 64K color. ARM9 can go up to 1024x768, 64K color. One upcoming part LH79524 has the USB port. Please visit  [2003-12-23 10:38:44]
[问:lijinyi] 目前已经移植成功了哪些操作系统?
[答:Jun] On ARM9, VxWorks, WinCE, Linux, Threadx On ARM7, uCOSII, Linux, Threadx  [2003-12-23 10:39:28]
[问:lijinyi] BlueStreak处理器用什么有效的开发和调试工具? 
[答:Jun] It uses common ARM developing tool chain. They are mainly from ARM, GreenHill, Ashling, Laudbauch. Also, please can use GNU tool, visit  [2003-12-23 10:40:40]
[问:Philips] 请问BlueStreak 微控制器上的可编程资源有哪些?主要用于完成哪方面的功能? 
[答:Jun] There are many peripherals like LCD controller, UART, SPI, USB, PCMCIA, USB... visit to get the spec. or marketing material.  [2003-12-23 10:41:32]
[问:lijinyi] 使用ARM和DSP双CPU结构是否方便? 
[答:Jun] Not sure.  [2003-12-23 10:42:03]
[问:willam_gann1] 这是一个32位的CPU吗?它有开发平台可以提供吗? 
[答:Jun] It is 32bit CPU. It is a microcontroller, you can use ICE (JTAG interface) to do development. Also, Linux and WinCE can run on it, you can do remote debugging.  [2003-12-23 10:43:12]
[问:gqchao] 有什么配套的开发软件? 
[答:Jun] There are mainly 3 types of compiler on ARM. One is ARM, one is GreenHill, one is GNU. You can make project using these tools. The you need a ICE (JTAG interface ) to download the binary to the target memory.  [2003-12-23 10:44:35]
[问:willam_gann1] 请介绍一下它的成功应用。 
[答:Jun] It has been used in many places - Toys, PDA, industry, medical... Most of those applications have LCD.  [2003-12-23 10:45:18]
[问:willam_gann1] 如果它有开发平台,请提供它的详细介绍及使用方法。 
[答:Jun] Please visit, it is difficult to go into detail online.  [2003-12-23 10:45:50]
[问:willam_gann1] 请用它与其它品牌类似芯片做个性能和价格比较,如与samsung,philips等类似微控制器比较。 
[答:Jun] ARM is talking 80% of all the MCU market. It is going to take more market share. It is fast and low power and future of the MCU. Visit for detail  [2003-12-23 10:46:51]
[问:josephfu] 彩色的控制器只能支持到4096色吗? 
[答:Jun] No. All the Sharp MCU can support up to 64K color  [2003-12-23 10:47:14]
[问:jacksun] 我想问下它是基于什么的操作系统!主要不是什么产品!它和windows 有什么本质的区别呀!它和电子计算机有什么区别呀! 
[答:Jun] Sorry. This is a microcontroller not software nor computer.  [2003-12-23 10:47:55]
[问:shinexk] 请问SHARP的ARM入门型号是什么? 
[答:Jun] LH75401. It is a 32/16 bit MCU with LCD controller inside.  [2003-12-23 10:48:21]
[问:josephfu] 请问您们的系列产品LH7A4XX,有考虑支持视频方面的功能吗?比如MPEG4. 
[答:Jun] Not now. Next year, we will have this feature.  [2003-12-23 10:48:49]
[问:lijplijp] BlueStreak 微控制器抗干扰能力如何?适用温度范围多大? 
[答:Jun] It is quite robust. Temperature range from -40 to +80 for industrial part.  [2003-12-23 10:49:38]
[问:shinexk] 可以推荐和SAMSUNG S3C4510B对应的型号吗?
[答:Jun] I am not familiar with SAMSUNG part. Please visit for specification.  [2003-12-23 10:50:07]
[问:lijplijp] BlueStreak微处理器都支持是么接口? 
[答:Jun] We have many parts, our ARM9 part supports USB, Ethernet, PCMCIA...  [2003-12-23 10:50:42]
[问:lflyingstar] 您刚才介绍的优势有很多都是ARM本身的,请问SHARP和其它生产商比最大的优势在什么地方? 
[答:Jun] Low price. Full O.S. support. Better customer support. Better integration on the part - peripherals - you can make comparison with other company"s MCU by downloading the specification.  [2003-12-23 10:52:07]
[问:lijplijp] BlueStreak微处理器的开发工具都有哪些,国内都设有哪些代理商? 
[答:Jun] There are three compiler. 1. ARM. 2. GreenHill. 3. GNU. There are many ICE verdors - ARM, GreenHill, Ashling, Laudbauch...Please visit their web page to find the distributor.  [2003-12-23 10:53:22]
[问:shinexk] SHARP的ARM7可以支持uCLinux吗?开发工具如何获得? 
[答:Jun] Yes. You can visit look for BlueStreak software library. There you can find GNU tool and there are links to Linux porting for our ARM7 part.  [2003-12-23 10:55:13]
[问:zbchen69] 你好?我是一位嵌入式系统得初学者,请问贵公司得ARM芯片与PHILIPS,三星公司的同类型芯片相比较,在哪些方面具有优势?或有什么特点?对操作系统得支持上有无什么不同?谢谢! 
[答:Jun] It is a big question. I am difficult to answer it online. There are advantages of our part. Mostly, better software support, much more peripherals than them, better integration. I am not very familiar with other company"s part. Please visit to get our spec. and make comparison. We support most of the common O.S.  [2003-12-23 10:57:21]
[问:josephfu] 支持LH7A404的评估板现在有提供吗?
[答:Jun] Yes. Please contact Lu Zhen Bin or other people in BeiJin office. Tel:10-64667543  [2003-12-23 10:58:16]
[问:qin] 32位MCU/SOC是否是浮点运算的?它的运算功能如何? 
[答:Jun] No floating point core in our current part. Calculation wise, floating point library can be used if you use ARM, GNU compiler. Speed of our ARM9 is 200MHz, that will compensate for the calculation.  [2003-12-23 10:59:44]
[问:ljp] 请问开发平台和软件的价格.如何和代理商联系? 
[答:Jun] Please check the common magazine. I would suggest you buy ARM tool or use GNU with Ashing. Please check their web page to find the distributor.  [2003-12-23 11:00:44]
[问:samire] MCU/SOC用的JTAG调试器包括有什么?能否列出每单项的价格? 
[答:Jun] I can not list completely -ARM - $5000GreenHill - $4000Laudbarch - $5000Ashling - $900 [2003-12-23 11:01:53]
[问:amaosonic] 请问支持EJTAG接口的吗 
[答:Jun] I don"t know EJTAG.  [2003-12-23 11:02:08]
[问:lyhuang jian_LPPSW] SHARP的产品同竞争对手相比有 哪些优势? 
[答:Jun] Much better software support. All source code driver and WinCE and Linux BSP are provided for free. Much better peripheral integration.  [2003-12-23 11:02:55]
[问:amaosonic] 是否所有系列都带有LCD controller? 
[答:Jun] YES. ARM 7 support 800x600 64K color. ARM 9 supports 1024x768 64k color  [2003-12-23 11:03:32]
[问:qin] LH75401好像没有USB接口,对吗? 
[答:Jun] No. This is a ARM7TDMI part, no USB interface.  [2003-12-23 11:04:08]
[问:josephfu] 我司准备开发一款手持设备,请问LH7A404的功耗?UCOS2支持到什么程度。 
[答:Jun] We provide UCOSII bsp source code. You can download from look for Blue Streak Software Library.Power comsumption is very low, I don"t have the number now. please check the specification.  [2003-12-23 11:05:22]
[问:ljp] 请详细介绍LH7A404的安全数字接口的性能和加密标准以及加密位数. 
[答:Jun] I don"t know how to answer this question now. I need to check the specification.  [2003-12-23 11:06:15]
[问:samire] MCU/SOC所支持的操作系统有那些? 
[答:Jun] WinCe. Linux, Threadx, ucosii.  [2003-12-23 11:06:33]
[问:josephfu] 请问LH7A404的功耗? 
[答:Jun] I don"t have the number now. please check spec. at  [2003-12-23 11:06:56]
[问:shinexk] SHARP的SoC是指片上有可编程的资源吗?如果有,要用什么工具开发呢? 
[答:Jun] Most of the peripherals are programmable. You are usually controlled by modifying the memory. YOu need to use ICE to modify.  [2003-12-23 11:07:49]
[问:samire] 请问评估板的价格是多少?货期有多长? 
[答:Jun] Please check with our BeiJin office. 10-64667543. EVB is $300. Please check, they make EVB for us.  [2003-12-23 11:08:51]
[问:amaosonic] 有支持VOIP方面功能的mcu吗 
[答:Jun] No. You can do it in software.  [2003-12-23 11:09:09]
[问:lyhuang jian_LPPSW] 请问BlueStreak控制器的EMC性能怎么样?可不可以用在一些干扰比较大的场合? 
[答:Jun] We never actually test it. You can buy a EVB and try it out. to find the EVB information. $300 each.  [2003-12-23 11:09:52]
[问:lotusyan] wind river的操作系统支持BlueStreak微处理器吗? 
[答:Jun] Yes. We have ported VxWorks to LH7A400. BSP is free download from WinRiver web page after you pay their license fee.  [2003-12-23 11:10:37]
[问:lijplijp] BlueStreak微处理器能用于视频处理吗? 
[答:Jun] Depends on the application. Please check spec. to see if it fit your needs.  [2003-12-23 11:11:06]
[问:samire] 卡引擎的主要功能是什么?在设计上有什么优异的地方? 
[答:Jun] CardEngine is called single board computer. The advantage is to make things simple  [2003-12-23 11:11:47]
[问:qin] LH79520如何外接晶体振荡器?对频率稳定度有何要求?漂移呢? 
[答:Jun] You can use normal crystal. It is better to use good crystal. No specific data for crystal.  [2003-12-23 11:12:34]
[问:qin] KH75401有没有LCD驱动器?需要外接LCD驱动电源吗? 
[答:Jun] There is LCD controller on LH75401 supports up to 640x480 64K color. There is no power externally required for LCD controller. If LCD requires high voltage back light, you need to find an invertor to do that.  [2003-12-23 11:14:04]
[问:ljp] RTOS/OS通用源码是免费的吗? 
[答:Jun] Free. BSP are totally free. OS source code can only be get from OS vendor  [2003-12-23 11:14:44]
[问:gmetbj] 我现在是一直在用51系列MCU,请问如果转到您们的ARM系列,困难大不大? 
[答:Jun] Not difficult. IF your code is in C. nothing much need to be done.  [2003-12-23 11:15:17]
[问:lijplijp] 产品的编程是否易于上手?它的指令系统有多少条,与DSP指令系统的差别大吗? 
[答:Jun] It is good to program in C. There are not much instructions for ARM, I don"t remember them all because with 32 bit MCU and 4G of memory, you don"t need to program in assembly and there is no need for you to remember the instruction set.I don"t know DSP instruction.  [2003-12-23 11:17:00]
[问:willam_gann1] 能提供一份關于BlueStreak的學習資料嗎?BR!allyguo 
[答:Jun] Contact BeiJing office 010-64667543. They may give you a product introduction CD. You can go to to get the detail  [2003-12-23 11:18:08]
[问:josephfu] lh7a404 已经能批量供货吗? 
[答:Jun] I think sampling for now, it will be mass production in few months. You can get sample from us.  [2003-12-23 11:18:46]
[问:shinexk] Price of LH74401?? 
[答:Jun] Did you type wrongly?  [2003-12-23 11:19:07]
[问:ljp] 能否提供第三方的合作伙伴名单? 
[答:Jun] We third party with many vendor. What type of vendor you are asking?  [2003-12-23 11:19:44]
[问:mgcheng] 请问BLUESTREAK有没有MPEG-2解压缩功能?能否提供在哪里可以下载SHARP的TUNER和RF MODULE 
[答:Jun] No hardware decoding. You can do software decoding, either you go to open source or some MPEG software vendor. We sell tuner and RF module. Please send e-mail to  [2003-12-23 11:21:00]
[问:lijplijp] LH75401的功耗是否也有节能模式? 
[答:Jun] Yes. It has idel, stop1, stop2 mode  [2003-12-23 11:21:23]
[问:shinexk] 除了uCLinux,还有什么Linux是SHARP ARM支持的?? 
[答:Jun] We supports Linux (There is only one Linux) that requires MMU.  [2003-12-23 11:21:59]
[问:lotusyan] soc的开发环境是什么?支持C/C++吗? 
[答:Jun] ARM. GreenHill tool chain support both C and C++  [2003-12-23 11:22:19]
[问:samire] 显示包是否为MCU/SOC专用?价格如何? 
[答:Jun] Are you talking about software? We don"t do software, we make MCU. Commercial GUI are general, they are not specific to certain MCU.  [2003-12-23 11:23:13]
[问:liaoyuewang] May I get some Doc about this chip?Thanks 
[答:Jun]  [2003-12-23 11:23:22]
[问:qin] MCU/SOC的IrDA接口,数据传输速率能达到多少?通信距离有多远? 
[答:Jun] We guarentee 115k bps. distance depends on external Irda driver not the IrDa interface on our MCU.  [2003-12-23 11:24:20]
[问:ljp] 请解释何为ABL?它的含义是什么? 
[答:Jun] ARM Blue Streak Software Library  [2003-12-23 11:24:41]
[问:李海华] 我关心改产品的性能及价格 
[答:Jun]  [2003-12-23 11:24:56]
[问:xm.tang] Have your EVB use ? 
[答:Jun] Yes. WinCE is available in a compact flash. Stand EVB don"t have that.  [2003-12-23 11:25:31]
[问:lotusyan] 开发周期长吗?能否得到很好的技术支持? 
[答:Jun] There will be very good customer support. Developing cycle depends on the skill  [2003-12-23 11:26:12]
[问:lijplijp] 是不是产品所有的资料在贵公司的网站都可以免费下载?还有我们可以申请器件样品吗?如果可以,如何联系? 
[答:Jun] Yes. for sample. contact BeiJing office 010-64667543  [2003-12-23 11:26:39]
[问:lileiming888] 请问手机上一般使用具有什么特性的mcu?能举个例子吗?谢谢 
[答:Jun] ARM MCU. 90% of the handphone uses ARM MCU, many of them are ASIC.  [2003-12-23 11:27:14]
[问:chinakkk] 请问sharp MCU的价格? 
[答:Jun] Range from $4 -$20 depends on the quantiey. Check with BeiJing office 010-64667543  [2003-12-23 11:27:45]
[问:le-xf] 主要特点和应用领域 
[答:Jun] MultiMedia, LCD centric  [2003-12-23 11:28:54]
[问:willam_gann1] 这个微控制器是基于ARM芯片的吗? 
[答:Jun] YES  [2003-12-23 11:28:59]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。今天虽然各位听众(网友)已与Sharp公司讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请Sharp公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2003-12-23 11:31:19]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 中电网开办的“工程师之家/在线座谈”栏目,是中电网向中国电子元器件领域广大厂商、科研人员和工程师们推荐、推广新产品、新技术、新应用而推出的一项重要的技术教育、培训和支持活动。在这项活动中,中电网会不断邀请一些世界著名电子元器件供应商的高级技术或高级经营管理人员主讲国际半导体科技最新进展、电子元器件最新产品及其应用、全球半导体市场等方面的内容,着力构建起国内外同行业间直接技术交流的桥梁。希望在各位听众(网友)的积极参与下,中电网“在线座谈”能越办越好,其影响范围越来越广!  [2003-12-23 11:42:47]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2003-12-23 11:43:01]