
热门关键字: for 管理器 灵敏度 电子技术 



主题: 家电用740 Slim 系列
[问:iceplum] 1、7542的结构语言的后缀名是否为.a74,如不是,是何?2、一个项目中有多个文件是如何链接的?能否举个简单的例子?3、tmv.3.20a软件能否编译结构语言编写的程序?    谢谢! 
[答:Jason] 1、740系列的源程序的后缀名均为“.a74”。2、如果一个项目中包含多个文件,链接是由TM统一管理、自动完成的。请留下您的邮箱,我们会将简单的例子程序发过去。3、TM全称Tools Manager,是一个集成开发环境,他的功能包括:编辑、编译、链接、调试等。  [2003-12-16 10:37:53]
[问:he4ch] 家电用740Slim系列产品有什么特点?它与别的微控制器有什么不同?有什么优点和缺点? 
[答:Kappa] 740 family have following advantages:1. Increase speed, enhanced peripheral functions 2. A variety of ROM/RAM expansion with pin-compatibility maintained3. Low levels of unnecessarily radiated noise; high tolerance against noise4. Supports flash memory and One Time PROM version5. Lineup of small-package/SDIP package 6. Lowest power consumption and lowest voltage operating class in the industry7. Wide product lineup with diverse features to meet diverse needs8. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB)l9. Support for C compiler (third party) [2003-12-16 10:39:44]
[问:alanoso] What is the difference between M38c24M4A and M38C246A? 
[答:Jason] 在内部的ROM容量上有区别:M38C24M4A和M38C24M6AROM 16K/24K (16384 bytes / 24576 bytes)  [2003-12-16 10:40:06]
[问:junshi_he] 740 Slim系列可否将嵌入式的操作系统比如ucLinux移植到其上实现更进一步的智能控制? 
[答:Jason] 因为内部资源的限制,无法使用ucLinux操作系统。  [2003-12-16 10:40:34]
[问:luzhao] 1、你们的740SLIM系列有什么资源,能把具体资料发给我看看吗?2、性价比有何优势?3、与现在流行的什么单片机兼容?还是有自己独立的一套系统?4、之前我没怎么听说过你们的单片机,是在什么地方生产的?调料周期如何?5、740SLIM现在已经用到那些产品上? 
[答:Jason] 1、740系列有丰富的资源,包括定时器、外部中断、A/D、D/A、PWM、LCD、VFD等等。具体资料可以到我们公司的网站上下载:www.renesas.com2、性价比相对其它公司的产品是比较高的。3、740是一套独立的内核,不和其他的产品相兼容。4、生产地通常是在日本。调料周期根据实际情况而有所不同。5、740现已应用到家电、通讯、工业控制、汽车等领域的产品上。  [2003-12-16 10:41:19]
[问:ljp] 740系列有没有立体声环绕功能?能否用来作家庭影院? 
[答:Kelvin] No  [2003-12-16 10:42:52]
[问:junshi_he] 740 Slim系列与通用的51等mcu有什么不通,它用于家电的优势在什么地方? 
[答:Kappa] 740 series compare with 51 MCU have following advantages: 1. Instructions are easy to be used 2. High speed3. High tolerance against noise 4. Lowest power consumptionThose advantages are suitable for home appliance using.  [2003-12-16 10:45:44]
[问:samire] 740系列的降功耗和功率管理性能,请详细介绍一下. 
[答:Jason] 740系列通常支持低速模式、STOP、WAIT、RAM Backup、唤醒等低功耗管理功能。更详细的资料,我们将通过电子邮件发送给您,请留下您的电子邮件地址。  [2003-12-16 10:47:13]
[问:icebear] 芯片的品种、特点(与其他单片机的差异)、价格。
[答:Kelvin] Please follow the page as the following: price depend on your selected items (US1~2.X). Pls contact our marketing members  [2003-12-16 10:47:41]
[问:lotusyan] 16位系列除了用于家电,能用于电力系统吗? 
[答:Jason] 我们的十六位单片机在电力系统中已经有很广阔的应用。例如电表、电力通讯、电力系统管理等。  [2003-12-16 10:48:47]
[问:alanoso] Can Slim740 support M78544? 
[答:Jason] 我们公司没有M78544,你指的应该是M37544。他是属于Slim740系列中的。  [2003-12-16 10:50:32]
[问:成国龙] 可否提供一些子程序模块?我的E-MAIL是 
[答:Kelvin] You can download the examples from our web site:Timer/AD/UART/IO PORT etc. /8bit/740/74apnode.htmlYou can email to me for any [2003-12-16 10:52:48]
[问:huangjp] 据我所知,大陆白色家电中用量最大的MCU为东芝870系列,请问740与870相比有何优势? 
[答:Jason] 在国内的某些大客户中,我们公司的份额已经超过80%。740的优势是有很高的性价比。  [2003-12-16 10:53:02]
[问:ljp] 740系列的外设接口有那些? 
[答:Jason] 740系列能和通用的CMOS器件相接口。如锁存器、译码器、LCDM、键盘驱动器等。  [2003-12-16 10:55:01]
[问:shangboy] 本公司的MCU和其他MCU有什么异同,有那些优越性 
[答:Kappa] Compare with other MCUs, Renesas MCU have following advantages:1. Wide product lineup with diverse features to meet diverse needs 2. Low levels of unnecessarily radiated noise; high tolerance against noise3. Lowest power consumption and lowest voltage operating class in the industry4. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB)5. Supports flash memory and One Time PROM version  [2003-12-16 10:55:18]
[问:dongyang] 如果做通信或工业控制设计,740系列能否提供带TCP/IP内核的功能? 
[答:Jason] 740没有TCP/IP的功能模块。要实现此功能,通常情况下是由软件实现的,请和深圳代表处的工程师联系。0755-82463833 ,Jason Dong  [2003-12-16 10:57:16]
[问:SilkieLau] Which device is suitable for air cond. main control unit (split type, 32-pin)? 
[答:Kappa] We recommend M37544( 32-pin) for air-con main control unit using.  [2003-12-16 10:58:26]
[问:成国龙] 740系列有关于无线上网的子程序模块吗 
[答:Jason] 我们有类似项目开发的成功案例。请和深圳代表处的工程师联系。0755-82463833 ,Jason Dong  [2003-12-16 10:58:39]
[问:maingao] 邓先生,你好!我们曾经联系过。我是个740用户,而且是USB的用户。1。为什么我在用M38K09F8L时,USB传输的速度达不到标准?我只有200Kbps. 
[答:Kelvin] The first reason: Our M38Kx USB MCU no DMA featureThe second reason: The programming problem due to the USB package cannot get the reply. It spend many time to wait for the right protocal.The thrid reason: It may be the USB port waveform not good. Pls check your hardware.The fouth reason: Pls also check the other device related the USB comm. e.g. Flash RAM [2003-12-16 11:01:10]
[问:lotusyan] 16位系列的价位如何?相关的仿真工具呢?可否与别的MCU芯片兼容? 
[答:Jason] 我们16位机的价格范围很宽,基本上能覆盖8位到32位机的空间。仿真工具也有全功能性的和简易型的。我们的MCU是独立的一套内核,不和其他的型号相兼容。  [2003-12-16 11:01:44]
[问:nui100] 采用USB接口的8位单片机通用仿真器使用什么语言操作? 
[答:Kelvin] 1. SRA742. IAR C 740 family  [2003-12-16 11:03:52]
[问:alanoso] If LCD driver is used 740 slim, what functions/features cannot be used at the same time ? 
[答:Jason] LCD driver function will occupy some normal I/O ports.  [2003-12-16 11:04:09]
[问:SilkieLau] Please recommend MCU for LCD main control unit of air cond.? What are the advantages? 
[答:Kappa] We recommend M38223 (80-pin), M38C2 ( 64-pin)for air-con with LCD using.They have following advantages:1. High tolerance against noise2. Lowest power consumption3. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB)4. Support for C compiler (third party)  [2003-12-16 11:06:11]
[问:elongstar] M16C的C编译器NC30为何低版本Version 3.10和高版本Version 4.00 Version 5.00编译后会有很大差别,他们的差别在哪里? 
[答:Jason] 我们的编译器一直处在不断的完善当中,语法检查更严格,产生的目标代码更紧凑、更合理。还会修复一些BUG。具体的内容请参考相应版本的“Release Note”。  [2003-12-16 11:08:50]
[问:huangjp] 我是海尔集团的工程师,想对740系列深入了解,我的请提供更详细的资料给我好吗? 
[答:Kappa] Hello, pls first visit our website: Later we connect to you with e-mail.  [2003-12-16 11:10:23]
[问:jimmy531] 740系列微控制器(M38000系列),早先听说过,不过在学习和应用中用的不是很多,我想这与贵公司的宣传方向和力度有关,所以贵公司的单片机不大为大家所熟知,其知名度不如51系列的单片机,所以作为学习者希望贵公司能在推广和介绍芯片的使用方面做些工作,比如出一些关于M38000系列的应用及外围电路应用的书籍,供读者学习参考。谢谢 另外想知道M38000系列相对于其他的8位单片机有什么优点?? 
[答:Kelvin] 1. Thank you for your suggestion.2. We have two books called M3850 series usage and Mitsubishi 8 bit MCU usage in simpifed chinese version. I think you can buy in any book store.3. Our web site have many examples for your ref. /8bit/740/74libde.htm#spro4.Compare to the elder 740 products:1. We have developed a “A” and “H” Version for running faster clock speed and wide range of working voltage..2. We have a “D” Version for wide range of working temp (-40C – 85C)Compare to the others:1. Instruction set suitable for control applications2. Wide product lineup3. A variety of ROM/RAM expansion with pin-compatibility maintained4. Support flash flash and OTP version5. Lineup of small package/SDIP package6. Lower power consumption and lowest voltage operation7. Enhanced peripheral function. [2003-12-16 11:10:58]
[问:samire] 仿真器是否对所有740系列都能用?价格如何? 
[答:Jason] 我们有档次不同的仿真系统,全功能型的仿真机能支持所有的740系列。价格方面也有多种选择。  [2003-12-16 11:14:56]
[问:huangjp] 根据家电开发工程师讲,因Flash编程与擦除电压低,在具体应用中由于电磁噪声会出现误擦除现象,不知740系列Flash MCU如何解决这各问题? 
[答:Kelvin] 1. Grounding is a main point.2. Be careful the circuit connection for the target MCU. Pls also add a by pass cap to Vcc and Gnd  [2003-12-16 11:15:56]
[问:qin] 740系列主要用在消费类电子产品,和同类的8位MCU相比,它的价格有何竞争力? 
[答:Kappa] 740 系列具有很高的性价比, 在家电等领域已得到广泛应用.  [2003-12-16 11:16:37]
[问:jdx307] 请问:贵公司的740 Slim 系列微控制器与其他公司产品,在控制性能上有何区别?其特点是什么? 
[答:Kelvin] Compare to the older 740 products:1. We have developed a “A” and “H” Version for running faster clock speed and wide range of working voltage..2. We have a “D” Version for wide range of working temp (-40C – 85C)Compare to the others:1. Instruction set suitable for control applications2. Wide product lineup3. A variety of ROM/RAM expansion with pin-compatibility maintained4. Support flash flash and OTP version5. Lineup of small package/SDIP package6. Lower power consumption and lowest voltage operation7. Enhanced peripheral function.  [2003-12-16 11:16:51]
[问:maingao] 740和51还有个区别,就是没有一种像dptr的16位寄存器,是吗?还是我没找到。 
[答:Jason] 740系列的指针机制和51的不同,通常零页的一个字可以作为16位的指针来用。另外740的指令效率和执行速度要比51的高。  [2003-12-16 11:17:33]
[问:abcdkh] 1、结构语言是不是用IF ENDIF WHILE等一系列的语句?结构语言编的程序后缀名是否也.A74?
[答:Kelvin] Yes  [2003-12-16 11:17:39]
[问:huangjp] How can I get the dataheet of these MCU?
[答:Jason] Please check the website :  [2003-12-16 11:18:40]
[问:elongstar] M16C的C编译器NC30为何低版本Version 3.10和高版本Version 4.00 Version 5.00编译后会有很大差别,他们的差别在哪里?我们会遇到用Version 3.10编译成功而用高版本Version 4.00 Version 5.00编译后程序无法正常运行的情况,不知道三菱以前遇到过没有这种情况! 
[答:Jason] 请将你的问题程序发往,我们将尽快解决。  [2003-12-16 11:20:10]
[问:ljp] 请介绍系列的视频图像处理功能. 
[答:Kelvin] For our TV MCU 740 series. We have a good OSD function. But no video processing feature.Pls contact me for our new IDREAM TV processor series and the PXG video  [2003-12-16 11:21:47]
[问:fl999] 740系列对电源电压稳定度有何要求,电压波动允许范围为百分之几,用普通三端稳压块是否可以? 
[答:Kappa] 在使用不同的晶振下, 电压波动允许范围不一样,通常情况下为5.5V - 2.2V, 所以普通三端稳压块可以使用.  [2003-12-16 11:21:59]
[问:wzy_ncu] 740 Slim 系列需要什么开发套件?价格如何? 
[答:Jason] 不同的具体型号,套件的配置不同,价格也不同。请联系最近的代表处。  [2003-12-16 11:22:04]
[问:lhg100] keil c51 编译环境支持吗?????? 
[答:Jason] keil C51只支持8051兼容的内核,740不是8051兼容的所以不能支持。IAR的EW740支持740系列的C语言开发。  [2003-12-16 11:23:48]
[问:magiccheng] 中断有几个? 
[答:Kelvin] For 740 Series, it depend on the selected MCU. You can find the details in our web. For Example:7540 series: /8bit/740/product_info/7542/7542_info.htmlInterrupt=========External: 6 sourcesInternal: 11 sources  [2003-12-16 11:25:31]
[问:qin] 740系列的内核是那种类型?和8051兼容吗? 
[答:Kelvin] The inter core is 68xx type.  [2003-12-16 11:26:15]
[问:samire] 仿真器采用什么语言编程?有没有程序优化功能? 
[答:Jason] 740系列支持汇编语言、结构化语言、C语言编程。C语言有程序优化功能。因为结构化语言接近汇编语言,所以没有优化功能,只能依靠编程者自己的经验。  [2003-12-16 11:26:17]
[问:wuwulin0586] 贵公司7540在汽车电子情况如何?所占比例多大? 
[答:Jason] 因为支持CAN总线,他在汽车电子中有很大的应用,电动后视镜、电动座椅等。  [2003-12-16 11:27:56]
[问:alanoso] Is M3826 series support DTMF and CTCSS decode? 
[答:Jason] No. It only supports DTMF and CTCSS generation. If you want to decode them, please use software or specified IC.  [2003-12-16 11:29:29]
[问:maingao] 16位系列的仿真器能和8位系列的兼容吗?是不是就是简单地换一个头就行?要不要另外购买? 
[答:Jason] 如果您已经有了我们的4701系列的仿真机,要进行8位机的开发,只要更换一个POD就行了。如果不是,要另外购买或租借。  [2003-12-16 11:31:23]
[问:maingao] 邓先生:我在用740系列的过程中发现,汇编中没有对位操作负值,即像51系列中的可以将“1”或“0”传给某一位,而只能用SEB,CLB这两条指令,是不是我没有会用。 
[答:Kelvin] Yes! No direct control the N flag  [2003-12-16 11:32:27]
[问:lotusyan] 740单片机系列的编程环境支持C语言吗?IAR C 740与普通的C的差别大吗?难易成都如何? 
[答:Jason] 740系列支持第三方的C语言编程。IAR C 740与普通C的差别不大。除了一些针对740的扩展之外,与ANSI的C标准相兼容。  [2003-12-16 11:33:27]
[问:lwang728] 请问740和其他的MCU的主要区别是什么?在家用电器市场上为什么更有竞争力?其他的MCU能用于家电领域吗? 
[答:Kappa] 740 series have following advantages compare with others MCU:1. Low levels of unnecessarily radiated noise; high tolerance against noise2. Lowest power consumption3. Wide product lineup with diverse features to meet diverse needs4. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB)  And so on ...740 系列具有很高的性价比, 在家用电器市场上具有很强竞争力, 所以已被广泛应用.可以, 不同的产品须选择合适的MCU.  [2003-12-16 11:36:31]
[问:nihaibin] 能估计一下51系列单片机的发展前景吗,它有没有可能在近几年内被取代 
[答:Kelvin] 51 still have the MCU market share. I guess no.1.There are many other IC suppliers are using it.2.The price is resonable.3.Many engineers have the experiment.4.Education have the learning 51 subject. [2003-12-16 11:38:54]
[问:liuyongtao] 请问此系列芯片的主要用途是什么?如何鉴定此芯片的好坏? 
[答:Kappa] 740 series suitable for home appliance air-con, refrigerator, washing machine...  [2003-12-16 11:40:31]
[问:wuwulin0586] 贵有用在汽车电子的16位单片机吗? 
[答:Jason] 请查询我们公司的M16C系列产品。在汽车音响、安全气囊、ABS、车载终端、GPS等领域有很大的应用。  [2003-12-16 11:41:26]
[问:一剑飘魂] 请问贵公司的产品在中国销售时,有没有符合中国相关国家标准的产品说明书和其他相关资料? 
[答:Jason] 有。请联系最近的销售商。  [2003-12-16 11:42:21]
[问:wxqzxh] 该微控制器的速度是多少? 
[答:Kelvin] Depend on the MCU type.For example, in 7542 series,Minimum Instruction Execution Time is:0.25 μs (f(XIN) = 8MHz, in double-speed mode /8bit/740/product_info/7542/7542_info.html  [2003-12-16 11:42:27]
[问:E122456636] What device use in car or motorcycle application? 
[答:Jason] M37540/M37542 and M16C Series.  [2003-12-16 11:43:02]
[问:32kmcu] 740的IO有特殊功能吗(功能复用)?可以配置? 
[答:Jason] 740的特殊功能是通过与普通IO口的功能复用来实现的。可以根据用户的要求灵活配置。具体情况请参考相关的资料,在www.renesas.com上。  [2003-12-16 11:46:46]
[问:zmyf] support C++ or not? 
[答:Jason] 740 Series can only support ANSI C (IAR EW740 C) not C++ .  [2003-12-16 11:48:57]
[问:maingao] Kelvin:你们还有高速的USB产品吗?能推荐一款吗? 
[答:Kelvin] 1. For 8 bit MCU, Full speed USB 2.0 is M376412. For 16 bit MCU, Full speed USB 2.0 is M30245 or H8S2215.3. For USB Full speed 2.0 Controller is M66290/14. For USB High speed 2.0 Controller is M66591/25. For USB Full speed Host MCU is SH77276. For High Speed USB 2.0 MCU is SH2170  [2003-12-16 11:49:23]
[问:E122456636] Does the M37540/M37542 to have CAN cus?
[答:Jason] M37540/M37542 can support CAN bus, but ony slave mode.  [2003-12-16 11:49:31]
[问:zmyf] ROM/RAM 可以扩展到多少? 
[答:Jason] 通常情况下,740系列不支持外部ROM/RAM的扩展。  [2003-12-16 11:50:24]
[问:Co_advance] 请问:38C2系列工作在3.0V,主频用二分频,使用A/D的情况下,晶振可选用8MHZ的吗?若不能,最高可工作在多少MHZ? 谢谢! 
[答:Kappa] In frequency/2 mode, 38C2 can"t work in 3.0 voltage.In frequency/4 mode(4MHz), 38C2 can work in 1.8V - 5.5V, but AD can"t be used ( mask version ).In flash version can use AD converter (8MHz).  [2003-12-16 11:51:43]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。今天虽然各位听众(网友)已与瑞萨公司讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请瑞萨公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。  [2003-12-16 11:55:37]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 恭喜您, 上海海尔集成电路有限公司的 huangjp !经过电脑抽奖您在本次座谈中获得一部MP3播放器。请网名为 huangjp 的用户与中电网联系(8610-82888222-7009 或。  [2003-12-16 11:55:59]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的瑞萨公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的瑞萨公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。  [2003-12-16 11:56:11]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 欢迎各位填写在线座谈页面的问卷调查,并请于明天中午12点以前提交。提交调查的用户将有机会获得中电网的小礼品一份。  [2003-12-16 11:56:23]
[主持人:ChinaECNet] 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。  [2003-12-16 11:56:35]
[问:maingao] 邓先生:还是刚才那个速度的问题,我的USB口也是传输FLASH MEMORY中的数据传送到计算机中,跟U盘是相同的道理,为什么U盘传送时是那么的快而我只能过到200Kbps,您估计是出在硬件上,瓶劲是在FLASH MEMORY上还是在我的上位机的应用软件中? 
[答:Kelvin] Do you have a CATC tester to record your packet information?1. The CATC can capture your data. Then we can min the problem.2. Our USB pen drive using M37641. the read is 600 and write is 400. We must use the DMA function. [2003-12-16 11:57:07]
[问:Helenluo] 想了解適用的範圍,除了家電類電子産品外還有哪些領域可用;另如何取得代理經銷權?謝謝!
[答:Kappa] Except in home appliance, also can be used in audio, phones, cameras, communications equipment,PC peripherals(USB), and so on  [2003-12-16 11:57:16]
[问:qin] 内置的LCD驱动器能否直接驱动LCD显示模快?有没有带电荷泵? 
[答:Kelvin] Yes  [2003-12-16 11:57:39]
[问:] 740系列有没有带闪存的?
[答:] 740系列中的部分型号带有闪存功能,如:M38507F8SP、M37542F8FP、M38039FFFP等。
[问:] do your I/O have internal pull up MOS?
[答:] Yes
[问:] how accurate is the ring oscillator? what is the highest freq?
[答:] When Vcc=5.0V Ta=25℃ Typical=2MHz Min=1MHz Max=3MHz
[问:] what is the highest UART and clocked SCI baud rate of M37544?
[答:] Frequency of Xin
[问:] 请问:有没有用M37516开发智能电池方面的资料及工具?
[答:] 有。我们会很快将相关的资料发给您。
[问:] 740 Slim 系列有什么优势?
[答:] 740 family have following advantages: 1. Increase speed, enhanced peripheral functions 2. A variety of ROM/RAM expansion with pin-compatibility maintained 3. Low levels of unnecessarily radiated noise; high tolerance against noise 4. Supports flash memory and One Time PROM version 5. Lineup of small-package/SDIP package 6. Lowest power consumption and lowest voltage operating class in the industry 7. Wide product lineup with diverse features to meet diverse needs 8. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB) l9. Support for C compiler (third party)
[问:] 比如我想分析二阶滤波电路的仿真
[答:] 我们的仿真系统只支持本公司微处理器的调试仿真,不支持算法仿真。
[问:] 和同类产品比速度,处理性能好在何处?是否有具体的参数可以说明?
[答:] 大部分的处理器指令少于三个时钟周期。详细情况清参考740指令手册。
[问:] 能介绍一下740 Slim 系列的主要优点?
[答:] 740 family have following advantages: 1. Increase speed, enhanced peripheral functions 2. A variety of ROM/RAM expansion with pin-compatibility maintained 3. Low levels of unnecessarily radiated noise; high tolerance against noise 4. Supports flash memory and One Time PROM version 5. Lineup of small-package/SDIP package 6. Lowest power consumption and lowest voltage operating class in the industry 7. Wide product lineup with diverse features to meet diverse needs 8. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB) l9. Support for C compiler (third party)
[问:] 请先介绍一下740 Slim 系列的典型用法。谢谢!
[答:] 请参考该网址: /mpumcu/8bit/740/74libde.htm#spro
[问:] 请提供原理图
[答:] 请跟深圳代表处的工程师联系
[问:] 现在信息家电有哪些新技术?
[答:] 支持多媒体、网络、数字化、远程通讯等。
[问:] 请问740 slim系列的优点在哪里?
[答:] 740 family have following advantages: 1. Increase speed, enhanced peripheral functions 2. A variety of ROM/RAM expansion with pin-compatibility maintained 3. Low levels of unnecessarily radiated noise; high tolerance against noise 4. Supports flash memory and One Time PROM version 5. Lineup of small-package/SDIP package 6. Lowest power consumption and lowest voltage operating class in the industry 7. Wide product lineup with diverse features to meet diverse needs 8. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB) l9. Support for C compiler (third party)
[问:] 740系列(如7542)的器件与TTL电平的器件连接时应注意哪些?
[答:] 注意驱动能力的匹配,“0”和“1”电平的判决,我们推荐使用的是CMOS电路。
[问:] 我想知道该系列与以往别的产品相比较有何优点?
[答:] 740 family have following advantages: 1. Increase speed, enhanced peripheral functions 2. A variety of ROM/RAM expansion with pin-compatibility maintained 3. Low levels of unnecessarily radiated noise; high tolerance against noise 4. Supports flash memory and One Time PROM version 5. Lineup of small-package/SDIP package 6. Lowest power consumption and lowest voltage operating class in the industry 7. Wide product lineup with diverse features to meet diverse needs 8. Low-cost compact emulator (support USB) l9. Support for C compiler (third party)
[问:] Which development platform support linux or windows system ?
[答:] Our platform only supports Windows, no Linux.
[问:] 该控制器相对51系列来讲有什么优点和特点
[答:] 740 series compare with 51 MCU have following advantages: 1. Instructions are easy to be used 2. High speed 3. High tolerance against noise 4. Lowest power consumption Those advantages are suitable for home appliance using.
[问:] 740 Slim 系列适用对象
[答:] 740现已应用到家电、通讯、工业控制、汽车等领域的产品上。
[问:] 740集成AD的通道和精度分别是多少?
[答:] 通道数一般是8个左右,精度有8bit和10bit两种。
[问:] 740系列的具体应用范围或领域是哪些?未来可扩充的功能有哪些?
[答:] 740现已应用到家电、通讯、工业控制、汽车等领域的产品上。不断加强的外围功能和性能。
[问:] M38000系列MCU在设计上采取哪些措施以提高芯片的抗干扰能力,如抗ESD、EMI以及电源噪声?
[答:] 合理的管脚排列、先进的半导体工艺、完善的指令系统。
[问:] M38000系列芯片的价格如何?
[答:] 请和最近的代表处联系。
[答:] 用于区别不同仿真MCU的仿真类型,需要相应设置仿真器的拨位开关和连接。
[问:] 邓先生,能帮推荐一款高速的USB产品吗?我有个新项目需要高速传输。
[答:] High Speed USB 2.0 ASSP are M66591/M66592
[问:] 邓先生:贵公司的所有带USB的芯片是不是都带FLASHOVERUSB的功能?
[答:] Flash over USB MCU for 8 bits MCU are 7641/38K0/38K2, 16 bits MCU is M30245
[问:] 对电磁兼容性来说,740比MOTOLORA68HC11系列如何?
[答:] 具有更低的工作噪声和功耗,更强的抗干扰能力。
[问:] 贵公司是否有推出新款主用家电的单片机?
[答:] 我们会不断推出适合市场需求的新产品,请关注我们的网站
[问:] 家用电器与其他电器之间的融合,或是关联应用等等,对于740系列业会提出更多要求的吧?
[答:] 是的,我们会不断推出功能更强、速度更快、价格更低的产品。
[问:] 目前740在国内有几家代理商,还会发展几家
[答:] 请跟我们的销售部门联系
[问:] 你刚才提到的 1 Low level of unnecessarily radiated noise;high tolerance against noise 2 lowerset power consumption and lowest voltage. 能否提供具体的对比数据以支持你的观点?
[答:] 我们对想和我们真诚合作的客户会提供全方面的资料和数据。
[问:] 请问有关于740控制电机或者市电开关的应用文档吗?
[答:] 请和深圳代表处的工程师联系:0755-82463833,
[问:] 请问在智能家电中应用可编程控制器如何克服电磁干扰(EMC)? 采取哪些措施可以提高系统容错性能?
[答:] 除了MCU本身具有的能力以外,一般情况下通过软硬件的合理设计来实现,例如:合理的电路设计、合理的布线、软件上的冗余度、看门狗等。
[问:] 正如你们提到740系列的一些特性:如高速、低功耗、不同工作模式切换以降低功耗、抗干扰能力强等等,我们在使用别的芯片如东芝芯片,东芝芯片也具备这些特点,到底740系列比别的MCU好在哪里?
[答:] 高的性价比。

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