
热门关键字: 智能卡 比特 HMI H.264 



[问:kaisadati] 请问有关美国国家半导体2003/04年模拟技术应用设计大赛的报名相关事宜? 
[答:Cecilia] You can apply online  [2003-12-8 16:09:58]
[问:luboya] 我想问问关于远程控制电路的问题????? 
[答:Cecilia] Please explain your question in details.  [2003-12-8 16:11:10]
[问:yongga] 您好:请问模拟技术应用设计大赛何时何地举行,对参赛者有何要求。谢谢!
[答:Betty] All students of universities/high schools in China can join the contest.  The students are required to register online and submit their design idears from Nov 17, 2003 to Jan 20, 2004.  We will announce the candidates successfully passing the first round on March 1, 2004.  For details, please access  [2003-12-8 16:14:36]
[问:coolmoon] 请问国半公司在车载电子系统的电源管理方面有些什么应用产品及实例? 
[答:Morris] 由于汽车上电子产品的有EMS的要求,至少要4KV以上。我们在这方面有LDO产品在4KVESD。  [2003-12-8 16:16:03]
[问:qhf_hh] 大赛的参赛范围是那些人员?以什么样的形式参赛? 
[答:Betty] All students of high schools and universities in China can join the design contest.  All registration and idea submission at the first round must going through online.  The website is at  [2003-12-8 16:16:05]
[问:xhz123] 我是清华一名学生,上次贵公司在清华举办活动时,产品手册没有了,说是邮寄过来,不知道什么时候能邮到呀。另外,这次比赛时,提供的芯片是按几倍于所需的数量提供的?比如:设计中需要3片,但是提供时可不可以提供3×2片那,这样就有了备用的了。 
[答:Cecilia] We will mail the databooks to your university in a week. Please wait.  [2003-12-8 16:17:15]
[问:gudupwf] 器件的详细资料可以在网上查到码? 
[答:Cecilia] Yes. Please go to  [2003-12-8 16:18:42]
[问:wjsong101] 专家下午好:请问目前模拟和数字技术应用范围的发展现状及未来趋势怎样? 
[答:Kevin] In the digital time,we can not ignore the Analog.Analog is the interface between human and the world including what we see,what we smell,what we hearing...Currently we have seen and felt the importance  that Analog technology brings for us;in the feature, we believe that analog technology will take more important role in our life.  [2003-12-8 16:21:25]
[问:jacklin] 这次竞赛的作品是不是一定都要用美国国家半导体提供的芯片和资源?能不能用其中之外的或其它公司的一些简单器件? 
[答:Cecilia] You must use two or more selected products of National Semiconductor. But you can also use our other products and products of other companies to finish your design.  [2003-12-8 16:22:38]
[问:qinglinwu] 请问比赛是否只针对本科生?研究生是否可以参加? 
[答:Cecilia] Yes, you can. Welcome!  [2003-12-8 16:22:54]
[问:duoduo79] 你好!我想问一下:这次的题目的要求是不是要得出好的声音、好的图象吗?我们可以作其他的关与CCD图象传感器的应用吗?比如在医学上、农业等其他领域的与数据检测有关的题目上吗?谢谢!! 
[答:Morris] NS产品只有CMOS产品,目前CMOS在感光方面不如CCD,但成本比较便宜。此产品可以在检测方面应用。  [2003-12-8 16:22:58]
[问:zcplhh] 关于本次模拟大赛,最主要的目的是什么? 
[答:Betty] 这比赛的目的是为了激发青年人的创造灵感,发挥其聪明才智,使电子产品更臻完美.同时中国拥有庞大而优秀的人力资源,而人才策略一直是美国国家半导体在华发展策略中的重要一环。我们希望可以借助这样的活动来激发学生们的想象力,帮助他们将书本上的理论知识与实际应用相结合,学以致用,提高应用能力,为电子行业带来新活力。  [2003-12-8 16:23:20]
[问:lzhyi] 能免费提供A/D转换器、温度传感器、CMOS传感器样品吗 
[答:Cecilia] You can apply for free samples at our  [2003-12-8 16:23:25]
[问:willam_gann1] 我公司正在使用贵公司的数字温度传感器LM92,但不知为何测得的温度值跳动很大? 
[答:Kevin] could you pls send me the schematics and more details about the problem,my email  [2003-12-8 16:24:08]
[问:wenduo79] 请问我门可以做什么样的课题。是不是只可以做音频和视频的吗?关于其他方面的用到贵公司的芯片的题目可以吗?比如:关于医疗、农业等 
[答:Cecilia] You can design for anything, just that the design must show a better sight and/or better sound.  [2003-12-8 16:24:34]
[问:anjunz_ajll] 这次大赛举办的时间、比赛的参加方式以及设计的方向? 
[答:Betty] Online application for the design contest is from Nov 17, 2003 to Jan 20, 2004.  We will announce the finalists on March 1, 2004.  Those finalists are required to submit their completed circuit board on Mar 3, 2004 to May 14, 2004 with the relevant IC National provided.  Design direction is coming out a design with "Better Sight and/or Sound".  [2003-12-8 16:26:46]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 请问CMOS传感器是如何分辨三基色的? 
[答:Morris] 每个PIXEL可分成红绿蓝3个画素。每个画素有滤光片和感光器。经过PROCESSOR处理后,变成模拟的RGB信号。  [2003-12-8 16:27:04]
[问:gfs7559] 请问lm3842的脉宽调制比是多少,如何得到资料。 
[答:Morris] NS 没有3842,这是TI公司的产品。  [2003-12-8 16:28:27]
[问:yanan2003] 请问ppt中有个4m欧的小电阻是如何做出来的呢? 
[答:Ben] Thank you for your question. It is based on NS advanced analog process technology, but it is not convenient to get it public now.  [2003-12-8 16:30:15]
[问:zcplhh] 是不是每一位注册的参赛选手都可以得到一份供参赛选用的芯片的数据手册?在西安没有NSC的活动,能否考虑这样一个实际问题? 
[答:Cecilia] We will provide relevant IC for those finalists who have successfully gone through the first round.  You can download the datasheets from our website or you can send us an email at and we will mail you a databook.  [2003-12-8 16:30:38]
[问:zcplhh] 你好,本次大赛为什么在西安没有说明会呢?在本次设计中能否用到非NSC的数字产品?本次活动的主要目的是什么? 
[答:Cecilia] We can consider holding one in Xian next time.  [2003-12-8 16:34:33]
[问:timorthy] 如果参加比赛,主办方都能提供什么条件。比如,是否能申请样片,是否报效参赛的费用等。 
[答:Betty] For those finalists be selected in the first round, they are reqired to build a real circuit board, using your design.  Finalists will also get, free of charge, from National the selected National parts to be used in the designs submitted for the contest.  [2003-12-8 16:35:17]
[问:gudupwf] 模拟大赛是否意味着处理的信号主要是模拟信号? 
[答:Morris] NS公司是以推广模拟产品为主的集成电路的制造商。所以这次大奖赛以模拟大赛命名。  [2003-12-8 16:37:20]
[问:ouyangsanxiao] 您好:作为学生,自己没有足够的资金实现高端产品,有很想参与比赛,怎么办? 
[答:Cecilia] Perhaps you can seek help from your professor and department.  [2003-12-8 16:37:31]
[问:zcplhh] 在设计期间能否得到你们应用工程师的技术支持?设计的作品是否有应用范围的限制?是否考虑实用性? 
[答:Cecilia] We have no limit for your design. For technical assistance, please email to  [2003-12-8 16:38:41]
[问:gudupwf] 请介绍CLASS D 功率放大器 
[答:Kevin] Generally we have boomer class D and Overture Audio Class D,which is the chipset named LM4651 and LM4652.The IC combination of the LM4651 driver and the LM4652 power MOSFET provides a high efficiency, Class D subwoofer amplifier solution.For Boomer Class D, we have LM4663 with stereo chanel and LM4665 with mono chanel.All above products,you can find the datasheet at our website.  [2003-12-8 16:40:21]
[问:timorthy] 是不是使用的贵公司的芯片要在设计中起关键作用才可以? 
[答:Cecilia] Yes. Your design should bring better sight and/or sound.  [2003-12-8 16:40:59]
[问:laoyao] 对100K的模拟信号采样(要求很好的再现原模拟信号)要用采样速率多少的AD,用哪单片机控制AD(要求:100K的模拟信号采样后传到计算机。在计算机中重现信号) 
[答:Leon] 按照取样定律,取样频率为两倍最高频率即可完全包含原信号的全部信息。所以这个AD的要求不用很高。至于单片机控制选择就很多了,要看ADC给的接口  [2003-12-8 16:41:22]
[问:mammoth] 请问现在的CMOS技术是否可以应用于ccd,如果已经完全成熟,请问贵公司是否有此类高速线阵ccd? 
[答:Morris] CMOS和CCD是不同的制造工艺。但CMOS工艺已成熟,可以替代CCD。NS没有CCD产品。  [2003-12-8 16:41:28]
[问:xlzhou] 1、检测比较微弱的信号(比如0.01微伏的信号),选择什么样的处理电路及运放?2、从接近工频的复杂信号中提取微弱信号(频率在50Hz左右),如何选用处理电路及运放?请专家给予指导。谢谢! 
[答:Kevin] ultro low noise op-amp should be the better choice.  [2003-12-8 16:43:09]
[问:zhiguodu] 你们通过双绞线传输图像的解决方案只支持NTSC信号输入吗?还支持那些视频信号输入? 
[答:Leon] 其实我们只是提供一个物理接口和传输方式,所以和信号的类型关系不大。当然支持,只要是视频信号范围内  [2003-12-8 16:43:18]
[问:32kmcu] 主办方能否提供印刷资料?对设计的成本有要求吗? 
[答:Cecilia] You can download our databooks and application handbooks at our We have no requirement in the design cost.  [2003-12-8 16:43:49]
[问:gudupwf] 请介绍数字音频接口,S/PDIF到PWM的转换,以及CLASS D 器件. 
[答:Leon] 我们给手机上用的有一款数字音频产品,你可以看看lm4930和lm4921。至于class D,可以看看LM4667这个产品的DATASHEET  [2003-12-8 16:45:39]
[问:slong] 请问以上芯片抗干扰能力如何,如果用在工业场所,干扰比较大还要采取什么措施吗? 
[答:Morris] 不同的半导体工艺会有不同的抗ESD值,所以在工业上应用必须用有较高的ESD值产品。  [2003-12-8 16:45:56]
[问:robin] 另外,这次比赛时,提供的芯片是按几倍于所需的数量提供的?比如:设计中需要3片,但是提供时可不可以提供3x2片,这样就有了备用的了. 
[答:Betty] We will provide exact number of IC for you basing on the design ideas you submit.  If you want to have more samples, you can apply free sample from online.  National"s website is  [2003-12-8 16:46:44]
[问:robin] 把+5V转换为-5V,NSC有什么最简单的IC? 
[答:Ben] 可以用NS的switched capacitor器件,例如LM2780.  [2003-12-8 16:47:25]
[问:解环环] CMOS传感器与ccd传感器的优缺点? 
[答:Morris] 速度和感光度。这此方面CMOS比CCD差,但成本CMOS成本便宜。  [2003-12-8 16:48:07]
[问:32kmcu] 有无专门介绍集成运放的应用资料? 
[答:Betty] All relevant information including databooks, applications notes, etc can be found in our website  [2003-12-8 16:49:11]
[问:zcs_1] 选择高速A/D,D/A电路,需要考虑哪些因素 
[答:Kevin] depend on the applicaion situation.Basically,the following terms should be considered like resolution,trasnfer function,DNL,INL,noise,power consumption...especially the noise issue,the PCB layout will be more important.  [2003-12-8 16:49:55]
[问:seagull] 1)目前市场上640×480象素点的CMOS传感器的尺寸最小能做到多小?2)功耗有多大,为了节约功耗,是否能把CMOS图像传感器里的处理部分全部去除,这样对图像效果有多大影响? 
[答:Leon] 1)据我所知,可以和镜头放在一起。2)处理部分去除那就只有原始数据了,要显示出来最终还是要处理。如果你的设备不包含显示后端不需要即时显示,可以不要这部分留到以后处理,也不会对最终图像效果有影响  [2003-12-8 16:50:52]
[问:LIL886599] 请问,大赛的评审规则有哪些?谢谢 
[答:Cecilia] 技术水平(选用最合适的元件并结合最佳的设计)创意(全新及创新的设计理念)模拟技术 (有效利用美国国家半导体的模拟元件)更优化的声音与画面 (其设计能呈现高素质的音频与/或视频输出)  [2003-12-8 16:50:54]
[问:slong] 以上介绍的芯片的抗电磁干扰能力如何? 
[答:Leon] 可以具体说明是哪一款芯片吗  [2003-12-8 16:51:27]
[问:windytj] 请问贵公司的是否有温度传感器产品,其精度与速度如何? 
[答:Kevin] Yes,we have temp IC which including Analog,Digital and remote temp sensor.currently the most accuracy for our temp sensor like LM92 is +/-0.33 degree.  [2003-12-8 16:51:45]
[问:zcplhh] 是否本次大赛的作品一定要在声音和图象吗?也就是说一定要可以听到声音或者看到图象?假设我做一个USB的图象采集系统可以吗? 
[答:Leon] 当然可以,可以用NS的USBN9604  [2003-12-8 16:52:02]
[问:zcplhh] 在NSC上申请的样片十分有限,且本次比赛所用的COMS传感器的样片NSC是不提供的,能否对本次报名的同学给予一定的政策照顾?还是一定要等到入闱?如果在第一轮入闱,那么其他的制作费用是否完全自理? 
[答:Betty] In the first round, we are focusing on the creativity.  That"s why we only request students submitting the design ideas in writing (not the real circuit board).  For those finalists be selected to participate in the Final Round, we will provide relevant National parts which are used in the designs submitted for the contest.  Finalists can then use the parts to come out the real circuit board.  Students are required to bear all cost other than the chip we provide.  [2003-12-8 16:55:10]
[问:ztc868] 在DSP的供电电源中,为什么先AC-DC 转换,再 DC-DC 转换才得到 3.3V电压,如果直接用AC-DC得到3.3V 或更低的电压,不是能节约很多成本吗?DC-DC 模块价格好高呀
[答:Ben] 这是因为AC的频率只有220V, AC-DC需很大的变压器,DC-DC转换利用PWM方式,可以达到很高的频率,所以可以只用很小的变压器.现在市场上有很多DC-DC模块可选择,所以价格也不高.  [2003-12-8 16:55:25]
[问:xuenet] LM75能作为-20--+125度的线性温度传感器吗? 
[答:Kevin] Yes, it our datasheet,you can find the Accuracy: ?25°C to 100°C ±2°C(max)?55°C to 125°C ±3°C(max)  [2003-12-8 16:55:28]
[问:fred975] 小信号高频率的信号用什么样的放大电路比较好? 
[答:Leon] 多高频率呢?我们有高速运放〉50MHz  [2003-12-8 16:57:03]
[问:hedy] 模拟电路设计的趋势,以及用双极型工艺做模拟电路以后还有前途吗,会不会被淘汰?? 
[答:Ben] 不会淘汰,因为每种工艺都有它特有的优势.  [2003-12-8 16:58:40]
[问:蒋国涛] 请问各位专家:    到目前温度传感器的反映范围是多少? 
[答:Morris] -55度至150度  [2003-12-8 16:59:30]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 我想设计40--500KHZ,10W的CLASS D功放,NSC有无可推荐的IC? 
[答:Leon] 要等到明年了 :(  [2003-12-8 17:00:25]
[问:toitsinghua] 模拟技术应用在二十一世纪的发展前景如何? 
[答:Betty] Based on the forecast figures from World Semiconductor Trade Statistics, worldwide analog market will have a compound average growth rate of 10% during the period of 2002 to 2006.  Furthermore, with the demand on better sound, better display, long battery life, etc. for electronic devices,  analog plays a critical role to convert digital signal "0" and "1" to the signal which we can feel, touch and see.  Thus, the demand on analog technology is significantly growing.  [2003-12-8 17:00:49]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] COP8SAC728N8,2000年以期的产品和2000年以后的产品,是否存在差异,好象不能直接替换。 
[答:Kevin] There should be no difference.  [2003-12-8 17:01:09]
[问:LIL886599] 请问贵公司有没有感光传感器,可以根据不同光强返回不同的电压值或者电流值。谢谢! 
[答:Leon] 你说的是光电传感器吧  [2003-12-8 17:01:38]
[问:zhiguodu] 请问通过双绞线传输图像,您提供的物理接口具体是什么类型的?详细资料在哪里可以查到呢? 
[答:Morris] 当然是电接口。  [2003-12-8 17:01:52]
[问:32kmcu] 从电源管理到AD、DA到接口芯片、到驱动,到CPU等,NS可以全部提供芯片吗?是否有种类限制? 
[答:Ben] NS is a primer analog company, will mainly focus on analog product.  [2003-12-8 17:02:35]
[问:jjcol] 怎样使一般的半导体能有更好的接收效果?? 
[答:Kevin] the topic seems to be so wide.Could you give more details or descripiton on your quesion?  [2003-12-8 17:02:43]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] LM318用在500KHz,增益30倍,小信号放大,可以吗? 
[答:Morris] 在我们的产品规格内,可以使用。  [2003-12-8 17:03:22]
[问:wenduo79] 我作个用CCD图象传感器来实现的基因分析设备可以吗?  
[答:Cecilia] Yes, sure. Waiting for your application!  [2003-12-8 17:03:30]
[问:32kmcu] 如果我做的设计应用于工业场合,提供的芯片可以是军品级的吗? 
[答:Cecilia] We will only provide our selected parts. For the selected part list, please visit our contest website at  [2003-12-8 17:07:08]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] I want to use a temp sensoras +/-0.1 degree.Dose NSC have any? 
[答:Kevin] You mean the accuracy is+/-0.1 degree?the accuracy of LM92 can be +/-0.33 degree.  [2003-12-8 17:07:38]
[问:zcplhh] 如果设计需要能否采用除了比赛说明中所列的其他具有相同功能的芯片,当然也是NSC的其他芯片。还有刚才没有回答是否一定要在作品演示能听到声音或看到图象? 
[答:Betty] Students can use parts other than we request.  However, we will not provide the parts other than we request.  The design is aiming at having the devices improving sight and/or sound; but it doesn"t mean the demo must be viewed the images and have sound.  [2003-12-8 17:08:35]
[问:fjshtbzd] 我想知道半导体在SMT贴装时应注意哪几点 
[答:Leon] 不同的封装,注意的事项是不同的。好像我公司的LLP封装,我们有专门的应用手册讲到生产中在表面贴时的注意事项。可以上我们网站下载,当然其他的MICRO SMD、CSP都有appnote.  [2003-12-8 17:09:08]
[问:robin] 参赛的奖励是什么? 
[答:Cecilia] 奖品:·  冠军(一名):现金奖人民币20,000元及奖状 ·  亚军(一名):现金奖人民币10,000元及奖状 ·  季军(五名):现金奖人民币5,000元及奖状 ·  卓越导师奖:冠军及亚军的导师另外可获得丰富奖品  [2003-12-8 17:09:30]
[问:zhlp8877] 各位老师你们好,我想请问一下CPLD能否取代当前广泛应用的MCU,谢谢 
[答:Leon] 个人观点:不会的  [2003-12-8 17:09:33]
[问:wenduo79] 我们设计所用到的元器件,只要是贵公司的都提供还是只提供表格上所列的几种? 
[答:Betty] In this design contest, we will only provide parts which we listed for the contest.  [2003-12-8 17:10:10]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] 我问的40--500KHZ的CLASS D功放明年一定有吗,还是PWM?能否给一个肯定的答复? 
[答:Leon] 现在还没办法给肯定的答复  [2003-12-8 17:10:12]
[问:lixh519] 你们大于50M的运放芯片的型号是什么的? 
[答:Kevin] Generally all of our LMH66XX serials can meet the 50MBW.I suggest that you can download the app file named Selguide.exe from our website. you can use this tool to serve you.  [2003-12-8 17:10:54]
[问:LIL886599] 是光电传感器,我想用于连续调解光强的场所,根据不同条件设定不同临界值 
[答:Leon] 这方面的产品不是NS FOCUS的  [2003-12-8 17:12:02]
[问:xuenet] 图像传感器的响应时间有多快? 
[答:Leon] 要看你怎么定义这个响应时间  [2003-12-8 17:13:23]
[问:LIL886599] 请问,在哪可以得到元器件列表 
[答:Cecilia]  [2003-12-8 17:14:43]
[问:wzx21] 在当今数字时代,模拟电路还能和数字电路一较高低么?模拟电路的设计、应用空间还有多大? 
[答:Ben] Analog will exist forever and will develop continously, because human being can just talk with Analog Signal. now through multimedia products come out, Analog finds out their position more and more...  [2003-12-8 17:15:18]
[问:ecnan jing_EBY7E] NSC有无从12位PCM码转换成12位PWM码的IC? 
[答:Ben] sorry, NS has no such IC.  [2003-12-8 17:16:32]
[问:xuenet] 对于高速红外线传感器,NSC有什么支持芯片? 
[答:Leon] 你说的是红外光感应吗?还是传输?  [2003-12-8 17:17:34]
[问:lixh519] do you have current sensor? 
[答:Kevin] The LM3812/LM3813 Current Gauges provide easy to use precision current measurement with virtually zero insertion loss (typically 0.004 Ohm). The LM3812 is used for high-side sensing and the LM3813 is used for low-side sensing  [2003-12-8 17:17:53]
[问:lzhyi] 能免费提供A/D转换器、温度传感器、CMOS传感器书面资料吗?若可,请寄来。谢谢 
[答:Cecilia] You can download our datasheets from our  [2003-12-8 17:18:12]
[问:mississippi] 能否说说这次竞赛的重点是哪一个领域?audio、vedio、signal process、supply、and so on? 
[答:Cecilia] Analog products, including power, audio, op amp, temp sensors, A/D converters and CMOS sensors  [2003-12-8 17:20:18]
[问:xuenet] NSC有无低于1.8V的音频功放IC?可否举个例子? 
[答:Leon] 没有  [2003-12-8 17:21:10]
[问:amaosonic] 在VoIP方面,贵公司有否完整的solution ? 
[答:Kevin] Unluckily we have no total solution for VOIP,but we can provide excellent analog products like op-amp,power products etc for your reference.  [2003-12-8 17:21:21]
[问:zcplhh] thank you for answer me the question!and is all the documemts should me write in eng? 
[答:Cecilia] No, you can send in documents in Chinese.  [2003-12-8 17:22:46]
[问:amaosonic] 参赛产品对于体积,功耗,用途等有否侧重要求? 
[答:Cecilia] No. Our judging criteria are as follows:技术水平(选用最合适的元件并结合最佳的设计及成品制作水平)创意(创新的设计理念)模拟技术 (有效利用美国国家半导体的模拟元件)更优化的声音与画面 (其设计能呈现高素质的音频与/或视频输出)  [2003-12-8 17:23:31]
[问:wenduo79] 请问贵公司的图象传感器的感光波长范围是多少? 
[答:Morris] 红500~700nM, 绿500~600nM, 蓝400~500nM  [2003-12-8 17:24:55]
[问:wenduo79] 贵公司的CCD图象的感光波长范围可以在资料上查到吗?如果不能,可以告诉我它们的大概范围吗? 
[答:Leon] 我们今天主要是谈到cmos图像传感器。对于CCD我们主要是LINEAR CCD,在scanner上用的。网上可以下载资料  [2003-12-8 17:25:26]
[问:xuenet] 对于高速红外线传感器,NSC有什么支持芯片?我指的是传输. 
[答:Leon] 没有  [2003-12-8 17:26:06]
[问:xuenet] 在DAB(Eureka 147)方面NSC有无RF前端方案? 
[答:Morris] 没有。  [2003-12-8 17:27:17]
[问:32kmcu] 是否有集成了运放和处理的芯片?如果有,请问是什么封装? 
[答:Kevin] We have many products which have integrated the op-amp with different package. Could you pls give more details about your requirement and applicaion? so that we can have have a further discussion.   
[问:] 如果参加比赛,主办方都能提供什么条件。比如,是否能申请样片,是否报效参赛的费用等。
[答:] For those finalists be selected in the first round, they are reqired to build a real circuit board, using your design.  Finalists will also get, free of charge, from National the selected National parts to be used in the designs submitted for the contest.
[问:] 是不是使用的贵公司的芯片要在设计中起关键作用才可以?
[答:] Yes. Your design should bring better sight and/or sound.
[问:] 请问,在哪可以得到元器件列表
[问:] 请问,大赛的评审规则有哪些?谢谢
[答:] 技术水平(选用最合适的元件并结合最佳的设计)<br> 创意(全新及创新的设计理念)<br> 模拟技术 (有效利用美国国家半导体的模拟元件)<br> 更优化的声音与画面 (其设计能呈现高素质的音频与/或视频输出)<br>
[问:] 请问贵公司有没有感光传感器,可以根据不同光强返回不同的电压值或者电流值。谢谢!
[答:] 你说的是光电传感器吧
[问:] 是光电传感器,我想用于连续调解光强的场所,根据不同条件设定不同临界值
[答:] 这方面的产品不是NS FOCUS的
[问:] 我是清华一名学生,上次贵公司在清华举办活动时,产品手册没有了,说是邮寄过来,不知道什么时候能邮到呀。 另外,这次比赛时,提供的芯片是按几倍于所需的数量提供的?比如:设计中需要3片,但是提供时可不可以提供3×2片那,这样就有了备用的了。
[答:] We will mail the databooks to your university in a week. Please wait.
[问:] 请问通过双绞线传输图像,您提供的物理接口具体是什么类型的?详细资料在哪里可以查到呢?
[答:] 当然是电接口。
[问:] 你们通过双绞线传输图像的解决方案只支持NTSC信号输入吗?还支持那些视频信号输入?
[答:] 其实我们只是提供一个物理接口和传输方式,所以和信号的类型关系不大。当然支持,只要是视频信号范围内
[问:] 请问以上芯片抗干扰能力如何,如果用在工业场所,干扰比较大还要采取什么措施吗?
[答:] 不同的半导体工艺会有不同的抗ESD值,所以在工业上应用必须用有较高的ESD值产品。
[问:] 以上介绍的芯片的抗电磁干扰能力如何?
[答:] 可以具体说明是哪一款芯片吗
[问:] 这次大赛举办的时间、比赛的参加方式以及设计的方向?
[答:] Online application for the design contest is from Nov 17, 2003 to Jan 20, 2004.&nbsp;&nbsp;We will announce the finalists on March 1, 2004.&nbsp;&nbsp;Those finalists are required to submit their completed circuit board on Mar 3, 2004 to May 14, 2004 with the relevant IC National provided.&nbsp;&nbsp;Design direction is coming out a design with &quot;Better Sight and/or Sound&quot;.
[问:] 1)目前市场上640×480象素点的CMOS传感器的尺寸最小能做到多小? 2)功耗有多大,为了节约功耗,是否能把CMOS图像传感器里的处理部分全部去除,这样对图像效果有多大影响?
[答:] 1)据我所知,可以和镜头放在一起。 2)处理部分去除那就只有原始数据了,要显示出来最终还是要处理。如果你的设备不包含显示后端不需要即时显示,可以不要这部分留到以后处理,也不会对最终图像效果有影响
[问:] 请问ppt中有个4m欧的小电阻是如何做出来的呢?
[答:] Thank you for your question. It is based on NS advanced analog process technology, but it is not convenient to get it public now.
[问:] 请问国半公司在车载电子系统的电源管理方面有些什么应用产品及实例?
[答:] 由于汽车上电子产品的有EMS的要求,至少要4KV以上。我们在这方面有LDO产品在4KVESD。
[问:] 请介绍CLASS D 功率放大器
[答:] Generally we have boomer class D and Overture Audio Class D,which is the chipset named LM4651 and LM4652. The IC combination of the LM4651 driver and the LM4652 power MOSFET provides a high efficiency, Class D subwoofer amplifier solution. For Boomer Class D, we have LM4663 with stereo chanel and LM4665 with mono chanel. All above products,you can find the datasheet at our website.
[问:] 模拟大赛是否意味着处理的信号主要是模拟信号?
[答:] NS公司是以推广模拟产品为主的集成电路的制造商。所以这次大奖赛以模拟大赛命名。
[问:] 器件的详细资料可以在网上查到码?
[答:] Yes. Please go to
[问:] 请介绍数字音频接口,S/PDIF到PWM的转换,以及CLASS D 器件.
[答:] 我们给手机上用的有一款数字音频产品,你可以看看lm4930和lm4921。至于class D,可以看看LM4667这个产品的DATASHEET
[问:] 在DSP的供电电源中,为什么先AC-DC 转换,再 DC-DC 转换才得到 3.3V电压,如果直接用AC-DC得到3.3V 或更低的电压,不是能节约很多成本吗?DC-DC 模块价格好高呀
[答:] 这是因为AC的频率只有220V, AC-DC需很大的变压器,DC-DC转换利用PWM方式,可以达到很高的频率,所以可以只用很小的变压器.现在市场上有很多DC-DC模块可选择,所以价格也不高.
[问:] 1、检测比较微弱的信号(比如0.01微伏的信号),选择什么样的处理电路及运放? 2、从接近工频的复杂信号中提取微弱信号(频率在50Hz左右),如何选用处理电路及运放?请专家给予指导。谢谢!
[答:] ultra low noise op-amp should be the better choice.
[问:] 对100K的模拟信号采样(要求很好的再现原模拟信号)要用采样速率多少的AD,用哪单片机控制AD(要求:100K的模拟信号采样后传到计算机。在计算机中重现信号)
[答:] 按照取样定律,取样频率为两倍最高频率即可完全包含原信号的全部信息。所以这个AD的要求不用很高。至于单片机控制选择就很多了,要看ADC给的接口
[问:] 您好:作为学生,自己没有足够的资金实现高端产品,有很想参与比赛,怎么办?
[答:] Perhaps you can seek help from your professor and department.
[问:] 您好:请问模拟技术应用设计大赛何时何地举行,对参赛者有何要求。谢谢!
[答:] All students of universities/high schools in China can join the contest. The students are required to register online and submit their design ideas from Nov 17, 2003 to Jan 20, 2004.We will announce the candidates successfully passing the first round on March 1, 2004. For details, please access ""
[问:] NSC有无从12位PCM码转换成12位PWM码的IC?
[答:] sorry, NS has no such IC.
[问:] COP8SAC728N8,2000年以期的产品和2000年以后的产品,是否存在差异,好象不能直接替换。
[答:] There should be no difference.
[问:] I want to use a temp sensoras +/-0.1 degree.Dose NSC have any?
[答:] You mean the accuracy is+/-0.1 degree?the accuracy of LM92 can be +/-0.33 degree.
[问:] 请问CMOS传感器是如何分辨三基色的?
[答:] 每个PIXEL可分成红绿蓝3个画素。每个画素有滤光片和感光器。经过PROCESSOR处理后,变成模拟的RGB信号。
[问:] 我问的40--500KHZ的CLASS D功放明年一定有吗,还是PWM?能否给一个肯定的答复?
[答:] 现在还没办法给肯定的答复
[问:] 我想设计40--500KHZ,10W的CLASS D功放,NSC有无可推荐的IC?
[答:] 要等到明年了 :(
[问:] LM318用在500KHz,增益30倍,小信号放大,可以吗?
[答:] 在我们的产品规格内,可以使用。
[问:] 大赛的参赛范围是那些人员?以什么样的形式参赛?
[答:] All students of high schools and universities in China can join the design contest.&nbsp;&nbsp;All registration and idea submission at the first round must going through online.&nbsp;&nbsp;The website is at
[问:] 能否说说这次竞赛的重点是哪一个领域?audio、vedio、signal process、supply、and so on?
[答:] Analog products, including power, audio, op amp, temp sensors, A/D converters and CMOS sensors
[问:] 在当今数字时代,模拟电路还能和数字电路一较高低么?模拟电路的设计、应用空间还有多大?
[答:] Analog will exist forever and will develop continously, because human being can just talk with Analog Signal. now through multimedia products come out, Analog finds out their position more and more...
[问:] 这次竞赛的作品是不是一定都要用美国国家半导体提供的芯片和资源?能不能用其中之外的或其它公司的一些简单器件?
[答:] You must use two or more selected products of National Semiconductor. But you can also use our other products and products of other companies to finish your design.
[问:] 能免费提供A/D转换器、温度传感器、CMOS传感器样品吗
[答:] You can apply for free samples at our
[问:] 能免费提供A/D转换器、温度传感器、CMOS传感器书面资料吗?若可,请寄来。谢谢
[答:] You can download our datasheets from our
[问:] 我们设计所用到的元器件,只要是贵公司的都提供还是只提供表格上所列的几种?
[答:] In this design contest, we will only provide parts which we listed for the contest.
[问:] 你好!我想问一下:这次的题目的要求是不是要得出好的声音、好的图象吗?我们可以作其他的关与CCD图象传感器的应用吗?比如在医学上、农业等其他领域的与数据检测有关的题目上吗?谢谢!!
[答:] NS产品只有CMOS产品,目前CMOS在感光方面不如CCD,但成本比较便宜。此产品可以在检测方面应用。
[问:] 我作个用CCD图象传感器来实现的基因分析设备可以吗?
[答:] Yes, sure. Waiting for your application!
[问:] 请问我门可以做什么样的课题。是不是只可以做音频和视频的吗?关于其他方面的用到贵公司的芯片的题目可以吗?比如:关于医疗、农业等
[答:] You can design for anything, just that the design must show a better sight and/or better sound.
[问:] 请问贵公司的图象传感器的感光波长范围是多少?
[答:] 红500~700nM, 绿500~600nM, 蓝400~500nM
[问:] 贵公司的CCD图象的感光波长范围可以在资料上查到吗?如果不能,可以告诉我它们的大概范围吗?
[答:] 我们今天主要是谈到cmos图像传感器。对于CCD我们主要是LINEAR CCD,在scanner上用的。网上可以下载资料
[问:] 请问现在的CMOS技术是否可以应用于ccd,如果已经完全成熟,请问贵公司是否有此类高速线阵ccd?
[答:] CMOS和CCD是不同的制造工艺。但CMOS工艺已成熟,可以替代CCD。NS没有CCD产品。
[问:] 请问贵公司的是否有温度传感器产品,其精度与速度如何?
[答:] Yes,we have temp IC which including Analog,Digital and remote temp sensor.currently the most accuracy for our temp sensor like LM92 is +/-0.33 degree.
[问:] 模拟技术应用在二十一世纪的发展前景如何?
[答:] Based on the forecast figures from World Semiconductor Trade Statistics, worldwide analog market will have a compound average growth rate of 10% during the period of 2002 to 2006.&nbsp;&nbsp;Furthermore, with the demand on better sound, better display, long battery life, etc. for electronic devices,&nbsp;&nbsp;analog plays a critical role to convert digital signal &quot;0&quot; and &quot;1&quot; to the signal which we can feel, touch and see.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thus, the demand on analog technology is significantly growing.
[问:] CMOS传感器与ccd传感器的优缺点?
[答:] 速度和感光度。这此方面CMOS比CCD差,但成本CMOS成本便宜。
[问:] 在NSC上申请的样片十分有限,且本次比赛所用的COMS传感器的样片NSC是不提供的,能否对本次报名的同学给予一定的政策照顾?还是一定要等到入闱?如果在第一轮入闱,那么其他的制作费用是否完全自理?
[答:] In the first round, we are focusing on the creativity.&nbsp;&nbsp;That&quot;s why we only request students submitting the design ideas in writing (not the real circuit board).&nbsp;&nbsp;For those finalists be selected to participate in the Final Round, we will provide relevant National parts which are used in the designs submitted for the contest.&nbsp;&nbsp;Finalists can then use the parts to come out the real circuit board.&nbsp;&nbsp;Students are required to bear all cost other than the chip we provide.
[问:] thank you for answer me the question!and is all the documemts should me write in eng?
[答:] No, you can send in documents in Chinese.
[问:] Students can use parts other than we request.&nbsp;&nbsp;However, we will not provide the parts other than we request.&nbsp;&nbsp; The design is aiming at having the devices improving sight and/or sound; but it doesn&quot;t mean the demo must be viewed the images and have sound.
[答:] 如果设计需要能否采用除了比赛说明中所列的其他具有相同功能的芯片,当然也是NSC的其他芯片。还有刚才没有回答是否一定要在作品演示能听到声音或看到图象?
[问:] 你好,本次大赛为什么在西安没有说明会呢?在本次设计中能否用到非NSC的数字产品?本次活动的主要目的是什么?
[答:] We can consider holding one in Xian next time.
[问:] 在设计期间能否得到你们应用工程师的技术支持?设计的作品是否有应用范围的限制?是否考虑实用性?
[答:] We have no limit for your design. For technical assistance, please email to
[问:] 是不是每一位注册的参赛选手都可以得到一份供参赛选用的芯片的数据手册?在西安没有NSC的活动,能否考虑这样一个实际问题?
[答:] We will provide relevant IC for those finalists who have successfully gone through the first round.&nbsp;&nbsp;You can download the datasheets from our website or you can send us an email at and we will mail you a databook.
[问:] 是否本次大赛的作品一定要在声音和图象吗?也就是说一定要可以听到声音或者看到图象?假设我做一个USB的图象采集系统可以吗?
[答:] 当然可以,可以用NS的USBN9604
[问:] 关于本次模拟大赛,最主要的目的是什么?
[答:] 这比赛的目的是为了激发青年人的创造灵感,发挥其聪明才智,使电子产品更臻完美.同时中国拥有庞大而优秀的人力资源,而人才策略一直是美国国家半导体在华发展策略中的重要一环。我们希望可以借助这样的活动来激发学生们的想象力,帮助他们将书本上的理论知识与实际应用相结合,学以致用,提高应用能力,为电子行业带来新活力。
[问:] 我想知道半导体在SMT贴装时应注意哪几点
[答:] 不同的封装,注意的事项是不同的。好像我公司的LLP封装,我们有专门的应用手册讲到生产中在表面贴时的注意事项。可以上我们网站下载,当然其他的MICRO SMD、CSP都有appnote.
[问:] 模拟电路设计的趋势,以及用双极型工艺做模拟电路以后还有前途吗,会不会被淘汰??
[答:] 不会淘汰,因为每种工艺都有它特有的优势.
[问:] 请问各位专家:到目前温度传感器的反映范围是多少?
[答:] -55度至150度
[问:] 我公司正在使用贵公司的数字温度传感器LM92,但不知为何测得的温度值跳动很大?
[答:] could you pls send me the schematics and more details about the problem,my email
[问:] do you have current sensor?
[答:] The LM3812/LM3813 Current Gauges provide easy to use precision current measurement with virtually zero insertion loss (typically 0.004 Ohm). The LM3812 is used for high-side sensing and the LM3813 is used for low-side sensing
[问:] 有无专门介绍集成运放的应用资料?
[答:] All relevant information including databooks, applications notes, etc can be found in our website
[问:] 选择高速A/D,D/A电路,需要考虑哪些因素
[答:] depend on the applicaion situation.Basically,the following terms should be considered like resolution,trasnfer function,DNL,INL,noise,power consumption...especially the noise issue,the PCB layout will be more important.
[问:] 你们大于50M的运放芯片的型号是什么的?
[答:] Generally all of our LMH66XX serials can meet the 50MBW.I suggest that you can download the app file named Selguide.exe from our website. you can use this tool to serve you.
[问:] 专家下午好:请问目前模拟和数字技术应用范围的发展现状及未来趋势怎样?
[答:] In the digital time,we can not ignore the Analog.Analog is the interface between human and the world including what we see,what we smell,what we hearing... Currently we have seen and felt the importance&nbsp;&nbsp;that Analog technology brings for us;in the feature, we believe that analog technology will take more important role in our life.
[问:] 参赛产品对于体积,功耗,用途等有否侧重要求?
[答:] No. Our judging criteria are as follows: 技术水平(选用最合适的元件并结合最佳的设计及成品制作水平) 创意(创新的设计理念) 模拟技术 (有效利用美国国家半导体的模拟元件) 更优化的声音与画面 (其设计能呈现高素质的音频与/或视频输出)
[问:] 从电源管理到AD、DA到接口芯片、到驱动,到CPU等,NS可以全部提供芯片吗?是否有种类限制?
[答:] NS is a primer analog company, will mainly focus on analog product.
[问:] 请问lm3842的脉宽调制比是多少,如何得到资料。
[答:] NS 没有3842,这是TI公司的产品。
[问:] 我想问问关于远程控制电路的问题?
[答:] Please explain your question in details.
[问:] 怎样使一般的半导体能有更好的接收效果??
[答:] the topic seems to be so wide. Could you give more details or descripiton on your quesion?
[问:] 在VoIP方面,贵公司有否完整的solution ?
[答:] Unluckily we have no total solution for VOIP,but we can provide excellent analog products like op-amp,power products etc for your reference.
[问:] 是否有集成了运放和处理的芯片?如果有,请问是什么封装?
[答:] We have many products which have integrated the op-amp with different package. Could you pls give more details about your requirement and applicaion? so that we can have have a further discussion.
[问:] 如果我做的设计应用于工业场合,提供的芯片可以是军品级的吗?
[答:] We will only provide our selected parts. For the selected part list, please visit our contest website at
[问:] LM75能作为-20--+125度的线性温度传感器吗?
[答:] Yes, it can. in our datasheet,you can find the Accuracy: ?25°C to 100°C ±2°C(max) ?55°C to 125°C ±3°C(max)
[问:] 请问比赛是否只针对本科生?研究生是否可以参加?
[答:] Yes, you can. Welcome!
[问:] 请问有关美国国家半导体2003/04年模拟技术应用设计大赛的报名相关事宜?
[答:] You can apply online at
[问:] 主办方能否提供印刷资料?对设计的成本有要求吗?
[答:] You can download our databooks and application handbooks at our website No. We have no requirement in the design cost.
[问:] 小信号高频率的信号用什么样的放大电路比较好?
[答:] 多高频率呢?我们有高速运放〉50MHz
[问:] 各位老师你们好,我想请问一下CPLD能否取代当前广泛应用的MCU,谢谢
[答:] 个人观点:不会的
[问:] NSC有无低于1.8V的音频功放IC?可否举个例子?
[答:] 没有
[问:] 对于高速红外线传感器,NSC有什么支持芯片?我指的是传输.
[答:] 没有
[问:] 在DAB(Eureka 147)方面NSC有无RF前端方案?
[答:] 没有。
[问:] 对于高速红外线传感器,NSC有什么支持芯片?
[答:] 你说的是红外光感应吗?还是传输?
[问:] 图像传感器的响应时间有多快?
[答:] 要看你怎么定义这个响应时间
  关于National Semiconductor  

美国国家半导体致力开发各种高能源效率的模拟及混合信号半导体产品。该公司的PowerWise®系列产品旨在降低系统功耗,延长电池寿命,以及减少散热需求。美国国家半导体总部位于美国加州圣塔克拉拉(Santa Clara),截至2008年5月25日为止的2008年财政年度的营业额达18.9亿美元。欲查询美国国家半导体的公司资料及产品信息,欢迎浏览该公司的网页,网址