
热门关键字: 电磁兼容 工业控制系统 固态继电器 串行外设接口 



[问:hustkid] 贵公司集成ADC和DAC的数字温度传感器如何减少AD,DA非线性引起的测量误差? 
[答:WenS] INL, DNL cannot be alterated once it has been integrated. What ADI did is to use the ADC & DAC with the better INL and DNL. And many technical innovations have been adopted in our parts.  [2003-9-16 10:45:34]
[问:mlbhellfire] 再问,如果还是用ad574,使用模糊pid算法,(注意:还是用开关器件控制加热器),测温和控温精度最大又可以达到多少? 
[答:Charles] The measurement accuracy is dependent on the sensor itself. The ADC or MCU"s algorithms won"t improve too much.  [2003-9-16 10:49:06]
[问:hustkid] 贵公司集成数字温度传感器如何减少远程传感器引线阻抗所引起的测温误差 
[答:Mariah] The part ADT7461 can automatically eliminate the resistor in series brought by remote temperature sensor,so the offset can be removed.  [2003-9-16 10:50:16]
[问:hustkid] 在组建一个温度监控网络时,需要注意哪些要点? 
[答:WenS] When you set up temp control network, you have to decide which kind of bus you will adopt, what"s the accuracy and what should be measured locally, what should be remotelly. I think ADI"s parts can meet your requirement. For details, you can contact our FAEs.  [2003-9-16 10:50:18]
[问:kaneliao] NTC和PTC在實際應用中有何區別 
[答:Wayne] NTC and PTC are only different at the coefficient direction of sensors. What you need to consider is mainly the accuracy/linearity, temperature range and other specs when you choose sensors, but not PTC/NTC as first. For example, Thermocouple is with high accuracy (PTC), Thermist with NTC which need linearity calibration, but it"s not the issue of PTC/NTC but is the issue of sensor types.If you"ve further question, welcome to call to 800-810-1742  [2003-9-16 10:52:52]
[问:28468] 快速温度循环(temperature cycling)会引起温度传感器的时间漂移误差增大,那么请问是否同样对温度传感器的可靠性造成影响?例如贵公司的TMP01ES,工作温度范围是-55~+125摄氏度,快速温度循环下,会否导致其功能丧失等失效? 
[答:WenS] In temp cycling, the drift should be caused by the short time. But would not destroy the parts. When use TMP01 in temp cycling, it should work.  [2003-9-16 10:53:17]
[问:86222] 测温要达到0.1度的精度,技术上哪些方面是关键?如何排除系统存在的干扰? 
[答:Eric] You have to use the more accuracy sensor than semiconduct.It"s difficult to detect 0.1 degree using semiconduct technology.  [2003-9-16 10:53:42]
[问:97669] What"s the different between THERM and ALERT limit? Does the THERM limit lower locate  in the ALERT limit range? 
[答:Charles] The THERM register provide you to set the measure temperature upper and lower windows. Once the temperature you measure is out of this window, the ALERT pin will send out a pulse to controller to ask do something for this out of temperature condition,  [2003-9-16 10:54:45]
[问:cdzxy] 请问:在0-100度范围内,数字温度传感器的分辨率最高能做到多少?什么型号?有无能做到0.001度的数字温度传感器? 
[答:Eric] It"s impossible to detect 0.001 degree using semiconduct sensor now. In -55 to 125 degree tempratue range, ADI can do the best accuracy is +-0.5 degree, for example ADT7301.  [2003-9-16 10:57:27]
[问:yangheli] GE的温度产品与IC的温度产品的不同之处在哪?目前哪家的温度产品市场占有率最大呢? 
[答:Claire] According to the most recent Selantek report, Analog Devices is number one (33%), followed by National (27%), then Maxim (26%)  [2003-9-16 10:58:36]
[问:28468] 模拟温度传感器的误差有几种,例如非线性误差、校准误差、重复性误差(回滞误差)以及时间漂移误差。这个在AD590JH的datasheet中提到过,请问在数字传感器中是否有类似误差? 
[答:Wayne] Even digital temperature sensor, the digital output is also from analog signal from analog temperature sensor. Therefore, it has same type of errors. But as digital sensors integrate digitizing function, and are optimized on performances, it can greatly reduce the errors.  [2003-9-16 10:59:11]
[问:64298] 集成温度传感器如ad590的有哪些参数,比如稳定性,线性度,测量精度等等,分别表示什么意思?另外,我的项目设计要求达到温度控制精度达0.1度,则要求测量精度的数量级低于0.1度,如0.05度或0.01度,AD590能否达到此要求,若有,则有哪些型号?谢谢!! 
[答:Mariah] You can find the specifications of AD590 in page 2 and 3 of it"s datasheet. AD590 can reach 0.5 to 5 degree. So it can not reach the accuracy you want. The temperature sensor of ADI can not reach 0.01 degree accuracy.  [2003-9-16 11:00:25]
[问:qin] 演示中的温度测量都是低温(小于150度C的),其测量部分可否与热电耦连起来测量较高的温度如300度C以上? 
[答:WenS] When use the thermocouple, you cannot connect it to the semiconductor temp sensors. You can use our AD594/5/6/7 to implement the signal conditioning.  [2003-9-16 11:00:50]
[问:qin] ADI有没有非接触式温度测量技术,包括低温(0-40度C)和高温(大于500度C)部分? 
[答:Charles] I suggest you to use the IR sensor to do this. AD8628, AD8603 and ADuC831 can used here for you whole system. In order to keep the certain temperature on the IR sensor, ADN8830 can use here to control the TEC.  [2003-9-16 11:01:26]
[问:l10950] 请解释一下SMBUS! 
[答:Eric] SMBUS: a 2 wire serial bus interface, similar with IIC, But SMBUS support interrupt function(additional pin), And SMBUS 2.0 support danymic address assign to slave device. All most ADI digital output temprature sensor support SMBUS. you can use software simulate SMBUS controller in master device to access SMBUS slave device.  [2003-9-16 11:03:53]
[问:98689] 距离50cm之内(在空气中)温度在600攝度之内测量方案请指教溫请寄给我资料谢谢氣 
[答:WenS] I think you can use the infrared method. Then use AD8628 to amplify the signal, ADuC812 should be enough to implement the signal processing.  [2003-9-16 11:04:02]
[问:ly_kexin] 请问单片机温度测量现在采用哪种方式最好? 
[答:Charles] The most popular one is, ADuC834/36 which used on the RTD sensor. Those two chips integrated the excited current sources. Please visit our web site for more detail information:  [2003-9-16 11:04:39]
[问:ljp] 遥测温度的距离有多长? 
[答:Claire] Up to 12 feet, I think!  [2003-9-16 11:05:22]
[问:aiger] 贵公司的那个型号的热敏二极管适合测试温度范围为-20度~85度?精度要求为+—1度,8位的AD芯片采集 
[答:Mariah] You can consider AD7411. It can test the remote diode temperature input. It integrates a 10 bit 8 channel ADC. The accuracy is +/- 2.0 degree.  [2003-9-16 11:05:52]
[问:mlbhellfire] 请问,仅使用ad574,通过简单的开关控制,测温和控温精度最大可以达到多少? 
[答:Wayne] AD574 is only a ADC (12bit), so the the accuracy of temperature measurement is depending on your sensors, signal conditioning, and whole system design. By the way, we"ve many new parts which has same function, or better performance, suggest you use new one, like AD786x/5x.  [2003-9-16 11:05:55]
[问:xuhui09999] 我现在用8051驱动AD1674JN,在中断方式下不能读出数据,查询方式也不行,请问应该查哪里?能否给出一个标准程序? 
[答:Charles] Please call our application center: 800-810-1742  [2003-9-16 11:06:51]
[问:foxtan] 有关热电耦温度传感器的冷端补偿,有几种方法?
[答:WenS] There are two methods: ice-point and the cold junction compensation. For ice-point, it is not fessible, but you can use TMP35 to do the col junction conpensation. Also, AD7719 can be used to sample both of them and compensate it.  [2003-9-16 11:07:25]
[问:mlbhellfire] 请问,如何精确的测定ad574零漂? 
[答:Wayne] You can use external circuit, to realize real-time calibration.  [2003-9-16 11:08:52]
[问:qin] 温度传感器都有非线性,如何进行非线性补偿? 
[答:WenS] You have to get the specs of the temp sensor, then use the calibration to compensate for it.  [2003-9-16 11:09:15]
[问:xb1997] 我单位的温度测量主要用于供热工程中的相关测量,请问:热敏电阻、热电偶和电阻温度检测器(RTD),与ADI公司推出的数字温度传感器集成电路(IC)为温度测量在设备的成本和测量成本上有何优缺点? 
[答:Eric] more accuracy, best linear, low cost, simple application circuit,direct interface to cpu.  [2003-9-16 11:09:46]
[问:85989] 我想问一下贵公司的AD7416能否在-25度~+75度的范围内提供1度的准确度??谢谢! 
[答:Mariah] The max accuracy is +/-2 degree when the temperature is from -25 to +100 degree.  [2003-9-16 11:10:46]
[问:cdlwz] 如果传感器在100米深井中,信号如何驱动?能否给出典型电路 
[答:Charles] I will suggest you to use the signal conditioner like OP-Amps in the front with the sensor. And, you can use 4-20mA loop or differential driver to drive the cable. Please contact our local sales office for more details.  [2003-9-16 11:10:48]
[问:86222] 在100度到250度的测量范围使用NTC怎样保证2度左右的精度? 
[答:Wayne] For this temperature range, you need to choose RTC or thermocouple. For thermocouple, you can use AD594/595, and for RTD, you can use AD694.  [2003-9-16 11:13:29]
[问:97669] Can I adjust the average time  of the semiconduct sensor through the bus  
[答:Charles] You can use the I2C/SMBus clock to adjust the read out speed on our temperature sensor.  [2003-9-16 11:13:46]
[问:KelvinLau] Do you have any suggestion on the Manufacturer and/or source of IR Sensor which can be fitted into your back end ? 
[答:Charles] Sorry, I don"t have it on hand.  [2003-9-16 11:14:17]
[问:64298] 测量精度达0.05度或更高精度的温度传感器有哪些?能否推荐一下?最好是集成温度传感器的。 
[答:Charles] Sorry, we don"t have the 0.05 degree C accuracy temperature sensor. The most accuracy one is ADT7301. It accuracy is 0.5 degree C.  [2003-9-16 11:15:59]
[问:ljp] 如何对高温热电耦的串联电阻进行补偿?对热电耦的冷端如何处理? 
[答:WenS] You can use our AD594/5/6/7 to compensate and process the signal. For the cold junction conpensation, you can use semiconductor to implement it, TMP35 should be a good solution.  [2003-9-16 11:16:03]
[问:xuhui09999] 我的AD1674JN在中断方式下,与8051接口,但不能读出数据,请问我应该查哪里?能否给我一个标准程序? 
[答:Charles] Please contact our application center 800-810-1742.  [2003-9-16 11:16:28]
[问:43495] 温度传感器和A/d同处在被测的变化的温度环境中,会对a/d结果产生多大影响? 
[答:Eric] Pls. refer to ADC"s Spec. in datasheet. ADI"s digital output temperature sensor can up to 0.5 degree accuracy(ADT7301) in -55 to 125 temperature range.  [2003-9-16 11:16:39]
[问:samire] 三种温度传感器,那种互换性能较好?成本较低? 
[答:Wayne] Thermocouple and RTD is better on replacement, while thermist is not good at replacement. But thermist is better on price. However, digital sensors are good at both replacement and price. You can refer to this seminar file for detailed part# and spec and price comparison.  [2003-9-16 11:16:41]
[问:18163] 使用NTC测100度到250度范围的温度,ADI有什么方案可以达到2度的精度? 
[答:Charles] You can use our AD773x family or ADuC836/34 to get this accuracy. The sensor you can use RTD.  [2003-9-16 11:17:48]
[问:23825] 请问:我希望用7516构成一个多点测温网络,通MCU读取温度,应如何组网? 
[答:WenS] The most sensors that ADT7516 can connect is 4. You can connect four sensors to the ADT7516, And use enough ADT7516 in the system and connect them to the MCU via SPI bus. That should be OK.  [2003-9-16 11:18:52]
[问] 请问有没有能工作在更高温度场合的器件?如工业应用. 
[答:Mariah] Some temperature sensors of ADI can measure the range from -55 degree to 150 degree such as AD590,TMP05, TMP06 and ADT7301.  [2003-9-16 11:19:04]
[问:l10950] 产品的精度似乎都很低,而分辨率很高,在对温度绝对值要求的场合,怎么应用? 
[答:Wayne] The accuracy of the sensors limited the system accuracy. That means if the accuracy you request is higher than what chips can offer, you can"t reach that by IC solution. You can give your special request on specs by calling 800-810-1742  [2003-9-16 11:19:12]
[问:samire] 能否提供红外测温的解决方案?ADI有没有此类产品? 
[答:Charles] Except the sensor, you can use AD8628/AD8603 and ADuC814/831 as the system solution.  [2003-9-16 11:19:42]
[问:xhma] 已有公司推出一线化总线数字传感器,能不能谈谈ADI公司的产品和一线化总线产品的应用前景? 
[答:Claire] I presume you are talking about Maxim/Dallas 1-wire interface protocol. We have no plans in the forseeable future to develop this interface. We already have a single wire interface device - TMP05 (which is different)  [2003-9-16 11:20:24]
[问:qin] 测量部分如ADC,DAC和基准电压的温漂如何进行处理和补偿?对1度的测量精度,温漂应要达到多少比较合适? 
[答:WenS] You have to use the voltage reference with the drift that can meet your requirement. For the 1 degree accuracy, the drift should not over 0.5 degree in the temp range you want to measure.  [2003-9-16 11:20:31]
[问:75076] 贵司是否有与NS的LM75CIM和PHILIPS的LM75AD兼容或类似的温度传感器。 
[答:Mariah] AD7414 and AD7416 are the high performance substitution of LM75.  [2003-9-16 11:21:15]
[问:billwang73] for non-contact temperature measurement, how to control the error in your product and what the error range is? 
[答:Charles] Usually, the non-contact thermal sensor is voltage output. The first stage amplifier is critical to choose. AD8618 "auto-zero" amplifier is very good on this applications to reduce the error. The error range dependent on the minimum output voltage range. AD8626 can reach 5uV max Vos.  [2003-9-16 11:22:05]
[问:zdchl] 请问贵公司的温度传感器用于汽车电子都有哪些型号 
[答:Mariah] TMP05 and TMP06 are the smallest core temperature sensor in the market. They can be used in utomotive industry :Temperature of braking fluid Temperature of transmission fluid  [2003-9-16 11:23:14]
[问:ljp] 温度测量有没有带控制功能?或带驱动器的产品? 
[答:Wayne] Yes, we"ve different types of temperature sensors. Some are with control function like Alert/Therm, such as ADM1032/ADT7461; Some are with DACs integrated inside, like ADT7516/7/8, ADT7316/7/8, which have 4 DACs (12bit, 10bit, 8bit) inside.  [2003-9-16 11:23:39]
[问:04013] 12位的数字温度传感器是否模拟温度传感器和12位AD的集成? 
[答:Eric] Refer to ADT7301 diagram, we can see there is 12bit ADC and temperature sensor.  [2003-9-16 11:24:14]
[问:75076] Philips在Semiconductor sensor中的市场份额的情况如何?你前面提到的ADI、NS和Maxim市场份额比例是指半导体传感器,还是整个传感器领域? 
[答:Claire] I do not know the market share of Philips.The market size quoted before is for IC Temperature sensors.  [2003-9-16 11:25:27]
[问:KelvinLau] About the manufacturer of IR Sensor - Could you send this information to us after this seminar or can I get it from somewhere else ? 
[答:Charles] Sorry, we don"t have any information on this.  [2003-9-16 11:26:15]
[问:billwang73] Can your IC part measure the temperature above 1200 degree? 
[答:WenS] Semicondutor temp sensor cannot be used under such high temp. But you can use thermocouple to implement this, AD594/5/6/7 can be used to implement the signal conditioning.  [2003-9-16 11:27:22]
[问:64298] 集成温度传感器最高测量精度可达多少?其精度的提高最主要是受什么因素限制? 
[答:Charles] 0.5 degree C is the current accuracy we can get. The accuracy is dependent on the sensor, the currect sources, the voltage reference and the linearity of the ADC.  [2003-9-16 11:27:51]
[问:ljp] 影响温度测量的精度和误差的因素有那些? 
[答:WenS] This is decided by the sensors, signal conditioing, ADCs and references you used.  [2003-9-16 11:28:17]
[问:18163] 温度测量有几种方法,ADI提供几种solutions? 
[答:Mariah] The temperature sensors has two kinds:contact and uncontact sensors. ADI has the parts for these two kinds of sensors.  [2003-9-16 11:28:22]
[问:billwang73] As you know, for the temperature measurement device, the most expensive part is temperature measurement part, your IC"s temperature measurement part is changeable or integrated? 
[答:Charles] Both, we provide itegrated and remove type both temperature measurement devices. Please contact our local office for more details.  [2003-9-16 11:29:11]
[问:qin] ADI有没有工业温度的测量技术?如炼钢温度等.这部分的温度如何测量? 
[答:Wayne] We"ve various industrial temperature measuring solutions, AD594/5 are thermocouple amplifiers with cold-junction compensation, AD693 is 4-20mA sensor transmitter with precalibrated 100ohm RTD interface. For ironing temperature, as it"s high as 1000 degree or more, thermocouple solution is necessary.  [2003-9-16 11:29:15]
[问:04013] 请问对于很大的温度测量范围,比如上千度,集成器件是否无能为力? 
[答:Charles] Yes. But you can you thermal-coupler that can reach over 2000 degree C. AD594 and AD595 can use here as the thermal-coupler signal condition.  [2003-9-16 11:31:20]
[问:samire] 热敏电阻一致性很差,更换时要做那样工作去调整或校准? 
[答:Eric] You have to adjust accuracy and linear again. But you don"t need to do that when you using ADI"s semiconductor sensor. for example, TMP36 output 10mv/degree during -40 to +125.  [2003-9-16 11:32:18]
[问:ly_kexin] 我用DS18B20测量温度,需要注意哪些问题? 
[答:Charles] This is not ADI part. But you can use TMP05 instead.  [2003-9-16 11:33:56]
[问] 大家好:(1)、贵公司能否提供数字温度传感器IC的详细应用方案给大家下载?(2)、传统的解决方案和贵公司应用IC的测温方案,优缺点各是什么?请详细分析。     谢谢各位专家。 
[答:WenS] We are sorry to say that we don"t have it now. Maybe we can provide it later. And compared to the conventional scheme, our IC solution can be stable, easy to use and small size.  [2003-9-16 11:34:06]
[问:samire] 三种温度传感器,那种对温度的响应速度快? 
[答:Mariah] The speed of the diode sensor is the fastest one.  [2003-9-16 11:34:22]
[问:43495] 如果A/D芯片和传感器同处在被测温度环境中,会对精度产生影响吗? 
[答:Eric] ADC"s reference voltage will be effected by temperature. you must refer to ADC and/or Ref datasheet. AD Idigital output temperature sensor can simple you design.  [2003-9-16 11:34:38]
[问:billwang73] how to realize the interface between your IC of temperature measurement and CPU? 
[答:Wayne] We"ve different series of temperature sensors. For example, AD7414 has I2C interface, AD7314 has SPI interface, TMP05/06 has PWM interface, while ADM1032/ADT7461, ADT751x/731x has I2C/SPI compatible interface.  [2003-9-16 11:36:15]
[问:wjx-97011] 我是电子镇流器设计人员,在调试过程中要测试三极管(如TO-220封装)的温度,用什么方法测试最理想呢?请推荐几种方法和设备。若用热电偶测试,怎样把探头与被测体结合在一起? 
[答:WenS] I think the temp of TO-220 should be below 150 degree. So the semiconductor solution should be enough. TMP05/6 can be used because of their small size. And you can use the diode as the remote temp sensor, then use ADT7461 as the temp sensor. And I don"t think thermal couple can be used.  [2003-9-16 11:37:18]
[问:samuelchen] 提供的芯片如何于一般的单片机接口,哪儿能买到? 
[答:Mariah] You can connect the parts to MCU by SPI interface directly.  [2003-9-16 11:37:38]
[问:laowu_z] ADI 的数字温度传感器是否有转换速度较快(〉100次/秒),精度较高,安装尺寸较小,可以用于仪器的型号(要求工作范围-20C~150C)? 
[答:Charles] Try AD7814.  [2003-9-16 11:39:38]
[问:HANS-LIN] 请问非典时期用来红外测温的测温枪又用到你们的芯片吗,他的误差大概是多少? 
[答:Charles] Yes, AD8607 is the sensor amplifier. Normally, the accuracy dependent on the IR sensor which is about +/- 2 degree C.  [2003-9-16 11:41:33]
[问:zwp680604] 如何解决温度测量滞后? 
[答:WenS] I am clear about your question. Maybe you are testing quick changing temp, for your application, you have to select the sensor that can response fast enough.  [2003-9-16 11:42:28]
[问:minux] 有没有快速的温度传感器? 
[答:Wayne] It depends on how fast you request. Basically diode is fastest reponse solution (ADT7461, ADT751x/731x can be used). If you need very high response of the sensors and conversation rate, you need to find external fast sensor, and use higher speed ADC (maybe general purpose ADC.)  [2003-9-16 11:43:06]
[问:jiangming] 我厂短波发射机用假负载利用进出水温度差来计算功率,但是发射机一旦开功率就因为高频干扰温度测量发生变化。请问:有没有能够抗高频干扰的温度测量器件或方法? 
[答:Mariah] Shielding the RF part is a method to the condition.  [2003-9-16 11:43:08]
[问:04013] 请问测温时集成器件是通过导线连接还是直接附着于被测件合适?谢谢! 
[答:Charles] It"s dependent on the devices you want ot measure. Normally, the remove type temperature sensor has much better performance.  [2003-9-16 11:43:22]
[问:97669] What"s the use of the daisy chain mode of TMP05/6? 
[答:WenS] Please refer to page 13 of the presentation. When in this mode, more than one TMP05/6 can be used in the chain, but with the same interface to the MCU.  [2003-9-16 11:45:25]
[问:billwang73] how to calibrate your IC part? and how long it lasts for calibration interval? who shall charge the calibration? and how about the service fee if analogue does it? 
[答:Wayne] We finished all factory calibration before it"s shipped to customer. If you mean real-time calibration, system designer need to do that, and ADI as IC supplier will not do that.  [2003-9-16 11:45:38]
[问:42556] 如果测温IC与MCU距离较远,如大于10米,如何与MCU相连 
[答:Charles] If this is a case. I would like to suggest you to use the temperature sensor integrated with the controller. TMP05 might be the right choice for your application.  [2003-9-16 11:46:04]
[问:30097] 测量大气温度适用集成温度传感器吗? 
[答:Charles] ADT741x family is good candidate for your application.  [2003-9-16 11:46:47]
[问:heager] 请问那一种传感器集成了非线性校正和补偿 
[答:Wayne] You need to do the non-linear calibration by software, it"s not in the sensor itself.  [2003-9-16 11:47:16]
[问:heager] adt7411  具有几种接口 
[答:WenS] There are two kinds of interface, I2C or SPI. But they share the same pins, which means when you use the I2C interface, SPI cannot be used. And vise versa. Please refer to the datasheet for details.  [2003-9-16 11:49:35]
[问:ljp] 何为PTAT电路?如何实现? 
[答:Charles] Please refer to the following web site for more details.  [2003-9-16 11:50:40]
[问:ljp] ADT75XX有没有温度记录功能?如何外接存储器来记录所测量的温度?存储器容量要多大? 
[答:Mariah] ADT75XX contains the registers that are used to store the temperature measurement result. You can read them from the registers by SPI or I2C interface and then record them. I think the RAM volume is decided by how many temperature values you wants to record.  [2003-9-16 11:51:27]
[问:KelvinLau] If we employ the IR sensor, which back end IC will be suggested from AD ? 
[答:Charles] AD8628, AD8603/07, ADuC834/16 are the parts we can provide.  [2003-9-16 11:51:59]
[问:98hb] 请问贵公司的“数字温度传感器”与其它公司的产品相比有何特点?还有它的主要性能,如:分辨率、精度、功耗(工作电流)、温升和数字接口形式等等。 
[答:Eric] 1.wide operation temperature range:-55 to +1502.12bit resolution, 0.5 degree current low to 0.1mA(ADT7414/7415)3.ADI products support PWM/IIC/SPI/SMBUS interface  [2003-9-16 11:52:56]
[问:23825] AD7516使用外部电压基准源时,选用何种基准源比较合适? 
[答:Wayne] If you use external REF, it can be from 1v to VDD. You"ve many choice on that REF, depending on your system design idea, like ADR42x/43x, ADR01/2/3, ADR158x, ADR39x/38x.  [2003-9-16 11:55:21]
[问:72666] 请推荐适合于K型热电偶的单电源运放 
[答:Charles] AD594/AD595 or AD8603.  [2003-9-16 11:56:15]
[问:billwang73] what is the biggest distance to your IC"s application for long distance temperature measurement? and how do your products reduce the distance error? 
[答:Charles] 12 feet is the maximum distance we can reach. Use twist pair line and our internal compensation circuits will reduce the errors to minimum.  [2003-9-16 11:57:32]
[问:samire] TMP06/05能监视多少路的温度? 
[答:Mariah] TMP05/06 can only measure one way temperature.  [2003-9-16 11:58:13]
[问:张大卫] 我想问一下AD590 、PN结温度传感器、 pt100他们之间有什么本质上的区别及应用场合的区别!谢谢! 
[答:WenS] AD590 is the PN junction temp sensor, PT100 is a RTD. This is their difference. And PT100 is large but have good linearity and wide temp range. Semiconductor sensor will be small but narrow range.  [2003-9-16 11:58:22]
[问:billwang73] how to calibrate your IC of temperature measurement? 
[答:Wayne] You need to measure the known temperature with your circuit, set the calibration coefficient by software. If you need detailed help, please call 800-810-1742.  [2003-9-16 11:58:27]
[问:qin] DAC的输出与温度成正比,通过什么方式和补偿来实现? 
[答:Charles] You can use the voltage output type temperature sensor to compensate it or find btter temperature coeffiecients voltage reference like ADR42x family as the voltage reference for this ADC.  [2003-9-16 12:00:04]
[问:28468] Are there any possible failure modes in digital sensors? When I use sensors I should consider FMEA. 
[答:WenS] We don"t have the FMEA.  [2003-9-16 12:01:22]
[问:heager] where can i get more information about the products  above ,for example,ad7411 
[答:Charles] Please contact our applications center: 800-810-1742.  [2003-9-16 12:01:55]
[问:yangheli] 使用温度产品应该注意些什麽问题呢? 
[答:Mariah] You may pay attention to the temperature range and the amplifying circuit design for the small temperature coeffient sensors.  [2003-9-16 12:03:13]
[问:tancy] 能否在0-400摄氏度测量范围内相对误差为+-0.3度,重复性误差为0.1度? 
[答:WenS] For semiconductor temp sensor, it cannot reach 400 degree. You have to use RTD or thermal couple.  [2003-9-16 12:03:19]
[问:chycyt] 请问贵公司芯片的抗湿度情况如何。 
[答:Charles] We follow the JEDEC package standard. For more details please contact our applications center 800-810-1742.  [2003-9-16 12:04:05]
[问:97669] ADT7516"s result is averager over 16 convertions,can I adjust the average times to lower or higher? Thanks! 
[答:Wayne] No, it"s fixed, you can"t change the averaging number. Or maybe you can do that in CPU.  [2003-9-16 12:04:12]
[问:qin] 热电耦的冷端如何进行补偿? 
[答:WenS] You can use semiconductor temp sensor as the cold-junction conpensation. TMP35 can be used. for detailsm please mail  [2003-9-16 12:04:24]
[问:13823608335] 是否有这样的IC:SPI接口,只需要内置数字温度传感器,精度+-2度,成本在$0.4以下 
[答:Charles] AD7314 is the lower cost with the SPI interface.  [2003-9-16 12:05:13]
[问:97669] How to control the wavelength of a laser.Since there is a thermistor in the cooled laser.Where can I place the ADI sensor? Thanks! 
[答:Charles] Please check our web site to get the ADN8830 data sheet for this application.  [2003-9-16 12:06:29]
[问:billwang73] how about the interface between sensor and ADC? and how to control the error? 
[答:Eric] Depend on you will need signal condition circiut between sensor and ADC. If you using digital output temperature sensor, you don"t need consider it.  [2003-9-16 12:06:58]
[问:04013] 比较精密的温度测量有什么温度传感器,比如0.01度,能否推荐一下? 
[答:Wayne] No solution from IC point to reach that accuracy.  [2003-9-16 12:10:40]
[问:97669] Can I interface the SMBUS TO I2C bus without changing the software? 
[答:Charles] Normally yes. Except the minimum clock speed. I2C can low to zero but SMBus minimum speed is 10KHz.  [2003-9-16 12:10:56]
[问:samire] 在手机中,一般需要监测几路温度? 
[答:Charles] Normally one, for the RF VCXO.  [2003-9-16 12:14:59]
[问:qin] 传感器在片外与传感器在片内的温度测量有何不同?所带来的误差有多大?因为传感器在片外,可保持测量芯片在较低的环境温度. 
[答:Eric] It is the same method to measure temperature between inside and outside sensor of the chip. the difference is outside sensor will effected by external noise.  [2003-9-16 12:15:18]
[问:muzier] 请问ADI温度测量IC的封装尺寸和价格水平是什么样的? 
[答:WenS] It will be decided by the parts you are considering. We have parts in SOT package, it is very small. And our price is competitive.  [2003-9-16 12:15:39]
[问:30097] 集成温度传感器适合测量大气温度吗?精度为0.1度 
[答:Charles] No, the maximum accuracy from ADI is 0.5 degree C.  [2003-9-16 12:16:22]
[问:ghxue] 目前,温度测量的前沿技术是什么?在这方面,ADI有什么优势? 
[答:Wayne] It"s digital trends, with more functions integrated, smaller package, bigger temperature range, more accuracy...... ADI has advantage in this field on almost all sides.  [2003-9-16 12:16:58]
[问:xhma] IC本身的发热对测量结果有多大影响? 
[答:WenS] Surely IC power dissipation will influence the result. So try to use the part with lower power dissipation.  [2003-9-16 12:18:53]
[问:billwang73] would u please recommend IC type for the below application: distance is 50m, temperature range is 30-120.? 
[答:Mariah] ADT7561 can measure remote diode temperature sensor. It has the ability to eliminate the resistance in series.The resistance is 1Kohm. I think it can reach 50m. But we didn"t do the experiment for 50m distance. 12 feet is definitely can be reached by ADT7561.  [2003-9-16 12:19:09]
[问:lysyf] 请问贵公司哪个型号线性度最好? 
[答:Charles] ADT7301 which has 13 bits resolution is the best one we have.  [2003-9-16 12:19:55]
[问:xaoic] 我想了解该课题在工控中的应用程度? 
[答:Wayne] For digital temperature sensors we discussed today are mainly for diode solution, so the temperature range is mainly limited by diode architecture. Accuracy it can reach today is about +/-0.5 degree.  [2003-9-16 12:20:13]
[问:muzier] 请问你们的温度测量IC可以连接哪几种外部传感器? 
[答:Eric] the popular PNP and NPN transistor, for example, 3904/3906  [2003-9-16 12:21:03]
[问:97669] Although ADN8830 can control the TE.But in your presentation, you said the IC sensor can control the wavelength.I mean how to use the ADT7301 to control the wavelength. Thanks! 
[答:Charles] You have to use the AD7301 on the chamber to get the temperature and pass it to the ADN8830 for the wavelength lock-on. More details information please contact our local sales office of call the application center@ 800-810-1742.  [2003-9-16 12:22:32]
[问:97669] Can I just use on ADT7461 to control two fan? Thanks! 
[答:Mariah] You can use the ALERT and THERMAL signals to control two fans.  [2003-9-16 12:22:37]
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Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)在现代数字经济的中心发挥重要作用,凭借其种类丰富的模拟与混合信号、电源管理、RF、数字与传感技术,将现实世界的现象转化成有行动意义的洞察。ADI服务于全球12.5万家客户,在工业、通信、汽车与消费市场提供超过7.5万种产品。公司总部位于马萨诸塞州威明顿市。更多信息请访问: